Chapter 97 - PvP

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Arena 5 locked as the two Players entered the terms and stakes of the match.

Arena 5, PvP (Player vs Player)

Althea, Healer, Level 45 vs Nyx, Assassin, Level 67.


Stakes :

1. Loser to stay away from Gatekeeper Lazarus's Orb Trial, The Assassin's Path.

2. Loser to stay away from Gatekeeper Lazarus' NPC.

3. Loser to stay away from Gatekeeper Lazarus.

4. Loser to stay away from Gatekeeper Lazarus' City(s).

Handicap : Nyx, Assassin, Level 67 will not be able to use melee and long ranged weapons.

No time limit.

Confirm / Edit / Quit

Please choose to continue, the message blinked invitingly to the Players. The two girls looked at each other and pressed Confirm. The Match was closed to the public, they had both agreed on that one thing. At the very least, the loser would not be humiliated in front of a huge crowd.

Rumours had already spread like wildfire over the two beautiful high ranking girls fighting. There had been many witnesses at the Assassin's Path when the challenge had been issued. It was to settle some personal grudge between them. The best part of the formal battle was that it was a fight to the death. Stakes? No one knew what the exact stakes were but it was high and it included the real Lazarus. How and why? No one knew either. Unfortunately, the fight was private. It would be recorded by the Game. Only the two Players would know the results. The stakes would be strictly enforced by the Game.

Players confirmed. Stakes confirmed. Handicap confirmed.

Please choose your terrain ...

Althea looked at Nyx. What would she prefer? She should choose something to her advantage.

"Random?" Nyx voiced her opinion, " ... to be fair."


Random Terrain selected. Please wait awhile ...

It was tacitly understood that the appearance of the terrain would mark the start of the match.

Assassin and Healer went into battle mode. It was a beautiful sight. Two experienced fighters on high alert, facing each other, weapons drawn in readiness. Both Heroes were exquisitely crafted and in good form.

An abandoned poor village setting appeared. Crude mud houses with straw thatched roofs rose up around them. The weather became hot and dry, the artificial sun beating down on the two Heroes seemed hotter and brighter. It made the air shimmer, distorting images ... and targets. Nothing live could be seen in this desolate place.

Game on.


Nyx, dodged and rolled on the ground stopping in a low crouch as an arrow whizzed past where her head had been a second ago. She glared at Althea who was holding a cross bow and flicked a naked blade in her direction before ducking into an open doorway.

A soft cry of annoyance confirmed that the Healer was not hit. Then again, Nyx had not really expected to score. It had been only a delaying tactic. She wanted a chance to study the Healer. Althea was an experienced player. Although under a different guise, she had finished top ten in Season One, thought Nyx. Don't underestimate her. Still, she had the upper hand. Althea/Silhouette may have more gaming experience in Orc Wars but she was a higher level and had recently trained under the very best.

Althea did not give chase. She was too experienced to rush in after her prey and get caught in an ambush. Quickly, she retrieved a melee weapon from her arsenal and threw it into the dim doorway. The little metal globe burst into flames upon impact igniting the little dry hut. Death was inevitable to anyone inside as the flames quickly spread to consume everything it touched. When no sound came from within, the Healer circled round the mud house. As expected, the Assassin must have escaped through an open window at the back.

"Coward! Running off like that. To think that you are a higher level," Althea taunted her rival, crossbow reloaded and ready. "Come out and face me."

In the shadows, the hidden Assassin studied the Healer. She watched as Althea spun round in slow circles, alert for any movement and frowned. Why hadn't she sense her position yet? How far along was Althea in completing her Skills Research Tree? Lazarus had always stressed on Researching even if it was one of the less interesting parts of the game. Do the important ones tailored for your style and class first, then do the others. Don't neglect anything. You never know when you might need it. Since meeting and training with him, she had dutifully followed his advice. Needless to say, her avatar improved tremendously.

Lazarus himself was always diligently Researching, upgrading and improving his avatar, weapons and City ... even now in his current hopeless state. If only he was not sick.

Nyx shook herself and continued her surveillance of her enemy. It would not be too difficult to kill Althea despite being unable to use any long ranged weapons. All she had to do was get in close, too close for a cross bow to be effective, then Althea will have to abandon her favourite weapon. Nyx gave a small laugh, she would force Althea to a close up physical fight. Close combat was not her forte but neither was it the Healers'. Nyx had learnt a few things from Lazarus and Valentine after all.

The Healer was an emotional mess. Whilst taunting the hidden Assassin, she had worked herself up. Nyx smiled to herself in anticipation, it was going to be much easier than she had initially thought. It was never a good thing to fight angry or sad, it affected one's focus and performance. She had a plan; if she could take advantage of Althea's sensitive state of mind, she could win half the battle without even lifting a finger. Quietly, she changed her weapon, deliberately choosing her long hunter's knife. It was similar to Lazarus'. She also increased her buffs for better defence. Now she would be able to withstand more direct hits.

Ready and armed Nyx stepped out into the open. She watched as Althea continued her slow turn, unaware of her enemy's presence. When the green clad avatar finally noticed her, her eyes widened in disbelief before she screamed and released multiple shots. It was what she was waiting for.

Nyx's lips thinned and curved upwards. She stood her ground. Using Speed, she flicked the hunting knife in her hand several times. Althea's arrows were knocked out of the air as the leather clad fighter defended herself. Soon, the arrows lay broken on the ground. The Healer was gaping at her open mouthed, she had recognised Lazarus' fighting style and preferred weapon. There was no doubt who had taught the Assassin in front of her those moves.

Hate and jealousy engulfed the beautiful Hero. Althea started trembling. She bit her lips and screwed up her face at the sudden constriction in her chest; regret. It was a horrible feeling. Her loss gnawed at her from within. Unbidden tears started falling from her large violet eyes. In fury, she screamed and attacked. The pain was too much, she had to lash out at someone.

In response, Nyx ran zig zag towards the enraged Healer and leapt at her. It was time for close combat. Althea barely pulled herself together. Sensing the counter attack, she lifted her stout crossbow to block the hunting knife. The blade lodged in between the bow. With a cry of rage, she twisted her bow, forcing the weapon from Nyx's grasp.

"That is his weapon!! HIS! You have no right!!"

"Aaiiieee!!" Nyx cried in chagrin as she summersaulted nimbly away. Her hands stung where her knife was wrested from her grip. She cursed herself mentally; never underestimate your enemy, especially not one as emotionally unbalanced as the Healer in front of her; it made them unpredictable and more than a little crazy.

Regaining her balance, twin blades immediately appeared in her empty hands. Forget the hunting knife, she had only used it mess with Althea's state of mind and throw her off balance. This was her preferred weapon. Nyx's moist lips curved upwards as she twirled the twin blades expertly.

Althea plucked the Assassin's hunting knife from her bow and threw it down forcibly onto the ground. How dare she use Laz's fighting style and weapons!! It was so similar she had almost envisioned him attacking her! It was time to finish off this fake.

She matched Nyx's smile with her own. Fine, two can play at the game. She had also picked up a few tricks from her previous association with Lazarus. You want Laz? I'll give you Laz. "Auto reload crossbow." The Healer braced herself, aimed and pressed the trigger on her weapon. Sturdy arrows shot out in succession in high speed. Reload, shoot, reload, shoot, reload, shoot! All she had to do was aim and fire.

Althea's smile faltered when Nyx flicked her double blades expertly. The Assassin's long daggers moved incessantly as they flipped and twirled, knocking her missiles out of the air. A trail of broken arrows littered the path behind Nyx as she made her way unfalteringly to the shocked Healer. The Assassin was fast, but not as fast as her mentor. Althea moved, running from side to side randomly, altering the angle of her aim. Her unexpected move worked. She got lucky.

Nyx screamed and fell to the ground. Instinct kept the Assassin moving. She rolled clutching an arm and dodged behind a lone cart. Blood spurted out from her shoulder as she pulled out the stout shaft.


First Blood

The notification flashed several times before fading off.

Althea could hear her enemy panting in pain. That was the disadvantage of fighting a long ranged weapon with a short ranged one, she thought in satisfaction. She might just win this match after all. Without giving Nyx a chance to recover, she threw a mottled green globe at the cart. It exploded hissing, releasing a cloud of greenish brownish gas just as the spot behind it flashed.

"Damn it!" Althea cursed knowing full well that Nyx had ported away to save herself. Her germ filled globe had missed.

"Ackkk!!" The Healer's head was suddenly jerked rudely backwards. Nyx had appeared behind her and pulled at her long auburn hair. Althea twisted her body, ignoring the pain on her scalp. A long sharp butterfly knife appeared in her hands. Quickly, she slashed savagely at her copper locks, severing it and freeing herself. What was left of her long tresses sprang up wildly around her face, the coppery colour caught the sun's rays making it seem like her head was on fire. Althea shook her head, getting unruly strands out of her eyes. She could fix her hair later. Winning was more important now. Laz was at stake.

Her freedom was short lived as the release of her hair was replaced immediately by a bloody elbow choking her neck. A sharp point dug mercilessly into her back. Instinct made her bare her teeth and bite down hard on the exposed flesh in front of her. Fresh blood filled her mouth. Without thinking, she bit down harder and tore at the flesh, ripping a chunk out.

"Aaaaaahhhh!!" Nyx jerked away loosening her hold. Automatically, her other hand plunge the blade into Althea's back. The Healer screamed in pain stumbling forward but was jerked rudely to a stop. Nyx had grabbed onto her mop of hair from behind and was pulling her backwards towards her. She was not letting Althea get away that easily.

Drawing on her fighting experience from her previous avatar, Althea immediately stepped back easing the pain on her head. When she bumped into the Assassin, she braced herself, lifted one leg high and kicked hard. The ball of her right foot connected with the Assassin's forehead squarely behind her head. Straight up,180 degrees. Frontal kick!! Nyx let go with a cry, stumbling backwards. As she reeled back, her right dagger slashed at Althea's throat.


The Healer retaliated immediately. Turning and lunging for her opponent, she rammed her long butterfly knife directly into the Assassin's stomach with all her might before pushing the latter roughly away. Nyx clutched at her gaping wound and glared at Althea.

Althea, Healer, Level 45, Health 19 per cent

Nyx, Assassin, Level 67, Health 27 per cent

Time stood still as the two beautiful injured Heroes faced each other. One had a slashed throat and a long dagger sticking out of her back. The other had a wounded shoulder and a uniquely designed butterfly knife stuck in her middle. Both were panting heavily in exhaustion and bleeding profusely.

"I can't lose ..." Althea mumbled desperately. "I can't not ever see Laz again..."

"What?" Nyx asked astounded. "Why? You had him but you let him go ... you made it clear that you didn't want him," Nyx panted. "Now leave him alone. He needs time to heal and you are not helping." She kept her right dagger up, waving it feebly at Althea.

"It took me too long to see that I was wrong," Althea gasped trying to hold in her guts. "I can't help it. I can't stay away from him. I just want to tell him how sorry I am."


Althea collapsed helplessly to the ground with her head bowed. All the fight had gone out of her.

Nyx followed suit by sinking down gracelessly to the hard ground. She had been swaying unsteadily from the loss of blood and needed to rest badly. The Assassin studied the Healer for a few moments before coming to a decision. She took out two vials of potion and tossed one to Althea who caught it easily.


Althea bit her lip and shrugged noncommittally. Tears were still falling down her rosy cheeks.

"Drink that and turn on your chat microphone. I don't usually like to play with it on because it is so loud and distracting but I think we need to talk ... o'kay?" Nyx said as she emptied her own Health drink.

In response, the Healer drank her potion and nodded. A second later, Aria heard soft sobbing come over her speaker. Her mouth hung open. Rose was crying for real!

"Umm ... hello? Rose, is it?"


"Are you crying?"

"No –oooo," came a strangled denial.

"Uh, o'kay," Aria said awkwardly. Better get to the point. She wanted to clear up some things with Rose. This may be her only chance. "I thought you already apologised to Jace."

"No, not really. I blocked him and cut him off when I was angry at him, then when I unblocked him, I found he had done the same to me," Rose sobbed. "I never got a chance to apologise properly."

"You had a chance at the café ..." Nyx reminded Rose.

"I was going to until I saw him all alone at the table. I ... I realised how much I've missed him," she swallowed. "I thought we still had a chance if I persuaded him. He would have listened to me ... until I saw you."

On screen, both Heroes had ceased moving.


"Yes, you. I hated you on sight. You looked too cool."

Aria snorted. "Me too. I hated your pretty petite feminineness. You are quite cute, I can see why he liked you," she admitted grudgingly.

"I thought Jace would wait for me forever and come running when I cooled down. I was wrong."

"Been there, done that," Aria lied smoothly to the younger girl.

"Really?" asked Rose.

No, not really, thought Aria. She had not had the luxury for teenage romance when she had been too busy surviving beatings from her alcoholic parents, but she had seen enough drama in her previous school to get a good idea. It was like a disease that attacked teenagers when they hit puberty, the drama and emotional games they played, hurting each other and apologising sweetly before going through the vicious cycle again. It was insane. She never understood why people did that. Perhaps it was peer pressure?

Thank God not all were afflicted by the mania, some teenagers were totally clueless whilst others were too immersed in their own world and worries. She fell into the latter category and maybe so did Jace. Aria now realised that Rose had fallen into the puberty trap. She wasn't all to blame. Aria sighed, the curse of seeing things clearly were sometimes truly inconvenient. Now, she couldn't really hate Rose.

"Rose," Aria said quietly, "Jace is human too you know. You can't just play with his feelings and take advantage of him like that. Everyone have their limits and Jace ... well he was going through a really rough patch."

Rose sighed. "I know now."

Rose sniffled and blew her nose. The loud sound came clearly over the speaker making Aria chortle.

"You are laughing at me," came a sulky voice over the microphone.

"I'm sorry," Aria giggled, "I am ... but that was really loud."

An answering rueful laugh came through. "It was wasn't it. I'm sorry." Another heavy sigh sounded before Rose spoke again. "Could you do me a favour? Could you ... maybe ask Jace to unblock me, so that I can apologise to him?"

"I don't know ..."

"Please? You are his girlfriend, he will listen to you. All I want is to be friends again."

Aria sobered. "Rose ..." she started. It was not really her place to interfere.

"Please? I just want things to be like before without all this bad feelings between us. I hate feeling this way. I promise I'll be good and not bug him ... too much."

The goth girl stared at her screen and bit her lower lip. "I'll tell him, but you should know that it will be entirely up to him ... and by the way Jace and I are not together. I'm serious," she stressed. "It's not that I don't want to but I think he is still dealing with some stuff and needs his space." Aria fell silent for a moment, Jace seemed much better nowadays but he was still recovering from severe emotional scars. She noticed his relapses into moody silences sometimes. Thank god it was becoming less frequent now. She sensed that his demons were still there, buried deep down.

"I'm going to give him all the time he needs and just be a good friend for now," Aria said in a lighter tone. "I don't want to scare him off."

"I understand. Thank you," Rose said softly. The cool goth girl didn't seem so bad after all.

On screen, Nyx moved again. Above her, a new message lighted up.


"Quit? Really?"

"Really, Rose."

"But that would mean the stakes are void. You have won already," she said in defeat acknowledging that her avatar's Health was lower than her opponents'. One more clash and she would be done.

"Really," Aria said with a smile, "if you promise not to bug poor Laz."

"I ... I really went overboard didn't I?" Rose laughed in embarrassed realisation. "Poor Laz, I really did harass him didn't I? ... and without intending to do so too but it was the only way I knew to still feel like I was part of his life," she giggled. "O'kay, I promise."

"Thank you."

Althea looked up as Nyx touched 'QUIT'.

Arena 5, PvP (Player vs Player)

Althea, Healer, Level 45 vs Nyx, Assassin, Level 67.


Confirm. Match CANCELLED.

Results : VOID

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