Let Them Live Os

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This story is totally fictional and has no initiations to hurt anyone's personal feelings at all. It is just my imagination and the thoughts of my mind which I always wanted to express.

Read at your own risk

The cruel rain clouds didn't allow the stars to show happy twinkles to the earthlings that night. Completely surrounded by the dark and merciless clouds the moon stood on the centre of the sky unable to do anything than giving his fade light to the mankind.

The clouds which described the peace and sanity by glowing in a bright white color all day now turned more powerful and the dark shade they hid all these days came out.

As theysend their arrows in form of cruel rain drops all the livings on earth's surface ran towards the shade but among them he walked against the lonely road where only the stormy winds are his companion.

Blood dripping from his forehead wound, he looked nothing less than and disaster. His pure white shirts have blood stains here and there, his eyes are redder than blood and his face is pale. The raindrops priced his skin like needles but he didn't flinched, when that cold liquid touched his wounds it burnt but he didn't filched this time.

That place was filed with darkness and the clouds didn't allow the moon to shower his brightness, but with mercy that single street light glowed in that road side park.

He walked towards there and his legs skidded at the entrance. Balancing himself he reached that stone bench and waited for her to arrive. Time passed and he slowly laid his head on the bench as he closed his eyes and her face flashed in his mind.

She was his angel. The angel that merciful god send to him, that is what he believed. Her small smile itself is enough to make his heart race.

Her beautiful face flashed in his memory lane dragging him towards the brightest morning, in which he sat in the same place waiting for her arrival

Laksh waited for her in that park with a beautiful bouquet in his hands. He decided to do this finally. Today he was going to propose her for marriage. They have loved each others for 8 years and now he decided to take a bold step and marry her.

They both belonged to orthodox families of different castes, even though there status is nothing different their families are too conserved to accept their love.

But just because they didn't accepted he can't marry someone else and leave her just like this. He loved her to live with her for 100 years not for time pass. What he has on her was love and not any infatuation to give up just like that.

"Better I will kill you myself than allowing you to marry that girl" his father's words echoed in his head and he fisted his hands in anger.

"Laksh" his name in her voice made his anger fade away and he looked at her raising his head up.

"Why my love is looked so tensed today?"Ragini who read his expression asked. "Nothing" he smiled but she knows that something is bothering him but she decided not to ask him anything now.

She sat near him and made him lay over her shoulder. "Ragini will you accept any decision I takes regarding our life?" he asked and she smiled.

"When I said that you are my life, I was not just saying with my mouth Laksh, but with my heart. You are the reason for my existence Laksh and I'm ready to accept your any decision unless it was about separation" she said with a smile and in the next second he was in his knees forwarding a ring towards her.

"I have no idea whether I can keep you as happy as your parents, I don't know whether I can afford to fulfill your every needs as your dad did, I call tell you whether I can understand your feelings like your mother did, but I promise you to love you more than I love myself, I promise that I will think about you before deciding anything and I promise you to be with you till the day of doom, now tell me, will you marry me ? Will you marry this impulsive idiot who takes decisions rashly at times? Will you marry this man who has no control over his anger except for you? Will you officially became Laksh Maheshwari" he completed and her eyes are already filled with tears. She nodded positively and the next second he wrapped her in his embrace.

The sun hid himself behind the clouds unable to digest the fact, the girl he ever eyed said yes to another man.

As the bright light subsided, the clouds turned a little darker making an adorable environment. As Laksh slid that diamond embedded rind on her finger the skies blessed them with beautiful rain drops and trees with their yellow blossoms.

"Laksh" again he heard her voice and dragged back into the reality. The rain was subsided then. But the darkness was still there.

He looked at her closely. Her face is the only thing he can never get enough of looking at. She wore a beautiful white dress perfectly syncing with her milky white skin tone. As she smiled at him he felt like he was in heaven then.

"You are late today, I thought that you won't come" he expressed his disappointment. "Sorry Laksh, I'm trapped with work and I want to build my career so that we can live without anyone in the future" she said and he nodded his head. He knows that how much she loves her work and he never dared to question her about that.

"You are hurt? What happened to your head?" she asked but he just smiled.

"You look tensed too, what happened?" he asked but she kept silence for a moment.

"I'm afraid Laksh, Dad got to know about our relationship yesterday and I'm afraid of how they are going to handle this issue. Even if they slapped and scolded me last night I won't be this much afraid, but the silence of then is what fearing me the most. They didn't even stop me from going to work, now I'm really afraid Laksh" she said and he hugged her.

"Everything will be okay love, go it's getting late go and get some sleep" he said and she walked away.

The clouds started pouring down heavily and Laksh walked through that lonely road. The distant church bell reached his ears indicating it's past midnight than. The rain water is flooding down his feet making hard for him to take each and every step but that didn't bother him. He reached his destination and the calm expression in his face faded right away.

He knocked the door of that lonely house and waited for the owner to come and open the door. As soon as the door opened the glass piece he hid behind his back priced the throat of the person who stood before him.

As the man fell down with a loud shout he smirked and pushed the door and entered into that house. There was a dead silence inside that house and the only sound that can be heard is the sound of the cruel rain drops touching the ground.

He moved towards a room which is locked from outside. Breaking the lock he pushed opened the room and found her lying on the bed crying. As soon as she saw him she ran towards him and hugged him in a bone crushing hug. "Please take me with you Laksh I can't live here anymore, they are arranging my marriage with someone else. I can't live with anyone else than you. I will hang myself than marrying someone else" she cried burying herself in his embrace.

"Ok Ragini wait for me till morning, the next morning I will be here with my family and if they didn't accept us we will run away and get married. So please baby don't cry" he said and wiped her tears. He slowly placed his lips on her head and caressed her hair. He assured her with his eyes and hugged her tightly.

When he opened his he was standing alone there.

A thunder stroked making him stumble and he found himself standing alone in her room and she was nowhere to be found. The room was filled with dust and spider webs unlike it was a few minutes ago.

"I'm sorry" he heard a voice and he saw the man whom he killed in his mind few minutes ago standing there.

"Your sorry is not going to change anything, is it?" he asked in a cold tone.

"I was so blinded by thinking about the shame I will get if I got you two married, that I forgot place my daughter's wish before that" that man cried.

We don't know the value of things when we have that, but realize that only after losing the most part of them.

"I'm just saying, your caste is not going to help you to reach heaven, only your good deeds have that capacity, you caste didn't have the power to make you live in the hearts of people after your death, only your good deeds have that power. Don't try be a better human by destroying another human. Learn to be a human who is just human, not a human belong to certain caste" he said and moved away.

"Don't try to destroy the people who goes against your wish you are not any God, just let them live on their own way, atleast let them stay alive" he added.

As he walked out he saw her standing there with a smile. "love you Laksh" she said and faded.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" he shouted like mad man, when the thought of imagining her once again hit his mind like a thunder. Unable to withstand the disappointment he walked out.

Like the marry-go-round which reached the same spot after every rotation, he reached the same stone bench. From beneath the running rain water a glow reached Laksh's eye. He bends down and picked that small circle which is crowned with the glowing tetrahedral element, it took him more than a second to figure out that it was the ring he put into Ragini's finger the other day.

Laksh held his head and clenched his hair to as that day's happenings flashed in his mind.

As Laksh was about to slid that ring into her figure he felt a sudden blow in back of his head. As the pain shot up he held the nearby tree for balance and the in his hand fly in the air and land somewhere.

"Lakshhhhhh" Ragini's shout reached his ears but he felt too numb to respond. Before he could realize anything he felt another blow on his head which made him fell down.

He tried to open his eyes very badly but failed miserably. All he could do was hear the voices around him.

"Kill her too" Ragini's dad shouted.

"Dad please leave both of us, we will never come in front of you, we will go somewhere and will never show our faces to you" she fell on her Dad's feet begging for their life.

"I decided to kill you the day I got to know about your affair with the boy belonged to another caste, but kept to alive just to find this dog" he pointed Laksh. "You killed my prestige and now I can't show my face to our people just because of the foolishness you did, to clear the stain on my name, the only way I can wipe that out is with your blood" he said and slit her throat with the knife and stabbed Laksh with the same knife in the abdomen and left them to die.

Laksh fought hard and opened his eyes only to witness his lady love laying in the pool of blood and fighting for her life like a moth in the fire.

He slowly dragged his body towards her. "Raguu" he called in a feeble voice but that didn't reached her. He moved a little bit and tried to reach her hand and hold it but before their hands can touch he closed his eyes.

There was people around them but had no time to save them, instead they are busy in posting that in social media. #brutal_honor_murder that's all they can do then.

As Laksh opened his eyes and mind from that brutal memory he looked at his hand where he held that broken glass piece. It has been 2 years from the time that happened and he lost his Ragini. He killed the final one who is responsible for their state today and felt content. He felt like a vigorous king who won over his enemies. (even though he killed them in his mind, he felt sane after that)

"Laksh" he heard a call and turned back to find the man who saved him standing there. Sanskar was a doctor and a person with a good heart among the thousands who crowded there that day. "It's getting late, come on" he signed and Laksh moved there with a smile.

They both reached his house and Laksh opened the closed door where she laid, half alive.

That day Sanskar managed to save both of them, him completely and her partially.

She went to coma as a vital vain got cut and both of them are waiting for her to wake up.

This wait is going to lost forever but Laksh didn't say it from his mouth when he told her that he is going to be with her till the day of doom.

Life is not about living our own by destroying the lives of others, it's about living ours and letting others live their own life.

Let Everyone live. Let them live

So guys this story is mostly for the honor murders or honor killings which are happening everywhere now. Even though I never heard of anything like this in my area, not only in India but in most part of the world this honor murders are happening in the name of status, religion, nationality and here because of caste. All these factors are created for the welfare of humans; better not use this to kill humans. So if you can, please stop honor murders from happenings, because human emotions didn't know limits.

I'm not encouraging violence by showing that revenge scene. There is no need to really kill a person to destroy evil. Just destroy that evil mentality to create a new better human.

Thank you so much for your responses in advance and try your best to share with your friends. I didn't intent to end this story by making both of them survive, because all of us know that is not what happening around.

But I just want to tell that, humanity still lives in the heart of few people who still wants to humans more humans than what we already are.

And do share with your friends irrespective of your fandom. Thank you for reading once again. If you want this story with any other favorite couple of you, just tell me and I will publish it

Soundari94 akka I will publish os in Abhimanyu track tomorrow

Tag all your friends here

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