He can't see her with someone else

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Shivay look at anika who is standing infront of daksh being lost in her thoughts. He crossed his fingers to hear no from her mouth. He don't want her to say yes. She can't do this with him. How can she cheat him like this. He tremble his lips suppressing his sobs looking at her with cloudy eyes. His heart is thumbing fastly like drum. His throat is paining because of suppressing his emotions. He look through his family and expect someone to speak behalf of him but there is non who could hear his heart or see his condition. He is alone fighting battle With heart. suddenly his breath stopped when he heard that which he didn't want to hear. She said yes. Yes she said yes to him without thinking about him whose breath has been stopped in his throat. He can't believe she said yes for him how could she how dare she do this to him how can she being so selfish.

Tia. Baby what happened why you are getting pale. Are you alright. Anika turns Swiftly and saw him standing having tears in his eyes. After seeing him she understood what's going on in his brain. His face is telling all the tale of his condition. She pressed her lips together and gave him stern look which pierced his heart more.

D. Wow it's looking so beautiful In your hand baby. He about to peck her hand but she pulled it back giving him week smile

Ani. Everyone are here daksh

D. So what baby. You are my fiancé now. He said pulling her closer making shivaay having heart pain in his chest. He is feeling like to pull this daksh in between of hall and beat him hell out of him till he dies. His hand curled in fist well his eyes got red being all angry and fuming.

Dadi. I'm so happy for you Anika beta she said caressing her hair lovingly. Anika free herself from his hold and give smile to her.

Ani. Thank you Dadi she said looking at shivaay who seems dying seeing all the scenario.

Om. Congratulations Anika

Ani. Thank you 😊

Ru. I always wanted her to be with you but you are such a stupid who lost a gem bhiya. He whispered in his ears standing besides him which is only audible to shivaay only. No one else can listen.

Shiv. She will be your Bhabi only he flick his hair and march towards Anika making rudra gulp in fear seeing aggression in his eyes. He can predict that what gonna happen next

Shiv. Won't you take congratulation from me Anika he hold her hand and peck her hand tightly making daksh angry. When he tried to kiss her she pulled it but for shivaay she didn't even move a bit.

Ani. thanks. She stammers giving him smile

Shiv. Now if everything is done so I guess party should be over. Thank you so much for coming. You people may go. All people look at each other and left from there in minute while place got empty leaving only family members there.

Daksh. Anika come I'll drop you at home

Ani. No actually I'll wrap up everything then will leave

D. Shall I help you

D. No it's ok

D. Ok fine I'm going to tell my friends and parents. When you will be free just let me know. Anika nods and left from there grabbing her bag. Soon all people left for their rooms leaving shivaay alone in the hall all angry like a hungry lion. who is ready to finish everything.

In garden Anika is Instructing people when suddenly shivaay comes there and started dragging her with him making her shock

Ani. What you doing shivaay let me go. But he didn't answer and kept pulling her with him having red face like bull. He pushed her in his room and locked the room Making her scared hell out of her.

Ani. Shivaay why did you bring me here. She said moving back looking at his face

Shiv.  It should be my question what you did outside

Ani. What I did she turn her face other side   Having stern face.

Shiv. Stop being innocent Anika and look at me here. He hold her chin and made her look at him.

Shiv. What you trying to do. How dare you to do engagement with him

Ani.  Why ? What's your problem.  I guess it's my life I can do whatever I feel like.  SHe twist her mouth turning her face away. Shivaay grit his teeth and punch on the wall making her close her eyes  tightly in fear.

Shiv. You are saying What's my problem Anika.    His voice crack  making her look in his eyes.

Ani.   Why you are feeling bad. I don't think so we had  any relationship  which  is making you feel insecure and feel heart broken

Shiv. What do you mean we have nothing between us. He said pulling her towards him holding her waist tightly

Ani. What you doing shivaay let me go. It's not right

Shiv. Yh why would you feel it right when you got engaged with that langoor

Ani. Mind your tongue shivaay. Don't forget you are talking  about my fiancé.

Shiv.  Oh fuck with your fiancé. I don't care. I will see how you marry him

Ani. I will do same the way you will do with tia.

Shiv. From where tia came between us

Ani.  First of all we have nothing between us second thing don't forget you are also going to marry with someone else. So I guess you shouldn't interfere in someone's  else life

Shiv. You are not someone else to me. He sobs cupping her face in his hands.

Ani.  Shivaay im getting late I wanna go home she jerk his hand and try to go but he hold her and throw her on the bed coming on top of her. Her breath stopped seeing his sudden action

Shiv. Don't you dare just don't you dare to move from here did you get that. He screams making her shudder in fear seeing his red eyes

Ani. Shivaay you are not doing right.  Please let me go. 

Shiv. No you are not going anywhere I won't let you

Ani. You have gone Insane shivaay.  I don't understand what get in your head that you are behaving like this. Stop being stupid

Shiv. You are ditching me

Ani. I'm not ditching you for god sake. I never had any relationship with you man why are you reacting like this.

Shiv.  Oh so now you are saying we didn't have anything between us.   Great just great I'm impressed Anika.

Ani. Shivaay stop looking at me with excused eyes. 

Shiv. Why , is it making you guilty

Ani. Stop this nonsense shivaay. You are getting married in a day and about me then I had to get settle as well  so if I did engagement then I don't think so it's big deal

Shiv. It's  big deal for me.  It isssss

Ani. You are getting mad I can't deal with you she try to go but he didn't let her and pin her with the bed making her sigh in defeat

Ani. What you want

Shiv. You

Ani. What about tia. Don't you wanna marry her 

Shiv. I I

Ani.  One second mr shivaay singh oberoi that's mean you wanna  marry tia and wanna keep me with you as well ha.

Shiv. I

Ani.  I'm not a filth or prostitute whom you would like to  keep and she would stay with you. I'm Anika and I've some self respect don't you dare even think to  treat me like this

Shiv. Shshsh how can you say about you like this

Ani. The way you can think. She rebuke making him squeeze her eyes tightly.

Shiv. I didn't think like that. You just are  assuming

Ani. Then  what you want.  What you want me to do

Shiv. Be with me. I promise I'll keep you like a delicate flower. He sobs placing a chaste kiss on her forehead

Ani. Shivaay what you doing

Shiv. I will keep you happy Ani. I'll give you everything which you craved for. He spoke placing soft kisses on her cheeks. Anika started breathing heavily under his soft touch.  He move down and kiss her nose then chin and atlast he peck her lips making close her eyes tightly

Shi.  I love you. He take her upper lip in his mouth and suck it little. Anika got shocked after hearing his sudden confession. She open her eyes and look at him with wide eyes.

Ani. What did you say she shudder looking at him with wide eyes.

Shiv. I said I love you ani I love you more than anything. He slide out her engagement ring from her finger and throw it in the corner

Ani. Shi she about to speak something but her words dead in her mouth when he placed  kisses on her palm to fingers

Shiv. You don't need this. You need this. He pulled out ring from his pocket and pushed a beautiful diamond ring in her finger.

Shiv. It's looking so beautiful in your hand he smile and kissed her hand tightly

Ani.  What you doing shivaay it's wrong.  She try to pull the ring out from her hand but he didn't let her and set up pulling her in his lap.

Shiv. You know today when I saw you I felt like to pull you and kiss you hell out of you. You are looking so beautiful he smiles interwind his fingers with her

Ani. Shivaay what you trying to do

Shiv. As if you don't understand.  He winks and carry her in his arms making her grasp

Ani. Put me down shivaay. It's wrong.

Shiv. Nothing is wrong.  Everything is fine Infect more than fine. He winks and put her down pulling her towards him.

Ani. Shivaay what is running in your brain.

Shiv. You in my brain in my heart in everywhere.

Ani. I'm engaged

Shiv.  Shshsh you are engaged to me only no one else. He kept hand on her lips closing her mouth. 

Anika bent her eyes down and  burst into tears being broken

Ani.why are you doing this

Shiv. How many time I've told you. I love you

Ani. What about your marriage with tia and my engagement with daksh

Shiv. We will call off simple

Ani. It's not simple

Shiv. It is and I will make it.  You just don't worry hmm he cup her face and place soft kiss on her forehead making her close her eyes tightly

Shiv. I'll make everything fine hmm. Anika nods and kept her head on his chest hugging his waist tightly.   

In morning

All people are doing breakfast when shivaay comes there holding Anika's hand. Daksh who were chitchatting with Omru he stopped looking at them interwinding their hands.

Tia.  Anika what you doing here with shivaay baby. Shivaay shows her hand and side hug Anika pulling her closer

Shiv. Mom dad I like Anika and it's not from today but since she cAme in this house but I couldn't tell you before to rhinkinb it's just attraction but now I guess it's high time I should accept that I love her.

P. You know what are you saying shivaay

Shiv. Yes mom I know what I'm saying and I want you all understand that I wanna marry her not tia

D. What nonsense is this. She is my fiancé. Anika why are you standing with him speak up

Ani. I actually

Daksh goes near her and hold her hand tightly squeezing it in his hand

Ani. Aaa what you doing

Shiv. Daksh hoe dare you he  pushed him away making him stumble back

Tia. Shivaay what you doing. I'm your fiancé for god sake

Shiv. I don't think so I wanna marry a already married woman he smirk

Tia. Matlb

Shiv.  Matlb I know your Truth tia and before I speak just get the hell out of this house

Tia. Baby I know you just mistaken but I won't blame you it's she only who filled your ears. I had told you she wanna separate us and look she is doing it.  I won't leave this bitch I he  about  to grab her when Shivay Comes in between and pushed her away

Shiv.  Don't just don't

D. Anika why are you silent  speak something

Ani.  I actually don't wanna marry you because

Shiv. Because she loves me and I guess you should back out now.  He said pushing him away keeping hand on his chest.

Tia.  Shivaay baby

Shiv. You are still here. Just leave from here before I call the police and Make arrest to your whole family.  Tia shudder in fear and immediately left from there saving her life.

D. She must be hiding something but not me. So how would you say me get out mr Shivaay Singh oberoi

Ani. Listen to me Daksh I

D. You just shut up bitch he screams pointing finger over her but soon whole mansion achoed with his voice when shivaay twisted his finger mercilessly breaking it

D. What the fuck you did how dare you aaaaa

Shiv. And how dare you to abuse my anika

D. She is my fiancé and I guess I can do whatever I want with her. You are none to stop me

Shi. She is not your fiancé for god sake. She never wanted to marry you

D. Oh really then look at her hand she got my ring. He hold her hand and try to show him but got shocked when he found another ring instead of his one. Shivaay smirk and come in between snatching her hand

Shiv. She is not engaged to you anymore infect she is to me. Now if you have a little shame then get out from here

D. I'll go with anika. She is coming with me

Shiv. Hath to laga ka dikha yahi Tod doo ga

D. Anika come with me don't listen him anika nods no and stood behind shivaay holding his arm

D. Anika you wanna be with him

Anika didn't speak and bend her eyes down

D. Good very good. You didn't do right thing anika I'll make sure you pay for it.

Shiv. Get out from here Daksh.

D. I will take my thing back just watch. I'll come back anika I will. He glare both of them and left from there

Ru. Hai bhiya such a good thing you did he goes towards him and hugged him tightly

Om. I'm so happy for you Shivaay.

D. I always wanted anika as my Bahu and look god listen to me. Anika smile and interwind hand with shivaay giving him smile

P. So when you both are planning to get marry

Shjv. When anika will say. He winks at anika side hugging her making her blush

P. Anika give date to us early so that we could start our preparation. Anika nods blushing deeply. Shivaay chuckle and place a soft kiss on her hand looking at ger face lovingly.

The end


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