The "Spark"

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Top pic credit: _nikhio_

Violet POV:

"Sorry about the smoke." I smiled weakly at Dabi when we'd finally managed to navigate ourselves to the bar and away from the menacing group of Midas' men.

He snorted in amusement as a smirk flashed across his face...plopping down in one of the empty bar stools and causing me to take the seat next to him.

"Hey, if those fuckers are dumb enough to believe a bad liar like you, sunshine, that's on them. Just means our job in taking them down will be that much easier." He chuckled victoriously, waving the bartender over now.

I pursed my lips in humorous thought to his words, feeling content that he was right.

Admittedly, I also felt content in realizing he wasn't actually mad at me for how the encounter had gone. In the past, he would have been...

"I guess that's true..." I started off, before I felt a genuine smile form on my face. "Hah...I'm pretty surprised myself that they believed it."

The corners of Dabi's lips curled up just a bit higher at my light words, before he lethargically rubbed his face to conceal the action.

"It's like I was a first timer all over again." He mimicked me in playful tease, causing both of us to laugh now in remembrance for how ridiculous I'd been.

I rested my hands on the bar counter as I settled comfortably in my seat, unintentionally leaning my shoulder into Dabi's as my light laughter turned to giggles.

"Who cares about health and wellness, right?" I followed up in the spirit of making fun of myself, causing Dabi's eyes to close knowingly as his smug, sly smirk slowly morphed into a genuine, white-toothed smile.

He kept his head lowered towards the bar counter as he did so, not wanting anyone to see the rare action uncontrollably infect his lips.

But, I could see it. No matter how much he tried to hide it from the world, I could see it perfectly from my cozy spot next to him. I leaned into him more, slowly craning my neck down a bit just so I could get a better look.

It was beautiful. It was such a pure smile that made Dabi look his age. That suited him well. It was infectious and endorphin catching. I could feel myself getting giddy just from looking at it. At him.

I got lost in it. So lost in it, I didn't realize I'd said it until I heard the words come from my mouth.

"You have a really nice smile." I blurted out softly, not stuttering or feeling awkward about the words even though they were incredibly bold and risky to say to someone like Dabi.

I wasn't afraid of what his reaction would be, and I had no reason to anyways as the smile unwillingly got bigger from him, before he lifted his gaze from the counter and to me now.

His brow raised in smug amusement, yet the smile on his face remained pure.

"You hitting on me, little sapphire?" He questioned with half tease, taking his stitched bottom lip between his teeth in a way that practically forced my eyes to notice.

Dabi noticed my eyes trail from his pupils to his lips, only scooting closer to me now and brushing my knee with his own.

My gaze wasn't as quick to return to his eyes, slowly sliding back up the features of his face as I found those blue orbs already looking at me.

His smile had softened now, settling back into that Default Dabi half lidded look. Yet, he looked different. Even if he was trying to put on an act like he didn't care, to me, he looked different.

"Nooo, I'm just saying," I started off with my own smile, giving my eyes a playful roll before landing back on him. "You don't always need to brood and grin like a feral, mean cat. It wouldn't kill you to smile more often."

Dabi let out a small groan of mock annoyance as he lowered his head towards the counter, before bringing it back up to center.

"Nah. It would ruin my brand. And smiling would kill me, actually. I hate it." He pointed out in an attempt to be grumpy, causing my grin to flash brighter as I looked at him with a growing challenging sass I was starting to love about myself.

"Drama queen." I retorted.

"And don't fucking forget it." He countered.

Unable to hold his intense eye contact any longer for fear that my cheeks would heat up, I scrunched up my lips and directed my gaze to the bar counter...suddenly finding my black painted nails very interesting to look at.

"You don't need to have a brand, you know. And anyways, calling it a brand just means it's not real." I murmured as I tried to act uncaring.

Yet, Dabi saw right through me as he gently slapped his hand down on the counter to get my attention, craning his neck towards me a bit to get my eyes back on him.

It worked as I slowly brought my gaze away from the counter, looking to my side to find him leaning in closer to me than he had been before.

"And what if I told you..." he started out smoothly, voice low and alluring as he held my eyes intensely. "....that it was real, sunshine?"

"Well, then, I just wouldn't believe you." I smirked, causing Dabi to mirror my action as he seemed to enjoy it. "After all, when have you ever been trustworthy in your word before?"

My next comment had definitely been bold, but like I've said in the past, I'm comfortable in speaking my mind when I'm around Dabi.

He only encouraged my confidence by laughing knowingly to my words, finally breaking the tension of our competing eyes as he looked away.

"Atta girl. She's learning now." He commented 'proudly,' turning his attention back to the bartender to try and wave him over again.

I laughed at his words, propping the side of my head up in my hand as I watched him get the bartender's attention.

"Learning how emo and messed up the world is? Yes, thank you for telling me." I retorted with sass, smiling lazily when Dabi turned his eyes back to me.

"Eh. You seemed to already know it before." He pointed out with a shrug, causing me to furrow my brows and sit up straight again at his honesty.

"What do you mean?" I uttered, losing my teases slightly as I hoped he'd become more serious and explain.

He was more than willing to, letting out a calm breath as he uncharacteristically took a moment to think about the words he wanted to say.

"I mean....that you can try to act as positive and happy go lucky as you want. But, I see right through you. Through that fake bullshit. You're a bad liar, sunshine. I tell you that all the time. And you say that I put on an act." He murmured, distractedly looking ahead towards the bottles of liquor.

I pondered on his point, not realizing that Dabi could sense an underlying demeanor in me this entire time. I thought I was pretty good at hiding my internal strife.

How closely was he watching me to know that?

But, regardless, my next words were true as I said them. Words I tell myself when I feel my soul starting to spiral into the depths of my despair.

"Well, I just don't see the point in dwelling on the things that hurt me in the past. I'd rather not think about it, and pretend I'm happy." I explained honestly, before Dabi quickly looked my way.

"Pretend, huh?" He questioned knowingly, causing my eyes to widen unexpectedly.

Did I say that?

"That's....not what I meant." I tried to defend, yet the knowing look on his face said it was hopeless to try.

"Sure it's not. You know, I know you better than you think." He followed up, seeming much too confident and honest about something that wasn't true.

He's only known me for a month and suddenly he thinks he's got me all figured out.

"Don't be so sure." I uttered softly, never having been happier to have the moment interrupted by the bartender.

Surprisingly not ready for the interruption, Dabi seemed unprepared when the bartender placed his hands on the counter in front of us to catch our attention, causing the stitched man to quickly back away from me a few feet.

"What'll it be?" The bartender asked uninterested, looking from me to Dabi as he impatiently waited for an answer.

As expected, Dabi answered first...not even needing to think about his order as he kept his eyes on me.

"Gimme a Rusty Nail," he murmured, before he nodded at me. "And what about you, little sapphire? Doubt you've even had a drink in your whole life. You probably want water."

He didn't say the words condescending or with challenge. It sounded more like he was just stating a fact.


"Not true! I'm twenty-two, after all. I've had the occasional glass of wine." I pointed out confidently, causing Dabi to snort in amusement as he snapped the bartender away to go get his drink.

He is so rude!

"I ain't talking about your prissy shit. I meant a good, hard drink. You've never had one of those before, have you?" Dabi asked with half curiosity, tilting his head to the side in question as he awaited my answer.

I pressed my lips together knowingly, giving my shoulders a small shrug of agreement.

"Nopeee. I'm more of a sweet person and I don't think the hard stuff is sweet, right? I doubt I could handle that." I pointed out with a chuckle, landing my eyes back into Dabi's glowing blue ones.

I have absolutely no interest in looking anywhere else.

Eyes so blue.

"So, I bet you've never been drunk then, huh?" He confirmed plainly as the bartender set his glass of....uh, Rusty Nail down in front of him.

"Nope. Never been drunk. But, I'm sure you have, Mr. Edgy. So, what's it like? Liberating? Freeing?" I asked condescendingly, more focused with the way Dabi brought the rim of the cup to his lips and took a swig.

He gave absolutely no reaction to the drink-and it had an orange peel in it, making me think it might not taste that bad.

"Mm. Wanna find out?" He challenged smugly a few seconds later, waving his half full cup around for me to take.

I rolled my eyes lightly at his words before my gaze landed on the drink with little curiosity.

"I don't think that getting drunk for the first time tonight is a very good idea since we're working-and I especially don't think it's a good idea to get drunk with you." I challenged teasingly, watching Dabi take another swig of his drink before setting it on the counter.

"Oh? Don't trust my intentions?" He questioned lightly, flaming up the tip of his finger blue before bringing it close to the orange peel in his glass.

His question was meant to be a rhetorical one, but I couldn't help but think about how I really felt about it.

It's something that's only dawned on me now. Something I never had to think about before because I always felt I knew the answer.

But, now...

Do I trust his intentions? I'm afraid to answer that for myself.

Mostly because I'm afraid to admit how comfortable I've gotten with him.

But, it seems that my brain was on vacation from common sense today-or maybe my willpower to stay away from this man was just crumbling more by the second as I heard the words come from my mouth before I could even think about them.

"I'll have a sip of yours. Just to try it."

Dabi's look of surprised mirrored my own for the words I spoke-even so, I'll admit it shocked me more when he didn't immediately sport a feral grin and hand me the drink so I could get trashed.

Instead, he kept a hold on it and looked at me firmly, shrugging his shoulders dismissively as he spoke.

"I never said you had to, you know." He explained 'boredly,' losing his teases with the honest sentence.

In Dabi language, I think he's saying that he wasn't trying to pressure me to drink.


"I know. I still want to try it. I'm not gonna get drunk off one sip-and it actually looks pretty good." I smiled reassuringly, scooting up closer to him in hopes that he would give me his drink.

Yet, he remained hesitant-in the 'careless' way of course, acting like he wasn't even listening to the conversation as he swirled the orange peel around in his cup.

"It's bitter." He warned with a mumble, causing me to laugh and nudge his shoulder with my own as I spoke.

"Yeah, but so are you and here we are." I pointed out warmly, causing an unwilling snort of amusement to escape his lips as he rolled his eyes.

"You fucking annoy me." He murmured out softly, refusing to look in my direction as he felt how close I was to him.

Instead he slid the drink a few inches my way, glancing over at it with playful challenge now as he gestured for me to have it.

"And, you know what? Just for that....have at it, cause I wanna see you hate it now." He snarked out, gaining back a bit of that feral grin as he propped his head in his hand to watch.

I smiled happily as I took the ice cold cup in my hands, slowly lifting it off the counter and towards my face.

Dabi raised his brows in amusement as I stalled time and took a whiff of the liquor before sipping it, not saying a word as I slowly brought the rim of the cup to my lips and took a sip.

Oh, wow. Now, that is disgusting!

He laughed victoriously when my face quickly scrunched up in disgust for the flavor, while I swallowed harshly and set the drink back on the counter.

"Well?" He asked with knowing smugness, waiting for my verdict even though he clearly knew what it would be.

But, suddenly I felt stubborn....

"It's......delicious." I croaked out in disgust, causing Dabi and I to break out into small snickers as we both knew I was lying.

"Dipshit. I told you, you wouldn't like it. But, hey, at least you handled it better than the smoke." He murmured mockingly, lethargically reaching into his pockets now as his words seemed to remind him that he wanted a cigarette of his own.

I puffed my cheeks out in self disappointment at his reminder of my earlier blunder tonight, watching lazily as he placed his half full pack of cigarettes on the counter and pulled one out of it.

It was mesmerizing to watch Dabi take the tip of the stick between his lips, swirling a little blue flame onto his finger and barely lifting it towards the end of the cigarette.

As if sensing I was watching, his eyes slowly trailed to mine, holding my gaze as he got a good light.

The blue of his flames reflected too perfectly against his irises, lighting up hidden flecks of grays and greens that I hadn't even known were present in his eyes until now.

Once he had a good light, he extinguished his flame...taking a purposefully deep inhale of the smoke to gloat, and holding it perfectly.

"I dunno how you do that." I mumbled a bit jealous as I couldn't look away, earning a low hum from him as he blew out faint rings of smoke near my face.

"Oh? You almost sound impressed." He challenged almost curiously, causing me to shrug my shoulders admittedly.

"I guess I am." I said, too wrapped up in his presence to even think about my words. "How do you not choke?"

"Years of practice, little sapphire. Years of practice." he smirked, taking another big inhale of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out in front of him.

And maybe it was the carefree atmosphere of the club. Maybe it was the single sip of whisky I plucked out of Dabi's drink. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment, or maybe it was the fact that my inability to handle a single smoke earlier almost cost the lives of me, Dabi, and Akio.

But, once again, I found myself surprised by the words that came out of my mouth, only recognizing them by the steady sound of my voice as I spoke.

"So...teach me."

Dabi slowly looked my way upon hearing my words, piercing orbs finding my own through the light smoke screen that clouded the two of us.

He didn't speak for a moment, simply looking at me in, what looked to be confusion, mixed with something else I couldn't quite understand.

Similar to when I asked for the drink, Dabi didn't immediately jump on the opportunity to hand me the cigarette, instead directing his gaze down to it as he spoke.

"Smoking's bad, sunshine." He uttered almost mockingly, clearly meaning the words since he hesitated in handing it to me, but trying to act as if he didn't care.

His nonchalant answer gave me more confidence though. It seems that the reverse psychology tactic that always works on Dabi works on me, too...

The more he tells me not to do something, I guess it makes me wanna do it. Especially, since he never used to care.

Does he care?

"I won't make it a habit, Dabi. I just don't wanna embarrass myself so horribly a second time, in case someone offers me a cigarette again." I chuckled honestly, trailing my gaze down to his lips when residual smoke escaped out of it.

Dabi barely pursed his lips in contemplation, running his eyes over the innocent features of my face with a longing familiarity, before he eventually caved.

"Fine. Just once. And we'll do it a certain way to take the edge off." He murmured almost reluctantly, not sounding as if the idea of me smoking was something he was too keen on, but did it to please my curiosity.

Regardless, I couldn't help but grin victoriously as I scooted closer to him, awaiting whatever instructions he had for me like a good student. Student of Edgy, that is!

Dabi made the surprising move of scooting closer to me as well-but with purpose, as he smushed his thigh against mine and turned to me....coming inches away from my face in a way that caused my eyes to widen a bit.

Oh. I wasn't expecting this-

"I'm gonna shotgun you." He uttered, voice low and quiet since he was so close.

His smoky breath rolled over my face with every word, causing me to feel pleasantly dizzy from his presence in a way that made me want to push him away and pull him closer all at once.

"Y..You're" I breathed out slightly flustered, causing Dabi to chuckle lowly as he came dangerously closer.

So close, that the front tips of his hair brushed against my forehead before mixing with a few of my own strands. Feeling my cheeks going as red as possible, I slowly began lowering my gaze away from his and to the ground.

But, I felt my mouth run dry as his free hand slowly came towards my face. His fingers barely brushed underneath my chin, softly dragging it back up to face him with a touch that was so foreign and light.

I didn't think Dabi possessed such a gentle touch. I was wrong. So wrong.

My eyes slowly found his own as my breaths deepened. I hadn't even gotten the time to feel embarrassed when I realized his breaths were no different. Sure, they were hotter in temperature, but the minuscule space between us mingled with a space our lips wished to close.

After what felt like a simultaneous eternity and milliseconds, Dabi spoke...his lips threatening to brush against my own with the movement of his mouth.

"It's not as easy with cigarettes. But, I'm going to blow the smoke into your mouth. That's how you'll inhale it." He explained in a whisper, voice unrecognizable as Dabi isn't normally one to whisper.

Unable to process anything other than him, I simply nodded and lightly opened my mouth...watching his hungry eyes slowly trail down to it with want.

He inhaled deeply as if he was trying to control himself, keeping his gaze on my lips as he took a heavy drag of the cigarette.

Once he had a good amount of smoke in his mouth, he lifted my chin a little more with his fingers, slowly opening his own mouth as he leaned in towards mine.

"Alright. Come here, little sapphire." He breathed out to me thickly, lightly tilting my chin upwards as he brought his lips as close as he could.

So close, that if I moved a hair....we'd be kissing.

The dangerous distance caused my breath to hitch sharply as my heart began to pound. Dabi heard the sound, causing him to relax the touch of his fingers under my chin.

We remained frozen in place for a moment as we adjusted to the distance, both of our eyes finding each other's and becoming half lidded in a desire we both knew we craved.

Holding my gaze, his two fingers remained under my chin before his thumb slowly came to rest atop it...slowly sliding up to my bottom lip before gently pulling it down.

I took his direction and went with his movement, opening my mouth more for him as I scooted closer.

Dabi gently caressed my bottom lip, running his thumb across the creases as if to memorize each one, before he finally lined his lips up with mine and exhaled the smoke into my mouth.

I inhaled involuntarily as I felt his hot breath puff into my mouth and my lungs, letting out a small cough before I felt his fingers caress my jaw coaxingly.

"Just relax. That's the key." He drawled out to me smoothly, taking another inhale of the cigarette...before giving in to temptation and finding my mouth again.

I thought he said he'd only do it once.

Not that I gave a care in the world as Dabi leaned in lethally close to me once more. He came closer this time if that were even possible. I could practically feel the very tip of his bottom lip graze mine as he exhaled into my mouth, snaking his hand to the nape of my neck with need as he resisted the urge to pull me closer.

A small, flustered whimper escaped my mouth as I felt my body starting to buzz with excitement-and it wasn't from the nicotine.

"D..Dabi..." I breathed out lustfully, feeling a haze of desire coat my brain like it never has for anyone.

A haze of softness clouded his hard eyes for no longer than a second, before his lids shut closed to hide the look.

His fingers tangled lightly in my hair upon hearing me say his name so needy, yet he still forced himself not to come closer as he simply pressed his forehead against mine.

It was hot. It felt like he had a fever, but I know that he didn't.

"That' you shotgun." He breathed out hotly, about to pull me in closer before he opted to pull away from me instead.

The moment he broke the distance, I inhaled a breath of oxygen I didn't realize I was desperately needing, feeling my cheeks beet red and my pupils dilated with a lust I didn't know how to clear away.

In my entire life....I have never felt that way before.

It's that spark. I feel that spark. And I shouldn't.

"'s...nice...." I breathed out distractedly, not even taking in what I said as I tried to gather my bearings.

Feeling my brain malfunctioning for another word, I simply stared at the bar counter in blank disbelief with myself, running a hand through my hair to try and bring my head back to reality.

But, the desire won't go away. The desire for Dabi.

Because, deep down, I want to feel that spark again. I crave it.

Just like how I imagined him on top of me that night. How much I wanted him. How much I want him.

However, of course I can't tell him that. I can't tell anyone that, because being with Dabi is completely bogus. He's a murderer, and he'd probably kill me if he had even the slightest inkling that I was attracted to him.

Not to mention, I'm not his type. Euphoria was right about that. She's his type. Girls like her. Girls who are tough badasses with cool piercings in their face-a-and other areas, no doubt. Girls who aren't awkward. Girls who can keep up with his swearing, and girls who kill for fun. Sly smiles. Witty comebacks. Sexy faces and bodies.

His type is the complete opposite of me. We'd be ridiculous together.

And anyways, it's just attraction. Right? It's a normal, inherent instinct. It's fine.

Realizing I needed to clear my head and move around to get rid of the weird moment, I slowly turned to Dabi with a weak smile, hating the way I saw him in a changed light. A light I've been able to keep in the dark for the past few weeks, but now there's no hiding it.

Those eyes. That hair all tousled and his lips so full. He's gorgeous-

"I-I'm gonna go..." I started out, not really knowing where the heck I was planning to go as I started looking around the premise.

I just needed to get away from him.

Bathroom's a no go, since I don't know where it is. A private place is also a no go since there's a chance I'll get shanked there...

My eyes landed on the only place I could think of to move around and clear my head. The music is so loud and there's so many people over there, I bet it will help wake my brain up and clear away the flusteredness for him.

"I'm gonna go to the dance floor. Yeah. You stay here!" I chirped at Dabi happily, cheeks still flustered and hot as I quickly hopped off my bar stool.

I briskly started to make my way over to the dance floor without looking back, hoping that Dabi wouldn't question my abrupt leave and go back to being a non-caring psychopath.


"And why the hell would I do that? Don't go over there, anyways. They're all a bunch of animals." He pointed out casually, seeming to have bounced back from our moment faster than me as he recovered his Dabi Drawl.

I groaned softly as I heard him following me, continuing my path to the dance floor in an attempt to get away from him.

But, it was no use as I felt his hand wrap around my arm a few moments later and gently pull me back, forcing me to turn around and face him.

He looked down at me with that same unreadable expression he had a few moments ago-the expression that looked much too familiar and comforting for someone like him.

My brows furrowed in confusion as I tried to interpret the look, with the loud music of the dance floor nearby becoming white noise to both of us.

Dabi met my eyes as he saw me trying to figure him out, radiating conflict and inner turmoil as he wasn't sure how he felt about it. If anything, he kept looking down at my lips, starting to pull me closer.

But, before the moment had the chance to go any further, a rough hand appeared on each of our shoulder's a few moments later, bringing us out of our daze to see who was there.

Oh. Great. You've gotta be kidding me.

"And what are you two 'love bugs' doing around, just eye fucking each other? Come on, I've been looking for you. Let's go dance." Euphoria stated with a sly smirk, only grabbing Dabi's hand and starting to drag him towards the dance floor before he quickly slapped her hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me, unless you wanna die." He drawled out crankily, voice almost unrecognizable to me as he quickly got back into the character of his brand.

Euphoria's eyes lit up with subtle anger at being shut down by her old flame, before she tried a different tactic to get Dabi where she wanted him.

"Fine. Suit yourself, Dabi. I'll just take this little mouse over there instead. Should be a fun one to corrupt." Euphoria grinned slyly, gripping my wrist much too tightly before she practically yanked me to the dance floor.

"Ooo-" I squeaked out at being manhandled, starting to frantically run through polite scenarios in my mind on how I could decline Euphoria's invitation.

Suddenly, I don't wanna dance anymore!

But, in all my time of trying to come up with an excuse as to why I couldn't do it, I had already disappeared with Euphoria in the mass of humid, dance air, finally speaking up as I came to a halt.

"Euphoria-" I started to say before she turned around to tower over me.

"Have fun." She simply sang out to me dryly, pushing me back harshly into a group of sweaty bodies before disappearing.

I stumbled backwards, no thanks to the giant heel of my boots, about to fall on my ass before a pair of arms caught me.

A gross pair of arms.

I scrunched my nose up in disgust at the smell of someone's body odor, quickly scrambling out of this person's arms and turning around to meet a stranger's face.

"Hey, baby. Wanna dance?" The stank man asked, already reaching his arms out to try and grab me again.

Quickly, I began backing up now as I spoke, starting to scan the area to find Euphoria. Or Dabi-actually, just Dabi. Or Akio.

Come to think of that, I feel bad now. Akio's been busy all night, doing all the work while Dabi and I are just-what did Euphoria call it? Eye fucking?

"Oooo, no. No, I do not want to dance-" I told the stank man, before my back bumped into someone else.

Immediately turning around, I was met with a group of women who smiled at me, trying to grab my arms and pull me into their circle.

"I-oh, that's not gonna work!" I chuckled nervously, prying my arms out of their grasp as I decided to side step them.

Upon doing so, I ran into another group of people....starting to feel anxious as I backed up into a growing mess of bodies.

"Over here, darlin'!!" Someone said to me, before another spoke up.

"Give us a little shake!"

"This way!"

"Dance on me just for a second!"

Shit. Shit. Shit. How the hell do I get out of here?!

Panic began to well up inside me as I tried to find an opening, feeling my space getting smaller and smaller as I backed up into another person.

I jumped at the collision, quickly turning around in their hold...

...and feeling my panic already melting away into nothing as I saw who it was.

"Oh. Dabi. Thank god." I sighed out in relief, placing my hands atop his familiar shoulders as I tried to find my bearings.

His hands went to my sides, pulling me close when he saw wandering eyes lurking around.

"Oh? I don't think you've ever been so happy to see me." He smirked a bit smugly, yet held me close to ensure I wouldn't be out of his sight once again.

And as much as I originally had the plan of coming here to get away from Dabi and clear my head, now he was here. He had his hands on me, and it only made that spark I craved come back with a growing intensity.

Knowing I shouldn't, I snaked my arms around Dabi's neck, inching closer towards him as I got much too comfortable.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess." I smiled, involuntarily starting to slowly sway my hips to the music. "What happened to Euphoria?"

"Don't know, and don't care. I'm sure the bitch is here, somewhere." He said, adjusting his hands on my hips when I started to move them.

Wow. First, I wanted to go on the dance floor to get away from Dabi. Then, I wanted nothing more than to get off the dance floor and find Dabi. Now, I want to stay on the dance floor and dance with Dabi?

I'm just confusing the hell out of myself. And Dabi, too, probably...

I almost wish he had stopped my little, innocent dancing and dragged us off the dance floor to put an end to this uncontrollable pull I kept feeling towards him.

But, he only encouraged it as his hands moved from my hips to the small of my back, pulling me closer as his next words contradicted the warm actions.

"Oh, hell no." He murmured surprisingly unconvincingly, not protesting when our bodies simultaneously smushed together.

"What?" I chuckled, finding his broodiness refreshing from the weird night.

"I hate dancing. It's stupid." He explained blandly, causing a wide grin to appear on my face as I started moving my body a little more lively in his arms.

"Wellll. You're stupid, and here we are." I pointed out jokingly, letting a small giggle escape my mouth at Dabi's non-threatening glare.

"That's the second time you've used that shitty joke tonight." He said lightly, slowly starting to move my hips back and forth with the music.

His hands felt so good. Too good.

Ignoring the hot flip building up in my stomach from his touch, I tried to focus on the half hearted dancing, actually finding the atmosphere quite different now that Dabi was here. It feels like a different place now. A different moment.

Before he got here, it was scary, intimidating, and claustrophobic. Hands were grabbing at me and voices were cat calling. I felt like I was being pulled in a million different directions.

But, feels...liberating. Exciting. Dangerous, but in a good way. It's never felt more safe. All because of Dabi's presence.

I wrapped my arms more securely around his neck, starting to have a little more fun now as I felt the hot, humid air of the dance floor going to my head.

I'm not one to ever let loose...

But, like I told Dabi.....there's a first time for everything.

"Since when did you learn to dance, sunshine?" Dabi asked a few moments later, seeming to forget he was supposed to be having a 'bad time' as he wrapped his arms around me.

I smiled happily as I closed the remaining, minuscule distance between our bodies, throwing my head back a bit to enjoy the night as my inhibitions began to loosen.

"What do you mean 'since when?' For all you know, I could have been born a dancer, Dabi." I said playfully, starting to force his stiff shoulders to rock back and forth with me.

He rolled his eyes at my stupid movements, trying to conceal the smile on his face as his hands slid lower down my back.

"Nah. You're too awkward for that. It's not you." He pointed out, causing my lips to purse in distaste at the comment as I ditched the goofy movements and started trying to dance like the other girls in here.

"Well, then. Let's change me." I grinned, trying to make my movements more fluid and cool before Dabi's grip on my hips tightened to stop me.

"Why?" He asked bluntly, causing my brows to furrow in confusion.

He almost sounds genuinely annoyed by my comment.

"Well, cause....I'm tired of being awkward and weird. Maybe I wanna change." I said in half honesty, not really knowing how I'd change.

Do I even want to? I didn't want to change until I realized what Dabi's type was tonight. That's not right.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt Dabi lean in closer to me now, leaning in past my face and towards my ear to ensure I'd be able to hear him perfectly clear.

"Don't change, sunshine. Don't ever change."

'Don't change.'

There are not many people in my life who have ever told me not to change, to just be myself.

The only people who ever told me to be myself are both dead. Until now, anyways, thanks to Dabi.

Everywhere I go, someone is always trying to make me into something I'm not. Everyone is always trying to improve me, or put me into roles I don't fit.

My entire life since my mom died...has always been about how I can change.

So, my brows raised softly at the genuine words from Dabi. The compliment. It's not like him to say such a thing. It's not like him to mean it, either.

It truly touched my heart to hear that.

And, even though Dabi can be hard to read....I could tell he was honest in his words.

I didn't say anything, mostly because I didn't know what to say. Instead, I simply felt myself getting more attached, the way I shouldn't-gripping him tighter, like I shouldn't.

My eyes fell closed as I drank in his presence like the best drug, feeling the side of his head pressing against mine as he couldn't bring himself to create more distance.

I couldn't either.

Instead, my hand moved on it's own...slowly gliding up Dabi's shoulder, up his menacing, villainous trench coat, past the popped collar of it and up to his thick hair, slowly nestling my fingers in it as I got carried away.

Before I could even think about how I basically just made an advance on Dabi with such an intimate touch, he only reciprocated it by slowly turning his face in towards my neck now...lazily resting his forehead in the crook of my neck as I could tell the moment was starting to overtake him, too.

The spark. It feels too good. I wonder if he feels it, too...

Feeling my heart starting to pound in sync with the needy pulsing in my veins, I tangled my hand a little rougher into Dabi's hair now, gripping him tightly with my other arm as I moved my body against his.

I shouldn't be doing this. He's a villain. He's the enemy.

But, I don't wanna stop...

And apparently, neither did he, as Dabi let out a hot breath against my neck, gripping me tightly before quickly spinning me around in a literal instant.

My breath hitched at the new position, realizing my back was now against his chest. Yet, the lack of distance remained the same as both of Dabi's hands came around my waist now, pressing me back against him as he buried his face back into the crook of my neck.

My body felt as if it was going to catch on fire as I melted back against Dabi, letting my eyes fall closed as I rested my head onto his shoulder.

"Fuck...." he breathed into my ear lowly, causing every nerve ending in my body to pulse with pleasure at the mere word from him.

It's a word he throws around all the time. But, this's different.

I opened my mouth to speak, unable to find the brainpower to say a single word as all that came out was a shaky breath.

Dabi's hands went to roam my stomach now. And my dress was tight enough to feel every crevice of his hands, as if he were touching me naked.

I never knew that a simple touch could feel so good.

My breaths became shallower as I craved more, pushing back against Dabi now in a way that caused his own breath to hitch.

"God damn...." he hummed out lustfully against my neck, lips tickling the sensitive skin right over my pulse point. "What the hell are you doing to me, Violet."

Finally finding a brain cell to speak, I wasn't even sure if he understood my sentence as it came out slurred-and I wasn't even drunk.

"I-I....I...could say the same you..." I huffed out, feeling sparks of pleasure starting to prick my veins as I felt Dabi's lips slowly brushing against my neck.

Goosebumps immediately formed from his euphoric touch, causing my mouth to fall open in need.

His lips were so hot, but his piercings were so cold. It was amazing.

Liking the effect he had on me, Dabi's lips slowly pressed harder into my sensitive skin, burying his face deeper against the crook of my neck as he wrapped his arms around my stomach.

He pressed me back into him again-and this time, I felt his own hips press forward simultaneously, causing me to arch my back against him and allow his hands to guide my hips up and down against his.

He groaned into my ear, the sound so different from his usual bored, edgy grunts. This one had feeling. Emotion. Desire-desire for me.

My hand flew behind me to grip in his hair, causing me to start pressing my hips back harder against him as we both lost our composure.

"D...Dabi..." I breathed out, furrowing my brows in a pleasure that was incomparably more intense and amazing, compared to any real sexual act I've done.

After all, Dabi and I are still just dancing. Sure, it's starting to turn into grinding, but it's nothing that scandalous. Both of our clothes are still on, our hands are still on respectable body parts. We aren't kissing.

But, this feels better than any sex I've had. This grinding with Dabi is bringing me more pleasure than I've ever felt in my life. And he seems to be feeling just as lost in it as I am.

And if we're feeling this good only makes me wonder how we'd both feel without the clothes on.

A small moan escaped my lips at the thoughts of Dabi and I getting intimate, yet there was no way to escape my thoughts as the man of my dirty dreams was grinding against me harder, pressing his lips firmer against my neck.

I want him. I need him.

My body acted on my own as I let myself get lost in Dabi's hold. His arms enveloped me completely and so intimately, and when he felt my head slowly turning towards his direction, he lifted his face from the crook of my neck to find my eyes.

The dark, lust blown pupils of his orbs matched my own, but neither of us cared. My gaze immediately went to his lips, causing my tongue to dart out and wet my own as I never craved for a single mouth more in my entire life.

Sensing my need, one of Dabi's hands slid up my body, snaking to the back of my neck as his gaze went to my lips.

But, before either of us had the chance to even lean in, reality shattered the moment and brought us back to the real world. A world I wish I never had to come back to.

"Woah. Uhhh. Guys..." A new, yet familiar voice said from our side, causing Dabi and I to quickly snap out of our desire filled trance and see Akio looking at us with his brows raised in shock.

Ohhhhh. Shit.


Thank you for your comments and votes. See you next time <3

Next Chapter Title: Dabi versus Touya

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