Chapter 127 - Valkyries

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The others watched as Isis walked towards the West wall. Her two little loyal familiars scampered in her wake. She would make her rounds to the West, South and East walls curing all she could before making her way to the Infirmary as planned.

"Yes, we can manage here," called Kirana after her. "Do what you can. Good luck!"

"Take care, Isis. We will take care of things here," assured Nyx.

Not waiting any further, the beautiful but impatient Berserker became all business-like. "Now," she said turning her full attention to Constantine, eyes glittering in excitement and anticipation, "where are the lava hounds?" She hefted her ornate war spear suggestively.

Jarrakg drew in a sharp breath and blinked. The Ghost Lord was as battle crazy as ever, just like how he had remembered her. She was not afraid of the demon dogs. In fact, she was spoiling for a fight. What a warrior! What a woman! Her only flaw was that she was human.

"Down there. Thalasis and I stalled them a bit but they should be recovering now and ready for another go at us soon."

The Overlord nodded. "Yes. We should annihilate them now that there are a few more of us." He glanced at the West wall where his injured warriors were recovering quickly as the Priestess walked by. They ripped off the now useless bandages, cracked their knuckles, loosened muscles and gripped their weapons grinning wickedly. The Stronghold's defence was strengthening already.

"Right. We will make two teams. I want to go down there where it will be easier to finish off the remnants. Kirana, I and ..." Constantine looked at the orcs. Should he ask Jarrakg or the Overlord to join them? He was the strongest and best fighter but he was the Overlord. He shouldn't deliberately put the orc leader in danger, right?

"I will join your team," Jarrakg interjected gruffly. This was his chance to fight alongside the beautiful savage Berserker ... even if the other Ghost Lord was there.

"Good. I will fight with these two Ghost Lords." The Overlord sized up Nyx and Jinx in a few moments. "They are good fighters too. You and I will fight up front," he said looking at Jinx who was twirling her wicked looking staff. The Berserker echoed Kirana's dangerous aura. She definitely did not shy away from close combat. Nice, a good warrior indeed. "And you cover us with your bow." He indicated Nyx. She had the dark one's vibe, the way she held her bow was telling. He understood that the dark one had trained her somewhat, but each warrior had their own style.

"No problem. I will cover you with my bow and switch to close combat if need be," Nyx replied confidently. The assassin too was eager for some action.

"Kill as many as you can. The more we kill, the more Mallarg will have to summon in the next round. That will make him expand more Energies." Constantine grinned. "The demon realm might not even want to send anymore here if all their hounds keep dying without the offered rewards."

"What rewards?"

The Red Warlock shrugged mysteriously. "Demons don't do favours for nothing, you know. Mallarg must have struck a deal to lure them here. Maybe he promised them easy prey, yes? The fear and deaths of their victims usually feed them. It will not be worthwhile if they keep dying," Constantine's grin widened. "Shall we go disappoint them?"

"Yes! Let's go."

The two teams formed and trooped down to the courtyard. Jarrakg signalled a hidden squad forward, the standby orcs that was hidden and ready for action in case Constantine's spell failed. "Go up. Battle formation 3. Cover us. The Overlord is priority, understand?"

"Yes Sir!!" The scarred Commander beat his chest. He understood perfectly. Protect everyone but if the time came when he had to make a choice, everyone was expandable except the Overlord.

Constantine's eyebrows rose incredulously as the warriors rush up spreading out to take their positions. He made a face and pouted at Jarrakg. "You didn't trust me!!"

"Apologies mighty Ghost Lord," the Second in Command said, "but I couldn't rely on only you and your magics alone. Mallarg and his packs of lava hounds are many and unfortunately, you are but one. I couldn't risk an undefended wall. The jaav ukon is in here."

" ... and you're on my team," the Red Warlock grumbled to himself.

"I trust you now, great Warlock. You have more than shown your prowess against the demon hounds. You are a great warrior indeed and I am honoured to be fighting alongside you." He bowed slightly to Constantine but cast a surreptitious glance at the fidgeting Barbarian; he couldn't wait to fight by her side.

"Yes, I am an excellent fighter, yes?" Constantine agreed somewhat mollified.

"On my mark!" The Overlord signalled. "Now! Open the gates!"

The heavy portcullis creaked upwards and great gates to the sealed Stronghold cracked open for the warriors. The six slipped through and separated, each taking a side. The Overlord, Nyx and Jinx will work from the left whilst the Constantine, Kirana and Jarrakg from the right. The orc squad was ready and in position to cover them from the ramparts.

After the teams went out, the iron grate slammed down and the solid gates closed with a shuddering thud behind them sealing the Stronghold once again. It would not open again until this wave was over. Those who went out would have to kill to survive or perish. It was the Overlord's command.

The two groups split.

"Constantine! Spell my spear," commanded Kirana. She glanced at the hulking orc warrior next to her and jerked her head in his direction, "And his battle axe too."

"Not even five minutes in and she is already ordering me around. I am a higher level!" Constantine grumbled under his breath but complied with the Berserker's demands. Bolts of Energy flashed form his hands to cover the weapons. The magical light faded just as fast as it appeared.

Jarrakg stiffened in surprised. His battle axe had become cold in his hands; the metal head had turned a lighter shade of grey. A strange foggy mist started emanating from the metal head, the sharp bit already glacial white. He glanced at the Berserker's spear. Her magnificent weapon had also lightened in colour and the same white mist floated from the wicked three pronged wavy tips. She was grinning recklessly.

"Let's go! I want to kill some monsters!" Kiana said excitedly. "Come warrior."

"Jarrakg. I am called Jarrakg."

Kirana laughed good-naturedly at the hulking orc. "And I am Kirana. Come Jarrakg. We are comrades this glorious today."

In response, he hefted his battle axe and returned a truly horrifying smile.

"Constantine! Back us up," cried Kirana. "C'mon Jarrakg! Time to fight. The beasts will not wait for us!"

The warrior orc cast a sidelong glance at the grumbling Constantine and his smile widened. The Red Warlock may be more powerful than him but she wanted to fight with him! Happily, Jarrakg followed the Berserker.

The lava hounds had seen a few enemies coming out of the fortress and had waited gleefully until they exited the ice zone. Growling menacingly they charged unknowingly to their deaths.

A few reached and pounced at the first group. Jarrakg immediately swung his battle axe, neatly slicing a leaping hound in half. It howled in defiance as it died. The orc winced as a few hot sparks flew to land on his grey hide when the body exploded. However, the experienced warrior did not stop but continued hacking and chopping at any dog that foolishly came within range. In Jarrakg's skilful hands, his enchanted battle axe cut open canine bodies effortlessly killing the horrors easily.

Kirana yelled a battle cry, hitting two fiery snouts consecutively. The lava hounds halted in their tracks, stunned and confused at the unconventional attack. Taking advantage of their temporary confusion, the Berserker whirled around for momentum to slash and pierce their necks savagely with her icy cold spear. Lava spilled out before they combusted. Turning gracefully, she speared a third oncoming demon directly in its gaping jaws. It's momentum forcing her backwards a few steps. Her long spear rammed lengthwise into the charging body until it could go no further. Grunting, Kirana lifted the dying hound bodily into the air and tossed it onto its brethren.

"Hah!! Look at that puppy go!!" Kirana laughed wildly revelling in her borrowed Valkyries' strength.

Jarrakg looked, his gaze following the flying hound before returning briefly to the exuberant Berserker. He noted that she ignored several burns and scratches where claws had managed to mar her fair skin. Red blood trickled from her wounds. Her hair too was a little singed, the burnt ends curling wildly from her golden tresses. She was almost perfect before but now that she was marked by battle scars, she became even more appealing to him.

Ginggar had strutted out of the Stronghold with his Chosen. Upon Kirana's silent command he stood up on his hind legs making chomping sounds with his teeth; a warning. He bellowed aggressively, bearing his sharp teeth and snapped his powerful jaws. "I am scaring them, see? I am bigger and stronger!" he gloated when he successfully intimidated a few hounds near him. They automatically flattened to the ground submissively whining before remembering their goal. Within a few seconds, the demon hounds sprang back up growling.

"Now Ginggar! Careful of the lava."

"Yes! Be careful of hot lava!" agreed the big white bear happily. He was fighting with his Chosen and he would protect her. Grrrr!!

He attacked in sync with Kirana. As her spear whacked on more sensitive noses, Ginggar swiped at leaping hounds ripping their sides with his powerful claws. Deep gashes appeared and lava flowed from open wounds. He roared and kicked the wounded bodies. Loud cracks could be heard as ribs snapped and bones broke. The enemy started exploding around the familiar.

"Aaaaiiiieee!!" screamed Kirana when a claw gashed her back. She whirled around to stab the culprit through its chest before flinging the carcass to the side.


"Fight! I am o'kay," Kirana sent mentally as she gulped down a potion.

Ginggar gave a deep throated bear moan instantly becoming even more aggressive. Those dogs dared to hurt his Chosen! They will pay! He immediately pounced on one clawing and snapping his jaws. He crunched bones letting go quickly once the job was done to avoid prolonged contact. Fleeting physical contact was o'kay but he had to be careful. Although his thick white fur provided some protection, the polar bear was vulnerable to burns too. Spotting another two, Ginggar ran after them slamming them with his full body weight, all 1,200 pounds of him. He got up quickly after squishing them, leaving the broken bodies to disintegrate. His snowy white fur was now scorched in some places and traces of red blood streaked his coat.

"Awoooonnnuuuu!!!" Ginggar glared and bellowed threateningly on hind legs, clawed paws swiping in the air. He followed up by more loud bear-moans before resuming his attacks. There was not that many to choose from now. The enemies' numbers were thinning rapidly. The Overlord's team was hard at work too, killing as many as Constantine's team by the sounds of constant whines, barks and howls from the far side.

At Kirana's cry of pain, Constantine and Jarrakg were both instantly by her side.

"Gah! Go away and give me some space to fight. You're crowding me!" she scolded both of them.

Jarrakg grinned lopsidedly at the Berserker before lunging at another hound. She was alright and still battle crazed. His black heart flip-flopped in his broad grey chest.

"Crazy orc," she muttered.

Constantine moved away after checking that the Berserker was fine. He had marked a pack of hounds. Kirana was killing quite a number!

The Red Warlock, not to be outdone by the Berserker immediately got busy. Icy blasts gusted from his open hands. The bluish magical winds blew strongly onto a pack of five, enveloping them briefly. Snarls and growls were cut off as muzzles froze and globs of saliva solidified in their throats to choke the half frozen demons. He finished off with another blast of intense cold, completing the frost spell. When the dogs exploded into pixels the ground they vacated was still frozen.

By the time his five hounds died, Jarrakg had killed another three and Kirana another two.

The three worked together always mindful of each other. Their competitive natures driving the Kill count upwards without pause. Slowly, a clear space opened behind them as littered canine bodies exploded and detonated around the trio.

On the other side, the Overlord, Nyx and Jinx were also pulling their weight.

"Frost," Nyx addressed her crossbow. Her ebony bow glistened in response and her arrow tips turned glacial. At level 74, she too had learned a few tricks. Her Research trees were catching up to her mentor's. Upon Lazarus' advice, she had religiously Researched all her trees; Hero, Skills, City and Weaponry being the main ones. The others she did so to maintain a balance to her overall game.

"Auto reload crossbow," she said softly thinking of Laz. Silently she thanked him for another time saving tip, it added to her Hero's attack Speed. Proper management of her Keep's finances made it possible for subtle ingame perks like 'auto-reload' and 'auto-renew Shield' for her City. Not everyone could do it as gold was often times squandered on frivolous fashion trends and beautiful extravagant but useless city decorations. Most Players did but he had thought her moderation and planning as part of his strategy training.

Jinx, Berserker Level 60 smiled broadly and gripped the solid spear in her hands. "Unbreakable tip," she evoked a weapon enhancer. It was a good occasion to use the rare Item. Under Kirana's occasional tutelage, she too had levelled up to be a formidable Berserker. She hefted her spear confidently. It had become her preferred weapon just like Kirana.

"Anytime you are ready Overlord," Jinx invited.

The Ghost Lords held back but went into action upon the Overlord's first Kill.

The Overlord swung his mighty war hammer with ease, killing expertly. Each lethal blow was dealt precisely at vulnerable spots. Skulls and ribs cracked, whilst whole spines and hind legs were smashed unceremoniously by the enraged Overlord. He left only the dead and dying in his path of destruction. Those within the Stronghold now saw first-hand their Overlord in action. He was proving again why he was the Overlord of the orc realm. No orc watching from the ramparts could deny his bravery, brute strength and sheer power in battle. His decisive movement in close combat was inspirational to his warriors.

The Overlord tried to command the two Ghost Lords but soon gave up. His habit of yelling instructions to his warriors to synchronise them with his movements in battle was largely ignored by the two girls. He gave up when he noticed they did not need instructions. The experienced human fighters were alert and aware of each other's movements, including his. They had automatically spread out to give his war hammer space but kept in a loose formation on either side of him. He had never fought with such as these. The Ghost Lords truly lived up to their reputation.

Frosty arrows shot out at top speed embedding themselves into hot bodies even before the Overlord's first lava hound had exploded. Nyx's hands blurred as she shot arrow after arrow with uncanny accuracy. Her Speed picked up as she got into rhythm.

Three to four well-placed frosty tips each from an over-powered crossbow was more than enough to damage the hounds. Half-frozen lava blood locked their limbs essentially making them useless. Huge fiery bodies cooled at phenomenal rates, causing some to implode. Others hit with fewer arrows were left to die a slow death as their temperatures dropped more slowly. They lay whining where they fell unable to get up. Their pack mates ignored the fallen. They were too busy surviving the deadly rain of icy arrows from the Assassin's bow.

Jinx attacked savagely, running fearlessly up to a hound. When it came within range she double-thwack the fiery canine on its head and neck. Before it could recover, it was already dead. The Berserker had sliced open its belly with her spear's serrated steel tip.

"One down more to go!!" Jinx yelled to no one. Without wasting any time, she parkoured to get leverage and bore down onto another hound. Her spear pierced its back easily skewing its heart. The Ghost Lord's weapon slid into the glowing body until the spear head protruded from its chest. Sharp teeth snapped menacingly as the hound turned its head to bite the human on its back but it was too late. Jinx jumped off yanking her spear out roughly after her. A few drops of lace sprayed onto her exposed arm.

"Owwww! Hot, hot, hot!" Quickly, she retrieved and splashed a pale blue liquid on herself before going after her next target.

The warriors on the rampart covered their Overlord and the other warriors. Arrows rained down as they concentrated on killing enemies which were further from the two teams. Down below, all spotted some form of injury. Burns, bite marks and gashes from sharp claws marked those in close combat. Clothes, armour and fur were streaked with blood and soot.

"Almost time!!" Kirana yelled startling Jarrakg. The bell alarm had chimed, one minute left.

"No problem! There is not many left," Jinx shouted back as she deftly skewered a canine body.

The Overlord looked up from his frenzy. The clearing in front of the Stronghold was clear. He counted less than fifteen remained ... umm, thirteen he amended as Nyx's arrows and Constantine's blast killed another two.

"Let's finish this!"

In the next thirty seconds the enemy was vanquished.

The Overlord swung his war hammer non-stop in a series of deadly arcs. Lava hounds howled as their heads were bashed and their bones broken. White magical blasts froze and chilled the demons in their tracks killing them instantly as Constantine launched a final spell. Kirana jabbed, stabbed and slashed with her spear, twirling the weapon on her tiny waist expertly to spear another on her left.

The second-in command awed by his crush's fighting prowess hit out at oncoming dogs. It was time to show her his fighting prowess. He grabbed one by its jaws wrestling it to the ground. Using brute strength, Jarrakg smashed its chest with a few well-placed powerful orc punches. He jumped up as soon as it was dead. Although his thick hide protected him somewhat from the intense heat, he came away slightly burnt, his fists and knuckled covered in ichor ... but it was worth it. Kirana was looking at him admiringly.

"Cover me!" Jinx called out to Nyx. The last three hounds were nearest them. Jinx sprinted forward spear angled. The Berserker slashed one leaving it bleeding molten lava to attack another. Quickly she speared it, yanking out her spear savagely the next second to whack the last one hard on its head. It whined in mid-snarl extending its claws to catch Jinx on her thigh. Three deep bloody gashes appeared on the Berserker's creamy skin.

"Arrrrghhh!" she screamed in pain and fell to her knees.

The fiery demon pounced for the kill but never touched her again. It exploded in mid-air with three of Nyx's arrows in its belly. The Assassin had shot each lava hound after Jinx had wounded it. The display of flying arrows hitting each beast behind the fast moving Berserker was awesome. They made a great team.

"Potion?" Nyx asked Jinx tossing her a small vial.

"Thanks," the Berserker accepted with a smile. The next instant she was standing proudly again, fully recovered.

The Overlord watched the Ghost Lords' flawless teamwork in amazement. If only his warriors could fight like that. He would have to talk to Jarrakg and Kalthu about a new training program, one that required warriors with mixed skill sets and specialisation to work in teams.

Thirty seconds, the timer pulsed above the Valkyrie's screens.

"Thirty seconds!" announced Jinx.

"Go with my thanks Ghost Lords. You have saved us this wave."

Kirana walked up to Jarrakg. "You're hurt. Here." She threw him a vial. "Drink and heal great warrior."

The second-in command caught the small bottle deftly but winced in pain when it hit his burnt palm.

"Opps. Sorry."

"It's okay. Thank you Ghost Lord ... Kirana," he replied awkwardly. She had called him great warrior! A strange feeling built and burst in his chest making him feel warm all over. He hoped his heart did not just burst. He needed it to live.

"Drink," she commanded tilting her head up to stare him directly in the eye. Her stance showed that she expected to be obeyed.

"Ugh, yes..." Quickly Jarrakg unstopped the bottle and drank. The pain in his hands faded as his skin regenerated and healed. Wow, the Ghost Lord's magic brews worked wonders. Stealthily he tucked the empty vial into his belt. He was going to keep that, a precious keepsake. She had given it to him.

Kirana smiled at the huge warrior. "Farewell and stay safe. Until we meet again. Fighting here is freaking awesome!!" she finished with a yell. Then she turned to Constantine. "Take care of him! Keep him alive!"

Constantine stared back at her. "What? Why should I do that?"

"He's awesome and special. Jarrakg is my first orc friend! I didn't make one in Season One. I may not get another chance. Laz and Val have Kalthu. Jarrakg is mine!"

"He can take care of himself!" the Red Warlock grumbled.

The three girls gathered as the countdown to the last few seconds blinked overhead.

Five, four, three ...

"Bye!!" shouted Jinx waving her spear.

"Farewell!!" Nyx smiled at those being left behind to continue the exciting siege. She and Nyx had levelled up with all the Kills. Each Kill here was worth much more XPs than the Kills in the human realm.

Two, ONE!!

"Take care of him!!" Kirana pointed at Constantine then at Jarrakg, her very own orc. "I'll be watching!" She warned the pouting Warlock who stuck his tongue out at her.

The Overlord, his second-in command and Constantine watched as the girls faded out. In the next few seconds, they were left alone in the scorched landscape.

A loud cheer rose from the watching warriors as the Stronghold gates creaked open to admit the victorious warriors back in. 

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