it's too late now

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Shiv. Tum aik no ki jhuti ho Anika. I never seen girl like you who keep two  affairs together. One side me and other side daksh who had just came to attend my wedding and what you did for your own greediness and self pleasure  caged him in your trap.  When I had met you first time my opinion about you was right but slowly slowly changed my thinking about you. I thought i was wrong who always took you in wrong way but no my first opinion was right about you. You are a slut a prostitute who sleeps with people for money.  Now I'm thank god that you black magic didn't spell over me. Other wise you would had trap me as well. These goody goody attitude won't change my thinking about you.  You will be always a girl for me who broke my heart for mere money and didn't think twice before squeezing my heart under your feet.  I had married you for one day but you are not leaving my house infect you trapped my whole family and they got against me instead of you.  Such a game plan you illiterate woman.  I've seen loads of people being fell down but I never seen a person who can stoop so low like this. Daksh is right you are just made to use and then bin it.  You don't need love or anything. You are just do stuff for money. Such a shameless  girl you are Anika. I feel disgusting to seeing you infront me.  When you behave so nice with people that time I feel like to hold you and slap on your face  to show people your real face.   But then I don't wanna make my tongue and hand dirty. Go to hell you girl. He screams all shit lungs out of him without realising what would be his words doing on her heart. Till  yesterday that heart which was beating for him today got broke in zillion pieces. She never thought that that person whom she loved so much sacrificed her own life for him today he is the only standing infront of her talking Shit about her and she don't know how many times he throw mud on her face by his tongue.  Whenever she tried to feel for him he always mess up with things but   In past she still  had power to heal herself. But now he stabbed a big sharp sword in her  heart which got across by it  piecing it in many shreds.  She is nothing now but a broken soul whom her own love broke it.  Suddenly  a tear fell from her eyes when he pushed her and throw her on the floor with thud. 

Shiv. You liked her so much right then take her away from my eyes daksh. She look  up and found daksh is standing near her giving her a devilish smirk.

Shiv.  Just take her away and don't ever bring her back. I don't wanna see her again in my life.  Did you understand. 

T. Shivaay baby she stood besides her keeping her hand on his  shoulder having a brightest smile on her face.

D.  Baby. Your D is back.  Now he won't leave you ever.  Let's go baby. Now time has came to departure.  Thank you shivaay. I will never forget your this fever. Thank you.   Let's go baby. He held Anika's hand and started dragging her with him. But  shock to underestimate she didn't budge a little.  She is life less down whom he is dragging like  a dog.  Her eyes are blank there is no tears in them. She is just numb.  Just one thing is in her mind and that is his words which pierced her deep down. Now she don't want anything except death. She wanna die. She wanna burry deep inside of earth where no one can see her not even him.  Now whether if he ripped her apart she don't care about it.  She don't care. After one lest word he pulled her out of mansion and left from there.

In car.

D. You didn't do right thing to ditch me baby.  I had loved you so much even planned loads of things for our future but you spoilt it all by marrying to that shivaay who didn't care about you and handled me to you.    When I had met you I thought first I'll marry you then will fuck you however I want but my all dreams gone in drain when you chose him over me.  And when someone choose someone else except me then he see wrath of me and baby your time has came to seeing my real face. Now I won't fuck you but I'll kill you second by second by torturing me.  You dared to ditch me right now I'll dare to hurt you.   You bitchhhhh he shout and hit her head with glass window of car giving her a big wound on her head which started bleeding profusely.  But she didn't move. She is still same looking nothing to particular. Usually people shout screams when even a little thorn Pierce in  their skin but she is lifeless and didn't hiss for little and why she will when her heart scar is more bigger than this.  Suddenly her eyes balls move when he pulled her out from the car and started dragging her in old factory. In way loads of things Hurted her feet legs even head when she collided with pillar but neither she cared nor he who kept dragging her with him.

In om

Shivaay is making some phone calls when Somaya cAme there.

So. Bhiya

Shiv.  Somaya you here.  I thought you are in your mum house.

So. I've cAme back bhiya.   Anyways where is Anika Bhabi.

Shiv.  Why why you wanna meet her.

So.   Actually bhiya I wanted to return her this earring.   Other day she had forgotten in my room. Infect  my mum wanted to thank her as they way she took care of me a good person only can do.

Shiv. What happened Somaya are you alright.  Is there any problem

So. Nothing bhiya actually you remember before a day of your marriage that day I had seen someone around my room. Prinku was also not there family was so tired because of wedding preparations so I'd called Anika Di to stay with me. Being tired  she still cAme back in om at night and spent time with me. She didn't let me feel scare for once. You are so lucky bhiya who got her as your wife. You will never get any gem like her who care about all people forgetting her ownself.  She smiles

Shiv.  One second Somaya that night Anika was with you not with daksh

So. Why will be  she with daksh when he was not even at home and cAme back in morning itself.  She didn't meet him even. She was with me whole night without leaving me for a second. By the way bhiya stay away from this daksh. I don't like him the way he look at the Bhabi. Infect he was stalker who was stalking Bhabi. I've seen itself in his laptop the footage of bhabi's house when I had mistakenly took his laptop instead of mine. He is dangerous bhiya. I wanted to tell you but I had to go my mum's house urgently that's why I couldn't tell you. But anyways now take care of it.  Saying this she left from there leaving shivaay rooting on his place. His blood got dried in horror his tongue got fold inside. Words just lost in his mouth. He just got numb after hearing her. That's mean daksh has lied to him about Anika. She wa innocent and didn't do anything. Daksh  planned all this so that he could separate them and he got successful as well. He separated them and infect took her with him easily with his will.

Om. Shivaay what's up. His brother kept their arms on his shoulder having smile but soon their smile faded when they saw his shocked face.

Ru.  Whats wrong bhiya. Is there any problem

Shiv.  Ani ani Anika he gasp and immediately started calling daksh but everytime his phone is coming unreachable.

Shiv. Don't do anything to her. God plz keep safe my ani.  Plz god plz. He sobs  calls him again and again but same thing is coming. Suddenly his phone beep  but he ignored it and try to call him again but same thing happened. But suddenly his mind rewind to the notification which came from unknown number. He immediately open it and next second stumble back when he saw Anika us laying lifeless on the floor dipped in pool of blood. Her whole body is bleeding.  There is no place left from where she is not bleeding.  Her head  neck arms legs everywhere.

D. How's it shivaay. Did you like it.  He laughs

D. It's nothing bro. I'm gonna Rip off her soon. You don't worry. Now she won't come back in your life ever. I'll kill her brutally the way she broke my heart.  But I wanna thank you bro who gave me to her. Atleast now I'll get sigh of relief after  calming  fire which was burning inside me.  This bitch had ditched me for you but now I'll itself  give her punishment for that. Saying this he took the rod and hit on her legs.

D. Look she is not moving.  And will never move ever in her. Anyways in an hour her body will be in your door after that you can do whatever you want with her. Ta ta. He laughs and cut he call making him hell shock.

Shiv.  Yh yh mei na Kya kar dia.

Om. What was he saying. What you did behind us. Will you answer us. 

Ru.  Bhabi Bhabi did you give Bhabi to him.  Did youuuuuuuu

Shiv. I I was angry to thinking that she loves him that's why i had gave her to him but I didn't want him to do all this with her. I thought he loved her and will keep her happy but l I was wrong. He he did all this so that he could take revenge for satisfying himself.  I'm so stupid. What I've done. How can I've be so heartless. How could iiiiii he screams hitting his hand on the floor.

Shiv. I  was thinking that I love her but no I didn't bcz if I would had then I would had trust her. Now what will  happen how will I search her.

Om. You made us so shame on you shivaay how can you do this to a innocent. Did you see what he has done with her.she did everything for you. Infect saved your  so called reputation but what you did you threw her in the well of death. How could shivaay hoe could.   

Ru. O. We have to search Bhabi.  Bhabi is in danger.  If something happened to her then

Om. Nothing will happens to her. We will safe her.  We will. Let's go.

Shiv.ill come with you

Om. No mr oberoi you already had done loads of. We don't want you to do more bye pushed and run towards exit but stopped when khana come running there

K. Shivaay shivaay sir wo Anika Anika mam. Shivaay widen his eyes after hearing her name. Without thinking for a second he just run outside stumbling around.  He cAme outside and step back when he saw   Body covered with m white sheet which is filled with blood. He is praying that it shouldn't be Anika otherwise he will never able to forgive himself.

Shiv. No no no Anika Anika he run and touch whole body with his hands. Suddenly his body left the soul when a strong wind cAme and remove sheet from body revealing her under him. 

Shi. Anikaaaaaaa

Omru. Bhabi they run and started crying seeing her condition that bastard didn't leave a  space where he didn't wounded her. He just pulled off her skin from her body showing her in inner meet. In  three hours only he beaten her till extend that she is laying infront of him in pool of blood

Ru.  Her heart beat is not working.  What you diddddd

Tara 🥰🤓hows it tell me in comments.

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