Chapter 71 - Dungeon 80 Vampires Part 3

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Lazarus entered the narrow passageway warily. Tania led the way. She had insisted on being in front, it would mean she would be the first to reach her Chosen. Anya followed behind keeping rear guard. They moved quickly, every second counted.

After several turns and countless steps, they arrived at an underground chamber. It was large and open. Upright coffins lined niches inlayed into the solid granite walls.

Lazarus turned three hundred and sixty degrees scanning the place. Row upon row of differently designed coffins pock-marked every available space around them, lids facing outwards. They were neatly stacked upon each other and rose along the hard walls as far as the eye could see. Thank the Gods they were all shut, for the moment.

A soft groan called his attention. His eyes travelled up disbelievingly. Hanging from the ceiling were numerous gently swinging cages, each large enough to fit a human. There were limbs jutting out from some. He gulped nervously. The person who designed this dungeon was definitely a vampire freak. Now, where was the Nut? Where was Valentine? Was he imprisoned in one of them?

"You came, you actually came," the cold gleeful voice said.

From the shadows, seven shapes materialised. The men and women were all graceful, confident and very, very beautiful. How cliché, Lazarus thought.

The Leader smiled, "Your friend is up there. Don't worry, he is not becoming one of us ... yet. The new one did not drain him nor is she matured enough to turn a human, the foolish child," he tsked shaking his head.

"So, Val is o'kay?"

"For the moment. He will be in pain but that's part of life." He shrugged. "He will serve as our nourishment. We were running out of food. Those up there," he indicated the creaking swaying cages, "have been with us for too long and are almost dried up. My hungry children need fresh young blood."

"You can't have him."

"There is a way if you want your friend back."

The gatekeeper's head jerked up. "How?"

"Bring us ten humans in exchange for your friend. No animals. They taste terrible."

Lazarus clenched his jaw. He didn't have to think about it. "No deal."

"I was hoping you would say that, but I had to make the offer. There are Rules, you know."

"What Rules? I ..." the Assassin asked but was cut off when the Leader signalled. The other six descended upon him, dividing neatly into two groups. They attacked the Familiars first, the priority was to get rid of the foul smelling wolves and secure the human. He was full of delicious hot blood. The two wolves were no match against the six vampires. Anya and Tania fought valiantly but died horribly when their limbs were torn viciously from their bodies. The coordinated undead were cruel, fast and super strong.

Lazarus was too busy fending for himself to help the familiars. The coffin lids around them had burst open simultaneously. Pale bodies with fangs flew out at him shrieking. "Blood! Warm Blood!" The Assassin lost track of the Leader in the crowd as he shot at the lesser vampires. Arrow after arrow struck their targets. Vampires burst shrieking, lighting up the dim cavern.

His heart broke when Anya and Tania died. Their fierce howls echoed in his ears even after their canine bodies exploded.

"Nooo! Tania!" cried Valentine from above There was no time, Lazarus looked up in between shots. Frantic hands were reaching out from a wildly swinging cage. He saw Valentine standing, pressing his face against the bars.

"C'mon Laz! I can't get out! There is some kind of spell on these cells!" Valentine yelled desperately. "Do it! I won't be fed to them! Do it!! DO IT NOW!!"

There was only one thing to do, Lazarus took aim and let loose. The arrow flew up into the cage and hit the Thief squarely in his chest. "Arghhhh!!" The chamber was lighted up from above as Valentine died.

"What have you done, you fool?!" the vampires shrieked around him. Their fresh source of food was gone. They hadn't even gotten to drink from him properly yet.

"Get him! GET HIM!"

The remaining vampires converged on the lone gatekeeper. Their numbers overwhelming him. Lazarus managed to kill some, exchanging his bow for a long silver blade. He needed a short range weapon now, his long ranged bow would no longer be of much help. Silver did not kill the vampires but a cut or wound from it would slow down their healing process. He would technically have less to deal with as those wounded took their time to recover. The reality was, there were just too many of them. He was on their tuff, deep within their coven. The gatekeeper was soon caught and held by strong hands. A path opened up among the vampires, as he was led roughly to the Leader.

"I will drink from him first, then decide if we should keep him or turn him."

"No way!"

"Hold him."


Lazarus struggled but was held securely in place by steel like grips. The human was pushed towards the Elder and his head pulled back forcefully to expose his throat.

"Intoxicating ... I can smell it flowing in you," he murmured softly sniffing. The Leader brushed the Hero's long dark hair gently away from his face and neck.

"Hmmm, it's been so long," the Leader murmured as he bent forward and inhaled the delicious human scent. He paused to savour the moment. He could clearly hear the wild thumping of the live heart within the human's chest, the roaring of rich warm blood rushing through his victim's veins. Only a thin layer of soft skin kept him from the nourishment he craved.

He traced a long, pointed, perfectly manicured fingernail along the gatekeeper's sharp jawline, taking his time with his meal. Lazarus flinched and tried to break away, a familiar darkness threatening to descend upon him, but the bloodless hands holding him were too many and too strong.

"Do not try to get away, it will only take a moment." A cold hand cupped his face as the Elder caught Lazarus' gaze. "I will make sure you enjoy it."

A comfortable haze settled over the gatekeeper's mind as the Elder hypnotised his catch. He preferred to drink without his prey struggling. It might make him waste precious droplets.

"Let him go."

Hands released Lazarus but the Hero stood still staring blankly ahead, unresisting.

"Good." The Elder embraced the gatekeeper and caressed his neck with his cold lips as he prepared himself for his first meal in ages. Finally, he pressed his bloodless lips upon Lazarus' jugular. His fangs elongated and punctured the warm smooth skin.

"Ughhh!" Lazarus blinked, the sudden sharp pain snapping him out of his trance. The embrace around him tightened as the Elder sank his fangs and drank deeply. Lazarus struggled, fighting to get away from the vampire but the undead was much stronger. He felt hot, then cold, then unexpected erotic pleasure washed over him until he couldn't think. What the hell? He groaned trying to regain control, his hands gripping desperately onto the cold body in front of him. The lesser vampires released the human, he was helpless now.

After what seemed like forever, the Elder released Lazarus, pushing him unceremoniously away. The gatekeeper collapsed moaning to the ground holding onto the wound on his neck. Blood seeped through his fingers staining his collar.

Lazarus, Health 37 per cent.

"Aaaahhhhh!!" The Elder sighed in satisfaction. "I feel better already." He breathed in deeply, feeling the fresh hot blood warming up his cold body. The feeling of fullness and vitality he had not felt for a long time returning to him as the nourishment he had taken spread inside.

"Can we? Can we have him now?" the lesser vampires asked hopefully, eyeing the bleeding Assassin impatiently. They crowded anxiously around the fallen Hero, some unconsciously licking their lips and swallowing. All that blood was being wasted. They were starving too and the air was filled with the mouth-watering metallic iron copper scent of human blood. The delicious aroma was driving them mad but they had to wait for the Elder's permission.

"Council members only."

The Elder gestured to the six originally with him to come forward. "Then let him rest, he needs to recuperate and generate more blood."

"There are too many of you. You will drain him to uselessness. The rest of you can drink from them." He indicated the hanging cages above filled with weak dying NPCs.

The lesser vampires hissed unhappily but backed away as ordered.

The six converged onto the powerless gatekeeper gleefully, each biting hard into his tender flesh. This was their first meal in a long time and they were going to enjoy it. They bit into his arms and legs, wrists and thighs, anywhere that there was a vein to drain from. No one made the mistake of taking him at his throat, that prime spot at the jugular was reserved for the Elder. The boy had been marked as his property and they should be grateful for even getting a bite. Vampires were not known for sharing. The Elder was being generous only this once.

Once satiated, they backed away slowly wiping their mouths. Their pale faces flushed with the rush of blood, their movements becoming sluggish from their gluttonous feeding. A small moan escaped the motionless body.

Lazarus, Health 6 per cent.

The Elder came forward to inspect the prone gatekeeper.

"He will live, we didn't drain him to the turning point."

"I should hope not," the Elder responded in a dangerous tone. "That is for me to decide." He flicked a finger, "Take him away. Put him in the gold cage."

"No-oooo," Lazarus struggled weakly to sit up. He drew in a shaky breath, steeling himself he drew a long knife from his boot with trembling fingers. "Stay away from me."

The vampires stared incredulously at him for a moment before bursting into raucous laughter. This human was hilarious. What did he think he was going to do with that? He hardly had the strength to stand, let alone attack them. The Elder smiled in amusement. The boy was delicious and entertaining. He was not afraid, even in that pathetic condition, he wanted to fight. A human's survival instinct was an amazing thing.

The Elder took one menacing step forward but stopped startled when the six council members around him started choking. They held their throats gagging and stumbling about in obvious discomfort. A few doubled over in pain.

"What's wrong?"

"His blood ..." one groaned as she collapsed, "something is wrong with his blood."

A wave of dizziness washed over the Leader. He held his head, his vision becoming blurry, a sharp pain stabbed him in his stomach. The council members were falling around him grunting in pain.

"What is in your blood?!! We are immune to most poisons! Only nightshade ..." he couldn't finish his sentence as he doubled-up in pain. He glared hatefully at the gatekeeper.

The boy's silver eyes had widened in surprise at the turn of events, then his mouth quirked up as he assessed the unfolding scene before him. The deadly nauk-dzi vras flowing in his dying body was good for something after all.

The council members who were convulsing on the floor started to brighten. Wow, seriously? One by one they exploded, lighting up the large chambers. The lesser vampires rushed forward to see what was happening.

"YOU!!" The Elder bellowed furiously. "I'm going to kill you!"

Lazarus did not fool himself. He was badly outnumbered and still weak from the loss of blood. He was not insane enough to think he could go up against an angry vampire and get away with it. There was only one thing he could do. The Assassin gathered what remaining strength and plunged his knife into his chest.


"What are you doing, you fool! NO!! Somebody stop him!"

No one moved. They all knew it was too late; their prisoner was dying. Lazarus got up painfully still clutching the knife buried in his chest.


He swayed where he stood for a moment before a look of determination crossed his face. The next second, he was next to the Elder vampire. He locked his hands around the vampires' torso stubbornly. The vampire howled at the unexpected move and beat down on Lazarus' trying to disentangle himself from the burning Hero. When the Assassin exploded, the Elder vampire was blasted along with him. He caught fire, his robes burning even as his prey disappeared from the scene. Nearby vampires who were in the blast range died in the backlash.

When the fires died down, the remaining vampires went back to their coffins to recover. The Elder scowled, he was no longer the beautiful creature of the night he once was. His now burnt and shriveled form turned slowly and shuffled out of sight. His insides were still hurting from the poisoned blood he had consumed. He knew he only survived the Hero's fiery death because of his age and his old power. It would take more than poison and fire to kill him.

Silence reigned again in Dungeon 80, its occupants slumbered in their assigned caskets.

After the cool down period, Dungeon 80 re-set itself for the next perpetrators.

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