Insecured anika

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Shivaay comes in his room and found Anika is wrapping up all mess which he made last night. From morning he is seeing her she is so silent and lost. Her chirpy Anika is just lost and not even laughing anymore. On breakfast table as well she didn't come and later she denied to have anything saying she already had it but he knows she didn't eat anything. She lied about it. He tried to talk to her but she just answered him in yes and no and left without giving him chance to say more. and now as well she seems sad and being affected by something. Suddenly his trance broke when he saw her picking up a bracelet from the floor. She looks up and down of it and give him marching toward him

An. Erm I guess that girl forgotten it here

Shi. Anika I I didn't mean to do all this last night. We had planned to just watch cricket and do little party I don't know when rudra called his girlfriends as well. I hadn't have any clue about it. I thought only boys are coming.

Ani. It's ok shivaay don't think about it.

Shiv. No ani it's wrong. I really didn't want to do it. I just

Ani. Shivaay stop giving justifications I don't need them. Anyways I've some work so I should leave now. She handed him bracelet and left from there before he says her something

Shiv. Anika listen he try to stop but she already left. Shivaay rub his forehead and got sad seeing her all gloomy and dull face. He is sure that she didn't like the way he did party with girls. And It's not even her fault. If he would had been on her place then might he would had thInk same. He bend his head down and feel so angry on himself for being so careless

In hall

d. Anika today I'm planning to do your dolki what's say.

Ani. No Dadi. Today I'm not feeling well so can we postpone for tomorrow she spoke in low voice holding her hand. Shivaay who was coming down stairs he stopped hearing her

D. What happened are you alright? She said caressing her hair.

Ani. Yh I'm fine just bit tired.

D. Ok take rest then.

Ani. Thank you Dadi. She gave her smile and left from there

Shiv. Dadi what happened to her

D. I don't know she said she is tired and all. Billu did you do something which hurted her

Shiv. Dadi wo I i

Ru. Bhiya he comes and hugged his neck squeezing him
Shiv. Argh rudra what you doing he remove his hold from him pushing him little

Ru. Don't be so cringy bhiya. What happened why you seems sad.

Shiv. Nothing

Ru. I've an idea for fixing your mood. Actually me and my friends are planning to go club so will you come with us. Last night you did quite fun with us so let's go

Shiv. Rudra already a big raita has been spread because of your stupid party I don't want one more.

Ru. What happened

Shiv. Nothing just leave me alone.

Dadi. Billu if he is saying then go na. Why are you stopping yourself

Shiv. Dadi I'm not in mood to do anything

Dadi. Ok as you say. She pet his back and left from there

Ru. Bhiya please let's go na please

Shiv. I don't wanna go rudra

Go with him. Anika spoke gaining his attention. He turn and found her standing in distance

Shiv. Anika I'm not going anywhere.

ani. It's ok go with him and do chill. It's won't affect anything

Shiv. What happened ani why are you behaving like this since morning

Ani. I'm fine you are over thinking

Shiv. I'm not over thinking  but you are the one who is behaving weird. Anika tell me what happened. Is there something which you didn't like? he spoke caressing her face lovingly 

Ani. No I'm fine. Just bit headache. Anyways you can go with him no one would say you anything

Ru. Bhabi what happened why I feel like something is bothering you

Ani. Nothing is bothering I'm fine. You people have fun she remove shivaay's grip and left from there

Ru. What happened to her bhiya

Shiv. It's all your mistake why did you call girls last night

Ru. I'vent call d them they came on their own bhiya.

Shiv. Yh good congratulations your carelessness hurting my Anika badly.

Ru. I didn't mean to hurt Bhabi bhiya. If you want I can say sorry to her

Shiv. No need first let me talk to her. I wanna know what exactly bothering her. He shakes his head and left from there ..

In room

Shivaay comes in his room but got confused when he didn't find her there. He thought she would be there but seems like she didn't come. He rub his temple and went towards guest room. He reached there and found her laying on the bed back facing him pulling her legs near her chest. Shivaay sighs and lay down besides her pulling her by her waist in back hug but she removed his grip and slide otherside. Shivaay again move closer her and pulled her keeping his face behind her head nuzzling in her hair.

Shiv. What happened baby why you seems sad. Tell me what's wrong.

Ani. Nothing happened she sniffs still looking otherside

Shiv. You are making me worried Ani. Will you tell me Kaya huva ha. It's making me really restless.

Ani. I said na nothing happened. I'm just missing Sahil. She suppress her sobs keeping hand on her mouth.

Shiv. But Sahil is coming tomorrow right. Then why you are missing him today. If you wanted him early then you should had tell me right. I would had get him Earlier. But suddenly he got panic when he heard her crying. He Remove his grip from her waist and touch her face which made him shock finding it all wet. He swiftly turns her and got shocked to seeing her crying

Shiv. Hey what's wrong why are you crying. What happened jaan. He cup her face lovingly wiping her tears

Ani. You won't leave me right like other does always. She sobs breaking his heart in zillion pieces

Shiv. Why would you think like that ani. Why would I leave you

Ani. No promise me that you would never leave me for someone.

Shiv. Stop thinking rubbish ani. I can't even imagine my life without you and you are thinking I'll leave you. No never I would never do that

Ani. If tomorrow someone comes in your life more prettier than me then you will leave me. She hiccups making him shock with her question. For once he can forget to take  breath but can never imagine to see himself with someone else except her.

Shiv. No never I'll prefer to die before thinking to leave you. I can't do this. One second are you feeling sad because of last night. You saw girl in our room and you thought I'm with her. He widen his eyes caressing her wet face.

Ani. No I can never doubt you for cheating on me. I just don't like a another woman near you. I'm scared that someone will take you from me away. I've already seen you many times with someone else after promising me to being with me so I'm insecure to lose you now. I don't want anymore tia or Ragini comes and take you away from me. She hiccups making his eyes teary after hearing him. Today he is realised how much it was affected her in past when he always chosen a another woman over her. First he chose tia despite being married with her and then Ragini without caring how much it was hurting her. Might he was so lost in his problems and his family's dramas that he never Analysed how much it's affecting her.

Ani. That time I didn't have right over you neither tia time and nor Ragini's That's why I never said it. But it's hurts me when you held their hand instead mine. It's gave me heart pain when you trusted them. (Sniffs). It's made me find myself so low that you always gave them pirority instead of me. (Hic) I I was your wife but I never got which I deserved. I always got side lined in your life. (Hic)In tia's time she stood on my place instead of me. The tag of your wife ,your life partner, the place in your world ,everything she got and I I was never been existed in that. I was always being treated like a worker who solve all problem of your lives and when times come for credit or rights someone else took it and I got pushed back like I did nothing. (Hic). She cry more and more wiping her tears making his heart bleed.

Ani. I always got betrayal and ditched from you. I never got appreciation which caused me to think you will leave me again. I swear I didn't doubt on you or your love. I trust you more than ownself. You are my life my every thing. But I can't share you. I can't see you with someone else. I I don't want you to stand with someone else like before two times. I wanna see you always with me standing holding my hand. I really don't want you to leave my hand again. She hiccups making him feeling so guilty and angrily on himself. In past unknowingly he played with her heart many times. In every phase of their journey he hurted her. He never cared about her. He always thought she is strong Anika and she don't feel anything but during that he forgot she is an human as well and she feel something also. Being clueless he broke her heart manytimes which made his sins bigger more than anything.

Shiv. I'm sorry ani. I'm so sorry for being so jerk in past. I was so cruel with you I didn't thought about you everytime and hurted you brutally I'm a big bastard and heartless who chose those road side trashes over you. I had diamond 💎 in my hand and I was searching in common stones. I was so lost in myself that I never looked at you or never tried to learn what you think and what's going on inside you. I'm sorry for every damn thing which I did to you.

Ani. Shivaay don't say sorry I just

Shiv. No Ani don't say anything. It's my fault. I always took your granted that's why today you felt like this. I should had think about you. I should had give you everything which you deserved but my donkey mind never let me understand anything and I kept choosing others on you. Please forgive me Ani I know it will be hard but I promise I will never do this again I will always take care of you I would never hurt you in my life and will try my best to keep you happy. And about last night then sorry I didn't have attention to hurt you. It's happened in flow I don't know how that girl cAme in my room I was clueless. But if you want you can punish me beat but don't think to leave please he sobs holding her hand pleading her.

Ani. Shshsh I would never leave you I can never saying this she hugged him coming on top of her. Shivaay hold her tightly pemper her with soft kisses and pecks.

Shiv. Promise me ani. Now you would never hide your inner feelings from me you will tell me everything.

Ani. I promise Shiv I promise. She spoke placing kiss on his forehead. Shivaay hold her hand and kiss them three four times.

Shiv. I love you ani

Ani. I love you too shivaay she kiss his chest and kept her head over there hugging him tightly. Shivaay wrap his arms around her and kissed her head promising himself to not hurt her. Whether whatever happens but he would never choose anyone else over anika. She will be always his first priority.  He peck her head and squeeze her in his arms tightly feeling bliss having her. She is his skoon.  She is the only person who sooth him. He will make sure that he never hurts her and  gives her everything which he lacked to give her in past. 

The end

Try this author (@rays_of_ink ) shivika books 📚😌


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