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Last time on Origins....

    "You have life Origins..."

Back to the story....

    I blinked. What?! I have...... Life Origins? Darn! I wish I could've been an elemental user! Those are more cool! The figure chuckled. "Don't fret, child. Life users can heal and use nature to their advantage. You'll enjoy it in due time.... Oh! I must take my leave now! Remember! Dawn your legacy and never forget your Origins!" The figure said. In a flash, I was back home with Minerva shaking me.

Dawn your legacy.......never forget your Origins....


"Noah?!! Where are you?!?" I yell through the house. I could hear him giggle. We were in a heated match of Hide n Seek and he was winning. "I'll tell you where I am if you use my real name!" He shouts. I roll my eyes. He never did like the name "Noah" so he decided to give himself a new name. "Swaggy! Swaggy Swaggington?!! Oh where are you, Swaggy?" I say, acting along.

He pops out of the closet. "Here I am!" He squeals. I chuckled. "Oh! I caught you! Ahh!" I say. He tackles me. We both roll out onto the floor in a giggling mess.

Noah-- Er Swaggy gets up off the floor and sighs. He goes and sits next to the window sill, staring wistfully at the falling snow outside.

He then eyes the kids playing out in the field, Next to the town square. His bright, glowing red eyes reflected off of the frosted window.

He turned and looked at me, longingly. I know he wants to go play with the rest of the kids...... I know he wants to be normal...

But....... I'm afraid he'll get bullied. Lady Carol told me about how he will develop magic powers called 'Origins'. Despite him being special and having Origins, kids at this age are so shallow. They only care about what you look like..... And since young kids associate red things with evil..... It'll be tough for him to make friends.

I always want him to feel special. Plus..... I wouldn't want him being around other kids when his Origins show up. That would be a disaster.

Come to think of it..... It's kinda interesting to think of what kind of Origins he would have. Could be shape shifting, light, dark, telekinesis, fire, water, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Though he does want to go outside....

An idea popped into my head.

"Hey, How about you and me go out, bud?" I suggested. His face lit up.

"R-Really???" He asked, Astonished. I chuckled and ruffled his dark brown hair.

"Of course."

"WHEEE!" 'Swaggy' squealed as he rolled around in the snow. He then sat up, stars in his eyes. He tugged on my sleeve.

"Dad! Look!" He said, pointing towards the well.

He faced me.

"C-can I go play by the well?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Sorry, Bud. I don't want you slipping in..." I said. He stuck out his bottom lip.

"Shawn! Shawn!" I heard someone call. I turn my back on Swaggy to see Lady Carol bounding towards me.

"M'lady! What is!?" I ask, my hand by my sword sheath. She waved a few papers In front of my face.

"I think I found answers about Swaggy's Origins! He has----" Lady Carol was interrupted by a loud scream.

I spin around as my eyes widen in horror. I see tiny foot prints leading towards the well.

"NOAH!" I bellow out as I run towards the well.

My heart was pounding against my chest as I looked into the well. I felt my breathing become unsteady when I see Swaggy at the bottom of the well, Struggling to keep afloat.

"Here!" Lady Carol said, handing me a rope coil. I tie one end to the wooden pole supporting the top and lower the rope.

"NOAH! GRAB ONTO THE ROPE!" I yelled. His head bobbed to the top of the water. Noah's hands desperately grabbed for the rope. I winced as I heard him try to take large gulps of air in. The icy water must be too much for him.

Noah's small hands finally got a grip on the rope. I clasped the rope with my calloused hands and started pulling him up.

I have the rope halfway up.

"SHAWN! I'M SLIPPING" Noah said.

"JUST HOLD ON!" I beg. I cannot loose him....

Oh Notch...

Please no.....

"SHAWWNN!!" Noah yells as I feel the rope become lighter. My eyes widen as he lets go of the rope, plummeting into the water below.

"NNOOAAAH!" I scream, his head not bobbing up to the surface. I slam my head onto the cobblestone.

"Notch.... No..... Please..... Not again..." I choke out, a lump forming in my throat.

Tears slip out effortlessly.

I heave another breath as I sob.

Not again...... I can't go through this again.... Please Notch....

All of a sudden, The ground started rumbling.

It started out a a soft shake, but grew into a mild trembling.

The cobblestone became warm...... Then became hot. I jump back and look towards Lady Carol with a puzzled look. 

With a burst of light, Something burst out of the well. My jaw dropped as I saw Noah in the air, a pair of fiery wings jetted out from his back.

His red eyes looked inflamed, the amulet around his neck glowing bright.

The wings suddenly disappeared and he fell onto the snow.

"Noah!!!" I rush to his side. His clothes were smoldering and his face scorched.

"Fire Origins...." Lady Carol whispered.

Noah coughed and smiled weakly.

"It's Swaggy. Swaggy Swaggington."

    Author's Note


So sorry for the delay, I started this chapter a month ago and never finished.

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