Its too late now

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Thanks for comments which was only 19 😂... slowly slowly all shivika fandom is leaving watty. Interesting very interesting. No worries. I'll also finish only these stories  which I'm writing after that I'll concentrate on arshi account. 😊anyways

Let's start

Ru. Her heart beat is not working.  He stutter having tears in his eyes.

Om. What are you saying rudra. He lean on her and try to hear her heart beat but he couldn't hear it even.

Om. It's not working. He about to lift up his head when suddenly some slow beat fell in his ear making him little excited

O. It's it's working  but it's very slow. As shivaya heard he lift up his eyes and look at him with hopeful eyes.

Shiv.  She she is alive. He bite his lips controlling himself and held her hand touching her pulse

Om. We have to take her hospital. Anyhow shivaay.

Shiv. Yes yes we have to.  We have to.  He mummers and started running towards car carrying her lifeless body.  In whole way he kept assuring himself as well as his brothers who are crying looking at her state.

Shiv. Don't worry we will be in hospital soon ani. Just he with me plz plz plz plz he sobs keeping his head on her chest where he can hear a light heart beat. 

Shiv.  Plz hurry up om. Just do fast. Om nods frequently and break all signals  and traffic rules driving on 120 speed.

As they reached shivaay didn't see around and just  run inside stumbling around.

Shiv. Doctor doctor he screams gaining attention of all people who are present in right there.

Do. O god what happened to her.  Nurse nurse being the stature. His one shout Brought stature and shivay kept her over it holding her wounded hand.

Ru. Bhabi he sobs calling her again and again but they poor soul is so much into her sleep that she didn't even moved her eyes lashes.

Do. Mr oberoi stay outside

Shiv. I wanna go inside.  She is my wife.

Do. No mr oberoi. It's not possible.   You have to stay outside

Om. Shivaay he is right you can go inside. Just let them go.   Plz Shivay plz.  He held his arm and pulled him outside letting doctor proceed their work.

Shivaay hiccups and set on the floor hugging his knees.

Shiv.  I shouldn't had send her like this. I shouldn't had.  How can I be so heartless. How can I sent her with that rascal.

Ru. Now you don't need to cry. It's all happening bcz of you.  You are the main reason of it.  I don't understand before three hours that person who was abusing her bad mouthing her now he is sitting crying for her. Wow great. I'm impressed mr oberoi

Shiv.  Will she alright om

Om. You don't need to ask this question shivaay when you are the only one who led her in this. don't say this.  Just don't Plz

Ru.  Why why he don't say this.  Are not you the one who said that she is characterless and sent her mercilessly with that bastard.

Shiv.  I'm sorry I'm so sorry. Suddenly he got up when he saw doctor coming out from the room.

Shiv. How is she doctor. Is she fine. 

Do. It's sooo complicated to safe her mr oberoi.  Loads of blood has been she lost.  There only five % of her survival. I just wanna say that you should be prepare for that. 

Nu. Sir she is sinking.  Shivaay's body got numb after hearing her.  He is feeling like his breathing has been stopped. His eyes just got stopped on one place looking nothing Particular.

Do.  Let's go. He just didn't look his around and went inside

Shiv. If something happened to her then I'll sure kill that daksh.  I will for sure. He fums and stormed out from there leaving his brothers behind who are crying hearing that doctor.

In a isolated place

Daksh laugh seeing shivaay who is standing infront of him with blood shot eyes.he screams and punch on his face but instead of yelling he laughs again

D. You can beat me up how ever you want but it's won't pain me.  Bcz I've already done which I wanted. O god I'm so happy and I wanna thank you yaar. If you won't had been here then I won't had took my revenge. But you helped me  and gave that bitch to me.  I'm sure she would be breathing for last time as i didn't leave a inch of her body where I didn't beaten her up. Poor she when I'd took her she was not even moving. It was feeling like someone has took her life.  Hoo how sad. 

Shiv.  Aaaaaaa he shout and kick in his stomach with road making him throw up all blood out. 

Shiv. You bastard how dare you to do that. How could you.

D.( Cough ) o plz shivaay don't behave like it was only my mistake. You were  also part of it.  Without your help I won't had do it. But thanks to you. You did and I'd able to led  her in this condition.  Ur laughs more shaking his head. Shivaay punch him with full of anger and started beating him blue and back

Shiv. You beast you shouldn't had do it.  I'll kill you.  He held his pony tail and kept punching slapping him till he didn't fell unconscious

Shiv. Just take this bastard and throw him infront of hungry dogs till they doesn't pull his skin off leading him to the death. Understand

K. Yes sir.  Shivaay last time slapped him and he took him away. Shivaay just lean to the wall Sid burst into tears. He remember all memories with her when he had met her first time. How she had challenged him knowing about his status. She always beaten him in everything. Her smile her eyes her anger her  cute pout everything is running infront of his eyes. He is feeling like to beat  himself till  he don't  repay for her pain.  He can imagine how much she would felt pain when he did to her. But it's all because of him. He is the soul reason of her condition. If he won't had given her to him then maybe he would had never do that  with her.  How heartless he is. How could he. Suddenly his phone caught his attention. He look at the phone and saw Rudy is calling him

Shiv. Rudra

Ru. Bhiya wo Bhabi. Phone slipped from his hand and he run outside without caring about anything

In hospital

Omru got shocked when they saw his condition. He is looking totally mess. But they didn't say him anything and  kept looking at him

Shiv. How how's Anika is she fine. Can we see her.  He whispered having hope in his eyes. 

Om no we can't. Doctor said she is critical. I'd sue didn't wake up in some hours then either she can go in coma or she can die.

Ru. If something happened to my Bhabi then I'll never ever talk to you mr oberoi. Keep this straight in your head. 

Shivaay just slowly move towards Anika's wards and saw her laying on the bed attached with loads of wires.  He can't believe she is same Anika who speaks so much and today she is laying without moving

Shiv. Come back Anika. Plz come back. He sobs caressing her face through the glass.

Ru. I've told family they would be arriving soon

After sometime

Shivaay is sitting on the floor  hugging his legs when family comes running there.

Tej. What happened her

Om. Wo mr oberoi daksh did it did he narrated whole thing to family which left them in tears

T. Shivaay did you see the news people are making weird news about you both. They are saying being married you are having affair with her. 

Shiv. How could they.  Don't they know she is my wife.

Om.  O plz shivaay you are behaving like you have announced her as your wife.

T. Shivaay baby she goes near him and  set besides him not before shrugging the place so that her dress doesn't her dirty

T. Shivaay baby you shouldn't had bring her hospital. Infect you should had ask khana ji to do that. Now look people are making issue. It's all happening bcz of that girl. I don't understand why she always land in problems. Since she has came in our lives she made it night mere for all of us

Shiv. Just shut the fuck up bitch. Don't you dare to bad mouth about my wife. I can bear anything but not a word against her. And one more thing get out from my life. I don't wanna see your face ever.

T. What are you saying shivaay baby

Shiv. Which you have listened bitch. Leave this hospital right now before I do something worse.  Tia got scared and immediately run away from there

P. Shivaay she goes near him and hugged him

Shiv. Mom ask her to get up.  I can't live without her.  I didn't even spend a bit with her and now she is leaving me without taking my permission. Mom plz mom say her to not leave her shiv. Plz mom

P. Don't worry son she will be fine and will come back to you for sure. She is a strong and fighter and she will be back  she caresses his head consoling him. Shivaay kept crying in his mother warmth still praying for her requirey.

In an hour

Shivay is surrounded by media and he is standing middle of them

M. Sir we saw a girl in your arms in this hospital. Was she your wedding planner.

M2. Sir we heard she is not fine

Shivaay nods being gloomy

M2. Sir is that true that you had affair with her being married. Is she your mis

Shiv. Just shut the fuck up. Don't you dare to say anything about my wife. She is my wife. Anika shivaay singh oberoi and if someone tried to bad mouth about her then I'll surely hurry him alive. Did you understand. All gasp and started gossiping about it

Shiv. I had married her forcefully without her will. But didn't introduce her as my wife. I had known that I loved her but always afraid to accept my feelings but now I say that. I love my ani. I love my wife so much whom I've hurted so much and now she landed her. Plz pray for her.  And say god to return me.  If she left me then I'll die. This shivaay singh oberoi will loss his life.  I request you to not Make any wrong statements  about her and pray for her health. I don't wanna lose her. I just don'ttt he cry sitting on his knees  being helpless. All people got quite even media to seeing him crying and just  kept looking at him

M. Don't worry sir she will be fine. Your love will surely bring her back

Ru. Bhiya Bhabi gotten up. As these words hit shivaay's ears he just got up and started running towards entrance following rudra who  is running behind him.

He reached inside  breathing heavily and found his whole family is surrounding her having happy tears. He slowly move towards her and saw her opening half eyes.  A painful smile cAme on his lips to seeing her but mostly his heart broke when  he saw her   Wounded body. He felt like to kill himself to put her in this situation.

Shiv. I'm sorry he whispered sitting on the stool holding her hand but as she felt him near her. She just closed her eyes showing him she don't wanna talk to him.   Shivaay's smile faded and he understood she don't wanna see him so without thinking further he left her along with his family. Like this two months past bcz of Doctor strict orders they kept her in hospital. Shivaay  spend nights day morning only there but he never comes infront of her. It's not that he didn't try. He did try but whenever she comes she ignores him. So he stopped coming infront of her except night time when she sleep and he sneak inside spending his time with her.  Today is her discharged day  and she gonna go back to home. Shivaay is just running here and here for arrangements  to thinking to get her back at home but maybe his happiness was not long lasted  as when she said she don't wanna go oberoi mansion bcz there people considers her characterless and slut who sleep around with men. She don't want to humiliate herself again so she prefer to go back her own home.  Omru tried to make her understand but she didn't heard and forcefully left for her home which broke shivaay's heart. 

After few days

Om. Shivaay Kha Ha rudra

Ru. I don't know o. Maybe he went Anika bhabi's house again.

P. I don't know when she will forgive him. Mera beta ki to smile hi chin gai ha

Ru. You are thinking about his smile but have you realised what you so called son did with that poor soul.

P. That's why I don't  force her to come otherwise if I would had then till now she would had been between us.  Suddenly their trance broke when they saw Shivay  coming in devastated state

Om. Shivaay they run and stood infront of her

Ru. What happened bhiya.

P. What is in your hand

Shiv. She said she don't wanna live with me and she want divorce as soon as possible.  He broke the piece of information infront of them making them shock

P. Shivaay

Shiv. Mom khati to wo theek ha.  I don't deserve her.  It's better I leave her and she leads her life on her own beliefs. Otherwise if she will be with me then she will keeping  thinking about that day when I abused her.  And I can't be selfish right so I've got ready. She already signed on them only my signs are left.  Saying this he walked out from there having tears in his eyes. 

Omru look at each other and went behind him. They comes in room and found him sitting on the floor digging his face between his legs

Om. If you will accept defeat then how will things get better ok leave all this tell me will you able to live without her. Or will you able to see her with someone else.  Will you

Shiv.  I can't of course I can't.  I'll prefer to die before seeing her with someone else

Om. Then get up and gear up yourself to get your Anika back anyhow. Last three months we didn't help you bcz we were thinking that you don't love her. It's just your guilt which is making you do it. But you proved that you love her and will never hurt her again.   So we will help you this time.

Sh. Thank you Omru. I can't tell you how much happy I'm. He smiles in tears hugging them.  

Omru. We will be always with you.  They'd sid petting his back.  As he got his brothers help his dedication towards winning Anika kept  going strong. Till now she didn't forgive him but maybe one day she will  and will get back together.  And this courage shivaay gives everyday to himself whenever she don't accept his apology. 

The end

Tell me if you got any idea


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