Chapter 125 - Back-up

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The burning Ghost Lord stood as still as a statue, the bright hot flames flickered and danced on him. The heat emanating from him prevented any from approaching. When the fire finally died, the Red Warlock was still standing.

The Necromancer's gleeful laughter faded into stunned silence.

Constantine, Warlock, Level 93

Constantine smirked, his eyes shining in gleeful elation. Thanks to the Necromancer and his brilliant defence against the surprise attack, he had just levelled up.

Being the number one player meant a lot of things. However, maintaining the position of leading Hero in a hugely popular trending MMORPG was another. It meant he must keep playing actively and innovatively, constantly enhancing and making use of all his Abilities, Skills and Weapons. It also meant minimising dying and maximising Kills. He was not about to die and lose hard earned XP points for a miserable NPC trick. He was an experienced Gamer, he was the great Red Warlock!!

"Hahaha!!" Constantine laughed. "Thanks!" he mouthed at the now fearful Necromancer. He ran his hands through his thick red hair flicking his long fringe expertly and letting it fall back into his handsome face. Then he patted himself down checking for damage. Ahh, he was only a little toasted here and there but his clothes were scorched, he would have to change his outfit later. What injuries the trap had inflicted on him was healing rapidly.

Then the Red Warlock sobered, his eyes narrowed and his lips thinned. The NPC dared to attack him! The angry Ghost Lord glared at his nemesis, his visage transforming into a promise of death. He raised his right arm and pointed straight at the fearful Necromancer. "You have just made it personal, orc. I am coming for you next."

Mallarg was rooted to his spot, staring at Constantine. He did not understand how the Ghost Lord had survived his devastating inferno trap.

Constantine tried not to smirk when he remembered something. The orcs were superstitious, yes? Drawing himself up, he raised his voice for his captured audience. "I am the foretold Destroyer! You cannot change fate! Woe to those who flock to you, for they shall all feel my wrath!" That should make his supporters abandon Mallarg, he thought in glee. "There is nowhere you can hide in this or other realms, Necromancer. I will find you and obliterate your very existence!!"

The Necromancer stood rooted to the spot for a moment before turning abruptly and hurried away from sight. He was visibly shaken.

"How is it possible?" Jarrakg asked in awe. Now he too was frightened. The Ghost Lords really were immortal as the Legends say. They could not be killed. He had seen it with his own eyes. Wasn't the human Ghost Lord still standing in front of him unharmed after being burned alive?

Constantine turned to the shocked orcs. "No biggie. I have personal Shields on, yes? I don't want to get hit by stray fire blasts, no?" he explained to the two slack-jawed orcs. "I cannot die now. I have too many unfinished businesses to attend to."

"But you were burning! I smelled your flesh cooking ..." the Jarrakg gulped.

"He did get me a little," Constantine admitted ruefully, "but I've maxed out my Healing and have rare boosts. I don't need potions for little burns. Also, I am fast, yes? Within the first few micro seconds, I protect myself with my trusty Shields. I adapt quickly to the situation and I am in top condition, am I not? So I use this to our advantage and reduce him to a shivering pile of jello!"

Jarrakg frowned in confusion not fully comprehending the animated Ghost Lord's explanation. He also did not know what a 'jello' was but it must be a truly horrible punishment if the powerful Necromancer was reduced to that!

"You are the Destroyer."

"Ahhh, yes, that ..." Constantine coughed apologetically. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to get under his skin and scare him a bit. Do not worry, brave warrior, we are on the same side. If I am the Destroyer I can choose who I want to destroy, yes?" He winked conspiratorially at the worried orc.

"There will be no new hounds now until Mallarg recovers from his shock," the Overlord guffawed. "Quick, we must kill as many beasts as possible before they retreat."

"Oh? I thought Mallarg controlled them," Constantine said in surprise.

"No Ghost Lord," Jarrakg addressed the immortal Gate Keeper with newfound respect. "The Holy Seer says the lava beasts cannot be controlled, only unleashed. The Necromancer opens a portal to summon them, releasing the demons for a specific amount of time. He calls forth only as many as he can influence and stay safe himself. Then he reopens the portal to send whatever is left back to their demon realm. No one can really control the lava hounds. They exist only to kill."

"I see," the Red Warlock mused. "First we must kill the rest of these here for this wave. Then we must find a way to stop Mallarg from opening the portal again. We can't fight forever."

The Overlord nodded in agreement and glanced at the wall. It was still cold but he could see the rime and frost slowly melting away as Thalasis' spell wore off. The baying hounds had quietened. They could hear yips and snarls as the lava beasts jostled in readiness to push forward and pile their bodies up against the wall again.

"I think it is time for backup."

"What backup? We do not have any more warriors. All I have are already manning the walls, even the wounded. The maimed, mortally wounded and dying fill the Stronghold Infirmary."

"You do not have backup, but I do. Stand back. I will call the others. They will be here soon," he instructed.

"Any help is welcomed, human." The Overlord signalled Jarrakg. "Come. We fight while the Ghost Lord summons his allies."

"Yes, esteemed Overlord. The mangy dogs await death!"

Constantine watched as the two orcs restrung their bows.



"Call the others now. Tell them, here." Constantine sent the coordinates of his location to his familiar.

The girls should have some fun too. Kirana would kill him if she did not get any action soon, especially when she knew there was such opportunities in the orc realm. The more dangerous and brutal orc realm was a higher level domain. Fighting, Dungeoning and Questing in it gained Players much better Experience Points compared to the same activities in the human realm. That was how the boys had maintained their huge leads.

Constantine grinned, with the Valkyries' help, he was positive they could wrap this up soon.

He received a chirp in acknowledgement as Xico went to work.


"Ginggar! Vree! Kruk! It is time! Call your Chosens!" Xico screeched commandingly. He was the eldest Familiar.

"Time! Time! Time!" dooked Vree and Kruk.

"Chosen!" Ginggar rumbled in excitement for Kirana.

"Nyx and Jinx!" Xico pulled the two yet unChosen ones into the mind loop. Isis and Kirana had already joined. "My Chosen needs you. It is time to fight. Here." The majestic red falcon soared effortlessly in the clear blue skies above his home as he recited his Chosen's coordinates. He wanted to fight too. He missed the action. He missed his Chosen.

"Be comforted brother. We too are stuck here," came Anya's soft whine.

"I hate it. I want to bite somebody. Grrrrr!" growled Tania in frustration.

"Let's go hunting to pass the time."


"Let's go to your Chosen's Trial. I hear there are some unChosen Ones messing around there."

"Yesh!!" Tania's mental voice brightened at the prospect of biting a few unsuspecting butts. There had been a growing number of Heroes coming to spoil the sanctuary of the cursed one in the Ravine of Regret since her Chosen's departure from the human realm. The Heroes eligible for Valentine's Trial would barge in together, mess up the cursed one's shack and bring in all manner of animals into his domain to confuse him. There would be too many targets for him; the cursed one was at a disadvantage when the Players charged him together. Valentine had no time to upgrade his Trial but he would have to soon. Too many were copying Lazarus' gameplay.

Two familiars spoiling for a fight roaming the Trial would be a disadvantage to pranksters. Tania had authority as she was Valentine's familiar. He had given her full access and range in protecting what was his, and that included his home and his Trial. She was immune in her Chosen's Trial and so would Anya when she brought her in.

"Let's go!!" she howled excitedly. What a wonderful idea. Anya was a great sister! "Let's go help the cursed one!"


Aria looked up from the screen. Tears rolled down her cheeks but she was smiling jubilantly.

"Aria are you o'kay?" Chloe asked. Aria had been on the Gatekeeper's blog scrutinising every bit of information, combing the comments and chatting with fans.

"I am more than o'kay! Chloe! This wonderful person has found the 'Water of Life! I'm sure of it!! Why didn't we think of it?"

"Who? What?" Vera came over.

"Quick tell us!! Teeeeell me!" Sophia pleaded impatiently.

"Look!!" Aria pointed at the now very active group chat. The feed was zooming upwards as many fans congratulated and agreed with each other. They were discussing, confirming and finally coming to a consensus of the 'Water of Life' Item. It was unanimously agreed that the named Item was indeed the 'Water of Life'.

"We can't see anything. It's scrolling up too fast. They are all talking at the same time. Tell us Aria."

"The 'Water of Life' is the vampire's blood! The blood Item that Laz and Val got from the Vampire dungeon! That must be it! It's liquid and humans turn becoming immortal vampires when they are bitten, drained of their mortal blood and infused with a vampire's blood!!" Aria summed up the comments neatly, jumping up and shouting jubilantly in excitement. "They turn obtaining immortal LIFE!!"

"Oh my God. I think you are right!"

"Yes! It's so obvious!!"

"I can't believe it. It was right in front of us the whole time!"

"Laz and Val! They both have it in their Inventory!" squealed Chloe at the revelation.

"Chloe, tell Val NOW while I thank RenesmeeC."

"Oh! A hard core vampire fan! No wonder she caught the reference so fast!" Chloe clapped her hands in delight. She too had a thing for gorgeous pale-faced vampires.

Aria started tapping frantically on her keyboard thanking the fan. RenesmeeC may have just saved Laz.

Nyx : Thank you so much. I think you are right about the vampire's blood being the 'Water of Life'. We will give it a try. I will tell Lazarus and Valentine NOW.

RenesmeeC : Welcome! I love vampires and had just levelled up to be eligible to do the Vampire Dungeon. It occurred to me when I got the vampire's blood Item that it might be what you are looking for.

Nyx : I will post updates and pin it at the top so no one will miss it. I hope there will be good news soon.

Aria smiled when she hit the 'Enter' key posting her gratitude.

RenesmeeC : Ooooh! You pinned a thank you at the top and tagged me!

Nyx : Yes. Everyone should know it was you who figured it out. They should know what you did to help Laz. I will also get ALL the Gatekeepers to thank you too.

RenesmeeC : Thank you!! I would love that!

Vera and Sophia exchanged glances, their respective familiars had just summoned them.

"Chloe, Aria, finish what you are doing. We all have to go ingame. Constantine needs us."

Seconds later, Kirana was invoking Valkyries' Valour.


The four Heroes and three familiars spawned on the parapet next to the Red Warlock.

Kirana, Berserker, Level 85. Familiar, Ginggar, Polar Bear

Isis, Priestess, Level 82. Familiar, Vree and Kruk, Ferrets.

Nyx, Assassin, level 74.

Jinx, Berserker, Level 60.


The Captain who had just returned from the Infirmary after helping the wounded Seer there jumped in fright and swung his war hammer automatically.

Kirana jumped in front of Isis and blocked the war hammer with her enchanted spear. Aggressively, she twisted and jerked her weapon to unbalance the orc who fell stunned onto the stone floor. No one messed with a Berserker when she was level 85, battle ready and thirsting for blood. Ginggar reacted to his Chosen's stance, standing up on his hind legs and roared intimidatingly at the fallen Captain.

The Captain scrambled back a few paces at the huge ferocious bear. One swipe of those wicked claws and he might lose an arm.

"Stop! Kir! Ginggar! He is with us," shouted Constantine authoritatively.

Kirana retracted her stout spear smartly and called her familiar. "Ginggar! Good bear, you can stop growling now. He is not the enemy. There will be others to bite."

The Captain swallowed at his narrow escape and got up.

Jarrakg was staring open mouthed at Kirana. The savage human Berserker was back! The Ghost Lord was dressed in a sexy heat resistant black leather outfit with deadly looking studs; she was as beautiful and brutal as ever! And she had knocked his fully battle-trained orc Captain down with one blow. His black heart fluttered and pounded in his massive grey chest.

The Overlord gave a truly horrible grin to welcome the powerful reinforcements. Constantine had summoned four Ghost Lords and they brought beasts this time!! The enemy was so dead!

"Great entrance, Ghost Lords. You have arrived at a good time. We were just about to finish those dogs down there. Care to join us?"

Isis surveyed the battlements and took note of the fighting orcs she could see. Many manning their posts had ichor streaked bandages on. "You go ahead," she signalled to the rest of the Valkyries. "I will stay within the Stronghold and do what I can to help the wounded so they may re-join the battle. That should reinforce the army. I think I have my work cut out for me within what little time we have."

"Yes, we can manage here," said Kirana. "Do what you can. Good luck!"

The girls had discussed the optimum help they could give in the short time they had. Kirana, Nyx and Jinx would help Constantine defeat the lava hounds whilst Isis would heal as many wounded warriors as she could in the 15 minutes allotted to boost the orc army.

"Come. Vree, Kruk!" the Priestess called as she strode towards the nearest injured orc.

"Go with her," instructed the Overlord. He did not want his superstitious warriors to be alarmed by a powerful Ghost Lord casually strolling among them. They may mistake her as 'The Destroyer' and try to kill her, in turn getting killed themselves. He could not afford losing any warrior to misunderstandings. He needed all his warriors he had to last the endless siege.

"Yes Overlord!" the Captain saluted smartly banging his fist over his chest. He turned on his heels to follow the Priestess.

"No need. I can handle myself."

"It's not you I'm worried about," the Overlord said gruffly but did not elaborate further.

Isis smiled in acknowledgement. He was worried about his warriors. Let's see if she could improve the situation.

As the powerful Priestess walked, she pulled on her Energies and channelled them. Isis made her way through the busy orcs. She weaved her hands, muttering her healing magic and waved them at the weary and exhausted warriors. White healing light glowed from her open palms to flow outwards towards them. The soft glow enveloped them and faded leaving energised, healthy and whole warriors in her wake. Amazed, the revived warriors yelled battle cries, returning to the fight with enthusiasm.

The Captain shouted out in his native tongue. Short guttural barks coupled with curt military gestures explained her presence and put their fears to rest. The Ghost Lord is not the enemy. She is here to help. She will soon be gone with the others. The other Ghost Lords are with the Overlord. The foretold Destroyers are not here to destroy us. Stay at your posts. This wave will be over soon.

Isis alternated between white and green glows, energising the weary and healing the wounded. Word spread and the exhausted orcs along the walls waited in anticipation for her arrival. They were all tired and minor wounds were worsening from constant movement and aggravation. Isis moved as fast as she could.

"Vree, Kruk, take these to those who are wounded badly. Follow this path," Isis said as she handed small coloured vials to her ferrets indicating they should move ahead. "One each, no more."

"Yes, yes!"

"We can do that!"

"I will catch up soon. Do not break any."

"Yes, yes! Don't break any, Vree!"

"Not me! You!" Vree dooked indignantly back to Kruk as the two ferrets scampered off with their precious burden.

Isis kept an eye out on the two as she worked. Each scurried off aiming for warriors who had ichor soaked bandages on parts of their bodies. They bravely went up to the hulking giants, got their attention by standing on their hind feet dooking loudly or simply by jumping onto the grey ones. They dropped one vial in each huge open palm ready to scamper off if the warriors got the wrong idea and tried to squash them. But the little furry familiars need not have worried; military instructions and warnings were passed along very efficiently along the ranks.

The powerful Gate keeper worked quickly making her way from the ramparts to the supporting green orcs below. She knew there were more grievously injured ones waiting for her in the infirmary. If time permitted, she wanted to help those too. Soon, they were done. The Priestess called her familiars and proceeded to the sick chambers following the strong stench of ichor.

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