Chapter 13

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"Why are you sad?" Norman asked, gazing up at Tiberius. Growling irritably, the old hawk hissed, "I told you to get out of my shed!" He glared at the young guinea pig with his tear brimmed eyes. Norman remained seated as he questioned, "Did someone say something mean to you? Are you hurt?"

"Are you deaf? Get out! That's your last warning!" Tiberius snapped, snarling. How dumb could this guinea pig be?! Other animals would be running for the hills by now so why not this stupid creature? The old hawk gave the guinea pig his back. Undeterred, Norman scurried around and stood face to face with Tiberius as he squeaked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

"That's it!" Tiberius shouted. With a shriek, he struck. Norman quickly found himself pinned to the bone covered floor. He tried to free himself but he was stuck underneath the hawk's talons. His light brown eyes flashing red with anger, the red tailed hawk spat, "I warned you. Now you're gonna pay!" He raised his other foot, ready to strike.

"No! Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" Norman squealed. He raised his tiny paws, shielding his face. He trembled in fear, waiting for the blow to come. It never did though. Opening his eyes, he saw Tiberius staring down at him with... pity? Regret? Confusion perhaps? "Hey," he mumbled, "Are you okay?"

"Shut up!" Tiberius screeched. Releasing his hold of Norman, he shrieked, "Just get out and leave me alone!" Whirling around, he slammed the side of his head against the wooden wall of the shed. Biting back a hiss of pain, he laid down on the floor, his anger spent.

Watching in silence, Norman quietly crept over to Tiberius. He could see a tiny bit of blood where he had hit his head. Sniffing the wound, the guinea pig squeaked, "Wait here." With that, he dashed outside towards the small garden. Searching among the herbs, he found what he was looking for. Grabbing a few leaves, he began chewing them into a poultice as he raced back to the shed.

"What are you doing?" Tiberius growled, hearing Norman coming back. Spitting out the poultice onto his paws, Norman replied, "I'm helping you." He then began rubbing the poultice onto the hawk's head wound. Hissing, Tiberius grimaced in pain. "I know, it stings," Norman admitted, "But it's good for you."

Huffing, Tiberius rested his chin on a rat skull. He silently watched Norman out of the corner of his eye. "Why are you even here?" the old red tailed hawk grumbled, "Shouldn't you be with your owner inside your apartment?" Finished with his task, Norman wiped his paws clean as he answered, "I got lost. I can't find my way back to my apartment."

"Oh..." Tiberius mumbled, his voice softening. He observed Norman as the guinea pig cleaned his paws. The young rodent seemed upset. He missed his owner. The hawk knew he would too if they switched places. Looking away, he sighed softly. "Norman, is it?" he murmured. When the guinea pig nodded his head, the old hawk continued, "You can stay the night."

"Really?!" Norman squeaked in surprise. Gesturing outside, Tiberius muttered, "Unless you want to go looking for your apartment this late at night, be my guest!" Without another word, the red tailed hawk went towards the back of the shed. "Thank you!" Norman remarked cheerfully. Tiberius grunted in reply.

Laying down on the bone covered floor, Tiberius was about to close his eyes when Norman curled up beside him. Lifting his head, the old hawk growled, "When I said you can stay here, that didn't mean you can invade my personal space!" Yawning sleepily, Norman rested his head against the hawk's shoulder as he mumbled, "Good night Tiberius, sweet dreams."

Eyes widening with surprise, Tiberius glanced over at Norman. The young guinea pig was fast asleep already. Looking away, the old red tailed hawk shuddered. He was rarely shown kindness from other animals, especially rodents. They hated his guts. This guinea pig was different from all of the others he ever met. Curling up around Norman, Tiberius sighed softly and closed his eyes. Moments later, he was fast asleep too.

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