Back To Square One

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A/N: one of my patrons gave a really cool idea about getting to pick what outfits my OCs wear! I loved it and the first one came from the user 'Princes of Antarctica" this is her outfit and I LOVEEEEE IT!! It's what Violet is wearing for tonight

Please keep voting and commenting. I appreciate it.

Violet POV:


"You're a fool to think this will work." I sighed, watching Touya write the message on a janky piece of stained cardboard.

"Yeah, and you're a fool to think it won't work." He countered, not even looking up as he touched up the suspicious words with his marker. "If it said 'free houseplants,' you'd be all over it."

My jaw dropped in offense, pacing the entrance of the dark alley.

"Well-o-only because I'd want to make sure it's a scam! And then I'd report it to the union!" I exclaimed, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Fucking embarrassing."

Not bothering to cap the marker once he was finished, Touya tossed it over his shoulder and into the depths of the dark alley, admiring his artistry of the makeshift sign.

Lure The Boss into the alleyway, make him admit he's Tsuyo, and figure out what Midas is planning tomorrow with his 'big announcement.'

On paper, it all seems fairly simple. But, with such short notice, this was the best plan Touya and I could think of to send everything in motion.

A bunch of kindergartners could have done better!

Yeah, the Boss apparently loves modern furniture-surprisingly, something Touya told me. He figured we should use that to our advantage.

But, honestly? You'd have to be an idiot to actually be tricked! A stained cardboard sign, advertising expensive furniture in a dark alleyway at midnight? That's just a recipe for disaster!

"You're severely underestimating Tsuyo's wits if you think they'll fall for this." I warned, looking around the empty night street.

Touya rose to his feet with the sign in hand, brushing past me to find a place to set it up. "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"Do you?"

He looked back at me in annoyance, scoffing and gasping mockingly.

"Oh? I'm sorry-are you the most wanted serial killer in Japan?-and Puerto Rico?" He said, causing my eyes to widen.

A gasp left my mouth and I slapped a hand over it with scandalous offense. "Puerto Rico!? What did you do in Puerto Rico??"

A hoodrat smile flashed across his face, taking his lip between his teeth with a small amount of pride.

"Do you really wanna know?" He asked smugly.

I blinked a few times and processed the possibilities.

"Nope!" I chirped with a nervous smile, instantly pressing my lips shut tightly.

"Didn't think so." He chuckled at my unease. "Look, the point is, I'm fucking psychotic and I know how to lure people to their death, alright? So, chill and let me work."

He definitely has a point.

I nodded vigorously and paced the alley entrance again, biting down on my thumbnail with nerves.

"Right, right-wait-death?!" I instantly stopped, looking at him in panic. "We aren't trying to kill him!!"

He looked at the wall blankly for a moment before the reminder hit him, waving me off without care.

How do you just forget you're not supposed to kill someone!?

"Yeah, yeah. Right. Details, you know-whatever." He dismissed, carefully positioning the sign at the entrance of the alley. "Gimme the time."

I pulled out my phone with a stressful sigh, lighting up the home screen with the time.


Touya hummed deviously, looking up at the skyscraper building of the HPSC Headquarters across the street. "Perfect. If he follows the same path he does every night, he should be walking by here in...about one minute."

My brows raised in surprise-and admittedly, a little bit of amazement at how tactical he really was.

Underneath the surface, Touya-or, rather, Dabi was a lot smarter than he seems. While he appears reckless and careless towards his enemies, I realize, that's just what he wants them to think.

He's really perfected his trade. Even if it was all for the wrong reasons.

"Wow. You really are a stalker." I said with a shake of my head, watching his face light up with a feral grin.

"Heh. Thanks."

"What-oh-that wasn't really a compliment." I chuckled, snapping my fingers with an idea. "I was just thinking that perhaps you could channel those obsessive skills into something more productive! Like detective work. Or, bingo-"

Touya interrupted my sentence with an obnoxious barf sound. "I'd rather choke on air."

"Technically, you can't-" I said before he cut me off with a groan.

"You're lucky you look hot as shit tonight in that outfit cause you're getting on my nerves." He gestured, waving away the subtle compliment quickly.

But, nothing is subtle to me!

My eyes lit up like a fireplace as I grinned at him and then back to my outfit, smoothing out my shirt and skirt.

"Oh, well I wanted to look the part!" I chirped, displaying my cute skull gloves for his viewing pleasure. "If I'm supposed to be your 'lackey,' so to speak-"

"Who the fuck says lackey-" He sighed, lowering his head in annoyance and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Then I should look edgy and hot to match you!"

Touya's grumpy face barely melted away as he side glanced at my outfit once more, trailing his eyes down my legs with a slight smirk.

He hummed once he got a look at the shoes, shrugging in approval before peeling himself off the wall.

"Mm. And when'd you have time to buy this, huh?" He murmured, voice laced with hints of mischief as he came in close.

I chuckled when his hands came around my waist, holding onto his shoulders tightly as he lazily walked our intertwined bodies backwards.

"When we went shopping to buy you some clothes. I might've bought myself some things, too." I said, feeling my back hit the wall.

"You did, didn't you." He uttered knowingly, letting his hands roam as he buried his face in my neck.

If his friskiness was any indicator on where this was going, he needs to back up!

"Touya." I groaned, unable to stop the smile that curled on my lips as he ran his hands up my sides.


"The Boss will be here any second."

He scoffed hotly against my skin, trailing his lips up to my earlobe before stealing a bite.

"Please. He'd be damn lucky to see what I'm about to do to you. Probably would jizz his pants in the first 10 seconds." He snickered, trying to cop countless feels.

With a roll of my eyes, I placed a hand over his face and lightly shoved him away, watching him laugh smugly to himself and wipe his mouth.

"So romantic. As usual." I huffed, fixing my shirt and skirt he so rudely ruffled!

"Prince fucking Charming, sweetheart." He said with a stretch of his arms, looking back towards the street for our target. "Don't forget it."

Narrowing his gaze, Touya's stalkerish eyes saw something I didn't, getting serious as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the depths of the alley.

"Come on. He's coming."

I followed him deeper into the dark brick walls, crouching with Touya behind a tin trash can and pile of garbage.

Can't get more romantic than that, am I right?

He peered out from behind the can before turning to his wrist, showing off the quirk restraining handcuff in the moonlight.

"If he's really who you think he is, I'm gonna need to take this off." He whispered of the handcuff, reaching into his pocket for the key. "The Masked Mute knows how to fight."

I nodded in agreement. After all, one of the big reasons Touya and I-well, mostly Touya, are cornering The Boss this particular way is to finally get him to admit he's Tsuyo.

Tsuyo and I have had conversations in the mansion about their identity. But, they've been cryptic and vague. To top it off, even when I confronted Tsuyo about knowing who they were, they still never took off their mask even once.

Tsuyo knows how to fight-definitely better than me, and arguably better than Touya. If The Boss is Tsuyo, he'll have a natural fight instinct once Touya jumps him and he'll automatically defend himself.

Then, he'll have to drop this harmless act and admit the truth.

"They do know how to fight, and we really need this to work." I said, giving Touya a little nudge in the shoulder. "So, don't even need to hold back, okay? Do whatever you must to restrain them."

The quirk restraining handcuff clattered to the dirty ground now, causing Touya to smile a little more unhinged and rub his tender wrist.


Just as Touya said, The Boss' frame appeared in the moonlight just another minute later. He was stopped across the street from the alleyway, looking both ways before crossing.

He was close enough for us to hear his sigh, rambling to himself about the doctor's appointment he failed to make this morning for his 'rash.'


Honestly, it was uncomfortable and weird for me to eavesdrop on someone in such a...what's the word? Stalkerish creepy way? Yeah...

But, Touya seemed perfectly seasoned and in his element, blue eyes sharp and piercing as they watched his prey like a dangerous predator.

Why is that kind of hot?-ah, I have a problem!

Once The Boss crossed the street to our side, Touya-slow and stealthily-reached under his shirt, pulling out a thick black bag.

"To cover his head and disorient him." He whispered to my questioning gaze, causing me to sigh with unease.

We did talk about that earlier...

"R-Right, right. Of course. Duh..." I uttered nervously.

You know, this is starting to feel like a real robbery!

My palms began to sweat as I watched on, feeling my heart rate instantly spike once The Boss caught sight of Touya's makeshift killer sign.


"I'm telling you-he's not that stupid." I whispered to Touya before he held a hand up for me to shut up.

"Wait for it." He muttered in focus, keeping his eyes locked on the target.

Wiping the fog from his glasses, The Boss put them back on and crouched in front of the sign, squinting and murmuring it on his lips.

"Freeee.....what's that..?" He muttered, instantly gasping in shock once he read the full thing. "Ah! Does that say Trendy furniture??"

My brows raised as he instantly shot up to his feet, smiling and happy dancing on the balls of his feet.

"Hah! Maybe they have that massage chair that supports your lumbar area!" He exclaimed, entering the depths of the dark alley without hesitation.


My jaw dropped to the dirty floor and Touya snickered quietly, keeping his voice quiet and gloating.

"Told ya."

The Boss' footsteps echoed louder as he walked, coming closer and closer to our position behind the trashcan.

There were no lights. The two buildings that sandwiched this alley were both abandoned. It was honestly the best place to commit heinous, shady acts of villainy.

Phew, leave it to Touya. One minute, the man calls Tokyo a 'country,' the next minute, he finds the perfect place to murder someone. Talk about versatile!

"Hello?" The Boss' voice echoed innocently, looking around the pitch black space. "Hello? Is anyone there? I'm here about the free furniture?"

Touya gripped the black bag tighter as The Boss walked right past us now. Thanks to the trash and shadows we remained unseen.

And, now that he reached our spot, we knew he was officially more than halfway in the alley. As Touya said, that means his screams won't be heard.

With a devilish smirk, Touya slowly rose to his feet with the bag in hand, looming directly over his target from behind.

Only, to my surprise, he didn't catch The Boss off guard and put the bag over his head like he originally planned. He didn't fight him either. Actually...

Touya didn't do anything...


He just changed his entire plan. What is he thinking right now?

To top it off, he also wasn't quiet about making his presence known-intentionally so, causing The Boss' body to go frigid with dreadful realization as he slowly turned around now.

"Boo." Touya drawled out lowly once his victim faced him, eyes glowing blue and smirk painted with malice.

The Boss' gaze immediately widened to the size of saucepans, skin paling and body shaking as the reality of his situation dawned on him.

"D-Dabi??!-oh-it's I-I suppose I should feel relieved then." He chuckled anxiously, starting to sweat from nerves. "I thought someone was about to kill me."

Touya's stitched face curled wider with a smile, taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he came closer.

"Who said someone isn't about to kill you?" The stitched man chuckled, slowly letting a swirl of blue fire glide up his arm like ribbons.

The ocean color lit up the alleyway, giving it an ethereal, yet hellish vibe. While I admired it, I'm sure The Boss had a different perspective!

Realizing Touya was blocking the exit, all The Boss could do was slowly back up, letting out a small whimper as Touya matched his steps.

"Wait-I-I-I don't understand. Dabi! We're....we're still working together, aren't we??! Y-You're still being pardoned for your crimes, thanks to the Midas mission, remember?" The glasses guy said, stumbling backwards on an empty soda can.

Lighting his foot up blue, Touya's boot slowly crunched down atop the metal soda can, melting the aluminum under his sole.

"Good. Then I guess it won't matter when I use your corpse as an ashtray, right?" He mused, letting the fire on his arm swirl up to his collarbone.

Wow, he's really getting into character! That could be a line in one of those tik tok villain edits!

Though, it only begs the question-why is Touya channeling his inner Dabi right now? He's already gone completely off script with our original plan. He was meant to catch The Boss off guard and tie him up, so I'd be able to confront him as Tsuyo.

But, now, Touya is clearly toying with him. And I can't help but think it's because he wants to find out for himself that the man before us is truly Tsuyo.

How The Boss acts now in a simulation of life or death will be very telling about his real identity. Smart!

"Did-is this about Ms. Sasaki? Has something happened to her?" The Boss asked in a squeaker voice, gulping nervously at the possibility. "I...I've been trying to get a target on her whereabouts, you see. But, the hero commission-they cut my budget-"

"Oh-no-heyyy there. I'm alive." I waved uneventfully, only now realizing I never actually stood up and revealed myself.

I was too busy simping.

Quickly, I rose to my feet, joining Touya's side and watching the Boss' body go completely frozen.

With shaking hands and stuttering breaths, he slowly looked from Touya to me, assessing my frame like some sort of haunted ghost.

"V-Violet...?!! What in the world is going on?" His voice cracked, tripping over his own feet as he stumbled backwards again.

Touya hummed and snaked an arm around me from behind, wrapping his other hand around my neck possessively.

"Exactly what you think. Wouldn't you have it out for the Clown Committee if they tossed you away and left you to rot?" He smirked, turning his face in towards my hair.

I blinked blankly as I tried to process his words, feeling the lightbulb go off a few seconds later.

Oh-I see! I'm playing the part of a villain! The disgruntled hero employee who fell in love with the bad guy and switched to the dark side! Rawr!

I'd read a fanfic about that.

"Hold on-oh god-hold on!" The Boss exclaimed, on the verge of tears as he waved his hands around frantically. "I didn't leave you to rot, Ms. Sasaki! I-I've been trying to find you for weeks now! I-If you don't believe me, I can show you my computer! I have all my history as proof-"

"Ohhh, quiet down, fellow!" I announced dramatically, feeling Touya's body freeze against me.

What? I want to get into character, too!

The Boss shut up and looked at me, furrowing his brows at the wicked insult.

Touya's hand slowly fell off my neck as he leaned in and whispered, "Now you're ruining it-"

"I don't appreciate you milking the cow and giving me the ol' tongue!" I continued, walking out of Touya's arms and over to our victim.

I heard him scoff from behind me, seeming to give up on his own villainous act now as I killed his mood.

"Do you think you're talking street slang, or something? Cause you're not-" He pointed out lazily before I interrupted him.

"And you know what?"

"What?" Touya asked blandly, looking at the brick walls with dry bitterness.

I scrunched my lips aggressively and slouched my shoulders with malice, looking between The Boss and Touya dramatically dark.

"I'm starting to get a little angry." I threatened, taking off my gloves

The Boss whimpered as I aggressively pulled my fingers out of the sleeves and tossed them at Touya's face for him to hold.

I don't want them to get dirty!

"Wow." Touya followed up unimpressed, begrudgingly shoving my gloves into his pocket as he watched me take over.

Weird. He seems annoyed that I stole his thunder!

"Yeah, yeah. I'm getting angry-and when I get angry? Well, sometimes...I just can't control myself." I growled through grit teeth, pointing at my counterpart for backup. "Right, Dabi?"

"Sure. Whatever." He sighed, watching me stomp around like a feral baby gorilla.

Starting to get into the role, I flipped my hair out of my face, beginning the dramatic improv I was born to utilize.

"You know, when I was a girl, the Yakuza came to me and-"

"She dresses edgy one time and thinks she's tough shit." Touya waved off tiredly, turning to the Boss with bored eyes now. "Look, I'm gonna try to kill you now. So, if you don't wanna die, you should do something about it, right?"

The Boss gulped and looked over at Touya again, gripping his briefcase tighter between his shaky hands.


Touya nodded and crossed his arms expectantly.

"Well? Go on. Do something." The stitched man ordered, crossing his arms as he waited for proof.

Proof the guy was Tsuyo, of course.

"Yeah, run away!" I chimed in over dramatically, draping my arms over Touya's shoulders as I gave The Boss the evil eye. "Before I string you up by your eyelashes."

I could see tears clouding his eyes as he held his briefcase up to shield himself, frozen in place and ready to hurl.

But, Touya's never been a patient man.

With a low hum, the stitched man walked out of my arms, slowly reigniting his fire once my body was no longer near him.

"Ah. I see. You want me to make the first move? Not a problem with me." He smirked, sending a half-effort blast of fire towards The Boss.

The guy screamed in fear and scrambled away, instantly running past Touya and I in an attempt to leave the alleyway.

"Trap him in." Touya murmured to me, not caring enough to chase after him.

I nodded and aimed my hands at the alley entrance, creating a crystal barrier that prevented anyone from coming in or out.

The Boss shrieked again once he knew he was trapped, starting to lose his composure and sob now.

"Please!!! I'm innocent!!" He cried pathetically, burying his face in his hands as Touya walked towards him again. "I-I have a cat-I have a cat! He needs me!!"

"No way out now. Best to fight back and show me what ya got." Touya egged on, sending another wave of fire straight for the guy.

The Boss shrieked as he dove out of the way, dropping his briefcase that was instantly consumed in flames.

My heart jumped at the hit, gasping as trickles of blue managed to get the very end of his suit coat.

"Hey, hey." I warned, instantly grabbing Touya's shoulder. "That was a little too close, don't you think?"

He shrugged carelessly, keeping his glowing gaze on his victim with growing interest.



He sighed and turned to me seriously now, barely extinguishing a little power from his flames for my sake. "Look, the more he doesn't fight back, the closer I need to get to killing him so he thinks it's real. If he's really the mute and he's not fighting back yet? It means he's not taking it seriously."

"If it's money you want, take it!!" The Boss screamed, starting to cry now. "You can even take my library card."

Touya turned back to the man with a feral grin, instantly lighting up his entire right side blue and upping the pressure.

"All I want from you is your head." He chuckled, sending a thicker more lethal wave of fire towards The Boss.


That could easily kill the guy if he doesn't move.

Starting to feel a little uneasy, I readied my crystals as Touya's flames got closer, preparing to step in if things get too out of control.

Knowing Touya...they might...

But, The Boss got lucky. Being right next to the open door of the abandoned building at his side, he ran into it with an attempt to flee.

Touya's fire missed him with his quick exit, slamming straight into my crystal wall and extinguishing itself.

"That little fucker." The stitched man muttered, instantly running towards the entrance of the warehouse.

With a nervous groan, I followed after him, seeing The Boss hadn't been able to run more than a few feet ahead of us.


Tsuyo's incredibly fast...

"Where do ya think you're going?!" Touya cackled, sending a fireball straight at the guy's foot.

The Boss fell now, starting to gasp and whimper as he tried to wiggle his flaming dress shoe off.

Once he did so, all he could do was scramble backwards on the floor as Dabi closed in.

Looming over him, Touya gripped his shirt and yanked him up, sending his fist straight into the man's cheekbone.

My jaw dropped in horror as he did so, seeing blood instantly paint the man's face and Touya's knuckles.

So, that wasn't part of the plan!

The Boss cried as his head whipped to the side, trying to scramble out of Touya's crushing grip with no avail.

"Fight back." Touya said lowly, sending his boot straight into the man's ribs now.

With a grimace of guilt, I waited for Tsuyo to show himself through The Boss, feeling a growing sense of dread lurking in my stomach.

Because all that happened was The Boss hunched over, spitting up blood and trying to protect himself like an injured puppy.

"I'm gonna kill you, and you can't even fight back?" Touya pushed further, jamming his knee up into The Boss' chin.

His teeth slammed shut with a loud clunk, before Touya picked him up and threw him across the cold concrete.

He crashed face first, painting the concrete red and coughing for air.

And Touya was back on him in a second, not allowing even a single moment for him to breathe.

"Wow. You really are pathetic." The stitched man said without pity, lighting his hand up blue before lunging it straight towards The Boss' neck. "So I'll just put you out of your misery with this next one."

The poor man let out a blood curdling shriek now, life flashing before his eyes and pants now wet with piss as Touya's fist closed in on his jugular.

Oh shit!!

"Stop, Touya!!!" I screamed loudly, feeling panic shoot through my veins at the sight of his kill shot.

On cue, his flaming hand stopped instantly, resting millimeters away from touching The Boss' unharmed neck with his flames.

Through piercing blue eyes, Touya looked at The Boss carefully one last time, not saying a word as he extinguished his fire and let up.

With a loud cry, The Boss collapsed in a heap at Touya's feet, grabbing onto his boot before the stitched man shook him off with disgust.

I ran over to the two of them, kneeling in front of the distraught Boss and touching his shoulder.

"Are you okay!? Why didn't you fight back?!" I exclaimed, almost appearing like I was reprimanding him.

In a way....I was. Surely, he really committed to the act of a helpless person.

The poor man couldn't answer, too overcome with paralyzing fear as his body almost seized in panic.

"I-I-I...I..." He babbled, causing me to give up and just come out with it.

"Why do you keep trying to hide it so much when I already know the truth?!" I demanded, watching his blown pupils find me in hysteria.

"" He fought breathlessly, resting his bloodied face on the dirty concrete in exhaustion.

Gritting my teeth and furrowing my brows, I rose to my feet, pointing at him in accusation.

"I know you're Tsuyo!"

The abandoned warehouse went quiet as my words echoed off the high ceilings, leaving the three of us to absorb them in silence.

The Boss' panic attack came to a halt as he looked at me, sounding so incredibly genuine as he said...



I looked at him with blank eyes, feeling my mouth open and close in wordless denial as I fought for an answer.

There's no reason for him to still deny it at this point. wouldn't make sense...

Touya watched the exchange through his own perceptive silence, clearly having thoughts of his own, but opting not to share them yet.

"Tsuyo. Midas' right hand man." I clarified with growing confusion, grasping for every proving truth I could. "We've...we've talked about it at the mansion before. Remember? You didn't seem to care back then when I threatened to reveal your identity."

Memories of that night played in my head clearly-of Tsuyo and I arguing in my room. I asked him for help in stopping Midas kidnapping the Todoroki children. He said no, therefore, I threatened to reveal his identity...

"I know who you really are!" My words rang through the room as Tsuyo's steps came to a halt. "I'll tell the rest of the world what a high ranking leader of the hero commission does in his free time-"

"Go ahead and tell them what you know. I'm not gonna stop you." They stated carelessly, almost egging me on to do so.

I couldn't forget that night, because I remember being shocked that Tsuyo didn't freak out about what I said. You'd think someone who went through that much effort to keep their face hidden this long would be, at least, a little freaked out.

The Boss coughed and slowly calmed down, sitting up on the ground with a shake of his woozy head.

"What? I was never at the mansion, Violet-I've never even met Midas before in my life!" He said, digging himself further into the lies.

Because I saw it-I saw it for my very own eyes. Well, in pictures anyways!

Tsuyo. Outside the HPSC Headquarters, holding The Boss' HPSC briefcase-with a glowing jewel around his neck and conversing with Midas in his uniform! Wearing everything but the mask!

It doesn't get anymore clearer than that. It can't!

"I have visual proof. There's no use denying it." I crossed my arms stubbornly, starting to become thoroughly frustrated. "And, look, I....well-I don't know how you got to the HPSC Headquarters so fast, after escorting Midas back from his speech today, but-"

"Because I did no such thing!" He yelled in exasperation, seeming on the verge of tears again. "I literally did none of what you're talking about! Check...goodness, my heart-check the time-stamps of my computer history for proof if you don't believe me!"

Hah! More lies!

"Well, since you watched Dabi burn your briefcase-that probably had your computer in it-you already know we can't do that-" I accused, before Touya finally chimed in.

"Nah. The computer fell out of the bag at the last second. It's completely fine." He called out casually, causing me to turn and look at him.

He already had the computer open in his hand-seeming as if he had for a few minutes now, scrolling through it with only half interest.

With a hum, he flipped the screen towards me, displaying the time stamps of The Boss' computer history.

"He's telling the truth. While Jeweled Bitch and Masked Mute were on television for his stupid speech, this guy was looking up pictures of cats with sweaters." He explained, scoffing at the irony.

I looked at Touya in blank shock, only feeling more confused as time went by.

For the last few months, I've...I've been so certain of this, I never even had the capacity to question it.


"What? But..." I trailed off, looking down at the ground in thought.

Because none of these new revelations seem surprising. Not the accurate time stamps and alibi. Or, the fact that the boss didn't fight back when Touya almost killed him.

It's almost would have been more surprising for these accusations against The Boss to be true.

I must have known that deep down.

The Boss seemed to sense this, clearing his throat softly as he got the courage to put his own thoughts in.

"M-Ms. Sasaki, it''s flattering you think I have the raw vigor to be...that person. But, I work twenty-two out of twenty-four hours of the day." He said genuinely, giving an exasperated, stressful laugh. "I wouldn't even have the time to play an undercover spy!"

Defeated frustration welled up in my veins because suddenly, the idea of this guy-this guy being someone like Tsuyo seems so outrageous.

Isn't that what he wants me to think though? I...maybe this is still part of his whole plan. Act innocent so no one suspects the truth.

Because now, I have no other leads.

" could....and..." I babbled, feeling a hand on my shoulder now.

"Hey. Killer. Can I talk to you for a sec?" Touya asked before I sighed.

"Well, I'm kind of the middle of-"

"Great." He interrupted, lightly yanking me to my feet and pulling me away.

I groaned in annoyance as Touya dragged me to the corner of the warehouse, crossing my arms and giving him a dry look.

But, he didn't seem to care about my souring mood, not sparing my feelings as he came out with it instantly.

"Okay, so-you're wrong." He stated matter of factly, barely sneaking hints of sass in his tone.

My brows furrowed down, lightly knocking his hand off my shoulder.

"I'm not wrong." I defended, looking over at the pale, traumatized man slumped on the floor. "He's just a very good liar, apparently-"

Touya let out a small scoff of disbelief, pointing to the wet puddle stained on The Boss' pants.

"That idiot couldn't lie even if he tried-"

"Touya, I saw the pictures. I have proof." I insisted passionately, causing him to shake his head and roll his eyes unconvinced.

"Great. And did you ever see this proof in person?" He asked slowly, already seeming to know the answer.

His words were calm, but also a little condescending. Like he already knew the whole thing right from the start.

The pieces slowly continued coming together as the possibility of Tsuyo's identity slipped further and further away, trying to salvage the last remaining piece of it I could hold onto.

"Well, no. But, visible proof is like the best proof one can get when figuring something out." I argued, watching him click his tongue.

"Yeah. Maybe from those shitty heroes' perspectives." He hinted, causing my brows to raise in confusion.


Touya's snobby villainy lightened up as he sensed my genuine confusion, anchoring his hand back onto my shoulder.

"Take it from someone who's been running circles around you airheads for years. 'Visible' proof don't mean a thing until you see it all for yourself." He practically whispered, raising his brows knowingly. "People like me? This is exactly how we trick the hell outta you. We make you let your guard down and corner you until it's too late for you to run."

I let out a soft sigh and looked to the floor, feeling Touya's thumb run along my shoulder gently.

"Look, Grape. It takes one to know one-I know 'fucked up' when I see it. I knew it with jeweled bitch, and I'm telling you again. Four Eyes? He ain't your guy." He murmured more patiently, sensing my deflation.

I know that. Deep down, I knew it all along, but never wanted to believe it. Because I always thought of Tsuyo as a friend, and pretending they were The Boss for these last few months gave them a face in my mind. A face that's, once again, no longer there.

It only brings us back to square one. With this mission. With Midas, and most of all, all the growth I've had in my friendship with Tsuyo.

They're still just as much a stranger as they've ever been.

But, I still don't understand...

"Well, then how does that explain the pictures of him in Tsuyo's uniform?" I asked, causing Touya to shrug.

"I dunno. That pretentious bitch and his jewels made you do things you never thought you would." He reasoned surprisingly well. "Probably ain't that hard for him to manipulate an idiot-especially one that wanders into janky alleyways at midnight, looking for free furniture and shit."

I never thought of that. I never thought of the possibility that Midas set The Boss up. It's quite ridiculous when you think about it, because he always had all the tools to do so. His jewels can control just about anything.

Just another way he slipped under my nose.

"Oh gosh..." I groaned, face palming into my hand as Touya pulled me closer.

"Yeah." He uttered, wrapping an arm around me with reassurance.

Midas thoroughly played me. He played all of us.

And now that I think about it...

So did Tsuyo.

Now I see why they never seemed to panic when I threatened to reveal their identity as The Boss. It's because that's not who they really are, and setting up someone from the HPSC would get everyone off their back.

This was always their plan from the start, wasn't it? Maybe I thought of them as more of a friend than they really are. Especially, because the harsh truth I've just learned is...

I don't know them.

Part of that admittedly hurts my feelings. Knowing Tsuyo intentionally tricked me and let me believe they were someone else.

But, I shouldn't be surprised. Anything is possible when it comes to Midas and his followers.

I will find out who you are, Tsuyo. Someday soon, I will finally see you without your mask.

For now though...

"I feel like an idiot." I grumbled, slumping my shoulders in defeat.

Touya lightly flicked me in the cheek, smirking smugly. "Well, you are."

"Ohhh, shut it." I huffed, shoving him before walking back over to The Boss.

Well, this is awkward. Time for damage control!

With a slight grimace, my tune had instantly changed, slowly dancing my feet over like I was walking on actual eggshells now.

"Sir?" I said quietly, instantly bowing my head in his direction. "Sir-I....I am sooo sorry for-well, all of this."

Luckily, he'd been able to compose himself back to normal in the time Touya and I had our private conversation. He was still sitting on the floor, but now he was no longer pale or shivering. Just sweaty and relieved.

He smiled up at me genuinely, seeming elated to be alive more than anything.

"Oh-it's okay!" He waved, beaming and interested in the topic now. "You know, the more I think about it, the more I kind of feel like a tough guy! Midas picked me of all people to frame? That must mean I'm pretty powerful, right?"


I opened my mouth wordlessly, deciding it best to smile sheepishly and agree-

"Or, you're just an easy moron who's worth nothing." Touya chimed from behind me, brushing his shoulder against mine.

He also seemed to have calmed down from his reign of terror, having retrieved his quirk restraining handcuff from the alley and letting it dangle in his hand.

I turned back to The Boss, sighing in content, but also a little defeat.

Because now, it's unlikely I'll be able to find out what Midas is planning to announce tomorrow. I have no way to get in contact with Tsuyo. No more ears on the inside.

I'm really back to square one-we're back to square one.

"Well, if it's any consolation, I'm glad it's not you." I said to The Boss, kneeling in front of him.

"Yes, well-me too." He smiled, dwindling his bloody face down into seriousness now. "And...and if it's any consolation for you, Ms. Sasaki, I never gave up on trying to find you. I know I've failed you, but...I'm truly glad you're okay."

I gave him a wave of my hand, dismissing his worries with reassurance.

No hard feelings. I mean, I did just try to kill him!

"Ohhh, you didn't fail me. It was more like....I failed myself?" I cringed slightly. "But, I'm trying to fix that now. I suppose I owe you one big report of everything that happened in my absence?"

His mouth beamed with a bright, bloody smile now, seeming already past the near death experience and ready to move forward.

"That would certainly be lovely!" He exclaimed, maneuvering onto his knees to find his glasses. "I'm very curious to know about Dabi's decision to go white with his hair. It looks wonderful!"

"Fuck you." Touya said blandly, subtly kicking the man's glasses further out of reach.

I shot him a small glare of discipline and swiped the glasses myself, handing them to The Boss with a smile. "I'd be glad to start from the beginning. But...maybe we should change your pants first?"

He looked at me in confusion before it dawned on him, eyes widening and cheeks reddening as he instantly tried to cover his wet pants.

"Oh-yes. I apologize. I'm a panic pee-er!" He chuckled, causing Touya to sigh and close his eyes.

"Coulda gone my whole life without knowing that."


Text Message From: Shouto (Now)
Come over to the house tomorrow and I'll tell you what I know.


A/N: as always, you guys can read ahead on patreon. The patrons are about to enter the finale arc of the story.

There's also 10 chapters of my Adult Shouto x OC story on there called 'Bad Habits.' That updates every Wednesday.

There's many more things on there as well. Feel free to check it out!

Please don't forget to vote. See you next week.

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