She Is His Heart Beat Os

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Hi guys

Back with next os to torcher you

Laksh looked at his PA. His sad face itself is saying that nothing is good.

"what happened Mr. Mehara?" his voice was cold.

"Sir I think we are gonna to lost the deal. The Yudhi constructions are not ready to accept our presentation" Mr. Mehara said as polite as possible.

"what will we loss because of it?" Laksh asked trying to maintain his cool.

"Everything sir" he said and Laksh looked at him shocked.

"I told you sir not to invest more on this project it's failure can doom us. But you never cared sir. Because of this we have 5000 crores loss and I don't thing we can get a single Client anymore" Mr. Mehara said.

Laksh was a young new business man. He was not from a rich family. His family is a midile class one. He had no idea about business few years before. He is a IT student. But an obsession to be rich. Obsession to earn money dragged him into this.

Business is the only way to earn more money in short time. It was a amazing thing to be in top 10 list of richest men in jsut 2years. Yet he did it. Reached this place in 2 years.

He made it from nothing. No family background. No proper education about business. Yet he made it.

It's a kind of obsession. A kind of madness. A kind of desire to earn earn and earn money.

In this two years he lost many things. His parents love. His friends. His relatives. His studies. His sleep. His enjoyment. His fun and easy going lifestyle everything.

But all this started as soon as he lost her. His love. His life. His heartbeat. Now his hate. His everything. RAGINI.

He never loved anyone like he loved her. He never hated anyone like he hated her.

"sir we failed sir. We lost everything. We are a failure. You are a failure" Mr. Mehara left a anguish cry. His life was totally depend on this life. Now being this company shut down his only job will be gone.

"you are a failure" Mr. Mehara'S voice made laksh flich. He hated that world as much as he hate his life. "failure" he muttered to himself.

"you are a failure laksh. I can't just spend my whole life with a failure like you. You are nothing but a failure"

Her words echoed in his mind. How much he wanted to erase that bitter memories from his stupid mind.

He badly wanted his mind to be a blackboard. He could easily erase her memories then. But life is not a fantasy na?

He closed his eyes defeated. His project. His hard work of two months. His dream of two years. Scattered. He didn't slept for last two days. Thinking only about this project. This presentation and yet he failed.

She was right. He is a failure and nothing more.

'you don' t deserve me laksh. You are a failure. You can never win and I can't live with a man without money '

Her words hunted him. "Aaaaaahhhhhh" he shouted and broke everything. His eyes landed on a photo frame he took that and throw that on the mirror. Both broke into pieces.

He took the flower vase and throw that on wall. Threw the files and records away. Tore the curtains. But nothing helped him. Nothing helped to controlling his frustration.

"one day you will regret for this Ragini' his own words echoed in his mind.

'that day will never Come laksh' her that relpy filled with hated made him more mad.

"NO.. NO I CAN'T JUST FAIL IN FRONT OF HER" he chanted that like mantra.
Yes he can't lost in front of her. If she can live a successful life without him means he can also do that.

"Mr. Mehara call that Yudhi group C.E.O I want a day time. Ask him one more chance " he said and dropped himself in that messy couch. He looked at that room. It looked messy and broken like his life.

"Sir he gave you a night time. He wanted the new presentation ready at sharp 10 tomorrow MORNING" he said and both turned their head towards the clock. It showed 9:00. He have 13 hours. Jsut 13 hours to redo his two month work.

"sir we can't able to make it. Let's drop the plan" Mr. Mehara said. He really concerned for laksh. He is already frustrated and broken. This will make the presentation more worse.

"get out and never come or allow amyone till morning 9:00" he shouted.

"sir?" Mr. Mehara started but laksh showed him his palms indicating him to stop.

"Sir your hand is bleeding. I think the wound is deep" Mr. Mehara said and nothing reached laskh.

"I know to take care leave" laksh said and took a cloth from his office table and wrapped it around his wounded palm.

Opened his laptop and started working. Hours passed and laksh remained in the same posture. His eyes forced him to close.

Last two sleepless nights made the sitiuation worse. Whenever he closes his eyes her words echoed in his mind.

He worked and worked. His eyes became dry. It burned yet he never cared.

The clock strike 9 in morning and laksh clicked the send button.

"Mr. Mehara I send the new presentation ask them about the result" laksh said.

Soon Mr. Mehara returned. "sir they are more then happy with this presentation. He agread to give you another deal too" Mr. Mehara said with a wide smile. But laksh didn't reacted.

That is what he wanted. Yet he can't able to smile. His smile died with her.

"sir we won sir. We won" Mr. Mehara expressed his excitement.

"No Mr. Mehara I again failed. Failed to control my frustration. Failed to let go. I should have let the deal go. I should learn to move on and once again I failed miserably" Laksh said. Mr. Mehara can't understand a single thing yet he nodded his head.

"sir your hand. The injury is deep" Mr. Mehara said. Laksh looked at his hand.

His eye became red. He fisted his palm. Making the wound bleed more. Why? Why could he do that. Why can't he just move on.

His eyes fixed at the cloth which covered his wound now. Why he is like a mad man carrying a peice of cloth  with him for two years. Why can't he just throw that away.

How can he? It was not just a peice of cloth. It was her dupatta. It was here's. And so it is a possession.

His wound pained. But not more then the wound in his heart.

She. Ragini controls him even after all these days. She is responsible for his successful state and she is responsible for his thus failure in life. She is something that no one can understand

He took a photo of her from his wardrobe

She is irresistibly cute in that. He carresed her photo.

Wasn't she the one who came behind him like a puppy.

Wasn't she the one who proposed him?

Wasn't she the one who promised not to leave him forever.

Then why. She knows that he is not rich. She knows that he can't offer her all riches yet she loved him. But why? Why when it came to wedding she backed off why? Why she left him?

He wanted to ask. But not a word Escaped his mouth. He wanted to shout and broke everything. Yet he can't do anything. Nothing Is left to broke.

He closed his eyes and for the first time something then her hurtful words flashed. Sweet memories.

She is the collage diva. Daughter of great business man shekar.

Her life style is different. Her status is different. Yet she loved laksh. From the second he saw him for first time.

She was not a lover of money. She loved laksh's kindness. There was uncountable persons behind her. Just to stolen a single glacé. Yet  she went behind him. Pleaded to talk a little word. Begged for a cup of coffee with him. Proposed him a heavenly way.

Laksh remembered those days.

He was a studious student and he was doing the same that day. Studying to say Reading

"laksh your friend is waiting for you in garden" one of his class mate told the laksh who was immersed in reading.

"my friend?" he asked. He was not sure about some friend waiting in garden yet he went there.

His eyebrows knitted and he frowned when he found no one in the garden. He hated being fooled and someone doing some prank on him made him hell angry.

He turned to go back when he felt a flower petel on him hands. He looked up and shocked to find a rose petel rain. Yes someone was throwing rose petels from a helicopter. He looked puzzled.

He turned and found a bunch of yellow roses lying in front of him. He took that in his hand. A peice of paper tied in it cached his attention.

Hi laksh you may be thinking which pysco put yellow roses here. To be Frank. I'm that phyco. OK let's come to point. I'm giving you this yellow roses because I want your for forgiveness. Yes yes you read it correctly only. I want your forgiveness because now you are wasting your precious time for me na for  that and for disturbing you..

OK ok I have more work will meet in next message.


Laksh has no idea about to smile or to get anger. Someone is wasting his time. Yet his minded wanted the next meaasge. He was curious. Very. But nothing happened for minutes. Suddenly he felt like someone was Behind him. He turned but found a big box lying. He opened that box.

There were many photo frames. Each had his photos. 23 of them indicating his age. Each has photo of him in each age. He can't even imagine. How can one managed to collect all these.

To looked at each and every one not because that looked amazing but he was searching a peice of paper. At last their is a bunch of white roses with a peice of papar.

He took a peice in his hand and opened it fastly unable to control his curiosity.

Hi laksh

Liked the gift. I hope you do. And now you are thinking that why I'm giving you white roses na? I want your friendship laksh. Yes friendship. I want to be your friend. Not for some days. But till the day I die. I want you to be a person with whom i share sorrows and happiness. I want you to be my bestest friend.

OK ok meet you soon bye bye

By now laksh was sure. Why not? No one was this much crazy about him then her. RAGINI. He himself loved that thought of her being the person who doing this. She was a cute yet beautiful girl. He turned around when he felt a tap in his back. He turned and now also hide and seek.

There was a small Teddy bear. He took that in his hands. A small yet beautiful bracelet fell down from it. He took that in his hands. He loved that. It was cute.

He closed his eyes felling happy. No one in this life loved him this much. When he opened his eyes he find her standing there

Her cute smile made him blush. She is holding a bunch of red roses.

You know laksh why I'm giving you this red roses. I want you to be your better half. The person with whom I can share my life and my everything. I want you to be my husband.

She said and went down on her kness. She made her puppy face

"I love you laksh.
Love you as much as stars love night. As much as sun loves day.
As much as moon loves earth.
As much as honeybee loves flower.
As much as trees loves wind.
As much as fish loves water
As much as my mom loves my dad.
I love you as much heart loves it's breeze."

No one can stand in front of such a cute proposal. Can anyone say no to her. He was speachless totally speachless. Not a single world left his mouth.

Soon her cute face turned teary. A painful emotion crept her face." you didn't like me ah? "she asked as her eyes filled with tears.

" Hey no. It's not like this. I really didn't dislike you"he said.

"then you love me na" she said and hugged him. He was too shocked to response. Yet he loved it. The feeling of being loved.

He wiped the tears Escaped his eyes

Her those eyes filled with love turned into hate why? She loved him na then why? Why? She left just like this. Can money change a man this much. No way it won't change. He earned so much money yet he didn't changed. Then why she did that.

He rembered those harsh memories

She unusually called him in the morning itself. Her face was pale. Very pale. She had dark circles around her eyes.

"laksh I think we should brake up" she said. He stood silent.

"I can' t live with you. You are a failure. And nothing more" that's all what he heard then his mind went black. Nothing went into his brain. Yet that was true. She left him forever.

"I'm getting married to the great business man sanskar singhania" she said and went away.

That day she changed her fb profile name as Ragini sanskar singhania.

A week after she posted a picture.

"Happy bride" that's what quoted in that photo.

After that day everyday there will be images. Images of her and sanskar's. Together. Hanging out. Enjoying.

He never missed to like her image. It made him more furious and obsessed.

He made money more and more. And now he is in this state. He took his mobile and looked at his display picture

Their cute picture. This picture is the reason for him being alive all these days. A drop of tear Escaped his eyes.

He can never love someone like he loved her. And he Belived that no one  can love him like she did. May be she changed. She betrayed him and moved on. But she loved him to infinity to the power infinity.

He opened Facebook. His hands automatically moved to the like button as soon as he saw her post

"enjoying in shimla. Cold weather is lovely with the person we love" the pic said.  It was posted an hour ago He wiped the tear. Took his car key and went out.

To control his emotions. He raised the speed and the car was moving like flying. Laksh out sudden brake when he was about to hit a person. In a inch distance he stopped the car. Yet the person fell down. Being afraid may be.

Laksh opened the car door. And rushed to his aid. He was shocked to find that person.

"sanskar" he muttered. It took few seconds for laksh to realize that he saw sanskar who was in shimla an hour before.

How is it possible? Even it's possible where is Ragini? He looked at sanskar confused.

"where is Ragini?" laksh asked. Sanskar looked at him confused.

"which ragini?" he asked mad laksh jokded his collars. "Ragini Gadodia" he said and sanskar opened his eyes wide.

"I don't know" he said. "who are you?" he added.

"laksh. Laksh maheshwari" he said and sanskar's eyes filled with tears.

"she... She is in her house.. Sle.. Slepping..." he stumbered.

"take me to her"laksh said.. Surely something is fishy here. Very fishy. Sanskar didn't seemed. Normal.

" I can't and I won't "he said and laksh took his gun and placed it on sanskar's forehead." move"he said and sanskar did as laksh said.

Laksh can't understand till this day he Belived that Ragini is living a happy life. But now her So called husband didn't even know her where abouts.

He wanted to meet her. Badly wanted to meet her and ask her is she is fine. She is too fragile and he is afraid that he may lose her forever.

The car stopped in front a big mansion. It was not new one for laksh. It was her house. Sanskar got down.

Sanskar dragged laksh towards the garden which was filled with red yellow and white roses. At the centre there is a grave.

"here lies she." sanskar said and laksh's breath stopped. He slowly took his steps forward. His legs didn't allowed him to move. His throat became dry. Tears rejected to fall down. His hands started shivering . His face became fake as if all the blood was drained out.

He knelt beside the tomb stone. "Ragini Lakshya Maheshwari" that's what it said. She loved him truly. He hated her all these days for no reason.

She slowly ran his hands over it. Trying to feel her. Feel her smile. Feel her touch. But failed miserably his kness hurt. But it didn't bothered him. He wanted her. In his arms. But???

Laksh tried to open his mouth but words didn't came out. He again tried but failed.

"h.. How?" he finally managed to ask

"brain tumor" sanskar said.

"she called me once asked me to upload pbotos of her everyweak I thought that she is doing this to make you jealous. I was at US then. But when I returned she was gone and I was forced to continue that. Whenever I saw your like. I would cry thinking about the life she missed "sanskar said.

A single drop of tear Escaped his eyes after a lot of struggle. He didn't wished for that. He loved her loved her and will love her. But she? Yes she is right he loved him as much as heart loves it's beat. He placed his head on tagt grave stone. It felt like he is lying in her lap.

He closed his eyes trying to remember her face. Her each and every details of her. Her smile. Her pout. Her eyes. Her cheaks everything.. He remembered the way she looked at him lovingly.

She never betrayed him. She loved him.

Years passed. And laksh stood there in front of the her grave which now he turned into his personal temple. Three place his angel lies is a. Temple na. Yes it is.

He changed. Did business earned money. Served needy in her name. Helped the poor. Started orphanages. Helped many to study. In her name.

She is living he is also. It's true he wanted to die. But he can't
She is his heartbeat and he don't wanted his beat to die. He didn't want his heart to stop which is saying her name each second.

Yes she is his heart beat..........

A/N: so guys loved it?

How is it?

Sad ending na.

What about that proposal? How is it?

I know guys I bored you all with my boring os. Bear me pa I'm a bad writer I know. Yet I tried some emotional stuff. And I think it bored you all.

So tell me what you think about this one.

Dedicated to my sweet sister
anaz1994 and anju9624 and Soundari94 Sukorian mention a user

Bravemerl mintusree astra07 OK guys

Do vote and comment. Waiting to know your thoughts

mridu9907 rossmarizz Mona_Ammani

Charmedone22 Soundari94 tendtepushpa

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