Chapter 13 - Surprises

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Ash caught the girls nudging each other in class the next day. They were stealing glances at Jace and giggling. What was so funny?

The blond boy turned to his best friend next to him. Jace was fast asleep. Ash grinned. Oh. I see.

Jace had his head propped up with one hand. His eyes were closed. His dark hair fell over his forehead partly covering his face. He looked very calm and serene in that pose. Oh and very handsome too. Just look at that jawline, look at those slightly fluttering lashes, look at those lips.

Ash grinned mischievously. This was awesome, what an opportunity! He took out his phone and snapped several pictures. He winked at the girls and signed with his hands. Who wants the close-ups of a sleeping Jace?

They blushed and giggled. Hands rose shyly as one by one they requested Ash to forward the snapshots. He gave an 'okay' sign, circling his thumb and forefinger at them.

Just then, a strong male voice called out to Ash startling him.

"Mr.Kholl, is there something you would like to share with the class?"

Ash froze. "Umm, no Mr.Khan, I'm good. Thanks."

"Would you be so kind as to wake Mr.Carter up?"

"Yeah, sure thing, Mr.Khan."

He nudged Jace.

"Jace! JACE! Wake up," Ash hissed under his breath.

Jace opened his eyes, blinking sleepily at Ash. "Huh? Sup? Where am I?"

Giggles and amused snorts answered his questions. Oh. He was in class.

"Mr.Carter, thank you for joining us again. Now please tell us what exactly is the 'Equilibrium' in an open market."

Jace shrugged, and covered a yawn behind a hand.


Where was he? Oh Economics class. He yawned again and ran his hand through his hair getting it out of his face.

"It's the point where demand and supply meets."

"Good. And where exactly is it?"


"Yes Mr.Carter. Please tell me exactly where the Equilibrium in an open market is."

"I don't know. There is no exactly, is there? I thought it was always changing according to the market forces."

Ash chuckled. "What he means is, it's not a fixed spot because people's desires keep changing." He winked at Chloe. "But I'm sure I can supply what is demanded of me."

"Hmm, I'll let it go this time, Mr.Carter but the next time I catch you sleeping in my class ..." Mr.Khan said ominously.

"And as for you Mr.Kholl, please keep your raging hormones in place, or at least outside my class. Miss Chase is a lovely young woman, I am sure she has a wide variety of choices many suppliers can offer her. You do not have a monopoly on her ... yet," he continued indicating Chloe, making Ash splutter and Chloe blush furiously in embarrassment as the class erupted in laughter.

Aria laughed along with them but she was looking at Jace. God, he looked so cute when he was smiling sleepily.

"Okay people, settle down. We have another five minutes." Mr.Khan waited for his students to quieten down before smiling evilly and yelling out, "New assignment!!"

Everyone groaned.

"I want a fifteen page report ... or at least five thousand words ..."

The groaning increased.

"... on 'What can affect the Equilibrium in an open market and why.' You can use charts, graphs and diagrams. Make sure it's not a picture book! Put some words in there, at least 75%. Give me some examples and scenarios if you can manage it. No plagiarising, please, or you will be penalised. This assignment adds to 10% of your final marks, so put some effort into it."

"Make sure it is in proper English I can understand not some gibberish. Do not use slang or abbreviations. It is an assignment you will be graded on not a text message. Bear in mind, if I can't understand you, I can't give you the marks."

"You have three weeks to do it. Thank you." Mr.Khan smiled broadly at his class and continued packing away his materials. He loved teaching these bright young minds. He was genuinely proud of his absolutely lazy brood. He smiled encouragingly at their long faces as they filed past him. They were all thoroughly depressed at his latest assignment. The class disbursed as his glum students trudged out the room.

"I hate Economics," Ash sighed. "Maybe more than Maths right now."

"Then why are you here?"

"Cos you're here," Ash replied simply. "Long night?"

Jace yawned again. "Yeah, I didn't get a wink last night."

Ash's eyes brightened. "Orc Wars?"

"I did it. Your crazy cursed warrior is now a free man."

"Really?!!" Ash stopped walking. "How many times did you die last night? Are you still Level 74 or did you level down some more? You were close to Level 73 yesterday," he asked curiously.

"I didn't die, but I had to wait for him patiently. He really took his time, all night in fact." Jace shook his head ruefully. "He kept holding the saber and spacing out. I had to wait for him to put it down before I could steal it."

Ash whistled. "Wow."

"Give me a lift to Court?"

"It's today?"

"Yeah. Not looking forward to it."

"Want me to tag along?"

"No, it's okay. Mum promised to be there."

"Okay. Good luck."


Incoming message.

'Meet me at Karl's bakery? I want to talk to you. Don't tell Jace. I want it to be a surprise.'

Ash's eyebrow's shot up. Don't tell Jace? Surprise? Hmm. What was she up to?

He had just dropped Jace off at the courthouse. Surprisingly Dr.Anderson and Jace's lawyer, Mr.Connelly were waiting for him. They were going to have lunch before his case. Looks like Dr.Anderson was really making an effort, taking time out from her busy schedule for Jace.

Ash waved and drove downtown to the bakery's. Rose went to a different school as she was two years their junior. She was waiting for him when he entered the pastry shop.

"Hello Ash," she said with a smile. "Thanks for coming."

"Hi. No problem."

He sat down opposite her and ordered a drink. She was picking at a muffin.

"What's up?"

"It's about Laz. I spoke to Vera."

Ash winced. "He told me not to say anything to you. He doesn't want you to worry."

"C'mon Ash. Just because I'm not playing anymore doesn't mean I don't care. You saw how he was the other night. I can help him ... in game."

"In game? What do you mean?"

"I want to play. I'll create a new character and go in to help him."

"It won't be the same you know. It won't be virtual. You will be a normal MMORPG player."

"I know but I have to do something even if it just researching medicine or making potions to help him like Isis," she said sadly. "I want to help in any way I can but the Game is still so expensive."

Ash smiled at her. "You really care for him don't you?" He didn't know of any gamer who would waste time and energy just to support another avatar.

"I love him, in virtual and in real life."

Her simple heartfelt statement touched him. Ash shook his head. He wondered if his friend knew how lucky he was.

"I know a guy. He owns a Gaming store. Maybe he could sell it to us at a lower price."

"Really?" She asked hopefully.

He grinned suddenly. "Yeah. He owes me ... us, big time."

"Us? Who?"


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