My sun light

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A man is sitting in a cafe drinking coffee. Till now he has finished 5 cup of his fav espresso which always work to release  his pain.

Waiter bring one more coffee. Mostly when people feel sad then they probably goes in pubs and bars to drink alcohol but he is one of the rear parsen who drink coffee to get some peace. Meanwhile his sixth cup also got finished and waiter kept one more cup infront of him which soon got attached to his lips for finishing it. Suddenly he stopped drinking when a girl come and sit infront of him folding legs on the chair. He lift up his eyes and made faces the way she is drinking cold coffee from the glass like a kid.

Man. Excuse me. Miss this is my chair. Girl lift up her beautiful eyes and give him confused look.

G. First of all my name is Anika. Second thing. I don't think so this is your chair. It was empty so i set there

Man. Look this is my table I sit everyday here. Anika growl and look at him with annoying face.

Ani. I agreed you sit here every day but there is two chair and one of them was empty so I set there. It's not big deal mr.

Man. You don't know who I'm. If I want then I can buy this whole cafe in a second

Ani. Who are you ,Biden or queen Elizabeth. Ha. Mr keep your attitude with you. I don't wanna argue anymore.

Man. I'm shivaay singh oberoi and I'm sure you know me very well.

Ani. Who shivaay singh oberoi. I don't know you mr shivaay singh oberoi. Finish your coffee and go away from here don't eat my head.

Shiv. Youuuu

Ani. Yar in few minutes I'll go. Why you are not letting me enjoy my coffee.

Shiv. I want some alone time. But you are the one who is not letting me getting some peace. If you wanna drink your so called cold coffee then you can sit somewhere else. You don't need to sit over my table.

Ani. I didn't have any desires to sit with you. It's just there was no place to sit except your table so that's why I set there. Now plz keep quite and drink your coffee saying this she pulled her coffee towards her more and started drinking it making balloon in it. Shivaay squeezes his eyes and also started slurping his coffee looking at his phone.

An. Larki ha. She said peeping in his phone

Shiv. Wtf. Be in your limits girl. Don't need to peep in my personal space.

An. Ara yar chircara ku ho raha ho. I just asked you a general question.

Shiv. Ok plz shut up. Don't give me headache.

Ani. By the way what making you so worry that you finished your six cup of coffee till now which seems so disgusting even. She made eww face looking at black coffee which didn't go well to her eyes.

Shiv. And why will I tell you.

Anu. Ara sometime sharing with stranger Make you feel light. I promise I won't tell anyone. Paka wada. She said touching her throat.

Shi.ok fine today I've broke up with my girlfriend named tia.

Ani. O so you got dumped

Shiv. No I didn't get dump. We both fought and ended up having break up.

Ani. So that's why you are sad.

Shiv. Yh. He pout.

Ani. Awww such a cutie you are. Can you pout again She giggle.

Shiv. I'm not cute ok. He frown.

Anu. Ok ok fine. So you are sad because you broke up ha. It's ok hota rehta Ha don't need to be so sad. Btw what was her name. Can I see her

Shiv. Her name is tia. He said showing her picture. As her eyes caught sight of her pic she burst into laughter banging her hand on the table.

Shiv. What's wrong why you are laughing.

Ani. I'm sorry par your choice is so bad.

Shiv. Excuse me

Ani. I mean to say she seems Make up ki Dukan and was with you for your money and in anger she broke up with you. But don't worry when she will realise her mistake she will back to you.

Shiv. How do you know

Ani. Ara her face is showing that. I'm face reader. She wink.

Shiv. I don't think so she is like this.

Ani. Maybe I'm wrong. Suddenly a big smiles broke on her face when cloud started thundering and rain started pouring fastly.

Anu. You wanna erase your tension

Shiv. Huh

Ani. Come let's go. She held his hand and dragged him outside before he says anything.

Shiv. What you doing.

Ani. You know drenching in rain is best part of reducing your tension. Whenever I feel sad that time I stand under the rain or shower and my all tension goes away in second. She giggle making him smile.

Ani. Wow so mr shivaay singh oberoi smile as well. Not bad. Anyways come let's go with me

Shiv. Where.

Ani. Come she pulled him with her and started running towards tramplin

Ani. Just come over it.

Shiv. Lakin before he says anything she just grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

Shiv. What you doing.

Anu. Don't think about anything and just jump she held his both hands and started jumping over it along with him. Soon whole park filled with their laughter and they keep jumping over it. Suddenly shivaay's foot twist and he fell over her getting a fit of laughter. Both started laughing seeing their condition. After enjoying om tremplin both comes down.

Shiv. It was fun but my head is spinning

Ani. Told you. Now come.

Shiv. Where

Ani. Chalo. She held his hand and dragged him towards golgape shop.

Ani. Bhiya do plate golgapa.

Sho. Mam I'm going to close the shop. It's late now

Ani. Plz bhiya I promise I'll pay you double so plz two plate she pulled puppy eyes to melt him which actually work and he got ready to make two plates for them

Shiv. I'm not gonna eat that

Ani. Ara tum insan ho ya koi or makhlook. Everyone loves golgappa and you are making faces. Chill man and have it. She said passing him plate towards him

Shiv. They looks so disgusting

Anu. Shut up and have it she hold his face and feeds him. First shivaay make faces but later he likes and moan in joy.

Shiv. They are actually good.

Ani. I had told you. She giggle and started enjoying their pani Puri.

Anu. Thank you bhiya. Shivaay pasa do una

Shiv. What do you mean pasa do. You wanted to eat right so you pay it.

Ani. Ara don't you feel shame to asking a girl paying for it. Now I've understood why your girlfriend did breakup with you. You seems really chawal

Shiv. Chawal means

Ani. Stingy. Gora ki Olad.

Shiv. I'm not stingy.

Anu. O really that's why you are not paying for my panipuri.

Shiv. Ara I was joking yar. Here take this man he fetch out two thousands and gives to wonder

Man. I don't have change sir

Shiv. Keep it.

Ani. Ku keep it. Give me these two thousands she took it from him and passes him hundred rupees.

Ani. Don't be Khula dil wala mr shivaay singh oberoi. She got some money from her purse and passes to him

Shiv. By the way are not you going home. It's going to be 11 soon

Anu. You have problem with that.

Shiv. No I don't have but still it's not good for girl to roam around at night.

Ani. Don't worry no one gonna rape me. I know how to take care of myself. Now let's go. Muja ice cream b Khani ha. She held his hand and took him towards ice cream wonder

Shiv. You will catch cold girl the way you are eating all this unhygienic food.

Anu. Ara one week only I've got to enjoy so let me eat whatever I want.

Shiv. Means

Ani. Don't pressure your brain so much and eat your ice cream. Otherwise  people will call you crazy. Saying this she stuffed ice cream in his mouth shutting his mouth while giggling

After finishing ice cream both are  walking on the road when she saw some drunk people are sleeping on the foot path having bottles in their hands.  a mischievous smile appeared on her face thinking something evil. She open her purse zip and took out some crackers which she had saved yesterday from Diwali festival

Anu. You have any lighter.

Shiv. What you wanna do

Anu. Ara give me. She took from his pocket and lighten up cracker making him shock.

Shiv. No you won't do it

Ani. I've already done she lighten up and throw on their side keeping hand on her ear. Soon all drunk man started running here there hearing blast near them.

Anika started laughing looking at their condition. But shivaay is in shock mood who got astonished to seeing her antics. He never seen girl like her in his life. Since she met him she is showing him her different colours which are giving him shock after shock.

Dr. Hey larki.

Ani. Run she held his arms and run away from there. After some mile they stopped and set on the empty road looking at each other.

Ani. What's the time

Shiv. It's 2 o clock. He smiles looking at her

Ani. Hmm she hammed and kept her head on his chest making him statue on his place.

Anu. After rain sky is looking so beautiful right.

Shiv. Yh. He Spoke in spell of her fragrance which is hypnotising him.

Anika kept chin on his chest and caresses his face.

Ani. You are cute you know.

Shiv. Acha.

Ani. Ha. She giggle running her finger on his nose. After spending an hour there feeling solace in each other arms suddenly Anika got up and straighten up her self.

Shiv. Where you going

Ani. I've to go it's already late now. I can't stay that much long.

Shiv. O i thought you will stay longer bit .

Ani. It's ok we will meet tomorrow at same time dont miss me ha she wink.

Shiv. Really you will come tomorrow.

Ani. Yes I will

Shiv. Ok come I'll drop you.

Ani. No I'm ok. I'll go on my own.

Shiv. Ara but tell me your phone number atleast.

Ani. Phir kabi shivaay she smiles packing his cheek and left from there leaving him in shock state. After some minutes he comes out from his shock and look here and there but she was already gone. He smiles and also left from there thinking about their next meeting.

At home

Shivaay is enter In his house smiling like an idiot when suddenly his brother come running towards him looking at him worriedly but soon their worried changed in to confusion when they saw him smiling like an idiot

Ru. Lagta ya bhiya pagal ho Gaya ha sadma sa. Look how he is smiling that also when we were expecting him to be sad because of his breakup

Om. Shivaay are you alright.

Shiv. Kya huva. I'm fit and fine. He smiles

Ru. Bhiya lady baba na breakup Karta waqt danda to nhi Mara na ap ka sar Mein.

Shiv. What are you saying rudra. I'm ok. It's just I'm feeling so light after meeting her. He said sitting on the sofa thinking about her.

Ru. Who.

Shiv. Anika

Omru. Anika yh kon ha ab.

Shiv you know she is so cool. Today she made me realise how boring life is mine. The way she made me enjoy this night. No one ever did. She is beautiful and careless girl. I just liked her so much.

Ru. Wow usually after break up people try hard to get their new girlfriend and look at my brother who got in an hour.

Om. Shut up rudra. Shivaay you tell who is she and did you take her number or address.

Shiv. No I didn't.

Om. Her surname

Shiv. Wo b nhi pata.

Ru. Wtf that's mean you spent all these hours with an unknown girl. Wow

Shiv. Om you people are giving me headache now can you plz let me go i wanna take rest as I'm hell tired

Om. But Shivay.

Shiv. Not today om. I've to sleep now and tomorrow I've to get ready to meet her as well. Haiiii I cAnt wait to meet her. He squeal and left from there leaving his brother shock.

Omru. What's happening here.


His brother and family are wondering to seeing him so much happy. He never been like this. He always was a grumpy and arrogant man but these days his face is always adore with smile. Every day he is getting ready and going at night to meet someone which became so special to him. Once she said him he should try some casual clothes and all. And next  day miracle happened and he changed his whole wardrobe giving heart attack to his family.


Shivaay is laying on the sand while Anika is sitting between his legs keeping her head on his chest.

Ani. Shiv you know in all these days I've done all those things which I wanted to do from childhood. Like sitting on the beach dancing on street. Stealing ladoo from Mondap. Enjoying every kind of street food xxxx. It was really fun.

Shiv. Same here. He said kissing her head

Ani. But I think I felt more fun because of you Shiv. Thank you for all this Shiv

Shiv. Even I wanna say you thank you Ani for all that. You made me realise I was living in darkness where I was just wasting my life nothing else. But you pulled me in light and made me do all things which I never did in my life. So you are an my angel who made me smile.

Anika. Ok stop buttering me. She giggle smacking his shoulder

Ani. But really I wanna thank you for this with something else

Shiv. Like

Ani. Come she interwind her hands with him and started walking with him on beach. After covering some distance she stopped and look at the girl who is back facing them.

Ani. Tia. Shivaay got astonished when he saw tia infront of him.

Shiv. What she is doing here.?? Anika didn't speak and look at him with smile

Ani. Yh meri tarf sa thank you Shiv. She smiles.

T. I'm so sorry baby I shouldn't had fought with you that day. It was my mistake as well but I was blaming you only. But thank god Anika came to me and made me understand that how good you are and how much you can love me. I'm sorry once again baby I will never do this again. And I love you saying this she hugged him. But shivaay didn't react. His eyes are just stuck on Anika who is looking at him with smile taking back steps.

Ani. Thank you Shivay she murmured and started walking back facing him. Shivaay feeling like his breath has been stuck. Finding her going from him made his heart stop. His tongue got tied to not able to say anything

Tia. What happened to you baby. What's wrong she said cupping his face

Shiv. I don't love you. I love ani my Anika who made me smile who made me see the world with different way. She is my real soul mate no one else no one means no one he pushed her and started running behind her sobbing. Anika who is walking towwwds exist suddenly she felt tug on her wrist and she turned to look at the person with confused  expressions

Ani. Shiv But her words just got lost in her mouth when he hugged her tightly

Shiv. I don't love her ani. How can you think that I will love someone else. I love you ani. You made me realised that tia was just attrection for me I never loved her. But when I met you I felt something different. I felt like to meet you every day I did all crazy things which I never imagine to do. In this week I did all pagalpan with you and didn't regret. Though I wanna do it again and again and again. I can't live without you ani. You are my life ani. I love you. I love you. He caresses her hair and kisses her head time to time

Shiv answer me jaan.

Ani.noooo I don't love you shivaay. You are just my friend nothing else. Spending time with you doesn't mean I've some feelings for you. I just wanted to enjoy my life which I actually did and liked your company even. But that's doesn't mean I love you. I don't shivaay. I just don't. So plz go back to your tia she is your true love and will always be. I'm sorry to breaking your heart but we can never be one.good bye shivaay.

Shiv. Nooo you can't go like this. I know you love me. I can see in your eyes jaan. Speak truth ani. You love me right

Ani. No I don't love you she spoke letting her tears fell down

Ani. Let me go shivaay I don't love you she cry trying to come out from his hold but he is the one who is gripping her tightly without letting her go.

Shiv. Say you love me ani. Just say plz

Ani. Shivaay ham kabi aik nhi ho sakta I don't deserve you

Shiv. But why why ani. Why we can't be one. He shakes her cupping her face screaming on top of voice

Ani. Shiv Plz let me go. Plz suddenly her breathing started getting heavy. Her skin started getting pale. But things got worse when her nose started bleeding which scared shivaay shit out of him

Shiv. Ani what happened. He pet her cheek but she just look at him with drowsy eyes and fell on his chest unconscious

Shiv. Anikaaaaa he screams taking her in his lap throwing himself on the floor.

Shiv. Anika Kya huva ha. Open your eyes. Yh khoon Kha sa aya ani. Open your eyes dammit. Tell me what's wrong. Don't scare me Anu. Just open your eyes jana. Just once baby.

T. Shivaay Kya huva ha isa.

Shiv. Ask her to get up I know she is doing drama. Plz say her just open her damn eyes

T. Shivaay we have to take her hospital. Her condition is getting worse

Shiv. Don't worry everything will be alright jaan. We are going. We are going hospital. He took her in his arms and immediately run away from there taking her name again and again

No hospital

Doctor doctorrre

Nu. Anika. Get the damn stretcher. Even all doctor surrounded her to seeing her in his arms.

Do. ICU tyar karo. I never thought that her condition will get worse like this. I shouldn't had let her go like outsid alone.

Tia. How do you know her. What you people talking about

Do. There is no time to tell . She got so much little time if we didn't do her heart transplant. Right now we have to see her condition and have to check what we can do.

Shivaay stumble back looking at anika. All memory rushed in his mind which he spent with her. Her antics her smile her chulbuliness everything is running infront of his eyes. He can't believe it was all fake her smile her joyness. That's mean it was all facade. She was in so much pain and here she was making him getting his long lost smile. But it's his mistake he was so lost in his happiness that he didn't try to dig her pain which was buried inside her heart. How could he be so selfish. How can he do this to her.

Tia. Shivaayyy she screams when he fell on the bench not able to handle it. Doctors just didn't look around and took her in icu hurry

Shiv. My Anika my my Anika if... if something happened to her then. If... if she left me then. I can't live without her tia. I can't imagine my even second without her. Plz ask her to not do this to me. I'll die I'll die straight away if she left me. I just can't cAnt do this this he cry throwing his head on her shoulder.

T. She will be alright shivaay don't worry

Shiv. From last week in whole time she was with me and was spending her every bit of moment. I didn't realise the pain behind her smile. I was lost in my happiness that I couldn't see her facade. How can I how can I be so stupid. He cry More and more hugging her

Shiv. Meri zindgi Ha wo. Bohat pyar karta hoo Mein us sa Bohat ziada

Tia also started crying to seeing his condition. She knows shivaay from long time but she never seen him like this. He never bothered about anything. But today he is same shivaay who is crying for a girl whom he met before a week. though She was in relation ship with him   but whenever she cried on something he never even forward a tissue to her and today his condition is getting worse second by second for week old feelings  which developed in his heart for that girl. Looking at him she found out that she must be a special girl who made shivaay singh oberoi cry. Otherwise he always known as stone hearted man who  don't care about anyone except his own (zaat) or family. 

T. Shivaay plz hold yourself. I've some work I'm coming.  Just sit here only. She said consoling him.  Shivaay didn't answer and just kept tucking his eyes on icu door  where they took her inside.

Shiv. Plz ani plz don't do it.

Tia.  Omru. Guys plz come in the hospital it's getting hard for me to  handle him

Om. What happened. Why you both are in hospital. Is shivaay ok

Tia. He is fine but Anika Anika is not well.   And shivaay is continuously crying like a baby.  It's getting out of my hands to control him

Ru. What happened to Bhabi lady baba. Why she is not well.

Ti. I can't tell you on phone plz come soon.

Ru. We are coming. Saying this they cut the call and stormed out from the mansion making worried to their family.

In hospital

Ru. Bhiya

Shiv. Omru he sobs like a little  baby and hugged them

Om. What happened shivaay.   Why she is in hospital

Shiv. My ani (hiccups ) my ani is not well om. She  she is suffering with heart disease. I can't live without her om.  Say her to not leave me.  I'll die if something happens to her

Ru. Bhiya don't worry nothing will happens to her. Just don't worry.  Suddenly shivaay run  towards icu when he felt her in trouble he look through the glass and welled up in tears when he saw her breathing heavily and doctors are surrounding her.

Shiv. Kya huva ha isa. Door kholo.  Muja meri Anika da Milna Ha. Open the damn door.  He is banging on the door like a mad person but instead of letting him they ask ward men  to take him away

Omru. Hold your self shivaay. Plz don't do this. Your own health will get  get detrotriate. Meanwhile doctor came out and shakes her head in defeat

Shiv. Doctor how is she. Is she ok. My my ani is fine right.   Did she open her eyes.  Why are you not speaking anything dammit just say something.

Do.  Mr oberoi.  We have injected her and because of it we could controlled her but  we can't stop her for long time if we didn't transplant heart in her body.  Her heart has been  reached on his end. Now it's so hard for us.  We are trying our best to arrange  her heart but  nothing is in our hand.  Her number is on 10 since two months and there is nothing which could happens.

Shiv. Asa to mat Kha na Doctor. You can only safe her. Plz do something.if you want I can give my heart to her.

Do. It's not easy mr oberoi.  We can't take anyone's heart randomly. It's about matching and all. But still if you want we can check you if you didn't get any disease.

Om.  Shivaay stop being stupid. Though if you want you still can't give her. As you have  diabetes.

Do. Then we can't do this mr Oberoi. Now only 24 hours have left. If you can get any heart then it's fine and if you couldn't then I'm sorry. 

Shiv. I'll try my best doctor.  I'll get my Anika back.  I will do everything to make her alright. Just don't worry. He sniffs wiping his tears. Doctors nods and walked out from there

Shiv.  Call every damn person whom you know Omru. I want heart anyhow for my ani.  Consult with other hospitals as well.  Saying this he dial his phone and started calling everyone for help. He is pleading infront of everyone forgetting his own self. That person who never bent infront of anyone today he is pleading them for his love.

After fifteen hours.

Shivaay enters in her ward and set on the stool having tears in his eyes

Shiv. Ani he held her hand and kissed her palm

Shiv.  Bohat dard ho raha ha ani. Plz don't do this. I I can't live without you.  Atleast think about me and my happiness. I'll be meaningless without you. I won't able to survive. Just don't leave me baby plzzzz. I had seen all dreams with you. I thought I'll spend my whole life with you and here instead of being with me you are getting ready to Leave me. Plz don't do this pls jaan plz. He cried hard kissing her hand again and again. 

Suddenly his heart  stopped when she started taking Long breath.

Shiv. Ani Kya huva ha. Ani doctor doctorrrrr

After 3 month

Shivay is standing   Near his room  window being gloomy. Tears are trickling from his eyes thinking about her

Shiv. Why did you do it ani. I loved you so much and you left me like this.  Why. He sobs looking at her photo where she is smiling like a cute little girl.   But next second his face broke into smile when someone back hugged him

Ani.  Stop being kid shiv. I'm here only. After seeing your drama maa  Dadi didn't let me go. They said our all function will be held in  mansion only

Shiv. Such shivaay turns  and hugged her tightly.

Ani. Much. Now stop crying like a baby. You are behaving like I've died.

Shiv. Shut up ani don't talk about death. You know na how much I love you and can't even bear a little wound on your body.

Ani. Yh I know that's why you had lifted up whole hospital on your head when I was in icu.

Shiv. Yh in those 24 hours I was feeling like I'm burning in hall.  But mostly my heart had been stopped pumping when I had seen you breathing heavily.


Doctor  what Happened to her

Do. Plz mr oberoi go outside. 

Shiv. Meri ani

Nur. Sir plz just go out plz sir it's request.  They hold his arm and pushed him outside

After  checking  her doctor came out and look at Shivay with dejected face

Do. She has few hours only mr oberoi.  I'm sorry we we won't able to safe her.

Shiv.  Nooo he screams and fell   unconscious  Couldn't able to handle this bad news

Omru. Shivaay

Do. Bring the stretcher

In shivaay's room

Shivaay open his eyes and look at his brothers who are sitting besides him.

Shiv. Anika Anika is she ok. What happened to her. Where is she. 

Om. Shivaay he set on the bed and hugged him tightly

Shiv. Kya huva ha. Muja meri ani sa milna ha

Ru. Bhiya god felt  bad for you and we got heart for Bhabi

Shiv.  Means

Ru.  One hour back we got a heart for Bhabi and now doctors are operating her.

Shiv. You are saying truth rudra

Ru. Yes bhiya and doctor said now maybe she can survive.

Shivaay smiles in happiness and hugged him tightly. 

After successfully operation

Anika is sleeping in her ward when shivaay enters there having adore smile on his face.  He goes towards her and peck her forehead

Ani. Shiv she whispered opening her eyes lazily

Shiv. Shshsh don't speak anything it will hurt you.

Ani.  Where I'm.  Kya Mein Mar gai hoo lakin tum  yaha Kya kar raha ho. 

Shivaay chuckle and shake his head to seeing his jahli.

Shiv. You are In heaven and I'm your hoor. He laugh.

Ani. Very funny.  She spoke being coughing. 

Shiv. Take rest baby.

Anu. Did you propose tia. She chocked speaking in low voice

Shiv. Yes and she got agreed to marry me

Ani. Oooo tears started trickling from her eyes losing him.

Shiv. so will you be our wedding planner.

Ani. Ha ku nhi she sobs like a little girl making him laugh

Shiv. I was joking. How can you think that after crying so much in those 24 hours I'll marry to that lady baba. 

Ani. Means

Shiv. I love you pagal so I'll marry you only.

Ani. Really

Shiv hmm but  first you have to say me  that thing.

Ani. Kya

Shiv. Answer of my I love you

Anika blush and closed her eyes tightly

Shiv. I'm waiting ani. 

Ani.  I love you too shivaay

Shiv. What did you say he cry

Ani. I love you Shiv. I love youuuu so muchhhh

Shiv. I love you meri jaan.  Mein b I love youuuu he sobs kissing her dried lips. 

Flashback end

Ani. Now stop crying ok. I can't see my billu ji weeping like a kid. she pout wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Shivaay peck her lips and pulled her closer

Shiv. So are you ready to be Mrs oberoi

Ani. Obviously that's why ive put your named mehndi which comes up so dark. You know Dadi was saying my mehndi is dark because my would be husband love me so much she blush

Shiv. Do you have any doubt in that he said kissing her mehndi filled hands

Ani. No she flush and hugged him

Ani.  I love you Shiv

Shiv. love you too shivaay  ki jaaan. 


Ok so this os ended here. Now if you have any in your mind then let me know yh. ⚔️


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