his distrust

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Anika is sitting on the bed crying thinking about shivaay and his hypocrisy.  She didn't invite him to marry her. She never even expressed her feelings for him neither she shown him that she likes him or not. But still he forced her to marry him just because his bride had run away. That day when he forced her that time only all hopes which she had from him got finished infect the trust and  secureness she used to feel around him it's all got finished as he  gripped her hand to drag him towards the alter.  But  still today when he called tia as his wife something broke inside of her. She still had little tiny ray of hope in her heart that maybe maybe he will introduce her infront of world as his wife but she was wrong he didn't do infect didn't even look at her well holding tia's hand.  How  awful and merciless person he's who ruined a girl life but he don't care about that. He didn't bother what would be going through on her facing this all of sudden.  He  gave her lesson to not give someone that much space that he just  Mould your all life up with his poison. Suddenly she got up when he entered with the tia and look at her sternly.

T. O sweetie. You must be dream a lot about you and shivaay baby but sorry for bursting your bubbles you can't get what you dreamt off.  So what if you got married to shivaay. Infront of whole world I'll be his wife only no one else. Isn't Shivay baby. Shivaay nods still looking at Anika's face which is red along with puffy eyes.

Ani. Congrats tia.  You can keep your shivaay baby with you.  I don't want a loser for me who use people for his own benefits and don't care  what would they feel and what not. 

Shiv. Anika

Ani. Keep your tone down. Don't you dare to raise your voice infront of me. I'm not your servant or anything whom you will shout and he won't say anything. I'm nothing to you mr oberoi.  So think before shouting at me.  Anyways. Here is your bed room mrs oberoi. You can do whatever you want with your husband. I should leave now.  I don't have any reason to stay here. I hope we don't meet ever in our lives.  Congratulations once again for your marriage. She gave them tight smile and left from there without giving glance to shivaay who is feeling somewhere restless to seeing her going away.

T. Shivaay baby now we are alone soo she about to touch his chest when he moved back glaring her

Shiv.  Go and sleep in your room.  Don't  even think  to touch me you filth.

T.  O so you did all this drama infront of  world  Ha. So that you could save your reputation isn't

Shiv. You have doubt in that miss kapoor.  Now kindly leave from here before I kick you out with my own hands.  Tia got scared looking in his red  eyes and run away from there in fast speed.

At road

Anika  grasp when a car stopped with the shriek infront of her. 

D. Are you blind or what.why the fuck your are walking between the road.

Ani. I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry. She said sorry to him and move away from there.

Man shakes his head and left from there. 

In chawl

Anika reaches there and found her brother is sitting on the stairs waiting for her.  She muffled and run towards him throwing herself in his arms hugging him tight.  Sahil got  to know why his didi is crying.  He has seen news where bloody sso was standing with that tia. That time only he felt like to punch on his face but then he couldn't do anything except praying for his didi well being

Ani. He ditched  me Sahil. He spoilt my life.  He is a loser and selfish man who don't care about anyone. He finished everything. He finished meShe hiccups  keeping her chin on his shoulder crying like anything.

Sa. Didi he don't deserve you that's why it's happened. Don't cry for that person who never been yours. Im sure one day he will regret for his grave mistake and he will come back to you with  his so called apology.

Ani. I don't want his apology. I just hate him.  She gritted her teeth having thick layers of tears in her eyes.

Sahil felt so bad for his sister but what he can do when he he so little and there is no one who could
Help him even. Suddenly both sister and brother shriek when someone hold Anika's hair and pushed her on the floor making her fell on the stomach getting Hurt over there and her arms. 

S. Didiii he got up and try to walk towards his sister but that guy pushed him and again kicked Anika in  her stomach.  Anika groan in pain and try to get up but he again pushed her making her chin hit on the hard road which caused her bleeding.

Sa. What you doing let my didi go.  Anika look at the person with drowsy eyes and shivered in fear when she saw her  worst fear is standing infront of her. He is the same person who was  stacking her and  barking in her house without her permission.  She sobs and crawls back but he hold her leg and pulled her towards him making her sobs loudly. He cups her face and rub his   Hand on her cheek roughly.  Anika cry when he touch her wounded stomach letting blood come out from it.

I had warned you to not go near a man. I have only right over you but no you still married that shivaay why why did you do that when you had promised me to marry me.  I had loads of dreams for us but you didn't care about them and tarnished them in pieces mercilessly. How can you do this Anika how could you.

Ani.  Daksh. She widen her eyes recognising her stalker.

S.  Leave my didi you moron. Leave her. He hit on his shoulder but instead of leaving her he is hurting her more making her growl in pain. 

In om

Shivaay is sitting in her room holding his head. Anika's thoughts only revolving around his mind. Her tears filled face is not leaving his sight.  Her innocence is killing him.  He don't know why but still he feel for her same the way he used to do before marriage but again daksh words are stopping him to trust on her. Innocence.  The way daksh told him she is devil in the disguise of angel. All that help and favour she had done to him or his family all went in drain after her this dirty move.

Ru. Bhiya  where is Bhabi

Omru enters in room and asked him question about Anika when they found her no where to seen

Shiv. She is gone from where she was belong.

Om. What do you mean by that

Shiv. I don't like her. Infect I hate her. She is so bad and evil. 

Om. O really then say looking in my eyes

Shiv. I don't need to. She is an evil and I got to know about it when she slept with that daksh.  That's it not om but rudra slapped him on his face making him shock.

Ru. How dare you to say about Anika Bhabi like this. She is an angel who helped you everytime and instead of being good with her and Giving her all happiness which she deserves you are saying she is characterless. That daksh is asshole ftim start only and you knew about that. Don't forget he had spoiled the life of your classmate. You itself had told us but you trusted him again that also Anika Bhabi's situation who held your hand that time when you were ready to go in jail. 

Shivaay bent his eyes after hearing him. He is feeling somewhere guilty to do all this with her and most important he trusted that daksh who always being asshole with everyone.

Ru. I've always respected you but your deeds made me to raise my hand over you.  First you married her forcefully and then didn't even accept her as your wife.  For you it was joke but for her it was about her life which you ruined it with your own hands. Now I don't know how she will face the world when people will ask her about her husband and why did he leave her. That Tia was on mistake you itself knew that she had run away but instead of punishing her you punished that person who didn't have mistake. Such an  evil you are bhiya. I never thought that you can stoop so low in anger and jealousy.

He fums glaring him having red eyes

Om. Let's go rudra I think instead of wasting time over him we should go to Anika Bhabi.

Ru. Now I won't let her to stay with him. I'll ask her to divorce this evil as  soon as possible.  Saying this both brothers stormed away from there.

Shivaay just became statue their having running eyes with tears.how can he be so fool who trusted that physco who always being evil with everyone.   And about Anika then she never anything sort of like that which could show her being characterless but still he blamed her and ruined her life without caring how she will lead her life further. His pride and lean age obsession  made him so Blind that he is not Able to see real people.  He agreed that she is poor and not belong to some rich family but  she had more dignity than any rich person she always shown him her goodness and he again ditched her infront of whole world.

Shiv. Anika he sobs and immediately left the room in hope to seeing her.  He is marching the house out when tia came in between and blocked his way

T. Where are you going baby

Shiv. Pack your bag and get the hell out of here before I kick you out with my own hands tia

T. What happened baby

Shiv. Stop this baby nonsense tia and get out from my house. I don't want to see your face when I come back with my wife. Did you get that he pushed her away and stormed away hurriedly

In chawl

Whole town is surrounding Anika's house whispering something with each other.  No one is forwarding to stop the nonsense which is happening. They are just being spectators nothing else.

Shivay got down and got confused to seeing  loads of people  there. some fear gripped him around thinking about something bad. He slowly got forward  pushing people aside and next second he got shocked when he saw Omru are screaming in the grip of some men and Anika is brutally being dragged by  daksh  around the fire.her condition is not looking good. Her head is bleeding along with her arms and stomach. She is not in sense. She is just felling around with torn green saree which she was wearing before few hours.  Shivaay's blood boiled and he screamed on top of voice gaining all people attention

Shiv.  Dakshhhh you  bastard

Daksh smirk evilly and Throw Anika on the floor turning towards shivaay

D. Welcome shivaay I was waiting for you only.  You were the main guest and you are only the one late. That's not good shivaay.

Shiv. How dare you to touch my wife daksh

D. Your wife ? Are you kidding me shivaay. I guess your wife is tia not Anika whom you introduced infront of whole world. Isn't. Anika is my fiancé whom I had engaged remember

Shiv.  You asshole he marched towards him and punched him hard on his face making him fell on the floor. His  men tried to stop her but Shivay just pushed them away and started beating up daksh blue and black. Those men who were holding Omru they left them and stormed towards daksh to save him but Omru didn't let them and hold  them punching on their face.

Daksh just pushed shivaay and slapped him. He about to grab Anika again but Shivay didn't let him and kicked in his back making him fell down from the alter

Shiv. You already harmed her a lot. I won't let you do it again. He fums and slapped him hard on his face.

Shiv.she is my wife did you get that mineeeee he screams and twist his arm Making him growl in pain.  In no time he fell unconscious out there because of so much punches

Shivay Immediately walk towards Anika and took her in his arms

Shiv. Anika ani he pet her cheek sobbing like a baby. Anika slowly open her eyes and look at him with drowsy eyes.

Ani. Shiv. She whispered looking at him with half closed eyes.  Shivaay look at her stomach and bleeding spots and curse himself to leave her like this

Shiv. I'm sorry it's all happened because of me. I shouldn't had  behave with you like this. I'm sorry baby. He sobs keeping Anika near his heart who has been fell unconscious.

Ru. Bhabi.  He set near his brother touching his sister in low who is being lifeless in his brother's arms.

Om. Bloody bastard how dare he do this to her. What he got hurting her Like this.

Shiv. It's my fault. I shouldn't had let her go like this.  Today if she is in this condition then reason is me. I shouldn't had ruined her life like this.

Om. It's not time for blaming. Let's take her home

Shiv.  She will forgive me na.  His brothers got silent after hearing him

Om. Rudra you go with shivaay and Bhabi. I'm coming with sahil.

Rud. Chalo yaha Sa.

Shiv. Omru

His brothers didn't spare him glance and asked him to carry Anika to take her at home. 

At home

Shivaay hissed when Doctor clear her stomach with cotton.omru tried to take him out but he didn't and kept ranting to being with anika  till doctor check her. He don't wanna leave her alone. 

Shiv. Do slowly

Doctor sighs and smiled at him to assure him that she is doing slowly.

Ani. Let me go daksh. Just leave me. She murmur in unconscious state taking shivaay's breath away. He set besides her and  kept his hand on her forehead being panicked

Shiv. Shshsh Anika you are safe now. I've got you I've got you. Doctor smile at his care and tied bandage around her waist. After tending her wounds she gave her more injection and got up collecting her things

Do. Now when you wanna keep her at home then you have to take care of her properly. She needs proper rest Atleast till her wounds doesn't get heal. You know what I mean mr oberoi

Shiv. Hmm don't worry I'll take care of her. 

Do. I should leave now. Saying this she left from there.   Shivaay caresses her head and kissed her forehead lovingly without hurting her.

P. I'm going to see her.  She try to go but Omru blocked her way

Ru. Let them be alone.  We can meet her later.

P. But I wanted to see her

Ru.  Your son have already done so much damage Choti maa and he needs to be alone with her to fix it so its better you don't interfere in it because when you interfere then things get ruin. You know what I mean. Now let's go all of you. We should move to our work.  Saying he took all family away from there

After sometime
Anika got her conscious and try to sit but again fell down moaning in pain because of her wound on stomach

Shiv. Anika what you doing. You will get hurt more

Anika got confused to seeing shivaay there with her. Then she realised she is not at home but in oberoi mansion that also in his room

An. What I'm doing here. Who brought me here She whispered looking around

Shi.i did he  set besides her well stirring spoon in the soup

Ani.  But why

Shiv. Because this is your house

Ani.  No it's not

Shiv. It is.

Ani. I should leave now she try to get up but again fell down feeling pain.  Tears slide from her eyes feeling so helpless. 

Shiv. I'm sorry Anika.

Ani.   I don't need your sorry. I just wanna go. She hiccups keeping hand on her eyes

Shiv. No you need my apology.  I didn't do right thing with you. I shouldn't had treat you like that

Ani.you don't know what you have done.

Shi. I know that what I did and for that I'm sorry

Ani. Your sorry can't correct my fortune. Today a daksh  landed me in this situation and tomorrow someone else will do it. You made my price so low that everyone wanna use me.

Shiv. Don't say that Anika.  You are not a tag. You are my wife

Ani. No I'm not your wife. Your wife is tia

Shiv. She is not and she can never be

Ani. Stop this silly things and let me go.   I'm sure I'll handle myself soon and will try to forget all things which you did to me

Shiv. You are not going anywhere you will live with me
Ani. With what right. 

Shiv. My wife

Ani.  Whom you forced to marry for saving your reputation

Shiv. I did because i was jealous and didn't want to give you to that daksh

Ani. O really that's why you didn't bother when I left your house at  mid night. Isn't

Shivaay got silent after hearing her bend his ear down

Ani. You don't know what you have done shivaay. If you would had then you would had never   Try to finish things in sorry. You are still shivaay singh oberoi who is selfish man and don't care about anyone.you are doing all this because you are guilty and for removing your guilt you are doing this favour.   Which I don't  want.

Shiv. It's nothing like that m

Ani. It is.  I know that don't try to fool me. I regret that day when I had cAme this house. I feel like why didn't I die when I  trusted you. I should had left your house that day only when you had distrusted me first time.  If I would had do that then today I won't had been facing all this

Shiv.dont say that you don't know what you meant to me

Ani. I meant to you nothing shivaay and I know about it. 

Shiv.  Anika I

Ani. When you will feel something for me in real or consider me human that day show me your face shivaay. And if he couldn't then don't ever come infront of me

Shiv. Anika

Ani. Leave from here shivaay I don't wanna see you

Shiv.  But Anu

Ani. I said leave shivaayyyy

Shivaay sobs and left from there having tears in his eyes. He don't know what he got in his future but one thing he knows that and that is he will win her somehow.  Anika just turned her face away and cry hard digging her face in the pillow thinking about his cruel behaviour towards her

The end


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