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Top pic credit: kmorgan_art

Song for this chap: Cool For The Summer - Demi Lovato (cause Violet can't talk rn. She's doing hot gurl shit💅)

Violet POV:

A wave of hot, sweaty air, nicotine, alcohol, and other foreign things I couldn't make out hit my nostrils the moment I stepped foot into the club.

It caused my eyes to widen in a daze as I tried to process, but how could I process the immediate change in atmosphere that awaited me inside Club Norboru?

The bass of the music reverberated past my ear drums and straight into my chest, almost making it hard to breathe. Lively bodies were everywhere, some of them dancing, some chattering away in the corner-about shady things no doubt, some making out in the booths, and some exchanging mysterious items and money out in the open, because who would be dumb enough to tattle-tale?

I mean....meee-

My eyes were forced to squint in the dim, purplish lighting of the place. I've never been to a club before, and picking a dangerous villain one as my first probably wasn't too wise, but it's not like I had a choice.

The ratio of gorgeous women to ugly, scary looking men was almost humorous. Every nasty dealer had at least one or more ladies on their arms, all fighting for the most attention. I felt pretty sleazy myself when wandering, evil eyes trailed to the entrance and spotted me, thinking horrible thoughts, no doubt, as they scanned my body shamelessly.

Well, at least my outfit fits in. If anything, I'm too dressed, if you know what I mean...

"Ooo..." I uttered nervously under my breath, feeling a warm, firm hand come to rest on my back a few seconds later.

Is it bad that I can already recognize the touch as Dabi's, without even looking? Yes, it's very bad! Moving on!

"Mhm. Welcome to The Club, sunshine. What do you think?" Dabi said into my ear, needing to speak relatively loud to ensure I'd be able to hear him.

I pressed my lips together and nodded in thought, taking Dabi's earlier advice and staying close to his side as he slowly walked us further into the club.

"It's..." I started off quietly, before realizing I'd need to talk a lot louder if I wanted to be heard. "It's very loud!! How do you even think in here?!"

Dabi smirked at my words, keeping his eyes forward as he brushed his lips against my ear.

"You don't. That's the whole point."

His hand barely slid lower down the middle of my back as he spoke, with the movement making me realize his palm was hotter than before.

"Alright, first thing's first!" Akio started off to Dabi and I, keeping his eyes forward as he began to survey the club carefully.

Whoops! I forgot he was here-

"We need to gather intel. You know, find people who Midas has recruited here-" He finished, quickly stopping his sentence when a random girl immediately sauntered in front of him with a flirty smile.

Woah!! She doesn't even have a top on-

"Hey, baby. I need a leash, if you know what I mean." She drawled out to Akio boldly, slowly licking her teeth in a way that caused my eyes to widen.

"A-A leash? Uhhh, for....what..." I peeped out, hearing Dabi chuckle at my discomfort before slowly rubbing up and down my back to relax me.

This place is a walking parade of corruption...

Akio remained unfazed as he smiled smugly at the girl, speaking his next words without hesitation.

"Yeah, well-you're not the only one." He countered smoothly, giving his own neck a joking tap before brushing past the girl to keep up with Dabi and I's walking pace.

Dabi let out an unwilling snort for Akio's words, muttering something about him under his breath before a strange man approached me now-coming much closer to my face than I would have liked.

"Ooo. Uhhh, hello. Nice...nice weather we're having, right..." I uttered out awkwardly, involuntarily backing up a few feet before feeling Dabi curl his entire arm around my waist and pull me close.

The man, whose eyes looked more bloodshot than you could ever imagine, kept his gaze on me, dazedly leaning closer to my frame as he spoke.

"Hey, cutie. You got a line? I'll do anything for it. I'm desperate." He asked vaguely, causing my brows to furrow in confusion as I wasn't sure what that meant.

"Uhhh a line, you say? Like a....a....pickup line? Ah! Actually, I might have one for you. On a scale of one to ten, you're a-" I rambled out nervously, before Dabi cut in.

"Back the fuck up, unless you're looking to die today, tweaker. She's with me." Dabi stated lowly, keeping a firm grip on my hip as he lit his free hand up blue.

I saw Akio in my peripheral vision press his lips together knowingly, crossing his arms with pure entertainment as he watched the display go down. His attention was quickly sidetracked when another girl came up to him and started chatting, involuntarily leaving Dabi and I alone with the weirdo.

The weirdo man's half lidded eyes widened right back up into sobriety upon seeing blue flames flashing inches from his face, immediately nodding in apology as he started backing up.

"D-D-Didn't know she was yours, man. Sorry." The tweaker stuttered out, putting his hands up in surrender before quickly taking off out of sight.

I raised my brows in impressive surprise for how effortlessly Dabi took care of that situation, melting into his side more comfortably as he led us deeper into the club.

"Wow. For once, your violent attitude came in handy." I teased lightly, looking up at him with a thankful smile.

He simply shrugged boredly, finally turning his attention to me as he kept a hold on my side.

"Yeah, well get used to it, little sapphire. You're the shiny, new object for these fuckers tonight. You're gonna get a lot of weirdos thinking they can get something outta you-and unless you want them to, you'll let me take care of it." He explained matter of factly, scanning the area of the club for a spot to gather our bearings.

My brows raised a bit in surprise for his firm attitude. When it's just the two of us, Dabi always acts as if he couldn't care less about what happens to me. Now, he's talking about being the one in charge of my safety tonight?

And, anyways...

"I think you're being a little too uhhh-what's the word for it? Flattering, I guess? I mean, sure, I'm dressed pretty sexy-but in case you haven't noticed, I'm also the most modestly dressed one here. There are plenty of hotter girls here." I pointed out honestly, gesturing to the girl who walked past us in nothing but pasties.

Dabi didn't even look at the girl, too focused on making sure that the new sleazy man in the corner would stop staring at me.

"You're stupid to think so." He drawled out to me more honest than he meant to, keeping his glowing glare locked on the sleazy man as he slowly sauntered past me.

"Sexy ass." The gross guy cat-called to me shamelessly, interrupting the conversation as he reached his hand out for a cop...

...before Dabi's hand lit up blue once more.

"Oh? If you think so, it can be the last thing you see." The stitched man proposed mockingly, letting out a low chuckle even though he obviously found nothing funny about the situation.

The sleazy man looked at Dabi with just a bit of challenge, before deeming the stitched man's aura too intimidating.

Once he gave up and walked away, I turned my eyes back up to Dabi, causing his gaze to slowly trail down and find my own when he sensed me looking at him.

"Back to what you were saying before..." I hummed curiously, studying the way the changing multi-colored lights in the club reflected off his face.

His eyes, especially. Every time the color in the room changed, his eyes changed with it, picking up every hue of reflection you could imagine.

He kept his gaze on my face intensely, trailing over every feature except my lips before focusing back on my pupils.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, little sapphire," he started off softer than he meant to, slowly gliding his thumb up and down my side before leaning in close to my ear.

I inhaled sharply at his close distance, needing to remember that he was only this close to ensure I'd be able to hear him speak in the club.

But, the moment I felt his lips brush against the shell of my ear, I had to bite down on my lip at the shiver of excitement that ran through my spine, hoping Dabi didn't hear my hitched gasp.

His hot breath hit my ear before his hand dug deeper into the material of my dress to pull me closer.

"You see..." he drawled out smooth and low, taking a breath and letting my perfume coat his nostrils before he continued. "The thing you don't realize, sweetheart, is that there is nothing sexier than innocence."

He paused his words to barely turn his head forward, gesturing to the many arrays of men scattered around the premise to use as examples for his explanation.

His stapled cheek brushed against my flushed one as he smiled tauntingly at the thirsty eyes wandering over me, barely turning his face back towards mine to speak again.

"And these fuckers? They can practically smell the innocence on you. No matter what you try to wear....or however you try to hide so fucking innocent..." Dabi uttered so low in my ear, it practically came out as a whisper.

I opened my mouth to speak, feeling no words come out. Instead, I felt myself starting to get pleasantly lightheaded from Dabi's presence, involuntarily placing a hand atop his shoulder to try and find my bearings again.

His lips curled into a smile at the action before he slid his hand just a bit lower down my back and gripped tightly.

"These men....all of these men in here....want nothing more than to corrupt you and take that innocence for themselves. They're all animals, little sapphire. Pieces of shit, lower than hell. They see a good thing like you....and they just gotta have it...they can't help themselves when it comes to you, because you're just that irresistible..." he drawled out heatedly, barely burying his face closer to mine before reluctantly pulling away to look at me.

I didn't realize how half lidded my eyes had gotten, or how much my breathing had picked up until I met Dabi's gaze.

I'd say I felt shameful about the obvious effect his distance and touch had on me....but I guess the vibe of the club, combined with the look on his face that mirrored my own...meant that I couldn't bring myself to care.

"But, it's not theirs to have. Right?" Dabi continued, not interested in looking anywhere else but my face.

I placed my other hand atop his shoulder now, opening my mouth to speak something-anything....but the words wouldn't come out.

"You shouldn't let people corrupt you, little sapphire. It could get you into trouble someday, if you do." He finalized unreadably, taking one more glance at my lips before pulling away from our distance.

My hands limply slid off his shoulders with the movement. When I felt his intoxicating warmth and presence retreat with him, I instantly wished he'd come closer once more.

But, he didn't....shoving his hands in his pockets before the desired look in his eyes slowly started to dial down back into sense and remembrance for why he shouldn't come closer.

A sense and remembrance that I don't understand.

Regardless, his sense helped me come back to my own, causing me to take a deep breath of much needed oxygen as I got myself together.

I opened my mouth to speak-truly speak this time, even if I was unsure of what I would say.

However, I was unable to even get a word out as a new, unfamiliar voice chimed in from behind me, speaking first.

"Well, well, stranger. Long time, no see." A feminine voice called out, before the owner of the voice brushed past me and sauntered right up to Dabi.

I was forced to back up a few feet as she wedged herself in between Dabi and I, giving me her entire back and not a whiff of acknowledgement as she looked up at the stitched man with acquaintance.

Or...possibly even more than acquaintance-seriously, did she even see me!?

Dabi kept his hands in his pockets as he looked at this mystery woman in dissatisfaction, tilting his head to the side mockingly as he spoke.

"Aw, if it isn't the big, bad Ayame-or, isn't your 'alias' Euphoria?" He chuckled, taking a quick glance behind her to make sure I was still in his sight.

"Euphoria's right. Only my friends call me Ayame." She corrected confidently, giving her long, sleeked ponytail a flip off her shoulders and into my face before crossing her arms.

Dabi nodded in fake understanding, almost looking thoughtful as he spoke.

"Is that so? I'd like to think of swapping body fluids as very friendly. But, to each their own, I guess." He shrugged boldly, not even blinking an eye to such scandalous words as he took another look at me to make sure I didn't run off.

He couldn't help but smirk in amusement as he watched my jaw drop in realization to his statement.

Wait. This girl was someone he used to hook up with?

Ayame-or-Euphoria tilted her head at Dabi's continuously wandering gaze, immediately turning around to spot me still standing behind her.

A grin of challenge slowly began to spread across her face at the sight of my small, friendly smile. She kept her arms crossed as she started walking towards me.

"Ah. Now, I see." She stated vaguely, trailing her eyes down my appearance intimidatingly before carefully starting to circle me.

This girl is going to eat me alive! Good thing I look like a whole meal in this outfit, I guess!

I let out a nervous laugh as I heard her behind me, keeping my eyes on Dabi in uneasy question.

But, now his gaze was on Euphoria as she remained behind me, watching her intently to make sure she didn't try anything bold.

"Ummm.....hi..." I greeted to Euphoria awkwardly, mostly just speaking in hopes that she'd finally come within my line of sight once more.

And she did, coming directly in front of my face a second later, with a smug smile on her lips.

I think she was even more intimidating, now that I could finally get a look at her.

To start with, she was beautiful. And I don't just mean pretty and nice to look at. No....she was gorgeous. Stunning with lethal beauty that she knew she'd been lucky enough to possess.

Her eyes were a sweet pink color, however the fierce look she sported showed she was anything but sweet. The piercings in her face complimented her perfectly, and now I noticed that the sides of her head had been shaved. Her height towered over my own-barely shorter than Dabi, and her outfit was one that made me blush, yet she wore it with such confidence-more confidence than how I wore mine.

A perfectly sculpted brow of hers raised at my obvious discomfort, before she leaned in closer to seal the deal of who was in charge here.

"You lost, honey? Cause I sure think you are." She stated clearly and lowly, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stick up.

Soooo.......these are the types of women Dabi hooks up with? My god, that is intimidating!

A slew of word vomit came out of my mouth in an attempt to ease my tension, and none of it was good.

"H-Hah....lost? Me? Umm, I don't think so-well, maybe-who knows-not me-aren't we all a little lost, or something?" I babbled, before Dabi slid in next to me and snaked his arm back around my waist.

"Fix the attitude." He uttered to Euphoria in warning, causing the girl's eyes to flash with anger.

Her gaze traveled down to Dabi's hand on my hip, before back up to his eyes with a dry smile.

"Oh. Don't tell me. What, is this your girlfriend?" She questioned in humorous disbelief, immediately looking at me for the answer.

And while Dabi opened his mouth to speak-and I really wish he would have beat me to the punch, Euphoria's gaze was too intimidating for me not to answer...

....incorrectly, might I add.

"Uhh-oh-s..sure...?" I affirmed nervously, holding in a peep of pain when Dabi pinched my side with punishment.

Euphoria's eyes only morphed into more suspicious confusion, quickly looking back at Dabi with a little more resentment than before.

"Last I remembered, you didn't do the girlfriend stuff. You said it yourself it was bullshit. Lying to me now, Dabi?" She chuckled lowly, biting down on her pierced lip with challenge as she waited for an answer.

I held my breath as I waited for Dabi to respond and basically throw me to the wolves for my miscorrect. He's got no reason to lie-I mean, he does now, cause I kinda just did something that could blow our cover if he denies it. But, he doesn't care about that stuff.

However, Dabi seemed to find joy in the irritation he already evoked from Euphoria, enjoying the drama as he spoke and made things worse.

"Always. Not like I was gonna ever trap myself with your smelly cunt forever." He chuckled to her obnoxiously, causing me to internal slap him for the anger she now showed in her eyes.

It would be a miracle if we make it out of here alive...

Euphoria looked like she had quite a bit to say about that comment, but decided to hold back and change the subject tactfully instead.

"Mhm, sure. So. Where'd you find this one then? Church?" She chuckled, not even acknowledging my presence as she kept her eyes on him.

W..What's wrong with church?!-

He simply pulled me closer and smirked, obviously not about to explain our partnership as he answered mockingly.

"Yeah, didn't you hear? She's an angel."

Even though I knew he was just kidding, I cursed the slight heat that rushed to my cheeks at the words, praying Euphoria didn't notice.

....but, she did.

"Heh. No denying that, I guess. She's clearly the type to break and you obviously haven't broken her, yet." She started off boldly, causing me to rub the back of my neck nervously.

I don't like conflict.

But, Euphoria clearly does as she continued, trying to hurt my feelings with the next words.

But, jokes on her cause Dabi and I aren't even a thing.

"She doesn't seem like your type. After all, I know how rough you can be, Dabi. I don't think she could handle that."

Feeling the tension in the air becoming too much for me, I clasped my hands together and finally met Euphoria's gaze kindly.

"Well! It was great meeting you, uhhh Euphoria...." I trailed off hesitantly, realizing I didn't know how to end this encounter and get out of it without accidentally getting killed.

She is a villain, after all. A moody one too, it seems.

But, Dabi seemed to notice my growing discomfort, taking it upon himself to fix it.

"Beat it." Dabi parted to his old flame blandly, about to lead us away, before bad timing made its presence known.

"Oh-see? Those are my friends, right there. Dabi, Violet." Akio called from behind us, briskly walking up to our tense group.

I turned around to get a look at him, feeling my eyes practically widen out of my sockets in shock at the group of dangerous looking people following behind him.

As if Euphoria wasn't dangerous enough...

Forced to keep my composure to ensure I'd live, I simply looked at Akio and his group of villains, giving him a small nod as he appeared next to me.

He gave Dabi and I a subtle look to play it cool, making me remember the whole reason why we're here tonight.

We're here for work and Akio's the only one working so far. Dabi and I gotta step it up.

"See, guys?" Akio started off to his group of serial killers, gesturing to Dabi and I. "My friends want in on this, too."

"Psh. Friend, he says..." Dabi grumbled under his breath, causing me to nudge him in the side and turn my attention to the group of villains.

I assume Akio is talking about something to do with-

"Midas?" Euphoria chimed in curiously, quickly turning her attention back to Dabi. "You're telling me Dabi wants in with Midas?"

Okay, apparently Dabi's old flame is in on this whole Midas gang thing?

"Did the asshole stutter?" Dabi questioned blandly, gesturing to Akio as the asshole.

"Oh-and Violet, too. Don't forget Violet." Akio corrected quickly, gesturing to me with certainty to make sure I wouldn't be left out.

How thoughtful. I'd never wanna be left out of this...

Euphoria's eyes narrowed a bit at the revelation, before she turned her attention back to me with an unreadable look.

She assessed me in pure, hard silence for a moment, before a sly smirk graced her face.

One that didn't quite look genuine, might I add-

"Really, now? Well, why didn't you just say so, church girl? If that's really the case, you can drop the innocent act now. Midas isn't one for fake people. Or weak ones." She said loudly, ensuring the entire group of twelve would hear her words.

She just put me on the spot. How do I even respond to that?

Especially because it's not an act!!

"Oh. Umm, sure-" I started off unsurely, before Dabi spoke up.

"She doesn't need to prove anything to you. She's already proved it all to me, so nothing to worry about." Dabi lied through his teeth, chuckling smugly as he subtly dug his nails into my side.

And, then, the worst case scenario...

"And what's that supposed to mean, coming from you?-the same untrustworthy man from the same untrustworthy league of villains we just attacked last month for refusing to conform with us?" One of the villainous men said to Dabi lowly, causing him to lazily turn his head towards our enemy.

I felt a bubble of dread forming in my stomach as I awaited Dabi's answer, already having a horrible feeling that it would be terrible.

"Eh. The match lights both ways," he started off involuntarily, causing me to internally smile as I realized he was using the metaphor I always say. "Except, I don't hold fucking grudges, the way you apparently do. Maybe I don't wanna join this shit after all, if you're gonna be a little bitch about it. I'm perfectly content with continuing to cause you trouble, if it means you'll be unhappy." He challenged boredly, causing the group to fill with pain staking silence as everyone simply glared at each other.

Akio nodded to himself in expectance for Dabi's harsh answer, seeming as if he resigned himself to dying thanks to his stupidity.

But, the burnt man seemed to know exactly what he was doing as he simply shrugged, keeping one arm locked around me securely before pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket with his free hand-

"Don't bother." One of the villains cut in abruptly, seeming to try and make some type of amends as he held out his already lit cigarette for Dabi to take.

The stitched man popped his own pack back into his jeans, taking the offer from the man without a thank you.

Everyone watched as he expertly took a big hit, inhaling the smoke deeply before letting his mouth fall open to speak.

"Not bad." He spoke thickly, lazily letting the smoke leave his mouth at its own leisure rather than blow it out.

The villain simply nodded in agreement, gesturing from me to Akio.

"Good, right? Best unfiltered brand in the country. They don't sell those over the counter. Eh, it was my last one, but go ahead and pass it around. Let everyone take a hit of that unbeatable quality. Our way of......apologizing." He ordered sternly, causing my smile to turn to stone.

Smoking is bad!

Realizing I'd be the harder of the bunch to convince, Dabi extended his hand to the left and gave the smoke to Akio first to stall time.

Akio nodded and took it, looking at me with eyes that said 'please don't fuck this up,' before he purposely took an extra long draw to give Dabi time to convince me.

The stitched man pulled me closer and smirked forcibly, trying to appear as if he was telling me something flirty and cute when he whispered in my ear.

When in reality...

"Alright, listen here, you little goody-two-shoes shit..." he whispered to me quickly, nuzzling his nose in my hair a bit when one of the villains looked over suspiciously.

I smiled softly at his words to act like I was enjoying whatever he was saying, grinding down on my teeth in irritation as he continued.

"You're gonna take that hit. Got it?" He ordered, causing me to lean into him cutely as I brought my own lips to his ear.

"No, I will not. Smoking is bad." I whispered only loud enough for Dabi to hear, causing him to chuckle smugly as if I just said something sweet.

"She's just adorable, isn't she..." he started off dryly for others to hear, before digging his nails into my back harshly and lowering his voice once more.

"You are so fucking annoying, right now. I hate you. I'm not even kidding. I tried it out already, it's just nicotine. Take the god damn hit or they'll try to kill us. And if they kill us, then I'll kill you." He stated through a grit smirk, meeting my eyes with his own in a way that said he wasn't messing around this time.

"I'm not taking the hit." I whispered to him with my own forced smile, watching as Akio slowly started extended the cigarette to me.

"Take the hit." Dabi ordered again, starting to lose his patience.


"Quit being a pain in my ass and just fucking do it."

"Well, don't peer pressure me-"

"Is that what we call saving your ass now? Take the hit or I'll kill you."

"I can't."

"Take the-"

"I won't-"

"I swear to-"

"Fine!" I hissed out almost too loud, shoving Dabi away from me in frustration as I snatched the cigarette out of Akio's fingers.

I looked down at the cigarette with a hidden grimace, scrunching up my lips in distaste-

"It doesn't please you, little girl?" One of the villains asked immediately, making me realize I was being watched incredibly closely.

Dabi growled at me lowly like a feral dog, while Akio gave me a silent plead to fix whatever I'd just accidentally stirred up.

I kept my gaze on the cigarette as I forced myself to speak steady.

"N..No, it does. It's just....p..pretty..." I tried, practically feeling a mental face palm from both of my partners at my ridiculous words.

"Pretty?" One of the villains asked in confusion, causing my heart to pick up in panic as I tried again.

"L-Like-I just....hooo, I haven't of these in years." I explained again, not even knowing where I was going with-

"Oh. So, you quit? Well, the first hit in a few years should feel amazing then." The villain nodded in confirmation, causing me to go with it.

"Uh-huh." I mumbled, deciding it would be best if I didn't say anything else.

Before I could make things worse, I finally caved and brought the cigarette to my lips, praying for the best as I inhaled deeply-

Wow, now that burns!!

My eyes widened as a close mouthed cough snorted out my nose. I quickly stopped inhaling and handed the cigarette back to Dabi, feeling my lungs and throat on fire as I desperately tried to hold the smoke in.

Don't cough. Don't cough. Don't-

"Well?" The villain asked me for confirmation as he took the cigarette back from Dabi, finishing off the last of it as he waited for an answer.

A low convulsion hummed in my throat as I desperately tried to relax my lungs into accepting the smoke. The only person who heard the sound was Dabi as he looked over at me knowingly, having no faith in my abilities as he waited boredly for me to choke.

Trying to fight the urge to cough, I felt my eyes starting to water as I opened my mouth to speak....barely moving my vocal chords before I couldn't take anymore.

The slightest movement from my throat caused a giant hack to escape my mouth as a gigantic cloud of smoke puffed around Dabi and I's heads.


I limited my coughs to three and wheezed in a breath, still fighting the fit of fire in my lungs as I tried to play it cool.

"It'" I wheezed out like an alien, giving a thumbs up to the confused villains as involuntary tears and snot ran down my face.

Cute. Sexy.

The space went quiet with nothing but the sound of the bass playing in the background, causing Dabi and Akio to both sigh tiredly before Akio tried to save the encounter.

"Uh.....that's why she likes the filtered ones...?" He chuckled hopefully, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Someone should filter her." Dabi murmured in annoyance, causing me to press my lips together in half agreement with how the night was going so far.

The villains remained silent for another second in pure, utter silence as they looked menacingly between me and Dabi. I could practically feel the band of tension growing with the lack of words or reaction from the group, waiting for it to snap any second with a fight or a yell.

And it did snap a few moments later...

....but, it wasn't with a fight or a yell. It was with a laugh...

...from the villains.

The low chuckle of one man from the group quickly infected the laughs of the others, causing Dabi, Akio, and I to stare in gaping disbelief at the sight ahead of us.

Slowly, Akio and I began to hum out a fake, nervous laugh of uncertainty while Dabi rolled his eyes, waiting for someone to speak and explain.

"Guess that's what you get for skipping out on the smokes these past few years, huh little girl? It's like you got virgin lungs all over again." The villain chuckled in amusement, wagging his dirty finger at me with fake discipline.

My fake laugh got a bit louder now as I realized what was so funny-funnier to me considering I did have virgin lungs.

My unsure laugh continued as I was encouraged to speak, ignoring Akio's nod at me not to.

"Ohhh, Y-Yeah....yeah it's pretty funny, right... it's like I was a..a first timer all over again-phewwww, I remember those days!!" I played along more confidently now, only causing the laughter of the villains to get louder as I continued.

"H-Hah! Like, like-The smoke! It just burned my lungs right up! Now, I can't breathe! Who cares about health and wellness, huh?! Not us!" I exclaimed brightly over the growing laughter, giving my fist a weird punch in the air to emphasize my point.

Dabi watched the villains eating up my awkwardness with success, causing him to shake his head softly and rub his face with his hands to conceal a smile at the sight.

Nailed it.

And the night's not even over, yet...


Thank you for your votes and comments! There will be another chapter tomorrow Saturday so look out for it!

Below is how I imagined Euphoria to look like. You're gonna wanna remember her...

This pic was edited to make Euphoria. Original was done by anisasherzai

Next Chapter Title: The "Spark"

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