Say Goodbye

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Top pic credit: Fu_jimipo

A/N: still a few of the later chaps that need to reach 100 votes so I can give you guys some bonus content. Keep it up, you're getting closer :)

Violet POV:

My pain jolted me awake.

The golden sunlight was soft filtering in through the curtains, but all it did was make my headache worse.

Nausea consumed my stomach, instinctively rolling over onto my side only to realize I was now airborne a second too late.

I wheezed as my frame hit the floor, barely glancing up to see I'd fallen out of that dreaded operating chair I lost consciousness in.

The last thing I remember, I was attempting to confront Midas for the first time. His response was slamming my head into a wall and using his jewels to teach my battered brain a lesson.

A weary groan rumbled in my chest as I creaked my blood shot eyes open, grimacing at the new filter they wore.

Everything....was colorless.

Not even gray, but completely without color as if that's even possible. Even watching a black and white movie would have more vibrancy than this. Through sheer memory and shade variation, I could assume the colors of most things in the room. But, still...

I really love colorful things. Or, at least, I used to.

Now that I suddenly can't see them, their absence tugs at my heartstrings.

Is this permanent? Why is everything colorless? It must have something to do with the jewel therapy... must have something to do with Midas trying to take away my feelings. Colors bring emotions.

Oof. This guy just gets worse and worse.

This was a fucking mistake. All of it.

I should have never come here. He's not the person I thought he was, but I guess for that, I should be grateful.

My judgement's been clouded from the first moment I met him. It's ironic that hurting Touya and Akio last night was what really pushed my perspective in a different direction.

This man has murdered in front of me, essentially got me killed, and almost killed the ones I love, but hurting-and trying to force me to hurt the two people I've tried to convince myself are no longer important to my life is what did the trick?

That really defeats the whole purpose of being a hero, doesn't it? The hero sacrifices everything for the world, but I'd sacrifice the world for one single person.

I was never meant to be a hero anyways though. I never wanted to be.

I don't deserve to be one and I'm okay with that.

I'm okay with giving up that title.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Because at the moment, I'm not even sure I'll be able to survive the next twenty four hours in this cursed mansion.

I just need to get focus on getting out of here in one piece.

My ribs felt like they were constricting around my lungs as I tried to crawl forward on the floor, seeing the door an entire field away.

And now, it was suddenly too late.

Any motivation to escape was pulled like a string from my body as that door abruptly swung open now, causing a small to curse to huff past my lips.

There was Midas-a completely different man from the one I'd seen last night. He was no longer bloody and dirty, but back in one of his clean cut suits. His skin wasn't tarnished with sunken grey, but that usual vibrant glow. His eyes weren't vacant and dark, pupils no longer blown and bloodshot, but crinkling at the corners from his bright smile.

And I didn't buy any of it. Not a fucking single bit.

As much as I've been warned about him, I'm guilty of not believing it. Selfish as it may be, he never treated me the way he treated everyone else, so I couldn't fathom just how horrible he really was.

I know that's an incredibly self centered and flawed excuse. But, it's the truth. I need to fix my mistakes.

However, no matter how kind he looks right now, I can't shake the image of his true, ugly self from my mind.

His mask has been removed. There's no going back now.

"Glad to see you're awake, darling." He beamed with artificial brightness, quickly slamming the door closed with his foot. "I let you sleep in. Wasn't that generous of me?"

I grit my teeth as he walked right past my slumped frame on the floor, humming to himself as he sipped his tea and settled at his desk.

This man is nuts. He's acting like there isn't a half dead person groaning on his floor.

A grunt of weak exertion came from me as I tried to lift myself from the ground, feeling a wave of new dizziness wash over my head. It came on so quickly, I can only assume Midas somehow caused it.

My skin turned white as I collapsed back onto the wood, curling up into the fetal position as my stomach churned violently.

"I....I think I'm gonna be sick." I croaked out, feeling a gag lurch in my throat.

Midas glanced at me from his desk, scrunching his nose in heartless disgust before taking another sip of his tea.

"Shame-please make sure to keep all upchuck off my Persian rugs-oh, and remember that what you expel, you'll need to clean. That might make you rethink how much vomit you wish to spill, right?" He mused, chuckling a bit to himself.

How much he's changed in such a short time-or, rather finally revealed himself.

Even just a week ago, he'd have appeared so 'concerned' for my illness, tucking me into bed and serving me tea, and blah, blah, blah.

You can't trust anybody.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I spat through my teeth, slapping a hand over my mouth to keep all the gross stuff inside my body.

I don't have the energy to clean it up...

He furrowed his brows and feigned cluelessness, admiring the expensive rings on his fingers with more interest.

"For making you clean your own vomit? Goodness, I'm just trying to teach you a bit of discipline-"

"You know what I mean." I bit back, resting my sweaty cheek on the floor. "I want to go home."

His top lip curled a bit at the last word, seeming as if he was trying to suppress a snarl. He chewed on the seam of his bottom lip, anxiety and agitated tension filling his tone.

"Home? What other home could you possibly call your own besides here?" He gestured to the high ceilings, glowing honey eyes daring me to defy.

He's not wrong. Every worst fear of mine-and then some-came true in a matter of one single week. I've made mistakes that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I'll face consequences and probably be lonelier than I've ever been.

"You murdered a man." He continued at my silence, kicking his polished shoes up on the desk. "You have no family. No friends. No lover, as the one you used to have betrayed you. So, I really would like to know-what home?"

His tone was more aggressive that time, as if he was trying to rub my own fate in my face. Like my entire existence from this moment forward was hopeless. And then, his attempt to seal the deal...

"You're alone, Violet. Without me, you have no one."

Alone. The word itself always used to terrify me.

But, that's also why I've gotten myself into so much trouble over the last few months.

"Yeah, well maybe that's what I finally need." I looked up at him fiercely.

My voice didn't waver. I met his eyes. And, most of all, I meant it.

Alone. It's always been a word that terrified me. For as long as I can remember, I tailored my life around the word, doing everything within my power to ensure I didn't match its haunting definition.

But, if I'd been comfortable being alone and not so deathly afraid of it, I never would have wound up in this position. I never would have been so selfish to befriend a murderer, giving him my entire existence just because he paid attention to me.

I never would have lost my mind twice. Touya's death hurt me. His traitorous rebirth nearly killed me.

But, in the end, the biggest mistake was that I lived and breathed for him. For his memory. The idea of him. I lived my life for him, and I have no one to blame but myself. My fear of being alone made me do this. It made me someone I can't stand. Someone so weak and dependent on others.

Without identity.

...truly...without identity.

I need to get over my fear of being alone. I need to start relying on myself first and stop being afraid of what's inside me.

Silence consumed the room, making the tall ceiling suddenly feel crushingly low. Midas' face went a bit blank, taking his thumbnail between his teeth as he sensed my change.

I'm sure he's surprised. Normally, the simple threat of loneliness would be enough to have me crawling back. It's something he could always hold over my head without fail. Not this time.

I jumped a bit at his abrupt, dry chuckle, sensing he was changing his tune and trying a different approach.

Whatever mindset I wear, he will simply mold his personality around it. I need to be careful and watch out for that.

"Funny. I said the same thing once. And then I ended up here." He smiled, looking at the room of riches that surrounded him.

The sound of his blunt nails drumming against his desk echoed dauntingly. One of the legs had become chipped, most likely a courtesy of the bloodbath he conducted in here last night.

"You and I are more similar than you realize, my dear." His wicked voice faded in from all crooked angles. "I've come to learn we share a lot of the same traits."

The tea he'd poured for himself had lost its steam, going cold from the simple look of his eyes. "You are your own worst enemy, just like I am mine. The more time we spend alone, the more time we have to ruin ourselves."

"I've already ruined myself." I laughed dryly, no longer buying his bullshit.

I could feel the tension rising in his system, his realization that he was starting to lose his hold growing prominent in his determined tone.

"No, my dear. You're just starting to finally build yourself, can't you see?"

His bruised fingers curled tightly into his fists, turning his knuckles white.

"I am giving you what you've always wanted." He breathed out passionately, trying to paint a picture that was already ruined. "A chance to be strong. A chance to make people notice you. See you. Fear the power you hold..."

The idea used to bring my pulse to life, but not from excitement. Rather, it was from anxiety, desperation to prove myself and become the person everyone wanted me to be.

Until now, I was never able to tell the difference between the feelings.

That dream was never mine. It was everyone else's.

And right now, it seems more undesirable than anything. It feels sickening to imagine an entire decade of my life was wasted on something I never wanted. Something I was born to fail at from the start.

I never even gave myself a chance.

My sunken eyes fell closed, weighed down with exhaustion and disappointment.

"The only dream I have right now, is leaving you." I said lowly.

His hand fell from his mouth at my boldness, plopping onto the table in blank shock.

Because for the first time, I didn't fear him. And, one thing I'm coming to learn is that Midas thrives off the fear of others more than anything.

"My. How ungrateful you've become with that ugly mouth." He said slowly, scoffing in realization for the brat I was turning out to be. "Anyone else would kill to be in the position I've given you-"

"Then give it to them."

I flinched as Midas' foot kicked the underside of the table, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes.

Still, I remained on the floor with the room spinning and my stomach still forcefully trying to expel the minimal contents I had inside. Of course, Midas seemed more concerned with his own 'problems.'

"I don't enjoy..." He kept his eyes closed. "...these drastic changes in your behavior-"

"I feel the same about you-"

"It's very triggering-"

"I want to leave-"

He growled aggressively and shot up from the table now, pupils blowing into full blackness.

His nails clawed into the wood table as he looked at me, shaking his head and speaking more to himself. "Why do I always pick the ones who put up a fight? I really thought I'd have it easy with you."

I said nothing and that only made him more exasperated, seeming as if he was starting to regret his decision of bringing me here.

But, the regret didn't last long as a devious smile barely streaked across his cracked lips, remembering something I wasn't aware of.

His vacant eyes turned to his desk, specifically the bottom drawer.

A soft, victorious breath huffed from his nose as he slowly went to it, pulling a key from under the table before opening the drawer.

Relief painted his face as he lazily sorted through the items, pulling out a few objects before one book.

His rummaging froze slightly as he held the single book, his hand stiff inside the emptied drawer with disbelief.

He didn't even breathe as he stared at the empty drawer, skin starting to go pale and relief melting into a slow realization of...


"....where's the other one..." He breathed out, instantly dropping the fragile items in his hand to the ground.

I furrowed my brows in confusion as he wrenched open the top drawer now, starting to scatter all of the items to the floor as he searched for something specific.

"What are you talking about-" I trailed off when a glass trinket from the desk had shattered into piece on the floor.

Midas didn't even seem to care as he opened the final drawer of the desk. The middle one. He opened it so hard, it came off its hinges, causing him to tip it upside down and send everything spilling out.

His chest was tight, constructing around his lungs and making his breathing ragged. "The....the book-"


For the first time since I've known him, he looked scared. Terrified, actually, starting to rip through piles of items looking for a specific book.

" was there." He choked out, sounding as if he was on the verge of tears. "All of it....was...w-was..."

Unease seeped into my bones. Seeing him broken almost seemed more terrifying than seeing him angry. I don't know why...

...until I did.

Becoming desperate, he instantly shot his eyes up towards me, looking delusional and psychotic as he grit through his teeth...

"You stole it, didn't you?"

Alarm shocked my pulse, wishing for more than anything I'd be able to run for the door.


I barely finished the sound when Midas gripped onto the corner of the desk and sent it flying into the wall-the wall that was still broken from making violent contact with Akio's face the night before.

His cold tea spilled, the cup shattering along with everything else he put atop there.

My muscles tried to crawl away, but his quirk was running through my bloodstream, causing me to wince as I was tranquilized quickly.

"When...w-when I was getting my tea?" He said unevenly, stumbling towards my defenseless frame. "That's why you were on the ground when I came in, wasn't it?"

"I really don't know what you're-"

"Wasn't it!??"

My mouth opened speechlessly, admittedly feeling fear jolt back into my body at his furious tone.

Jesus, nothing ever seemed to make the guy mad before. I've foiled so many of his plans and he only smiled. Now, he's missing some book and he's about to rip my head off over it?

Whatever patience he's had for the last ten months has clearly reached its limit.

And so did his boundaries, apparently, as he gripped onto my arm and forced me onto my stomach, slamming his dress shoe onto my back to keep me still.

What the hell is happening!!??

"Get off me!!" I screamed in panic as he patted down my pockets for the book, quickly becoming too invasive for me to handle.

My quirk activated on my right side instinctively-somehow counteracting Midas' quirk and unfreezing my arm.


It wasn't enough to send any crystals, but it was enough to give me the strength to send my elbow back into his jaw, hearing his teeth slam together as he quickly released me.

He didn't even care about the hit, instantly leaving me alone before wandering around his office like a lost child, starting to throw a tantrum and ruin everything he'd just fixed from last night's fight.

Lost in his own world, he flipped every piece of furniture...every art piece....every single thing upside down...mumbling nonsense to himself as he tried to find the book.

I shielded my face as item after item hit me from all his frantic throwing, wishing desperately I could move out of the way.

Once the place was ruined, he turned back around. Hair unkept. Suit jacket completely wrinkled with his shirt coming untucked.

"I...oh my goodness. How did it..." He began to hyperventilate, thinking and thinking before it instantly hit him.

His face of concern instantly froze. Breath sticking in his throat, and heart surely having stopped beating.

He was remembering something, no doubt. Something about the book. Something about where it could be.

Whatever it was, it made his face instantly melt down into anger. Calm anger, the scariest kind of all.

Without a word, he instantly turned on his heel, stepping over my slumped body on the ground. He threw it open before slamming it closed behind him, making me groan as the click of a lock was set in place.

He locked me in.

"God damn it..." I groaned, trying to force myself to use my quirk again.

Somehow, my crystals neutralized his quirk. I don't know why, or how. But...if I could just...replicate it again-

"Why bother?" A voice suddenly said, causing me to gasp as I looked around.

But, the room was still empty. Of me and no one else.

Blinking my eyes to clear it away, I attempted to use my quirk again, only to be stopped again by the same person-no, the same...voice?

"It's not like that will work." The person said again, causing my nails to dig into the floor.

It was a very familiar voice. One I recognize too well. One that seems to be a trigger for so many things-

"Please. 'Trigger.'" They mocked again, sounding as if they were standing right over me now. "Just say you're weak and move on."

It's impossible for him to be here. I know that...

...and yet, the sight of his fiery shoes came into my vision now, causing me to look up and see him.

I blinked widely as Endeavor stared back down at me, only he wasn't his usual self.

His eyes were black. Teeth sharp and pointy like a monster, and a grin like the devil.

I yelped in fear, instinctively activating my quirk again and getting the feeling back in my legs. The colors barely faded back into my vision, allowing me to see him too clearly.

I used to have nightmares of him like this. In this exact same appearance that no one else should ever be able to replicate. Endeavor looming over me like a demon, calling me out for the pathetic failure I am.

Actually, I have a lot of different nightmares about many different things.

But, never have they ever felt so real.

"What is it?" Endeavor chuckled lowly, displaying a set of lethal, bloody claws. "Don't tell me you're afraid again. You're always so afraid, Violet. So pathetic-"

"She is, isn't she?" Another voice interrupted, causing my heart to beat rapidly.

Oh god.

Another one of my nightmares.

What is happening?

My face turned ghostly white at the sight of my mother. She had her back turned to me, but she was in her hero suit, magenta hair flowing past her back.

"I don't even know how she could be my daughter. We're absolutely nothing alike." She said coldly, lacking her usual warmth.

It tore a piece of my heart out, instantly bringing tears to my eyes as I clutched my chest.

That's also what she says in my nightmares. Once again, something so internally deep in my conscience, no one should be able to replicate it like this.

I scrambled backwards as my mother slowly started turning towards me, feeling a scream leave my throat as I barely caught a glimpse of her dead, half crumbled face.

But, before I could see anymore, a cold sensation on my forehead jolted me into reality, instantly diving backwards from whatever it was.

Tsuyo kept a tight hold on my arm as they activated the jewel to my forehead. Only, unlike Midas' jewel therapy, this one didn't seem to hurt.

It actually seemed to be healing my injuries. My brain, I should say.

My breaths came out ragged, unable to say a word as Tsuyo neutralized whatever had just happened to me, taking away my nausea and bringing full life back into my limbs.

I let out a sigh of relief once they were finished, melting back into the wall with exhaustion.

"When did you get here?" I asked, but it seems they weren't in the mood for small talk.

"I don't have much time." They said plainly, handing me a glass of water they held.

Only now realizing how parched my throat was, I snatched it instantly, downing the contents and soothing my rocky throat.

"Do you see what I mean now?" Tsuyo said as I finished the water. "When I said you're in danger?"

Absolutely! Don't have to tell me twice. Or a third-fourth-fifth time...

The bottom line is, I've been an idiot...

"I'm sorry." I closed my eyes guiltily. "About everything. I was...I was being incredibly stupid."

Tsuyo seemed relieved about my change of heart, letting their stiff shoulders relax with a sigh. "If you're truly sorry, then leave and never come back."

They said the words with a stand offish tone. But, I could hear the concern laced underneath.

"I don't think I can anymore..." I started out, blinking my eyes and causing the color to instantly disappear from my vision again.

Every movement feels like my mind is playing tricks on me. It feels like I'm going crazy.

"Gah. E-Everything's...colorless again." I muttered, gripping the sides of my head in frustration.

Tsuyo didn't seem the least bit surprised, nodding softly.

"I know."

'I know,' meaning they must have experienced it, too. Maybe even still experiencing it.

"Does it ever come back?" I rubbed my eyes, feeling the colors in the room fading in and out of my sight.

They shrugged and looked down at their own gloved hand, seeming as if they were testing it for themselves. "Sometimes. When you've had it as long as me, it doesn't come back very often. Colors. Paintings. Art. Beauty. Everything you once loved loses vibrancy and meaning. That's the whole point."

I furrowed my brows sadly, but not for my situation. For them, having to live through this torture for so long.

I've only been experiencing it for a few days and I'm about to lose my sanity over it.

Mistaking the reason for my upset, Tsuyo tried to be more positive.

"But, you haven't had it as long as me. He gave you one session, and yes it was a tough session, by the looks of it. But, it takes multiple to actually break into your limbic system-specifically, the hippocampus and amygdala are his favorite targets."

I nodded, gasping in panic when Endeavor's black eyes instantly invaded my vision for only a flashing second.

"I'm...seeing things, too."

Once again, Tsuyo didn't seem surprised, having an answer for everything.

"It's all your biggest fears." They explained. "He pulls them from the root of your brain one by one, displaying them on the surface until he knows every single one for himself. Then he uses them against you every chance he gets. It's part of how he's able to keep control of you."

Suddenly, things began making more sense. Especially, the most recent conversation I just had with Midas a few moments ago.

"You're alone, Violet. You have no one."

He reiterated that multiple times. Because being alone has always been one of my biggest fears and he must know that now.

He must know all of them. That's why mother....

Not only does Midas know my biggest fears. He's also the conductor behind my worst nightmares. These hallucinations.

"How do I stop them?" I muttered softly, feeling on edge for when the next hallucination would appear.

"Try to keep your heart rate down and stay calm. The more frantic your brain becomes, the more the hallucinations will become triggered." Tsuyo said.

I nodded and inhaled deeply, trying to relax myself before they hesitantly added something.

"But, also...possibly....confronting them." Their voice was quieter, seeming as if the task sounded daunting.


They nodded, but still seemed unsure.

"Because I don't know for sure. I've never had the courage to try it myself. But, he creates the hallucinations specific to your biggest fears. If you confront all of them, the hallucinations might not be able to get to you anymore." They admitted. "But, the more he uses the jewel therapy, the harder it is to make the hallucinations disappear."

Unease stirred in my stomach at the knowledge, knowing I probably had a time limit for how long I should stick around here.

At some point, it will be too late. I'll be trapped here and under his control forever.

"How are we supposed to escape?" I said, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"There's no 'we.'" They instantly corrected, causing me to sigh in annoyance.

"Tsuyo, you can't stay here. The man is nuts-as you know-and he's getting worse-"

"I can't leave yet."

"Why?!" I exclaimed, feeling my chest tighten in sorrow.

After everything Tsuyo's done for me....after the person they've proven themselves to be....I'd never forgive myself for leaving them behind.

"I told you. There's something I need to do first." They said lowly, balling their fist with determination.

I looked at them in confusion, still not understanding. "What is it? Like revenge?-"


Honestly, I was a bit taken aback. I wasn't expecting them to admit it so openly.

But, more than that, I wasn't expecting Tsuyo to be a person fueled by such raw anger for another individual. Even if I know they have emotions, I thought they were more composed than that.

It's reckless. That doesn't fit them.

"...against who? Midas?" I asked, causing them to instantly shake their head.

"No. That's between me and the person."

Revenge. No matter where I go or who I talk to, it always seems to be so prominent in someone's life.

And if I've learned anything from it, it's that it never ends well. Ever.

"Listen, whoever it is, it's not worth losing your life over." I said, feeling a deja vu of this conversation. "Trust me, I know."

"That single moment is the only thing I have to live for." Tsuyo admitted, looking down at the floor through their mask. "It's the only reason I've come this far and suffered so long-"

"So find something new to live for."

As I said the words, my mind instantly drifted to the one person I love more than anything.

My shoulders slumped as Touya's once bright smile crumpled to ash, only to rebuild itself on a foundation of hatred and evil called 'Dabi.'

He didn't become it alone. I know that.

He made a lot of mistakes on his own. I think he knows that, too.

"Living for revenge...just means you've already died." I said softly, looking down at the ground with Tsuyo. "It gives you nothing but pain and misery."

"So long as that person dies with me, then I'll manage." They stated stubbornly, before their jewel necklace caught my attention.

It was glowing, with flecks of orange and black most prominent.

"He's poisoning your head, too." I gestured to the necklace, shaking my head knowingly. "You keep saying I'm the naive one. But, he's manipulating you. Into staying. Into hungering for this revenge. He knows what's inside your head. He knows exactly what to say."

They sighed stressfully, face palming slightly as they knew I was right. But, the jeweled necklace only glowed brighter around their neck, no doubt making them suffer.

"Tsuyo, we both know that whatever he promised you...isn't real." My words came out carefully. "It's all an illusion. Just like him-"

"I'm choosing to stay here, Violet."

"No, you're not." I said tearfully. "You are a prisoner. Not just in body, but in mind. It's not too late to change. To rediscover yourself and remember who you are-"

"Midas will spend all day and night looking for that book." They instantly changed the subject, causing me to slump in defeat against the wall. "I suggest you plan your escape within that time. Once the reality sets in that he won't be getting it back, he'll speed up the jewel therapy in a panic and never let you out of his sight."

I said nothing as they quickly stood up, only speaking when they approached the door.


"I'll do what I can to help you get out." They interrupted again, keeping their back to me with the next words. "After that....I won't be seeing you again."

I bit down on my lip at the words. They hurt me more than I ever would have realized.

Tsuyo. Me...


We're all so much more alike than we realize. Touya's story of revenge never ended well and mine didn't either. Tsuyo won't be any different, and it's heartbreaking to know that and watch them go through with it anyways.

"That makes me very sad to hear." I said raspily, looking down at my lap.

They opened the door, surprising me with their parting, honest words that really solidified their own life was so far out of their control...

"Me too, Violet. Me too."

Touya POV:

The sunlight was dying.

Perhaps this would be the last time I'd see it. Maybe it would be tomorrow. We just never know when we're gonna croak, huh?

But, with the shit I've found out lately, ain't no way I'll be the one to die before that jeweled piece of shit.

I held the stolen book up in the dying embers of light, smoking the last cigarette I had on the window sill of my hotel room.

Ten months worth of plans. Information...details...all of it, written on these very pages. Apparently. Something that I can easily see became Jeweled Bitch's lifeline...

His pretentious little life rests in my dirty hands. If there's a God out there, that guy must be laughing just as hard as I am right now.

I know jeweled bitch probably realizes the book is missing by now, and I don't wanna risk him finding it before I have a chance to destroy it.

But, my god, what a sneaky bastard he is! Actually, after what I've found out, what a smart bastard he is-or was.

Even those genius types slip up eventually. All that brains and where did it get him? Nowhere. Moral of the story is, education is shit and arson is the answer. Yeah, let's go with that.

Now it all makes sense. Why he wanted Violet by his side so desperately. Why he wanted to control her. Why he worked so hard to be her 'ally.'


Because he was simply afraid of her this whole time.

With the handcuff starting to find a permanent home on my wrist, I swiped a match across the ledge I sat under, opening the book to the most important pages.

His writing was messy on the page, contradicting the clean cut person he shows himself to be on the surface. But, still, the words....were clear as day...

Violet Sasaki - Crystal Samples

Violet's crystals have the ability to neutralize my jewels with external attacks.

It's why she and Dabi didn't die when getting hit with my purple jewel.
Samples reveal we share two of the same compounds in our quirks.
Chemical reaction codes to overpower crystals:
Qwr938420 - FAILED
Li90282i2 - FAILED
AM294885 - PARTIAL Fail-

I held the tip of the match's flames to all the precious codes and formulas he'd carefully constructed over...who knows how long, watching the fire eat away at all that hard work.

When was he gonna share with the class that Violet's crystals have the ability to neutralize his quirk? Especially, with Grape herself?

Cowards never admit their weaknesses out loud. I know that firsthand.

I watched the paper turn to dust, falling from my fingertips and onto the floor as I turned to the next page with a smirk.

Violet's Personality:
Skittish. Scares easily (don't yell). Very insecure (give validation every moment possible). Be patient. She responds well to smiles. Clearly seeking a father figure.
Dabi is a distraction-

I chuckled at that one, finding the irony amusing as I burned the page, tossing the remnants of it to the floor, before airing out more of his business-or, Violet's business, I should say...

...perhaps, the most important part to getting her out of his hold...

Violet's Deceased Forensic Evidence
Even after reviving the deceased, the crystals in her bloodstream continue to neutralize the jewels I placed there (why???)
Placing the jewels in her bloodstream was the only way I could better dictate her actions for my cause.
MUST give her jewel therapy everyday to ensure my jewels don't become absorbed fully.
Full absorption means I won't be able to control her anymore.
Chemical compound codes my jewels MUST follow for therapy:


"Say goodbye to your little codes..." I mused to myself, lighting the page on fire with a grin.

Jewels That Work Best On Violet:
Gold amplify
Onyx control
Orange illusion-

"Ohhh ho, you're just too trusting in yourself." I clicked my tongue with mock discipline.

He has many different colored jewels, but always conveniently keeps their specific powers a secret. Well, he just gave away three to the man who wants to kill him the most.

After lab testing, Tsuyo's quirk might be able to neutralize Violet's crystals.

"Byeee..." I lit the code on fire, instantly tossing the remainder of the book to the floor before flicking the match on top.

Ribbons of velvety orange ate up the remaining pages, melting the carefully constructed ink from the paper until it no longer existed.

So many codes. So many secrets. So many ways he made himself so vulnerable and reliant on this book.

In his mind, he was smart. No one would ever be ballsy or calculated enough to go into his special drawer. You'd have to be a moron, right?

Good thing Akio and I are as fucking dumb as they come.

I watched the remaining pages of the book die below me, resting my head back against the wall.

I've just destroyed the heart of his existence. The rest should be fairly easy. One can't live without a heart for very long.

It was just me, myself, and I in this room. Akio was gone when I woke up, so it looks like it's just me going back for seconds at jeweled bitch's place.

I could give him a call and tell him the plan. But, I figured he's had enough. He wasn't much help last night anyways. Cowering like a little bitch and all.

Normally, being alone is when I do my dirtiest work. It's when my demons control me and sabotage everything.

But, right now, I've never felt more clarity in my life, reflecting on what the next twenty four hours would hold for me.

I'm not a hero. Clearly. That's always been my biggest failure, hasn't it?

But, I am one stubborn son of a bitch. I always feel things stronger than everyone else and that's always been something I despised about myself.

And, yet it's the only thing keeping me going right now. My mind is hyper focused, unable to think about anything but going into that mansion and bringing her home.

Home. Home....

What home? I'm not really sure. I've never been good at this stuff. The definition of home has been tainted for both of us. For as long as I've been alive, I've never known what 'home' means.

But, we all move to a new place at some point in our lives. Perhaps it's time to find a new home. One that fits both of us and what we became.

Looking down at my injured leg, I swiped the roll of gauze off the space next to me, wrapping it around my thigh one more time for good measure.

Kinda regretting not letting Recovery Bat finish up her wrinkly kisses last night. I'm still injured from that fight.

Not that it matters. I know better than anyone I'm in no shape for a fight right now. Not only is my leg fucked, but also my diabolical state of mind I always prided myself on.

Dabi's had countless fights in his lifetime. But, this will be Touya's first. Who knows what kind of a fighter that jackass will be.

I don't know what I'll be walking into when I return to that mansion for a final time tonight. But, Midas' words still echoed strongly into my head...

"The next time you come here, Violet will kill you."

It's been twelve hours since then. I can't imagine what he's done to her since then, so maybe he's right.

So be it. I deserve it more than anything at this point.

But, if it's really her I have to fight...

I looked to my handcuff once more, ensuring it was locked around my wrist tightly.

...then this will be the very first fight in my life...that I don't use fire.

You're my weakness, Grape. The only thing in this world that can bring me to my knees with a single look. There's no way I'd ever fight you.

The demons between us have run rampant for too long. Ten years and counting.

You and me...

Tonight is the night we finally put them to rest.

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