Love Kills

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The December breeze caressed the greeny medow with it's soft touch and the morning sun spread his beautiful yellow wings blessing the mankind with it's warmth.

That warmth bought a beautiful smile in his lips. Holding the most beautiful flowers he collected from his own garden he stood at that hill top waiting for his soul mate. She is a nature Lover and he knows that nothing can make her happier than a bouquet of flowers.

He remembered her child like face of hers. She is the most innocent girl he ever met.

She is the epitome of beauty she is the synonym of selfless love or that is what he believed about her.

"Laksh" he called her calling him and a thousand volts bulb glowed in his face. It was true nothing can be as sweet as hearing our name in our loved one's voice. And hearing her voice after 6 long months made his heart flutter with joy.

Like the child who saw her mother he ran towards her and embraced her in a bone crushing hug.

"missed you bachaa" he said but got no reply form her. For no reason the warmth he will feel whenever he hugs her was not there that day.

She released herself form the hug and he looked at her with a confused face. "Ragu here is your flowers" he said and forwarded that beautiful flower bouquet to her.

She accepted that with a shivering hand and the change he felt in her made him panic for no reason. She brought them near her face and that aroma filled her nostrils. The sudden peace he saw in her face made him happy but the next second she threw that away.

"I don't love them anymore Laksh" she said throwing that flowers down from that cliff. And at that instance Laksh felt a change in his Ragini. It was like she was not at all the person whom he knew before but a totally new person who is alien to him. The coldness in her voice echoed the coldness of her heart.

"Ragini are you okay Bachaa" he asked cupping her cheeks. He moved close to her and held her hand with his free one.

"we are not meant to be together Laksh" she said and Laksh felt like a thunder striking in his heart. His mind refused to process the words he heard and his eyes started to tear up.

"Ba.. Chaa?" the sore lump formed in his throat refused to allow sound to come out of his mouth.

"you are playing a prank isn't it?" he asked with a bitter smile. His face faded when he found no expression in her face. Her most expressive eyes showed nothing then.

"I'm serious laksh, we are not meant to be together. You can never reach my place. Better part our ways now itself" she said but he stood silent.

It was like his earth suddenly stopped roataing and he can't get himself from that throw.

"Ragu.. Don't do this to me" his voice broke.

"I would rather die that living without you in my life" he said. He knows that he is almost blackmailing her but the sudden nervousness he saw in her face gave him a hope. That hope lived for a very short period when she smirked.

"then die" she said  and her lips curved into a smrik before pushing him from that cliff.

As his legs slipped and he flotted in air he locked his eyes with hers, knowing that his death is nearing him. As his head hit the nearby rock, he saw her falling down on her knees and her tear filled eyes before he closed his eyes. Forever.

The sound of a machine beeping near him reached his ears. "then die" he words echoed in various modulations inside her eardrum.

He slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a hospital bed, surrounded by a bunch of unknown doctors treating him.

"hello Mr. Are you okay?" the one seemed like a senior asked him and he nodded his head.

"where am I now?" he asked as the place seemed totally new and he felt like he is far away form everything he ever know.

"you are Now in trivandrum, the capital of kerala" the doctor replied with a smile.

Laksh looked at him shocked. When he fell down from that cliff he was in Mettupalayam, now he is in kerala. But the sudden thought crossed his mind as he remained of the betrayal the girl he loved the most did to him.

Usually most of the love stories starts in hate and ends in love but there is Going to be the exact opposite. He is now going back to her, not to get her back, but he is going to fight with her to get the reason for which he got fooled.

Ignoring his head injury and the warnings form gbe doctors he decided to travel to meet her.

The strange sound created by that moving train dragged him to the golden days of his life when his Ragini was a innocent one

Laksh was in his final years. He was a rich kid but not a spoiled one. He has no relatives or friends because his parents did a intercaste marriage and totally ignored by their families.

Even he had no friends in college but then she arraived. She was his junior but from the first day itself he lost himself in her innocence. He stalked her days, kept starring at her during classes untill  one day she herself came forward to talk with him.

"you are laksh na?" she asked with a cute smile. He looked at her shocked as he doesn't know her name or anything about her but she knows his name.

"hmm" that's all he manged to say.

"I'm a huge fan of you, you are a handball player na? I saw you once in inter college competitions and from that day itself I'm yearning to meet you" she said with a chirping voice. He could never forget that melody he heard that day for the first time.

"you are my fan?" he asked confused. He can't just explain what he felt at that time.

"not just fan but I have to say something. I didn't know wheater it's right to say or not. But I like you. Like you in a different way.

When I first say you in freshers day I felt a kind of attraction towards you. I don't know the name of that feel, but it felt so correct when I thought about you. I don't want to name the emotion I felt but simply I want to be with you "she said the words which he was supposed to say.

" Ragini... " he dragged. He was not sure about saying anything actually his mind was so blank because of the happiness he is feeling right then.

" if you don't like me say no words, just leave I can't tolerate those words from you" she added as his silence induced the fear of rejection.

He turned back and moved in the other side and her eyes got walled up. She closed her eyes and fisted her palms to control the pain.

But suddenly she felt a hand wiping her tears and found Laksh standing there with a rose in his hands.

"how could I say no to such a cute girl" he said and she hugged him tightly.

The tear drop that touched his hands brought him back to reality. He realized that he reached his destination and get himself ready to meet her.

Laksh walked through that lonely road. The days he spent with her holding hands reflected in his memories making his present state miserable.

He looked at the dark moonless sky. The sky even with millions of starts looked empty with the mare absence of the moon on that no moon day. Just like him, even after having everything in his life he felt empty just with her absence.

At least the sky has the certainty that the moon will grow again but in his case? Can he get her again? Only god knows that.

He had no idea how many hours he walked the sun started speeding his wings. His hand shivered when he tried to knock the door of her house.

It took few minutes for the door to open. But when the lock moved and the door opened he turned only to meet that tear filled eyes of her.

"" he managed to say utter her name with lot of difficulties.

She spoke no words but her eyes are filled with tears. She ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

The sudden opening of the door bought him out of his dream and he slapped his head for imagining like that. She murdered him and yet his heart is not ready to blame him. He heated himself for doing that.

"Who are you?" a unknown person asked laksh. "Ragini...?" he asked. "Ragini?" the man repeated his question.

His face became pale and his eyes walled up.

"Ragini beta.. Left all of us. She left us to cry"that old man cried and laksh's heart skipped it's beat then. He felt like he was no more breathing.

He felt week in his kness as his heart can't handle the hardness.

" why are you crying for her now, she wrote her own destiny. Let go of it" a young man in his 20's shouted at the former one and closed the door.

He walked senselessly in that lonely road and he looked like a complete disaster. The clouds started to shed tears unable to witness his pain. Soon that tears became thunderstorm and lighting just like the pain in his heart.

The heavy rain hid his tears form the outer world and those pearl drops which left his eyes mixed themselves with the clouds tears.

As the pain in his heart entered into his veins and hurt his whole body he fell sown on his knees and let out a bitter cry. He cried and cried until all energy drained out.

"Laksh Anna (brother)?" he heard a voice near him and found a little girl standing near him. He tried search for that little girl in his memories but failed as the pain is all what he cab feel.

"Are you alive?" she asked and he looked at her confused. Suddenly the girl started to run and Laksh followed her.

She stopped near a small house and turned to look at him when she found him following her she smiled and ran towards another woman who is in her mid 20's.

"Riya why are you running?" that girl asked. " rithu I saw laksh Anna so bought him here" that little girl smiled and showed laksh.

Laksh looked at her shocked as his mind recognized her as Ragini's best friend Rithu.

"Laksh are you alive? Ragini thought that you are dead" she added.

"after trying to kill me why wouldn't see think like that" his words have venom in them. "But god wrote her fate, she died and I'm surviving" he added.

"Laksh what are you blabbering?" Rithu asked confused. "Ragini is alive, come I will show you her" she added and walked into that small house.

There he saw his soul in a complete white dress, sitting at a corner. Her eyes and face lost it's glow. And she became thinner.

"Ragini" Rithu called her but she didn't responded. She tried to touch her but Ragini slapped her Instead. Laksh walked towards her and shocked to find her holding his photo and murmuring his name.

"Ragini" this time Laksh called her but she gave no response.

"what happened to her?" Laksh asked wiping the lone tear that escaped his eyes.

"Laksh Ragini was so happy to meet you that day, but her brother fixed her alliance with someone else. When she protested he slapped her and blackmailed to kill you. Finally he asked her to broke up with you. Ragini without any other way she agreed" Rithu started to  say the unknown side of the known story.

Controlling all her emotions Ragini decided to meet Laksh that day. Even though she was happy to meet Laksh after  six long months that being their last Meet killed her. She made her heart stone which turned her voice cold enough.

When she saw Laksh standing there with flowers her heart cried. She controlled her emotions and walked forward but when he hugged her all the control she had broke and she stood still as a statue. When she saw her brother standing far away she released his hug.

When he gave her the flowers her heart fluttered with joy. She felt an unknown peace inside her. But when she saw her brother who is staring at them, she decided to hurt him with words.

"I don't love them anymore Laksh" she said throwing that flowers down from that cliff.  She is dead at the second she decided to broke up with laksh. A dead body can't love anything. And she too.

"Ragini are you okay Bachaa" he calling her "bachaa made her week from inside without wasting time she decided to tell him what she prepared.

"we are not meant to be together Laksh" she said cluting the galss bottle she was hiding behind her hand.

Ragini formulated a best paln. She can't live without laksh, nit even in imagination but she can make laksh live. For that she want him to hate her. And after she got angry and leave her she will drink that poison and end her life. She don't have to undergo the Pain of speration and he will move on with the anger he had on her.

"you are playing a prank isn't it? The bitter smile made her feel miserable.

"I'm serious laksh, we are not meant to be together. You can never reach my place. Better part our ways now itself" she lied again.

"I would rather die than living without you in my life" he said and her heart beat stopped. She is killing her soul to keep him alive but here he is talking about dying.

Her Eyes widened with fear when she saw her brother pointing a gun at laksh. Nervousness crept her face.

Her brother pressed the trigger Ragini felt her world breaking. "don't die" she muttered and pushed him away taking the bullet on herself. The bullet hit her abdomen and she felt the pain shooting up. She smirked as she saved laksh but before she could realize anything laksh fell down from the cliff as his leg slipped due to the force she used to push him.

Tears started escaping her eyes before she could lose her conscious she muttered his name.

Rithu competed and Laksh felt vulnerable all of sudden evan at her near death moment he accused her. But his Ragini did all that for him. May be that was the fate.

"why she is in all white?" laksh asked.

"When she waked up in hospital Ragini tried to search laksh. But with the blood samples of laksh they found in rock they said that he is dead. From that second Ragini never talked with anyone.

Her brother arranged her marriage on the day of her wedding she came to the mandap wearing all white and said that she is married already and her husband is dead. So she is Widow then. After that marriage stopped she took your photo and  she left that house and staying here" Rithu said and Laksh cried at the pain she must have undergone.

"she is like this from then. She never talks. Eat only if I feed forcefully. Starte at your picture and sleeps like that. She lost her mental sense since then" Rithu added and Laksh felt her pain.

"Ragini" he sat near her. She turned and looked at him but gave no response.

"Ragini talk with me see your Laksh is here" he said.

"I killed my laksh" she muttered and continued to stare at his photo while caressing it.

"Laksh she never cried after that" Rithu said as she believed that she will became normal when she cries.

"Ragu, please look at me and talk with me Ragu. You known na, your Laksh can't survive without you please Ragu" he pleaded but she gave no response.

"Bachaa please" he said and held her hands. A lone tear escaped her eyes when she heard that word.


She don't regonize him yet he is ready to cure her only with his love.

Love Kills but it do heals too.

The end...

Sorry guys I think I rushed the end. Anyway do give your veiws on this story.

As I said in promo this part is dedicated to my sweet akka anaz1994

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