Chapter 72 - Dungeon 80 Vampires Part 4

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The Games Master turned to the CEO. "Did you see that? Did you see that? That was awesome! Now that's what I'm talking about," he announced with enthusiasm."

Everyone's eyes were glued to the main screen.

Jared's brows lifted in surprise. "That's it? He killed his friend and committed suicide? Even the wolves died. Good action but they failed the dungeon," he summed up critically.

"Hmmm, ahh, yes," Zen turned dazedly to the CEO gathering his thoughts. "That was just the first run. Everyone fails in the first run because they don't know what to expect."

"Why did Lazarus do that? He could have survived ingame and bid his time for another chance to finish off the Leader."

"No," Zen disagreed, his gaming instincts providing him the answers to Lazarus's actions. "It was obvious that there was no chance of him going up against the whole coven, however strong he is."

"That's his style," Aria spoke up. "He would rather die and try again later rather than be held hostage. He killed Valentine so that he could escape from that hopeless situation and re-spawn. They will probably try again later."

The Games Master beamed at Aria. This girl was definitely a genuine Orc Wars fan. She knew the Assassin's traits. The Thief's too. Valentine was not one who wanted to wait around for someone to rescue him. Aria knew what she was talking about.

Zen couldn't have explained it better himself. "True. Now that they know what to expect, they will revise strategies before attempting Dungeon 80 again."

"That makes sense," Jared nodded.

"Just wait a bit, if those two holds true to form, they will be back in a few minutes."

"Wait? I don't have much time," Jared hedged. This evaluation trip was taking more time than he had allotted. Still, he was finding out more things about Simtrixx's operation and Orc Wars than he had initially thought he would.

"Just a few minutes, Sir. I promise you will not regret it! They are always better the second time around."

"Nadine?" The CEO turned his gaze to the Director. "What do you think?"

"Well, yes. Those two usually run dungeons until they are satisfied with their results. Each time they go in, they are better prepared." She flushed under the CEO's direct intense scrutiny. "Ten minutes, if they don't run it again, I will email you the video of it when they run it next."

"Ten minutes," he consented much to the relief of his granddaughter. She really wanted to stay a bit longer.

Just then, an officer raised his voice, "Look! There they are. They have re-spawned in their own cities and are talking via chat."

"Bring up their conversation on Screen Two," Nadine instructed. "Keep Dungeon 80 on the main screen."

Zen nodded, snapping his fingers to get his officers' attention he then pointed to several screens, "Screen Three Lazarus's city, Screen Four Valentine's. We want to get the whole picture."

Everyone jumped to their tasks. The CEO was watching.


Simtrixx watched as Lazarus re-spawned in his grave and climbed out. Anya rushed to him, bringing him to the ground with welcoming wet licks. The gatekeeper caught her roughly and hugged the huge white wolf.

"Nice effects, good graphics," Jared nodded in approval. Nadine beamed.

Valentine :You're back.

Lazarus : You o'kay?

Valentine : Again?

Lazarus : Yeah, but give me a minute. I want to trade Isis and talk to Constantine. He will have a better idea on how to deal with the vampires.

Valentine : I'm ready this time. I got some stuff while waiting for you.

Lazarus : What stuff?

Valentine : Oh, just some stuff, this and that.

Lazarus : ??

Valentine : *cough* I got some garlic and put on a whole bunch of silver stuff. I've protected myself with silver chains, earrings and rings. Hah! They won't get me this time.

Lazarus : Seriously Val, you are hilarious.

Valentine : I'll give you five minutes. Meet you at the dungeon.

Lazarus : Will do.

Simtrixx watched as the Assassin ported to Dungeon 80 seven minutes later. Anya and Tania sniffed noses in greeting.

"You're late."

Lazarus shrugged, "I got more acid balls from Isis and I was talking to Constantine. The only way to get past Dungeon 80 is to kill them all at once or it won't work. There are too many vampires to kill individually."

"How do we do that? There is no sun to use, not even liquid sunlight. The dungeon is so dark and gloomy."

"Liquid sunlight? I never thought of that." The Assassin looked at the Thief with newfound respect. "Good idea."

"I asked around, just in case there was some, but there isn't. You never know what the Game has in store. So, what did Constantine say? How do we kill them?"

"Apparently if a vampire dies, so will all those made by him. Any with his blood will perish along with his maker."

"Cool, so all we have to do is kill the Leader? When he dies, his kids will die and his kids' kids."

"It won't be easy, but yeah, that's it."

"We could just let him suck you dry. The last time your blood gave him an epic stomach-ache. Maybe he will die if he consumed more of your bad blood."

Anya growled warningly at the Thief in protest, but Lazarus laughed. "No good. He is too ancient and strong to die of just blood poisoning. Constantine has something better."

"Anya, Tania, attack anyone that comes near us. We will target the Leader."

The Familiars' ears perked forward. They were the hunters now.

"When we get into the final chamber, smash him with this," Lazarus handed a few globes to Valentine.

"What is it?"

"This one is Holy water. It will paralyse him long enough for me to perform the ritual. Use these on the other lesser ones. These are acid globes from Isis, umm, melee weapons. It won't kill them but it will slow them down."

Valentine nodded in understanding then his bright blue eyes caught Lazarus' silver ones. "What ritual?"

"There is a ritual to remove the vampire's curse. It is supposed to make him mortal. Once he becomes an ordinary 'human', he will be easy to kill."

The blond gatekeeper grinned. "Let's go."

The group entered the dungeon. When the figure came at them in front of the door, Valentine drove a sharpened wooden stake through her chest. "This one is for biting me." Tania sniffed in distain at the disintegrating corpse.

They did not wait, the two Heroes and two wolves entered the heavy wooden door into the foyer. When the red-eyed vampire appeared, Lazarus did not give him a chance to talk. A well-aimed wooden spear flew through the air ending the NPC's miserable existence. It died without sounding the alarm. "... and this is for insulting Anya and Tania the last time."

The passageway was where they remember it to be. They were ready and armed when they entered the large coffin chamber. Valentine glanced nervously at the gently swinging cages above. Tania pressed against her Chosen, comforting him.

"Careful, Val use Speed. They are fast, we have to keep up with them. The Dungeon has re-set. We have the advantage of surprise. Don't give them a chance to act."

"Copy that."

"They will be hungry again."

A cold voice boomed in the gloom, "Who dares enter?" Seven shadows appeared exactly as before. Cold beautiful faces stared at them with red-tinged eyes.

"That's our cue. You all know what to do."

The group did not waste any more time talking. The Familiars attacked the council members, growling ferociously. Arrows whizzed through the air hitting three council members and the Leader. The three died, but the Leader managed to stagger back, pulling out the deadly shaft from his body. The wolves turned to the last council member as the Heroes focused on the wounded Leader.

The ancient vampire turned and swiped viciously at the Assassin. He was extremely fast. Four parallel crimson lines appeared on the gatekeeper's face, deep gashes marring his perfect face. The Assassin staggered back holding the left side of his face. "Arghhh! My eye!" He grunted as he felt shooting pain piercing his left eye. His vision become red and blurry. It felt like his eye had been gouged out.


Valentine did not hesitate. In one swift movement, he threw a globe onto the Vampire Boss. The ball smashed onto the vampire breaking upon impact, drenching him. The vampire let out a blood curling scream and froze in place. Wispy white tendrils of vapour rose from his body.

"Anya, Tania, protect us. Give us time to complete the ritual or all is lost!!" Lazarus yelled desperately at the emerging vampires. The Ancient One had managed to sound the alarm before being frozen. Lids were opening, the lesser vampires were coming out of their resting places.

Immediately, the two wolves positioned themselves in between the oncoming horde and their Chosen. They would die protecting the Ghost Lords.

"Hurry! Hurry!!"

"Val, your silver chain! Put it on him!" Lazarus panted ignoring the searing pain on his face. He had to hang in there, just a little longer.

Without a word, Valentine removed his heavy silver chain and placed it around the frozen vampire's neck. The ancient one grimaced in pain as the silver chain seemed to burn wherever it touched his alabaster skin.

"Guard me."

"No problem," Valentine answered as he hefted an acid glob in his hand.

Lazarus took out a sharp dagger. He prayed Constantine knew what he was talking about.

The gatekeeper circled the immobile Leader and started chanting through clenched teeth ...

"Cursed for life with Immortal beauty,

Power and strength, forever guilty ..."

The vampire's eyes widened in fear. He recognised the ancient verse to end the vampires' curse. He would lose immortality and all his power, he would be reduced to a mere human. "Nooooo, you can't!"

The Assassin ignored him and continued.

"Flesh on bone but hard as stone,

Bound by Night, forever alone ..."

"Stop it! Stop it! I don't want to become mortal!" he hissed, almost growling in his panic.

"No food nor drink can quench your Thirst,

I free you from this endless Curse!!"

"Stop it! Stoppit, stoppit, STOPPIT!!"

Lazarus took out a sharp little dagger and dragged it across his wrist. Immediately, bright red blood spurted out. Owwww! This better be worth it. The Assassin offered his bleeding hand to the Leader, holding it close to his nose and mouth. The enticing sweet scent filled his nostrils. Automatically, the vampire licked his lips, his bloodlust unleashed. The scent of fresh hot blood was too much.

"Drink now once more, for here it ends ..."

The Leader was oblivious to what was being said next. He clamped onto the offered wrist eagerly and was busy sucking at the free meal. He must have been re-set with the dungeon and had forgotten about the Hero's poison blood or maybe the temptation of fresh hot blood was just too much to resist, the Assassin thought.

Lazarus blinked, he could feel his Energy being drained together with his blood by the ravenous being. The Vampire Boss had regained some strength from his intake of blood. He managed to move his hands to grab onto the gatekeeper's wrist firmly. He was not done drinking yet.

Meanwhile the Familiars attacked the lesser vampires, biting and tearing limbs. It maimed them enough to stall movement and slow them down. Valentine was throwing acid globes into the air and shooting at them rather than just lobbing them into the mob. His accurate shots burst the globes in the air, spraying acid onto the vampires below. This increased the weapon's AoE (Area of Effect) and effectively maimed more vampires, stalling them. He made sure he threw the deadly globes away from the wolves.

"What are you doing?!" Valentine shouted at Lazarus over his shoulder. He could not hold the horde back much longer. "Finish it!!"

Lazarus had faltered, swaying on his feet. He felt dizzy. His face and hand was killing him. The vampire was still happily gnawing and sucking on his mangled right wrist. He shook his head trying to remember the next line of the ritual.

"W-with blood and water ... reborn and cleansed!"

The gatekeeper fumbled for the globe he had prepared and smashed it onto the vampire's head. It broke, more Holy water soaked the vampire. He paused in his meal and howled as the pure liquid took effect. A double dose was no laughing matter to the Vampire Lord. Quickly, Lazarus pulled back his throbbing hand and averted his gaze from his mangled raw flesh. He wanted to throw up.

"Now free at last, go rest in peace ...

Release your children, descendants cease!!"

Lazarus slammed a simple wooden cross into the ancient being's forehead where it sizzled and burned into his pasty skin. The gatekeeper staggered back weakly holding onto his wounded hand. It was still dripping. "Ughhh. Please let it work, please let it work," he prayed.

The Vampire Boss being howled. "Now you've done it. Curse you! CURSE YOOOUUUUU!!" His smooth pale skin sagged becoming wrinkled and spotted. His lustrous white hair thinned, turning stringy and sparse. His glowing red eyes dimmed to a dull watery blue. The proud Vampire Boss stooped, bending over like an old man. "Noooo," he moaned miserably. The beautiful night creature was no more. In his place stood nothing more than a wrinkly old man, long overdue for death.

"Are you done yet?! I can't hold them much longer!" Valentine cried desperately as he continued shooting wooden shafts into the oncoming crowd. He really, really, really didn't want to die again. One arm was broken and he was having trouble reloading. The vampire who had managed to hurt him was burning on the floor. "Whatever you're doing, hurry, or I'll be reduced to throwing garlic at them!"

"Done. He is mortal now, I think," came an exhausted voice behind him.

"You think?" Valentine asked incredulously his voice climbing a few octaves higher in his panic. He didn't know what Lazarus was doing behind him.

"Hang on." Gathering the last of his strength, Lazarus plunged his Quest Master's Staff which appeared in his hands into the now mortal vampire. It was made of solid white ash. He twisted the wooden staff, pushing it through the thin mortal bony body and closed his eyes. He couldn't move anymore. He was spent.

Behind him there was an explosion ... and a soft cry. Valentine didn't dare turn around. "Laz? Laz!"he called.

Just then the mob of vampires reached them.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" Valentine yelled a battle cry. This was it. He prayed that Lazarus had finished the ritual and that it worked. If not, it was the end for all of them ... again. He was out of arrows. The blond gatekeeper squared his shoulders and glared at the attacking vampires. He gripped his favourite sword with both hands and braced himself for impact. Anya and Tania were now positioned beside him.

The two familiars attacked leaping into the throng ... and disappeared into an inferno of exploding bodies. Vampires were exploding everywhere. Valentine raised his arm, shielding his eyes from the sudden glare of burning bodies. Miraculously, he was still alive. No bodies crashed into him. No fangs bit him or steel like fingers grabbed him.

Tentatively, he peeked over his arm. What he saw was bloody awesome. The lesser vampires were dying. They were combusting, flares lighting up randomly in the large chamber. The air was filled with the horrible stench of burning bodies and hair. It had worked!

The two wolves appeared, making their way back to him. Their fur was singed in some places but they were otherwise unharmed. They were both bewilded at their good fortune. Now all they had to do was wait for everyone to die, Valentine thought gleefully. He turned to see a burnt black spot where the Leaver of the coven had died. Next to it, motionless, lay the Assassin.

"Laz!" he cried running to his friend. Gently, he lifted Lazarus and cradled his head in his arms. "You're still alive. Hang in there. It's almost over."


"I'm o'kay. J-just collect whatever the Boss dropped and get me out of here," he mumbled wearily.

Valentine's head jerked up. "Oh! I forgot!" He let go of the Assassin unceremoniously and scampered to collect the precious dropped Items.

"Ughhh!!" Lazarus moaned as he dropped back listlessly to the floor. "Nut ..." Anya stayed next to him. She was still on guard.

Lazarus, Assassin Level 84.

Valentine, Thief Level 82 (level up)

All the vampire killing Valentine had done while Lazarus was dealing with the Vampire Boss had paid off. He had levelled up.

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