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Anika the wife of Shivay singh oberoi. It's sounds so good right and feel like  Anika would be so luckiest girl In the world who got such an handsome and rich husband but does the look and money buy happiness for you then no it's can't happens.  Being an wife of billionaire she is still unhappy.  It's not that her husband or anything. It's just something is missing in her life which she can't neglect.  He called himself a perfect husband of her who does everything for her but he is not. He is utterly not. From 9 of morning to 10 at Night he stays at office and without paying head to her he hit his bed and fell asleep. This is not life. Giving money to your wife doesn't  finish your responsibilities.  You have  to do loads of things for her which is necessary for you and for her as well. But this thing is not hitting his head and he is still continuing his life the way it's going. Dull boring and drab where there is no colour in that. 

Right now he comes in his room and found his wife is sitting on the bed waiting for him. She immediately run towards him and removed his coat and took his case  feeling pity on her husband who is looking so tired.

Ani. Shivaay are you ok he nods and set on the bed closing his eyes. She immediately kept his things on sofa and removed his shoes along with his socks.

Ani.  Shivaay you change your clothes till then I'll get food for you. She kiss his forehead and walked out from there.  He sighs and went in washroom to change in his comfy pair.

After sometime she enters and kept meal infront of him that also his favourite one. 

Ani. Here you go today I've made your favourite chicken pie.  He just nods and started eating without saying if it's good or not.  Which made her so sad and dejected but she just shrugged her  sadness and thought he must tired and hungry so let him enjoy his meal silently. After eating his food he drank his water with pills and got up from there

Shiv. I'm tired so going to sleep.  Saying this he smiles and lay down closing his eyes tiringly. Anika look at his face and went out from there grabbing dirty plates. 

Next day

P. Where is shivaay Anika

ani. He is coming maa.  She smiles making plate for him.  Meanwhile he comes there and set on his chair wishing good morning to anyone

Shiv. Today malika and tia are coming ani. So Make sure to arrange everything

Ani. Really when she is coming

Shiv. This afternoon and that also specially for my birthday. This time I've decided to keep a good big party in which I'll celebrate my deal success also. Just look after the things Anika

Ani. Yes shivaay. Shivaay smiles and kissed her hand making her little blush. 

In after noon

M. Ani she run and hugged her tightly

M. I missed you sweetie

Ani. Me too

T. How are you anu.

Ani. I'm ok tia. What about you.

T.  I'm fine as well darling.

Bhav. We were waiting for you only since bada bhiya told us about you. 

G. Now we will do all girly things which we missed which we did last time

T. Yes.  That's great.

Ani. Ok you guys sit I'll bring juice for joy

M. No that's not needed. Servants are here and they will bring for us. You just sit with us.

Ani. But

M. Aniii

Ani. Fine she pout and set besides them having big smile on her face.

T. So tell me how's life going.

Ani. Good she smiles.

M. Anika you seems really tired.  Is everything alright.

Ani. Everything is fine.  Don't worry

G. Yh fine.  Whole day she works and don't care about herself.  I had asked both husband wife to go some where infect whole family insisted when we were going  New York. But on Main time bada bhiya got urgent project and they didn't go and this thing been 4 months now.  

M.  Are you people mad or what. Why you both don't understand you need some alone time and some relaxation.   Let shivaay come I'll pull his ear that what he is doing with his life as well as yours

Ani.  Let it be malika.  Don't say him anything. Already he has  loads of burden on his head. 

M. Fine  I won't say him anything but you promise me that you will talk to him

Ani. I'll I'll don't worry. Anyways what you wanna eat. I'll specially make for you

M.  Ok so I want your hand made Shepard pie with home made coleslaw. But I'll help you in that

Ani. Ok let's go.

At night

Shiv. Malika tia he goes towards them and hugged them.

Shiv. So happy to see you people

M. Same here. Dude btw isn't too late mr oberoi

Shiv. What to do there was loads of work in office so had to finish it.  But don't worry tomorrow whole day I've reserved for you.  We will all chill around and will talk which we missed  

T.  Yes shivaay and then we will go in your favourite restaurant as well.

Om. Great.  We will all go.   What's say rudra.

Ru. Yep. I'm so excited except Anika whose smiles lost after hearing him.  When she says him to do holiday or something that time he just say no by saying he has meeting and all and today he itself took day off for his friends. But she just shrugged her thoughts to thinking atleast he took some time for himself otherwise he keep busy himself  in office and don't give time to himself nor her.

Shiv.  I'm going to change my clothes then we will chat.  Saying this he left from there following Anika who has to give his accessories.

Ani. Shivaay your track suit. 

Shiv.  Thank you ani.  He run his hand on her cheek slightly and left for washroom.  Anika sighs and set on the bed thinking about him and his life which is not but just a dull and drab which don't have any romance anything. He keep busy himself in the office while she handle his whole house and still in end he says her that  she does nothing in her life. It's not that she is jealous of her sister in lows but still she some time feel jealous to seeing them with their husbands who if work in office then they do take care of their partners as well and doesn't let them feel left over.  Suddenly she felt her head spin and she lay down on the bed closing her eyes.

Shiv. Wo ani But he stopped when he saw her laying on rhe bed curled up like a bowl. 

Shiv. Anika are you ok he run and kept his hand on her head which made her open her eyes and she set on the bed running her hands on her face

Ani. I'm fine.  Just little bit tired.

Shiv. It's ok it will go away when you will sleep at night.  Anyways let's go outside.  All would be waiting for us. He held her hand and took her with him

Pool side.

All are chitchatting laughing full heartedly when shivika comes there.

M. Come sit with me ani. Anika nods and about to sit when shivaay spoke

Shiv. Ani can you plz get me water. I'm feeling so thirsty and bring some snacks as well. Anika nodded and left from there.

T. You should had let her sit atleast shivaay

M. She is right.  She's already looking so pale and you without bothering making her do your more work.

Shiv.  Guys what's wrong with you.  It's just a water which she went to get for me.

T. But this is ridiculous shivaay don't treat her like your maid.

Shiv. She is my wife and I think she can do these little things of me.

M.  Exactly she is your wife not your maid who will do you things.  So kindly treat her like your wife nor maid

Shiv.  Ok sorry maaf kar do. 

Ani.  Here is your water shivaay and snacks for you people.  She kept it on the table and set on her chair feeling really tired.

M.  Ani when you had been gone in salon.

Ani. I couldn't get time so didn't go.

M.  Are you serious Anika. Why are you keeping your self so much busy in work.

Ani. It's just

Shiv.  Guys stop it now can we talk something else now

Malika.   This is important talk shivaay.

Shiv. Fine you talk about it.  I'm going to sleep.

Ani. Malika shivaay is right. Just let it go.  And about Salon and other stuffs then I promise I'll go in few days. Fine

T. Fine. 

Shiv. Now can we talk something else.  They nods and got busy in their talk.

Next day

All youngsters got ready for going out. Every one is so excited specially Anika who is  happy to thinking atleast now she will get some quietly time with her husband.

M. Let's go ani.  We are getting late she held her hand and dragged her with him.

They all reached first in mall on malika's insistence. For which they all got agreed and landed there along with her.  Almost all  people are shopping as well as Anika. She took some of dresses and went to show shivaay

Ani. How's it shivaay but shivaay didn't bother to look at her and kept busy himself in the phone. Anika's  face fell in sadness and she just kept back all the dresses without making any issue. She is sitting in the corner when she saw malika is showing some dresses to shivaay and he is telling her which one is good and which not. Which actually didn't liked by Anika she just sighs and left the shop without telling anyone.  After shopping all about to go when tia noticed Anika's absence.

T. Where is ani. All look around and got worried when they didn't find her.

Shiv. Where this girl has gone. He feel so angry on her being so careless who is not even picking up call nor coming back.

Shiv. I'm going to search her he about to go when stopped to seeing her coming having water bottle

Shiv. Are you mad or what. How irresponsible are you Anika.  How can you go from here without telling Anyone. Do you how much we got scared.  Such an idiot you are Anika. We shouldn't had even bring you here. Atleast we won't had got so worried and spoil our day.  Tears made their way from Anika's cheek but She immediately wipes it sigh deeply

Ani. I'm I'm sorry I shouldn't had do it. Actually i went to get water bottle as I was feeling thirsty. It's won't happens again shivaay. I'm apologise again.

M. Ok shivaay it's enough she just went for two minutes. Don't need to Make so much issue. Now shall we go. I'm feeling really hungry and wanna eat some delicious food.

Shiv. Fine let's go.  All nods and walked out from there towards their restaurant.

In restaurant.

Shivaay comes and sit besides them after ordering food.

Shiv.  Food is coming. Malika and all clap happily except Anika who's mood got off because of his behaviour towards her. She just bend her eyes fidgeting with her fingers.  Meanwhile all food comes and they kept on the table  infront of them.  

M. My favourite fish food. Anika just got astonished to seeing all this because she knows she has allergy with fish if she eats it her whole body get swollen and shivaay very well knows then why did he bring them here when she can't eat anything.  Soon all people started digging in their food which seems for delicious to them well for Anika it's poisonous.

M. What happened ani. Eat food.

Anika.  It's fine I'm ok.  Don't worry you people eat.   Suddenly shivaay realised why she is not eating because she has allergy with that.

Shiv.  O I'm so sorry Anika I've forgot you have allergy with fish and I mistakenly brought you here.

M. What ?are you serious shivaay. Why didn't you tell me before.

Shiv. In morning I was going to change the restaurant but then forget about it

Ani. It's ok. It's fine don't worry I'll eat at home something. You people don't worry. Enjoy your meal. 

T. But it's not right ani.

Ani. No it's fine. Infect I'm not feeling to eat anything so just don't think about anything. Anyways you people eat I need to use washroom saying this she left from there before she says anything

M. You are so stupid shivaay

Shivaay also felt so guilty to not thinking about her.  Such an idiot he is who forgot such a important thing. 

In washroom

Anika  went inside the washroom and set over it covering with lid. Tears started rolling from her eyes to finding her husband so careless about her. It's not first time it's happened everytime whenever if they goes with family out then  always he do something which made her place nothing in his life. She has became showpiece for him whom he shows infront of world and then keep it back like she never exist. Suddenly she comes out from her zone when she felt her phone beep she saw the message and burst into tears having big smile on her face which she never  got from ages.

After  an hour

They reached in house being tired and all just fell on  the sofa closing their eyes.

M. I'm hell tired today.  She said keeping her elbows
On her thighs hanging her head down.

T. What did you buy people.  Show to me na.  All got excited and started showing each other their shopping while Anika is looking at the message reading again and again.

M. What did you buy ani.

Ani. Huh

M. What did you buy.

Anika's smile faded and she looks here and there.

Ani.  Actually I've bought nothing. 

M. What ?are you serious ani.  We went specially for shopping and you didn't buy anything. One second I had itself saw you with some dresses then how come you didn't buy.

Ani. What's the need of buying when I don't have someone for whom I could get ready.  Anyways I'm going In my room. Im hell tired saying this she walked out from there leaving all people confused.

M. What she meant by that. Shivaay squeezing his eyes thinking about that time when she was showing him some dresses and he didn't pay head to her might because of that she kept all of them back without buying any of them. 

Like this many days passed and this thing continued which hurted Anika a lot. 

Today is shivaay's birthday and all things has been handled by Anika. She took care of every damn thing.  She chosen all things which he likes. 

Currently she is standing in her room having dark blush on her face.

Shiv.  Happy birthday shivaay blush wrapping ribbon around something report. 

Ani. This will be best gift of your life Shiv. 

T. Ani let's go outside.  All people have arrived.

Ani. I'm coming she said hiding gift in her back

T. What you hiding for ani.

Ani. Nothing nothing. I'm coming.

T. Ok she nods and left from there.

In party

All  family members gives him gift which he opened happily.

Ani. Shivaay here take this.

Shiv. One second Anu.  He took gift from rudra and hugged him.

Shiv. Thanks rudra. 

T. Your gift shivaay. Open it

Ani. Listen shivaay. But he didn't pay head to her and started opening the gift

Shiv.  Wow tia this is my favourite brand.  Thanks a lot.

Ani.  Shiv. Here take this

Shi.  O thank you Anika.

P. Chalo shivaay lets cut the cake.

Shivay Just throw her gift on the table and left with his mother.this thing broke Anika's heart. She never expected him to do this she thought he will give importance to her gift but instead of that he throw it in  random gifts and left from there without looking how important thing for him she stored in that. She is lost in her thoughts when tia comes there

T. Let's go ani. Shivaay is gonna cut the cake and your presence is necessary there. Chalo. She held her hand and dragged her with her. She about to pulled her more when stopped to seeing him already cut the cake and feeding all of his family members forgetting about Anika who had first right over it.  Leave all this he didn't bother about her presence. 

T. Shivaaayy she gritted her teeth in anger

That's it it was last string which got broke along with her patience.   She was still trying to hold herself but now  he damaged everything without thinking twice. She just windrow her hand and just silently left from there grabbing the gift which she had for him. 

Precap ... her burst out.  😊

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