Chapter 1:

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"Mum....Dad....can you hear me?Please wake up!Please your the only family I have!"Nick cries,but there was no answer,they were gone,"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!I'LL KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU MONSTER HUNTERS!RAAAAOOOORRR!"Nick shouts with rage flowing through his blood,he had no longer have human eyes but instead he had reptilian eyes,then he runs towards the nearest hunter then both his hands turns into sharp black reptilian claws that Nick uses to scratch the hunter that he was running towards,

"Monster!"The leader of the hunters shouts,then suddenly Nick grew a black tail that was a 5 meter long and uses it to wack the hunter next to him to the wall,"Your mine monster!"the leader shouts as he charges towards Nick with a nife at hand,Nick grows fangs and doges the attack then bites the leaders arm that he was using to hold the nife,the leader screams in pain and said to the others to retreat,Nick Fell to his knees then his tail,claws and fangs disappears,Nick is now tired after the fight so he blacks out next to his parents corpse.

A young lady that was passing by during the fight has entered the house,and was shocked by the  two corpses on the floor and a boy with brown curly hair which is Nick lying down tired next to the corpses,the lady carries Nick by the waste into a gray van that was parked in front of the house that was next to Nick's house,when Nick was at the back of the van and the lady in the driver's seat the van started to move,

"I hope he likes his new home in the orphanage?"The lady said to her self nervously."Luis,I know your here."The lady said,then a A teenage boy with black hair and simple black glasses apears next to the lady,

"I thought I was doing well for a moment."The teenaged boy replied with a emotionless tone,"By the way,how did you know I was here when I was invisible?"The boy asks emotionlessly,

"I saw your shadow on the car seat."The lady answers while she was still focusing on the road,

"Oh...."The boy replies,"I'll keep in mind of that,but who's the other guy at the back?"He questions,

"I found him lying down next to two corpses which I think is his parents in the house that a group of monster hunters were running out of,the strange thing is that some of them had bruises and large deep scratches,the leader of the group had a bite mark on one of his arm,and I think the boy at the back had done all of that."The lady replies,

"You think he could be one of us?"The boy asks,

"Yes that's why I am bringing him to the orphanage."

"I have never seen a person like us to do so much damage,we usually just have harmless abilities that makes us different,but we have never have able to use our abilities to hurt others."

"I know.But maybe he can control his power."

"Well whatever power he possesses."

"Good point,but let's wait when we get back home,then we can think about what power he possesses." 

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