Chapter 95 - NPC

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Yuuki, Rogue Level 35 walked up to Lazarus the NPC and batted her big luminous eyes.

"Konnichiwa, Laz. We meet again."

"Welcome to the Assassin's Path, Yuuki."

"Pssst, c'mon Skye, he won't bite." Yuuki motioned her companion forward.

Skye, Healer Level 31 came forward hesitantly. When she entered the trigger range, Lazarus greeted her.

"Welcome to the Assassin's Path, Skye."

Skye blushed a deep red when she heard her name coming from his lips. "Oh my God, even his voice is so low and sexy."

"Yes, it is, isn't it," Yuuki agreed.

The five Gatekeepers were all popular. Many Players swarmed to the Orb Trials sites each day to meet and talk to the Gatekeepers' NPC stand-ins. Less than half actually went there to attempt the Trials. It was a thrill to interact with the elusive Legends and see them up close. The NPCs appearance changed according to the real Players' current clothing and styles, thus reflecting their actual appearance in real time. Some would go just to see the condition of the NPCs and try guessing what their favourite gatekeepers were up too.

Isis, Priestess Level 78, was usually regal and pristine. The Priestess was well known for her brews, lotions, potions and poisons. She had set up a small 'shop' just outside her City where Players could trade and buy stuff from her.

Kirana was the sexiest of them all. The beautiful Level 80 Berserker loved to dress up and usually showed some serious skin. Needless to say, there were always several groups of male avatars hanging around her NPC.

Girls flocked to Valentine's Trial too. The dashing blond gatekeeper would greet them all mischievously much to his fans delight. He was programmed to flirt with the girls but alluded a sense of camaraderie with the guys, suggesting usually blatantly useless tips to melt girls hearts. The Thief was a favourite with everyone. He was really fun.

Constantine's Trial site was always crowded. The mouth of the Egyptian tomb now had an enlarged clearing to accommodate his increasing daily traffic. The Level 88 Gatekeeper was regarded in awe by many. Most just went to see the famous powerful Red Warlock up close. Not many actually dared to attempt his Trial, those who did died quickly. Rumours had spread that it was impossible. It had too many traps, curses and ancient dangers ... yet Lazarus and Valentine had done it, although they too had died many times. They were still the only ones who had managed it so far.

Their loyal familiars had helped them and they had completed the Trial as a team, maybe that was the key to solving the Red Warlock's puzzle. There was also another Player who accompanied them, an Assassin who how had been included in Lazarus's exclusive circle of friends. Lucky girl, that Nyx.

The two fan girls stood ogling at Lazarus. This was the only chance they had to be so near the Legend. Too bad the NPC only had a standard script and could not offer a real conversation, although the script was expanded and upgraded frequently. Thus, he only had a fraction of the real Gatekeeper's charm and charisma.

The handsome Assassin was dressed in a dark moss green outfit, medieval style. Cobalt coloured runes ran along the edges of his collar, cuffs and belt. His soft black hunting boots were tied tightly with green laces the exact shade of his shirt. Twin blue green leather strips held back Lazarus's long black hair and ran down his broad back.

Lazarus tilted his head and gave a crooked smile. "I am sorry but Lady Yuuki and Lady Skye, you are both not eligible to attempt the Assassin's Path. Please come back again when you have reached Level 50." Having said his peace, the NPC returned to his position and remained silent.

"Oh my God, he smiled at me."

"At you and at me. Let's go and level up quickly. I want to try his Trial."

"Do we have to go so soon? I haven't finished looking yet," Skye sighed dreamily.

Just then, a group of players approached the Gatekeeper.

"Welcome Heroes to the Assassin's Path."

"Hey Laz, how's it going?"

The famed Assassin smiled in response. How else could it be going? He was standing here all day greeting random players.

"He is smiling again. I thought he didn't do that much."

"That's not him, it's just his NPC."

"Oh, yeah. Right."

"Can we go in?"

Lazarus studied them for a moment. "I am sorry, only Lord Firefox and Lord Black Ice are eligible to proceed."

"Lord Viper, please come back when you have reached Level 50."

"The hell I will!! I am already Level 49. A few more measly XP points and I will level up. I'm as good as Level 50." Viper advanced on Lazarus menacingly drawing his sword.

"I will not allow it until you meet the Trial's criteria. Please level up and come back."

"You? You will not allow it? You are just a stand-in NPC," Viper yelled and charged. The next instant he was flat on his back. Lazarus' famous hunting knife had appeared in his hands. In a split second, the Gatekeeper had deflected the incoming strike and moved nimbly aside. Robbed of his target, the Knight's momentum had carried him forward. Tripping over the Assassin's foot, he went down in an undignified heap. Lazarus moved back to his assigned spot.

"What ... what happened?"

"You tripped?" The NPC replied obligingly.

"I did not!!" the Knight got up indignantly and readied himself for another attack.

"You have been warned. Another attempt to gate crash the Assassin's Path will not be to your benefit. Please step aside for those eligible to proceed."

Viper glared at the calm Gatekeeper suspiciously. "Why aren't you attacking me?"

Black Ice answered, "He is not programmed for attack, only defence. Am I right my Lord Lazarus?"

The Gatekeeper inclined his head confirming Black Ice's deduction.

All the Gatekeeper's NPCs were programmed to guard their respective Trials and allow only eligible genuine players entrance. They were also programmed to provide simple guidance to their Trials and answer general questions about the overall Game. However, Simtrixx kept adding to their repertoire of responses, keeping things fun and Players on their toes. The company had recently updated physical defence for the NPCs as a stronger deterrent to those who insist on gate-crashing the Trials. Usually they would just bounce off the Trial zone shield but then the Gatekeepers would be verbally and sometimes physically assaulted.

Recent months saw growing physical assault of the NPC guardians by disgruntled Players who would cut down the defenceless Gatekeepers. Although it's 'death' did not affect the actual Player's XP, it delayed gameplay for others who wanted to attempt the Trial while the NPCs re-spawned. That was when Simtrixx had taken the initiative to add the Gatekeepers' physical defence system taking into account each Gatekeeper's characteristics. Now, The NPCs were even more like their real Players and better equipped to defend themselves against physical assault, but they were still not programmed for attack.

The first NPC who killed a Player was Kirana. The Berserker had warned the offending Player twice, only hurting him a little each time. The third time he attacked, she had ended his abuse gleefully. He died swiftly, impaled by her deadly spear. It was spectacular.

"Arghhh!! I'll get him!" Viper yelled.

"This is your second warning." Lazarus said calmly. "Don't make me do something you will regret."

"Viper, STOP! Don't make him kill you." Firefox and Black Ice glanced uneasily at the battle ready Gatekeeper. Even his NPC was awesome.

"Kill me? Really? Hah!! This NPC only have standard moves," Viper scoffed at his teammate. "I'd like to see this pathetic bunch of pixels try. He can't stop me from going in." With that, the confident Knight rushed the waiting Assassin.

"You have been warned."

This time the Gatekeeper parried the deadly blade with his own weapon but did not dodge. Turning neatly on his heel, Lazarus hit the side of Viper's head smartly with his knife's hilt, making the angry Knight stumble backwards and yowl in pain.

Viper regained his balance enraged. "Why you no good, sneaky bastard!!!" Viper growled as he glared hatefully at the Assassin.

"Please stop. This is your third and final warning."

In response, the Knight equipped himself in full battle armour and started glowing slightly as he drank a rare potion. It would boost his defence for 30 seconds. Enough time to finish off this annoying NPC.

Viper grinned confidently as his grip tightened on his favourite broadsword.

Lazarus narrowed his silver eyes, assessing the increased level of danger. His foe was now covered in protective steel. Reinforced chain mail peeked at his joints as he moved about. No problem. The Assassin's battle stance adjusted automatically to the new threat but he did not bother to change his weapon. His upgraded hunting knife was good enough. The real Player had a habit of upgrading all his weapons, boosts and buffs as he levelled up.

"I am going to send you to Hell, Gatekeeper," the Knight yelled. Holding his broadsword high, he charged the waiting Assassin.

Viper's attack triggered the violation of the final warning releasing the NPC. The Gatekeeper was now free to terminate the threat to the Assassin's Path.

"You can try ..." said the NPC just as the real Lazarus would.

The second Viper charged, Lazarus sprinted five steps towards the surprised Knight and jumped. Using large boulders as leverage, Lazarus parkoured the surrounding rocks and rocky wall to bore down on the shocked Player. His lethal hunting knife easily found the joint between the helm and the breastplate. Lazarus did not cut or slash, that would have been useless against such chain mail. A piercing stab was however a different story, especially when done right. In a split second, the sharp weapon penetrated Viper's open link chain mail covering the doomed Knight's neck. Lazarus's strong blade sank deep into Viper's jugular as the gatekeeper's weight pressed down on him.

"Ackkk! Damn it."

Death blow Experience Points deducted from :

Viper, Knight Level 49, minus 250,000 XP

Lazarus froze in the killing pose gripping the hilt with both hands. The show was over in a few seconds. Firefox and Black Ice watched as their belligerent friend exploded into nothingness.

The NPC Gatekeeper was not awarded the XP points. It was not the real Lazarus and the NPC was just doing his job. Calmly, he sheathed his hunting knife and put it away before returning his spot.

"That was too fast and too clean," Firefox breathed in awe. "Viper never had a chance."

"Ouch," Black Ice winced. "Now he has to regain the XP before levelling."

"Hahaha, Laz did warn you," laughed a female voice gleefully as the last of Viper disappeared.

Althea, Healer, Level 45

Both Heroes turned to see a beautiful Healer dressed in teal green, saunter up to Lazarus. The handsome Gatekeeper had returned to his neutral pose.

"Welcome to the Assassin's Path, Althea."

"Hello Laz," she greeted him softly. Rose stared at her screen. She took note that he was wearing 'something not black' and her smile turned wistful. Her heart ached and she missed him terribly.

"I am sorry but Lady Althea is not eligible to attempt the Assassin's Path. Please come back when you have reached Level 50."

"I know Laz, you keep telling me that every day."

"Every day?" Firefox laughed. "You come here every day even if you can't go in? You must be one of those fans."

"So what? That's my business." Althea narrowed her eyes in challenge, her mouth curving into a smile, "Well? Aren't you two going in or are you both chicken?"

"Chicken? Who said we were chicken?"

"C'mon, let's go. Laters Healer. Who knows when you will be able to try the Trial. My guess is not for a long time yet if you are wasting your time mooning over a NPC."

Lazarus spoke to them again as the two Heroes turned their backs insultingly to Althea. They did not see the angry gleam in her eyes as she marked them.

"Make your way through the Assassin's Path and find the Orb. You may choose from two Paths, the one above ground or the new underground route. You can use any Skill or Item to help you except teleports."

"You may complete my Trial as a team but only one can claim the Orb at the end. Do you accept my quest, Lords Firefox and Black Ice?"

Gatekeeper Lazarus, Assassin, Level 86, Portal Orb Trial

Accept / Reject

"Of course, Gatekeeper. That's what we are here for," Firefox replied and touched the Accept button.

Both Heroes went in as the shield of the Assassin's Path was lowered for them. Their identities were tagged to allow them through. Anyone else attempting to barge in would simply bounce off the shield. It was a locked zone. The shimmering shield was back up the moment they stepped onto the Assassin's Path.

Once the Heroes disappeared into the trial zone, Althea turned back to Lazarus.

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