Dabi Versus Touya

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Violet POV:

"Didn't mean to....interrupt..." Akio apologized dryly once Dabi and I had followed him off the dance floor.

He didn't sound very sorry. But, then again, he had nothing to apologize for, anyways.

"Well, you fucking did." Dabi retorted broodily, back in full effect with his brand as he slouched against the beat up wall of Club Norboru with his hands shoved in his pockets.

My eyes fell closed in genuine annoyance at his unhelpful words, before I turned to him with losing patience.

"Please, don't start." I reprimanded Dabi seriously, furrowing my brows in irritated stress as he met my gaze.

He kept his arms crossed, studying the troubled look on my face and opting to actually listen to me and stay quiet as he sensed I was legitimately in no mood for his antics.

Looking at him for a few more moments to see if he was going to speak, I let out a sigh of relief when he didn't, turning back to Akio with a look of genuine apology.

"Akio.....look, I'm really sorry-I...I-I can explain..." I trailed off, because I couldn't explain.

The reminder of Akio brought me the reminder of The Todorokis-and The Todorokis brought me the reminder of my boyfriend Natsuo, who has no idea I basically just emotionally cheated on him with a man who kills people for fun.

He'd never believe it if I told him. He'd never think I'd do something so horrible. And that only makes me feel horrible.

What the hell was I thinking? Grinding on Dabi? Letting him grind on me? Exchanging smoke with him? Drinking?

If someone had looked into my future to this night two months ago, I'd never believe them if they told me this is the stuff I'd be doing.

My face painted with guilt-not just guilt for doing it, but guilt because if it involved Dabi and I being body to body...

...then I wanted to do it again. And that's horrible.

Sensing how much I was taking this to heart and overthinking it, Akio put me out of my misery as he let out a sigh of defeat, giving my shoulder a small shake to get my gaze off the floor and look at him.

"Hey, as much as I'd love to gossip with you and figure out how the hell all of that happened....there's just no time, alright? We've got a lot to do here." He started off softly, giving me a small smile that had a million thoughts behind it.

But, even so, Akio knew when it was the time to gossip, chat casually, joke around, and...most of all, he knew when it was the time to be serious.

"Look, in short, it's your life, Vi. You don't owe me an apology, or explanation, for living it, and the secret is safe with me. We can talk about it later. We better. You're still my best friend though, right?" He questioned reassuringly, clearly looking to move on with more crucial matters.

We are supposed to be working, after all. Akio's the only one who's been doing that tonight.

"Right," I smiled weakly, knowing in the back of my mind that this conversation wasn't over with any person in this little group.

However, I know we have to move on and finally do something tonight if we want this mission to be successful.

"So, what have you found out, Akio?" I asked with a subject change, watching his focus quickly shift with me as he leaned in close to Dabi and I.

"A lot. Look, you two. I've been getting some great intel from the customers here tonight. Like half of the population in this club is a recruit for Midas' gang, and the other half-well, the other half are also bad, so nothing groundbreaking there..." Akio started off, starting to subtly look around the premise for a very specific area as he continued speaking.

"Rumor has it....that if you get on good terms with Club Norboru's VIP listers....then you might be able to earn a 'spot' in Midas' group-or, at least gain enough attention for them to be curious enough and invite you back. I guess those guys are his right hand men, always here looking for recruits on his behalf. Either way, if we can catch their interest tonight and impress them, then maybe we have a shot to go deeper in this and gain more info." He explained, gesturing towards the VIP section of the club with a nod for Dabi and I to look.

The surprisingly quiet stitched man and I directed our eyes in the direction Akio wanted us to, spotting a black rope separating off a section of the club that almost looked like a different world compared to the janky, beat up section we were at right now.

Everything about that part of the club looked different than the rest of it, from the posh velvety red walls, to the floor that actually looked like it was made of gold-I wonder if Midas re-decorated that part with his quirk. To the nice sofas and marble cocktail tables lined with expensive looking drinks.

And, of course....to the intimidating looking men and women, all lounging around and looking particularly menacing as they talked, and exchanged illegal goods, and shared drugs and alcohol in a way that was much too casual.

"Yikes...." I uttered nervously, wondering how the hell we were supposed to get back there before Dabi read my thoughts.

"Fine, whatever. I'll be back. Stay here." Dabi said more to me than Akio, starting to brush past both of us to make his way to the vip section.

However, Akio was the one to act this time as he roughly grabbed Dabi's shoulder and yanked him back, looking at him like he was crazy.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, dude?" Akio asked him sternly, before Dabi harshly shrugged his hand off him.

"Touch me again and I'll fucking kill you," Dabi started off, barely making an attempt to control his hatred for Akio as he continued. "And I'm going over there to make them let me into the stupid VIP place."

"They're not gonna let you in! You're horrible!" Akio replied bluntly, causing Dabi to scoff and roll his eyes with retort.

"Then what's your alternative suggestion, genius?"

"Violet goes." Akio said much too quickly and confidently, causing a wave of nervous puke start to rolling around in my stomach.

"What?!" Dabi and I blurted out in simultaneous disbelief, before Akio explained.

"Look, I'd go if I could. But, I've been lurking around this club all night trying to get information, and if I keep that up, people are gonna start to notice. Dabi can't go cause he's an awful human being with no social skills. That leaves you, Vi."

"My social skills are just as bad as Dabi's! If not, worse." I blurted out, ignoring the stitched man's glare in my direction as I unintentionally roasted him.

Akio gave me a deadpan look of pity for my statement, shaking his head in disappointment.

"No, they aren't!-and why would you insult yourself that low?!" He questioned, further roasting Dabi before the stitched man had enough.

"You're a bunch of assholes, talking about me like I'm not here. My social skills are great, so fuck off-" Dabi started nagging before Akio cut him off.

"Look, we are running out of time to get this done. I've done all the hard work for you, which is figuring out that the recruiting process for Midas' gang is done through the VIP lounge. All Violet has to do is walk over there and introduce herself, see what you can get out of them, and maybe they'll invite us back. That's it." He explained to us firmly, causing self reservations to linger further in my mind.

"I don't know, Akio. I mean, you saw how horrible I was with the bouncer outside. I couldn't even get us into the club by cutting the line." I said nervously, trying to think how on earth I was gonna do something this massive if I couldn't even have a simple conversation.

My best friend let out a small sigh of understanding for my nerves, not wanting to pressure me into doing something that made me uncomfortable.

"I get it, Vi. Look, I know I seem kind of...amped up right now....but you don't have to do this. We can walk out of here right now if you want, and just document what I've come up with. It would definitely be a good start we can give to the HPSC." He suggested in an attempt to be hopeful and supportive, though I could easily read right through him after a decade of friendship.

The truth is, I'm tired of always disappointing everyone, everywhere I go. I disappoint Endeavor with my lack of training skills every day. I disappoint Natsuo in ways he doesn't even know. And I disappoint myself, because I'm not proud of the weird person I am.

So, even though Dabi barely opened up his truth a few moments ago and told me not to change, the reality....is that I have to-or, I have to try to right now, anyways.

Because the Violet I am can't survive in this world. She'll get eaten alive. She needs to try harder.

Letting out a deep breath to calm my nerves, I slowly smoothed out my dress and fixed my hair a bit, relaxing my shaking hands as I turned to the boys.

"I'll....I'll go over there and talk with them.....see if I can figure out any more information." I explained distantly, trying to get into the zone of someone else so I could make it out of the next encounter alive-

"You're not going over there. You're gonna fuck it up and blow it." Dabi countered sternly, yet me 'fucking up' this mission didn't seem to be the main thing he was concerned about.

"Dabi-I'm just gonna talk to them, nothing else. I just wanna see if they'll tell me anything else about Midas. If they don't within the first five minutes, I'll excuse myself and come back." I reasoned, barely starting to turn away from the pair before I felt a firm hand grip my arm.

"Assholes like that don't just let you excuse yourself, little sapphire. Don't be a moron." Dabi uttered lowly, almost seeming as if he was trying to intimidate me into staying here.

But, like I said before....Dabi doesn't scare me.

"Five minutes." I uttered without a single stutter in my words, meeting his gaze intensely with my own before yanking my arm out of his hold. "I'll be back in five minutes. Besides, you guys can see everything from here, anyways. There's nothing to worry about."

My last words were the thing that seemed to gain Dabi's attention as his blue orbs flashed with a realization I didn't understand.

Easily now, he released my arm and let me go, even backing away a few feet as his gaze went dead.

"I'm not worried about you." He uttered dryly, trying to tell me and himself that he doesn't care.

But, this time? I didn't believe him.

"Good," I said regardless, watching the concern in his eyes that he couldn't clear away before I turned around to start making my way towards the VIP lounge. "Then, I'll be back."

Dabi POV:

And I'll be watching.

I'll be watching all of it. Every step. Every breath. Every wrong look that someone makes towards you. Every pair of hands that tries to wander where they shouldn't. I'll be watching them. And I'll be watching you.

You're a fool to think I'll be letting you out of my sight, little sapphire.

How could I, when you look like that? How could I, when the scent of your perfume still lingers in my nostrils like the best drug?

My hands are still tingling with the phantom touch of your body. Your curves. Your warmth. The feeling of you against me. The sweet shampoo of your hair kissing my ugly scars when the silky strands caressed my face. Or how good the salty sweat on your skin was when I darted my tongue on your neck to get a taste.

Did you notice, sunshine? Did you?

I bet you did, cause I can still hear your breath getting heavy. God, the way you said my name like that is the only thing I seem to hear now. I've never been much of a moaning bitch, but I'm pretty sure a few sounds of pleasure unwillingly escaped my mouth when I heard you say it.

It's not even my real name and it still made me shiver. It made my eyes roll back. It made me crave to hear it again. Only from you though. You say it different. You say it perfect.

Watching it fall from your lips was even better; the way your brows furrowed with a dirty pleasure I wasn't sure you possessed. How you bit your lip without knowing, and how much I wanted to smash your mouth against mine and bite it for you.

Fuck. How badly I wanted to rip that dress off your body and feel you for myself. Every part of you. Every part you like, every part you don't like. All of it. I wanna feel all of it, whether it's with my hands, my tongue, my own body. I don't care. I just want all of it. All of you.

But, how badly I also wanted to savor it and be gentle-and yeah, I've never had vanilla sex before; you know...boring, soft prissy shit, and all that. It never appealed to me. But, with you? If you wanted it slow, I'd do it for you, Violet. I can't make any promises that it wouldn't turn rough, but I'd try. I'd do it, and it would be the most amazing fucking thing I'd ever felt. It wouldn't be boring with you at all. Getting high on your presence couldn't ever be boring.

Wanna know how I know? Well, it's for a few reasons.

The first, is that it's because I know you, Violet. And you know me. You've been my crush since I was fourteen years old-earlier, if you count the times you caught my attention before we met. I've always found you interesting. I always felt attracted to you, and I've had plenty of time to build you up in my stupid head, and imagine every ridiculous scenario you could possibly think of.

The second reason I know, is because it's never been that good. Dancing with you, I mean. The feeling of it. The intoxication of it. The pleasure of it.

I didn't do shit to you, and it's still never been that good with anyone else. It was just dancing, but still better than any hookup I've ever had.

I've never felt my stupid stomach flip like that before. I've never felt pricks of ridiculous pleasure run through my veins like that just from touching someone. On top of that, I've never wanted someone to touch me so much.

I've never wanted someone to touch me ever.

No, I hate when people touch me. Hate that shit. I've never had sex with my clothes off. I've never even taken my shirt off. No one wants to see those nasty wounds, you know. A typical fuck for me consists of barely pulling my waistband down past my hips, getting myself off, and leaving. I don't give a fuck about who I'm ramming into. I don't talk to them or kiss them when I do it. I don't make an effort to make it feel good for them. I don't care.

I've never even fucked anyone in a bed. It's usually in an alleyway or a motel chair. A bed is too intimate. Too personal and vulnerable.

She's different though. Violet's different. When I imagine her under me, I imagine her as everything I say I don't want. I imagine we're both naked in a bed, kissing, and touching, and being close. I imagine making her feel good.

And when I imagine her in a daydream, I think of her smile. Her laugh. Her awkward-as-fuck stuff. Her stupid jokes and all the things that make her her.

I meant it, you know. When I told her not to change. She better not change anything about herself. She wouldn't be Violet if she changed.

I hate that. I hate that these prissy thoughts rot my brain and distract me. Damn, I wish I hated her.

But, if tonight has taught me anything, it's only taught me that I'm more in love with this girl than I thought.

And that fucking sucks.

A small groan of self irritation escaped my lips as I absentmindedly watched Violet approach the VIP lounge. She gave her hair a flip off her shoulders, shaking out her hands like she always does when she's nervous, before she approached the security guards in front of the area.

Five minutes, she said? Fine. The clock starts now.

Gross eyes from the lounge were already looking at her waiting by the entrance, making me wanna go over there right now and whisk her away from those fuckers so they wouldn't ever be able to look at her again. But, I restrained myself, watching her give the security guard a small, unnecessarily friendly wave before she started talking nervously.

I didn't realize how tense I was-or the fact that I'd been apparently gawking at her like a fucking idiot until I heard the annoying little shit next to me speak.

"Yep. She's pretty, right?" Akio Matsubara said to me dryly, dropping the nice guy act once Violet had walked away.

Like he always used to. Great. It's like we're kids all over again.

Not playing into whatever ulterior motive he had with the stupid question, I scoffed and kept my eyes on Violet-knowing that if I looked his way I'd probably punch him in the face just for existing.

"Tell it to someone who cares, rat." I muttered lowly, causing Akio to cross his arms and lean against the wall as he clearly had no intention of leaving.

That's a damn shame.

"I just did." He replied with a shrug, tilting his head to the side expectantly as he waited for an answer.

Entitled motherfucker. Funny, considering he used to eat out of our trash can. If only I could knock him down a few notches and remind him of that now.

But, then I'd blow my cover.

"You don't know jack shit about me. So, fuck off and quit acting like you do, before I do something I won't regret." I followed up defensively, keeping my voice low and my eyes vigilant as I watched the security guard remove the vip rope for Violet to enter the lounge.

Impressive. She got in. I wonder how the hell she did that. Awkwardly, no doubt.

I held back a smile of amusement as Violet began doing some weird 'thank you' motion with her hands to the guards, nervously starting to scurry past them before she would fuck something up.

Akio's condescending chuckle made whatever stupid smile that wanted to come onto my face quickly morph down into an irritated glare that he was still here.

Can't I simultaneously simp and hate myself for it in peace?

"I beg to differ. I think you're actually pretty easy to figure out, Dabi. Let's see what I know about you so far...you're a rude asshole, whose teamwork and social skills are shit-and you only do things when you know the outcome will benefit you. There's really not much more to it, right?" He questioned knowingly, causing my lips to purse down slightly at the validness of that.

Well, fuck. He got me there, huh. Dick.

"Wrong. You forgot the part where I don't give a shit." I drawled out, letting a small smirk makes its way onto my face when I saw Akio roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Did I also forget the part where you keep drooling over my best friend?" He asked condescendingly, yet two can play that game.

After all, I'm the one who taught him that shit. How, you might ask? Because I was an asshole to him when we were younger. Now he's just copying me.

"No. That one's just a wrong answer, altogether." I pointed stubbornly, causing Akio to let out a scoff of exasperation.

"Oh, come on, man. Enough already and drop the act. It's so obvious you're into her-as if watching you about to jizz just from touching her on the dance floor wasn't enough to see. At this point, you're embarrassing yourself if you deny it." He explained bluntly, causing me to finally tear my eyes away from Violet as I glared at Akio in genuine hatred.

"Look, lamp shade. If you care so much, then why don't you quit bitching and go have her yourself? No one's stopping you." I said mockingly, more just trying to grasp at anything I could to get the attention off me and my shitty feelings.

But, that wasn't the right sentence to say, cause now I feel my hands smoking at the thought.

Akio didn't even blink an eye as he shrugged his shoulders in acknowledgement, turning his attention over to Violet in knowing thought.

"Nah. I know she's too good for me," he started off honestly, not seeming upset or heartbroken about this. Just matter of fact. "I know that in every sense, Dabi. In everything she does, that girl is far too good for me. I'd ruin her and break her heart. I love her too much to date her, so I already decided a long time ago, that I'd never pursue her. I'd never want her to pursue me, either. Because, unlike you, I actually care about the inevitable fact that I would destroy her."

I felt something strange buzzing around inside my hollow chest, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Of course I always knew this shit head loved Violet, so that's not even the part that pisses me off.

Because if there's one thing that I know about Akio, it's that when he says he's going to do, or not do something, he means it. If he says he never plans to go after Violet, then it means he's serious about that.

The part that irritated me...was his last sentence.

"Oh? And what the hell is that supposed to mean-'unlike me?'" I asked lowly, yet I already knew very well where this conversation was going.

Because it's just the same conversation him and I been having for years. Except, now we're both older and more fucked up.

Akio shook his head silently for my question that we both knew the answer to, keeping his eyes on Violet as he pondered. Even though this guy was already aware that I knew what he was talking about, he had no problem answering my question and digging the knife in deeper.

"She's too good for you, Dabi. Plain and simple. You know it, I know it. Violet is way too good for you." He started off firmly, stopping there for a moment to let me absorb the words.

And I did. But, I already knew from the start that she was too good for me, so it's not as if that's gonna be the thing to make me throw a hissy fit and go crazy.

Hah, after all, I've already thrown a hissy fit and gone crazy! My next one isn't due for a little bit of time.

"I've been watching the way you two interact all night. You're an asshole. A bad influence-I mean, seriously. Smoking? Drinking? And then-god, grinding on her like she's a piece of meat? You're fucking disgusting." He spat out with a growing level of anger, scrunching up his nose at me like I was the literal devil.

Maybe I am. Especially with the next defensive words that involuntarily fell out of my mouth.

"You act as if it was all one sided." I blurted with a dry chuckle, but what the fuck kind of a justification was that?

Nah, Matsubara's not wrong. I know that. I didn't wanna admit, but yeah he's not wrong.

"No, you're right," he started off calmer, sensing the regret of my dick-ish justification, which irritated me. "It wasn't all one sided. I saw her reciprocating. That's why I said you're a bad influence. You're ruining her, Dabi. You're bad for her." He stated matter of factly, causing the dull sting in my chest to buzz harder now.

A part of me wants him to stop talking. But, the other part of me wants him to keep talking, so he can remind me of all the reasons I can't ever be with her.

Because, when I see that smile or hold her close...those reasons become too blurred for me to remember. And that's not how it should be.

"She's a good girl. Violet's a good girl who always does the right thing, who's already been through so much. A good girl who you could break so easily. And I'm never one to stand in Violet's way. I support her in everything she does. But, that doesn't mean I'm just gonna stop looking out for her. That doesn't mean I'm gonna stand aside and let villainous assholes like you ruin her for one night of fun." He stated clearly, keeping his arms crossed as we both watched Violet starting to interact with the VIP members of the lounge.

"She's already been broken once. Bet you didn't know that, did you? I bet she never told you how she went missing for a month after her mom died. She ran away." Akio said plainly, dropping a bomb on me that I'd previously been completely unaware of.


A month? Violet went missing for an entire month after that? Where the hell did she go? Why did she leave?

My half lidded eyes were forced to blink a few times in surprise I couldn't hold back. I kept gaze forward and away from Matsubara so he wouldn't know he'd caught me off guard.

But, he knew. That's why he kept talking.

"She went crazy that day, Dabi. Crazy with grief and hysteria. Everyone thought she had died, but I didn't stop searching. I searched for her everyday to try and bring her home.........but Endeavor found her first, before I could." He explained, letting his own eyes glaze over with reminisce and a hint of something I didn't get.

"That day.... the day her world...flipped....it was the day she broke. The day she lost that happiness. Sure, she still tries to put on a front today. But, she's never been the same girl. Not since that day."

I have to agree with him there. After meeting Violet again for the first time in almost a decade, one of the first things I realized about her was that she had changed. Not a lot, but a little. Enough for me to make it a point to never let her change any more.

Sure, she's still Violet. But, her changes were in the subtle things. Things she used to be excited and happy about no longer mattered to her. Like, having a family, for example. Or being excited about her future.

And I can't help but force myself to wonder if I had something to do with that.

My mind reflects on that very last day I saw Violet. On the very last day of my life. The day everything changed.

I felt my eyes clouding over blankly as I still saw fourteen year old Violet's face in my mind. I can still hear her cries, begging me to stay.

She had looked broken already before I left. Like something else had already devastated her before she came to me. Why am I only realizing that now?

Oh, yeah. I know. It's because I was too consumed with my own anger to notice. My own selfish reasons.

Would you believe me if I said that I never had any actual intention to hurt her? I was sixteen and angry. Delirious with hatred-still am. I mean, I won't lie...I didn't go out of my way to make sure I didn't hurt her that day, but it wasn't deliberate. She got caught in the cross fires of something that didn't involve her. She got caught in something that was between me and dear old dad.

What would have happened if I never left that day to go to Sekoto Hill? Actually no. That's not the question.

The question, is what would have happened if Violet had never shown up to Sekoto Hill, the way she was never supposed to?

I don't know. Who gives a shit about what ifs. I shouldn't care to know. I made my own choices. My own path. Now, I need to suck it up and live it.

You reap what you sow, I guess.

"Violet would have never done any of the shit she did tonight, if it weren't for you, Dabi. You understand that, don't you?" Akio continued upon hearing my silence, causing the growing look of heavy nothing in my eyes to fade back into reality.

And even though I didn't believe I had any reason to give myself a defense, I blurted one out anyways...not taking it to heart as I said it, more to just say it.

"Last I checked, we were both trying to get her to smoke that cigarette-" I said way too raspily, not even bothering to continue the careless reason when Akio cut me off.

"To saves our lives. It wasn't me who forced her closer by the back of her head-" he started off, causing a wave of immediate anger to wash over me at the very specific word.

'Force,' he says.

"Fuck you. I didn't force her-" I said lowly, slowly sliding my eyes back on him as he continued speaking like I'd said nothing.

"-and shotgun a shit load of smoke down her throat that she didn't need."

He saw that, huh?

Regardless, I said nothing in reply this time, cause what could I say?

Instead, I simply turned my eyes back on Violet to make sure she was still okay.

When I look at her....it brings back too many things at once. For a guy who's not supposed to have the ability to feel anything, it's too fucking much.

Looking at that smile right now gives me content. It also makes me feel guilty. It makes me want to pull her closer and also push her away. It makes me reflect back on the words I told her earlier in the night, the words I really meant about myself.

"You shouldn't let people corrupt you, little sapphire. It could get you into trouble someday, if you do."

It's me. I'm the trouble. I'm the one who's gonna corrupt her if I don't back the fuck off and leave her alone.

This is the path I chose. I chose revenge over love. I chose hatred over family.

And I chose to die for a success never achieved, rather than live an ordinary life.

I had my chance to be with Violet. I had two years of chances. Two years of countless opportunities I could have finally given up on the hero stuff and been happy with her. Been good for her.

But, now it's too late. And by giving into my desires for her, it means I'm only proving dear old dad to be right. Even all these years later. That would mean I went through all of this for nothing.

That would mean I came this far in my plan for nothing.

Yeah, exactly. I chose revenge. I chose hatred for dad. And, nothing-no one, not even Violet Sasaki can stop me from getting it.

Like I said, once I get fixated on the things I want, I can't stop. Even if I want to, even if I want someone to put me out of this misery and stop my path of revenge, I cannot stop. I can't get it out of my head. Even after all these years. Dad ignited the flame in me and it can't be put out.

But, that's where it gets tricky with Violet....because she's also a flame that can't be put out. I also can't get her out of my head after all these years.

I'll just have to make sure my hatred wins. After twenty-four years of misery, that shouldn't be too hard.

"Just stay away from her, Dabi," Akio started as if reading my thoughts.

....before getting one more dig he didn't even realize he had gotten.

"Besides, she's got a boyfriend, anyways. Her and Natsuo are very happy."

My ears practically threw up at the unexpected mention of my little brother's name. It's a name I haven't heard in eight years. And, yeah, I already knew Violet was dating my brother, thanks to the picture of him she showed me. But, she never flat out said his name.

And hearing 'Natsuo' and Violet's 'boyfriend' in the same sentence just pisses me off.

Feeling a sour taste in my mouth, I resisted the urge to show feeling, simply rubbing my face with my hand to try and get rid of my pent up frustration somehow.

By laughing, of course. It wasn't a loud laugh or a particularly obnoxious one. It was quiet and dry. Tired.

Akio remained silent now, as he watched me laugh...clearly waiting for me to respond to all of this. But, I can't stand him and there's no way I'm gonna give him the reaction he wants.

So, after all of his talk, all of his new information about Violet running away, all of my inner thoughts and conflict, I said the only response I could think of to preserve myself, looking at absolutely nothing as the words rolled off my tongue.

"I don't fucking care, so relax."

It was robotic, at this point. Automatic. A defense mechanism almost, because once I said it, I almost believed it. I almost believed that I really didn't care. That maybe tonight was just a fluke and tomorrow I'd wake up and know the choice I made all those years ago to leave was the right one.

I almost believed that Violet Sasaki really meant nothing to me.

But then, I looked up and caught sight of her at the VIP lounge...

Violet POV:

"Ah-thanks a bunch for letting me in, guys! Appreciate it." I said to the security guards awkwardly, doing some unnecessary weird hand gesture to thank them as they removed the black rope to the vip lounge.

I can't believe the knock-knock joke worked!

The bigger security guard simply nodded in acknowledgement, causing me to open my mouth to speak again-before I opted to keep it shut and scurry past the guards instead.

I don't want to say the wrong thing and mess anything up!

Upon crossing the threshold of beat up wood floors to pure gold tiles, I was in the vip lounge-taking a moment to revel in my shock at actually being able to get here.

But, my little moment of celebration couldn't last longer than a second when I realized curious eyes in the vip lounge had now wandered over to me in question for what I was doing here. I couldn't say I wasn't thinking the same thing....

Come on, Violet. Put the awkwardness away. For now, you have to change. If you wanna survive here and succeed, you have to change.

Swallowing my nerves, I decided to try and channel my inner 'Euphoria,' as if I even possessed the attitude to do such a thing.

I took a deep breath and flipped my hair off my shoulders, walking with a charm to my step and a sway to my hips.

Let's just hope I don't fall!

My new, Hot Girl Strut seemed to grab a few more eyes as I began slowly sauntering past the cocktail tables of men and women....not really knowing who the heck I should try and talk to first....before fate decided for me.

"Haven't seen you around before. You from Jolly Molly?" A low, raspy voice said from one of the tables behind me, causing me to quickly turn around and find a pair of three men gathered around one of the standing cocktail tables.

All the men looked very intimidating, but there was one above the rest who looked extra intimidating with that deep scar running across his entire face. I really hoped it wasn't him who just spoke to me.

And then he spoke again!

"Usually, Jolly Molly brings more than one of you girls." He followed up, not seeming particularly upset about the lack of more women as he slowly trailed his eyes over my appearance.

He didn't look much older than me. Maybe, late twenties? Regardless, he was still obviously very dangerous.

Okay, Violet. Don't be weird.

"Hm? Oh-Hah!-I'm not a stripper-or, not yet, anyways. If my job becomes too much work, then I might be." I chuckled jokingly, dialing down my weirdness to the most diluted version possible.

It still sounded awkward though...

The man with the scar flashed a wicked smile at my humor, sporting some jagged looking teeth as he kept his attention on me.

"Oh, yeah? And what's your job, doll?" He asked just in the spirit of striking up conversation, causing me to internally start giving myself a smackdown.

Idiot! What are you gonna tell him now?! That you're a hero? Dumbdumbdumb-

"O-Oh...Uh....I'm, uhhhh....t..teacher." I lied a bit choppily, thankful that it was quick enough to appear natural.

Yeah. A teacher of justice! Boooom! Right? Am I right?-

The man with the scar hummed in fake interest, giving a small nod to his head.

"Oo, a teacher, huh?" He questioned, waving me over closer to the table so we could talk more.

I quickly scurried over and stood a healthy distance from him, trying to ignore the other two men at the table who looked at me grossly.

"Tell me more about that," the scarred man said once I settled at the standing table. "Do you just hate those little shits?"

A nervous laugh escaped my throat as I was forced to go deeper into the lie, subtly trailing my gaze over towards my partners in the corner for my own reassurance.

And I found them-Dabi and Akio, I mean.

They were, indeed, still standing in the corner. But, what surprised me was that I realized they were talking. To each other.

What surprised me even more, is that both of them looked incredibly serious about the topic, almost angry.

Crap. I wonder what they're talking about.

Hearing the gross man next to me clear his throat as he awaited a response to my answer, I quickly turned my attention to him with a fake smile.

"Oh, the kids-yea, they are definitely a bunch of little...brats! That's kind of why I'm here, actually. I'm sick of it, and I....wanna try something new with my life!" I chirped out happily, mentally reflecting over that sentence in my head in hopes that it sounded okay.

I think it did.

The gross, scarred man in front of me laughed a bit at my answer, seeming genuinely intrigued by me as he summarized.

"So....you're a teacher, and you wanted to try something new-and that 'something new' is smuggling illegal goods and drugs for a guy who makes powerful jewels?" He asked, scooting wayyy too close to me now.

His distance made me uncomfortable, and before I had the chance to back away...he wrapped an arm around my shoulders to keep me in place.

It was the same action Dabi has been doing all night-putting his arms around me to ensure I'd stay close. But, Dabi's touch is different. His was warm and comforting. This man's touch is disgusting.

Regardless, I tried to work through it and focus on the task at hand, not wanting to let my partners down.

"Yeahhh.....I'm kinda...like....-on one of those life journeys, you know. Trying to find my purpose, and all." I explained nervously, holding my breath as the man's hand already slid down to the middle of my back.

"Awww. Cute, darling. Cute. But, you're shit outta luck. Don't think the boss is interested in taking any more recruits today." The man said, sliding his hand to my lower back now in a way that let me know I won't be getting anywhere with this.

Besides, that comment actually gave me quite a bit of information, in itself. This guy just said that Midas isn't taking any new recruits right now. That's one of the things I was supposed to find out by coming over here, and now I've done it.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, then I guess I'll just have to come back another time. I'll see you around." I said as calmly as I could, about to attempt to walk away before the man stopped me.

"Heyyy, hold on a second," he started off calmly, keeping a light hold on me as his hands snaked to the very tail end of my back. "I wasn't finished, yet. I said Midas wasn't taking any new recruits today. But, maybe I can get him to make an exception for you."

Yeah. By doing bad things, I'm sure!

"I...I don't think I can give you what you're looking for." I apologized as confidently and cooly as I could, looking for any changing signs of anger from the man at my shut down.

But, that's not what I got at all as he kept his composure, throwing me off guard with his next words.

"Relax, cutie. I'm not asking for anything from you tonight. I was simply gonna offer you the chance to go talk with him." He explained honestly, gesturing to the black curtain behind him in a way that made my blood run cold.

Wait. What....

"O-Ohhhhhh. Y-you mean.....Midas.....is...here?" I asked slowly, already feeling alarm bells ringing through my head at the new ambiance of danger that entered the room.

This situation just got a wholeeee lot more dangerous. I need to warn Dabi and Akio.

"Sure is. Surprised, too. He hasn't come to the club himself in awhile. Didn't get here 'till a little bit ago. He's right behind that curtain, if you wanna see him," he started off, quickly sliding his hands to my ass now when he saw I was distracted.

I choked on my breath in the worst way at the feeling, not knowing how to proceed with any of this, as I simply stiffened up.

I just found out that the most deadly gang leader in Japan-our target, is literally ten feet away from me, behind that curtain. That is the most crucial information I could have found out tonight. We need to call for backup-oh! And I need to get this guy's hands off my ass, cause gross!-

"But, if you meet him tonight, you'll have to pay me back for it later." The gross man followed up a bit more firmly now, trying to grope me with more force as I began pushing back on him.

"I think I'll pass." I said distractedly, more focused on getting back to Dabi and Akio so we could figure out a plan-

"You sure? You won't get another chance to meet him then." The gross man said, gripping my butt a little harder and causing me to harshly start wiggling myself out of his hold.

"Yes, I'm sure," I started off calmly, trying not to escalate the situation so I wouldn't cause a scene.

Who knows what Midas will do. It's like I'm walking on eggshells now that I know he's here.

I didn't seem to have to try much harder as I felt the gross man quickly giving up when he sensed I didn't want to have any fun with him, loosening his grip on my butt as he spoke.

"Alright then, cutie. I'll letcha go-" he started off honestly, starting to release his hands from me...

....before I was roughly yanked out of his arms from behind-

"Dabi, I said stop!!!" I heard Akio yell from behind me as the stitched man pulled me out of the gross man's arms before roughly shoving me out of the way towards Akio.

"H-Huh-" I uttered in confusion for the quick pace of the situation I was unable to keep up with, getting with the program a moment too late as I saw Dabi already standing in front of the man who groped me-with his eyes wild and his entire arm lit up blue.

Oh. Shit. Midas is here, and he doesn't know it! Dabi can't do that, or he could cause a literal war-

"Ah-Dabi!! Wait-" I started out, quickly pushing Akio off me as I made my way towards the tense altercation-

"Violet, no. Stay here. It's too dangerous now." Akio said with surprising sternness, trying to drag me back from the altercation before I lightly shoved him off.

"No, Akio. You don't understand. We can't -" I started explaining quickly before Dabi's voice caught my attention.

"Since you can't keep those hands to yourself, I think it's time we get rid of them." Dabi chuckled lowly, causing the bigger scarred man to stand up from the table and glare at him in anger.

"You're gonna regret that, kid." The scarred man said to Dabi, causing my eyes to widen in panic as I looked towards the closed black curtain Midas was supposed to be behind.

"No. I don't think I will." Dabi smirked smugly, starting to rotate his arm for a hit.

"Dabi! Stop!! You can't-" I started, quickly running towards him.

But, it was too late.

The sound and sight of Dabi's flaming fist connecting with the scarred man's face rang throughout the room, causing screams and quirks to start going flying across the premise as all hell broke lose.

Dabi's flames hit the scarred man hard enough to send him flying over the low rise balcony of the club, and onto the first floor. One side of his face was now burning blue, but he didn't seem to care as his furious eyes met Dabi's with a taste for revenge. He started to make his way to his feet in hopes of a retaliation.

But, I was at Dabi's side in an instant, ignoring the chaos of screams and crashing tables around us as I grabbed his arm and turned him towards me.

He looked at me through fight thirsty eyes, opening his mouth to speak before I beat him to the punch.

"We need to go!! Now!!!" I exclaimed in panic, quickly grabbing his wrist in an attempt to get him to move.

But, he remained stagnant as the man who groped me got to his feet now, causing Dabi's gaze to cloud over in excited blood lust as he was more interested in a fight.

"Ooo, back up already?! Good for you! Don't worry though. I'll make sure you don't get back up a second time." Dabi grinned ferally, wiggling his wrist out of my grip as he lit it up blue once more.

I groaned loudly in panicked irritation for his bonehead need to fight everyone, trying to get his attention again.

"Dabi, you don't understand!!! There's a major problem here!!-" I began, forced to raise my voice over the chaos running around the room.

But, I never got the chance to finish, as the black curtain a few feet away rustled up to reveal an object propelling out of it.

It was a jewel. From Midas.

But, the thing that really made my blood run cold was when I caught sight of the color of the jewel.

Purple. A purple jewel...


"Anyone who gets hit with the purple jewel gets....gem-ified immediately. They turn into a gem statue. It can't be reversed. It's one of Midas' strongest gems."

I never got the chance to truly decipher who the jewel was coming for as I heard Akio's voice ring from my side.

"Shit-Violet!! Look out!!" He screamed, making me assume the jewel was coming for me.

Akio had already been directly in my line of sight, shoving Dabi out of his way to get to me, and causing the stitched, broody man to lose his balance and stumble backwards a few feet.

"What the fuck's the problem?!" Dabi called out in irritation, immediately turning his eyes on me when Akio screamed my name.

The air left my lungs as Akio practically tackled me to the floor to ensure the jewel wouldn't hit me. And it didn't hit me, as I landed on the ground safe and sound.


It did hit Dabi. Right in his stomach, before my very eyes.


Thank you for your votes and comments. See ya later! <3

Next Chapter Title: Not Worth it.

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