Chapter 14 - Lucifer

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A loud jingling of bells at the front door announced the customers. Ash and Rose walked into the cool interior. Computer games of all kinds were being sold. Gaming accessories and spare parts were arranged neatly on shelves and cases.

Business was good. Steven was busy attending to a group of teenagers and did not see who walked in. A store assistant approached them.

"Hi, I'm Amanda. How may I assist you?"

"Hi. We are just browsing, thanks." Rose smiled at Amanda.

Ash asked, "Is that Steven, the store Manager?"

"Yes, he is the owner here. Do you want to talk to him?"

"It's okay. We are in no hurry. We'll wait for him to finish."

"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Amanda waved and went over to help a man who was looking at gaming consoles.

Steven finally finished with the group. Ash peeked curiously. They had bought 'Orc Wars' and had been asking for tips. The game was really popular and was flying off the shelves even at it's current high price. They went out talking excitedly among themselves. Newbies, Ash grinned.

He went up to Steven.

"Hi, I'd like to buy 'Orc Wars', I heard it was a cool game."

"Yeah, it's an awesome game ... Aaarrrhh!!" Steven yelled in fright as he raised his head from the register and saw who it was. He recognised Ash.

"Nice to see you again Lucifer." Ash took a step forward and leaned over the counter menacingly.

"Now, now, Ash. I-it was just a game," he stammered. "I was testing variables, you know? I didn't mean for it to turn out like that." He retreated until his back hit the wall behind him which wasn't very far.

"Testing? TESTING!! You knew what the game meant to us!" Ash hissed.

Several people glanced their way.

"Shhh, don't make a scene. You'll scare away my customers!"

"You betrayed us and almost got us all killed. We could have been eliminated. And you went over to plot with Varbuk?!" Ash almost snarled.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry man. I wanted to see what my avatar could do and see the other side's  perspective. Those NPCs are really smart! Did you know they auto-learn from experience and interaction. Their algorithms are amazing ... when the orc ..."

"Steven ..." Ash cut him off impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah I'm sorry okay? I'll make it up to you guys if I could but Season One is over. I died and I didn't even get to see what weapon hit me. It was amazing, no traces was left, just a flash and boom I was dead."

Ash grinned, "I know. Shot with a light bolt."

"You? You killed me?" His charcoaled eyes widened.

"You betrayed us. I had to get you." Ash shrugged and grinned. "By the way, thanks for helping me complete the Kill Hero quest."

"You're welcome I supposed." Steven dropped his voice, "Does that mean we are even? You didn't come here to rat me out did you? If people knew I was Lucifer, they would hate on me. Business might suffer."

"C'mon. I'm not like that. We're even. I wouldn't dream of making trouble for you in the real world."

Steven sighed in relief.

"... but you and her. You guys are not even." He pointed to Rose.

She looked familiar. Steven was positive he had seen this pretty girl somewhere.

"Who are you? You look familiar ... "

Rose stared at him. As she heard their exchange, all the memories came flooding back to her. The anger, the despair and loss she felt when Lazarus died. Her face took on a sinister look.

"You killed him and made me look like a traitor. He died in my arms!" She couldn't help it, her voice cracked. A tear slid down her cheek.

Steven looked at her in horror, recognition dawning upon him. "Silhouette?" he asked in a ragged whisper. His nightmares were coming true. The last time he had seen her, she was half burnt, covered in blood and was in a killing rage. She had come to take her revenge on him, in the real world. He gulped.

Ash held her back. If looks could kill, he would be dead right now.

"I'm sorry, Silhouette ..."

"It's Rose," she said with a sigh as she recovered herself and recalled where she was. Her shoulders slumped and she wiped away a tear.

He tried again. "I'm sorry, it was more of information gathering and testing out the game for me. I joined your party to get a feel of grouping and teamwork. If there is anything I can do to make it up, I would."

He looked genuinely sorry.

"It's okay. It's already past and the Season One is over."

"Actually ..." Ash cut in, "... there is something you could help us out with."

"Huh? What?"

Ash wiggled his eyebrows and gave him his most charming smile. "We would like a copy of 'Orc Wars', but we can't afford it at its current price. We are only students, you know. Maybe you could give us a special discount?" he asked hopefully.


Steven stood dumb struck. Valentine and Silhouette were in his store. They were not going to kill him.

Steven's business mind was working, an idea forming in his head. He ushered them, "Come, follow me. I've got a business proposition for you."

"Hey Paul! Take care of the store, I'm going to the back for a while!"

"Okay," came the reply from a blond boy in front.

They followed Steven to the back into a relatively spacious room. The 'office' which consisted of two messy tables and a steel filing cabinet took up one corner. The rest of the room was filled with neatly stacked merchandise.

"Here's the deal," Steven started after they had found mismatched chairs to sit on. "I will give you an original copy of 'Orc Wars' for free if ..."

Rose's hand flew to her mouth as she sucked in her breath, her hazel eyes bright with hope. Ash crossed his arms, "If?"

"... if you two sign copies of the Game. Signed copied of 'Orc Wars' by the winners of Season One will be collector's items." His eyes gleamed with greed. "Imagine, people will fight to own the game signed by Valentine or Silhouette. Everyone knows you! You two are celebrities! Everyone will flock to my store!"

Steven was in dreamland, "And later if you could get the other's signatures ... Constantine, Lazarus, Kirana, Isis ..." He hugged himself. He wanted to jump up and start dancing. His store would be famous.

"Sorry, I can't," Ash said immediately dashing his hopes. "I'm under contract with Simtrixx. We all are, no signature, promotions en cetera without Simtrixx's express permission or authority."

Steven's face fell. "Awww."

"... but, Rose isn't, right Rose?"

Steven turned to Rose, hope rising again in his chest. She smiled, "Right. I can sign one for you for a copy of the Game."

"Deal!" Steven jumped up. "Thank you! Thank you!"


Rose sat waiting for her computer to finish downloading Orc Wars. She couldn't wait to create a new character and see what she could do to help Jace. Once in the Game, she could get a real feel of what was happening. Even if it was MMORPG and not virtual, she could still help.

Her computer beeped.

Oh! Done. That was fast.

She logged on and put on her head phones. When the Orc Wars theme started, she smiled in nostalgia. It was the same theme Simtrixx had used during Season One.

Rose watched the beautiful graphics flash on her screen. A deep mournful voice read out the storyline. Sweet sorrowful music played in the background. She smiled. Nice.

The Age of the Orcs were no more, the Prophecy had come true. The valiant Ghost Lords had appeared as foretold to vanquish the foul orcs. The lands were free once more, it was time to salvage what was left of the war torn land and rise again.

Decades under the orc oppression had left the lands neglected. For who could train and fight against the wild monsters when one was trying to survive? The monsters had free reign and had re-spawned to unimaginable numbers. Now That they were free of the orcs, the people had to deal with the monsters (Bosses) scattered throughout the lands. Some roamed freely while others had carved out dwellings for themselves (Dungeons).

There were still a few orcs in the land, left behind by their brethren, survivors of the war. They hid and roamed the lands biding their time.

Many Ghost Lords had appeared to save their land but freedom had come with a cost. Out of the hundreds that rose, only seventeen survived. The five strongest took up the mantle of Gatekeepers, guarding the Portal between the two realms. The other twelve were scattered throughout the lands to guide the coming Ghost Lords with the monumental task or ridding the lands of the monsters.

Those who grow strong enough can take the Gatekeeper's Trials for usage of their Orbs to pass through the Portal and fight the enemy in their homelands.

Find and take the Life Stone which they had stolen. Only then can our realm truly recover from the ravages from the war torn past.

Come! Join us in our quest to restore our Realm. Come be a Ghost Lord and fulfil your destiny!

Okay. Now to create an avatar. Rose scrolled down.

"Oh! Simtrixx has added some basic skills!" she exclaimed in delight.


Tough, strong, good fighter, good with weapons and close combat


Brave, loyal, heroic, good with hand weapons and close combat, able to adapt quickly


Agile, stealthy, heightened senses, good with long ranged weapons


intelligent, good with sorcery, magic and natural elements, able to summon pets


heals and fights with herbs, poisons and natural forces, able to heal others


mercenary, good fighter, good with hand weapons and close combat, risk taker

"Which one, which one?" she muttered to herself as she tried to decide between the Healer and the Rogue. Her cursor paused at the Rogue, it had been her first avatar in Season One. Silhouette had been a Rogue.

"No. I need to help Laz." That had been her main purpose in getting the game wasn't it? She dragged her cursor decisively to the Healer and clicked. Quickly, she created her avatar and customised it.


Althea meant 'with healing power'. Perfect. She had searched for a meaningful name for her avatar. She was here to help Lazarus but also because she missed the Game.

She sent Isis a message introducing herself and sent her a friend request. She needed to level up quickly in order to unlock certain Healers abilities and skills, including the one to create her own potions. Only then could she be a real help to Lazarus. Isis was an established Healer. She had upgraded to Priestess at level 50 in the games. She would need Isis's help and experience to do some power levelling.

She smiled to herself. She would only reveal herself to Lazarus when she could be of real help to him.

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