Chapter 151 - Home

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The Battle Master and Keeper greeted Lazarus when he appeared at the gates.

"My Lord! You are back!!" exclaimed the Keeper with tears in her eyes.

"Welcome back boy!" said the Battle Master gruffly. His young lord had made it. Thank the Gods.

"Yeah, it's good to be back."

Lazarus smiled and waved at several NPCs who shouted greetings at their long lost Lord enthusiastically. It was so good to be home.

"I've got news. I have brought back a monster from the orc realm. She is under my protection and will not harm anyone here. Inform Illia (Keeper) and Adam (Battle Master) in my other City. This includes them as she will be free to move between both Cities."

"Yes, My Lord," said the Keeper briskly. Finally she had some good news to tell her daughter. Previous communications had been about their Lord's deteriorating health and continued absence. Illia had been so relieved when Lazarus recovered from the nauk dzi vras.

"A monster? Ahh, you mean like Pixel? The stallion came here a few times looking for you My Lord. I gave him some hay and treats."

"Thank you."

He should visit Pixel and see how his blue tailed friend was doing. Maybe now the proud NPC would let him ride him? Then the Assassin grinned. Wishful thinking. A proud stallion with his own herd did not let anyone ride him.

"She is the Bello who saved me. Her special toxin countered the orc's poison," continued the Assassin. "She will arrive soon with Anya. Do not be alarmed, she is quite big."

"How big?" asked the Battle Master.

"She is quite large ..." said Lazarus absent-mindedly as he touched the air directly in front of him.

The veteran fighter waited patiently for his Lord's answer. He was used to the Ghost Lords' way by now. Lord Lazarus had that intense expression on his face and his fingers were busy tapping the empty space in front of him. The boy was in the midst of exercising his Ghost Lord's powers.

"Hmmm ..." Lazarus pursed his lips.

He needed to buy the grids with the lake behind the mountain so that it would be part of his City. If he did not, it would remain free land and the Bello in it would not be under his City's direct protection.

"... I think we will need the lake behind the mountain, the one with a river branch running through the City. She lives in water."

Quickly he checked his Treasury, highlighted the grids and bought the large clear lake. He was careful to include the two paths leading to it and ensured that it joined directly to his current City grids. Now it was possible to follow the river straight to the lake without having to exit the City gates. Two new sentry posts were created at the paths leading to it marking it as Lazarus' territory.

Purchase successful. Lord Lazarus's City has been expanded.

The corresponding grids turned green. Lazarus winced when the gold count dropped. The Keeper was going to kill him.

"Which part of the lake?" asked the Battle Master.

"She will need the whole lake."

The old veteran's eyebrows shot up. That big?

Lazarus chortled at the warrior's reaction. "Not to worry old friend. She is our ally and friend. Her allegiance is to me."

He nodded. "I will make preparations and send word out that the creature arriving with the wolf is friendly." Then he broke into a smile, "If she is anything like Anya, the kids will have a field day. They love Anya."

The Gatekeeper smiled. The kids bullied Anya and she loved the attention ... and the not so secret titbits. They would probably spoil the Bello too once they got to know her. The wild Boss could be affectionate and seriously clingy.

"Here they come."

Anya bounded into sight with her tongue hanging out and her tail wagging. She turned to check on the Bello and laugh at her. The Bello slithered gracefully on her multiple limbs and seemed to be floating on a purple cloud. The monster was laughing too. The two were racing and Anya had had a good run. Not many could keep up with her at full speed. The Bello was going to be good fun.

The Battle Master and the Keeper gaped at the huge purple creature following Anya. If they didn't know better, they would have thought that it was chasing the running wolf.

"Chosen! We are here."

"Welcome!" Lazarus said aloud. He ushered them into the City proper. His City still had no Shields.

By now a small crowd had formed around them. It was made up of his own City NPCs and numerous touring Heroes. Lord Lazarus was back!! The GateKeeper was here! How lucky they were to bump into him! And his beautiful wolf was here too! And what was that following her? A huge purple Boss!! They glanced surreptitiously at Lazarus. He wasn't nervous or worried ... so they shouldn't either, right? However a few Players did go into battle mode, just in case.

"Everyone, please welcome the Bello. She is under my protection and will be staying at the nearby lake. Please do not bother her while she acclimatises herself to her new home."

"Wow, a monster!"

"Is it a Boss?"

"It looks like a wild Boss. We can get extra XP and level up faster if we fight and kill it a few times."

The last comment triggered Lazarus. What!?

He turned to face Apollo, Ranger, Level 38.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. She can and will protect herself."


"Yes, really," replied Lazarus. "But if you somehow managed to hurt her, you will have to answer to me."

Next to him, Anya growled.

"And me! I have adopted the purple one. She has promised to run with me. She is my new pup."

The Bello smiled sweetly. The other human had angered her human and the furry one. She will take care of him.

A tentacle snaked out at lightning speed, coiling around the offending Hero. She was so fast he did not have time to react. The Bello lifted him up high and brought him to her eye level.

"Whaaaaa! Help!!" yelled the Ranger.

The Bello studied him curiously then turned to Lazarus.

"Myutt, myutt?"

"He made you angry. Can I squish him?"

Lazarus grinned.


"Even a little?"

"Ummm, I think not."

"What did it say? What did it say?" cried the hanging Ranger. "Tell it not to kill me."

The other Players watched the spectacle in amusement. They were not afraid; Lord Lazarus was in charge here. Clearly the monster that the GateKeeper brought back with him was intelligent and understood what the Ranger had said. She must be offended that he would use her to level up.

"She will not attack anyone who does not attack her," Lazarus said for the benefit of the listening Heroes. "I repeat, she is under my protection and Anya's. Anyone who tries to hurt her will end up hurt." He shrugged. "You may even die a few times and level down. Your choice. You have been warned."

"Bello, please put him down. I think he got the message. He will not hurt you," said Lazarus. "Right Apollo?"


"Hyuk! Hyuk! Hyuk!" laughed the Bello merrily.

The sound she made was so funny and amusing that the crowd laughed with her. The Bello's human hands covered her dainty lips whilst her luminous eyes squinted cutely in her mirth. Her creamy smooth shoulders shook with laughter and her other limbs wiggled about. The creature really was quite pretty.

She put the Ranger down on the ground gently, releasing him unharmed. He scuttled away.

"Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk!" she giggled again.

"I will leave her in your capable hands, Battle Master. Keeper, please supply her with fresh fruits, nuts and greens. It should keep her satisfied until I can gather more of her favourite kivhs."

"She is a vegetarian?"

"The term is herbivore my dear Dimitri," corrected the prim Keeper smilingly. "One does not call a magnificent creature like that a vegetarian."


"Go with them. They will take you to your new home just round the corner. You are free to move around as you please but do not hurt anyone."


"No worries. It's a lake with clear water not on land."

"Chu-uuu~, chuu-uuu," she crooned pleased. He remembered! She was getting hot and dry. A nice cool swim would be so welcomed and refreshing. She poked Anya.


"I will take her there. She can ask me for anything she needs. I will tell the Battle Master or Keeper."

"Keep her safe from curious people. She needs time to settle down."

"Do not worry Chosen. I know what to do," Anya said confidently but threw a look at the direction Apollo had taken. He was nowhere to be seen.

The Assassin decided not to ask for details. Anya had her own way of dealing with situations. He trusted her.

He hugged Anya, pulling her head gently towards him with his hands.

"Okay Anya. I will be back soon."

The great white wolf put her head onto his shoulder contentedly. It had been a while since she got to hug him. Her Chosen loved her and will not have to leave her alone. They can fight, dungeon and play together. Now they had all the time in the world.


Hurry up! I want to swim!

Anya gave a snort. The insolent monster had cut short her blissful hug. "I'm coming you impatient pup!"

Lazarus laughed as he watched the pushy Bello sashaying after Anya. The Battle Master had to run to keep up with the two animals. The Keeper hurried to the Keep with a purpose. She had work to do.

The Keeper took a few steps before turning to glance at her Lord one last time but the boy was already gone. He had disappeared again. Only this time, she was not worried.

The Keeper smiled to herself. This time she knew that he would come back.


Although the Ghost Lords and the Bello had left, the orcs continued their celebration. After all, it was not often the Overlord allowed such excesses. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get roaring drunk in relatively safe company. The random fights that broke out resulting in more than one bloody orc senseless on the floor did not count, as long as the said orc(s) did not die. It was part of the fun.

The Overlord leaned over to Thalasis. She was watching two hulking orcs arm wrestling at the lower tables. Both were blatantly cheating and yelling curses at the other good naturedly. The crowd around them cheered noisily for both sides in vulgar encouragement not really caring who won.

"Holy Seer."

"Yesss My Lord?"

"The human Destroyers ... they did not destroy us when they came as foretold by the Prophesy. Now they have left, as allies!"

Thalasis smiled knowingly. The Overlord was clearly confused. She had expected questions from the Overlord ever since she had started questioning the Prophesy herself. She had been confused when she first met the Dark One and his friends. The Ghost Lords were not what she expected. True, they were all powerful but they were not vengeful beings hell bent on destroying everything in the orc realm. They were peaceful beings! She shook her head at the strange notion.

"Essteemed Overlord, I too quesstioned the Prophessy when the Ghosst Lordsss firsst appeared. Their manner and actionsss were unlike what we were led to believe."

The Overlord nodded and snorted. "Indeed. They always want to talk things over or negotiate rather than have a good fight," he laughed. "It's faster and easier to settle things that way. Foolish humans."

"Yesss, they are sstrange beingsss. However, after much disscussssion with my ssisster, we have concluded that they did indeed fulfil the Prophessy."

"How so?"

The Holy Seer closed her eyes and recited the relevant part of the Prophesy.

"Behold! The end drawsss near when human Ghosst Lordsss appear in the Realm. Take heed of their fearssome pressence for they are desstined to desstroy the Ukacrun Assht. The ssacred Ukacrun Assht and the life force within it that ssusstainsss our land sshall be no more. Thusss, endsss our world and all that we know. A new Power, never before sseen sshall risse to ussher in a new Age."

"Beware! Any and all who daresss opposse the Desstroyersss of the Ukacrun Assht will perissh misserably. They will be damned and be forever curssed by their clansss."

Thalasis opened her slitted eyes to stare at the Overlord.

"Yesss, the Desstroyersss of the Ukacrun Assht are very unlike usss," Thalasis mused. "I now believe that the Holy Sseer who deciphered the Prophessy long ago did sso correctly. It isss we who missinterpreted her wordsss bassed on our own aggressssive culture."

The Overlord grunted a sign for her to continue whilst he reached for his cup. He needed a drink.

"The Desstroyersss appeared and were very powerful, even the Dark One wasss in hisss weakened sstate. They did desstroy the Ukacrun Assht (Lifestone) ... well, Lord Valentine got the Warlord to do sso but his actionsss were influenced by one of the Ghosst Lordsss sso the Prophessy sstill holdss true," she said. "They made the Banisshed One'sss brew and Lord Lazzarusss conssumed the Ukacrun Assht. Although the lifeforce in the Ukacrun Assht was desstroyed, it took on a new from, one of Lord Lazzarusss' blood."

Thalasis continued as she recalled her discussion with her sister, "The lifeforce within the Ukacrun Assht wasss no more. It transsformed into something elsse, ssomething more."

"More powerful?"

"Yess Overlord, before the Ukacrun Assht exissted only in an inanimate object. It radiated itsss power passssively. But now ..." she indicated the sleepy jaav ukon who was trying valiantly to stay awake, "it isss in your sson, a healthy living orc. I can feel the power growing ssstronger."

"The Prophessy is right, the world asss we know it isss no more. Insstead a new power sshall risse." She turned to the astounded Overlord, "Your sson will grow to be more powerful than you, My Lord. He radiatesss life for all."

"My son?" He followed her gaze. "The new power is my son? Not the Destroyers?" he gaped trying to process the revelation. All this time they had assumed that the humans would come here, destroy everything and grab power and rule over everyone. That was the orc's way.

"Yesss, they have fulfilled their promisse not to war with usss and have left usss after achieving their quesstsss. They have cured Lord Lazzarusss and left our landsss asss they said they would."

"But they did desstroy or sshall I say changed uss. They have essssentially desstroyed the way we think. Who would have ever thought we would eat at the ssame table or be alliesss with the humansss? Or even welcome them back?"

"We alsso now accept there are other waysss besidesss trial by combat or war to ssettle dissputesss. You are more willing to lissten before judgement."

The Overlord grunted and belched. He could not disagree with Thalasis.

"My Lord, thosse in your inner circle too are now different," she indicated her sister, the Witch. "Among thosse who sserved you, there was always a Necromancer and Sseer. Never would we have ever allowed one who practiced the dark artsss to be forgiven or be trussted again."

"Her crime was not intentional and she had paid for it."

"Yesss sshe hasss, but sshe would not have been forgiven before the Ghosst Lordsss came," Thalasis pointed out.

The Overlord snorted. "True. The Dark One is a wily one. Only an outright fool would have refused his offer."

Forgive the young Witch for her unintended offense, give her a chance to prove herself and make amends for her mistakes. If he agreed, he would gain a loyal ally in the Witch and the Dark One would take the huge headache of a Bello off his hands. He really had no idea what to do with that unruly monster. And the Witch did prove her worth; she had fought bravely alongside Thalasis in their fight against the lava hounds. He had no more reason to doubt her.

"I will have to revaluate my choice of advisors again," he grumbled. If only Mallarg had not been a power hungry traitor. "Most of you are loyal and give good advice but are too headstrong."

"Women!" the mighty Overlord huffed suddenly realising he was surrounded by females (Thalasis, Witch and Kasakh). He had to get more male advisors. He only had Kalthu left. Maybe Jarrakg could be promoted or that promising new Necromancer. He did need pure magical advice too to run his land properly.

The Holy Seer smiled. The Overlord had changed too; he had always fair but very harsh in his punishments. Now he was more forgiving.

"And those who oppose the Destroyers? Mallarg?"

Thalasis shook her reptilian head in regret. Mallarg was a good counsellor and a brilliant strategist before he started eyeing the throne. His obsession became his downfall. "He did perissh misserably, not die mind you, hisss physsical body sstill existsss. Lord Consstantine isss very through in hisss punisshmentsss," she said and shuddered.

Constantine was powerful indeed. Mallarg had been too sure of his command over the mystic forces. All these years, no one could challenge him. The Necromancer was so strong he never imagined the Red Warlock could best him.

"Mallarg isss damned, his essssence and mind will be torn apart day after day forever. Hisss name isss curssed by hisss clan and by the whole realm." Constantine had been livid with Mallarg. Their fierce mage battle had left the land battle scarred. The location of their magical fight would take longer to heal than those the lava hounds had scorched.

"So, the Prophesy did come true after all, just not in the way we expected."

"Indeed, My Lord." Thalasis agreed.

The Overlord's gaze went back to his son. The orcling prince had lost his battle with sleep. He body lay on the sturdy wooden bench, head cradled in the Witch's arms.

"That is good. Very good. Thank you Holy Seer. My heart is finally at ease."

"My son is the new power and we will still rule over our own lands. He is the one who will usher in a new age for us," he summarised proudly. "We have survived the Ghost Lords and the Prophesy. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore."

The Holy Seer bowed her head to the Overlord. The Ghost Lords were not destroyers of lands and lives but the destroyers of beliefs. They had brought many changes to the realm in their brief visit. It will take some getting used to.

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