Chapter 99 - Time Shield

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Constantine, dressed in a dark red outfit stepped forward confidently. He had rearranged the Items in his Inventory for today's special task. The first Item was the specialized one-of-a-kind Time Shield which he had so painstakingly researched, designed and crafted. It had unique features tailored for the orc realm and would not work in the human realm. He had studied Mallarg's spell and had ensured his was better. His would slow down time even more, prolonging the half grown orc's life further. Next Items were Energy and Health boosts.

Status check.

Constantine, Warlock, Level 88

Health, 100 per cent.

Energy, 100 per cent.

Constantine was ready.

"If you please?" the Red Warlock invited the Necromancer.

The plan was for Mallarg to slowly disperse his spell whilst Constantine invoked his for a smooth transition. No harm should come to the youngling inside or heads would roll.

Carefully, Constantine took his position as near as possible to the existing shield. Then he tapped the icon of his customised Time Shield, invoked it and let it draw from his personal Energy. He closed his eyes to focus on controlling his internal energies and systematic implementation of the complicated spell. Soon, it balked. The space it needed to cover was still under another powerful protective charm. What? Why was the Necromancer's spell still there? He should have started removing it by now.

"My Lord, surely you are not going to allow this?" came Mallarg's guttural voice.

What!?! Constantine's eyes flew open incredulously. Why was the Necromancer still arguing about this? He had already started! The longer it took to set it, the riskier it was for him. He was vulnerable now.

"Withdraw your spell Mallarg. Do not make me tell you again."

"No!! I cannot! The humans will kill the jaav ukon."

"I will take the risk," said the Overlord. "He is my son. Now, withdraw!!"

The Necromancer's face turned a darker shade of grey whilst thick veins stood out on his forehead and neck. He clenched his jaw, gnashing his teeth in anger. "Very well but you will regret this!" Mallarg raised his crooked staff and started chanting loudly.

"Ughhh!" Constantine grunted as he felt a strong pressure pushing at his Shield. What the hell was Mallarg doing? Instead of dissipating his spell, he was building it up even more, bearing down on the Red Warlock. Unfortunately, no one else in the room knew what was going on. It was an invisible war of wills. They all thought Mallarg was doing as he was told.

Constantine gritted his teeth and concentrated. If it was a fight he wanted, it was a fight he was going to get, thought the Warlock grimly. He was no ordinary player. He was the great mighty Red Warlock, highest ranking Hero and most handsome Gatekeeper of the human realm!

The pressure built as the two shields collided, pushing against each other, neither giving way. The mental strain took its toll and soon Constantine started sweating. His head grew heavy and began throbbing painfully. Damn! The orc was strong, physically and mentally. Quickly, he reached into his Inventory and started consuming potions. Health boost! Energy Boost!

The intense test of wills seemed last forever but to the spectators it was only a few tensed minutes.

Mallarg threw a calculated look at the sweating Warlock. It was the perfect time for his grand plan. He should seize the opportunity now. If all goes well, the jaav ukon would continue dying his slow death and the meddling humans would be executed by nightfall. By that time, the Overlord would be dead by his hand. The Necromancer grunted in satisfaction. Everyone would mourn the Overlord for the required seven days before he took the throne.

Making a calculated decision, Mallarg withdrew his Shield. As he hunched over gripping his staff, his invisible barrier melted away. He needed to recover before the next stage, but he would have more energy after that. The shield no longer required his energies to maintain it.

All eyes turned to Constantine as the Red Warlock heaved a sigh of relief and continued feeding the Shield. Hah!! He was better!! He had won! The gatekeeper had no time to gloat over his victory. He would do that later, he promised himself. Now, time was of the essence. The gatekeeper's time bubble grew to envelope the sleeping prince and was expanding smoothly to cover the entire chamber.

"Overlord?" Constantine called quietly, he was near exhaustion. The tailored orc time shield needed more of his human energy than expected and the invisible fight with the Necromancer did not help.

"I am here."

"You may step into the chambers and see your son. When you are done, I will seal the time inside for the prince. After that no one may enter or leave."

Constantine indicated a spot where he had made an opening. The Overlord stepped eagerly into his son's chambers and went directly to his bed. Slowly, the mighty Overlord sank down to one knee and stroked the jaav ukon's forehead. After a few moments, there was movement. Tension melted away as a little pudgy grey hand lifted for a moment before clutching at the Overlord drawing the huge head even nearer. Everyone outside saw him lean towards his son and exchanged a few words but no one could hear them.

The jaav ukon was still alive and well.

"What? No!!" Suddenly, the Overlord jerked back his head and roared in rage. "Treason!! Arrest Mallarg!! ARREST HIM AT ONCE!!"

All at once, several things happened simultaneously.

No one had noticed the Necromancer reaching into his robes. When the Overlord shouted, Mallarg withdrew a heavy dagger and plunged it into Constantine. Unfortunately, the blasted human moved, startled by the Overlord's bellow. It made the dark magic user miss the Red Warlock's heart. He cursed, turned and ran, yelling at his Imperial guards to clear the way.

The Red Warlock cried out in pain and he buckled onto his knees. He couldn't retaliate; he had his hands full keeping the orc shield intact. It had already covered the jaav ukon. Instinctively, he locked down the force field, halting its expansion. That way, it would require less energy. No one was getting in or out until he stabilised the madly pulsing dome.

Mallarg had chosen this crucial time to attack Constantine because he knew that the human was tied to the shield and could not abandon it. If he did, it would be suicide. The jaav ukon would be affected adversely and then, all the humans and their companions would die. If he did not, the Overlord would be trapped inside with his heir leaving him free to execute the next stage of his coup. He counted on the human to be hardy enough not to die too soon. Maybe missing the pale one's heart was a good thing after all. He might last a little longer giving him extra time to complete the execution of his plan. Either way, Mallarg would win.

The Necromancer's action signalled the start of his carefully plan revolt. If the Overlord insisted on believing the humans, giving them power over the prince, he would have to pay with his throne. If he did not then he would be safe for at least a little while longer. No Overlord should side with the prophesied human destroyers! It was a disgrace to all orcs and a betrayal to the orc race. The Overlord only cared for his dying son. He was not fit to sit on the throne. He should be replaced at once!

With his Imperial guards, he would slaughter everyone here and then kill Constantine. When the miserable human died, the protection would fail. He would leave the Overlord's death for last so that he could savour it. By then, the Overlord should be in no condition to fight. He would be consumed with grief and despair, his exposed son dying helplessly. He would have lost his people, his allies and his throne to me thought Mallarg gleefully. Serves him right!

Lazarus and Valentine were instantly at Constantine's side. "Constantine!!" both Gatekeepers yelled anxiously. Lazarus caught his friend to prop him up and immediately fed him one of his own health potions. That helped a bit but the wound did not close. The knife was still in the warlock's body. Constantine needed to recover a bit before he pulled the weapon out or his remaining health would drop too low. The warlock needed time.

Valentine gauged the situation and stood guard, daring anyone to come close. Anya and Tania also helped guard the Red Warlock. They stood side by side, growling, hackles raised, sharp teeth bared. No one was getting near him while they were on guard.

"KILL the humans and their dogs!" Mallarg commanded his Imperial guards. "Kill everyone!"

Kalthu yelled at his warriors. "Block the traitor!! Arrest him! Don't let him get away!!"

"Protect the Overlord and the jaav ukon!!" Thalasis hissed urgently. "Guard the human ssspell user. Nothing mussst happen to him or our prince sssuffersss!!"

"Thalasis!! Follow me!!" the Warlord shouted at the Seer before running after Mallarg. She nodded and followed. Kalthu could fight with Mallarg but would be helpless if he used his dark arts against the warrior. Only she could be of some help with her own magic.

"Attack only those without bronze arm bands. They are Kalthu's!"

"I know!!" Valentine yelled back at Lazarus as he slashed at the nearest enemy.

"Keep them clear from Constantine. He needs space!" Lazarus glanced back worriedly at the Warlock. "Make every second count! If he dies, we die!"

Valentine nodded but did not answer. He sung his long sword, too busy staying alive.

Chaos erupted in the hallway.

Imperial guards fought savagely with the Warlord's warriors blocking everyone's way. Battle cries and curses mixed in with the sounds of war. Weapons clashed the sounds of steel grating on steel and iron axes bashing on shields rang in the hallway. Clubs were smashed on heads and solid swords of all kind slashed at warm flesh. The noise escalated when the gatekeepers joined in the fray.

Anya and Tania stood guard over the Red Warlock.

Mallarg stood his ground. "To me!!" he shouted to his Imperial guards. "Protect me while I work!" Grey orcs rushed to surround him, creating a protective barrier. He raised his hands up high, chanting in an alien language. Suddenly he pointed his staff at Constantine and yelled. A blazing orange light blasted straight for the warlock.

"Protect Constantine!!" Lazarus shouted. He was busy holding off an orc who was trying to push forward. Valentine jumped to intercept the blast. The Thief crumpled to the floor as he was hit squarely in the chest. Bright light enveloped him for a second.


Valentine, Health 75 per cent.



"I'm o'kay ... " Valentine groaned. "Just a little burnt."

Another blast came hurtling towards Constantine .... And another and another. It seemed that Mallarg was determined to take the Warlock down with him. This time, the Necromancer's attacks sizzled in anti-climax midway as Thalasis chanted counter spells and pointed a long scaled finger at the Necromancer's hexes.

"Warlord!!!" the Seer hissed at Kalthu.

Quickly he dispatched an Imperial guard and focused on breaking the Necromancer's circle. "Jarrakg!!" he bellowed for his second in command.

"Here, my Lord!" Jarrakg appeared from behind an Imperial guard dispatching him neatly with a hard blow to the head.

"Mallarg. Alive."

The commanding tone of the warlord left no questions. Mallarg had to be captured alive at all costs. Jarrakg cracked his knuckles loudly and focused on the Necromancer. He grinned as he advanced menacingly on the guards surrounding the target. They gulped knowing the second-in command's reputation in battle. Dealing with the Warlord was already a nightmare but dealing with both the Warlord and his Second in command together was suicide. The Imperial guards prepared to die but they would die fighting.

Constantine was not feeling very well at all. His head was pounding, his body was weakening and his chest was still on fire. Blood drenched the front of his robes from his deep wound. The potion that Lazarus had given him could only do so much. He had to get the knife out. One hand reached for the dagger's hit and pulled it out before he could stop himself. More blood spurted out.

"Ooowww, oowwww, OOOOWWWW!! Damn it!! That hurts!!"

The Red Warlock looked up at the scene before him searching for Lazarus and Valentine. He found his friends fighting valiantly with the grey monsters. The two Gatekeepers moved without stopping, slashing and cutting, inflicting damage on the enemy with every move. Explosion after explosion went off as Imperial guards and the Warlord's warriors massacred each other.

Anya and Tania were in front of him, hackles raised and growling softly. Both wolves watched their Chosen intently, alert and eagerly waiting to join in the fight but they only bit those who came too close. They did not stray from their assigned spots. The only thing that was restraining them was their Chosen's' commands to guard him.

He groaned softly. He should have known something like this might happen. Mallarg was obviously not going to give up the jaav ukon without a fight. Why didn't he think of it earlier? But how would he have suspected that the crazy Necromancer would brazenly attack in public?

The orc shield wavered for a moment, making him panic. Quickly Constantine motioned with his hands stabilizing it. Energy, energy ... he needed more energy. The thing was sucking him dry. Suddenly, there was an attack on the shield from the inside. The Overlord was banging hard with huge fists on the invisible wall desperate to get out.

"Aarrghhhh!! Stupid orc. Stop that!" Constantine cried. "You are killing me!"

Constantine, Health 45 per cent, Energy 25 per cent.

Frantically, he turned signalling to the Overlord. No, he couldn't let him out just yet, the shield was too unstable. He pointed urgently to the translucent flickering in the air.

"I apologise Overlord, I can't release you out now. It's too dangerous."

"When human!?! I must get out now. The traitor is escaping!!"

"Please, stop hitting the barrier! Ughhh!!" Constantine slumped down in pain as blood dribbled from his mouth. Orcs!! Seriously!! He had to calm the hulking idiot down quickly. "Please calm down Overlord! See? The Warlord and the Seer are after him. He will not get far."

"Stay in there for now, I will let you out as soon as possible."

The Overlord calmed down slightly when he saw Kalthu, Jarrakg and Thalasis battering Mallarg's defences. The Necromancer was not getting away. Everyone else was busy fighting. Gah!! He wished he could join in the fun. His son had relapsed into his magical slumber and was sleeping peacefully again. After exchanging a few words with him, the little one had succumbed to the powerful human's magic. He had unloaded what was in his heart and could now rest easy knowing his father was going to make things right. The Overlord growled in displeasure and frustration. He was trapped in here with nothing to do.

Constantine turned his attention inwards. He was in full panic mode. His energies were depleting rapidly and were not enough to sustain the shield for long. His wound had stopped bleeding but was taking too long to heal in his weakened state. Ahhh! If only Mallarg had not stabbed him, he would have had more than enough Energy to survive this task. He swallowed painfully. Lazarus and Valentine could not help him now, he thought dully. Poor me, poor you ... sorry Laz my friend. I have failed. Now we will all die.


The Red Warlock's head snapped up as his beloved familiar's mental voice rang in his head. "Xico?"

"Chosen!! What are you doing? I feel ... weird," came the falcon's sharp anxious squawk. "I want to fly to you. I know you need me!!"

"No, no, you cannot come here," Constantine panted painfully, and then added sadly, "but I will join you soon, my friend."

"Join me? Is it over? Did you finish the mission?" Xico chirped happily. "When will you come home?"

"The mission? No, my friend, I am afraid I have failed. I am dying. All I can do now is hold on as long as possible. I will die and re-spawn soon."

"Fail?? NO!! My Chosen does not fail!!"

Constantine winced at the loud telepathic protest. The big predator was probably all puffed up indignantly, deadly talons gripping whatever perch he was on tightly. He could almost hear Xico's sharp beak clicking angrily at his confession.

"I will not let you. I will NOT!" the falcon was agitated. "I will tell ... I will tell ... GINGGAR!!" Xico's tone brightened excitedly with his inspiration to save his Chosen.

"Ginggar!! Ginggar!! GINGGAR!!!" The falcon summoned the polar bear immediately feeling very pleased with himself.

"Xico?" the white bear cub rumbled.

"Ginggar! My Chosen is dying. Help now?"

"Help? HELP! Help Xico's Chosen," the great bear's low voice rumbled as he processed the request.

"Chosen!!" Ginggar called his Chosen cheerfully. "Xico's Chosen is dying," he reported dutifully. "Help?"

The Red Warlock cringed. No, please, not Ginggar. If the bear cub knew then he would tell his mistress ... and if Kirana knew ... all hell would break lose. Technically, he had not called for her. In fact, in all the excitement and his personal emergencies, he had forgotten about Kirana. He shuddered at the potential nagging.

"CONSTANTINE!!!" Not a moment too soon, Kirana's mental voice roared over the four way mind link. "Are you mad? Why didn't you contact me?"

Constantine winced, squeezing his eyes shut even tighter. Why can't he be dead already?

"I'm going to kill you for not calling me sooner. I told you, didn't I!?! I TOLD YOU!! YOU KNOW I AM ON STANDBY WAITING FOR YOU! I was waiting for soooo long!" she berated him. "I will save you now and keeeel you later!!"

Constantine hunched down and moaned in misery. Ahhh! Xico! He would kill Xico after Kirana killed him, he promised himself.

"Kir, if you are going to save me, do it now. I can't hold on much longer."

"Hold on."

"Hurry, if I die, the shield will disintegrate and time will start again for the jaav ukon. If he dies, the others will die too."

"Hold on. Don't rush me. It's not my fault Xico called me at the verrry last second," Kirana grumbled making it crystal clear whose fault it was. "Now shut up and let me concentrate."

Constantine's eyes widened when he heard Kirana summoning the others. She was doing the impossible. He was saved. He grudgingly admitted to himself, his sister really was awesome.

"ISIS! NYX! JINX!! I summon you!" Kirana commanded.

"I evoke Valkyries' Valour!!"

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