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Taehyung was wide awake, leaning to the bed as he watched the girl who was squirming under the blanket, practically pulling it off him. He didn't bother pulling it back as his sleep was long gone, only a smirk adorning his face. He was noticing her silly habits while sleeping, her lips forming a big pout and her licking her lips once in a while. He could say that, she was not any different from an angel.

He was feeling so at peace, a warmth of being next to the person who makes him feel home. That didn't last long as she woke up, shaking the man next to her like no tomorrow. Her eyes were still shut tight but the determination to wake Taehyung up was so evident in her strength. He was practically jerking in the bed, holding to the side for a balance.

"Breakfassttt." She whined while pushing him more.

"It's too early for breakfast." He huffed looking at the wall clock which showed ten past one.

"I am huuungrryyy. You promised to make breakfast for me." She was stirring in the bed, shaking her head to move the sticky bed hair off her face.

"But I did a lot of work too and I barely slept." Taehyung sulked, as he pretended to lay back on the bed.

"Noooo, I am hungry." She said pushing him off the bed.

"Ouch, my backk!" The man groaned as he rolled off the bed, landing on the floor.

"Thats how I feel about my back too. Now just keep your words and cook me something, Tae." She spoke finally opening her eyes, rubbing it aggressively to get a clear vision.

"I can see t-that....ouch...but if your back hurts this bad in a dream, what would the reality be?"

He smirked, sitting up as he kept his hands over the bed next to her side and resting his chin on top of it. Grace crocked her eyebrows as she looked at the man, trying to drag herself out of the damn sleep. Taehyung's eyes were still on her as a small smile was plastered over his happy face which confused her even more. Grace gulped down as she shuffled a little in the bed, lifting the blanket to burrow her head inside.

"Fully dressed." He said loud knowing what she was trying to do.

The moment those words slipped his mouth, she tightened the blanket over her not having any plan to show up. She was embarrassed, cheeks flushed red and every hair in the body stood up as her stomach cried. Does that mean, he did n-nothing? They didn'y do it at all and it was all just a dream? It can never be, right? Shit! This was beyond embarrassment as now Taehyung might know what had happened but how can he invade a dream?

"Your dream was a little loud, princess." His voice yet again lathered the wound.

How does he always know what she is thinking? Grace was stuck, not knowing how to react whether to apologize to him or ignore his existance or maybe act like she doesn't know what he is talking about? The third one is worth a try but he just revealed that he heard her, so is that not a lame try? She wanted to slap the life out of her soul for being this perverted but he seduced her, that is her defense. Taehyung was still waiting for her to uncover the blanket as he knew she was clearly blushing inside, taking the comfort of a layer of cloth.

Just as he was about to get up, to give her some space...he heard something unexpected. It was not loud but the room was pitch silent and the only disturbance in the air was their breathing and the ticking of the wall clock. His eyes widened as he inched closer to her to check if his ears were betraying him or if it was true. Fuck! He heard it again, it was loud and clear this time and he regretted his taunts. His princess was crying, and Taehyung was never allowing that.

"Grace? Wh-whats wrong?" He asked shaking her a little, still not sure about the blanket as he knew she needed a covering now.

"G-go away." She mumbled, moving away from his hold to the other side of the bed.

"Just c-come out, what happened?"

"Le-leave me al-alone." She continued crying, but it was evident that she was just flustered.

"I am sorry, Grace. I didn't mean to tease you. Please stop crying, I am here." He said pulling her up, causing the blanket to slip off.

"N-noo." She covered her face, not ready to expose her pink flushed face to the man's intense gaze.

"It is fine, baby. It is just me, you know that the least I want is you to be uncomfortable around me." He drew circles on her back, stroking her hair softly.

"I a-am sorry. I d-dont k-know why I h-had such a...."

"Relax...take deep breathes. There is nothing to be sorry as long as it was about me." He grinned, trying to play cool earning a weak hit on his chest.

"S-stop making fun of me." She whined, rubbing her face on his chest.

"I am not, I can totally agree that I enjoyed every bit of it. Now that I know what you need." He chuckled, hugging her tight.


Taehyung was busy that evening as Grace was not ready to face him properly so decided to binge watch some series in the bedroom. He didn't try to persuade her as he had to finish off some work where he didn't want her attention to be fixed. Taehyung was in his old bedroom, the room which held so much memories which turned to nightmares. The room which makes him go back to his cursed past, the memories which turned him to a breathing vegetable for five years.

"Time to get rid of everything." He spoke, taking a deep breath while staring at the photos and other things which had their photos printed.

He pulled out the photo cards and polaroids from the bulletin board, breaking the light strings across the room with no care. This didn't require gentleness at this point, he had cried enough to the point none of the emotions were left. The days when he refused to even step outside or show his face to his concerned friends and family. He believed, he would die in that room sooner or later rather than walking out like a loser.

"I was dumb." He huffed, throwing the photo frames into the box and pulling out the pillow covers.

He first thought about burning the whole room or asking someone to get rid of everything. But would that give him the satisfaction? Will that make him feel better or help him to realize if he had completely moved on or if she could still crumble him down. Every time he tried, the courage in him oozed out that he had to stop midway but now, he was sure. He knew holding onto past will not only hurt him but also the efforts of Grace who changed him.

It took him a lot of time to check each and every corner of the room, nothing about her should remain. He didn't want Grace to know about anything, atleast not now when she didn't clearly open up about her feelings. He packed the box and taped it with a whole set of duct tape as if he was sealing it forever. Once he was done, he sat down and pulled out a vape from his pocket as he quit cigerattes. Just as he was about to take a blow, a knock was heard on the door.

"Hyung, you can come in." Taehyung said as he knew who it was.

"Good evening, Tae. What are you doing here?" Jin asked, as he walked into the room.

"What do you think I am doing?"

"Woahh, you got rid off everything? The room looks so good that I can shift here today itself." Jin said amazed as he never expected the younger to take this bold step.

"I am getting rid of almost everything. I want you to dispose this for me, somewhere so far that it will never return to us."

"Why not? I can even travel till Antartica for this." Jin chuckled as he sat beside the younger.

"I doubt that."

They both spend some time talking and catching up on the things that were happening. Jin is his safe place since as long as he can remember. Jin was his senior from school, the one who helped him throughout whether it was with advices or even with actions. Taehyung was a very bright student which earned him the name of a nerd that students never approached him. He didn't want it either but at times it became too lonely for him and he was scared to find anyone to stay with.

Jin found him one day by fate, by the basketball court as the boy was just bouncing the ball in the empty ground. Jin was not alone, his friend was there too but he was more silent and didn't initiate a conversation and that was Min Yoongi. Jin offered to play with Taehyung even though the younger hesitated a little in the start. Soon they started meeting up in the court and after few weeks, Taehyung bonded with the other two. Yoongi slowly started warming up, teaching basic tricks of basketball to the younger.

He could have spoke about Jennie to Yoongi as well but the older was busy with his life. He makes music and is pretty famous that Taehyung believed Yoongi needed a calm mind state always and butting in his life might kill the mood. So it was Jin, he was the one who started noticing the younger's strange behavior from the day Jennie stepped in. It was not a very long term relationship. Taehyung was just twenty two that time and Jin had warned him that he was too young for it.

Taehyung protested, saying he knew what he wanted in life and it was a happy life with Jennie. Jin didn't try to upset the younger but warned him to not get too involved in the mess of love as he had a bright future ahead. The day, he found how Jin's warnings came true...he knew just one thing, a place to cry. That is how he ended up crying on Jin's shoulder the whole night and the older could only pity.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin stepped into his life later, almost an year after Jennie left him. Jimin was Taehyung's same age which quickly made them close or something about Jimin wanted Taehyung to trust him with everything. They were colleagues, the company with which Taehyung and Jin once signed a deal and that is how Jin recognized Namjoon. They were school mates in middle school and slowly Jin pushed these new people into Taehyung's life.

Jeon Jungkook, he joined an year later than them which means just three years ago. He randomly applied for a job in Taehyung's company and showed off his skills which couldnt go unnoticed. Jungkook was a workaholic as Taehyung could say, that promoted him to the post of his personal secretary. Taehyung adored the younger, after all Jungkook was the only one who obeyed Taehyung whole heartedly. Jungkook was just twenty two when he joined the company and his big doe eyes always screamed for assurance.

Taehyung was just thinking about all this as he comfortably sat next to Jin, looking outside at the garden. Jin had a small smile when he noticed that Taehyung had spaced out yet again, something which he does when totally feeling safe. After few minutes of complete silence, Jin decided to leave as he had to travel down to Busan for a client meeting. He took the box with him and walked out, followed by Taehyung.

"Younjae, keep this in the car." Jin said as he handed over the box to the man.

"Thank you for always being there, hyung." Taehyung smiled contently.

"Thank you for being my old Taehyung again. I missed you." Jin hugged the younger for a brief and pressed a gentle kiss on his temple.

"You have to thank someone else for that." Taehyung chuckled.

"You were about to kill her few weaks ago. Look how the plot changed, you are blushing at her thought now."

"I did worse than that to her, hyung. Now this is my time to repend those mistakes." Taehyung said with a tight smile.

"You deserve happiness, Tae and I am glad you found it. I am so glad you are letting go off the past too, I really was praying for this day. Once I am back, I will meet the girl whom I owe a ton for giving you back." Jin patted Taehyung hair before bidding a goodbye.

Once Jin left, Taehyung was relieved as a gallon of weight was lifted off his shoulder. No more past in his life, he is beginning it all new with someone he is starting to trust. He smiled to himself, plopping down on the couch and relaxing. His eyes closed as his mind rewinded how she snuggled into him every night to be comfortable. How she smiles and makes jokes with him knowing how hard he was to deal with. He was glad, she was not scared of him as others. He was glad, she chose to stay.

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