Chapter 126 - Isis

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The Captain hesitated before opening the great doors to the Infirmary.

"Captain?" Isis raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

"There are many terribly injured and even maimed. Most are dying. It is not a sight for a Ghost Lord."

"It is alright. I will heal as many as I can."

Still, the Captain did not move. He heaved letting out a breath as he made a difficult decision. He might forfeit his life for his imprudence but he had to try. He had to ask the Ghost Lord now or he would regret it forever. This was his only chance.

"My Lady Ghost Lord, if I may be so bold, could I ask for a boon?"

"Only if it is in my power and does not go against my convictions, orc," Isis' voice turned steely. He was wasting time. She had only fifteen minutes until she would be summarily expelled from the orc realm back into the human realm. Valkyrie Valour only lasted so long with each evocation.

"Could you ... could you save my mate? I saw her when I brought the Holy Seer down here. She is dying Priestess, she is half burnt and in terrible pain," the usually stoic orc choked with emotion.

The Captain's mate? Isis blinked then nodded decisively. "I will do my best but Thalasis comes first. Show me."

"Yes Ghost Lord. Thank you," the Captain said gruffly and opened the doors.

Immediately a strong stench of a mix of herbs, pungent ointment, foul ichor and burnt flesh wafted out of the room. Isis gagged and swallowed convulsively before putting on a brave face. Get a grip! She was a final year nursing student! An intern and one of the best in her batch too! She could deal with this. Just imagine it as on the job training, she told herself. You can do it, she gulped again and shuddered. Ughh!

The horrible sight that greeted her was seared into her brain forever. There were so many wounded that bodies were packed against each other. The huge injured orcs barely had enough space to lie down. All the beds, bunks and cots were full. Those freshly injured were simply lying or sitting on the floor, some leaning against walls, anywhere where there was a bit of space. Robed creatures weaved their way among the injured tending to them; Thalasis' acolytes. There was barely enough room to walk.

The atmosphere in the Infirmary was sombre. Most of the injured orcs knew they would not make it through the night but they were considered the lucky ones. A fate worse than death awaited the warriors who did survive, a maimed life without the ability to fight in honour for the Overlord. They would live a meaningless hopeless existence.

The Captain guided her past the groaning orcs to the Holy Seer's bed. Her corner was partitioned off with hastily erected drapes. He drew back the curtains to reveal the writhing Seer. Isis had heard what happened. Constantine had given her a brief outline of the clash of magics. He had also felt the backlash because Thalasis' spell had been built on his. Fortunately the Red Warlock had his special high grade Health potions for magical injuries. He had given her one but it seems that it did nothing for the Seer's health. Perhaps her rare species was resistant to normal potions.

The Seer looked normal except for the grimace on her reptilian features. Her clawed hands gripped and shredded the bedclothes as she tried to contain her internal pain.

"Close the curtains. It would not do for the warriors to see their Holy Seer in such pain. It would demoralise them even more."

"Yes, Ghost Lord," the Captain said respectfully. He stepped into the enclosed space carefully drawing the heavy cloth behind him.

Isis searched her Inventory. She needed a special brew. Constantine had described the horrible pain he had endured briefly before he devoured his potion. The Seer had magical internal injuries, her insides smouldering slowly as she burned from the inside. The Necromancer's sorcery was strong indeed.

Finally, she found what she was looking for. The Priestess retrieved a jar filled with a thick sparkling blue liquid. Even at her high level, she only had three of these rare Items. It was for non-human consumption. Isis gestured to the two aides and the Captain.

"Hold her down."

When they had taken their positions, Isis poured half the contents into the Seer's open mouth. She gurgled and choked, her forked tongue flicking out erratically as she hissed in pain. The Priestess sprinkled the rest onto the Seer's body which started glowing a light blue. She arched her body, struggling against the hands that held her down. Seconds later, Thalasis went limp. She shuddered one last time, a long sigh escaping her lips. Finally, she opened her eyes and sat up. Everyone released her limbs.

"How did you know? The internal injuriesss I had were not normal onesss."

"Constantine. He told me the symptoms."

"Thank you, Ghosst Lord. You have freed me from the terrible pain."

"You're welcome, Holy Seer. Rest awhile, I must go help the others while I still have time."

"No, there isss no time to resst. Othersss need me too." Thalasis struggled to sit up.

Isis nodded. The Seer will have to let the blue potion fully complete the internal healing as she worked. Turning her attention to the patient Orc Captain she said, "Show me."

The Captain turned smartly on his heels and hurriedly led the way to his dying mate. The Ghost Lord had healed the Holy Seer when everyone said there was no hope for her. Maybe she could perform another miracle and save his Hannak.

He slowed and knelt beside a horribly half burnt female orc lying on the floor. Patches of crusty blacken skin and crushed pungent herbs framed bleeding wounds and raw flesh. Half dried ichor smeared most of what was left of her scorched leather armour. Her face looked half melted and her rough hair was almost non-existent. It was evident that she had been burnt by a lava hound. Her eyes were closed but she was trembling in pain, bravely enduring her severe injuries. Isis could see ichor stained bone through charred flesh. Hannak had fourth or fifth degree burns. If nothing was done, she had only hours to live.

"Hannak, I am here." He did not touch her. Any physical contact would have added to her pain.

Black beady eyes opened slowly and tears leaked down her wide cheeks. "Leave me be, Vorrok. I am dying." She grimaced. Talking was hard; it stretched the melted skin on her face causing the taut skin to split. Fresh ichor trickled from her cracked lips. "Gakkk ..."

"Do not speak. I have brought the Ghost Lord. She will try to ..." Vorrok's gruff voice broke as he turned away and nudged Isis gently towards Hannak. "Please, help her. I will do anything. Just save her for me, Ghost Lord," he begged.

Without waiting any further, Isis selected a large vial containing a swirly green liquid from her Inventory. She moved nearer the injured orc. "Hannak, I am Isis. Drink. It will ease your pain."

Hannak smiled gruesomely letting out a pained sigh. "Will it kill me Destroyer? I long for death."

"No brave warrior. It will heal you to fight again by your mate's side."

Quickly Isis poured the contents into the warrior's gaping mouth. The concentrate healing potion was one of several she had experimented on and created for Lazarus when she thought it would help him but it did nothing against the nauk dzi vras. Still, it had proven effective against severe physical wounds.

Next she gathered her Energies. A soft green glow flowed from her hands to envelope Hannak. The Captain gasped in awe as his mate's gruesome injuries healed and closed rapidly before his eyes. Burnt flesh and crusty scabs became moist again and new grey skin grew to cover the raw flesh. Hannak's coarse hair grew back and her melted facial skin miraculously healed, warts and all. The stretched grey epidermis loosened forming folds on her neck and wrinkles on her face. She sighed in relief as the excruciating pains faded and she became whole again.

"Hannak!" Tears coursed down the Captain's face. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had hoped the Ghost Lord would save Hannak's life but he had never expected her to be completely whole again. Without another word, he embraced his mate in a bear hug. "Thank you, Ghost Lord. I am forever in your debt."

Isis smiled wearily; healing was a tiring but satisfying job. She retracted her hands and the healing glow faded. Hannak should be fully recovered in a few more seconds. She should move on to the rest. There were many more wounded here. She glanced up at the floating timer overhead; she had only five minutes left.

Hannak pushed her mate away. "Not here Vorrok. There will be time after we chase off this wave. I feel better than good," she said mischievously patting the Captain's thigh. "Thank you Ghost Lord. Vorrok is a mighty Captain and a fierce warrior but he is really such an orcling at times."

"I am not!" he growled hastily wiping tears from his wet face.

"Yes, you are my Vorrok and I would not have it any other way. Now, you finish your duty with the Ghost Lord and I will go do mine. The Overlord needs every warrior against those hell dogs."

"I will see you later then," the Captain said suggestively. "My duty is to protect the Ghost Lord whilst she makes her rounds. She will not take long."

"Much, much later. We have a war to fight."

"Report to the North wall. The Overlord is there with Jarrakg."

Hannak nodded and stood up. She raised her voice in the Infirmary to address the fallen warriors. "Stay strong! See? The Ghost Lord has saved me. She will heal as many as she can before she has to leave. I will wait for you at the courtyard for five minutes, no more. Come find me, we report to Jarrakg for new assignments and positions."

"We will fight again for the Overlord's glory!" Hannak roared passionately.

She raised her fist angling her body to face Isis and waited until all the wounded in the large chamber had raised theirs as well. Vorrok raised his in silence following her lead, his black eyes watering again.

"Honours to your clan Ghost Lord. Your help today will not be forgotten. Gwar! Gwar! Gwar!"

On an unspoken signal, all the orcs in the Infirmary thumped their chests smartly in salute to the human Priestess. The sound of hundreds of huge fists banging in unison was overwhelming. The military salute reverberated around the chamber. Gratitude shone on every face. They will not have to die here, maimed, useless and bleeding to death, She will give them another chance to fight and gain more honours for their own clans. They would die like warriors!

After the impromptu salute, the injured orcs settled down. But this time, hope shone on their rugged faces. Bravely, they endured their sufferings as they waited for the Ghost Lord. Hopefully she would have time to save them.

Isis, Priestess and revered Ghost Lord swallowed hard. She too was overcome with emotion. The awesome moment of gratitude and appreciation for her healing Skills was a feeling she would never forget. Quickly she pulled herself together. There were still many who needed healing. She had work to do now. She would wallow and enjoy the awesome moment later, again and again on Replay. Isis gave a small laugh. She might just wear out the Replay button.

"Your mate reports directly to Jarrakg? I thought Jarrakg was the Second-in command only after the Warlord."

"Yes she does," Vorrok, the Captain answered as he watched his higher raking mate marched to the large Infirmary doors. "Hannak is Sub-Commander, soon to be Commander," he said proudly. "Her Commander is dead and she is the best among the Subs under his command."

"Oh." The Orc chain of command was just as complicated as the human one. Maybe there was a difference, but she really couldn't tell. She did not know much about any of the armed forces other than that they were all brave, loyal and sacrifice much for their country. The few rogue ones did not count in her book.

Back to work, time was ticking.

As Isis worked frantically, male and female orc warriors rose healthy, whole and astounded from their death beds. She worked as quickly as she could, walking among the wounded with her arms wide open. Green and blue healing light flowed and spread from her out stretched arms to those around her.

Isis paused to open her Inventory. She checked one of the sub-folders, Folder 23 Runic No 7 Healing Potions Level 65 to 70. Yeah, it was the right one, the one she had more than over-stocked for Laz until he started enhancing her higher grade brews with the cursed saber's runes. He had experimented with it first informing her only when he confirmed it's effectiveness. Clever Laz. He had given her a copy of the symbols and his combinations. The Priestess had gotten it down to a science after trying Laz's variations and fine-tuning it on the lower grade standard brews. Potions and brews were her speciality. Now was the time to use the over-stocked enhanced healing potions. Quickly, she linked Vree and Kruk to it. Now, her familiars had access to the Folder.

"Vree, Kruk," she called.

"Here, here!"

"I am here too!"

The two ferrets bounded up to stand on their hind legs, nose twitching.

"We don't have much time. Listen carefully."

The two cocked their heads, eyes bright and alert.

Gently the Priestess caught them in one hand each and held them up to her face. She looked directly into their little bright eyes emphasising the importance of the mission.

"Take the potion to the wounded at the far end." She indicated the opposite end from where Thalasis was working her healing magics. "One bottle for each orc, no more. Give until there is no one else. Understand?" She let them down with a promise of meat treats when they got home.

With her healing from this end, Thalasis from the other and the two ferrets covering the far end, they should be able to heal most of the wounded here. When her time was up, any untreated would be left to Thalasis. The recovered Seer should be able to handle the smaller volume.

"Yes, yes. We go now."

"Heal the big scary monsters."

"They are not monsters. They are Awkkks."

"But the Awkkies are scary."

"They will not squish you. I am here. I will bite them if they do."

"But by then I will still be squished ..." came Vree's trembling squeak.

Isis shook her head slightly at her chattering ferrets dismissing their worries with an amused smile. She loved her familiars. They were so cute and naughty but still very reliable when the situation warranted it. She had no doubts their speed at completing their mission will save many orcs. They scampered out of sight and soon the potion count in Sub-folder 23 begun to drop.

The orcs near her started sitting up to test their newly healed limbs. Gashes from fangs and claws, and horrible burns from contact with the lava hounds closed. New skin generated under blue and green light stopping Ichor from flowing. One by one, the healed warriors got up, thanked the powerful Ghost Lord profusely and made their way to their waiting Sub-Commander.

Isis made her way down the isle of bodies and up the next. She exerted her Energies treating the wounded carefully; not too little or their injuries would not be completely cured but not too much either. An overdose would make the war like race even more aggressive. The priestess laboured silently, concentrating on the job at hand. Occasionally she drank to top-up her own Health and Energies. Healing was tiring work!

A bell which only Isis could hear chimed indicating time was almost up. She glanced up to see the last minute counting down by the seconds. Only a minute left! However the Infirmary was also almost empty. Vree and Kurk were still scampering at full Speed. Orcs held out their paws low for the furry ones, making it easy for them to drop a coloured vial before moving onto the next victim. She saw Thalasis moving and chanting but she was holding her chest. The Seer was still not fully recovered but had insisted in helping. The Overlord needed every able body urgently. Oh Gods, she was pushing it.

Leaving the dwindling number of patients to her capable familiars, Isis summoned her Energies for a healing blast. This was it. Healing the wounded was a bonus for the Overlord but her main mission had been the Seer. Taking her cue from her experience with the Seer earlier, she chanted a complicated spell waving her arms in an intricate pattern. Healing and revitalising the serpentine species was a special challenge. She focused sending the customised healing blast towards the exhausted Seer. Thalasis stopped mid-sentence, closed her slitted eyes and hissed a soft sigh. She straightened her posture, opening her eyes.

"Thank you Ghosst Lord! I am more than fine now." Thalasis looked around. There were no more patients. Amazingly they had managed to clear the Infirmary. They had managed to heal everyone and just in time too. The last of the fallen warriors were making their way to the doors. One had stopped bending down to give Vree something, thanking the small creatures for saving her life.

"Mhmmmm! Mhmmmmm!" Vree dooked in appreciation.

"Food? Food! Where is mine?" Kruk bounded up to sniff at Vree's reward. He looked at the orc.

"Here little one. Thank you for helping me and my comrades." The warrior caught Isis' attention before saluting smartly again and made her way to Hannak.

"Good job everyone! We have to go now!" Isis said. The timer was down to five seconds. The Priestess pressed a piece of parchment into the Seer's scaly hand. "Here. Learn this and make the brew. You have all the ingredients here, I checked. Tell your archers to dip their arrows into it before firing at the hounds. It should freeze them from the insides." Thalasis glanced at the parchment with great interest; on it was a formula with drawings. A formula for a legendary Ghost Lord's secret potion and she was giving it to her for free! What a precious gift.

"Oh my! Thank you, sso much but I have nothing to offer in return, Priestessss."

"No need Seer. It has been my pleasure and privilege to work with one as Skilled as you."

"And I you. I have learned much, Ghosst Lord."

"Keep in touch Seer. I will add you to my contact list."

"I do not undersstand but will be glad if we could maintain contact. Farewell Priesstesss. You are fading from ssight. Farewell little onesss. You help will be remembered by the clansss alwaysss."

Thalasis waved to the Ghost Lord until she faded from sight.

"She is gone," Vorrok said in awe.

"Yesss," the Seer replied a little sadly. "I wish we had more time together. There isss much I would like to assk and disscussss with her. Her healing techniquesss are quite different and her potionsss are ssimply wonderful."

The Seer took one last look around the empty chamber. It will fill up again soon she supposed. The siege was not over yet.

"I musst go learn thisss and make it." She clutched the precious parchment to her breast. "It musst be ready asss ssoon as posssible for usss to defeat the beastsss."

The Captain nodded understanding. "I will take my leave then, Holy Seer."

He bowed slightly, and then turned smartly on his heels. Before leaving, he called over a few green orcs instructing them to clean up and ready the place. There would soon be new occupants for the Infirmary.

The Captain left for the battlefront, leaving the Seer with her thoughts.

Thalasis stood preoccupied at the threshold. She had learned much from the Ghost Lord's brief visit. There was more than one way to help fight the war. Healing and restoring the wounded to the fighting ranks was better suited to her than trying to be at the battle front. Her powers were more effective here where she was truly needed. There was no need to crave credit and recognition. What truly mattered were the results.

She looked down at the secret formula in her hands. A wave of excitement washed over her. A Ghost Lord's potion! She was the first in the land to receive such a gift. She must use it well for the Overlord. Without wasting anymore time, she hurried to her workroom.

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