Putting Rivalries To Rest.

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A/N: pls don't slack on those votes 😩 I'll give you an incentive, if you get all the chapters past 100+ votes, I'll post some extra exciting content!

Also, you guys should follow me on tik tok if you aren't already! I don't usually advertise it on here, but I love when people comment and say they know me from here. I just post to have fun, but I'd love to see you there ❤️ outlander017 is my username


Touya POV:

The element of time has been shattered for quite awhile now.

It's as if becoming Touya jolted me into a new continuum completely. One where the days and nights no longer blend together, but are felt individually for the first time in years.

It's something that doesn't make sense to me. Without the fog of chaos and revenge clouding my head, I don't know what to do with the clarity, especially when my missing piece isn't around to bring everything together.

I sighed tiredly, relaxing into my chair and keeping the ice packed pressed to my thick skull.

Roach-Akio remained sitting in his hotel bed. The bed that used to belong to Violet. He grimaced softly as a pair of old lady lips pressed wetly into his cheek, giving him the countless kiss of the night.

Hell, I swear that old bat gave more than she needed to. Her nasty mouth was kissing parts of him that weren't even injured.

"O..Okay. I think that's enough." He chuckled a bit nervously, gently pushing the old woman away from his face. "Thanks again for stopping by, Recovery Girl."

The granny hummed and applied a fresh layer of chapstick to her shriveled lips, smacking them together before going to her purse.

"You boys need to be more careful out there. Had I arrived here even a moment later-you'd be dead." She gestured to Akio, making me grunt lowly when she looked my way now. "And your leg would have needed to be amputated!"

"Good. It's not like I needed it anyways." I muttered, meeting her glare with an annoyed sneer.

"I don't like your attitude, young man!"

"Oh, put a fucking sock in it, old bat."

She balled her fist and shook it at me like I was supposed to be afraid, causing Akio to do damage control and apologize quietly on my behalf.

Not like I was gonna do it.

Within the agonizing long time it took her to get to the door, she was gone a few moments later, leaving Akio and I to sit in silence and reflect on the failure of a night we had.

We broke into the jeweled bitch's place and got our asses kicked by him, leaving with our tail between our legs and no Violet.

Pretty shitty outcome, if you ask me.

The memories alone were enough to pull a groan from my strained throat, keeping a hand on the ice pack as I let my head fall back towards the ceiling.

Akio heard my clear sound of frustration, sighing weakly in agreement and looking somberly towards the window of our hotel.

It hasn't been that long since we returned. The sun still hadn't come up. Couldn't be more than two in the morning right now. Took us about two hours to fuck everything up and end up back here. Damn embarrassing.

But, even though he got beat to a pulp and almost murdered a little while ago, he was quieter than usual. As someone who deals with shit like this on a daily basis, I didn't expect it to faze him so much. Hell, I've almost killed him countless times during fights and he never blinked an eye.

Nah, he seems different. Not just quiet, but off. Mentally numbed and broken.


He's been like that ever since finally showing his face again. It's just more noticeable right now.

The air between us was silent. It wasn't tense. Just tired as he looked down to his bandaged hand, the one the jeweled bitch broke. Recovery Bat kissed it enough to turn it into a sprain. But, he didn't look like he gave a damn.

He grimaced as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, gripping his sore, bandaged stomach before mumbling under his breath.

"Fuck. I need a drink."

"Pour me one, will ya." I muttered, keeping the stupid ice pack pressed to my head.

He nodded quietly and pulled himself up to standing, lethargically trudging towards the kitchen. I looked down at my leg as he went, pulling up the hem of my boxers just a little to see the big ass bandage around it.

Took a lot of convincing to let Recovery Bat kiss me near my fucking groin-almost didn't happen at all as I didn't give her the proper amount of time she needed. She said I needed at least four kisses. After one, I was done and grossed out.

Still pretty injured. Just no longer dying, unfortunately.

"That jeweled bitch..." I mumbled as Akio came over to the kitchen table I was sitting at. "I look forward to the day his skull bursts under my hands."

He pressed his lips together in agreement, setting the tall bottle of liquor on the table along with two glasses. "You okay with whiskey?"

I couldn't help but snort slightly at such an insignificant question given the current circumstances, gesturing to the glass carelessly.

"I'm okay with fucking bleach right now."

He chuckled hoarsely, pouring the amber colored liquid into each glass before plopping down in the chair with exhaustion.

"Yeah. Things definitely didn't go as we planned, huh..." His voice came out raspy and distant.

The two of us grabbed our respective glasses, instantly tipping them back without a reaction until they were empty.

This time, I was the one to grab the bottle topping both our cups back to the previous amount.

"I dunno. You got your shit wrecked more than I did." I mused, downing my next glass of whiskey. "At least there was something entertaining about the night."

I played it off as one of my typical antics, but honestly, I was fucking prying.

He was a completely different person back at Jeweled Bitch's place. Never in my decade of knowing him have I seen him like that. So pathetic. So scared.

It's been on my mind ever since. Couldn't tell you why.

"Yeah. That's the last time I snoop through a psychotic serial killer's dresser. Oof." He breathed out in relief, taking half his whiskey in the next gulp.

He was trying to avoid it and forget about it. That much was clear. But, I don't leave things alone. Instead, I fixate on them until I go nuts, fry myself, and plan a decade of revenge.

Figure it's better to satisfy my curiosities quickly this time.

"Heh, yeah. Fucker really had you shitting your pants back there." I pushed further, topping my glass and his half empty one. "I don't get it honestly."

"What?" He held up his cup for me as I poured, keeping his eyes to the liquid inside.

I peered up at him as the alcohol filled his glass, piercing my gaze into him strongly.

"Why you were so afraid."

For once, my tone wasn't coated in judgement and malice. I was being honest. Genuinely questioning what the hell had him so fucking terrified.

He looked at his glass through tired, empty eyes, deciding to chug the rest of it all in one go.

This time, I didn't drink from mine, more eager for the silence to pass and hear his response.

With a slight clatter, he set his glass on the table, gazing up at me neutrally.

"No one wants to die, Dabi."

I fucking beg to differ, but for the time being, I won't say shit about that part.

That was a safe answer, and if it were any other fucker, I'd actually buy it. But, I know him. Unfortunately, I know him well, which is why I know it doesn't make sense.

"It's not like you haven't been in that type of situation before." I reasoned, watching him surpass me in drinks and pour another glass.

He let out a rough sigh, cheeks starting to tinge red with liquor and lips becoming looser. "Some things...just trigger other things, you know. Memories. Feelings. Stuff you can't control."

I know that incredibly well. More than he probably realizes. One thing...one feeling...one look....any of it can bring back the hell you've tried to forget.

Akio's never spoken about his past. Judging from the way he talks to Violet, I don't even think she knows.

It makes me wonder what triggers he's had in his life. What triggered him so bad tonight he became a pathetic, terrified mess on the floor.

"I didn't even recognize you." I said honestly, looking to the table with reflection. "You were so..."

"Weak?" He finished knowingly, not seeming offended but rather accepting.

I nodded admittedly, trying to make light of the moment with a small snort. "Man, if you acted like that every time I came around, I'd have your head rotting on a stick years ago."

He didn't laugh or brush it off the way he normally would, nodding and downing the rest of his drink with words darker than his character.

"Sometimes I wish you would."

The old Dabi in me would have been fucking thrilled to hear those words from him. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to break his spirit. Being the weak, little shit I was, I tried everything from the moment I met him to knock him down. To ruin him and ensure he stooped to my level.

But, as we sat here in silence, vulnerable and drinking, the words stirred a sense of unease in my hungry stomach.

"Knock it off." I said plainly, staring at the permanent chip in the wooden table we sat at.

It happened when we first became partners here, during our last fight. Back when he still had the balls to slam me right into the thing and go for a gouge to my eyes. Heh. Damn memories.

No fun when he gives up.

"Hm?" He uttered tiredly, staring at the scuffed table with me.

I don't know how to comfort people. The thought of it makes me want to hurl. The thought of embarrassing myself and being vulnerable just makes me defensive and dry.

"I'm the only one allowed to be depressed and wanting to kick the bucket 24/7." I said bluntly, waving off his pity party. "Stop trying to copy my shit."

Rather than snap out of it like he normally would, his hazy, tipsy eyes looked to the emptying bottle with despair, spilling more of himself than he meant to.

"There's just no end to it, man."

"To what?"


I quirked a brow of confusion, realizing his words were becoming more slurred and lacking sense. "What the hell are you talking about?"

He barely peered up at me, fiddling with the liquor bottle on the table with more interest.

"I..I don't know. Forget it."

I scoffed slightly at the senseless conversation, deciding that as much as I thought I never liked his cocky personality, I hate this side of him more.

"No one's forcing you to be a hero, moron." I uttered a little lower, feeling the vulnerability creeping into my chest. "Just quit if you're gonna complain about it all the time."

He ran a hand through his messy hair with the ghost of an empty smile on his face.

"Maybe I will one day." He murmured with drunken honesty. "Hell, I never wanted to be one in the first place."

My brows raised instantly, caught off guard by what I never knew.

He never wanted to be a hero? Ever?

How ironic that was the main reason I always picked on him. I always assumed he had it all. That being a hero was the biggest thing he could have ever prided himself on.

Because it meant so much to me, I couldn't comprehend how others in that position wouldn't feel the same.

"What?" I chuckled in disbelief, suddenly wanting answers.

But, all he did was shrug, taking another sip of his whiskey before melting back in his chair.

"Ah, we all have dreams, Dabi. Then we grow up."

He's not wrong about that.

"Ain't that the fucking truth." I murmured knowingly, letting my guard down just a little more.

Mutual understanding. Peace in the silence. Comfort in the dark. We share more in common than I ever realized.

The moon was the only thing to light our room, spilling through the thin curtains faintly. We could talk to each other without really being able to see each other, able to hide.

It was like confession, but for a couple of demons.

The only thing I could see clearly were his eyes, watching a glowing, honey one find me with interest. "You agree? Can't imagine a psycho like you dreaming of anything other than hurting people."

I'd started to become lost in myself. That part of me hasn't changed, I've always felt everything so strongly. I've never had a clear sense of direction.

But, it's getting easier to speak my thoughts out loud. My real ones.

"Nah. It started out as something else." I looked to table in reminiscence. "Then I realized the world was shit and decided to hurt it back."

He was quiet, letting his broken gaze fall, numbed with isolation and defeat. "You know, I envy that about you sometimes."


"Being able to just say 'fuck it.' Being able to defend yourself and ruin everyone who pisses you off." He said distantly, furrowing his brows in self-frustration. "I've never been able to do that."

I don't find pride in that anymore. Being the guy who fucks everything up. All it did was cost me the person I love. The only person who loved me so unconditionally.

I never knew he was jealous of me. I was always jealous of him for taking the high road. It always made me feel worse because I knew I didn't have the willpower to do so. Because of that, I only worked harder to tear him down.

Talk about more misunderstandings.

He sighed heavily, causing me to peer up and see him holding onto the liquor bottle for dear life.

"You know....I used to be....really happy. A long time ago..." He whispered, making my bored eyes perk up with surprise.

I've never heard him so vulnerable. So sad. Reminiscent of something he'd never have again.

"But...then my life was ripped away from me." His grip shook around the neck of the bottle, fisting his other hand through his hair in suppressed anguish. "I let the world beat me up. Let myself become bullied and used by everyone until....I became....this."

Out of instinct, I grimaced, cursing internally and looking down to the ground.

Guilt ate away at me. Because whether he knew it or not, he was referring to me. It's not the first time he's brought up being bullied by me. He clearly hasn't forgotten. He's not over it, and the more I actually get to know him....the more I realize how much it affected him to this day.

I usually don't blink an eye when it comes to changing lives for the worst. But, for some reason....knowing how much I hurt this guy...especially after sitting down and having real conversations with him the last few days....

It makes me feel shitty.

I was just angry back then. Young and fucking selfish. Insecure. Stupid. But, most of all...

I was hurting. And at that time, I'd go to any length to make sure those above me would feel as low as I did. It was the only thing I had control of.

Look, I can't say I regret every act of violence in my life. I can't say I'm not still furious about how the ones I used to call family left me to die. Hell, I still blame them for what I became. To a point.


I can say...that what I did to Akio....was really fucked up.

"You didn't become it alone." I murmured quietly, surprised with my genuine attempt at reassurance.

"Neither did you."

Yeah, I get what he's saying. I didn't become a monster overnight. He didn't become someone he hates by himself. People shape us. That's pretty obvious.

But, he doesn't want to be me. Nah, he shouldn't be. It doesn't fit him. He's always been a stubborn shit with a moral conscience. Always the one who foils all my diabolical, stupid plans with reason.

He should stay that way.

I've tortured him enough. No need to lead him down the wrong path, too.

"Look, unless you haven't learned jackshit from my mistakes these last few days, you don't want the situations I've put myself in, alright." I guided roughly, rolling my eyes at the mushy topic. "I've fucked up beyond repair. Hurting the world ain't worth it if you don't get the only thing you really want. You'll never be satisfied, only making it worse."

He peered up at me, seeming more lost than I realized before.

But, now I was in my head, replaying the events of the night and feeling more frustrated by the second. Still seeing Violet right in front of me, waiting for me to speak, yet nothing came out.

"I mean....fuck...." I pinched the bridge of my nose, tossing the ice pack on my head to the floor. "She was right there in front of my face tonight. And I couldn't say a damn thing."

Akio shook his head, gripping his bandaged side as he clearly remembered different aspects of the night. "Given everything that happened, I don't even know how you would have had the time to get your point across."

"You're the one who said there might not be a next time."


I narrowed my eyes at his emphasis, watching him pour the last of the whiskey into his glass. "Look, I was on my deathbed and bleeding out back there. But, I saw the way she looked at you. She looked hurt. But, there's no mistaking....she loves you."

My face faltered slightly at his last words, not expecting to hear them so casually in passing.

The room wasn't dark enough as he caught my change, shooting me a genuine smile.

"She loves you, Dabi. Violet loves you." He nodded, seeming as if he said the words for us both. "And I think, if you keep trying, you'll get another chance to say what you need to."

I didn't want to admit how much the words affected me. From his mouth, it sounds like this is supposed to be a victory for me. Like he's finally throwing in his towel and claiming me the winner of the game.

But, I stopped seeing Violet's love as a game the moment she died in my arms. I already lost right then and there. My purpose. My identity. The 'game' was something I'd never be able to win.

Because love isn't supposed to be a 'game.' Akio's the one who kept trying to tell me that, but my stubborn ass refused to hear him.

I get it now though. That's why the 'victory' doesn't feel like a 'win.' It just feels like another toxic weight lifted from my shoulders.

He remained silent and looked down, seeming as if he was waiting for me to gloat or say some stupid shit like I always do.

But, I surprised him this time.

"What happened to the guy who was trying to steal her away from me?" I asked quieter, feeling my lips tug with a faint smirk to make the air light.

He sensed my tease, finally cracking a little amusement, letting his gaze get lost in the dark. "I was never trying to steal her away. I was angry like you-also like you, I wanted a reaction that pushed your buttons."

I snorted softly at his honesty. Even if it was just over a month ago, we really sound like some fucking idiots, huh.

"Don't get me wrong, I do love her. But..." The light grin faded from his face, hesitating on his next words.

His mouth faltered for a moment, his mind silently debating on if his next decision was truly the right one.

He closed his eyes sometime later, nodding faintly to himself before finally speaking it into the universe...

"It's time....for me to move on."

His words surprisingly weren't weak. He seemed sure of himself. Sad and nostalgic, but sure.

He took his bottom lip between his teeth, smiling softly as he appeared to be reminiscing on all the old memories. Memories with Violet, ones I certainly wasn't a part of and never will be.

It used to kill me. The jealousy of it would consume me every single day.

But, now I've accepted it. Not only that, but I'm okay with it.


I'm glad she had Akio. I really am.

"I've loved her for almost ten years, and I don't regret a thing about it." He murmured, giving his chin a soft stroke. "But, I'm ready to let her go. To let her live with the person I know she loves most."

His eyes gestured to me as the person in question, nodding with content.

"You two are meant to be together, man. I hope it works out. For both of you." He said, lazily raising his glass before downing the last of the whiskey.

I watched him finish the whiskey in silence, mulling over his words. His character and everything the last decade has held.

Hell, I wouldn't be able to do what he just did. To move on and forget her. To give up on her even in the times I know I probably should.

It's actually a strength to move on like that. Strength I don't have. Part of him being able to pull himself up and take the high road.

I admire it. Though, I'll never say it out loud.

The emotionally constipated side of me didn't know how to respond-or even how to react, only able to deflect awkwardly. "You've....gone too soft ever since I saved your ass back there."

He chuckled and wiped the stray drop of liquor from his mouth, accidentally grazing a cut he refused to let Recovery Bat kiss. "I actually wanted to ask you about that."


Once again, he seemed to be approaching another difficult topic. His mouth toying with the words to say before realizing there wasn't an easy way to say it.

"I really thought....you'd leave me there to die, Dabi." He admitted quietly, tone going soft. "I honestly didn't think you'd save my life."

That makes two of us.

Look, I meant what I said back there. About Akio really not being that bad. Can't say I'd do the same for just anybody. I'm still a selfish asshole in a lot of ways.


"I thought it was about time I stopped fucking with you, so I did something about it." I uttered hoarsely, avoiding his gaze and waving him off. "Just forget it."

No. Seriously. Forget it. I don't want to dwell on the vulnerable moments too long.

Silence passed between us, and given the last words of the conversation, it suddenly felt awkward for me. I glanced at the bottle of whiskey, suddenly cursing it for being empty-

"Thank you."

The words were so foreign in tone, I almost didn't recognize them to come from him.

It felt like we'd been transported back in time. Like his teenage self was speaking to mine.

Honestly, it took me off guard, triggering something in me I didn't realize was there. Something that had everything to do with him and I. All the hardships. Misunderstandings. Guilt. Pain...

All the complications that really hurt our lives.

Feeling vulnerable and young, I slowly looked up at him, seeing the face of the boy I remember so well.

"Thank you....for helping me." Akio whispered shakily, glowing eyes glistening with tears.

I looked back at him in silence, unable to hide an ounce of emotion that had crept onto my face without consent.

A lump had formed in my throat. Guilt tightened my chest, and visions of me kicking his bloody, teary face to the ground surprisingly were enough to burn at my tear ducts.

He thanked me and he never has. It was overwhelming, because it made me feel a lot of different things at once. Things I'm still trying to remember about Touya.

But, with the handcuff on my wrist, I'm not afraid to feel them this time.

Pain consumed me the most and I accepted it, because I know I deserve it. I know I'll probably feel guilty and shitty about what I did to him for the rest of my life, but I'm glad. You reap what you sow, and you should.

I felt a warm, red trickle glide down my cheek now, blinking rapidly from the stinging pain and causing a few more to ooze from the place my tear ducts once lived.

"If you knew the shit I knew..." I blurted without thinking, quickly wiping the blood. "...you wouldn't be thanking me-"

"I would still be thanking you." He said confidently, wiping his own cheeks just as fast. "I'm not saying you should absolve yourself of every wrong doing in your life. You've still done unforgivable things to innocent people..."

I nodded lazily, wondering when the time would come where I'd need to reap those consequences.

"...but, acknowledge the things you do right." He nodded. "Otherwise, you won't ever know you've grown."

The conversation was becoming too deep for me to handle. I listened and I understood what he was saying.

But, after hating this guy for ten years with no good reason, it's overwhelming to face the walking, talking truth of my actions. Trauma won't let me just flip a switch and become his best friend.

"God, man." My voice came out hoarse, causing me to wipe the remnants of blood that stained my face. "You act like you're giving me some last words, or something. You've had too much of this."

At that, I swiped the liquor bottle out of his reach. Not that it mattered, he already finished most of it on his own. Probably another reason for his pure honesty.

But, he seemed to sober up a bit at the reminder, reaching into his pocket slowly for something. "Well, after what I'm about to give you, it might as well be my death sentence."

I furrowed my brows in question, feeling my body freeze at what he suddenly held between his bruised, cut up fingers.

The notebook. Violet's book that was in the locked drawer of Midas' desk.

Akio managed to steal it. How?

He seemed to hear my thoughts, gently setting the notebook on the table before sliding it towards me.

"Right before I got stabbed, I heard Midas' footsteps lurking towards me." He revealed as I picked up the book. "It was a split second decision. Either dodge and risk him snatching the book, or take that last second to hide it in my pants and hope for the best."

He shook his head softly at his next words, closing his eyes with hopeless defeat. "I really wanted to get that other book, too. But....I.....I dropped it."

I nodded in remembrance, still seeing the vision of that single notebook falling from his hands and into a puddle of his own blood. "What did the other one say on the front?"

There were two books. Violet's and one other.

He let his head fall back against his chair, closing his eyes tiredly. "I still don't know. But, wouldn't it have been nice to find out."

Carefully, I opened the notebook, feeling my eyes widen at how fucking detailed it was.

So many things about Violet-things he's been tracking for months. About her quirk. Things she's told him in passing-hell, even about what she likes.

And we really had no idea.

"Man. You really are a sneaky son of a bitch." I mused to Akio, keeping my eyes glued to the pages.

He hummed lightly. "Surprise. You're not the only one who knows how to be manipulative."

A small, devious chuckle sounded from my lips at his words.

But, even so, I couldn't deny the lingering weight that remained in my chest. Fuck, I wish so badly I could shake the conversation him and I just had, but I don't have the ability to do that anymore. Not to the things that affected me so much.

It's not really what I want to do right now, but maybe telling him the truth about who I am would give me some sort of closure.

Maybe it would cause him to take back everything he just said about me. The 'thank you.' The change of heart. The tears of gratitude. All of it.

I can't say I want that. Mostly because I'm too emotionally exhausted to rekindle another toxic rivalry with him.

But, I tend to sabotage the times when things are going well. It makes me uncomfortable, awaiting the next moment everything turns to shit.

One way to alleviate that fear-one way to keep control of my life...is getting rid of the secrets that could blow up in my face again.

If Akio is going to hate me when he finds out I'm Touya-the one who bullied him and made his life a living hell....I'd rather find out now.

My heart began to pound as I slowly closed the notebook for the time being, keeping my eyes to the table as I spoke.

"Hey. There's....something I need to tell you-"

"Tell me another time." He instantly interrupted, grimacing and gripping onto the table as he tried to escape the next topic. "The pain meds are kicking in, or maybe that's the liquor. Regardless, I'm beat."

I pressed my lips together as he stood up, knowing this is one of those things I should push and continue with.

But, the words had been pulled from my mouth, with me staring at the table distantly as he pulled back the sheets to his bed and slid in it.

"Take a look at that book and see what you find-oh, and don't kill me in my sleep." He said, trying to lighten the heavy mood.

A soft snort came from my mouth as the motivation to reveal myself a second time left me, feeling the ghost of a smile on my face as I spoke a different truth instead.

"I think I'm finally done trying to kill you, man."

And I'm done bullying you, too.

One day...

...when I have your courage...

I'll apologize to you, Akio.

"You think you're done trying to kill me?" He chuckled from the bed, suddenly acting like we were having a chummy sleepover.


But, even so, it wasn't as annoying as I wanted it to be, looking over at him with a devious smirk.

"If I say it for sure, it kinda takes the fun out of things."

He hummed tiredly in agreement, rolling onto his uninjured side before spooning his pillow.

"Fair enough."

The combination of liquor and sleeping pills in his system had him out like a fucking light in two minutes, causing me to click on the table lamp next to me and reopen Midas' notebook.

Shoving the empty liquor cups on the table aside, I held the book near the light and squinted my eyes, reading it carefully to ensure I didn't miss anything.

Because surely....there's something in here. Something that can be useful to me. Something that can help me get her out of there...

Page after page I turned, scanning each and every line...every indent....every symbol for clues and information-

Feeling my gaze widen when something caught my eye.

Holding the book closer to me, I read Midas' handwriting on the page, feeling my mouth part in surprise for what I'd just found out.

Oh, you're fucking kidding me...

No way.


Violet POV:

I paced the area of my room stressfully, unable to even think about going to sleep.

After Touya and Akio left, Midas insisted I leave his office, sending me to bed like a little kid.

Given how angry the night had made him, I felt it best not to refuse. But, my mind couldn't calm down.

Akio was in bad shape when I left him. I'd barely managed to fix the internal bleeding of that wound on his side. And Touya-Touya's leg looked really bad. The kind of bad that might mean amputation if he didn't get help soon enough.

...and knowing him...knowing how much he hates himself and how much he hates Akio...my anxiety convinces me they're both lying dead in a ditch right now-probably having strangled each other one last time for the hell of it.

"Shit..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I looked out the open window.

The late night breeze was soft, peaceful and the perfect temperature. It was two in the morning, but it felt like I already experienced an entire day in the last thirty minutes.

I'm not an idiot. I have a very good idea of why Touya showed up to this mansion tonight. Considering he had Akio with him, he must have been pretty desperate. I can only imagine how ugly that conversation between them must have gone...

Now he knows I'm here. I can't imagine him giving up so easily. I'm positive he'll be back....

Even despite Midas' last threat.

"The next time you set foot in here, Dabi, Violet will kill you."

At that moment, the first thing I felt was anger. Anger for Midas.

Part of the reason I've grown to rely on Midas so much in these last months I've known him was because of his respect for my character.

He always wanted to hear my opinions. Encouraged me to make my own choices, and never spoke for me.

It was an illusion of independence. Something I always craved, but never had the guts to actually believe in myself and feel comfortable alone.

Regardless, what happened to that man? Because in the last few days I've been back here-back from the dead, essentially, he's flipped a switch. One where he doesn't need to walk on eggshells or dance around topics when it comes to me anymore.

He's been putting more pressure on me than he used to. He's more rushed and less patient.

But, most of all...

I know he was the one to almost kill my best friend and my....and Touya. And as angry as I am at both of them, I can't shake the feelings from my mind.

The last thing I told Touya was that he might as well be dead to me. It's been a few days since then.

Seeing him tonight didn't hurt any less. If anything, it hurt more because of how I felt.

I wanted to touch him. To run up to him and hug him because now that I've had time to process who he really is, he's no longer Dabi. He's the boy-the...man...I love and have loved for a very long time, and we haven't truly 'reunited' since then.

But, when I look at him, all I see is him dying and burning all over again.

It's traumatizing and so were his lies. My love for him hasn't changed, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to separate him from all the pain he's caused me.

Right now though....

This isn't about my love for Touya, or what he's done. This is about Midas and his words. His actions and new change of heart towards me.

It's just me and him on the floor of this mansion. I have no one to rely on here but myself.

It's time to start getting comfortable on my own.

Part of my problem is that I spent so much time putting my energy into others. Whether it was Touya or Dabi, Akio, Midas...

I have no foundation to stand on. I never have, and that needs to change. Regardless of what happens next or what direction my life goes in, it needs to change.

The side of my head rested against the wall as I looked out to the milky moon, finding my mind wandering to my concerns.

Touya. Akio...

I do hope you both survived.

But, if by some chance you didn't...

I can't afford to lose my mind again. I need to keep going this time. To live and try to find my own strength.

For starters...

I'm starting to realize I made a big mistake coming to this mansion.

I get the feeling that if I tried to just walk out and leave the way I always do....I wouldn't be allowed.

I need more answers from you, Midas. Especially if your plans involve me doing something against my free will, which is what you implied to Touya before he left.

He told me to stay in my room and go to sleep...

But, I'm getting tired of letting others dictate my every action.

With a sigh, I pushed myself off the wall, opening my door before walking down the dark hallway.

It was only about two-thirty in the morning. Despite the battle that happened in Midas' office, the place was still quietly asleep. Or, at least pretending to be out of fear.

Without knocking, I pushed the door to his office open, seeing the dim lights of the room to let me know he was definitely still in here.

The frantic squeaking against the wall in the corner caught my attention, causing me to look over and see Midas scrubbing it aggressively.

Closing the door loudly to make myself known, he didn't even look my way as he continued scrubbing the wall. Upon closer inspection I saw why.

The white paint was stained and splattered red. It looked like something you'd see out of a horror film, with the giant hole in the plaster letting me know someone's face had been slammed into it...repeatedly.

Judging from Midas' clearly broken, bleeding nose, it could have been him. But, it also could have been Dabi. Akio.

For some reason, the other two possibilities seem more believable to me.

"It's a shame that little worthless hero has such vibrant blood, isn't it?" He huffed out in exertion, digging the sponge into the paint more forcefully.

I was a bit surprised that he didn't even try to hide it, clearly letting me know exactly how the giant stain of blood came about.

In the past, he would have tried to hold back, not wanting to give me the impression he was violent or so ruthless.

Like I said, things have changed.

I watched him scrub the blood with crossed arms, feeling my eyes half lidded without sympathy for Midas' stupid wall.

"You could have killed them." I said blankly, knowing the subject was a risky one to bring up right now.

There's no more time to beat around the bush though. I want to know what he's thinking.

His normally pristine appearance was completely unkept. His pants were stained with blood from the fight, ditching a shirt and displaying the giant gash in his shoulder that was bleeding through the flimsy wrap he put around it.

"I think the better thing to say was that they could have killed me." He refuted dryly, starting to chip the paint off the wall from his aggressive rubbing. "There were two of them and one of me. Don't you think that warrants a bit of your sympathy?"

A small scoff huffed past my lips, finally getting the courage to voice my true thoughts out loud.

"I don't know-you look to be in better shape than the other two. Here you are, dramatically scrubbing blood off the wall, while I'm not even sure those two are still alive." My words came out angry.

I flinched slightly when he abruptly hit the wall, violently wringing the crimson soaked sponge dry and sending Akio's blood spilling down his wrists.

"And so what if they aren't?" His voice was low and calm, mangling the sponge to hold his patience. "It's not as if they'll be living much longer anyways."

Instantly, he looked my way after speaking the words. The accusatory look in his distorted, blown pupils gave me the impression he was trying to catch me in some sort of lie.

His eyes were sunken, his lips cracked as he pointed a bloody finger at me. "Right? You've been playing two sides for far too long, darling. I've been more than fair, but now it's time for you to choose."

Warning bells echoed into my head as he took a few steps towards me, instantly making me uncomfortable and causing me to back up.

But, unlike how he normally acts towards my discomfort-with care and patience, I felt a little panicked as he decided to push my boundaries, continuing to stalk towards me with every step back I took.


My back hit the wall a few moments later, knowing there was nowhere to go as he closed in.

His gaze was dark and vacant. Nothing like the kind warmth he always displays.

It seems that warmth never existed in the first place...

"That man has lied to you." He stated of Touya, slowly closing in on my space like a killer. "Emotionally scarred you. Treated you as disrespectfully as one could treat another, and still you care for him?"

The necklace glowed in wicked black around his neck, radiating off his eyes like a demon. "I suppose that means you don't mind having to see such ugly traits everyday. That's truly a relief for me to know."

My head began to feel foggy as the necklace activated brightly, feeling the blood in my veins stir in reactivity.


I tried to fight through it, standing my ground as he loomed over me like the devil.

"I never said I still cared for Dabi." I said, trying to protect his safety and interest from Midas.

He laughed dryly, seeing right through the ruse.

"You didn't need to. The look was written all over your face a moment ago."

My brain began to sting as the necklace glowed brighter, causing me to grimace and grip my head in growing pain.

"I meant what I said back there." He continued ruthlessly, burning his gaze into me. "About Dabi dying the next time he sets foot in here. About you being the one to kill him."

That's the second time he's said that today. This time it almost seemed like a gloat-like he was so sure I'd comply.

"You can't...force me to kill someone." I grit through my teeth, feeling a sharp, painful ringing light up my eardrums.

It caused an audible groan to sound from my throat, making me queasy and nauseous as I collapsed against the wall.

Midas' eyes held no sympathy, continuing to glow black like the color of his necklace as he looked down at me like a worthless pawn. "Don't worry. By the time I'm done with you, it won't be forced. Just second nature."

He increased the power of his jewels just to teach me a lesson, causing my blood to burn and stomach to turn with nausea.

It felt like jewel therapy, except there weren't any jewels being pressed to my forehead. Physically, it felt like he was severing parts of my brain for his own sick enjoyment.

I wanted to fight back, but he'd made my body suddenly numb, slowly kneeling down to my level before gripping my chin.

"The time to act is now, darling. No more grace periods or waiting around." He muttered, squeezing my chin tighter between his fingers. "Now come on. Your jewel therapy awaits."

I ripped my face out of his hold, feeling the world spinning in my vision.

"No. I don't feel comfortable continuing with the jewel therapy anymore-"

The words went dry in my mouth as he roughly reached out and grabbed my face again, just to show me he could, causing my eyes to go wide as he yanked my limp frame forward from the force.

"And I..." He stated murderously, showing me a side of himself I have yet to see. "...don't feel comfortable with you continuing to speak out of turn."

Normally, this is the part where I'd shut up. But, like I said, I've grown tired of letting others push me around.

"Since when did I need your permission to speak-"

"Ohhh, you need my permission for everything, darling." He whispered wickedly, digging his blunt nails into my cheeks. "Have I not made that perfectly clear?"

My face began to hurt from the pressure of his hands, my eyes grimacing as I tried to pull away.

But, he didn't allow me, grinding down on his teeth in so much anger, I could hear it from here. "I said I'd take care of you if you stayed here, and I am. Your meals. Your drinks. Your sleep schedule. Activities-I take care of them all."

When he first brought up the idea of 'taking care of me,' it sounded like a kind gesture. One that would help me get back on my feet and pamper me.

...now I realize what he really meant.

Rely on him. Only him. Suffocate under his rule until I can't survive any other way.

Like Tsuyo.

I gasped in pain as he squeezed my cheeks tighter. So hard, the metallic taste of blood was now pooling in my mouth.

"A-Agh-Don't you think that's a little too much?" I slurred, trying to tug my face away harder.

He shook his head and watched me struggle, getting physical with me for the first time.

It happened so fast, I didn't even feel it for a moment as he used the grip on my cheeks to slam my head back into the wall. The loud thud of my skull was heard, accompanied by the black spots that now clouded my dazed vision.

My body fell sideways onto the ground now, my eyes falling half lidded as unconsciousness creeped in.

But, his jewels continued to activate in my system, keeping me awake even if not fully aware anymore.

"I think it's not enough, actually." He looked at me on the floor without pity. "I was trying to do things differently this time and give you more freedom than Tsuyo. But, you seem to be abusing the privilege. Are you?"

I don't want to get locked up or killed right now. The best thing to do in this moment is lie.


"No? So, you agree I'm being fair then?" He said, tilting his head at me before his eyes began to glow multiple different colors.

The jewels stirred too potently in my system, tranquilizing each and every muscle until I felt completely empty of thoughts.

"I...I-" My mind stalled, only able to stare at nothing.

"I suppose you're right." He interrupted me without care, talking to himself casually. "I don't need your agreement now, anyways. Didn't you know the devil has a price for bringing you back from the dead?"

True on his word, the ability to speak left me, feeling my mouth move wordlessly like I was trapped in my own head.

He sighed in content at my compliance, gripping onto my arm before using it to easily drag my limp body across the room. My shoulder felt like it was being pulled from the socket from the sheer aggression of his touch.

"Rebellion doesn't suit you, my dear. Best to nip it in the bud early so you don't get a taste of it."

With that, he used my arm to lift me onto the operating chair. Even with my body unable to move, he strapped down my arms and legs anyways, chuckling wickedly to himself before swiping the glowing jewel from the table.

In case it wasn't obvious, I'm fucking in trouble!

I couldn't even react to the searing pain as the jewel pressed into my forehead more rough than it ever has, internally shrieking even if my face had gone catatonically vacant.

"I'm glad to see you're willing to do the jewel therapy after all." He sighed in content, no longer holding back on the true pain of the procedure. "It should be much easier to see results this time."

Consciousness began to fade from the sheer pain inside my head, leaving me to hear Midas' last laugh before the world went black.

"You just had to insist on doing things the hard way."


A/n: maybe you can tell this is building towards something 👁

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