[Chapter One]

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    I woke up to my father gently shaking me, and I my eyes fluttered open. I stretched and looked around. “Where are we?” I asked and looked at my father.

    “We’re at the new house!” he said with a bright grin.

    “We are? How long was I out?” I raised a brow and look forward to the big house. It was decent, but way too big for just the two of us. “Don’t you think it’s too big for just us?”

    “It is, but it gives you more privacy,” he explained.

    I nodded and unbuckled. My eyes burned slightly from the bright sun. It’s too damn bright… I complained to myself as I got out of the car. My legs felt weak and jello like, so I ended up wobbling and almost fell. I steadied myself before my father could help.

    “Woah! Careful,” he said with a chuckle. “Don’t want you to fall already.”

    I rolled my eyes and looked at the big house again. Where did he get the money to buy this house? I raised a brow and looked at my father before looking back at the house. “It looks really expensive… How’d you get the money for it?” I asked, but to my luck, he didn’t answer and walked inside. I opened the trunk and grabbed my bags. I didn’t have too many due to the moving truck having everything. I closed the trunk before making my way up the stairs to the house, and I walked inside. It was like a mansion. The first thing I saw was the huge double staircase in the middle of the room when you enter. My jaw dropped. You gotta be kidding me! I blinked a few times and looked for my father. 

    “Dad!?” I yelled since he wasn’t in the room, but I didn’t get a response. Fucking brick wall… I thought and walked upstairs. I searched for a good bedroom for me, and I sighed heavily. My father was obviously in the biggest room already. I grumbled and walked into the second largest room, which already had a big bed in the middle of the room against one of the walls. That’s strange… I thought as I glanced at the closet to see it opened with a box on the ground. I raised a brow and over to the small box, and it seemed to be opened. I picked it up and looked inside. It was an old looking music box. 

    “Um, Dad!?” I yelled, and I hear his heavy footsteps enter my new room. I looked at the doorway. “What’s with the bed and music box?” I asked and looked back at the music box. “I thought the old owners took everything out of this house… So, why are these still here?”

    “Um… I’m not sure why they are here… Why are you asking all these questions anyway?” he asked, seeming to be defensive. 

    “Well, now that you’re being suspiciously defensive, answer them!” I snapped at the older man in the doorway. “Why did we move so far away? How can you afford this HUGE house? Why are there still items from the past owners here? And… What REALLY happened to Mom?” my eyes narrowed more after every question, and my body filled with more anticipation. “Oh! Also! Why do you avoid every damn question I ask!?”

    “Don’t use that tone with me, Kana! Also, don’t swear to my fucking face!” the older man’s face contorted into a scowl. “I don’t HAVE to answer your dumbass questions. I can hide whatever the hell I want from you. You’re mother is better off dead anyways. She gave birth to a pathetic little bitch,” he hissed. Every word he said was filled with a thick layer of venom.

    I stared at him in disbelief. Where’s MY father!? Where’s the sweet man I call Dad!? My eyes went back to a glare, and I snapped even farther. “I’m not a pathetic little bitch! To what I’m seeing and hearing, you’re the pathetic little bitch!” my words were filling with venom, slowly but surely. “And my dumbass questions are reasonable! I don’t trust you! You have a horrible past, and not to mention a horrible rep in the old town! You’re nothing but a lowlife druggy alcoholic that can’t even take care of a simple teenager! How the hell can I trust a man who has been nothing but horrid to everyone!?” everything I said was filled with venom that seeped into the older man’s mind. 

    “How dare you! You can’t speak to me like that you ungrateful bitch!” he yelled at and stopped over to me.

    My heart stopped for a second and I went to run out the door, but to my demise, he grabbed me by my hair. I yelped and tried to get his hands out of my hair.

    “Let go of me!” I yelled at him as I grabbed his hands. I tried to pull them away. “Get away from me!” I yelled even louder, but I knew no one would come to help. I didn’t see any neighbors when I walked up the stairs to the porch. “I said let go of me!” I yelled as I finally got out of his grip. I started to run down the stairs and out of the big house. My legs carry me to the park, where I bumped into a taller girl. I glanced at her. This girl had piercings on her face (a lip ring, an eyebrow piercing, a nose ring, and even the bridge of her nose), and all over ears. Her arms were covered in tattoos, and her hair was a deep black.

    “My bad!” I said.

    “It’s-- Wait, you’re Kana, aren’t you?” she asked and glanced me up and down. “You look cuter in person.”

    “Um… You’re?” I asked.

    “Samantha, but most people call me Sam though,” she explained. “But, damn. You sure you’re going to Cladford?” she smirked slightly.

    I nodded. “Yeah, I’m positive…”

    Sam played with her lip ring, maybe a nervous habit? I stood there awkwardly and looked at the ground. 

    “So, why you out here? Didn’t you JUST get into town?” Sam asked and eyed me again. “You also seem out of breath.”

    “I--” I began, but fell silent. Why am I here? I thought and sighed. “My dad was being a dick…”

    She blinked a few times and grinned. “So the pretty new girl swears? How unlikely! It’s not normal for the pretty ones to swear around here, so I’d watch your tongue around school. Gotta hold up that ‘perfect girl’ stereotype,” she said as her grin turned into a smirk. “Unless you’d want to join my group at school, which is very unlikely. You’d want to be with the preps, right?” her eyes had a strange glint to them as she spoke so negatively.

    I rolled my eyes and narrowed them at her. “Listen, Sam, I’m not like those dumbass bitches. They’re the type to pick on girls like me. So, you know what? I’ll be alone at this stupidass school of yours,” I snapped, which made her smirk grow.

    “Feisty aren’t we?” she asked and took a step closer to me. “How unlady like of you, Kana. Though, you are fresh meat in more ways than one I assume?” she licked her lower lip slightly, which allowed her tongue piercing to show.

    “Perv…,” I mumbled. “How would you even know?”

    “Well, you seem too good to be a slut or even a hoe,” she began to circle me. “You also look like a nerdy goody-goody who possibly hasn’t dated a single guy or gal. Am I right?”

    I blinked a few times. “You’re very bold with those assumptions, aren’t you?

    “They are merely just correct guesses, Miss Virgin,” she snickered.

    I grumbled. “You wouldn’t even know if I was or not, so why assume dumb shit?” I raised a brow and looked at her. “What about you, hm? Aren’t you some cheap whore?”

    “Actually, I’m not, but I’m also not a virgin,” she commented and stretched out her arms. “I’ve only fucked one guy in my life, but I’m not straight.”

    I blinked a few times. “I did not need to know that…,” I said and looked at her confusedly. “But, okay then…”

    Sam chuckled. “I thought you needed to know!”

    “Why would I need to know?” I asked her.

    “Because I may just want you one day,” she said with a wink and turned around. “See you tomorrow at school, Kana.” She then walked away, leaving me to have a dark blush upon my cheeks.

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