Chapter 96 - Challenge

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Nyx and Jinx were at Lazarus' City. The pair would go there in between running dungeons, building their own cities and levelling up to check on the Gatekeeper's home. Since Lazarus had not put up a Shield after the mass attack, his was the only high level City that was actually left open. Any Player could walk in to sight see the Legend's home.

"Is he seriously going to leave it like this?" Jinx asked her companion. "I mean, it's cool and all to let people came in," she said eyeing several groups of touring noobs, "but isn't he worried of another attack?"

"Relax Jinx. Laz knows what he is doing. Besides, not the whole place is open to everyone. I believe he mentioned the Barracks, Keeper's chambers and his own personal chambers are locked zones."

"At least Val's City is Shielded. We don't have to worry about his place."

"Even if it's not, I don't think anyone in their right mind would consider messing up his place, not with Allegra in charge," the Assassin said referring to Valentine's beautiful blood thirsty Battle Master. The Thief's Battle Master was notorious for her loyalty, bravery and short temper. Even Valentine was afraid of her, not that he admitted to it.

Suddenly, Nyx sighed. "I miss them. It's just not the same here without the guys."

"Me too. I miss Val and Tania and Anya."

"What about Constantine? Don't you miss him?" Nyx giggled. "He would be so upset if you didn't mention him."

"Hahahaha, of course. He is so fun and dramatic but I miss Val the most."

"Yeah ... well, that's it I suppose. Everything seems to be in order here."

"Want to run some dungeons? I need less than 100,000 more XP to level up to level 55. Running a low level dungeon a few times will give me that, or maybe a high level one? It would be faster but riskier ..."

"No, I'm not in the mood for dungeons today. Sorry Jinx."

"I know what will cheer you up! Let's go visit Kirana, then the three of us can miss the guys together."

Nyx laughed looking at Jinx knowingly. "You just want to ride Ginggar don't you?"

"What wrong with wanting to ride him?" Jinx said defensively. "Kirana doesn't mind us riding on her familiar. Ginggar is a wonderful big friendly huggable teddy bear. I wish I have a familiar already but I've still a long way to go."

"Kirana will get angry if she hears you talking about her powerful polar bear that way. She is training him to be a ferocious fighting machine not a fluffy bear ride."

"She knows and she doesn't mind. Ginggar is so beautiful, ferocious or not, just like Kirana ... and he transforms into the most gorgeous white haired boy," Jinx sighed dreamily.

"Yes, they do make an awesome pair, don't they? He is just right for her," Nyx agreed and fell silent.

Jinx glanced at her depressed friend. How to cheer her up? The Assassin needed something to lift up her spirits. "How about we go visit Isis instead? She recently levelled up to 78 and now has two new Familiars, Vree and Kruk. They are so cute and playful. I'll introduce you to them."

"V and Kook? What are they?"

"It's Vrrrrrreee and Krrruuuuk," Jinx laugh, exaggerating the proper pronunciation of the mischievous creatures' names. "They are two small naughty lovable furry ferrets. The last time I played with them, they broke my bracelet. Isis found the beads in her carry pouch later and tried to return them to me."


"Yes, she had to fight them off to retrieve the beads. Vree and Kruk can be so possessive and materialistic, they wouldn't let her take them," Jinx giggled remembering the tag team defence the two rascals did while fending off their mistress. "Isis had to scold them soundly. They took their scolding well but still refused to give up the colourful beads."

"In the end, I told them to keep it. I couldn't bear to see their sad little faces."

Nyx smiled. She had not met them but the two sounded adorable. "Maybe next time, I miss Laz. I think I'll go visit him."

"Oh, o'kay Nyx. I'll go visit Kirana and Ginggar then, she is online more often than Isis. Come when you're done talking to him."

Nyx waved as she ported to the Assassin's Path.


The air shimmered as Nyx ported to the Assassin's Path. She was about to approach Lazarus when a loud clear voice rang out.

"Move along, move along, don't crowd around him. Those not here to do the Trial, please go away."

Nyx raised an eyebrow at the commotion. A Player stood just outside Lazarus' trigger range directing traffic with a purpose.

Althea, Healer, Level 45

"All of you can go, you are not qualified for the Trial. Don't block the way. Make space." The Healer was pointing to a group of female avatars well below level 50. Imperiously, she flicked her fingers dismissively at them. They turned away in disappointment.

Nyx stared incredulously at Althea. What was she doing? Was she bullying other Players? Who gave her the right to chase others away? True, not all were here to do the Trial, like her, they were here to visit Laz. They did not deserve to be driven away. Laz had many fans, it was understandable if other Players wanted to see him and talk to him. The frequently updated NPC Gatekeepers gave surprising responses from time to time much to the Players' delight.

Suddenly, Nyx smirked. Althea was also not eligible for the Trial. She was only level 45.

The Assassin narrowed her eyes as her smile widened. It was time to settle an old score. Nyx still remembered Dungeon 60 when the harpy boss had paralysed her. Lazarus had carried her out and had allowed the Healer to kill him. That was between them but Althea had also tried to hurt her. Now that was personal. The Healer had thrown an acid ball at her paralysed form which Laz had intercepted. Nyx's expression hardened when she remembered the scene.

Nyx, Assassin, Level 67 strode over to Lazarus past the busy Healer.

"Hey, you! Wait! I haven't checked you yet," Althea raised her voice. "Get back here."

Nyx pointedly ignored Althea. "Hi, Laz," she greeted her friend's lookalike.

"Welcome to the Assassin's Path, Nyx," the NPC replied in a strained voice and resigned expression but did not waver from his standard script.

Nyx grinned in delight at that subtle touch. The Simtrixx team behind Laz's NPC must have noticed the situation and amended the NPC's behaviour accordingly. It was so like Laz, she giggled. They must have studied him thoroughly. She wondered how they managed to keep tabs on such minor stuff. No other games bothered with standard NPCs once designed and assigned a role in a game. Orc Wars truly was different and it really added value and fun to the game. Nice touch indeed.

"Long day huh?" Nyx said conversationally to the NPC. "Too bad you have to listen to that," she added jerking her thumb at the angry Healer. Lazarus smiled mirthlessly in response but stayed silent.

"What do you mean by that?" asked an irritated voice.

Nyx whirled around to face Althea. She had to admit, Althea really was very pretty. The customised avatar had long wavy auburn hair that framed her cute face perfectly. Violet eyes glared at her whilst her moist lips had thinned into a hard line. Althea had on a pale gauzy teal green gown which fell in soft waves around her exquisite body. She was the perfect image of a competent Healer ... all except her attitude.

The black leather clad Assassin smiled sweetly. "I meant poor Laz had to listen to you harassing his poor fans all day long when you yourself are not eligible to do the Trial. I'm surprised his ears are not bleeding." Nyx pretended to check the Gatekeeper's ears, peering at him closely much to his discomfort.

"How dare you? Do you know who I am? I have a long history with Laz, even before he became famous unlike all of you. I have the right to help him if I want to. These people are crowding him and taking up unnecessary space here."

"I know exactly who you are," Nyx stated flatly, abandoning her act. Her hazel eyes bored into Althea's purple ones. How presumptuous of her! The cheek to claim rights to Laz!

"Then you should know that we go way back. I'm helping him clear the area of useless players. They are crowding the Trial."

"Useless? No one here is useless Althea." Nyx laughed in disbelief at the Healer's audacity, throwing her head back in mirth. "Every Player starts at Level One, even the Gatekeepers were all once low level Heroes." She shook her head and smirked.

"What's so funny?"

"You," Nyx answered when she could control her building anger. "You are so funny, hilarious in fact, a real riot," she sneered.

Althea went into battle mode, a green ball appearing on her open palm. "Explain yourself!"

"You," Nyx started insultingly, "have no rights to usurp this NPC's job, especially when you yourself are not eligible for the Trial."

"I am his fighting companion and his girlfriend!"

The Assassin snorted rudely. "You wish, Althea. Which potion did you take that you are so delusional? Wanting him and having him are two very different matters. He is not even friends with you now." The listening crowd gasped at the news much to the Healer's dismay. "You can all check Lazarus' friends list if you don't believe me," Nyx said to the crowd. "She is definitely not on it."

Nyx drew herself up, "I have more rights to Laz than you. I can take the Trial and I am his current fighting companion."

"Are you saying you're his girlfriend?" Althea cried angrily raising the globe in her hand threateningly.

"No, I never claimed that. I am not his girlfriend," Nyx countered. "Laz is a good friend and my mentor. I am in his exclusive inner circle of trusted companions."

The gathered crowd had quietened to listen to the heated exchange between the two girls. Some had gone AFK (Away From Computer), presumably to check the Gatekeeper's long friends list.

Before Nyx could utter another word, Althea had thrown the green globe at her. The Assassin jumped nimbly aside and laughed. "I'm sure you can do better than that."

"Want to settle this? Let's fight, just you and me. I have a score to settle with you," Nyx challenged.

"You? You want to fight with me?" Althea asked. "And what score?"

"Dungeon 60, you threw an acid globe at me. You tried to kill me," Nyx grated. "Luckily Laz intercepted it ... remember?"

Althea smirked. "You are shameless, Assassin. Look everyone," she called to the crowd, "a level 67 player wants to challenge a level 45 player!!"

"Not as shameless as attacking a helpless paralysed player with an acid globe while she was down." Nyx countered. "Let's play for stakes, whoever loses will stay away from the Assassin's Path. I'll give you a handicap since you are only level 45."

"Fine!! Loser stays away from the Assassin's Path and Laz!"

"Agreed. Let's move to the arena and lock in the stakes. Then no one can cheat."

"Are you calling me a cheater?"

Nyx just shrugged nonchalantly, looking back over her shoulder insinuatingly at the agitated Healer and ported to the agreed arena.

Althea glared angrily at the empty spot for a second before turning back to look at Lazarus. The Gatekeeper was busy greeting players who had surged towards him when she had been arguing with Nyx.

All at once, her anger faded and a wave of overwhelming sadness washed over her. She just wanted to be with Laz, that's all. She wanted to be included in his exclusive inner circle of trusted friends. She wanted to level up with him, go dungeoning with him, hang out with him and the other gatekeepers. She wanted things to be like how it used to be before their misunderstanding, when she was special to him. She wanted him to look at her in that charming way of his and for him to smile his secret smiles he reserved only for her. She wished for a lot of things that were never to be ever again

She wanted him back. Badly.

She had been a fool. She had hurt him and let him go. She had known form the start that he was not like other boys. Now, it was too late for regrets.

With a heavy sigh, Althea ported after Nyx.

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