[Chapter Two]

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    I lied in bed, and my face was a dark red. “Because I may just want you one day…” was trapped in my mind. Samantha’s little joke, I assumed, had been in my mind since yesterday. Was she being serious? Was she joking? Gah! Calm down, Kana. She must’ve been joking. She had to be! She wouldn’t know… I sighed and rolled onto my back. My gaze fell upon my ceiling, and my thoughts were broken when there was banging on my door. I growled. “Go away you crazy bastard!” I yelled at my father. The banging stopped and I heard his heavy boots stomp away. I rolled my eyes and jumped when my phone started to vibrate. I looked at the small device and picked it up. Samantha was calling, and I hesitantly answered.

    “Hello?” my voice sounded a bit shaky.

    “Hey, Kana,” Samantha said. “You okay? You sound scared, also, school. Where do you live?”

    “Um… 1937 Church Lane,” I said and raised a brow. “Why you ask?”

    “Because, I’m outside of your door, your bedroom door,” she said as there was a knock.

    I jumped and stood up. I made my way to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. The phones hung up, and there stood Samantha.

    “Ready to go?” she asked and looked me up and down. “You look hot in that uniform.”

    I blushed a bit and looked away from her. “I’m ready to go… And, um… thanks,” I said and smiled softly. A compliment… that’s different. I shook my head and stretched. “Let me get the rest of my things ready, then I’ll be fully ready to leave.”

    “Alright. I’ll wait out here for you. Don’t take too long though,” she stated and stepped back into the hall. She leaned against a wall and I closed the door.

    I sighed softly and gathered my belongings. How’d she even know where I lived? I asked myself as I threw my bag over my shoulder. I never told her until now… I shook my head and grabbed my phone charger before opening the door. I gave a thumbs up as I started to walk down the stairs, where Samantha followed me.

    “So, you’re a richy prep?” she asked and looked at me.

    I rolled my eyes and narrowed them at her. “No. I’m not rich, nor preppy. My dad somehow was able to afford this huge house. He’s a damn brick wall to every question I ask about it.”

    “Oh?” she raised a brow.

    “Yeah,” I said with a sigh. “He’s been off since Mom’s disappearance…”

    “Her disappearance?”

    I nodded and walked out of the main door. “Yeah. She disappeared a few months back, so my dad wanted to move for whatever reason he had.” I walked down to the sidewalk. “Also, how are we getting to school?”

    “My bike,” she said and pointed to a black motorcycle.

    I blinked a few times and shook my head quickly. “There is no way in hell I’m getting on the death bike with a damn skirt!” I yelled.

    “Too bad, so sad. Put a helmet on and get on the damn thing,” she said and looked at me. “Also,” she began, “don’t swear pretty girl.”

    I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Sam, I rather not get on that bike. I refuse to.”

    “Come on! It’s fun!” she smiled.

    I shook my head. “N--”

    Samantha picked me up and placed me on the bike. “Like I said, too bad, so sad.”

    I pouted and watched her get on the bike, and she put a helmet on my head and buckled it under my chin. “I don’t wanna ride this death trap…,” I mumbled.

    “Just hold on tight,” she said softly. “Wrap your arms around my waist tightly, and you’ll be perfectly fine. But, for the love of God, don’t lean the same way as me or we’ll be as good as dead.”

    I gulped and nodded as I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly. “I still feel unsafe. What if you stop too fast and I go flying off?”

    “That won’t happen, Kana,” she said in a reassuring voice, which was a surprise..

    I nodded. “O-Okay… If you say so…”

    That’s when the bike was revved up and left the place it had been parked. I buried my head into her neck, in which she giggled slightly. I couldn’t help but smile and feel all the fear wash away. I looked forward and grinned. “This isn’t so bad,” I said.

    “See? And you said you refused to ride!” Samantha laughed a little and soon stopped at a redlight. “Feeling the wind blow past your face is the best part of the ride!”

    I nodded in agreement. “It seems that way.”

    She soon started to drive the bike again, and turned into a big parking lot that belonged to the school. “We’re here,” she said as she parked the bike.

    I took the helmet off, and I got off the bike. Placing the helmet on the back of the bike, I hear the bell ring.

    “Looks like you woke up late,” Samantha said.

    I blinked a few times and fixed my outfit. I fixed my bag and started to dart into the school. I heard Samantha’s feet follow behind me as I pull out my schedule. I went to my locker and struggled to open it, but Samantha helped me. I threw my things into the small space, grabbed a few items I’d need for the first classes, and slammed the locker door shut with my foot. I glanced at Sam, who stood there calmly like “skipping” wasn’t a big deal. “Look at my schedule and help me!” I panicked, and I handed her the small paper.

    “Um… We have every class together, so just follow me around,” she said and mumbled something under her breath.

    I nodded and followed her to the first class.


    I sighed heavily once lunch came around, and Samantha seemed to be ignoring the whole day. I put my things in my locker and went to the cafeteria. Someone bumped into me and looked to see a smiling Sam.

    “So! Guys have been talking about you,” she said, which made her smile vanish as if she was jealous by the fact.

    “Oh…,” I said. “Not like I’d date anyone. I just got here…”

    Sam rolled her eyes. “They wanna dick you down, bad,” she grumbled. “And, they think they can get away with it? Fuck that. I’ll beat a bitch if they think they can touch you.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

    “A bit possessive, don’t you think?” I asked. “Because, you and I are just friends. Nothing more.”

    She blinked a few times. “Right. Just friends…”

    I raised a brow and sighed. “We just met… If we knew each other for a longer amount of time, I would consider it. But not right now…”

    She nodded and stretched. “Understandable.”

    I grabbed a tray and got some food. My head felt like it spinning, and I felt bad for friendzoning her. I shouldn’t have done that… I sighed softly and felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Samantha, and she looked worried.

    “You okay? You seem upset,” she said softly.

    “It’s just-- I didn’t mean to friendzone you the way I did… let alone at all,” I looked forward and went to a table to sit at. I looked at her. “I mean, what could a bada--” she narrowed her eyes, “--a cool girl like you even want with me? I’m nothing but a semi prep like everyone probably says. They probably saw the house my dad somehow bought, and assumed I’m a bi-- bratty prep who cares only about herself.” I opened the plastic fork and pick at my food. “I’m really not that special. I was a nerd, and I still am.”

    She sat next to me and rubbed my back. “I don’t think you’re a bitchy prep, nor do I find you to be like all those fake ass barbies sitting at that table,” she said as she tilted her head toward a table.

    The table was filled with blondes and brunettes alike, and even some had either red or pink hair. They all had caked on faces, and fake nails that could stab anyone. I looked back at Sam and smiled a little. “You really don’t think I am?” I asked softly.

    “Of course not. Also, I was bluffing about my friend group. I don’t even have friends here,” she laughed a little. “The people with tattoos and piercings say I’m their friend, which is chill. But, they are dicks to everyone. They made themselves the stereotypical bullies.”

    “Oh…,” I said and picked at my food more. “I mean, no offense, but you look like that type of person…” 

    “None taken,” she chuckled. “I get what you mean.”

    I nodded and eventually started to eat.

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