Chapter 100 - Valkyries' Valour Part 1

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Kirana was fretting. Where was Constantine? What was taking him so long? Or did that pompous Warlock think he could go up against the powerful Necromancer all by himself? Ridicules!! But it was so like him, the stubborn fool. Ahhh, the suspense was killing her.

The beautiful Berserker's hands balled into fists. If Constantine died and left Laz and Val in the orc realm by themselves, she was going to absolutely kill him, she promised herself. The Red Warlock was the most powerful, he should protect the others. It was bad enough that she could not watch what went on over there. Simtrixx had shut off all visual access to the orc realm and the three Gatekeepers in there. The mysterious orc world was hush, hush and only available to those eligible. Seriously!! What did they have to hide?

"Chosen?" Ginggar paused in his play. He could sense her agitation and was worried. The white polar bear cub turned to face Kirana, pointing his pitch black nose in her direction. He rose, standing up on his hind legs, white paws waving in the air for balance, a trick Kirana had recently taught him. It made him look bigger, more imposing and intimidating, she said. It would scare away enemies who bothered them. Although he was still a cub, he was big for his kind. He was special. He was the biggest, the bravest and the best! His Chosen said so.

Jinx squealed. "Ginggar!!" She was hanging onto Ginggar's thick soft fur trying not to fall off his back. At level 54, she had just levelled up from a Barbarian to a Berserker. She was learning a lot from Kirana, the top Berserker in Orc Wars. "Ginggar! Get back down. I'm falling off!" She renewed her grip on his snowy white fur.

"Huh?" Ginggar made a whuffing sound at the Hero on his back. Although Jinx was a 'friend', she was not his Chosen. If she fell, then she fell. He knew she would not get hurt. They had played together often enough for him to know how agile the new Berserker was. He was more concerned about his distressed Chosen who was pacing to and fro.

"It's o'kay Ginggar. I'm just worried about Constantine. You can continue playing." Kirana grinned, her face softening as she addressed the half grown bear cub. "Try to shake Jinx off if you can. That will give you practice on stubborn attackers clinging to your back. See if you can figure out how to get free."

"Huh? Kirana!" Jinx protested.

The white bear whuffed at his Chosen and licked his nose in excitement. He loved training. Kirana had given him a new game. Get rid of Jinx on his back! He went back down on all fours and got ready to shake the 'attacker' off. This was going to be fun.

Ginggar braced himself and was just about to start shaking vigorously when suddenly an urgent squawk sounded in his furry head.


"Ginggar! My Chosen is dying. Help now?" Xico chirped anxiously.

"Help?" Ginggar froze and thought for a while. Xico's Chosen was in trouble ... the one his Chosen was worried about. Yes! Now he could report to his Chosen and she would be happy to finally receive some news on Constantine. Kirana could cease her anxious pacing. His Chosen would be very pleased with him. She would praise him and maybe even reward him with some fresh yummy fish. All he had to do was pass on the message. "HELP! Help Xico's Chosen," the great bear's low voice rumbled in agreement.

"Chosen!!" Ginggar called his Chosen cheerfully. "Xico's Chosen is dying," he reported dutifully. "Help?"

Finally!! Kirana stopped in mid stride. Constantine was dying? And only now he was calling her? Her temper flared at her irresponsible brother. She had been waiting forever!!

The beautiful Berserker rushed to her familiar. "Quick, Ginggar, mind link me with Constantine through Xico."

"How?" the bear rumbled axiously. He did not know how to do what his Chosen wanted. This was something new. He did not like disappointing his Chosen.

"Tell Xico to link us, darling and learn. Next time you can do it," she hugged the bear tightly in encouragement. It was not his fault he didn't know. It was his first time linking to more than one mind.

"O'kay," he replied happily. Today he would also get to learn multiple mind linking. He was getting smarter!

"CONSTANTINE!!!" Kirana's roared over the four way mind link the second it was established. "Are you mad? Why didn't you contact me earlier?"


"I'm going to kill you for not calling me sooner. I told you, didn't I!?! I TOLD YOU!! YOU KNEW I WAS ON STANDBY WAITING FOR YOU! I will save you now and keeeel you later!!"

"Kir, if you are going to save me, do it now. I can't hold on much longer." Constantine's mental voice was hesitant and faint. He sounded exhausted and in pain.

"Hold on."

"Hurry, if I die, the shield will disintegrate and time will start again for the jaav ukon. If he dies, the others will all die too."

"I said, hold on. Don't rush me. It's not my fault Xico called me at the verrry last second," Kirana grumbled. "Now shut up and let me concentrate."

Brothers!! Ughh! Always thinking they can hold up the whole world with their little pinky finger until it was too late.

She was ready. They all were. Kirana and the others had practiced quietly together, exploring the special Valkyrie bond they had unlocked until they had perfected their synergy. There were many levels and skills to the power. When evoked, they would temporarily inherit the Valkyries'' legendary powers of strength, agility, speed and a higher tolerance to physical pain.

Jinx jumped down from Ginggar when both the familiar and his mistress had frozen. She knew it signalled that they were communicating silently. The Berserker sighed in envy. Well, she would level up soon and get her own familiar too, she promised herself. They were just too cool.

Kirana's expression changed. She looked angry, frustrated and then determined. A nasty smile curved itself onto her beautiful face, "Jinx, get ready. It's time."

"ISIS! NYX! JINX!! I summon you!" Kirana commanded.

"I evoke Valkyries' Valour!!"

Ahhh!! It was time. At last they could try out their new awesome secret Skill. Wouldn't the guys be surprised? The best part was that they could all go help the boys and finally get a chance to glimpse the mysterious orc realm.

Jinx sat down promptly securing her body. She preferred to stabilise her body when her 'virtual spirit' was off fighting. Once, she had lost her concentration during practice and her 'spirit' was jarred rudely back into her avatar body. She had fallen over, hard. She was not going to let that happen in this fight.

Her mind was swept up in the powerful summons. Jinx's spirit rose to the challenge and raced after Kirana's. She knew where to go. No division of realms can stop them in this form.


Isis measured out the fine white powder carefully and shifted it into a small glass beaker. She had memorised the fully translated journal and notes belonging to the Banished One. That Kasakh was a real gem and had delivered her father's translated notes and journals as promised. There had been a lot of information, some direct and some obscure referring to life forms, plants and strange items, probably of orc origin. She was slowly shifting through the data and piecing the puzzle together.

One thing was certain; Sharak had found a way to save the jaav ukon's life. Now all she had to do was figure out what. The answer was in his research somewhere. Laz was counting on her.

The Priestess was grateful that Sharak and his daughter had shared a secret code. Who knew what would have happened if the orc's work could be readily read by every orc? She shuddered at the thought.

After reading through the translation several times, she concluded that Sharak was a pure genius. He did not think like an orc, he thought like a doctor. No, that was not it ... he thought like a bloody experienced practicing pharmacist. He must be one in the real world, she decided, then chortled at her unlikely conclusion. Yeah, right!! She laughed at herself continuing her absurd and amusing line of thought, yeah, sure he was, right before he quit his lucrative pharmaceutical inclinations and joined Simtrixx's team to help in the MMORPG Game. Imagine a pharmacist playing Orc Wars!! He must have had one hell of a fun ride concocting poisons and experimenting with weird fictitious ingredients not available in the real world. Well, it took all kinds, she supposed. After all, she was a nurse and she was playing too wasn't she?

From the corner of her eye she caught some movement. "Vree, put that down."

"Vreeeee?" the grey black ferret froze guiltily with a silver stirring spatula in his tiny paws. "Reeeeee ..." he pleaded.

"No, if I let you play with that, I will never see it again."

"Krrrrrrrruuuu," Kruk scolded his litter mate. "Chosen said you can't play with that." The orange white ferret went to the grey black one to sniff the sliver spatula.

"But it's so shiny ..." Vree said in a sad squeaky voice. "Please Chosen, only one. I want only this one."

"That's what you said the last time ... and the last, last time. Now put it back." Isis said without turning around as she added some fresh blood to her mix.

"Awwww ..." The disappointed little familiar let go of his treasure and hissed at it. Why was it so nice? Why was it so shiny? It was not fair. It fit perfectly in his paws.

"Rrruuuuuuuk!" Kruk jumped Vree, cannon-balling him. Both rolled into a larger ball of coloured fur. That should cheer him up. "It's o'kay, Vree." He blinked to make sure Isis was occupied, then made comforting dooking noises. "Follow me, I found out where Chosen hid the meat treats ..."

Vree's ears immediately perked up as he forgot all about the stirrer. The meat treats!! He nodded, chitterling softly. "Shhh."

"Vree? Kruk?" Isis straightened up looking for her familiars. They were too quiet, and that meant trouble. She cocked her head listening for the tall tale scampering sounds when the two fur balls explored in between and under furniture in her crowded workroom. Where were they? Her eyes strayed to the back. The door to her experimental work room with animals was securely closed, she breathed in relief. The two were strictly forbidden from going in there. They understood but it was always good to make sure.

Isis's eyes' narrowed in amused indignation when she heard the clink of the meat treats jar. That was fast, they were getting better. Vree and Kruk had found it and managed to make their way to it. However, this time opening the jar would require another step.

The 'meat jar' had become a game, Isis would find new hiding places or create intricate mazes to hide their treats and they would try to find it. In a way, it was training, as the Priestess would usually put it in a gauntlet which they had to run. They had to practice squeezing their bodies in tight spaces, concentrate balancing on strings or slippery thin beams. Some exercises required them to control their strong jaws and sharp teeth whilst others were designed for them to hold delicate objects in their little paws. Completing tasks enabled them to proceed nearer their goal. When they succeeded, they would have to figure out how to open the jar holding their treats. Only then could the two familiars enjoy their Chosen's delicious specially made meat treats.

She smiled as she heard them.


"Rrreeeee, give it to me. Let me try."

"I can smell it. Hurry." Kruk chittered mournfully. "I'm hungry. So very, very hungry."

"Me too. It won't open. Bite?"

"No, no bite. Claws?

They had gotten to the jar but couldn't open it. This one was different. It required teamwork. She wondered how long it would take them to realise it. It shouldn't take too long. Her mischievous fur balls were very intelligent.

"What's that?"

"Hole. Funny hole.... Key!!"

"Key! KEY! Key!" Vree dooked excitedly. "What is it? Where is it?"

"What? Rrruuuuuk," Kruk chattered thinking.

"I know!!" Vree perked up. "I know, I know, I know. There!!" he announced standing triumphantly on his hind legs, nose pointing to the direction of an innocent hanging key. Now they only have to get to the key which was mysteriously susended in mid-air. Hmmmm.

Isis smiled proudly. They were on the right track. Vree and Kruk would have to work together to get the little key. Once they achieved this task and get the treats she planned to take them dungeoning.

There was one particular dungeon which required high agility, floating spells or in her case ... extra paws belonging to awesome intelligent light climbers who could take instructions. She needed to collect three crystals to gain access to a secret chamber and the final Boss guarding it. She wanted the extremely rare Items in there specially designed for the Healer / Priestess class. It was a treasure trove of unique ingredients for spell workings and potion creations.

Isis jerked from her planning when a mental call summoned her.

"Valkyries' Valour!!"

That could only mean one thing. The guys were in trouble ... as expected.

Being a higher level and a Gatekeeper, she was not immediately pulled into the Summons. Isis checked her status quickly confirming her full Health. Hastily she topped up her Energy and repacked her Inventory pouch, tossing in bottles and vials. The guys would probably need them.

The Priestess spared a glance at her two busy familiars. The two ferrets were conferring with each other seriously, stump at what to do next. They would figure it out, then they would eat their fill and curl up for a nap. Vree and Kruk will be fine for a while.

In less than fifteen seconds, she was ready. Isis froze in place as her mind answered the Valkyries'' Call.


"This one is good for levelling."

"Dungeon 40? What's in there?" Althea asked Nyx doubtfully. It was not that she did not trust the Assassin, but their awkward friendship still new and required some work.

"Lots of easy kills," replied Nyx smugly. "Fantastic for levelling, if you are not afraid of a little hard work and exercise."

"By lots of easy kills, you mean ... ?"

"There are hundreds of mean skinny goblins who are easy to kill and give lots of XP. It's exactly what we are looking for."

Althea smiled in appreciation. When Nyx said she would help her level up, she wasn't kidding. As a sign of goodwill, she had given the Assassin a large tub of her latest creation; a fast cure-all lotion for physical wounds. "How come not many know about this dungeon?"

"The other players know about the dungeon but most are put off by the sheer number of goblins ... and the big bad Boss at the end."

"The more, the merrier, right? More easy XP for levelling."


Both Heroes went into battle mode and stepped into Dungeon 40. Upon entering, they were immediately ambushed. Little ugly green goblins attacked them with arrows and short swords.

"Nyx!! Look out!!" shouted Althea. She threw a large wobbly looking globe at the incoming horde. It burst raining down upon them. Goblins screamed in terror and exploded in front of the two Heroes when the droplets touched them.

"What's that?" Nyx cried in fascination as she worked her double blades. Green bodies exploded around her.

"Melee weapon. Cleaning agent ..."

"What?" Nyx laughed in disbelief. She had though it was some sort of special Healer's poison.

"You know, the strong concentrated type that eats away at stubborn dirt ... and skin ... I mixed in a little bleach too."

"You are crazy."

Althea laughed in glee. "I know right?"

It was slow going but the two Heroes worked their way deeper into the dungeon. Althea's eyes flicked at her XP count. Her XP bar was creeping up with each kill. Soon she would level up to Level 46. Nyx's bar was also rising steadily. Nyx wasn't kidding around when she said there were many goblins. 'Many' was a gross understatement thought Althea in amusement. The dungeon was positively crawling with the deformed creatures. Now she understood why most players avoided this dungeon, not only was it filled with uncountable numbers of NPCs but it was also extremely time consuming. Well, she had time. No complains there.

They had moved into the second phase of the dungeon after massacring hordes of NPCs when Nyx froze. One second she was expertly dispatching the level two bigger sized goblins and the next second she stood still.

"Nyx!!" cried Althea. "What's wrong?" The Healer rushed to her new friend's side to slash at a green body. "Nyx??" Did something happen in the real world?

A few scary seconds passed before Nyx came back to life.

"Althea! Protect me! Kirana has evoked Valkyries' Valour."

"Valkyries' Valour? What's that?!"

"I'm going to help her help the guys in the orc realm!"

"The guys? You mean Laz?! You are going to help Laz?!!"

"Constantine, Laz and Val."

"You can do that? Help them?" Althea's violet eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Yes!!" Nyx cried urgently. "Protect my body here. If I die and re-spawn here, I will die there too! I'm counting on you." The Assassin fell silent and unmoving once more.

"No! Wait, Nyx!! Don't leave me, what about these guys?" Althea stood near Nyx's body as she eyed the next batch of creeping goblins, her heart thumping wildly. These were bigger and uglier than their slain brethren.

"Nyx! Nyx!!" The Assassin stayed silent.

"O'kay. I guess it's up to me now," the Healer muttered to herself. Althea steeled herself, pulling out as many melee weapons as possible. "Protect Nyx, save the guys, save Laz. I can do this."

Althea spread her fingers, incanting a string of weird sounding syllables. A soft pretty blue mist floated out heading straight to the incoming horde. The group laughed raucously at her until the mist touched them. Then their laughter stopped abruptly as they froze in their tracks. The mist shrouded them and entered their orifices. Blue dust were sucked into mouths, nostrils and stuck onto wet tongues. It dissolved in the goblins' mucus and saliva finally releasing intense euphoria. Minds clouded and senses were overloaded. They stood for a moment in rapturous bliss, than the crazed goblins turned against each other. The NPCs unaware of their actions, slashed and cut anything and anyone nearest them all the time laughing in intoxicated glee.

Althea watched the brutal scene. It was the first time she had used the lethal blue mist spell. The deadly mass weapon lived up to its name, Blue Bedlam

Once the pitiful goblins died, there will be a break until more monsters from other parts of the dungeon ventured here. Although in most MMORPG games the NPCs were restricted to their assigned areas, however, she had learnt never to underestimate Simtrixx. They never made things easy. She could not advance or retreat without abandoning Nyx. She was stuck here until the Assassin came back. No problem. The Healer topped up her Health and Energy.

All she could do was wait. Althea did not have to wait long. She soon heard stealthy movements. Shadows crept up and solidified as more goblins emerged from the gloom. The Healer drew in a breath and hefted her weapons. It was going to be a long lonely session.

Althea was determined to protect Nyx. She had to.

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