Moot Points

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Top pic credit: AuraBirds

Song for this chapter: Only - LeeHi

Violet POV:

I pulled my puffy jacket closer to me as I walked down the crowded city street, seeing my foggy breaths cut through the chilled air.

Soft flurries of white had started sprinkling down on Tokyo a short time ago. For as long as I can remember, I've always been ecstatic about the first snowfall.

Little things are always where I found the most joy. A good meal. Fuzzy socks. Dogs wearing hats. Snowfalls. It never had to be anything big with me. I was always able to find content and comfort somewhere, even if I had to make an effort to search for it.

Hell, I'm the person who checks the weather forecast ten days in advance, waiting and watching for that moment the first tiny snowflake drifts out of the dark grey sky. It's been my own tradition for as long as I can remember. Just me, in my small apartment...sitting on my balcony with a cup of tea in hand and a good ol' textbook, occasionally looking up every now and then for a soft flurry.

Not this year though.

Traditions befell me this year. This particular moment, to be exact. I briskly made my way down the crowded streets, muttering small 'excuse me's' with every step, while little flurries of white sprinkled atop my hair.

I didn't stop to savor the small winter beauties, interrupting their peaceful fall with my quick, distracted steps.

My phone remained tightly gripped in my hand, waiting-no, hoping, he'd call and explain himself. Hoping he'd say it's all a joke, or that he even got lost and made a wrong turn on his way home.

But, who gets lost and ends up in a strip club. Not very likely, I know.

It's all I can think for now. Denial-it's what I've been conditioned to think for these past ten months that I've known Dabi. Our entire relationship-or, whatever it is, has been based upon denial. The denial that he wasn't a bad guy. The denial that I could change him.

The denial that he actually cared about me.

It's all been a lie, I know that. But, because I've thought this way for so long...I can't just stop thinking like it now.

After all, I haven't even see him, yet.'s not what I think.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't be chasing after a man who's currently spending his time in a strip club.

"Oh, shut up." I breathed tired, speaking to my own thoughts as I continued to walk.

Let me dream, self. Let me have a few more minutes of denial, before it all goes to shit-


My heart jumped up my throat at the sound of my phone chiming in my hand, causing a breath of anxious relief to puff out into the air as I answered it within milliseconds.

See? I knew he'd call to explain. Maybe, I'm not in denial after all.

"Thank goodness!" I exclaimed, barely waiting for the walking man in the crosswalk to appear as my steps continued quicker. "What in the world are you doing there??"

A small smile slowly began to bloom across my lips now, my eyes finally starting to take in the beauty of the snow flurries as I waited for Dabi to speak-

"Uhhh, where?" The voice on the other line said obliviously, causing my blood to freeze as I realized.

My steps unintentionally began to come to a gradual halt as I took in the harsh reality of the person on the other line...finding the pretty snow uninteresting once more as my heart dropped to the pits of my stomach.

"Natsuo." I greeted halfheartedly, trying to fight the tightening of my throat now. "Oh. Umm, what's...what are you? Is everything okay?"

My feet refused to walk another step forward from my deflated shock, forcing me to slowly shuffle off the busy walkway and to the side.

Natsuo laughed warmly on the other end of the line, yet it wasn't enough to take the chill from my body as I shoved my free hand into the pocket of my jacket.

"Me? Oh yeah, everything's fine." He chuckled, as I stared sullenly at the lit shops in my sights. "Do I need a reason to call you now?"

I slowly paced the small space, suddenly not finding myself in any hurry to get to the strip club.

Especially, cause I think now...I'll know what awaits me, once I get there.

"Ah, no, it's not that." I said tiredly, closing my eyes for a moment. "It's just....well, we haven't spoken in awhile. Cause of our...breakup, and all."

Natsuo hummed in agreement, not seeming bothered by the term at all as he spoke casually.

"Yes, I know we're still on a break. If you wanna know the truth, I actually called to make sure you were okay." He said, causing my brows to furrow in confusion as I spoke.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, it's just because of...the anniversary. You know...Touya's Day, and all. Normally, we all go through it together. But, by the time I got home from class that day, you were already gone. Been thinking about you ever since, so I figured I'd check in." Natsuo said carefully, seeming as if he wanted to ensure he didn't say the wrong thing.

I sighed softly at his intentions, feeling bad that I didn't find them very touching right now.

It was a nice gesture. An incredibly nice gesture, that not many people on this earth would do for me. And I feel so guilty that I don't care.

I feel so selfish that the only thing I care about right now is finding Dabi. A man who doesn't even care for me.

"That's..." I started off weakly, removing my phone from my ear for a second to check the time. "...that was very nice of you to do. Thank you, I appreciate that."

I could practically see his smile forming on the other end of the line, feeling nothing but ice in my chest at the image.

"Ah, it's no worries," he tried to play off. "So, are you? Are you okay?"

Silence fell for a moment as Dabi's whereabouts consumed my mind once more. Yet, I tried to pull myself together, not wanting to confide in Natsuo, of all people, about my problems.

"Yeah. I am. I'm all good." I said plainly, leaning back against one of the shop windows.

Another silence appeared between us now, this was slightly awkward as it was painfully obvious I wasn't trying to further the conversation.

Natsuo cleared his throat softly when he realized I wouldn't say anything else, quickly speaking again to fill the emptiness.

"Oh-good! I'm glad you're okay." He started off, visibly fumbling inside his mind for a conversation topic. "Anyways, I'll see you this weekend, right? For the family dinner?"

I felt my ungrateful eyes roll slightly at the reminder...knowing there was probably no way I'd be able to back out of this one.

After all, I've cancelled attendance for practically every Todoroki dinner since I started this mission. I always used work as an excuse, when really I was just hanging with Dabi.

Last month when I cancelled, I promised I'd be there this month.

Guess I was just hoping the motivation to go would somehow appear. Spoiler, it didn't.

"I.....yeah." I said drier than I meant to, forced to follow up when my words sounded too bitchy. "Um...I mean, yes. Yes, I'll be there this weekend. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay though..."

Classic tactic for introverts. Lower the expectation by saying you can't stay long!

"No worries, as long as you come." He said a little too eagerly. "I'm excited to see you."

Another silence consumed the space as I didn't immediately return the words, causing me to blink back to reality and wonder where the hell my manners went.

"Huh-oh, yeah. Me too." I said quickly, removing the phone from my ear once more to check the time.

The club is only another five minutes from here by foot. Not to mention, it's starting to get really cold out here now.

"You are?" Natsuo asked with too much interest, causing my brain to go blank with distraction.

"I what?" I asked in confusion, before he followed up quickly.

"You're excited to see me? That's what you said." He clarified, giving me the sudden urge to end this call.

I just need to get to the club.

"Mhm. I'm excited to see you and Fuyumi. It's been ages." I said half heartedly, starting my dreaded walk once more. "Anyways, I'm gonna have to let you go. See you Saturday."

"Totally! See you Satur-" Natsuo departed happily, yet I didn't hear the end as I instinctually hung up.

Oof. I didn't even mean to hang up like that. It just happened. I feel like a bitch.

Maybe I should call back and apologize-


Destination: Jolly Molly Gentleman's Club - Arrived.

My previous thoughts fled quickly now as I put my phone away without thought...hovering outside the smoky space for a moment as I hesitated on what to do.

I don't now what I'll be walking into. Maybe it's best to remained in denial and turn around...

My booted feet seemed to like the idea as well, since they refused to move.

But, something in me compelled my brain to move them towards the door a few moments later.

Because, I guess the truth is...even if what I see in here hurts me...

Maybe it will finally give me some answers, too.


The music pounded loudly in my eardrums. But, my heart pounded louder with anxiety as I slowly walked through the club.

My mind was pulling me in a million different directions. Part of me wanted to find Dabi quickly, so I could see what he was doing and rip the bandaid off.

The other half of me hoped I'd never find him, because if I don't see it...there won't be anything to convince me of the truth.

Regardless, my feet continued to walk through the club...paying no mind to the dancers or loud cheers in this smoky room. It was white noise in my ears, making me wonder if I was even truly here.

And, as much as I would have liked to believe this was all a bad dream, it shouldn't be a surprise that a random sad girl moping through the club at a sloth's pace would catch some eyes.

A few moments later, I was stopped in my tracks by a giant body...slowly peering my gaze up to see a hard gazed man staring down at me with discipline.

"You even old enough to be here?" The man asked me, uncrossing his thick arms to show me the name tag on his shirt that read 'security.'

Not in the mood for any jokes or time stalls, I sullenly reached into my pocket without a word and pulled out my I.D., handing it to the man wordlessly so he could check it.

He pulled out a tiny flashlight from his coat, shining it on my license with focus, as if I had something to hide.

And, while I intended to stay silent and rid myself of the encounter as quickly as possible, a new-definitely desperate, idea slowly perked my mind. Before I knew mouth was speaking words my mind had barely formed.

"Actually...I'm looking for someone," I said blankly, unsurprisingly taking back my I.D. as he handed it to me. "Maybe you've seen him here."

Realizing I was pretty far over the required age limit, the security guard relaxed a bit now...slumping his shoulders lazily as he leaned closer to hear my weak voice.

"Huh? You said you're looking for someone?" He asked, before breaking out into a low chuckle. "Not the first time I've heard that before."

"I'm sure." I simply said, not feeling in the mood for conversation.

"So, what's the deal? Boyfriend? Husband? Fiancé? Cold feet before the wedding?" The guard asked carelessly.

The words stung a lot more than they should have. They stung, because Dabi technically isn't any of those things to me. I'm not important enough to even be mentioned in the generic list of options as to why people come here 'looking for someone.'

Why am I even here?

I pinched the bridge of my nose tiredly as I spoke, not interested in giving this stranger my whole life story right now.

"It's complicated."

Sensing I didn't wanna talk about it, the guard nodded with finality, looking around the crowded, smoky premise now for a face I hadn't described.

"Well, I'll try to point you in a direction. But, we get alotta people that come in here-especially cheaters. So, you might be shit outta luck." He explained matter of factly, causing me to try a little harder now.

"I can narrow it down for you." I uttered, feeling my throat becoming too dry to talk. "Has a guy with...third degree burns on his body...come in here?"

My short description caused the guard's eyes to widen slightly in surprise as he looked down to me, sizing me up in pure disbelief.

"Huh? No fucking way. Someone like you's with that league of villains murderer? Didn't see that coming." He commented unnecessarily, causing me to sigh in slight agitation now.

Normally, I wouldn't really care that much. People take some sort of jab at me all the time, after all. It's nothing new.

But, then again...I guess that's why I feel agitated right now. I'm tired of people always taking a jab at me. Always underestimating me. Always insulting me.

I'm tired...of being invisible.

"If you haven't seen him," I started off dryly, looking up at the guard with a mean glare now. "Then quit wasting my time and move."

He was quiet as he looked down at me slightly condescending, changing his tone just a tad as he nodded for me to follow.

"Eh. Maybe I can see it coming...a bit." He muttered, taking a fast walking pace through the club that forced me to keep up.

Where the hell are we going? All the customers and dancers are out in the main room, aren't they?-

"That burnt prick was our best customer for awhile," the guard explained, reading my mind as we weaved through the drunken crowd. "Hadn't seen him in awhile, until tonight. Wondered if he finally kicked the bucket. Guess not."

I said nothing to the pointless small talk, causing the guard to take the hint and continue our trek in disinterested silence.

A few moments later, we turned a corner that took us away from the loud cheers and music of the main room...coming face to face with a closed, black door.

Faint music was coming from the other side, along with a woman's laughter. It already made my stomach churn.

The guard stood in front of the door for a moment, crossing his arms as he looked down to me.

"Alright. Here are the rules I tell all you pathetic housewives that come in here," he insulted boredly, "any fighting or assault on the dancer, and you'll be carried outta here, not-so-gently. Got it? No cat fights. Dancer's just doing her job. It's your guy who's the problem. Remember that."

Finding this guy to seriously be getting on my nerves, I simply nodded in dismissal and looked towards the door...watching as he slowly placed his hand on the knob and opened it.

My heart wracked loudly now as the room gradually started to show behind the open door, before it moved completely to give me the sight.

All I could see upon first glance was the back of a topless woman, staring me straight in the face. She was on someone's lap, and they had their hands on her ass-seeming as if they would slide off her unconsciously at any given moment.

I could feel my chest already starting to rip as I slowly walked in the room without a word, coming around from the side to get a look at the person under the stripper.

Except, I realize she was probably a little more than just a stripper as I heard her undoing the belt buckle of this person's pants, seeing a head of spiky black hair peaking up above her glittery shoulder.

Oh god. Ohhh god...

Against my will, my feet glided more to the side now...finally revealing his face a few moments later.

He'd already been looking right at me, eyes blissed out and unforgiving as he spoke deceivingly clear.

"Violet. Her name's Violet." He said emotionlessly, sounding as if he was announcing my presence in the room now.

I stared at him in blank shock, only meeting his eyes for a moment, before they wandered to the entirety of the scene before me.

If it had just been a lap dance, yeah...that would have stung a little, but it wouldn't have landed such a devastating blow to my stomach.

What I see now is Dabi, the buttons of his shirt having been undone sloppily, with this topless-g-string-clad woman grinding on top of him...and one hand jerking inside his pants-as if she's having a really hard time getting him...whatever.


It hurt. It fucking hurt.

My heart dropped to the deepest, darkest pits of my stomach. The blood in my veins had frozen and my muscles suddenly felt like giving out. My head was blank, but my heart was wracking as if I'd just rang a marathon-clearly panicking at the sight of my nightmare, the thing I was terrified to admit.

The more I stared, the more I felt the lump in my throat suffocating me. Before I knew it, my vision had gone warm and blurry as tears spilled past my lids and traveled down my cheeks.

Still, my face refused to scrunch up in agony-or even give a simple reaction as I stared at Dabi with a catatonic gaze...watching him have the audacity to look me in the eyes the entire time.

He looked completely drugged out of his mind, but also somehow sober. His mouth had a smug, lazy smirk that never reached his eyes. His initial look was half lidded and isolated.

But, upon closer inspection of his eyes...they were as dark as the ocean on a stormy night, shimmering with a concoction of acceptance, and misery, self-hatred that would have him drowning into the deepest pits of his demons.

Through all of that though...god, through all of it, there was one thing I noticed. One thing that gave me the answer to the questions I needed...

He didn't look regretful.

Yes, he looked sad-and, dare I say, it even looked like he pitied me for a second, which I hate.

But, it didn't look like he regretted me walking in here. If anything, it almost seemed as if he hoped I would. He made no quick, sleazy attempt to even get the woman off him...keeping his lazy hands on her ass as he met my gaze.

No. He wanted to be caught. He didn't regret it.

He doesn't care about my feelings. Not now. Not ten months ago. Not after all this time.

He never did.

It really was all a game to him. A sick, twisted game of mischief and fun.

And, me. I was the game. He played me like a damn fiddle. Giving me illusions of a better man.

Or, was he?

Was that man ever even there? Or, did I just imagine it? Did I just imagine it, because so bad, I wanted it to be true?

Maybe, Dabi hasn't even been showing me the kindness I think he did. Maybe I'm just a delusional psycho, searching for my dead lover in the eyes of anyone who gives me the slightest smidge of attention.

Yeah. That's probably more realistic.

This is reality. This is Dabi.

Countless moments of silence passed between Dabi and I, both of us drowning in our silent thoughts, no doubt. But, not opting to speak them out loud.

At some point, the stripper had climbed off him, muttering a surprised, little 'that's her!' as if she'd ever heard anything about me.

Dabi didn't even bother to fix his pants now, looking as if he wished he'd just be gone from this world, now that I saw who he really was.

I was surprised when I saw his mouth open to speak sometime later, finding it impossible his brain wasn't stalling from being caught in such a compromising position.

But....I guess that just proves even more...that he really doesn't care.

What is he going to say? What could he possibly say that would make this situation better?

And, after he spoke, I realized his intention wasn't to make the situation better. It was to make it worse.

"Your face looks pretty stupid right now." He said plainly, half lidded eyes continuing to meet my eyes.

It really sounds like he's mocking me.

My jaw dazedly dropped a bit at his words, hearing nothing but the villain Dabi laced throughout them entirely.

No, I don't know this man. I never knew this man. I was stupid to believe I did.

The moment was already humiliating enough. But, the moment I felt my stunned face finally threatening to move once more and scrunch up with all the agony that was building up inside me, was the same moment I couldn't take anymore.

I don't want him to see me cry. I don't want anyone to see me cry. Pity is the one thing I hate.

Without even saying a word to Dabi, I immediately turned on my heel and walked out of the room, not daring to look back or even slow my pace.

I was so hesitant, walking into this club tonight. So hesitant to believe Dabi wouldn't have done such a thing.

But, as much as it hurt, I got my answer to the question that's been overwhelming my mind for months.

So, I guess I should thank you, Dabi.

Thank you for showing me the person you really are. Your true colors.

Thank you for showing me the bad man you are, so I don't waste my time putting more faith in you.

And, most of all...

Thank you for showing me how much it hurts to love someone who doesn't love you back.

I won't be doing it again, Touya. So, thank you for knocking me back into reality, Dabi.

Dabi POV:

Thank you for finally giving up on me, Grape.

"Your face looks pretty stupid right now." I said bluntly, probably sounding like I was mocking her.

But, that's not how I meant it.

What I meant was how stupid she's been to believe I could be anything different than what I really am. How stupid she was for actually thinking I could change.

It would have hurt less if she looked more expecting. If she had believed I'd been capable of this from the very start.

But, this is exactly what roach boy Akio was blabbing his mouth about, the other day. This is how Violet is.

She gets too trusting. She tries too hard to see the light in every piece of darkness. And, if she gets too wrapped up in it, this darkness becomes her downfall. It consumes her light until it burns out into embers.


Now, She's gone. And tonight, no matter what, I won't chase after her.

I watched her carefully when she came in here. Even being as fucked up as I am now, I watched her face for any signs of devastation.

Not just any devastation. But, the devastation I saw on her face when she went to visit my vigil. That catatonic devastation that leaves her mind completely beside itself in grief and misery.

And, yeah, she was sad just now. But, she didn't look like that.

She looked heartbroken. Like it would take her too long to move on, but she still could.

In her mind, Touya is still her best memory.

And, that's how it should stay. I don't know what I was thinking, messing with the order of this fucked up world and getting close with her all over again.

Our story was always doomed to fail. That's how the world wants it. How fate keeps controlling it, everytime we meet again.

It's time to stop trying and let her go.

If we were supposed to be together, the world would have already made it easy and given us a sign. Any sign-

"Big snow storm's already blazing out there right now," the stupid security guard laughed, looking behind him to watch where Violet had gone. "That red headed woman sure is brave for heading back out. She'll be an icicle within minutes at this rate."

Her hair's purple, you fucking color blind moron. Get it right.


I simply relaxed into the ratty old couch upon hearing his words, lighting another cigarette as I felt the moments of the past few minutes bring sobriety.

"Lucky for me, that ain't my problem anymore." I said curtly, barely glancing my eyes towards the white covered window in the corner.


Violet POV:

"Jesus, it's s-s-so damn c-c-c-cold." I shivered out as I pulled my jacket closer to my body, feeling the temperature suddenly drop three more degrees.

Gotta love unpredictable weather, am I right? One minute, it was floating flurries, the next minute, I can barely see four feet ahead of me as everything is covered in a blanket of white.

PMS, but with the weather. Oof!

It doesn't help that my wallet is no longer in my pocket-something I realized very quickly into my snowy trek back home.

Not only did I see my boyfriend-not-boyfriend cheating on me with a prostitute, but I also got pickpocketed at the club. How's that for a bad day?!

I don't know how long I'd been walking, but at some point, I finally saw the swanky lights of the hotel in my sight-unable to stop myself from letting out a raspy sigh of relief at finding my way back.

Don't ask me to do it again, cause I couldn't!

My face felt paralyzed with ice. My body aching with a chill that reached deep into my bones, as I forced myself to walk the last quarter mile.

God, I need a hot bath, and some angst breakup music, and some wine. And an Akio pep talk.


I paused for a moment with fatigue as I reached the stone stairs that led up the entrance of the hotel, trying to get my last wind of the night and walk my icy legs up them.

However, I never got the chance to do that as I suddenly felt something plop directly atop my head from behind, quickly pulling the material off with a slight jump.

Someone trying to kidnap me, or what!?!?

I grabbed the heavy material in my hands, only noticing as I touched it, that it had been delightfully heated up in my hold.

Upon unfolding it, I realized it was a jacket. Not just any jacket, but one that I recognized very well.

I closed my eyes with knowing devastation at the realization, not even turning around to face him as I spoke.

"What are you doing here, Dabi? Just leave me alone." I sighed tiredly, not wanting to admit how nice the warmth of his jacket felt in my icy hands.

He definitely heated it up with his quirk before handing it to me.

He didn't say anything to my question, forcing me to turn around and face him now.

My eyes widened as I saw he was in a short sleeved shirt, hands shoved in his pockets as he looked at me with boredom.

He really gave me his only jacket in this weather?!? Is he a lunatic?!

Well, actually, yes he is! But, anyways.

I felt my, already emotional, brain stirring once more as I roughly threw his jacket back at him, sniffling up my icicle tears as I turned back towards the stairs.

"What are you doing, you idiot?" I uttered shakily, feeling my face scrunch up with frustration as I tried to walk up the stairs. "Don't you know there's a blizzard going on? You should be wearing your jacket-"

My steps were halted as Dabi's hand-his intentionally heated hand, grabbed my arm now...causing me to grunt in legitimate irritation as the jacket was thrown back onto my head.

"No fucking way. There's a blizzard going on? What gave it away." He retorted sarcastically, causing me to wrestle aggressively with his jacket atop my head

I ripped it off a few moments later-my hair a tangled mess now as I threw it back at Dabi.

Yet, he simply held my hands down now as he dropped it back atop my head, causing me to shove him away from me as I tried to get the thing off me again.

"Stop throwing it on my head, where I can't see." I muffled out tearfully from under the jacket, finally yanking it off for the countless time. "A normal person would have just put it on my shoulders, or something."

"Do I look normal to you?" He said dryly, causing me to groan emotionally and weakly push him away.

I need to go inside. For starters, it's freezing.

Secondly, my hurt from tonight doesn't go away just cause he gave me a jacket. I don't even know why he came here, but I can't imagine it's to apologize.

So, why did he come here? Why did he follow after me?

Why does he always follow after me...

Without responding, I took Dabi's jacket to stop the pointless fight, not even putting it on as I quickly made my way up the stairs now.

I grit my teeth as I heard his footsteps follow behind mine, walking faster now to try and create some distance.

"Stop following me." I said with annoyance, hearing Dabi scoff.

"I fucking live here, too. Don't flatter yourself so much." He bit back bluntly, making it obvious he definitely wasn't here for an apology.

"How could you possibly think I'm flattering myself after everything I just witnessed tonight?" I scoffed, not even turning around to look at him as I spoke.

My steps up the stairs became quicker now as I got colder and more annoyed, hearing Dabi's pace matching my own.

"I dunno, you haven't seemed to get the hint for the last ten months, so not that hard to believe-" he started off boldly, causing my eyes to widen in fury now as I turned around on the stairs.

He was forced to stop walking as I blocked the path, looking up at me from a few steps below me.

"What hint, Dabi?!?! The one where you kissed me every chance you got? Or, the one where you initiated we sleep in the same bed together? Oh! Or, maybe the one where you said we won't date other people-" I yelled, yet he cut me off so he wouldn't have to hear more.

"There you go again, making shit up." He said blandly, quickly brushing past me on the stairs now.

So irritating. Why does he always make me follow him.

"You think I'm making it up!?!" I demanded, stomping up the last few steps to the hotel entrance.

Dabi beat me to the door, throwing it open for himself only as he waltzed inside the swanky place with his damn muddy shoes.

"That's what I said, didn't I? Your damn ears are so filled with bullshit, I guess, you can't hear anything else." He spat as he entered the quiet lobby, definitely not saying hi to the receptionist as he headed straight for the elevators.

Damn it. I hate that I have to go that way, too. The stairs are just too far. Ugh!!!

"Oh, shut the hell up, Dabi!!!" I yelled above the peaceful lobby music, causing the receptionist's eyes to widen as I stormed after him, "I've heard enough from you tonight-and I left so I wouldn't have to hear anymore. Now, you have the audacity to follow me home and harass me-"

"I didn't follow you home-" he said with a sarcastic smirk, repeatedly pressing the elevator button so it would close before I got there.

Jeez, how frustrating. Right now, it feels like we're back to square one with our relationship. Back to the first day of this partnership all that time ago, where Dabi and I were constantly at each other's throats.

I ran towards the elevator now as it began to close, causing Dabi's eyes to widen slightly as I threw my arm in the middle of the opening.

The elevator quickly opened back up as I stomped him, before I slammed my fist into the button for our floor.

A very long way to the top.

"You're lucky that thing didn't just take your skinny little arm off-" Dabi commented obnoxiously, before I cut him off.

"If you didn't follow me home, then what are you doing back here?" I demanded as the elevator door slowly closed, facing forward as the thing began to gradually climb the floors.

Dabi created space between us in this tiny, little box...opting to shuffle away and lean against one of the walls with his hands in his pockets.

"Gee, I dunno. A certain moron stomped out in the middle of a fucking blizzard, in case your brainless head is too dense to remember. Not to mention, I found your damn wallet in the pocket of that shitty ass security guard. You're welcome." He said crankily, throwing his head back against the mirrored wall of the elevator in annoyance.

I continued to face forward in the elevator, not wanting to look at his face right now.

I'm mad at him. I don't want to see him, and quite honestly? This is one of the first times I wish he never came back tonight.

"Yeah, well I never asked you to." I said a little more calm, keeping my eyes glued to the number of floors we had gone up. "I'm sure your side piece for the night is missing you-maybe she even thinks you two have been dating for the last ten months, I don't know. But, you should really go clear it up with her-"

"Quit being a petty bitch. You know she's perfectly aware of our arrangement. Doesn't get these dumbass illusions in her head like you." He blamed, causing my eyes to widen with returning anger.

Damn it, I wish I wasn't stuck in the elevator, so I could stomp out of here dramatically like the k-dramas.

"Well, doesn't she sound like a keeper then?!" I exclaimed, starting to aggressively pace the very tiny space as the elevator went at a sloth's pace. "Better hurry back there before someone else snatches her up!"

Dabi scoffed in annoyance at my words, shaking his head to my fumed pacing.

"I don't even know what the hell you're bitching about. Regardless of what you think, have I not been telling you every damn day that we aren't anything serious?" He questioned, running a hand through his hair as if the encounter was stressing him out.

Psh. Yeah, right.

Even so, I was forced to remain quiet. Because....his words are not necessarily a lie.

Verbally, Dabi's intentions with me the last few months were never a big secret. Verbally, he never lied. He never tried to deceive me and pretend we were a couple. Hell, I don't even think he's ever actually said out loud that he likes me.

So, he's right about that. His words were always straightforward about what we were.

And, maybe it makes me pathetic to continue sticking with my story after Dabi has always said we were nothing. But, his actions were always different.

There's just something in my mind that makes me unable to let this go. Something that cannot convince me Dabi is telling the truth.

Maybe it's denial. Maybe it's desperation. But, for some reason, I just can't bring myself to believe it.

"...well-yeah-you've been saying it." I acknowledged halfheartedly, "But!!-"

"So, answer the question then." Dabi interrupted, slowly sliding his cold, blue eyes up to my gaze. "What are you fucking mad about? Huh? You mad that I didn't change for you? Mad that I didn't give up all my diabolical, little goals and become the perfect hero for you?"

Silence fell upon me for a moment, with the pit of dread returning to my stomach. It made me turn away from Dabi now, causing me to meet my reflection in the mirrored wall as I spoke.

"That's not it-"

"Yes, it fucking is." Dabi came back ruthlessly, burning his eyes into the mirror to find my gaze again. "You're delusional, thinking you can get some fairytale ending with me, of all people-"

"How can you think me so naive to expect a fairy tale ending, Dabi? You act as if I don't know how horrible the world can be! You don't know the stuff I've been through in my life!-" I defended, keeping my back to him with hurt feelings.

The elevator continued to go at the slowest pace possible, still leaving us with five floors to go.

To make matters worse, I heard Dabi shuffling around now, causing me to look in the mirror and see he was walking towards me from behind.

"Here's a little dose of reality, sweetheart." He said plainly, looming over me as he met my gaze in the mirror. "Real life doesn't give you happy endings. There's no main character, or change, or stupid 'character development.' The villain ain't really gonna give up everything he's been working towards for you. The ending is unpredictable, and ten outta ten times, it's a shit ending anyways."

He spoke the dry words, yet his eyes had turned towards me...slowly sweeping over each feature of my face from up close-apparently, forgetting that I can see his reactions in the mirror, even if he's behind me.

His eyes closed for a moment as if this was causing him trouble, his head instinctively lulling forward like it wanted to rest against mine...

....but, he pulled back at the last second, opening his eyes with nothing but villainy and isolation.

"You're mad...cause you did this to yourself. Cause you mistook real life for one of your shitty romance books, when I've been telling you all along how it really is." He finished lowly, clearing his throat to mask the slight waver of his voice.

I looked at myself with growing defeat in the mirror, sighing sadly as I pathetically tried to contradict.

"But...but how you acted-"

"-was all in your head-"

I grimaced softly at his words, giving my head a small shake of denial.

I can't believe it. Something in me won't allow me to believe he's telling the truth.

But, I almost wish it would allow me. So, I can move on and just give up on him.

"N..No, it wasn't. You can't convince me that's true." I said shakily, causing Dabi to grab my arm and abruptly turn me around to face him.

He bore his eyes into mine, yet they failed to look cold and uncaring this time. If anything, they were slightly wide with, what appeared to be, anxiety. Seeming as if he desperately wanted me to give up as well. For my own good.

"Then that's on you. Cause you saw it with your own eyes tonight." He uttered raspily, breath close enough to tickle my nose.

I looked up at him with a silent plead to tell the truth, watching blood start to slowly drip from his eyelids as he saw my desperation.

We were so close, our chests were practically touching. And I hate how, despite what I saw tonight, I still feel butterflies rolling around in the pit of my stomach for him.

It's pathetic. How I'd take him back if he were to kiss me right now.

Self respect. Self esteem. Confidence. These are things I don't have. I don't want to lie to you and I say I have them when I don't.

No. I have flaws, and a lot of them. Don't follow in my footsteps. You should want better for yourself.

I'm just....pathetic. Pathetically in love with him.

Our own thoughts consumed us as we met gazes, bodies too close for a fight and words falling silent.

Until Dabi had to add more fuel to the fire with his next, unnecessary words.

"We're just having sex. I don't know why that's so hard for you to wrap your mind around."

A few seconds later, the elevator finally dinged open on our floor now...causing me to immediately tear my gaze from him and storm out.

Finally! I've been wanting to do that for ages already!!!

He sighed dryly as I briskly walked down the hallway to our room, following behind me at a lazy pace.

I ripped the keycard from my pocket and swiped it through the lock, not bothering to hold the door open for Dabi as it slammed shut behind me.

He muttered a small 'fucking bitch' from the other side of the door, before I heard a little beeping from the lock to signal he reopened it with his own keycard now.

But, I'm having none of it. I can't be around him right now.

Seeing him find his way inside, I immediately walked to my closet, pulling out the empty suitcase I used to initially come here.

Dabi crossed his arms, standing in the middle of the room as he watched me grabbing piles of clothes, before tossing them into the suitcase.

"Where the hell are you going?" He questioned impatiently, eyes glancing to the blanket of white snow that covered our balcony.

"Away." I said curtly, not even looking at him as I placed more clothes in the suitcase. "I just need to get away from you tonight."

"Yeah, well the feeling's mutual." He muttered, causing me to drop a big pile of clothes on my bed with anger.

"That, right there-is exactly why I need to get away. Cause you act like this is all my fault." I said firmly, shaking my head hopelessly as I resumed my packing.

Dabi said nothing to my words as he slowly walked to my side of the room, starting to grab clothes off my bed and return them to my closet.

"Well, regardless of what you think, you're not going anywhere." He basically ordered, causing me to grab onto the shirt he was holding.

"Don't tell me what to do." I said honestly, not in the mood for any of his toxic shit right now.

Yeahhh, shit. I said it...

Sensing I was legitimately getting furious with him, Dabi surprisingly surrendered the shirt-almost seeming as if he was afraid of me in this moment as he stopped getting in my way of packing.

"There's a blizzard outside, you idiot." He said as I continued throwing clothes into the suitcase. "You're gonna get stuck somewhere, and I'm gonna have to go and save you again-"

"I never asked you to save me!" I said, looking up at him from the floor as I zipped up the suitcase.

I quickly stood up and extended the handle, brushing past Dabi as I made my way towards the door.

Don't stop me. Don't follow me this time.

Just let me go, if that's what you want-

"Hey, I said you're not going." Dabi said, immediately turning on his heel to follow after me.

I closed my eyes in, both confusion and annoyance, not knowing what the hell this man even wanted from me anymore.

"Yes I am." I simply said, before I felt him lightly grip my arm.

"No, you're fucking not."

Instead of stopping this time, I ripped my arm out of his grasp without looking back, not saying a word as I continued making my way to the door

"Violet-" he blurted unintentionally, voice showing too much emotion and care.

There were no hints of 'Dabi' in his voice that time. He was whoever he used to be.

But, that only made it hurt more.

"I-I know I can't walk in the weather." I called back with a wavering voice, gripping the handle of the door now. "But, it's fine. I'll call a car and have it take me to the Todoroki home. I'll spend the night there for the time being. I'll be safe."

I don't know why I even added the last sentence. It's not like he would care if I was safe.

But, it seems my last sentence may have actually been more important than I realized, as he had no more follow up concerns.

He simply remained quiet now. Face blank and shoulders deflating as he seemed more willing to let me go, once he knew I had a plan of safety in mind.

And, so we stood in silence. Not a comfortable one. Or an awkward one. Or, even a tense one.

It was just a silence. One with no feeling. From either of us.

That's all it takes then.

It's time for me to leave.

If the universe wanted us together, it would have given us a sign already. And it didn't.


The abrupt sound of my phone-and also, simultaneously, Dabi's phone...made me jump in surprise, causing me to slowly take my hand off the doorknob and reach into my pocket.

Dabi did the same, both of us reading the notification in tired silence.

Severe snowstorm.
All roads in Tokyo have been closed until tomorrow.

Oh, you're fucking kidding me.

All of the damn times-they're really closing the roads now?!?! Such an inconvenience.

"God. Just my luck." I grumbled out, throwing the handle of my suitcase on the floor in frustration now.

Dabi didn't necessarily seem thrilled about me needing to stay, not giving any indication of delight-or, any reaction for that matter.

But, his shoulders seemed to softly drop in relief, anyways, before he finally moved for the first time in minutes.

Neither of us said a word as he went to grab his own shoes now.

"Whatever. I'll leave." He finally said after a few moments, sitting at the edge of his bed to put on his shoes. "You stay here."

I scoffed at his damn stubbornness, gesturing tiredly to the white covered balcony outside the window.

"There's nowhere for you to go, Dabi. There's a blizzard, and it's midnight on a weekday. Everything is closed-and you will not sleep outside in this weather. So, don't even think about it." I said with a little more threat than usual, not feeling like my usual warm self tonight.

Can you blame me though? One of those days, I guess.

Dabi surprisingly didn't retort with an insult like I expected him to. He simply remained silent and lost in his own head.

Guess he's also not feeling like his usual self.

But, there's nothing left we can do. For right now, anyways. I think we've both said all we can say for the moment.

It's obvious we're both tired. And cold.

Trying to calm down and stay civil, I slowly accepted defeat to the weather, lightly kicking my packed suitcase out of the walkway as I trudged towards my bed.

"Look, it's not a big deal." I said plainly, not even looking at Dabi as I passed him. "We have separate beds. Let's just...use them, right? We hated each other ten months ago and were able to sleep in the same room. We can do it again."

Dabi did nothing for a moment, but I felt his eyes on me as I began gathering clothes for bed.

Silent minutes went by as he, no doubt, wrestled with himself in his own head about what to do. Until, finally...

"Whatever." He sighed dryly, kicking off his shoes now to settle down for the night.


Getting ready for bed was filled with tense silence, instead of the usual banter Dabi and I have.

Hearing nothing but the sound of teeth being brushed and water running can be more uncomfortable than you might imagine.

I was happy when those short ten minutes had passed, not even looking in his direction as I climbed into my bed and got settled.

Instead of going out for his last cigarette, I heard Dabi get in his own bed now, also saying nothing to me as he got comfortable.

Wow. Even he must have deemed it too cold to go outside for a smoke break-and he knows I don't want him smoking inside.

We both laid on our respective sides in silence for a moment, staring at the ceiling with both of us appearing as if we were waiting for the other to say something.

But, for once....neither of us had anything to say.

I guess sleep is all we can do at this point.

Sighing tiredly, I reached for the lamp, about to turn out the lights...

...before they went out on their own.


Dabi's head lifted from his pillow when he realized I didn't turn the lights off, looking around the pitch black room in confusion.

"Well, that's-" I started saying, before a small whirring in the room went dead.

My eyes widened as the electricity from the heat-and every other appliance in the room, cut off with the lights...making me groan as I realized the power must have gone out from the storm.

God damn it. Really?

And my bed is right next to the window. Way colder than Dabi's side of the room.

Ugh! This day is shit. I have no more room to be positive.

Whatever. There's no way I'm going to ask him to switch beds.

Saying nothing about the power, I aggressively slammed my body down into the, already ice cold sheets, grumbling curses under my breath as I curled into a side ball for extra warmth.

Hopefully, I'll just be asleep before my toes freeze off.

I squeezed my eyes shut and turned away from Dabi, trying to hold in my freezing huffs as I hoped sleep would find me.

And, after minutes of silence had passed-making me hope Dabi was at least asleep...

"I can hear you shivering from here." He said at casual talking volume, causing me to groan and roll my eyes.

"Great. Thanks for letting me know." I uttered dryly, pulling the ice cold blanket up to my chin.

He scoffed at my stubbornness, staring at the ceiling with eyes wide awake.

"My bed's further away from the window." He said, almost sounding as if he was gloating about it.

The nerve of this guy! I tell ya!

"Interesting story." I said blandly, remaining curled in the fetal position.

I heard him sit up in the bed now, holding in a wheeze as a pillow came soaring at my head.

Unlike what he wanted though, I didn't react-simply grabbing the new pillow and pushing it off my bed.

Well, of course I'd rather have the extra pillow. But, it smells like him and I gotta stay strong, you know!

"Oi." Dabi said impatiently, snapping his fingers repeatedly now. "Stop being stubborn and just switch with me."

"Wow, youre one to talk about stubbornness." I uttered dryly, hearing him lightly cursing me out in frustration now.

"I'm not in the mood for your shit. Come over here and switch beds-" he nagged again, before I had enough.

He cut off his own sentence as I abruptly sat up in my bed-hair a whole rat's nest and face painted with a glare.

I looked at him in the dark, seeing his brow cocked slightly with humor at my appearance.

It only irritated me more-actually, scratch that-everythingggg this man is doing today is irritating me. Like, god, does he have to breathe like that? In. Out. In. Out-just breathe quieter, you know?! The nerve of some people.

Have an internal roasting session about Dabi in my head, I quickly hopped out of my freezing bed-aggressively grabbing the comforter and pillows in my arms, before walking away.

"No. I'll just sleep on the floor." I grumbled in passing, hearing Dabi groan at my attitude.

"Now, you just look stupid. You're being ridiculous." He said with a roll of his eyes, rubbing at his temples with how the night was going.

I shrugged passive aggressively to his words, plopping down my pillows and blankets against the wall with a fuss.

"Good thing there's no one here I'm trying to impress." I said a bit petty, hearing Dabi scoff and mutter something inaudible under his breath.

Ohhhh, he better not say anything!

I waited in silence for a moment as I set up my floor bed, having my mouth ready to rapid fire at Dabi in case he started something again.

But, it seems he finally decided to give up, plopping back down in his bed once he saw me get situated in my new one-

"You're gonna be a snotty mess tomorrow if you sleep like that." He said from his bed, causing me to roll away from him without a word.

I have nothing else to say to him tonight.

And, I don't care what he says. I've never been more comfortable and warm in my entire life down here, so hah!


Dabi POV:

"Ah-choo!" Violet sneezed for the countless time in an hour, causing my bloodshot eyes to shoot wide awake once more in irritation.

I fucking told her she'd get sick if she slept down there. Such a doofus, I swear-


"Oh, for fuck's sake." I grumbled as I aggressively sat up in my bed now, looking over to the snotty nosed pile on the floor.

She was shifting around a lot under the blankets. But, all that complaining she was doing for forty-five fucking minutes stopped fifteen minutes ago.

"Oi. I know you're not asleep." I called out at talking volume, more just seeing if she would respond.

She didn't though, making me shocked as hell that she actually fell asleep on a floor of ice-


Fucking idiot keeps sneezing. I told her she'd get sick.

Sighing in annoyance, I kicked the blankets off me before getting out of the bed...making my way over to Violet now without trying to be quiet.

I know I said I'd let her go today, and I meant it. Had it not been snowing like crazy outside, we'd be in separate places tonight.

It didn't take long for me to make my way to the pile on the floor, causing me to slowly take a seat next to her against the wall.

I studied her face. Her tear streaked face. It made the ugly thing in my chest sting, knowing I'm the asshole who caused that.

But, it's for her own good.

....just like what I'm about to do right now.

I snaked my hands under Violet's arms, trying to hoist her up to sitting now.

She snorted back into half consciousness, probably ready to fucking murder me at this point for how much I've irritated her today.

"Go away." She slurred groggily, 'accidentally' smacking me in the face as I sat her up next to me.

And, if she were awake enough to remember, I'd say something rude.

But, she's not. So, at least I get this time.

"I will." I murmured softly, letting Touya take over as wrapped an arm around her ice cold frame.

Carefully, I began using my quirk now...applying heat from every part of my body so it would radiate to her.

It only took a few moments for her aggressive shivering to slow down...and minutes later, it wasn't there at all anymore.

Her sleeping body melted against mine a little more relaxed now, her head slowly falling onto my shoulder when she couldn't keep it upright any longer.

I readjusted my neck to give her head room to rest, carefully wrapping my other arm around her now for more warmth.

She's safe. She's warm. That's all that matters.

"Tomorrow morning when you wake up," I uttered softly, looking ahead to the blizzard outside the window. "I'll go away."

As expected, she said nothing to my words, breath slowly starting to even once more as a better sleep was coming for her.

I chuckled softly to myself as I stared at the glowing snow, adding a little snide remark for my own sanity.

"Besides, I can't sleep either when you sneeze like that."

'Course, she seemed to snort awake slightly for that, too comfortable and warm to leave my embrace as she spoke.

"I'm not sorry." She slurred with a grudge, letting her head fall back on my shoulder as sleep overtook her.

"I know." I murmured warmly, savoring the temporary feeling of her as I spoke words she would never hear tomorrow...

"But, I am, sunshine. I am."


Thank you guys for reading! If you want to see what happens next, Patreon is currently 5 chapters ahead.

Also, the Patreon version sometimes comes out a little different than the wattpad version. I always check both versions for typos (even if some inevitably sneak thru). But Patreon sometimes has added lines or moments that I think of when editing again that are not included here (nothing major to the plot. Just small moments <3)

See you next week!

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