Chapter 152 - Inquiry Part One

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It was not going to be a good day.

Zen's stress levels kept increasing by the second. He was positive that if he was not called soon, he would suffer a nervous breakdown or even worse, a heart attack. This silent waiting was more nerve wrecking than facing the most terrifying Boss in a battle. But then again, real life was always worse. One can't re-spawn or get a do-over in real life. There were no second chances once you screw up.

Zen checked his watch again and tried to remain calm. He wanted to get up and pace. Pacing always helped but not today, not now. Zen, the Orc Wars Games Master was sweating and cooling his heels in one of Kirin Group's (Head Office) exclusive waiting rooms. It had two sets of double doors. One he had come through earlier when entering the spacious room. But he kept staring apprehensively at the other set. That one led to the executive's meeting room where Nadine's disciplinary inquiry was currently in progress.

The Orc Wars Virtual Reality Director had been mired in Head Office for more than a week. Nadine was facing serious ethical charges. Only God knew what had been discussed earlier. It must not have been going too well because she was always in a bad mood when she called Simtrixx. She wanted documents, files and materials edited in a specific way 'to prove her case'. It had been hell for Adam's (Head of Editing) team.

The Disciplinary Board wanted Nadine's colleagues' testimonials before deciding on the consequences of her actions. That was why he had been summoned here today, to be a witness. It was going to be so awkward.

The Inquiry was a transparent one. Everything was to be said and done in front of Nadine, the relevant Directors chosen for the Disciplinary Board and Jared Cruz, the CEO of the whole group! Why the CEO himself was interested Zen had no idea. It was not like he had a personal stake in this right? Simtrixx was just a small subsidiary of Kirin Group's many varied investments and activities. Didn't he have better things to do with his time?

Zen looked around the waiting room at his colleagues. Everyone was pale and nervous. Everyone was afraid. Would they get fired today? Tomorrow? Or within the month. But whatever happened, he was determined to tell the truth. His honour and conscience would not allow him to do otherwise even if it cost him his current dream job and position at Simtrixx. He sighed heavily but he was determined to do the right thing.

"Hey, it will be alright. I said I'd take the blame and I will. It was wholly my idea to modify the NPCs algorithms if only to counter the Director's interference."

Damon, Head of Creative and Adam, Head of Editing laughed mirthlessly.

"Zen, did you really think we would let you take the fall for us?"

"Yeah. What do you take us for?" asked Damon as he went over to the Games Master and clapped him on his back.

"Thanks but you don't have to," said Zen. "I really meant what I said back then."

He had his honour. When he had brought the idea to Damon and Adam, he had really meant to shoulder the consequences himself. His only intention was to level the playing field for the Players in his beloved Game. He did not alter it so much that the Players were given the solution outright. They still had to solve the puzzles themselves failing which they would have failed the quests and redo them. That was how the game should work.

"Real Gamers stick together Zen, you know that," retorted Damon. "You wouldn't have said that fifteen years ago when we were gaming in any dungeon and you shouldn't say that now." He looked over to Adam.

"Damon is right. Once a Gamer, always a Gamer. We know what teamwork is all about, no need to be a Hero. No one forced us to go along with you."

"Yeah, we knew the risks when we agreed. For what it's worth, I still think we did the right thing."

Zen sighed and gave a small smile. "Thank you."

Before he could sit back down, the double doors opened. A smartly dressed secretary appeared.

"Please," he invited, "this way."

Zen glanced at his colleagues. "Let me do the talking."

"Sure, but I it comes down to the wire, I'm not going to stay quiet."

"Me too. We are in this together Zen."

The three men walked through the door. Zen swallowed when he saw the powerful people in the room.

At the head of the oblong mahogany table sat the Jared Cruz himself. Flanking him were his two personal assistants. They had their own reputations of being very knowledgeable in corporate matters, observant and discreet. The two men had been by Jared's side for years and were known to be very loyal to him.

Zen noted the people sitting at the table. Only the divisions which were affected were represented; Ethics, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Statistics, Research and Development and Legal? Although the men and women present were not necessarily the heads of their respective Divisions, they were still high in the hierarchy of decision-making. Did this issue affect that many areas? How so? Only a few divisions were not present like Resources, Sales and Distribution, Manufacturing, Security en cetera.

Behind him, Damon and Adam gulped.

"Please take a seat," invited Suri from Ethics, indicating three empty seats. She was in charge of this meeting.

Nadine sat stoically opposite them. Her lips were pressed together in a thin line of displeasure and annoyance.

"I shall introduce everyone here then we can begin," said Suri (Ethics).

"Please welcome, Zen, Simtrixx Orc Wars Game Master," she said nodding towards Zen before continuing. "Damon, Simtrixx Head of Orc Wars Creative and Adam, Simtrixx Head of Orc Wars Editing."

"They are here today at our request to shed some light on several issues. Their information and input is crucial for us to understand the whole picture before making a final decision on the matter."

Next the tall woman indicated those around the table. "I am sure you know everyone, maybe not personally so I will do a quick introduction. Starting at the head of the table and going clockwise, Mr.Jared Cruz, Kirin Group CEO, Anita from Human Resources, Darren from Finance, A.J from Marketing, Xiao from Statistics, Vincent from Research and Development (IT) and Sangeetha from Legal."

"I am Suri from Ethics and we are here today to discuss the serious ethics charges brought against Nadine, Simtrixx Director of Virtual Reality."

So many people, thought Zen. His head was already spinning with the amount of power gathered in the room. Just one word from any of them has changed the lives of the many, many employees in the Holding company and its numerous subsidiaries.

Nadine was in big trouble.

"The charges against Nadine's purported unethical behaviour were brought about by several anonymous reports. Initial investigations led us to believe these accusations needed serious attention. Ignoring them will indicate that we condone and encourage such behaviour."

"The MMORPG Game Orc Wars is currently the main product of our IT subsidiary Simtrixx. It is also featured in the reality shows of which one season had been concluded successfully and the next is scheduled next month."

"The allegations include abuse of power, direct tampering to a Player or Players in the Game Orc War's and manipulation of game algorithm."

"In the last week, the Disciplinary Board has heard her defence and seen documentary, video footages and other evidences brought forward by Nadine. We would now like to hear from you, her colleagues."

Suri glanced at Nadine and then at Zen and his colleagues. "Do you understand the charges against Nadine?"

"Yes," said Zen. Damon and Adam nodded beside him.

"As Games Master, you are in charge of the Game Orc Wars and its content. Were you aware of any incidences of the said charges?"

"Yes, I was."

"Please enlighten us."

The Asian man took a deep breath, trying to calm his clamouring heart and begun.

"There were a few incidences of manipulation and tampering. However, only one Player was directly affected."

"Zen! I thought you were on my side!" blurted Nadine jumping up from her seat.

"Nadine, please be seated. You had your chance to present your defence against the charges over the past few days. We have taken your words and evidences into account, now let us hear from your colleagues," Suri said firmly at the glaring woman. "Please continue Zen."

"Umm, yes, well ... for the record I am not on Nadine's side," said Zen, "nor am I on the company's side. I am on Orc Wars side," he said apologetically. "All I care about is the integrity of the Game and the enjoyment and entertainment it is supposed to provide to our Players."

All eyes were on Zen. No one saw Jared's mouth twitch.

"Go on."

"I'm sorry, I don't really care about the profits or how well it's currently trending either."

"Not a problem, that is Sales and Marketing's job," A.J (Marketing) commented. The slim young man was a fast rising star in the company. Although only three years in, he knew what he was talking about.

"Only one Player was affected?" asked Suri. "Please elaborate; we have all been briefed on Season One, it's winners and the basic mechanics of the game Orc Wars."

"The Player whom was directly affected is only the player for 'Lazarus'. Nadine interfered with his personal gaming experiences several times. The other two were affected indirectly by several NPCs which were boosted inappropriately."

Several people leaned forward at his statement. Nadine pressed her lips tighter together.

"How so?"

"The first instance I am aware of is when the Player had just completed the last Orb Trial. He had gathered the other Gatekeeper's orbs which is needed to cross the Portal into the orc realm ..."

Suri tapped on her open laptop. Immediately a chart was displayed on the large LCD mounted on the far wall. It listed the gatekeepers and their trials chronologically according to Lazarus' attempts.

She tapped a few more times. Zen watched as Lazarus' name was made bold and italic to highlight the affected Player.

GateKeepers of Portal Orbs (Winners of Season One)

GateKeepers                                 Trial

Lazarus, Assassin          The Assassin's Path (Exempted from Own Trial)

Isis, Priestess                      Valley of Death

Valentine, Thief                 Ravine of Regret

Kirana, Barbarian              Kwan the Trader

Constantine, Warlock      The Mummy's Curse

Zen's eyes widened. They were very well informed indeed.

"... the whole team was watching his progress. Although he completed the Trial with the help of a team, he barely made it. Nadine instructed me to increase the effects of lethargy on him and advance him to Stage Three."

There were no need to take notes, the proceedings were being recorded.

"And that is ...?"

"Lazarus was poisoned by an orc blade at the end of Season One, the poison became part of him in his continued game after the reality show ended. It had five stages, each reducing the maximum Health of the Player by 20 per cent. Medical symptoms in accordance of the poison were also introduced to hinder his avatar's playing experience just like a real poison would. At Stage Three, his Health bar would have been capped at 60 per cent."

"And the Player was virtual at the time?"

Zen looked at Anita, Human Resources. "Yes he was, he would have felt everything with our specialised enhanced hi-tech virtual reality game gear."

All heads turned to Nadine. Jared's eyes narrowed dangerously.

She had literally tortured a Player knowingly.

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