Big Brother Is Always Watching

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Violet POV:

The morning was calm and quiet. Crisp with winter and perfect for thinking.

I kicked a pebble down the sidewalk, looking ahead to the familiar path of the past.

My old stomping grounds. Actually, Akio and I's old stomping grounds. Back when we were teenagers, we used to walk this path together every morning.

It's not like me to wake up early and crave a walk. But, thoughts of my best friend have been weighing on me heavily for weeks now, only getting stronger with each day that passes.

Touya offered to join me. But, he was also asleep five seconds after I told him I was happy to go alone.

I was okay with that. It's as he told me before, my friendship with Akio is just that-between me and Akio. It's unique to the two of us, just like my relationship with Touya is unique to us.

Part of rekindling my identity is remembering the person I was on my own. Touya can't do that for me and neither can anyone else.

Shoving my hands in the pockets of my sweatshirt, I kicked another stray rock down the sidewalk, watching it stop at the exact point where my walks with Akio would always end.

The corner of the neighborhood. Akio would go left towards Shiketsu, and I'd go right towards the public high school. I could practically see the faint visions of our younger selves in front of me, waving goodbye to each other before the sight dissipated in the crisp morning breeze.

The wind traveled to me now, running through my body, frigid and unforgiving.

I can't deny the feeling of emptiness that still exists within my heart. The space that Akio always filled when I needed him the most.

It's hard admitting when you've messed up. But, sometimes, it's even harder to try and fix your mistakes.

Especially when you don't know where to start.

I sighed heavily as I walked a few more steps, standing atop the point where our paths always separated.

There was a time we said our last goodbye here, and never really knew it.

I swallowed heavily and pulled my phone out of my pocket, lighting up the screen before pressing my lips together.

Akio: No new messages.

Even after I called him last night. Ouch.

I don't blame him for not wanting to see me. And, while I could physically seek him out in the hotel room that him and Touya share, or his apartment on the other side of town, I won't do that. Because I know him, and I know he doesn't want to be found right now. By me, anyways.

I know when he's done trying, willing to throw in the towel and give up-legitimately give up. He never truly says it. He just disappears into the background slowly, until he's no longer there at all. Until he's nothing more than a memory.

Akio's way of saying goodbye is heartbreaking. And it's exactly what he's doing now. Never in the ten years of our friendship have I ever experienced it, and honestly, I thought I never would.

But, things change and people do, too. I did-and not for the better during that moment I hurt him.

You reap what you sow. That's what Touya always says, right? I'm not one to disagree. But, I'd never forgive myself if I didn't at least apologize properly.

Akio deserves that much. Actually, he deserves the world, but even giving that to him wouldn't be enough after the way I've treated him.

My best friend is many things. He's an excellent listener and patient with everyone. He's humble and works hard. He always tries to see the best in everyone.

But, right now, he's also a fool to think he could just quietly fade out of my life without me noticing-or anyone's life for that matter. He's too important. He shines too bright, and his soul is a rare gem that can't ever be replaced.

The most tragic part is that he never sees himself that way, and for as long as I've known him, there's always been an underlying weight of sadness and pain he won't show the world, even me.

Even if he's never spoken of it, I know he had a life before I found him in that alleyway all those years ago. And, based on the deteriorated state he was in, it wasn't a life that was kind.

For that reason, I don't want to push him. I don't want to add to his pain anymore and make this harder on him.

If he doesn't want to see me in person, I'll respect that. But, even if we never speak again, he at least deserves an explanation. Or, at least.....a parting apology.

Regardless, this silence can't be where our story ends. We've been through too much to become ghosted strangers overnight.

The chilly morning breeze kissed my cheeks as I looked up once more, gazing at the direction of Shiketsu High School with the sight of him in my mind.

"I'll see you later, Vi." He smiled, giving me one more parting wave before running down the path of success.

Yeah. See you later.

Inhaling deeply, I pulled my winter beanie further down my chilly ears, looking at the phone in my hand before navigating to his number.

Don't be a coward.

My heart jumped when I hit the call button, almost surprised at myself for actually doing it.

Crap. It's ringing.

I closed my eyes as the dial tone began to hum with the flat ring, pressing my hand to my chest as my heart skipped faster.

The social anxiety in me would rather walk on broken glass than talk on the phone-or, leave voicemails for that matter...

But, I didn't hang up as the line rang, and rang again, eventually reaching the dreaded point of acceptance that he wouldn't answer my call.

And then...

Halfway through the next ring, the dial tone instantly cut off, sending me straight to his voicemail.

If it was only halfway through, it usually means he actively declined the call.

I chewed on my bottom lip as the standard voicemail greeting played, trying to scramble through my head again and find the right words before the recording would start.

There's so many things I want to say. It can't all fit in a voicemail, and honestly, I don't want it to. I want to speak with him in person.

But, getting to know Akio is a privilege. One I may have lost forever now.

So...I guess a voicemail will have to do.

Before I knew it, the voicemail automated message ended, sending off a happy little beep for me to begin speaking.

The words ran dry in my throat instantly. With sweat on the back of my neck, my mouth opened in panicked silence, freezing from the pressure and contemplating on hanging up.


I forced myself to stay on the line, leaning back against the cold fence of the neighborhood sidewalk as I tried to find my voice.

"A-Akio. Uh..." I blurted out awkwardly, pinching the bridge of my nose anxiously.

I messed up. I'm an idiot. Please don't stop being my friend. All of it is true, but sounds so bare minimum at the same time. So much has happened since we last saw each other. There's so many things I want to tell him, but can't find the place to start.

"I'm sorry I haven't been in touch." I mumbled, feeling another harsh breeze run through my coat. "Things have been a little crazy lately-as you've probably guessed when you saw me at Midas' place the other day..."

The memories of seeing him that night make my heart ache. He was practically unconscious, covered in a puddle of his own blood, thanks to my stupid decisions.

Even if he won't talk to me, it was only a few days ago that he risked his life-and almost died trying to save mine. He never would have been in that situation had it not been for my selfishness.That just hurts more.

Maybe he really is better off without me.

I waited in silence for a few passing seconds, mulling in my thoughts and waiting hopelessly for him to just pick up the phone.


"I...I guess you're not there. Gosh. I didn't really want to apologize over voicemail." I rubbed the back of my neck, watching a stray brown leaf dance along the pavement. "But, I deserve the silent treatment. Honestly, I don't even know if you'll check this voicemail. For all I know, you'll see it appear and delete it from your mailbox. I'd be deserving of that, too, if you did..."

The thought of him doing such a thing kills me. The thought of returning to strangers...

"But, just in case you don't delete case you're there right now, listening to me ramble away like a loser, there's just a few things I want to tell you-well-actually, there's a lot of things I want to tell you. I want to tell you everything, Akio." I said, fiddling my fingers with the steel of the fence.

I closed my eyes and imagined him here, listening to my pathetic attempt at apology. Whenever he gets mad, he crosses his arms. He also tends to avoid eye contact, always looking to the sky or the ground, like he can't bear to look at you for a single second. At a first glance, it looks like he's bored and not really listening. But, he is.

Even when I never thought he was listening, he always was. He always gave me his full attention, like everything I had to say was so interesting.

A small smile curved up my lips at the thought, feeling nostalgia for our friendship setting in. It made the words easier to say.

"Well, I-see, I wanna tell you the clouds look extra dark today, and the ramen I had for dinner last night was spicy the way you like it." My voice came out lower and more reminiscent. "I wanna...I wanna call you during your lunch break like I used to, and hear about all the civilians you chatted with today. Heh, I wanna text you all the weird dreams I have at night, and listen to your usual theories about what it could mean for my horoscope."

I chuckled at the memories, giving my head a little shake at all the fun times we used to have. Times that I took for granted. It...

It made my face fall again, dwindling down to somberness and regret.

My fingers gripped the icy iron of the fence, wet with the dewy morning.

Here it goes...

"But, most of all-and most importantly....I want to tell sorry I am, Akio. Not just for how I acted at the dance. But, how I've been acting for the last ten years." I said, cursing the minuscule crack that twitched in my voice.

It's not the first time Akio and I have fought. But, it's the first time it feels unsalvageable.

The recording would end soon, yet I had so much more to say. So much more to tell you.

Even with the cruel time limit of a voicemail, I took my time, lowering my head towards the ground with a truth I never really came to until these last few days.

"You know, on the surface...I always liked to think I was kind and generous. But, I've actually come to realize how selfish of a person I really am." My voice came out raspy with admittance.

I grimaced softly in guilt, feeling the wet condensation of the fence coat my fingertips.

"In these last few weeks, there's a lot of things I've figured out." I told him, pushing myself off the fence. "One of them was about you, Akio. You've always been the best friend I could have ever asked for. And I didn't deserve you, because I never matched your efforts like I should have. I never put you first when you absolutely deserved it, and I think I selfishly took for granted that you'd always be by my side."

Slowly, I turned my back on the path we used to walk everyday, deciding it was time to go home.

"But, it was a mistake, you see." I walked and talked, stuffing a cold hand in the pocket of Touya's sweatshirt. "A-And I never thought the day would come where I'd beg for you to come back into my life."

I threw my head to the morning sky, feeling the breeze ruffle up my hair.

The clouds are starting to melt. Even if the day started off dreary, it was turning out to be a beautiful day.

"Please know, I genuinely mean it when I say I'm glad I have to experience this." I reassured him. "I'm glad I feel this way and that you're finally giving me what I deserve. You always put me on a pedestal, Akio. You always saw the good in me-too much good, and I only realize now that I really took advantage of that."

That old saying, 'you never know what you have until it's gone,' is really true.

I love Akio. I'd die for him. I want him to have every bit of happiness and everything good.

But, at the same time, I knew how much he loved me-sure, I didn't realize it was that kind of love. I thought it was platonic love. But, still, it was love. Intense love that made me believe we'd really get through anything.

I guess, deep down, it made me believe he'd always be there. No matter what. Even if I didn't know it, I really took his presence for granted.

He deserves to be appreciated.

"Thank you for holding me accountable. For walking away and showing me I messed up. For showing me you won't always be here, and reminding me about respect." I said softly, kicking another pebble down the path. "You're one of a kind. You can't be replaced. And I just want you to know, Akio, that I love you so much."'s really starting to sound like goodbye.

My throat felt heavier even after I cleared it, trying to get through the rest of the message in one piece. "I'm not asking for you to speak to me again, or forgive me. Of course, that's what I want, but this isn't about me. It's about you, and it should be. It's about what you want-what's best for you, whether that means I'm in your life or not."

Thoughts that the voicemail would be ending soon made me simultaneously panicked and sad. Because this was the only way I could talk to him. And once that little beep disconnected the line, it could be the last time.

"I'm always gonna be on your side, okay? Wherever life takes us, no matter how much time passes, I will always root for you to succeed, Akio. To be happy and find peace." I said, starting to ramble. "You can always call me, if you want-or visit me. I-It doesn't matter what time it is. It doesn't matter where you are."

My steps came to a halt, letting my eyes fall closed with words I hope he'd always remember.

"You're always going to be my friend. Even if I'm no longer yours."

The little click sound disrupted the line now, hearing the automated voice speak.

"Voicemail has reached its time limit."

With that, the call disconnected against my will, leaving the silence to feel heavier than before.

Ah. I've finally run out of time.

I guess that's it.

Nodding softly, I lowered the phone from my ear and clicked it closed, feeling ten years of friendship slip from my grasp and disappear in the wind.

"See you later, Akio." I whispered, pulling my coat tighter around myself as I walked home


Lost were the days that Akio loved to bask in the sun and go for those morning walks with her.

His glowing eyes never looked so dull as he sat in the pitch black, cold room, holding the phone to his ear as Violet's voicemail played.

He listened to every word and it touched his heart. But, still, it changed nothing. In the end, he was only doing what he knew was best. For him? Well, no. He didn't really care about that.

Nothing he ever did was for him anymore. He didn't even know what he wanted now. He'd long forgotten his own dreams and identity.

"I'm always gonna be on your side, okay?"

He wanted to cry when he heard her voice crack on that line. If he had the capacity to cry right now, he probably would. But, all he could do was stare at the wall through bloodshot, dead eyes, not remembering the last time he even blinked.

His hands had started to bleed again, and so had his nose. The only way he knew he still possessed a soul was because of how much it physically ached right now.

There are some things that can't be fixed. For that reason, he should stay away.

Besides, she's going to be okay now. She doesn't need him anymore. He doesn't say that with pity, but reassurance that once he's gone, she'll be taken care of.

He should disappear. And he will. Whether he wants to or not.

"See you later, Vi." Akio whispered raspily, succumbing to the darkness that was his fate.


Violet POV:

The morning had burned off into early afternoon by the time I returned from my walk.

To my surprise, Touya was already up. Unsurprisingly though, he was barely dressed, reclining on my couch in nothing but his boxers.

He didn't notice me yet, leaning back into the couch cushions with his feet resting on the glass coffee table in front of him. One of his arms was draped atop the couch, the other was fostering a cigarette currently stuck between his lips, puffing and releasing the smoke into the air lazily as he flipped through television channels.

Well, didn't he get comfortable fast!

Still, I could get used to a sight like that.

"Hey." I greeted him softly, pulling my scarf off before kicking the door closed.

He looked over at me with a nod, humming in reply as he took another drag of his cigarette.

"You took awhile." His words came out muffled over the cigarette in his mouth.

I sighed in agreement, tossing my coat and hat on the floor before coming over to him.

"Did you miss me that much?" My lips curled with a light smile, plopping down in the space next to him.

His smell of smoke and cinnamon was familiar and comforting. Having sat right under the space where his arm was perched, his body heat consumed me.

He continued flipping through channels, but judging from the soft, mischievous glint in his eyes, I could tell he wasn't really paying attention to the television anymore.

"Mm. Waking up with you ain't that bad, I guess." He mumbled, unable to stop the slight curl of a teasing smirk on his lips.

My jaw dropped in fake offense, gently nudging him in the ribs and crossing my arms.

"Ain't that bad!? Well, don't be too generous with those compliments now." I chuckled.

He settled on a random news channel and flipped the television remote over his shoulder, turning his full attention to me now.

His body shifted down the couch until his face was buried in my neck, draping an arm around my midsection and pulling me closer.

"Fine. I missed you. Is that what you wanted to hear?" He murmured against my skin, speaking soft and quiet.

His chest rumbled against me with the words and his breath tickled my ear, sending butterflies in my stomach and a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

"Yes." I inhaled softly, letting my head fall back against the cushions in content.

His body heat continued to warm me up from my chilled morning walk, burying his face deeper into the crook of my neck with lazy kisses.

"Mmm." He drawled out, voice stripped with vulnerability and truth. "Left me all alone this morning, Grape. Fucking heartless, if you ask me."

I smiled lightly, letting my eyes fall closed as his kisses became wetter on my skin. His arm draped around my midsection traveled upwards, finding my breast and squeezing it gently. Knowing him, it was just because he could.

"I'm sure you managed just fine." I mused with a roll of my eyes, hearing him grunt in bratty protest.

Turning into him, I pulled his face out of my neck and cupped his jaw, molding our lips together for a kiss.

He let out a hot breath of pleasure into my mouth at my initiative, moving his mouth against mine instantly and dragging me closer.

His hand traveled to the collar of my sweater now, pulling it down until my bra peeked out.

"Whoops." He smirked without remorse, causing me to giggle as he shifted it to the side and brought my breasts out into the open.

The cold air caused me to inhale sharply, instantly soothed as his warm hands cupped around them.

"Touya..." I breathed sweetly, burying my hand in the back of his hair as he pecked my mouth lightly.

"You wanna?" He asked suggestively, nipping at my bottom lip.

I couldn't help but find the two of us amusing. It feels like we're a couple of newlyweds on a honeymoon, unable to keep our hands away from each other.

And, as much as the fire in my stomach tells me 'yes, yes, yes,' I mean it when I say Touya and I really haven't been able to keep our hands away in the last twenty-four hours. So much so, I'm starting to...well, ache!

"If I wasn't so sore down there, maybe. But, I think my body needs a break from that." I murmured, causing him to nod.

"Fine." He pecked my lips reassuringly, adjusting my shirt so I was presentable again. "Fair enough. I've been inside you almost as long as we've been in this apartment."

Ohhh, now he sounds smug.

I shoved him away from me with a teasing huff, watching him snicker with pride as he fell back into the couch cushions.

"Once again, you have such a way with words." I said with sarcasm, sitting up straighter on the couch to fully fix my shirt.

"Not my fault I'm prince-fucking-charming." Touya remained melted into the couch cushions, barely paying the television a glance. "Did you talk to Akio?"

The blissful box of our apartment cracked at Touya's reminder of reality. The reality of all the things that are currently in shambles outside of this little space.

My first attempt at fixing my mistakes was a failure.

"He didn't answer my call." I admitted with a sigh, sinking into the couch with a sulk. "I left a voicemail. But....I'm not convinced he'll even check it."

"He'll come around." Touya shrugged in dismissal, causing me to peer over at him.

"You sound so sure."

"Cause I am."

I pursed my lips in contemplation to his certainty, absentmindedly watching the news channel with him.

The conversation is bringing back memories of the past. Memories of him and I sitting on the lawn of the Todoroki home at late hours of the night, looking at the stars and talking about my mom.

Even after I'd lost hope, Touya was always so sure she'd come back. But, she never did.

I can't help but think...maybe he's wrong again.

"And if he doesn't?" My voice came out bleak and defeated.

He didn't take longer than a few seconds to answer, keeping his eyes on the television as he spoke.

"Well then I'll kill him." His voice was blunt, yet teasing.

"Touyaaa..." I groaned in reprimand, giving him a light glare of annoyance.

His teases burned off as he continued.

"He'll come around, Grape. I mean it. Don't forget I know him, too. Yeah, you know him in his best moments. But, I knew him in his worst. Behind closed doors when I kicked him to the ground. Back when he had every right to lash out and lose his shit." He explained, watching the television with thought filled eyes of the past.

The news station played faintly as Touya reflected in silence, letting out a quiet sigh.

"He never did. And he won't now. Let him sort his shit out and he'll come back. Alright?" His voice came out lower.

Maybe Touya has a point. He had his own relationship with Akio, one that never included me. And, while it was horrible and toxic, those two know each other in a different way than how I know them. Perhaps, that counts for something.

I'll give him more time.

"Alright." I nodded, hearing Touya hum and place a hand on his bare stomach.

"Good. Now, I'm fucking hungry." He grumbled, stretching his arms over his head lazily.

My eyes lit up at the opportunity, turning him with a little excitement.

"Want me to cook you something?" I beamed, causing him to blow a raspberry from his lips.

"And fight for my life on the shitter later? No."

"It's not a crime to give your bowels a good clean every now and then."

My reminder caused Touya's pierced nose to scrunch in disgust.

"Don't say..." He trailed off, looking at the television with a little surprise now.

I furrowed my brows and followed his line of sight, taking a glance at the channel.

It was still on the news station, but upon getting a look at the person on the screen, I immediately understood what caught his eye.

My heart jumped up my throat as waves of pain and fury came rushing back.

"What..." I breathed out, seeing Midas' smiling face looking back at me.

Instantly panicking, I swiped the television remote out of Touya's hands and cranked up the volume, leaning forward on the couch.

Because what is he doing on the news? He almost never shows his face. Ever. Even as his facade, Mr. Eternal, he's only made a few appearances. Not on a television for millions of people to see.

The bright red headline flashed at the bottom of the screen, making him look important, and professional, but most of all...

Powerful. So incredibly powerful.

World famous entrepreneur, Mr. Eternal, makes his first televised appearance!

He was outside, and I didn't recognize exactly where. But, there was an audience-an audience who were apparently big fans as he received a standing ovation from his spot at the podium.

It's so weird to see him in public like this. On television. In front of all these people. It's something he never would have dared to do a few days ago, and that makes me incredibly uneasy.

Because it means, he's already changed course. He's already figured out a new plan and fine tuned the details-one I won't ever know of. One that's surely directed at me.

And, taking such a big step like this...being so incredibly bold and shocking me with only means he's become more willing to take chances. More willing to risk himself without fear.

He's acting like a man who doesn't have anything to lose. Those are the most dangerous ones of all.

Standing at the podium like a seasoned politician, Midas nodded his head and gently waved everyone to quiet down.

They obeyed instantly, sitting back in their chairs, looking on like salivating dogs eagerly waiting for the next command from their master.

For three seconds, the entire world went quiet as Midas adjusted his tie and prepared to speak. The news station. The audience. Even Touya and I in my apartment.

And then..

"Beautiful citizens of Japan, I humbly thank you for taking the time to listen to me today." He said, giving a heavy bow in front of the camera.

His hair was styled with his usual class. His suit was clean cut. His smile was sweet.

And, finally-finally, I saw right through him instantly.

Suddenly, it's so obvious to me that he's not in his right mind. It took me a year to finally be able to read him, but now that I have, I can't unsee it.

Yes, his hair looked nice, but I could tell it was messy underneath the hair gel-strands of it were falling into his face, and I knew he must have rushed to style it this morning. His suit was clean cut, but it hung on him just a little bigger than it normally does, meaning he must be thinner.

His smile was sweet, but so incredibly forced, not reaching his eyes-eyes that were subtly bloodshot, contrasting against the grayish color of his skin, instead of that usual radiant glow.

"It's about time I finally showed myself." He chuckled lightly, giving the audience an apologetic flash. "Forgive me for waiting so long to do so. I've always been camera shy. I prefer to do my deeds in secret to avoid flustering situations such as these."

The jewel necklace hung around his neck like a prison chain. A prison of his own that he can't seem to escape.

Tsuyo always warned me that the jewels could eat me alive if I wasn't careful. It seems even Midas himself wasn't spared from that possibility.

"But, with such an impressive turn out of volunteers appearing at my estate last night, all offering their helping hands to rebuild my home that was unjustly destroyed the other day....I felt it most respectful to visibly show my thanks." He said, glancing down at the podium momentarily.

Even if he tried to turn on his usual charm, his current mental state wouldn't allow him the privilege of fully channeling it. Acquaintances and admirers wouldn't notice, but he's quiet. His usual exuberant energy is gone. His voice is raspy.

Honestly, it might be even worse this way. To onlookers, he just appears as the innocent puppy who's been unfairly kicked down by life. Who's humble, and quiet, and gentle.

It's dangerous to underestimate him. But, even more importantly, it's dangerous to admire him. I know that firsthand.

Midas can get his admirers to do anything for him. Anything. He could tell them the sky was green, and somehow, he'd make them believe it. Because when you're his friend, he really makes you feel like the most important person in the world.

It's when you finally see him for what he is that he shows his true self. A monster.

"For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to make a world of beauty and grace. A world where children don't cry, and women don't fear. A world where men can find peace, and animals are safe." He sighed with a smile, rubbing his tired face nostalgically.

He glanced back up at the television now, playing the kind, soft soul perfectly with a chuckle.

"Of course, no one is perfect." He said, gliding over how he really feels about imperfections. "But, if there's one thing I've learned, it's that those who hide their ugly traits in the shadows that are truly dangerous. The most dangerous of all, and the ones who will always hold us back from achieving true beauty."

The pause in his speech caused my heart rate to spike a little, noticing the minuscule twinge of malice flash across his face.

What is he planning? What's the real purpose of this speech?

He placed both of his gloved hands atop the podium to brace himself, letting the facade of gentleness melt off him subtly.

Of course. Once he has people hooked is when he slowly starts releasing pieces of himself.

"My beautiful people of Japan, not everything is always as it seems. You must know this. And it's not fair you've been kept in the dark by such ugly lies for so long." He feigned frustration, giving a small click of his tongue.

The facade disappeared a little more as his lips curled into a barely there smirk, quickly covering it with his hand and pretending to itch his mouth.

"The one who destroyed my mansion was a person of great importance to me." His voice came out a little lower. "Someone I cared for deeply and trusted. Someone who I know is watching me deliver this very speech right now."

He looked right at the camera now, and immediately, it gave me chills.

He was calm-so calm with a smile cold as stone, and eyes almost transparently dull to show his lack of soul.

Now, he was talking to me.

"Hello, my dear. I do hope life is treating you well." He said emotionlessly, masking his psychotic persona behind his mechanic smile. "In the spirit of remaining tasteful and extending one final act of grace, I won't reveal your name. But, surely you must know-hiding forever won't do you any good."

Touya scoffed condescendingly at the threat, pulling himself out of the couch cushions and leaning forward with more interest.

"The ones who hide are always found." Midas sang with a light threat, giving his gloved finger a wag of discipline. "Those with buried secrets will always be uncovered, and the truth....well, the truth...will always find a way to reveal itself. Don't you think so?"

He paused a moment-as if I had the ability to give him an answer from behind a television screen, clicking his tongue and moving on a few seconds later.

"My darling. Ohh, my darling who is watching me right now..." He sighed almost nostalgically, giving his head a shake. "I do look forward to the day we meet again. The time is coming soon, and I assure you....I can't wait."

His mouth opened to continue speaking, but he found restraint, closing it with a parting smile instead.

I could tell he was holding back, not wanting to reveal too much in front of the public.

"But, my personal affairs are not the true matter of my appearance today." He corrected his creeping insanity effortlessly. "The bottom line is that I came to thank you. All of you beautiful people for coming together and giving me your kindness during these trying times. In exchange, I'd like to give all of you something back as well...."

He looked back into the camera, seeming more authoritative and controlling than he was when he first started his speech.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be making a special announcement. One that will change your perspective of this society forever. I urge you to join in on the message." He kept his words cryptic, flashing the camera a knowing smile. "Trust me when I say-you won't want to miss it."

"Announcement?" I uttered, feeling confusion and concern festering in my veins.

I don't know what he plans to announce, but I do know that whatever he's cooked up-it's all part of his game. The long game that gets people to his side.

Midas has proven himself to withhold information until he's absolutely ready to use it. He always knows more than people realize.

Backing off on the power once he made his point, he tactfully switched back to sweetness for his final departure.

"You'll be seeing a lot more of me around from now on. I look forward to the days I meet all of you face to face. Until tomorrow." He bid goodbye, giving one more heavy bow to the camera.

Touya and I watched in silence as the crowd erupted into claps and cheers, watching Midas receive another standing ovation as he walked off the stage.

But, something else caught my eye-rather, someone else, paying special attention to the person waiting for Midas at the bottom of the stage stairs.

"Tsuyo..." I muttered, barely catching the masked person amidst all the conflicting camera angles of the news station.

Even if it's only been a few days since I've seen my anonymous friend, it feels like ages. Our last encounter took place the night I escaped. They wished me well, hugged me, and essentially sacrificed themselves to stall Midas and save me.

I feel relieved to know they're still alive. But, the relief is short lived as I can only imagine the punishments and torture they've definitely endured for fighting back against their heartless master.

Tsuyo didn't clap and cheer with the rest of the crowd, to be expected. They simply stood like a statue with their hands behind their back, obediently walking when Midas nodded them forward like a dog.

To everyone else, they just look like his bodyguard.

I watched with somber eyes as the two of them walked off side by side, leaving the camera's eyesight and disappearing from my view for good.

Midas does an extremely good job of isolating himself. By doing so, there's only a few limited people who can ever know his plans. Or, in this case...

There's only one single person who could possibly know what he's planning to do.

Gritting my teeth, I switched the television off and stood up from the couch, starting to pace the living room with urgency.

"I need to find a way to get in touch with Tsuyo before tomorrow night." I told Touya, running a hand through my hair. "We need to meet with them outside of the mansion, as I can't risk running into Midas."

Touya shrugged, draping both of his arms across the top of the couch as he watched me pace.

"Good luck doing that when you don't even know what that mute looks like." He said, causing me to instantly turn towards him with a glimmer of hope.

"But, I do know what he looks like." I grinned with triumph. "Or-at least, I think I do. Akio found out his identity and revealed it to me at Midas' ball. Tsuyo is The Boss."

Touya looked up at me unimpressed, raising his brows with full disbelief. "The glasses guy who's afraid of his own farts?"

I mean-when you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous!

"Well-yeah...." I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

The room went silent as Touya blinked blankly, trying to absorb the giant revelation bomb I just dropped on him mid-conversation.

Look, not every reveal has to be dramatic, okay!? Touya could use a lesson or two on that...

But, it seems 'dramatic' was the least of my problems right now.

The loud burst of Touya's cackles filled my apartment now, causing me to look down at him in annoyance.

His teeth were flashed bright and he gripped his stomach, turning his face into the cushions as he laughed like a maniac.

"What?" I grumbled, crossing my arms as I waited for him to get himself together.

He did a few moments later, letting out a satisfied 'hooooo' of amusement as he wiped the little blood tears gathered at his cheeks.

"Yeah, right. If that guy's supposed to be the mute, then I'm really that jeans hero with the bad nose job in disguise. There's no way." He chuckled, causing me to gasp in legitimate offense.

Best Jeanist slander will not be tolerated!

"I know it seems unlikely. But, there was proof-picture proof of The Boss in Tsuyo's uniform." I explained, yet Touya now seemed down for a detailed debate on the topic.


"Look, I can show you the evidence later, alright?!" I said a bit frazzled, waving my hands at him to shut up. "My mission right now isn't to disprove The Boss as Tsuyo. It's to find Tsuyo and figure out what Midas is planning to do tomorrow. We're on a very short time limit here, and he could be planning something horrible."

Touya went quiet as he sensed my stress, seeming as if he had more to say but opting to avoid the little spat that was coming.

Instead, he caved and waved me off in careless agreement, going along with my plan for the hell of it.

Well, isn't that a nice change? If he was still in his Dabi phase, he'd definitely go off the radar and do something on his own. He never liked working as a team.

"Fine, whatever." He said, lazily pulling himself off the couch now. "If it's really Four Eyes you're after, he's working late tonight at the HPSC Headquarters. Gets off an hour before midnight."

I grinned triumphantly at the information. "Cool-wait, how do you know that?"

Touya clicked his tongue smugly, sauntering into my bedroom to find some clothes.

"Please. I always know what my enemies are up to." He said, stepping out of his boxers. "In twenty minutes, Hawks is getting ready to bone his dipshit girlfriend-on the clock. At seven tonight, Miruko-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. You're a creepy, serial killer stalker, and it's very unsettling." I reassured in a rush, not wanting to hear more about his little hoodrat endeavors.

Humming with mischief, he walked around my room naked, swiping a clean pair of boxers before looking at me.

"Don't flatter me." He teased, sliding into his underwear and pants with ease.

I gave him a playful little sneer for his dumb jokes, leaning back against the wall with my arms crossed. "So, should we confront The Boss?"

Touya sat at the edge of my bed, still shirtless, leaning back on his hands in thought.

"Confront him? Nah. I say, if he's really the Masked Mute, we jump him. He can handle it, right?" He asked, seeming to have his own intentions with that plan.

After all, he didn't seem too sold himself about Tsuyo's identity. Putting The Boss in a high risk situation like that will force them to retaliate and prove to Touya the truth.

I pursed my lips in contemplation, deciding to go along with his idea.

Compromise! See? We got there eventually. Even if it only took 140 chapters!

"Normally, I'd say that's highly unethical. But, in this case, I agree." I smiled, reiterating our new plan.

"Tonight at midnight then, we'll jump The Boss as Tsuyo and figure out what Midas is planning."

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