Chapter 2

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"Ugh...."Nick groans,the lady and the boy named Luis had taken Nick to their orphanage since his parents had been murdered by the monster hunters,Nick blacked out after scaring the hunters away with his unexpecting powers,but now Nick was lying down on a couch which is in the living room,

"Look he's waking up!"Shouts a boy,

"Wha-what?....Where am I....and who are you people?"Nick asks while waking up,then a lady went towards Nick and said,

"I am Rain,and welcome to the orphanage."Nick looks around the room than back to Rain,

"Wait why am I in an orphanage?!"Nick shouts,

"Do you not remember that your parents are dead?"Rain asks,then suddenly a shot of pain went through Nick's body,when the pain stops he remembers everything,

"I remember now!I told them that I would kill every single one of them,so I ran to the nearest hunter and....."Nick explain before pausing,

"And?"The boy with glasses asks,

"Then both  my arms became black reptilian claws,and I used it to scratch the hunter that I was running to."Nick replies,

"...."The boy with glasses didn't respond,everyone was staring at Nick to continue,but Nick was to scared to tell the rest of the story,but he took a deep breath and continued telling the story,

 "Then I grew a black tail and whacked the hunter next to me,then the leader ran towards me with a knife,but I dogged it and grew fangs and I bite the leaders arm that he was using to hold the knife so they retreated,then I fell to my knees and my tail,claws and fangs disappeared and I blacked out."Nick finished,everyone was silent until Rain broke the silence,

"I'm sorry about your parents.So I hope you like your new family."Rain said with a smile,Nick smiles back,"Now gather around everyone,we will say our names and what are our abilities are okay?But one at the time."With that said everyone in the room surrounds Nick,then a boy with blond hair and purple eyes spoke first,

"Hi I'm Ray,and I can change my hair and my eyes to any colour I'd like!"Ray shouts,next was a girl with brown long hair wearing a pair of brown glasses,

"Hi I'm Silk,and I can turn into a yellow butterfly."She explains,next was Luis,

"I'm Luis I can turn invisible."He says emotionless,next was a boy with black hair and was wearing a necklace with a cross on it,

"I'm Cross and I can creat mist."He says with his arms crossed,next was a boy with black hair with blue eyes,

"Hi I'm Leaf the oldest here in the orphanage,and my ability is to glow in the dark."Nick asks Leaf how old he was,"I'm 16,how about you?How old are you?"Leaf asks,

"I'm 14."Nick replies,Leaf nods,next was a blonde girl she was much younger than Nick,

"Um....hi I'm Dimond,and I can understand animals."She said with a nervous tone,Nick smiles at her and says,

"You don't have to be nervous around me,I won't hurt you."Diomond smiles back to Nick and nods,then Nick looks at Rain and asks,"Rain you haven't told me your ability?"

"Well right now I'm 87 years old,I have the ability to make myself look young,strong and I can live for as long as I want,it feels like a curse for me."Rain explains,

"Sorry I asked."Nick apologies,Rain smiles at Nick,

"Don't be."Nick nods,"Well who wants dinner?"

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