Chapter 120 - Summoning the Bello

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Valentine had noticed Lazarus lagging the last hundred meters of the run. At first they were running side by side but he had amazingly pulled ahead. In normal gameplay he could not have done so because his Research on Speed was not at max yet. Lazarus' Speed Research was. The only reason he could pull ahead was if Laz had deactivated his Speed ability or he had intentionally slowed down. Was there a hidden monster they had to fight after all? Should he help fight it? Valentine surveyed the area quickly. He did not spy any hostile NPCs. The Assassin was holding his chest but was still moving. Lazarus had signalled him on. The faster everyone passed the stones the better the chances to complete the main quest. It was every man for himself.

When the coloured stones gave way to soft white sand, Valentine had stumbled and collapsed in fatigue. The gruelling run was exhausting both mentally and physically. Hah! Kalthu was still behind Lazarus and Constantine. He had won his little bet with the Warlord.

Constantine soon crossed the boundary, followed by Kalthu and his Captain when the stones started glowing again. Seconds later Lazarus staggered from the glittering nightmare onto the pure clean sand. He fell onto his knees wheezing and coughing. Valentine was startled to see splatters of red staining the white sand. The Thief forced his aching muscles to work as he pushed himself wearily up. Before he could make his way to the Assassin, Lazarus collapsed shaking and hugging himself. He curled up into a defensive ball shivering violently. His eyes were squeezed shut and he was swallowing convulsively.

Valentine retrieved a thick cloak from his Inventory and bundled Lazarus up. Next he forced fed a bottle of potion through the Assassin's clenched teeth.

"Drink, damn it."

"Will he be alright?" Constantine asked worriedly as he gazed at Lazarus' shaking body. He retrieved a bottle of his own high grade Health potion and tossed it to the Thief.

"I don't know," answered Valentine catching the little vial deftly. He uncorked the top and poured the contents into the Assassin's mouth.

"Hold him down! Don't let him hurt himself!" Valentine yelled when Lazarus started flailing wildly. The Warlord and his Captain held Lazarus down whilst the other two orcs stood guard. The orcs were the only ones strong enough to restrain the crazed Ghost Lord.


Constantine swallowed grimacing. "It looks so painful ..."

Blood trickled from Lazarus' eyes, nose and mouth. He trashed on the ground trying to get away from the orcs but he was no match for them in his weakened condition. After some time and yet another bottle of potion the Assassin's convulsions subsided. He calmed down and his breathing slowed. Moments later, he opened his red stained silver eyes.

"Val?" he croaked.

"Hey, we are all here."

Constantine moved nearer. "Do you think you can walk?"

Lazarus shook his head slowly. "I can hardly feel my legs." He blinked, "I see two of you ... and the world is a blurry red."

"We have to keep moving, yes? If we stay here, Laz will only get worse and die. We need the Bello and the Lifestone."

"The Bello issss in the water," volunteered the Witch indicating a clear lake. The large serene lake was in the middle, surrounded by the white beach. "We musst get nearer the water before the dark one can resst. It isss too dangerousss to sstay here." She looked around nervously as if expecting something to ambush them at any time. "We must go ssoon."

"C'mon," Valentine said as he hauled his friend to his feet.

Lazarus stood swaying unsteadily for a moment before taking a step. Valentine lurched forward to catch the Hero in time before he fell bodily to the ground. "Hey!!" the blond Ghost Lord yelled in fright. What the hell? Laz couldn't even walk now. He had lost control of his limbs and was leaning heavily onto the Thief. The Assassin was experiencing extreme lethargy and numbness to the point of paralysis.


"Can't feel anything," he groaned.

"You, Nark, carry him," barked Kalthu. "We will make better pace if my warrior carries Lazarus."

Valentine nodded agreement. Based on Lazarus' rapidly deteriorating condition, they would need every second they could get. There was no need to ask the Assassin, he was upright but barely conscious. Without the Thief's support, the Assassin would have obviously fallen.

Nark stepped forward, turned around and squatted. Quickly, Valentine and Constantine draped Lazarus onto the orc's broad grey back. Once he had a good hold of the human, the orc stood up and hefted his light burden. Though the human would have hindered their progress should he be supported by the other Ghost Lords, the slight weight on his back was nothing to him.

"Let's go."

"Follow me." The Witch nodded and led the way.

They trudged after the Witch at a steady pace heading down the sloping sands. The orcs and the two Ghost Lords kept alert for any hints of danger. This was Bello's territory. Despite the pristine and deceptively serene scenery, it was still a danger zone. The beautiful fine white sands spread wider and further than expected and the crystal clear lake seemed unreachable. Their initial impression of distance to the inviting lake had been misleading indeed.

"Hhrrrummphhhh! Hrummmphhh!! Neeeee-eeiigh!"

The blood-curdling neighing echoed mournfully before fading away.

"What's that?!" Valentine whirled around holding his sword up alertly. Beside him, the Red Warlock's hands were crackling with red electricity ready to fry any enemy foolish enough to attack them.

"It isss the fierce Vogeruksss. Hurry! We must get closer to the water."

"The what?!" Valentine asked. He did not like the sound of the foreign name.

"The Vogeruksss," replied the Witch as she hastened her pace urgently. The noises were getting closer. "The Bello'sss bane."

"I don't like the sound of that. If they are the Bello's bane, I don't think I want to meet them."

"Gwar! Stay alert! Kill anything that comes near!"

"Sir!! Yes Sir!"

"Let's go!"

The small group quicken their pace leaving the eerie haunting sounds behind. The frightening neighing came again but thankfully, it sounded further away. Finally they reached the edge of the crystal clear lake.

"Here," the Witch indicated a spot. "Put the dark one down."

Nark turned and squatted down. Constantine and Valentine gently pulled Lazarus off the huge orc's back and settled him down onto the soft white beach. The Witch nodded and proceeded to take charge.

"Now, make a fire to keep him warm," she instructed thinking of the poison's lethal progression. The invisible fumes and unusual warmth from the special flames would keep off the dark one's intense chills for a bit. She had to make him last as long as possible as per her updated programming.

"There is nothing here to start one with, no?" Constantine said looking around.

"No Ghosst Lord, not a normal fire. We need a sspecial flame, one that can warm the dark one at this late sstage and one that can ssummon the Bello."

"Did you just say, summon the Bello? Seriously, do we want to do that now?"

The Witch stared balefully at Valentine. "The dark one needsss the fire'sss warmth to ssurvive a little longer."

Constantine stepped forward. "It's o'kay Val. We have both recovered and are at 100 Health. I think we can handle the Bello if she appears, yes?"

"We are here too," growled Kalthu. "We will protect Lazarus too."

"O'kay," Valentine conceded. "How do we build this special summoning fire of yours?"

"Firsst prepare a circle in the ssand with the Frosst Troll'sss blue heartsss to contain the blue flames," the Witch said. "Then make a pile of orc scalpss in the middle, no more than three at a time or it will be too sstrong."

"What will be too strong?" asked the Captain.

"The smell of burning orcss," the Witch answered without batting an eye much to the Captain's chagrin. Constantine exchanged a grin with Valentine.

"When the flamesss are high add a Kivh to the fire. It will ssummon the Bello."

"What if we don't? Then the Bello won't come, right?"

The Witch cast Kalthu an annoyed glance. "Without the Kivh, the Bello will sstill come but sshe will attack. If you do as I ssay and put the Kivh in, it will calm and distract the Bello when sshe comes. Sshe will not attack then."

"Are you sure? How does that work?"

"Yesss, it will work human Ghost Lord," she said addressing the Thief. "Just offer the cooked Kivh to her and she will not harm you. She likes to eat Kivhs."


Valentine threw the Witch a suspicious look. Could they trust her? Why was she telling them how to neutralise the deadly final Boss without a fight? Preparation of the summoning fire correctly and offering cooked Kivhs to the Bello was surely classified information. Without the knowledge they would surely have a tough challenge waiting ahead for them. Since when was she on their side? Since they entered the Bello's territory, he answered himself. Something was off here. He would keep an eye out. He did not trust the NPC's sudden change of heart.

The orcs worked quickly to build the weird campfire as instructed. The Ghost Lords took out the required Items from their Inventories. Between Constantine and Valentine, they had more than enough to start the fire. Laz could unload when he was feeling better.

The fire was lit by the Red Warlock. He pointed a finger at the pile of orc scalps and muttered a few words. The scalps started smoking and within seconds burst into bluish purple flames. Eyes watered as a stench of burning putrid flesh rose into the air. The stink that emanated from the burning orc scalps made them gag.

Valentine choked in disgust. "Ughhh!! These horrible smells will not only summon the Bello, it will make her mad at us for stinking up her place!"

"Put a Kivh in and add another sscalp," said the Witch ignoring the Thief.

Constantine took a Kivh and threw it into the fire. Immediately, a high pitched keen came from the 'flower'. It died down quickly enough but not before everyone had clasped their hands over their ears and gone into panic mode. A few had their weapons up, ready for battle. They had forgotten that the exotic flowers were actually hybrid animals.

The smell changed. The horrible burning of orc scalps now transformed into a more natural woody fragrance. A few more minutes and the enticing aroma of cooking Kivh filled the air.

The Witch went near the camp fire and waved her arms in an intricate pattern with her eyes closed. Everyone could see the whitish smoke and sense the 'heat' gathering in her skilful hands. She manipulated the forces gently, guiding it to envelope Lazarus.

"Take out the roassted Kivh when itsss done. Add more sscalps and Kivhsss," said the Witch opening her eyes. "But mosst importantly, keep the fire going, the dark one needsss it dessparately."

The Captain signalled an orc to take over the task from Constantine. He would be in charge of the fire now.

The Witch kept up her arcane arts while keeping a close eye on the Assassin. Finally, Lazarus sighed and his curled body relaxed. She let her hands drop to her sides. She was exhausted. Magic as complicated as infusing the dark one with 'Warmth' was draining especially when the poison in his dying body kept fighting her efforts.

"The dark one sshould be better for a while."

"Why are you helping us so much suddenly?" Valentine finally asked. His curiosity was killing him. He needed to know if they could trust her.

"I told you, I am only a Guide outside but here, I am more."

"What is that supposed to mean?" the Thief grumbled but his questions were cut off when the Assassin opened his eyes, groaned and sat up.

"Laz? Hey, you o'kay?"

"Yeah, much better." Lazarus looked around checking his surroundings. Then he turned sharply staring at the fire and he sniffed.

"What? What's wrong?" Valentine was instantly alert and by Lazarus side, his sword in hand. He followed the Assassin's gaze. "Is it the fire?"

"Yeah. It's actually making me feel better, warmer inside. Are those Frost Troll hearts?" he asked in amazement observing the blue sapphire stones keeping the fire in. Wasn't it too much to use the valuable hearts in such a mundane manner? He blinked. Then again, it was not a normal fire.

Constantine nodded coming over. "And before you ask, we are also burning the orc scalps and cooking the Kivhs," he said indicating the orc who was intent on his job. "Get yours out from your Inventory. I think we will need all the Hearts, Scalps and Kivhs."

All focus was on the reviving Assassin that the group did not notice the forming ripples breaking the water's surface nearby. The growing ripples made its way from the middle of the lake to the edge nearest the group. Only the Witch looked up in welcome at her long time charge. The next few seconds were crucial. Depending on what the humans did, they would either survive or be obliterated.

The Bello emerged silently from the water and onto the fine white sand. It made its way stealthily to the delicious Kivh. Its large luminous eyes trained directly at the purple-blue flames of burning scalps and the roasting prize cooking in it. The monster was almost upon the group when the four orcs and three humans turned around in shock finally sensing the creature's presence. They scrambled up in battle formation around the Assassin protecting him. All raised their various weapons to face the final Boss. One wrong move and all hell would break out.

The startled Bello reacted to the sudden activity, rearing up onto its numerous tentacles to tower above the intruders but paused when the small group froze.

"Bel-lo?" it asked in a clear sensuous female singsong voice.

No one moved a muscle or made a sound. They could not fathom how such skilled and experienced warriors such as they had not sensed the monster's presence. The Bello was a formidable foe indeed if it could sneak up on them. It was on a whole different level. Even Lazarus' Perception had not 'felt' her until the last minute. Then again, the Assassin was not in top condition.

The colourful hybrid human-octopus like creature waited for a moment, studying the group before her. She had an impossible sweet heart shape human face and long lustrous greenish black hair. Pretty luminous eyes stared out of a pale face with small pink lips. Her human form extended to two arms and a well-form female torso but that was all. Her human body was covered in a cream coloured leathery skin. The beige colour darkened to a light purple covering the front of her chest and shapely hips. The colour thickened to a darker shade further down her body, ending in a strangely luminescent purple along her long muscled tentacles. Little bright blue rings decorated her dark purple hide making her oddly attractive.

The Red Warlock stared. There were definitely more than eight tentacles which he counted on the Boss. It was difficult to keep count as the pretty shiny feelers kept moving about keeping the Bello in place but he was sure there were at least twelve.


The Bello moved again after dismissing the living beings when no attack came. She sniffed the air appreciatively. She had smelled the Kivhs' aroma and it was delicious. It had been a long time (never) since she had Kivhs let alone grilled ones. The Boss glided nearer seemingly intent on the sizzling succulent meal and reached out a long graceful tentacle when Lazarus moved.

"She is beautiful," the Assassin murmured in awed appreciation at the hybrid. "Seriously, a work of art." He wondered who had designed this exquisite creature. The flow from human to octopus was so seemless that it looked natural. The detailed ringed patterns on its skin and its fluid movements highlighted its lovely luminescent colouring. The final Boss was stunning.

"Bello?" She paused again, turning her attention to the Assassin. "Bello, bello, bel-lo?"

Valentine tensed, re-gripping his sword. If she made one false move he would attack without reserve. He glanced at Constantine. The Red Warlock too was ready for close combat.

"They mean you no harm," the Witch said calmly to the Bello. "He needsss your help."

"Bello," the hybrid replied firmly.

The Witch addressed the group. "Sstay sstill, sshe wantsss to check you all out. Once sshe is asssured that you mean her no harm, you will be relatively ssafe from her."

"Betray us and you will be the first to die Witch!" growled Kalthu in warning.

"Have no fear mighty Warlord, she will not harm you unless you give her cause."

"I'm not afraid of her," he muttered catching Valentine's smirk.

The Bello glided forward cautiously ignoring the Witch. She already knew the Guide and had categorised her as 'friend'. Moving towards the orcs, she touched each one with a long tentacle experimentally. The tips with sensitive bright green suction cups moved over the tensed Warlord's leather armour and ruffled the fur lining. Another glided over the Captain's grey skin, lightly feeling along his muscled arm. One poked Nark's war hammer and curled around its handle. The warrior stiffened. No one messes with his war hammer!

"Let her have the weapon if sshe wantsss it, orc. Sshe will return it to you undamaged after sshe hasss verified its ssubstance," the Witch cautioned.

Kalthu signalled his warrior. Let the monster take the hammer, he gripped his own precious battle axe possessively. They will get it back for him if she failed to return it.

Nark's grip on his war hammer relaxed allowing the Bello to tighten a purple arm on the heavy weapon. She lifted it and swung it a few times effortlessly before losing interest in the inanimate metal object. Nark was gaping at her implicit strength when she pressed his war hammer back to him before moving onto the last orc. The warrior stood frozen as the Bello played with his rough hair and thumped his pelted boots.

"Bello," she said softly in satisfaction. Tentacles hovered over Constantine and Valentine making the latter swallow nervously.

"She is not going to eat me, right?"

"Why would she want to eat you when I am right here? I am the best choice. I will taste much better that you, yes?" asked the Red Warlock.

Kalthu snorted earning amused looks.

Muscled tentacles danced over the two humans simultaneously, testing clothing, human skin and hair. She lifted Valentine's blond hair and Constantine's red hair, her human body coming closer to inspect the different colours in fascination. One tentacle lifted her own dark green hair comparing it with their unusual bright colours.

"Bello!" she announced brightly.

Finally she wrinkled her pert nose in distaste when an arm touched the Thief's sword. She did not like weapons.

The Boss hesitated before approaching the final human. She let her gaze wander among the group before settling back onto Lazarus.

"Bello?" she asked turning her upper body to the Witch uncertainly.

"Yesss, he isss the one that needsss your help."

"Sstay sstill dark one. Sshe wantsss to confirm if it really isss the nauk dzi vrasss in you or if it isss ssomething else."

The exotic hybrid moved slowly towards Lazarus sniffing the air. Slowly she lifted a long tentacle poking him on his shoulder. Then she touched his long black hair and finally caressed his cheek feeling, testing ... tasting. She retracted her appendage abruptly scuttling back hissing.

"BELLO!!" she cried in anger. "Myut! Myut! MYUT!!" she raised her melodious voice furiously and rose into the air. Her numerous tentacles twisted in the air and shoved agitatedly under her moving her backwards as she vocalized her distaste loudly.

"It really isss the nauk dzi vrasss," breathed the Witch. "He isss the one."

"Now you've done it."

Meanwhile the Bello was becoming more and more enraged. Her beautiful colours darkened as she went into a tirade. "Myut, myut, MYUT!!"

In one quick decisive move, the Boss leapt aggressively to attack the Assassin smothering and burying him in her deadly coils.

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