Pillow Talk

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Touya POV:

The last time I felt this peaceful was the day before my quirk manifested.

Fuyumi had just been born. Mom and dad wanted to take the family out to dinner. Scratch that actually. Mom wanted to take the family out. Dad went along with it because he probably didn't have anything better to do.

Did you know my parents held hands that night? It was one of the first and last times I ever saw such a weird sight. They even snuck a few kisses at the dinner table, hiding the sight from my sister and I behind the plastic menu, giggling to each other about something only they knew.

Dad was always cautious when it came to how I interacted with Fuyumi. Before my quirk showed itself, he was worried it might manifest in the middle of me playing with her. Because of that, I wasn't allowed to touch her unsupervised.

He was very protective of his daughter. His first and only daughter-his first and only son, too, before life had other plans.

Well, that night, when mom and dad were kissing, when they were giggling behind their menus and actually loving each other, I was excited. I was a few years old, and the only thing on my mind at that moment...

...was getting to play with my sister.

She was just a baby, and somehow I knew that meant I needed to be careful. I was enamored with her, resting one side of my head on the dinner table while slowly reaching my finger out.

She looked in my direction, innocent eyes widening in surprise when I gave her chubby cheek the softest poke.

'Oh no,' I remember thinking after I'd done it, watching her face turn to stone. She was going to cry, wasn't she? She'd cry, and then I'd never be able to play with her again because dad would be mad.

But, that's not what happened at all.

The gummy, stupid baby smile that spread across her face is something I've never been able to forget. Her chubby arms and legs punched and kicked the air, and she giggled loudly-loudly in excitement, bouncing up and down in her high chair in hopes I'd do it again.

My chest swelled at the sight. Even back then, I was so emotional, laughing freely as I gently poked her cheek again, scooting closer to her in my chair.

I kept the side of my face on the table, letting my index finger slide into the grip of her microscopic hand so she could play with it. Her laugh made me happy, so I started doing more ridiculous crap, sticking my tongue out and crossing my eyes for her entertainment.

She laughed every time, gripping my finger tightly and waiting for me to do it all again.

"Oh! Enji, look." I heard mom whisper from across the table, looping her arm through dad's.

I froze momentarily, waiting to be reprimanded for playing with Fuyumi unsupervised. When I wasn't, I carefully continued a few moments later-being extra cautious now that I had watching eyes on me.

"Not too hard, Touya." Dad warned after another poke to her cheek, but even then, his voice was soft.

He actually enjoyed it. I could hear it in his tone, see it in his eyes. He enjoyed the sight of his children playing together. The little family he'd built.

"I won't. But-hah! Look!" I smiled, lifting my head from the table to look at my parents. "She likes it! I think....I think she likes me, dad!"

"Of course she does, Touya. She's your sister. She loves you." Mom smiled warmly.

"And, as the future number one hero, it's your job to protect her, right?" Dad said in a firm tone, specks of pride oozing into his voice.

I was his pride and joy. He made sure everyone knew it, including myself.

With a nod of fervor, I looked at him, wholeheartedly meaning it when I said...

"Yes, sir. I'll protect her. I'll protect everyone."

The memories of that night incinerated to ash in my mind before being lost in the wind completely.

Ahh. Why am I reminded of that right now? My parents...

Look, I've found clarity-or, at least a version of it. Probably a fucked up version, but a version nonetheless.

But, that doesn't change everything. It doesn't magically fix all the problems and pain in my life that led me to this point. It shouldn't. Some things shouldn't be forgotten or swept under the rug. Who else will be the one to hold accountability if that happens?

Happy ending or not, there are just some things that can't ever be fixed. No matter how much I change, no matter how much I mellow out and become Touya, it will never be enough.

The life I want to have no longer includes him. If I was lying to myself-and I have every single day for the last decade, I'd tell you it's because I don't give a shit. I'd tell you it's because I'm angry and I wanna get that sweet revenge.

And I am angry. I'm angry as hell. But, anger is only a small branch of the truth. Not the root of it.

The root of the truth...the truth that I've always never been able to admit due to the shame and sheer emotion of it...

I don't want him in my life because it hurts.

It hurts too much, knowing there was a time my life was perfect. Knowing how short that perfection lasted, and how heartlessly it was ripped away from me and given to someone else. I still blame him for most of it, you know. For making me die and become someone I hated. For taking away so many years I could have had with Violet.

For casting me aside and giving Shouto my definition of a once perfect life.

Endeavor's a thief, and he stole my gift. One that I can't ever get back.

And I don't want it back anymore. Because I know it won't ever be the same. He preaches that fabricated shit about redemption and plays house with his broken family. No matter how much I heal, I won't ever be able to forget how easily he moved on from me. How easy it was for him to ruin me and then become a father for everyone else.

He's turned a new leaf. He wants to be there for his family who needs him. But, what about me? I needed him. I reached my hand out for him everyday and all he did was turn his back.

Endeavor wanting this redemptive new leaf had nothing to do with my accident. It had nothing to do with me, and he didn't decide to become better with me on his mind.

My death never changed a thing for him. That only pours more salt in the wound.

He didn't care enough to go to Sekoto Hill. He didn't care enough to save my life, and I will always fucking hate him for it.


Even thinking about that hatred now can't break me out of my peaceful state. Sure, maybe I'm a little melancholy now-yeah, I know that word-but, that seems to be the norm when one goes deep into their head, right?

I don't wanna hurt myself. I don't wanna hurt others-the ones who are innocent, I should say. And I don't have the urge to run out of this bed right now, ass naked, and go fuck everything up.

No. For once, I'm just thinking. Reflecting like a normal human being.

Guess I'm enlightened as fuck now. Be jealous.

I inhaled deeply, letting my head fall to the side on the soft pillows.

The curtains were sheer enough to see outside. The storm stopped hours ago.

It's not the first time in my life I've seen a sunrise. But, it's the first time I cared enough to enjoy it.

Can't give the sun all the credit though. My newfound enjoyment might have something to do with the purple haired woman in my arms instead.

Who am I fucking kidding? I know it does.

Violet passed out awhile ago. Not long after we finished fucking-I'm sorry. Is that not romantic enough for you? Cry about it.

She was so tired, she couldn't even be bothered to pull the blankets over herself, hooking her leg around my naked waist and burying her face into my chest.

Her body was soft and warm, so vulnerable in my arms and sweet under my touch. I could have easily passed out right there with her. But...

"Hold on. I need to clean you." I murmured against her forehead last night, placing a soft kiss to her skin before unhooking her limbs from me.

She let out a sleepy groan of protest, trying to pull me back when I was halfway out of the bed.

"Nnnuooouuu..." Her word came out incoherently, causing me to shake my head softly.

"No? Are you saying you wanna fall asleep with my dried jizz all over you? Cause that's the alternative if you don't let me go." I threatened lazily, already knowing the answer.

But, she was already out like a light by then, face buried in the pillows and hair a damn mess as she snored softly.

"Wow." I gave her a deadpan look she couldn't see, scoffing to myself in amusement as I rose fully from the bed.

Grabbing some rags and wetting them with warm water, I returned to her spot, carefully cleaning between her legs-and her stomach-and her tits-and fuck, did I really cum that much?

Heh. Guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Between all the damn stress lately, it'd been awhile since we fucked-or since I rubbed one out for that matter. I just didn't really notice it. Not until I finally got to kiss her again last night.

God, I was a damn animal, but I can't even be embarrassed about it 'cause so was she. The desperation from both of us lit something inside me I'd never felt before, something so lustful and horny, I'm surprised I didn't cum before she touched me.

She's the only one who could ever elicit such responses from me like that. Until I finally let loose last night, I didn't realize how addicting it was to feel that way.

I always saw being vulnerable and free with her as something terrifying and weak. But, it's the best thing I've ever experienced. The only thing I can think now is how much of a moron I was for waiting so long to feel like that.

I thought about that feeling and last night so much, I barely slept. My mind was too excited, already too invested and falling even deeper for her than I did when I was younger. Some of the shit I imagined was just too embarrassing to be mentioned, but I imagined it anyways.

I allowed myself to dream, and because of that, I couldn't sleep. How ironic.

Violet tosses and turns a lot in her sleep. I already knew that, but I never knew just how much until last night. Her brows furrow in frustration when she can't get comfortable, and when she's having a dream, her muscles twitch erratically. She even makes these cute, little sounds that had me chuckling.

The position that finally got her settled was our current one. She hasn't moved in over an hour, and I'm fucking glad.

Cause I really like it, too.

She's lying on top of me, with the side of her face nuzzled into my chest. My fingers have been following the same pattern for longer than I can recount, stroking up her scalp and down her hair before gliding down her back. Every now and then, I'll draw invisible lines on her shoulder blades-sometimes, my name in a cringy, embarrassing, disgusting sorta way. Sometimes, hers, ensuring to keep my touches light so I didn't wake her up.

I like watching her sleep-not in a creepy, stalker way, alright? Just a curious way. I always liked watching her sleep, even on the innocent nights of our adolescent years when she'd fall asleep on my bed.

It's embarrassing to study her so closely when she's awake.

But, her breaths started to become a little more conscious these last few minutes. Slowly, her body was starting to stir, signaling she was waking up. Selfishly, I pushed her along, gently massaging my fingers into her shoulders and back to get some movement.

The raspy groan that came from her throat sent heat to my stomach. Whatever simp said morning voices are only hot on guys was so fucking wrong.

Her limp arms gained lethargic movement, sliding up until her fingers found the ends of my hair. Her breasts were soft and plush as they shifted around on my chest, and her thighs slotted perfectly between mine.

"Mm. Are you awake?" I murmured barely audible, brushing her hair out of her face to get a look at her.

Her cheeks were swollen the way they always are after she sleeps. Her skin a little flushed with warmth and sweat. I'm just glad she didn't drool all over me.

"Gfahhdr." She uttered in reply, eyes still closed but facial muscles twitching with half consciousness.

I snorted a breathy laugh, gently gliding my thumb along her jaw. "I'll take that as a yes."

With a groan of protest, she buried her face directly into my chest so I couldn't touch her, speaking muffled against my skin.

"Youuu...you did it on purpose." She protested tiredly, letting a soft smile splay on her lips. "The massage. I could feel you shaking me, and that's why I woke up."

The movement of her mouth and hot breath seeped straight through my sternum, reaching my heart and warming the barely used muscle up.

I smirked knowingly to her words, returning my lazy hand back to stroking through her hair.


"You're so not sorry." Violet muttered, yet I could hear the amusement leaking into her voice.

Wanting to make sure she didn't fall back asleep, I slid my fingers under her chin and lightly pulled her face up. Her eyes were still closed, but from the conscious scrunch of her face, I knew she was still awake.

"Not in the fucking slightest. I've been waiting for you to wake up for like three hours." I blurted out, instantly pressing my lips together to keep from saying more.

Damn. Didn't mean to share that...

Violet's eyes slowly fluttered open to find mine now. Even if she's a messy sleeper, she's my messy sleeper. With the morning sun reflecting off her face, her eyes are a lighter shade of gold, matching her deep, purple hair perfectly.

Fuck. I turned into one of those simps, didn't I?

"Oh? Three hours?" She questioned hoarsely, folding her hands on my chest and resting her chin atop them. "The sun's only barely just come up. Did you not sleep well?"

I propped an arm behind my head so I could look at her properly, playing with the ends of her hair between my touchy fingers.

"Nah. But, not for the reasons you think. It's good reasons." I murmured lightly, feeling the ghost of a smile barely etch onto my lips.

Violet's look mirrored my own, humming in lazy content as I combed through her hair.

"Care to share any of these reasons?" She asked, instantly giving me the urge to close the distance between us.

There was just something about her right now. Something that only made me fall deeper. It's not the first time we've fucked, and not the first time we've had pillow talk sweet enough to give me cavities. But, fuck, it all just feels different. Maybe because I'm actually allowing myself to appreciate and feel her here. Maybe because I'm so relaxed and happy for once.

Her voice is just so light. So vulnerable, but sensual enough to make my stomach flip. Her body atop mine is so fucking soft and inviting, I want to touch every part of it.

"Just thinking about how easy it was to get you in my bed after the first date." I teased lightly, snaking a hand around her back. "Didn't think you were that easy, Grape."

She rolled her eyes and puffed a raspberry from her lips, lifting her chin off her folded hands.


"Oh, here she goes-"

"This is my bed. So, that makes you the easy one." She said triumphantly, sliding just a little higher up my body.

My muscles melted deeper into the sheets as she did so, snaking both hands around her back to bring her closer.

I couldn't stop the smile that flashed across my face, taking my bottom lip between my teeth with mischief.

"You saying I'm a hoe?" I uttered lowly, watching her giggle as she pressed her forehead to mine.

Fuck. I'm liking this. See? Things are just more fun when she's awake.

"If the shoe fits, Mr. Todoroki." She whispered playfully, earning a scoff of light annoyance from me.

"Ew. Don't call me that."

"No? Would you prefer I call you Miss?" She teased, breaking out into soft laughs at her own jokes.

My jaw dropped dramatically at her insult, only causing her laugh to get louder.

"Wow. For not being a morning person, someone's feisty." I said lowly, gripping her hips tightly before poking my fingers into her sides.

Her giggles broke off into a sharp gasp as I tickled her, thrashing around atop my body as she tried to retreat now.

"Ahhh, ahh, ahh-Touya, I'm too ticklish for that!!" She cackled before I grabbed her body and flipped our position.

The sheets tangled around our naked frames. The sound of our combined muffled laughs echoed intimately off her walls.

Her back hit the feathery sheets and I pulled her in close, wrapping my arms and legs around her body to make sure she didn't escape.

Her laughs continued when I buried my face in her neck and kissed her. The vibration of her throat buzzed against my mouth and tickled my lips.

The flower scented lotion she's used for years filled my nostrils as I nuzzled my nose under her jaw. After I kissed most of it off last night, the smell is faint, but still enough to be there. She also smells like the detergent from the sheets, and hints of sex that make me wanna take her right here all over again.

But, my favorite thing of all is that she also smells like me.

Between her addicting smells and sweet body tangled in mine, my kisses didn't stay innocent for long, becoming subtly hotter against her skin.

Her giggles slowly simmered down as I nibbled the lobe of her ear, snaking her hands around my shoulders.

"Mmm. That feels nice." She whispered, letting me gently press the back of her head into the pillows.

"Yeah?" I breathed out, sliding my hand down to grab her ass.

At the same time, I swiped the tip of my tongue right under her ear lobe, hearing her moan softly.

"Yeah." Her tone matched mine, letting her eyes fall closed as I trailed my hand back up and grabbed her breast.

I glided my mouth down her collarbone, feeling her hands bury in my hair when I reached her breasts.

She chuckled softly, sensing my readiness to go.

"Touyaaa." She groaned in amusement, shivering in sensitivity when I lazily took her nipple into my mouth. "I need to shower. I stink."

I hummed in protest, yet pulled off her anyways, sliding myself back up her body.

"No, you don't. You smell fucking amazing." I reassured, roaming my hands along her spine.

Peppering my way up her jaw, I kissed the corner of her smiling mouth.

She turned her face in towards mine now, snaking her fingers to the back of my head and pulling me in closer.

Her lips were soft and just a little chapped from last night. Intentionally, she kept her mouth closed for our kisses, insecure about her morning breath the way she always is.

I rolled my eyes softly, but didn't push her, resorting to pressing light, closed mouthed kisses against her lips repeatedly until her giggles forced me to stop.

We pulled away after that, just looking and holding each other.

It was alright. Okay, fine. It was nice. Fuck you.

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked, already knowing full well I was awake and monitoring her all night like a loser.

She nodded and snuggled into my chest, resting her head in the crook of my neck.

"Mhm. I haven't slept that well in a really long time. I...I like it when you hold me." She admitted, burying her face deeper into my skin as she became a little embarrassed. "Is that weird?"

I shook my head, looking out the window peacefully as I held her, still getting used to speaking my feelings.

"It's not." I reassured softly, not recognizing such a raw tone of my voice. "I like it, too."

I haven't spoken like that in years, it's hard to believe that's how my voice actually sounds. It's scratchier, softer, and just a little higher.

"Really?" Her breath tickled my neck, barely audible and sweet.

My eyes were forced to squint a little as more sunlight spilled into the room, burying my face into her hair to shield myself.

"Mhm. Always did." I muffled against her scalp, humming a light laugh of amusement. "Remember when we'd fall asleep together on your bed back in the day?"

Violet chuckled and brought her head out of my neck, smiling as she fell back into the pillows.

Fuck, the sight was beautiful. Her purple hair cascaded all over the white pillows, her teeth reflecting brightly off the sun, her body naked with the blankets only just covering above her hips.

"Yeah. We were just babies back then." She cooed in nostalgia, sliding her bedroom eyes over to me.

I propped the side of my head in my hand, absentmindedly trailing circles on her stomach.

With a soft smirk, I couldn't help but come clean about something all these years later.

"I was never really asleep, you know." I mused.

Violet gasped loudly as if I'd said something scandalous, slapping a hand over her mouth.

"What?!" Her eyes bulged out of her head, causing me to snort and focus on my fingers tracing her stomach.

"I mean, I always ended up falling asleep during the night." I glanced up at her, giving a lazy shrug. "But, you did first, and I'd still be awake."

Violet's stomach muscles fluttered when my fingers reached her hips, trailing the hem of the blanket that covered her lower half, before gliding back up to her belly button.

"Wow. You were awake and didn't leave." She concluded knowingly, giving her head a shake as she looked to the ceiling.

Stupid teenage me would be fucking horrified I was saying this. Hah.

"Yep. Always pretended we both fell asleep at the same time." My voice was smug, causing Violet to chuckle.

"Wow. You're a little trickster, aren't you? Is there anything else I didn't know?"

"Mmm. I used to cap the jars I knew you'd open extra tight, so you'd ask me to open them." I snickered, watching her face palm into her arm.

That plan always backfired cause I was too fucking weak to open them myself. But, hey, she always asked me anyways, and that stroked my adolescent little ego cause it meant she thought I was strong.


"I knew pickle jars shouldn't have been that difficult!" She exclaimed.

The two of us basked in the peaceful morning. As someone who's on high alert twenty-four-fucking-seven, it almost felt forbidden to feel this way.

Things were slow, and honestly it was weird. Good weird. I can't remember the last time life was this slow.

Never knew slow was this good. Now, I wanna slow down more often.

Violet's arm slid off her face and she looked up to the ceiling, sighing in content nostalgia as I continued to trace her stomach.

"We have a lot of memories in that house." She said a few moments later, voice just a little softer.

She also sounded a little wary, like she knew the topic of 'that house' and 'that life' was a sensitive one for me.

And she'd be right. Look, I know there are still a lot of things we need to talk about and work through. But, if I could go the rest of my fucking life without having to hear about this particular subject, I'd do it.

That's not how she works though. I know that. It's the big elephant in the room, and it can't go unspoken forever.

Upon getting my silence in response, her eyes quietly trailed around her room with a little more thought, taking her lip between her teeth as she tried to ask carefully, "Do you...you know....ever miss it?"

"No." I said instantly, more just speaking out of habit.

To be honest, I didn't really think about the question too hard. Maybe because deep down, I know my answer would have been different.

But, even if it would have been different, it wouldn't have changed anything. Like I said, I don't want any of that shit in my life.

"I get it." Violet nodded her head, resting her hand over mine with reassurance.

My fingers ceased their tracing on her stomach, lazily turning over to graze her palm instead.

In that moment, my mind traveled back to my earlier thoughts, the ones I had before she woke up. About the past. About my perfect life, and the perfect little family I used to have.

"You know, part of the reason I couldn't sleep..." I blurted out quietly, staring at the ceiling in thought.

Fuck. I didn't intend to speak my thoughts on this. But, now that I've started, I don't have the urge to stop and repress them either.

For once.

It's the first time in years I'm really speaking about this with her. With anyone. Saying all of it out loud feels so foreign.

But, I've become so hopelessly and pathetically attached to her all over again-even stronger than the first time, and even if speaking my thoughts is hard, I find myself actually wanting to confide in her about this.

Because if anyone would understand, it's her. She always understood me.

She turned her head towards me, looking on with patience as I formed my thoughts.

"I was just thinking...about the last time I was happy like this." I admitted, hearing my voice go lower and quieter. "The last moment before everything went to shit, when it was just Fuyumi and I, with mom and dad."

Violet rolled onto her side to face me now, intertwining our fingers before hugging my wrist into her chest.

I sighed tiredly as the memories barely came back, interrupted by the sight of my stitched, mangled arm resting against her soft skin.

"I'm never gonna forgive him, Violet." I said honestly, finding her eyes for an immediate answer.

I don't know what kind of answer I was expecting. She's Violet, and I didn't expect her to be mad about that, or try to force anything on me.

It's just been awhile since we've talked about this. Almost an entire fucking decade, to be exact.

"And you don't have to. I'll never make you speak to your father, Touya. It's not my place." She reassured, furrowing her brows with concern. "I just...I don't want it to keep affecting you so negatively. It destroyed you. It took you from me."

"I know. Forgiving him though, it just means I'm excusing all the shit he's done. I'm telling him it's okay he fucking forgot me. And it's not. It's..." I trailed off.

My hand balled into a small fist against her chest, hearing the screams and sobs of my past.

The past never forgets. It's left permanent scars on me. On her. On everyone. All because of him.

"Hey, I know." She coaxed, scooting forward and burying her face into my chest. "It's okay, I know-"

"I'm angry. I'm so fucking angry with him." I unintentionally interrupted, feeling myself starting to get worked up. "And every time I even think about it, everything just comes rushing back."

I spent years trying to bottle all this shit up. Being Dabi was always easier because of that. Not caring about anything and being numb was so fucking nice.

I told you it'd be difficult once I revealed myself, 'cause I'd no longer be able to hide. I'd feel it all, unable to control myself. Having to relive all that pain and suffering all over again.

And, yeah, it's hard.

But, I underestimated how much it would help, having someone here to listen. Here to give me that reassurance and coaxing I always denied myself.

Having her, specifically. Relying on her and trusting her. Being vulnerable, and allowing myself to actually be emotional.

I can't imagine a world where I wouldn't have her.

It wasn't until I felt her wiggle closer that I realized my heart rate had started to pick up, feeling the quirk restraining handcuff tingling on my wrist.

"I'm sorry, Touya." She whispered, squeezing me tightly to try and help me relax. "I didn't mean to make you feel panicked."

The sound of her voice grounded me. The feeling of her body and her warmth seeped through my skin, alleviating my coiling muscles of all their tension as I finally remembered to breathe.

I inhaled deeply and wrapped my arms around her back, treating her like she was one of those emotional support pillows you see on tv. Except, the real deal is way better.

My eyes fell closed in relief as her comforting presence consumed me, diluting my worked up senses until they simmered back down into peace.

I held her for a few minutes of silence as I relaxed, focusing on her. Hearing the birds outside chirping, and those teenagers-those loud, fucking teenagers laughing as they walk to school. The sheets wrapped around both of us, and the sun peeking in through the curtains. The faint scent of roses in her room, and the enticing memories of last night lingering in the air.

This is where I wanna be.

"Don't worry about it." I muffled into her hair, lazily pressing my lips to her head. "We gotta talk about all this shit sometime, right? Might as well get it outta the way early."

Violet lifted her face from my chest, looking up at me and brushing the hair away from my face.

"Don't push yourself." She murmured sweetly, gliding her fingers along my cheekbone. "We have a lot of time to talk about it, okay? You've kept these feelings...these memories bottled up for a long time. Remembering them and reliving them won't be easy. Just take it slow."

God. She's too fucking good for me, you know that? Every time she talks, I realize it-I remember it.

I remember just how deeply I fell for her.

I nodded quietly, gliding my thumb along her back.

"It used to be even worse than this." My voice came out raspy, referring to my fast beating heart from a few moments ago. "It was even more overwhelming. That feeling, the fucking anxiety of it all. It just made me go even more nuts every time, and I became consumed with destroying him."

But, every time I think about destroying him now, the image of what it cost me flashes through my mind like a bad dream.

Violet getting stabbed. Violet dying. My brain consumed with regret and guilt.

Destroying him cost me her for eight years, and almost forever. Call me scared straight, I guess. But, getting that revenge ain't worth it anymore.

"I realize what's important now though." I said, looking down at her in my arms. "And, even though I'm never gonna forgive him, I'm gonna move on, alright?"

Relief etched across her face as she sensed my honesty, nodding in encouragement.

"I'll be with you every step of the way." She murmured, leaning forward and pressing her lips to my cheek.

My eyes fell closed in content, gently pulling away to ensure she knew exactly how I was feeling.

"I can only do that though if I forget him completely." I warned. "I know you still see him, and I can't stop that. But, just know...whatever the hell that is, I'm not gonna be a part of it."

"Of course not. I don't expect you to. And, besides, it's....well, I don't really stick around there for Endeavor..." She hinted, treading her words lightly so she didn't set me off again.

But, even if her implication was silent, it felt so god-damn loud. I knew exactly who she was referring to.

"The same goes for them, too." I said a little bitterly of my, once called, siblings.

Violet remained quiet at that, sighing softly as if this was another thing that's been on her mind.

Guess I kinda knew that, too in the back of my thoughts. I just didn't wanna think about it. About them. I enjoyed our little time like this, living away from reality and pretending the world didn't exist.

But, I suppose now that we're back together, it's time to realize our situation is pretty fucking difficult, even putting Endeavor aside.

Everyone either thinks I'm dead, or knows me as a damn serial killer. Definitely complicated. And, knowing Violet, she's not gonna wanna hide my identity from everyone forever. She'll feel too guilty-in that annoying morality sorta way.

"Do you...hate them as much as you hate your father?" Her voice came out hoarse, seeming as if she was bracing herself for the worst.

"Nah." I said honestly, giving my body a lazy shrug. "Everyone else is just collateral-except for Shouto."

She trailed her fingers on my chest in silent thought, keeping her gaze to my staples as she treaded another question.

"Why Shouto?"

I gave her a little snippy glance like it was obvious, mumbling my next words like a damn teenager. "Because he's Endeavor's precious golden child. Duh."

She nodded slowly, yet it didn't seem to be one of agreement. I can tell when she's not convinced.

"You...you said that when you came back home after your accident, you saw your dad beating Shouto, right?" She clarified, causing me to barely roll my eyes in agreement.

Yeah. I saw it. But, what-is that supposed to make me have sympathy for him, or something? Because you won't get an ounce out of me. I went through way worse than what Shouto did. He can fuck right off.

She seemed to read my thoughts just from my body language. Guess that's what happens when you've known someone for that long.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad for him. I just want you to see his perspective." She explained. "Shouto....he didn't ask to be the golden child, Touya. I don't think he ever wanted to."

"But, he is." I pressed dryly, easily becoming annoyed by the sensitive topic.

The response came automatically after ten years of imprinting it into my mind. So blinded by my jealousy and pain. But, when you actually see it for what it is, not a very solid argument to others.

I know what she's trying to say. Shouto didn't ask to be the golden child, the same way I didn't ask to be neglected. Both of us are products of our upbringing.

Shouto doesn't mean a thing to me, and that won't change.

But, I guess it's worth saying...

"I don't hate Shouto as much as Endeavor." I clarified a little less heated. "But, still enough."

We'll say that my hatred for Shouto is also just collateral damage. He's too close to the source to be in the lesser category with my siblings, but not as strongly as I originally thought.

Violet nodded in acknowledgement, not seeming thrilled with the answer, but also not shocked.

"Do you plan...to ever tell your siblings you're alive?" She asked, causing me to scoff lightly.

"Knowing you, I'm sure I don't have a choice."

"That's not true."

"No? So, if I said I never wanna tell 'em, you'd be fine with that?" My words sounded like a lazy challenge, already knowing her answer.

Of course she wouldn't be okay with that. She loves those fuckers so much, it's annoying.

As expected, she faltered for a response, mouth opening and closing in contradiction. "Well...I....I don't know. Even if you don't speak with them, don't you...do they have the right to know?"

"See? So, I don't have a choice." I argued softly, not being confrontational enough to start a fight.

After all the shit we've been through, this is not something I wanna fight about. Letting my shitty siblings fuck up my happiness would be the cherry on top of their miserable existence.

Violet groaned lightly and face palmed into my chest, wrapping her leg around my waist.

"Cut me some slack here, Touya." She said with a dry pout. "There's not exactly a guidebook on what to do when your fiancé rises from the dead. I'm doing the best I can here."

I hummed in agreement and lightened up, rubbing my hands up and down her back with reassurance.

I can see she's torn. I don't blame her. She's not a selfish piece of shit like me, it's probably harder for someone like her who cares about everyone else.

"I know you are." I murmured apologetically, wiggling my hands underneath her sides.

Getting her in my hold, I switched our positions again, rolling over onto my back and pulling her body on top of me.

The light tension of our talk disappeared as I got a look at her face, both of us chuckling at the mess of hair that covered her features thanks to my fast movements.

I brushed the purple strands away from her eyes, watching her blow harshly to move the remaining pieces out of her mouth.

With a smile, she looked at me, resting her chin on my chest.

"I never want you to feel like I'm not supporting you with this." She said with hints of concern, letting her eyes fall in thought.

Just from her look, I could tell she was already overthinking our talk, causing me to instantly shake my head and put her at ease.

"Hey, stop. I don't feel like that." I reassured softly, tucking a few stray pieces of hair behind her ear. "Look, it's a tough conversation, and I get it. I fucked up. I put you in the middle and made things hard. I'm sorry."

Lazily, I played with her strands between my fingers again, savoring the rare intimacy of the moment.

This room. This second. I never want to leave it. Especially cause I know everything that's to come.

"There's gonna be a lot of tough shit to deal with now." I sighed, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "Once we capture Jeweled Bitch, my freedom runs out, remember? Can't just walk around in public anymore. Cops and heroes are gonna be out looking for me again."

"I know." She croaked out softly, closing her eyes as I combed through her hair. "I don't wanna lose you again."

"You won't." I uttered, trying to lighten her mood with a tease. "Hey, if they lock me up, at least you'll know for sure I'm not going anywhere. My ass is stuck."

She groaned over the sound of my chuckle, gently kicking me in the foot. "Don't joke about that. I don't want them to lock you up."

"No? Not even after all the shit I've done? That's not very hero-like of you." I murmured, gliding my hands down her sides.

Yeah, it's not very hero-like, but the selfish part of me feels flattered by it. She loves me. She loves me just how I am. And, even if I'm trying to change for her, I guess the asshole in me loves her loyalty.

I don't take it for granted. Not anymore.

"I'm not a hero, Touya." She sighed, face darkening with guilt at her next words. "I killed a man last week with my crystals. It was on the news."

My brows furrowed in confusion, thinking back to the chaotic events of the past.

I remember the news last week. Akio and I both saw the headline. But, it said nothing about her killing anyone.

Deceptive little jeweled fucker....

"Huh? No, you didn't. If that's what you think, then Jeweled Bitch fabricated the story. You only gave the guy minor injuries. He's already out of the hospital." I explained, watching her weary eyes widen in surprise.


She asked the question, but I could already see the gears turning in her head, muttering a small 'oh my god' as the revelation dawned on her.

"What? Jeweled Bitch is a liar? Big surprise." I gasped with soft sarcasm, causing Violet to sigh and settle back down on my chest.

"Oh, trust me. I figured that one out a little too well." She grumbled.

My teases died down as I sensed her change in mood. Suddenly, she seemed somber.

"What gave him away?"

I felt her body tense atop mine after I asked the question.

"A lot of things, but..."

Her muscles quivered slightly and I looked to her face, wrapping my arms around her more securely.

"Tell me." I uttered patiently, watching her eyes barely glisten with tears.

She sniffled them away and nodded, bracing herself with a sigh before coming out with it.

"The night you found me...he confessed to the murder of my mother." Her words came out quiet.

For once, the jeweled bitch left me speechless. I could feel my eyes widen in surprise like a dumbass, and I hate that I couldn't even imagine the possibility.

How is that even possible?

"He did it, Touya. He did it, and I admired him all this time. Without even knowing it, I befriended my mother's killer. Isn't that sick?" She breathed out, resting the side of her face on my chest.

I could hear the anguish in her voice. Fuck, I recognized it too well as my own.

And even though I've always been a selfish bastard, I find myself wracking my brain for something to say. Something that would comfort her the way she comforts me.

When it comes to her, I don't wanna be selfish.

"Hey, he put up a good act around you. It's not your fault." I said, gently rubbing her back.

Her body relaxed atop me now. I waited for her to cry, but she never did, letting out a heavy sigh instead.

"A lot of it is my fault. But, I plan to fix it." She said with determination, staring blankly into the wall. "I'm coming back for him. To put a stop to Midas for good."

She sounds angry. Too angry to mourn. Like someone carrying a lot of vengeance.

I know better than anyone that never seems to end well.

"Don't start sounding like me now." I warned, causing her to chuckle softly.

"I promise I won't get carried away." She smiled lightly. "I even plan to get other heroes and resources to help-you know, once we actually return to the land of the living."

I hummed sourly at her last words, not wanting to rush this moment away from us.

Like I said, I could get used to things being slow around here.

But, when that time comes and she's ready to take him down...

"Well, you got me." I reassured, feeling her intertwine our hands together.

"And I'm very lucky for that." She said proudly, looking towards my wrist now. "Actually, about that, I'd recognize those quirk restraining handcuffs anywhere. What's that about?"

I snorted softly at the memories, not looking to dance around the truth.

"Another one of Akio's influences."

Her face froze slightly at the name, eyes falling to the sheets with silent defeat.

"Did you ever call him?" I asked, causing her to shrug sadly.

"He didn't return my call."


I looked at the ceiling in thought, trying to interpret his actions.

If he really hated her that much, would he have helped me look for her? Would he have risked his life and stole that book to break her free?

Honestly, I don't fucking know. Akio's a good guy, and yeah, maybe he would do all that even if he hated her. Maybe he's just a good hero, always looking for another person to save.

But, somehow, I don't think that's the whole truth.

I've known him almost as long as I've known Violet. Enough to know he's been off the last few weeks.

"He's been a downer lately. Not his usual irritating self." I muttered in thought, glancing back at her. "If it makes you feel better, it might not be all you."

But, it begs the question and makes my nosy self fucking curious. If it's not all Violet...

....then what's his problem? His real problem?

Violet sighed, not seeming eased by my answer.

"But, even if it's not all me, I want to be there for him. I don't want him to be alone if he's going through something." She said, causing me to vouch for him a little more.

Call it payback for all his stupid little actions lately. It doesn't mean anything.

"Well, he didn't stop after one night of not finding you. Give it another try." I suggested.

The words felt foreign coming from my mouth, but I stuck with them anyways.

Violet's lips twitched a bit hopefully before she nodded.

"I think I will."

"Good." I murmured, dipping my head down.

She slid her hand into my hair as I kissed her, humming in content.

Only this time, our lips didn't stay innocent for long, hearing her hum against my mouth before tugging at my roots.

"But, first thing's first...I really need that shower." She smirked, biting down on her lip suggestively.

"Heh. Right behind ya."


The shower scene will be on patreon on Valentine's Day if you'd like to read. Otherwise, I will see you guys next week! <3

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