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Shiv. Aniiii he run and took her in his arms. His heart broke when he saw her tears stricken face. He can't believe he landed her there where she became  so heartbroken and disheveled. He never wanted this.  Though he always saw her smiling and giggling around and today she is laying infront of him being so broken and that also because of him.  if He
Should had pay attention to her. Shouldn't had do it then might she would had been fine along with her.   Tears fell from his eyes and he hugged her crying bitterly

Shiv. I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. He whispered placing kisses on her head numerous times.

P. I've called doctor she is coming.  Shivaay wipes his tears and immediately lift her up running towards bed. He kept her there carefully and covered her with blanket.

Ru. Bhiya pani.

Shivay took it and slowly sprinkle on her face but all got worried when she didn't even budge. She is laying like that only.  Shivaay kept hand on his lips and burst into tears. What he has done to her.  How can he.

Do.  Where is she

Om. She is there doctor

Do. O god she made shivaay more panic with her reaction. 

Do.  Mr oberoi can you plz go out with your family I need to check her

Shi.   You people go I'll stay

Do. I said to you as well mr oberoi. 

Mr. But why  I don't need to go I'm her husband.  If you wanna check her then do infront of me

Do.  Plz mr oberoi

M. Let's go shivaay she held his arm and forcefully dragged him with her.

Shiv.  Mom she will be alright na.  Pinky sighs to seeing her son who is crying heart out.  Now she is blaming herself as well. If that time she would had focus over them and would had made him understand then today he won't had been crying like this. 

Mr oberoi. All family turns and saw doctor is standing infront of them

Shiv. How's she. Is she fine. Did she open her eyes.  How's baby doctor

D. Let me speak mr oberoi.  Just take a long breath.

Shivaay nods wiping his tears

Do.  I'm the one who is handling Anika's pregnancy things and she had came today in hospital.   She was weak that time only.  That's why I had asked her to take care of yourself and keep happy herself so that
Baby could grow easily. But seems like as she has came  home she got bombarded with tension.  Look I'm not saying she has any complications and all. It's just if she kept taking tension then complications can be erupt In her and that can hurt her and her baby as well.  You know what I mean so now it's your duty to look after her and kindly don't give her any pressure. And mr oberoi if you could then next time come with your wife in hospital. I don't want her to come alone. I had asked her but she said you won't come but you have to mr oberoi.  It's about your baby and wife. I hope you will understand. Hmm 

Shiv. Yes doctor definitely.   I'll come.come I'll company you till your car. Doctor nods and left with her. 

Shi.  When she will get up doctor.

Do. She will get up soon.  Right now she is sleeping and let her sleep only. I don't want you to disturb her. 

Shiv. Ok doctor. 

Do. Anyways see you soon. Saying this she drove away from there.

In room

Shivay enters and saw all people are standing  around Anika well she is sleeping

M. We should go now. 

T. Yes let's move from here. All nods and walked out from there leaving them alone. 

Shivaay with slow steps goes towards Anika and set besides her holding her hand. 

Shiv.  I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby.   I  didn't thought that my ignorance will hurt you that much. I didn't mean to do it. Plz forgive me Anu. Plz he sobs placing kisses on her hand lovingly

Shiv. I always saw you smiling but today I'm not able to see you like this. Plz get well soon baby. Just once for me. I promise I'll never do that again. I'll always keep you happy. But Just get well soon.  I can't see you like this.  Plz for our baby.  Plz.   He cry kissing her forehead lovingly.

M. He made blunder I don't think so it's gonna be easy.

Tia nods looking at shivaay who is crying sitting besides Anika. 

After sometime

Shivay came in room holding tray and saw Anika is sitting on the bed

Shiv.  Ani he kept tray near by table and cups her face lovingly.

Shiv. Are you ok ani.   Is there paining any where.   You are fine right

Anika removed his hand from her face and nods.

Ani. I'm ok you don't worry. Go and enjoy with your family. I'm here to take care of my self and my baby.

Shiv.  You are my family ani and our baby

Ani. I said it's  my baby not yours mr oberoi. Didn't you understand.

Shiv.  Tum asa to na kaho na.  It's hurts when you say that. 

Ani. Yes it's hurts but what about that  hurt which I feel when my Husband don't pay attention to me and don't bother if I'm ok or not. 

Shiv. I did mistake unknowingly but you can't give  me punishment like this.

Ani.  You had known about that shivaay. It's just you never considered me as your family I was always a outsider for you whom you can throw anytime from your life. So before you do something worse I've got to know and decided to leave you with your family so that you don't do same thing with my baby the way you treated his mother.

Shiv.  No no Anika I love you so much.  Don't say that.  I do care about you.

Ani. Huh care ha. You never did shivaay. If I'm ill or not well you just never said me two loving words and Always made me do your so called work like I'm your maid. Here your wife was vomiting  infront of you but instead of asking me about my well being your chosen to ignore it and   Made me do all work which I shouldn't do in illness.  But why will you care when actually I'm your maid who works here for you and for your family.she cry breaking his heart in million pieces

Shi. No no you are not maid you are my queen. It's all yours. This family this house and specially me  don't think rubbish ani.

Ani. No shivaay I have nothing with me except my baby but I won't let you to take him. He is mine just mine.  Shivaay nods no and hugged her tightly sobbing along with her. But Anika didn't wrap arms around him and kept crying like anything.   Shivaay run his fingers in her hair and kissed her head.

Shiv.  I love you ani

Ani. No you don't she hiccups.

Shivaay cups her face and about to kiss her cheek when she just withdrew from his hold and move away. Shivaay squeeze his eyes and took the tray in his hand  trying to be normal

Shiv. Look I've got your soup.  Try it.  He filled the spoon and forward to feed her but instead of taking she just jerked it away and throw it on the floor making him shock.

Ani. I don't wanna eat mr oberoi.  Don't need to show me your fake concern. 

Shiv. Anika you are not well. Atleast eat it for our baby.

Ani. It's better he dies before he comes in the world so that he couldn't bear all this pain

Shiv. Anikaaaa he screams on top of voice making her burst into tears. Shivaay closed his eyes and caresses her face

Shiv. I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry baby. Plz forgive me.  Anika nods no and got up from the bed making him get up as well

Shiv. What you doing

Ani. You are making me alright so that I could do your work right.  It's ok you don't need to do it. I'll do in my own. What you want me  to do.  Shall i wash your clothes or you want food for eat. Do tell me

Shiv. Muja kuch nhi chaliya I just want you ani. Just sit down and take rest. 

Ani. Nhi tell me na what you want. I'll surely do.

Shivaay is feeling so much helpless infront of her. He is feeling like to bang his head somewhere to doing such a big mistake. Might if he won't had do it then she would had been alright. He wipes his tears and hold her by her shoulder controlling his emotions.

Shiv.  I've already eaten you don't worry.  Sit down. 

Ani. O so you want me to make your bed

Shiv. I just want you to take rest dammit. I don't want anything. Just lay down. He picks her up in his arms and kept her on the bed without paying head to her wriggle.

Shiv. Now don't move Alright.  Just don't. He just tucked her properly and left the room locking it so that she doesn't do anything more stunts.

As he comes outside he just set on floor holding his legs. He is so helpless   He is trying his best to make her understand but she is the one who is not listening to him and standing on one place only

Shiv. God show me way to make things alright. Plz god plz. He sobs.

M. Shivaay.

Shiv. Malika he got up wiping his tears and goes near her

Shiv. She is not eating anything. Doctor said it's not good for her health if she won't eat anything or won't take care of yourself.  So can  you plz go and feed her

M. Yes I'll do. You don't worry. She will take time but will be fine but you promise me you won't do that mistake again

Shiv.  I will never do even in my dreams. I promise .

M. Good she pets his back and left inside.  Like this many days passed but Anika's behaviour is still same. She is not trying to change herself. She is stuck there only where she was standing. But might she is hurt enough that she is not able to  move on. On the other hand shivaay is walking behind her like a lost puppy wherever she goes he is going behind her  without moving around. He just want her  forgive him some how. But seems like it's some difficult thing to do. Currently Anika is standing infront of mirror adoring her stomach which seems little  swollen. A some kind of peace run through her body after seeing it.  

Ani. Come soon baby. Mumma can't wait to hold you.   She smiles. Suddenly her trance broke when her phone started ringing.

Ani. Hello. Yes I had asked you for that o thank you. I'll join you tomorrow. Thanks again

Shiv. You are going somewhere.

Ani. Non of your business mr oberoi. She said sternly keeping the phone on the bed

Shiv.  You are going to do job

Ani. When you heard it then why are you asking me this question

Shiv.  But why why you wanna do it. You are not well Anika

Anu. I'll take care of my baby. You don't worry.

Shiv. Why will I don't worry. You both are my responsibility

Ani.   I don't wanna be burden on you mr oberoi.  I wanna do some stuff for my baby and my self. I don't want you to say that I did this for you and your baby In future

Shiv. I can never say that.  I can never.   These all things are yours and our baby. If you want I can give you all my things but don't put burden on yourself.  Ok fine if you are getting bore at home then you can come with me in our office you can work there.

Ani. I prefer to not do any work Instead of going in your office.  Saying this she left from there leaving him behind.  He sighs and set on the bed holding his head. 

Next day

Anika is doing work in kitchen when all youngsters came there.

Shiv.  Guess what ani we have decided to go in your favourite place.. today whole day is reserved for you. We will do all things which you will say we will eat street food .. we will go in park etc and infect in  mall as well. What's say..

Ani.  You people can go I'm not coming.

M. But it's for you ani... without you we will get bore..

Shiv. She is right without you everything will be bore.

Ani. O so now I've became a joker for you who entertains you in your bad day... its only had left ha.  Before you were making fun of my feelings and now you started taking me as a joker... i dont wanna go in any of your stupid place.  Again i dont wanna be laughing stock for you so its better you people go I'm happy at home

Shiv. Anika ge try to hold her hand but she left from there leaving all people sad thinking about her

In room

Shivaay comes there and saw her talking with her baby sobbing being itself baby..

Ani. They always does it.  I feel so bad when they make fun of me. I not joker for them whom they see ans burst into laughter... i know they are doing  all this so that i become back to normal but it will never happens... nothing can be normal i wont let them to play with me.  I just won't..

Shiv. Anika

Ani. What you doing here. Go away from here. I dont wanna see your face...

Shiv. We were not making fun of you ani. We just wanted you to enioy..

Ani. No i don't think so. You wanted me to come with you so that i could carry your bloody bags and you make fun of me. But i dont wanna be your maid anymore so its better you people go alone...

Shiv. Asa nhi ha

Ani. Asa hi ha  you always does it and I'm sure you will do again like before she sobs like a baby making him sigh..

An. I wanna be alone.. go away from here..

Shiv. But

An. I said go awayyy she screams which made him lil scared and he left from there

T.  Did she agreed

S. No her mood got more spoiled

M.  She was already angry on top of that her pregnancy is showing its colours as well. All nods being sad

At night

Anika is making bed when shivaay comes there. 

Shiv. Erm ani

Anika didn't say anything and turned giving him stern look.

Shiv.  I went to town for some work  and I saw this.  He said showing her a beautiful blue dress  👗 giving her  a beautiful smile.

Ani. So what can I do with that

Shiv.  It's yours. Ive got for you

Ani. But I don't need it. 

Shiv. If you don't need it that's doesn't mean you can't take it.  I've specifically got for you go and try it

Ani.  Shivay ap yh natak band kar dijiya. It's doesn't suit you. I know as I'll start talking with you normal you will again go in your old zone.  So better you stop here only

Shiv.  I won't , it's been three months Anika. From   it's been long time  I'm craving to seeing you smiling. But you are the one who is not even talking to me properly. Plz Anika for our baby. He needs me he needs you. He needs both of us to be happy and love him

An. I don't wanna talk about it.  So let it be.  She try to go but he back hugged her pulling her near him.

Shiv. I'm sorry jaana. Plz  forgive me plz. 

Anika didn't speak and bent her head down sobbing silently. Shivaay turns her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Shiv.  I will never do that again.  I'll take care of you like my baby. I'll do all things which you will say to me.if you want we can shift another  house where me and you and our baby will live.  I'll tell my family that I need to give time to my wife infect I'll leave office for you.  But plz don't talk about leaving me.  I feel like my heart burns when you cry.  I don't like tears in your eyes.  I hate to see them

Ani. But you were the reason of it

Shiv. Yes I did mistake but next time I'll never do it ever. And if I did then you can beat me or pull my ear. I won't stop you. This is my promise to you.

An.  I don't trust you

Shiv. Fine you don't do but soon you will do it. Now give me a million dollar smile... Anika wipes her tears and smile slightly.

Ani. But still I didn't forgive you. She pout.

Shivaay got aww to seeing her cuteness and place a soft kiss on her lips

Shiv. You wanted to do job right. Do it but promise me you will take care of my baby and wife.  I don't want any problem over them

Ani. I promise. 

Shiv. That's like my good girl. Don't ever get angry on me ani. Don't ever.  He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly feeling bliss in her arms. A peaceful smile erupted on his face  feeling her near after so many days.but now he promise himself. He will never hurt her even in his dreams. He will always live with her whether he has to  do  so much hard work for that

As Anika  started talking to shivaay after that he took care of her like a  delicate flower.  He  Make sure that he always be with her and never let her feel left over. Now she is his first priority who come first before anyone comes. 

In room

Anika is standing near the pool when shivaay comes there

Shiv. What you doing here.

Ani. Nothing. Just enjoying looking at sky.

Shiv. Come I need to show you something

Ani. Kya

Shiv. Surprise. He held her hand and dragged her him

Ani. Where you are taking me she giggle looking at his face.

Shiv close your eyes

Ani. Shiv

Shiv.  Shshsh he kept his hand on her eyes and took her in room

Shiv. Ta ra. Anika cups her face when she saw the room.  It's filled with toys and decorated  all for baby.  Anika welled up in tears and look at shivaay who gave her assured smile

Shiv. How's it

Anika grasp and throw herself in his arms

Ani. It's beautiful shiv. 

Shiv. I'm glad you liked it.  Anika nods and hide her face in crook of his neck

Shiv.  This is little gift for my baby and his mumma.

Ani.  Don't change ever Shiv. I like when you behave so nicely. 

Shiv. Even I like when my ani smiles.  He cups her face and peck her forehead.

Shiv. I love you ani

Ani. I love you too Shiv.  She again hugged him flutter his heart in joy

The end


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