Chapter 121 - Bello

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"Wait!!" screamed the Witch. "Don't kill him!"


"He is NOT Vogeruksss!!"

"Myut, myut, myut!!" the Bello argued angrily but she did stop crushing the human caught within her coils.

"I know you tassted it on him but he isss not one of them. He hasss been poissoned with the nauk dzi vrasss. It'sss in him!"

"Myut!" came the sullen reply.

"We need him to be free," the Witch said firmly.

After a long tensed moment the Bello rose reluctantly into the air, revealing Lazarus in a tight half crouch with his arms covering his head protectively. He was drenched in thick green slime. The Boss stood hovering above the Assassin on her numerous tentacles caging the offending human under her within leathery purple bars.

"Oh Gods!" Lazarus peeked out from under his arms. "Am I still alive?"

She bent down until she could see him. "Myut, myut."

"Yuck," he said in disgust holding up one gooey hand. "Seriously!"

"Idiot," chimed Valentine and Constantine together in relief. They had been shocked when their friend had suddenly disappeared under the monster. The Bello had been too fast and too sudden.

"Let him go," said the Witch calmly. "Pleasse?"

The Bello's human face pouted and she shrugged but did not lift her tentacles. However her colours lightened again. She frowned. "Myut."

"I promisse. You know you can trusst me." The Witch took a grilled Kivh as a peace offering and held it out it to the Bello. "They gathered all thesse for you ..."

"Myut?" the hybrid thought for a moment before touching and then accepting the succulent morsel with a tentacle. Slowly she transferred it to a human hand before taking a dainty bite with her human mouth revealing little sharp teeth and chewed enthusiastically.

"Bello." The neutral melodious sing song voice was back.

"Now can you releasse him? We have much to do."

The Bello lifted her tentacles amiably and moved gracefully to the side whilst taking another bite of her prize. She settled down near the Witch who offered her another freshly barbequed Kivh and munched happily.

She looked pointedly at her freed prisoner who was slowly standing up. "Bello," she stated.

"Yeah, thanks," the Assassin responded without thinking. He was busy trying to get as much slime as he could off his clothes. "Ewwww gross."

"Bell-lo, bell-lo?"

"Nope, none taken."

The orc relaxed their stances; the monster was on their side for now. However, they wondered what they could do if she decided to attack them. She was very fast and incredibly strong. She had demonstrated that in their first few moments on encountering her. They might be able to rush the Bello and take her by surprise. The Spell caster could freeze her while the nimble one could cut her with his mighty long sword. Then the four of them could take her down despite her strong and menacing looking tentacles. They had no doubt she could crush them with little effort with those long poisonous coils if she wanted to.

Lazarus had been lucky. The Witch had stopped the Bello in time before she injected him with her poison, not that she could not have smothered and crushed him dead with her sheer mass.

"How did you do that? You understood her!" Valentine exclaimed staring at Lazarus open mouthed. "Quick tell me what she said!"

Lazarus stopped to turn wide-eyed at the happily munching Boss. "I did? I mean I do!"

"Talk to her! Ask her not to eat us, yes? We are friends now, yes?"

The Bello gave a little warning rumble eyeing Lazarus and continued chewing.

"Umm, maybe we should wait. It's her first meal in a while."

Constantine pouted. "Oh o'kay. We will wait until she finishes. It will be so exciting to talk to a real Boss, yes? I've never talked to one before. Usually in games we just kill them ... ummm, sorry," he finished sheepishly when the Bello paused in her eating to growl at the Red Warlock.

"Keep cooking," the Captain instructed Nark. The Bello's good mood may depend on their satiating her appetite and he wanted to keep her that way.

Just then, the thundering sounds of galloping hooves could be heard again. Everyone jerked towards the noise.

"Neeeiiiighhh!! Hrruummmpphhhh!" The hollow shrieking echoed eerily.

"Vogeruksss!!" yelled the Witch.

Everyone scrambled up in battle mode. The Bello hissed in annoyance. The noisy land creatures were disrupting her meal. They were always trying to expand their territory by carving into hers. Did they really think they could secure even a tiny bit this time? The Bello bristled. She would not have it. She had repeatedly warned them to stay off her turf. Some never learn! But first she must finish enjoying the delicious Kivhs.

The Vogeruks galloped towards them in a herd. Their hard hoofs hit the soft sand sending up white sprays into the air.

"Wow! Am I seeing things? Are those ...?" Valentine gasped in wonderment.

"I see only galloping bones, yes? They are skeletal horses, yes?"

"You mean unicorns! Look at those amazing long wicked horns pointing our way!"

The Vogeruks came into full view making the onlookers gape at their magnificence. A small herd of seven skeletal equines raced along the beach. Bits of scenery could be seen through their heavy creamy bones as they moved in tandem. They were at least eighteen hands high each and were all beautiful specimens. Glittering white manes and lustrous tails grew from solid bone to fly in the wake of their graceful movements. But that could not compare to the exquisite spiral horns which protruded from their foreheads. It glistened in the sunlight as they raced towards the group of Heroes.

"Neeeiiighhhh!!" The stallion neighed to his herd, impossible black flames flickering in his empty sockets. They responded by tossing their skulls wildly.

"Move, move, move!"

Everyone but the orcs scrambled away from the oncoming herd. The grey warriors turned eagerly to face the oncoming Vogeruks. With upraised weapons, the four warriors held their ground grinning enthusiastically. They had felt cheated during the last challenge when they had been unable to help the Ghost Lords fight the Kivh-hunters. Now it was their turn. The Ghost Lords had no such heroic notions; they had to get Lazarus to safety. He was still recovering. It would be shame to be trampled to death when they were so close to their goal.

"Gwar, gwar, GWAR!!"

No horse was a match for a battle ready orc, well no ordinary horse was anyway.

The clash was spectacular. Battle axes and war hammers smashed hardened bones, catching solid vertebras along the Vogeruks' backs. Spiked clubs cracked scapulas and humeruses at the shoulder section as the skeletal beings galloped by at full speed. At the same time jaggered equine teeth bit large chunks of grey flesh from living bodies staining their lower jaw bones with black ichor. Orcs were brutally maimed and Vogeruks severely crippled during the brief deadly encounter.


"GWAR!! Gwar!"

Nark roared in pain holding his face, ichor pouring out of a hole that was once housed an eyeball. A horn had pierced him, puncturing his eye and digging out his eyeball. Another clutched an arm which hung uselessly by his side. No matter, the brave warrior thought, he had another arm. Kalthu roared encouragement as his Captain caught bottles of the magical potions from Constantine and threw it to his wounded warriors.

"Drink and heal! Then put your hammer and club back to good use again!!"

Meanwhile several Vogeruks were limping. One was dragging its hind legs, its vertebra and pelvis supporting its back severely cracked and broken.

The herd turned for another rush. "Hrruummmpphhh!" the stallion shook its great head from side to side. "Hhrruuummmmpphhh!!" it commanded his herd tossing his glittering mane.

"Don't let them pierce you with their poisonous hornsss. They are filled with the nauk dzi vrassss!" the Witch cautioned from the sidelines.

The Bello was still munching her Kivhs but her large luminous eyes followed the unfolding drama. She would finish her hard to come by meal before deciding what to do. So far the rogue four legged creatures had done little but to annoy her and churn up a little sand on her turf. She would let the newcomers play with them first, they were having such fun running around and waving those things they brought with them. She could easily deal with the Vogeruks like she usually did if they turn into more than nuisances.

With Lazarus safe, the two human Ghost Lords joined in the fray.

Constantine muttered a spell concentrating on blasting the crippled unicorn from existence. Red lightning flashed towards the struggling monster and crawled all over its frame. Seconds later, it combusted showering the spot it was standing on with fine white bone powder. It did not disappear in sparks like normal NPCs. Only it's magical poison laced horn remained.

"Damn it!" shouted Valentine in horrified realisation, hopping from foot to foot. "This white sand is actually crushed bone from them! Ewww, ewwww, ewwww! I'm standing on bones! So gross!"

With sudden awareness everyone looked at the ground again. It was indeed the same colour as the Vogeruks. They had no time for further inspection as the fleshless unicorns charged again.

High pitch neighs greeted battle cries as they collided. A grey warrior was pierced by the stallion in his chest and tossed aside like a rag doll. Immediately the stallion aimed for the next target as three of his herd members converged onto the wounded orc taking turns to stab him. The other two followed their leader without a backward glance. The poor orc died exploding into fiery pixels behind them.

"No!!" yelled Kalthu. Now the orcs were down to only three.

Valentine sprinted and jumped over the back of a Vogeruk. The nimble Thief dropped an acid globe and lightly pushed on its backbone to propel himself out of harm's way. The weapon detonated splashing a clear liquid which hissed on contact with the living bones. It ate into the monster quickly dissolving its frame and reducing it to fine dust. Its immaculate horn fell to the ground with a small thud.

Immediately the Thief picked up the rare Item with gloved hands and stashed it away. He would collect any that fell and share it amongst his friends.

The racing unicorns passed close to the Witch and the still relatively passive munching Bello. The stallion flicked his tail at the Boss. Ahh, the Bello was not aggressive today? She was busy eating. Good, then they could ignore her and concentrate on the other living creatures.

The herd skidded to a stop scattering the Troll Hearts and spraying sand onto the blazing fire inadvertently putting it out. They turned to charge their foes again not noticing the ruined meal. The grey creatures were surprisingly putting up a good fight and the two humans had destroyed two of his herd, they were the next targets.

The Vogeruks raced off oblivious of the now furious Bello.


"Itsss o'kay, I will make you another fire," persuaded the Witch but there was no calming the angry Bello. They had ruined her food! The pretty blue fire had gone out and the last barbequing Kivh which she had just been reaching for was covered in gritty sand.

"Myut, myut, myut!!"

There was no forgiveness for the Vogeruks. They had spoiled a perfectly grilled Kivh! And she was still so very hungry.

The enraged Bello expanded in size. Her tentacles waved about in agitation as she glared angrily at the galloping Vogeruks. There were only four of the irritating creatures left.

"Remember, don't hurt the orcsss or humansss!! We need them!"

"MYUTTTT!!!!" screamed the Bello furiously as she glided across the white sand. She covered the distance in an instant and launched herself at the charging Vogeruks. The Boss landed in a mess of squirming tentacles and skilfully balanced herself as she attacked the living bones. Strong muscled tentacles darted out to curl around ribs and cervical vertebrae (neck bones) lifting the unicorns whole into the air. Another two arms caught and bounded hind legs and fore legs rendering the struggling creature helpless.

"Neeeiiighhhh!! Hrrruuummmppphhhhh!" they shrieked in fright. A mad Bello meant death.

"MYUTT!!" she cried angrily. "Myut, myut, MYUT!!"

"NEIIGHHHHH!!" the proud stallion stood his ground bravely facing the Bello. He was the only one left on the ground. They were not disturbing her, they were only after the live ones. Why was she taking their side? Let his herd go at once!

In response, the Bello squeezed her heavy purple limbs, tentacles easily crushing what was left of his herd. Three glistening spiral horns fell to the ground amidst clouds of bone dust. Before the horrified stallion could react, the superior hybrid snatched him from the ground, careful to avoid his swinging head. The horn and its poison could not kill her but it could cause her some discomfort.

"MYUT!" the hybrid cried outraged. The stallion had tried to spear her! Now he would pay and pay dearly he would. No quick and easy death for him, he deserved a taste of her Annazzosh and a slow painful death. The Bello tilted her human head; luminous eyes boring into the struggling stallion. She was livid. Her tentacles lifted him up to her eye level.

"Myuuuut," she said in a dangerously soft sultry voice but the stallion immediately froze.


The Heroes and orcs who were suddenly deprived of their enemies watched in stunned silence. The aggressive unicorn stallion struggled uselessly in his purple binds as the Bello reached out her human hand. Her nails grew long and sharp extending into lethal dark claws from pale fingers.

"Annazzosh!" Lazarus exclaimed weakly and immediately started coughing. Valentine was instantly by his side propping him up.


The Assassin wiped dark blood from his mouth with the back of his hand impatiently. "She said she was going to give the Vogeruk a taste of her Annazzosh," he said censoring the part about a slow painful death.

"Oh wow. Is that what she is doing?"

Valentine's handsome face paled as he watched another one of the Bello's many tentacles latched deftly onto the stallion's skull stopping it in mid swing. It curled around what would should have been the muzzle holding the Vogeruk's head still for her human hand. Long claws closed onto its head firmly, one piercing directly at the base of its precious horn.

"Myuuut," she said decisively and squeezed slightly. Blackish purple fluid flowed from her nails injecting the stallion's bones. Five dark spots appeared on its skull and spread to cover its entire head. The bright beautiful horn lost its glistening lustre and dulled turning a splotchy mouldy grey. The Bello released the unicorn carelessly, letting it fall heavily to the white sands below.

"I have done to you what you would have done to me ungrateful one. Never have your kind heeded my many warnings. Now, Begone!"

Lazarus heard the Bello's translated words clearly in his head and wondered how he could have understood them. Was it the slime she had covered him with when she had caught him? Or was it something else? Perhaps it was the nauk dzi vras in his body? It was of this world and it could have ... Ughh! He shivered violently losing his train of thought. The intense cold was back now that the fire was out and was eating at him from the inside. His vision had become blurry again and his head had started spinning signalling another massive headache. He had to restart the fire now. He could figure out stuff and watch the stallion dying later on replay.

"V-val?" Lazarus croaked.

But the Thief did not hear his friend, he was too busy watching the fascinating 'non-demise' of the poor Vogeruk stallion like everyone else. Lazarus was left to his own resources. He could not wait any longer, the poison running in his veins was acting up again. Painfully he moved awkwardly towards the campfire spot. Even simple arm-leg motor movements was a chore now, it took conscious effort to move frozen limbs and aching muscles. Concentrating on coordinating his arms and legs he gathered the scattered Troll Hearts carefully and rearranged them.

Valentine noticed Lazarus then and went over to help gather the orc scalps and remaining Kivhs.

"Here, I'll do it," said Valentine as Lazarus sighed in relief. The recurring extreme lethargy attack was not helping his condition.

The others remained frozen watching in morbid fascination as the stallion staggered around wildly in confusion unable to coordinate his legs. His whole frame was an ugly mottled grey now and it was neighing in terror. He was decaying whilst still 'alive'.

"V-val, q-q-quick, start the fire," the Assassin said through chattering teeth.

The Thief was already working on it and got the bluish purple flame going after a few tries. He did not have magic lightning like the Red Warlock.

"Hey! Not too close, you'll catch on fire!" Valentine cautioned his friend who was trying to get as close as possible to the hot flames.

"I-its n-not w-w-working. I'm s-s-still c-cold," Lazarus moaned miserably.

"Hang on. It's the Witch's magic. I'll get her." The Hero patted his friend on his shoulder and got up. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be back with her."

"I'll b-be here," Lazarus mumbled.

Valentine darted off to fetch the Witch. On his way he passed Constantine.

"Get the horns!" Valentine mouthed to the Red Warlock who nodded. The Thief had already gathered the other three precious Items but had no time to search the grounds for the rest. He had to get the Witch to Lazarus as soon as possible.

When Valentine came back with the Witch, Lazarus was curled shivering helplessly on his side. He was shaking badly and holding his head whimpering in pain. He was so near the fire that the Thief thought the Assassin was trying to cook himself.

"Hey! Get away, idiot! You are going to burn yourself!"

"N-n-noooo," Lazarus resisted weakly as Valentine easily bullied him further away from the hot flames.

"Quick Witch, ummm, I mean Lady Witch, do your thing with the fire," the Thief beseeched the Witch. "Please."

"Sstand back Ghosst Lord," she said as she started waving her hands expertly.

Grey tendrils gathered in her hands and floated lazily towards Lazarus. She infused the flames hidden heat into the suffering Ghost Lord until he sighed and his painfully rigid pose finally relaxed.

"Thank you," Valentine said gratefully. Seeing his best friend in pain was painful in itself especially when he was powerless to help.

By that time the stallion had stumbled away still neighing in denial. His whole existence was ruined by the Bello's Annazzosh. His majestic beauty spoiled by rapid decay and his precious horn sat rotting on his forehead. The once proud stallion knew he only had days to live out his horrible existence shunned by his own kind until his 'death'.

The Bello towered over the Vogeruk staring impassively at him.

"I will sspeak to the Bello," said the Witch. "Watch over the dark one. Hisss time drawsss near." She could hardly see his handsome features now. The Assassin's pale face and lean body was constantly caressed by the ominous blue black miasma that was only visible to her mystic eye. He had only hours left to live unless a miracle happened.

Just then, Constantine let out a cry of pain and his legs buckled under him. The orc Captain who was nearest caught the Red Warlock easily with one hand and raised his war hammer with the other. Was there another attack? He scanned the area but found nothing.

"What's wrong Spell caster? Where is the danger?" he asked in alarm.

"I ... Aaaarrgghh!"

"Constantine!!" Valentine yelled in fright. "What's wrong?" He was getting anxious. Lazarus was dying in front of his eyes and now Constantine seemed to be in trouble. Was Simtrixx messing with them again?

The Captain picked the Red Warlock up unceremoniously hefting him over his shoulder and brought him to the fire. The Ghost Lord's eyes were closed and he was grimacing as the orc put him down.

Constantine panted taking deep calming breaths to steady himself down. After a few seconds, he spoke in a controlled voice. "I am o'kay now. I was caught off-guard but now that I have been alerted, I am in control once again, yes? No one can take me down so easily."

"Are you hurt? Did the Vogeruks get you? The horns? Did you accidentally poison yourself picking them up?"

"No, not the Vogeruks. I think I have to go. Ouuuufff!" He doubled over in pain.

"Go? Go where? Why?"

The powerful Red Warlock took a deep breath straightening up and steeled himself. His eyes narrowed as he fortified his internal defences. A faint red glow pulsed from him for a moment before fading away. He knew how to protect himself against these internal attacks.

"Because someone powerful is trying to get to the jaav ukon. Someone is attacking my Shield in the Stronghold," replied Constantine grimly.

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