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Third person's POV.

Two more days passed but Aarham didn't came to his conscious. Mehak was crying and getting worried and on other side,Zeeniya was getting tensed as whenever she called,it was Mehak who answered the call. Aarham didn't talk to her which made her more worried.

"Aabia asked Mehak, is Aarham okay?" Zeeniya said worriedly.

"Mom he's fine. I'll talk to her okay. Don't worry." Aabia said and went to her room as she was also worried that Aarham didn't call them nor talked to them.

It was weird that never happened before. She took her mobile and start dialing Mehak's number. On the other side,Mehak got panicked again as she saw Aabia calling.

"Hello Bhabhi." Aabia said as Mehak received the call.

"Bhabhi is Bhai okay?" Aabia asked directly without asking anything else.

Mehak's eyes filled with water again and she keep looking at his face.

"Bhabhi tell me the truth." Aabia asked while holding her heart.

"He's..he's not good Aabia." Finally Mehak said and cried more.

"What...what happened to him?" Aabia asked controlling herself.

"He..he got shot. I'm scared. Please do something." Mehak cried more holding Aarham's hand.

"You didn't tell us?" Aabia asked with tears in her eyes.

"He..he stopped me before closing his eyes. But now I'm scared Aabia. Its been three days but he's not opening his eyes." Mehak cried making Aabia worried.

"Shhh...Bhabhi nothing will happen. We're coming." Aabia said which made Mehak to come to her senses.

" don't..don't tell anyone as Aarham didn't want mama,papa to know about this." Mehak said and saw doctor coming in and she walked out of the room.

"Keep standing here." Mehak ordered Abbas and Ali and they nodded while standing straight in front of ICU.

"Aabia listen don't tell Mama. She'll be stressed out." Mehak said going to the benches and sat there.

"But I can't let you both stay there like this. Okay let me think something but keep my bhai in your care please." Aabia said and Mehak nodded and cut the call.

Aabia start roaming here and there while crying. She didn't know what to do. How to reach there to her brother. Suddenly a knock on her room door made her look at there and the person opened the door.

"Aabia Guriya we..." Aarib stopped on his place when he saw Aabia crying.

"Hey what happened?" He went closer to her and placed his hand on her head.

"Aarib bhaiya that Aarham Bhai got shot." Aabia said and Aarib looked at her shocked.

"What?" He almost yelled.

Mehak's POV.

I looked at him who was not waking up from his sleep. Three days passed and he was still in the same condition. If he was okay then why he was not waking up. Why his eyes were closed.

Taking his hand in mine,I leaned closer to him and looked at his face,covered with oxygen mask.

"Wake up. For me." I whispered while my tears flowed down from my face.

"Aarham please. I'm scared." I said and rested my head carefully on his chest.

"I want to say a lot of things. Please wake up." I whispered feeling his slow heart beat.

"Wake up." I cried more and just keep feeling him.


"Mrs Aarham." I looked up on the voice and saw a nurse standing.

"Someone is there asking for you." Nurse said and I nodded.

I walked toward the reception and looked around to find anyone but there was no one.

"Bhabhi." I turned on the voice and saw a stranger standing.

I looked away and tried to find the one who called me. I saw that stranger coming to me.

"Are you Mrs Aarham?" He asked and I nodded.

"Bhabhi I'm Aarib." He said but I didn't recognized him.

"I'm Aarham's cousin." He said but I didn't believe.

I mean I knew all of his cousins but not him. Who was he then? Is he the killer??

I got panicked and took a step back in fear.

"Bhabhi don't be tensed. Aabia sent me here for help." He said and I got suspicious.

Suddenly my mobile start ringing and I saw Aabia's name flashing. I picked up the call and looked at the man standing in front of me.

"Hello." I said as I answered the call.

"Hello Bhabhi how are you?" She asked while I was thinking what to do with this man who was looking at me.

"I'm fine. Aabia did you sent anyone?" I asked and waited for her reply.

"Yes Is Aarib reached there?" She asked and I took a breath of relieve.

"Yes he's here." I answered.

"Bhabhi relax. He's our cousin. Zarnish's brother. So don't worry. I send him to look after Bhai. Don't worry and feel safe okay." She said and I nodded and ended the call.

"I'm..I'm sorry. I behaved rude." I said looking down.

"Its okay Bhabhi. By the way, you can call me Bhai like all do." He said and I smiled.

"Is Aarham okay?" He asked and I shook my head as no.

"Doctors took the bullet out but its been 5 days,he's not coming to his conscious." I said and again countless tears start steaming down on my face.

"Relax. He'll be fine. He's a tough guy. Don't worry and I just want to see his doctor." Aarib said and I nodded.

We both walked toward Aarham's room. Ali and Abbas were standing outside the room,guarding him. Aarib looked at lifeless Aarham's body and I saw him wiping his tear which was about to come out of his eye.

"He'll be fine now." He whispered and walked back while I sat there on the bench praying for his life.

Third person's POV.
The officers reached the hotel where Aarham was staying. Asking about the room next to Aarham,the cops waited for the answer.

"Is 304 checked out?" The officer asked the manager.

"Let me check sir." He said and went to the receptionist.

"Check room number 304 detail." The manager said and the receptionist start checking.

"Yes sir he just checked out 3 days ago." Receptionist informed them.

"Can we get any name?" Officer asked.

"Bilal Yaqoob." The receptionist told them the name of the person who stayed in that room.

"How he paid? Tell us his account number." Officers asked.

"From credit card he paid and its account number is." She said while noting the number on a paper.

"Here sir." The receptionist passed the account number.

"Thank you and we want to check both rooms. 303 and 304." One of the police officer said and manager nodded.

"But sir why you want to check 303? They didn't check out yet." Manger said about Aarham's room.

"Its necessary." Officers said and he nodded.

"Okay Sir." Manager said while taking keys and all walked toward the elevator.

The officer first went in the room next to Aarham which was of that man who tried to kill Aarham. They start searching the room but they didn't find anything. After an hour,they stepped in Aarham's room. They start searching in the room.

One of the cop was trying to find something under the carpets and furniture when his hand touched the chip under the table.

"Sir I found something." He called his senior.

Officers reached him and took that chip from his cop. Inspecting the chip,they nodded.

"That man just put it here to hear them." The senior said and all nodded.

"Let's find him. I want him in front of me." The senior officer ordered.

They all left from there thinking something.

Mehak's POV.

"Aarham." I called him who was still in his sleep.

"Wake up." I whispered with silent tears steaming down on my cheek.

"Bhabhi." I turned on the voice and saw,Aarib Bhai standing.

"Doctors are hopeful that he'll open his eyes soon." Aarib Bhai said and I nodded.

"I'm just going to police station as they called. Abbas and Ali are here. So don't worry." He said and I nodded.

He left while I keep looking at my life. Not for once my eyes blinked while looking at him. All the day passed and I keep seated there and keep holding his hand in mine.

I rested my head next to his hand on bed and keep praying for him. My every beat of heart was praying for his life.

"Aarham." I called him with closed eyes.

"Mehak." I stiffened on my place as I heard his whisper.

On next second,I moved back and looked at him who was taking deep breaths while I could see the movement of his eyes.

"Aar...Aarham." I called him while cupping his face.

His eyes slowly moved and he opened them and I smiled with many tears steaming down on my cheeks.

"Doctor." I yelled, with happiness.

Running out of the room,my heart was beating so fast with happiness.

"What happened ma'am?" Abbas asked,worried.

"Call the doctor. Aarham.. Aarham opened his eyes." I said happily.

"Okay ma'am." Abbas said and I ran again inside the room.

Stopping in front of him,I was just smiling whose eyes were fixed on me and I was just wanted to keep looking at him.

"You woke up." I said while taking seat on bed near to him.

His eyes shined and I saw him blinking his eyes. Before I could say anything, doctors came and they start checking Aarham.

"Don't worry Mrs Aarham,he's perfectly fine now." Doctors said and I released a breath of relieve.

"Well Mr Aarham,you scared us all." Doctor said and he smiled.

"Is he okay now? You sure doctor?" I asked and they nodded.

"Yes he's okay. Tonight we'll keep him observation and next morning we'll shift him to private room." Doctor said and left while I sat there and cried more while holding his hand.

"Mehak." He called me and I looked at him.

"You know how much...I..I waited for you to call me." I said looking at his weak face.

He didn't say anything but keep looking at me. Abbas and Ali entered and I turned to see them.

"How are you Sir?" Ali asked and Aarham nodded.

I could see how weak he was. It was difficult for him to speak. But I could read what his eyes were saying. He was also scared as I was. Abbas and Ali left and I sat next to him and wiped that tears from his eyes which escaped from the corners of his eyes.

"You'll be fine. Insha Allah." I said and he nodded.

Nurse came and gave an injection to him. I saw his eyes getting heavy and soon he drifted to sleep and I just keep looking at him. His calm breath were calming me and I sat on chair while placing my head near to his hand and closed my eyes.

Third person's POV.

"Where Aarib gone all of sudden?" Mr Ahmad asked while taking seat on sofa.

All Jahan family was present in the living room and was busy in their chats when Mr Ahmad arrived and asked.

"Dadu a call so he went to some work." Aabia answered and looked away.

"This boy is always so busy in his work. I think we should marry him now." Mr Ahmad said and all nodded in agreement.

"I think the same papa. Let's Aarham come and then we'll talk to Madiha Bhabhi and Hammad Bhai. They should think about their son now." Zeeniya said and Jahan nodded with Mr Ahmad.

"Aarham called or not?" Jahan asked all of sudden and Aabia got tensed as she was relieved that Zeeniya didn't ask her about Aarham but now what?

"Oh yes I forgot. Aabia did he call?" Zeeniya asked and Aabia start looking here and there to find any answer.

"Y..yes he did. He said he's missing us a lot but he's enjoying being with his wife." Aabia said and all laughed.

"Bless him. And zeeniya let him enjoy there. Aabia ask him to stay there for few more days. Its his days to enjoy." Mr Ahmad said and she nodded.

"Mom is Aarib Bhai going to get marry?" Shazam asked of nowhere,taking everyone's attention toward Aarib.

"Yes. This time we won't let him go without getting married." Mrs Ahmad said and all nodded.

"What if he already likes someone? Then?" Sameer asked and Roshaane looked at him who was busy in writing something in her diary.

"Then we'll tie him with that girl. So simple is that. We just need his happiness." Zeeniya said and all smiled while Roshaane got up and walked out from there,holding tightly her diary in her hands.

"What happened to her?" Shazam asked and all shrugged their shoulders.

All start talking while Mr Ahmad stiffened on his place as he felt again that wave of pain rising in his chest on left side.

"Dad you okay?" Jahan asked looking at his father.

"I'm..I'm..okay son." Mr Ahmad said and walked to his room slowly.

Closing the door,he start rubbing his arm to fade the pain but it start increasing and his breath start getting heavy due to pain and soon it spread on his the left side of chest. He fell down on the ground as the pain was getting unbearable for him. He tried to call Jahan or any of his grandsons but his voice was not coming out. Tears rolled down on his cheeks and his face turned red due to pain.

"Jahan." He yelled with all his force and his head fell down on ground,his eyes closed down leaving him unconscious.

Mehak's POV.
"Aarham you okay now?" Aarib Bhai asked Aarham who was shifted to a private room now.

I was relieved that he was fine now. And thankfully that scary oxygen mask was removed from his face but still he was surrounded with machines.

"I'm good now Alhamduillah." Aarham replied and I smiled as I heard his voice.

"Do everyone knows about this?" Aarham asked but Aarib Bhai shook his head as no.

"No. Only Aabia and me. She told me so I came. And now I'm relieved that you are fine." Aarib Bhai said and he smiled.

But I was just looking at him who was talking yo Aarib Bhai. My heart beat was increasing on every move of his head,on the move of his lips and eyes. The light smile appeared on his lips, everything was just caught my eyes to it and I was just lost in looking at him. Feeling my eyes on him,he turned his head a little and looked at me. He smiled looking at me but it was more than a smile. It was a smirk telling me that he noticed my gaze on him. My heart beat increased and I for the first time didn't look away. My eyes stuck to his face,the face which was now my life.

"Crazy." He whispered under his lips but I heard and smiled.

He looked away and start talking to Aarib again.

"Bhabhi." I startled on Aarib's call.

I looked at him who walked to me.

"You don't worry now. He's fine. Doctors are sure that he'll recover soon." Aarib bhai said and I nodded.

"I'll be going now. See you later bro." Aarib Bhai said while turning to Aarham.

Aarham nodded and Aarib Bhai turned to go but stopped and walked back to Aarham.

"Do you know any Bilal Yaqoob?" He asked and I saw Aarham nodding negatively.

"No. Why?" Aarham asked.

"Nothing. The one who attacked you was staying next to your room. Cops will come to ask you some questions." Aarib said and Aarham nodded.

But I was scared that who was the one? Who was he trying to kill Aarham and why??

"Excuse me Sir." We turned and saw Abbas coming with cops.

"We want to ask some question from Mr Aarham." One of the officer said and we all nodded.

We walked out of the room leaving Aarham with cops.

"Bhabhi." Aarib Bhai called and I looked at him.

"Aabia called and said that Dadu said to stay here for more two week and I think that would be best. Because in this time,Aarham will recover from his injury." Aarib Bhai said and I nodded.

"Yes that will be best. Aarham didn't want anyone to know about this attack." I said and he nodded.

"Don't worry. And I'm so Thankful to Allah(SWT) that our Aarham is good now." Aarib Bhai said and I really thanked my Almighty for saving my Aarham.

Suddenly his mobile start ringing and he picked up the call. And I don't know what the other sider said but I could see that he got tensed.

"When?" He asked and I waited for his call to end.

"I'm coming." He said and cut the call.

I looked at him who turned to me fully.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I asked and he keep thinking for few seconds.

"Yes everything is okay. Actually there is some problem in my office so they called. Its urgent for me to go." Aarib Bhai said and I nodded.

"And you don't worry now Bhabhi. Aarham is fine now. You just take care of him." Aarib Bhai said and walked out from there.

I sighed and sat there on a bench. Abbas and Ali were standing there since 6 days. I turned to them and got up. Going to them,I stood in front of him.

"Thank you." I said,looking at both of them.

"For what ma'am?" Ali asked.

"For everything. For saving Aarham." I said and both bowed their heads.

"It was our duty ma'am." They said and I smiled looking at them.

The room door opened and officers came out. They walked from there and I stepped in the room to see my Aarham. As I closed the door behind me,my eyes met with his eyes which were fixed on me and calling me.

"Come to me." He called and I moved closer to him.

Aarham's POV.
"Come to me." I called her to me who was looking so beautiful in her black gown.

She was still in her that Abaya and Hijab. Her feet moved closer to me while I could see tears in her eyes. She was looking so beautiful with red nose and cheeks that my Heart skipped its beat. On her every step,my heart was fluttering more for her. My life was coming to me and I just wanted to hug her.

She sat on bed close to me while our eyes never averted from other. I held her hand in mine and took it to my heart.

"I scared you, don't I?" I asked and she nodded.

"I got scared." She said and let her tears to come out of her eyes.

Her eyes moved to our hands,placed near to my heart. Freeing her hand from mine,her fragile hand touched my chest on my heart.

"I was scared to lose this heart beat." She said,caressing on my heart.

"How can it lost! When you beat here." I said holding her hand in mine again.

Taking it to my lips,I kissed her hand and looked up at her who was silently crying.

"Come closer." I said and she leaned closer to me.

"More." I whispered and she leaned more closer to my face.

"You're looking so beautiful with these tears." I whispered looking in her eyes.

Wiping her tears,I keep touching her cheeks.

"Aarham I..I..don't want to lose you." She said and her tears fell on my neck.

"You know when I closed my eyes,the only face which was visible to me was yours. And in my unconsciousness,this heart just took your name and when I opened my eyes,the first name, I spilled was yours. Because I wanted to wake up,to come back,for you. Only for you." I said and I felt my own eyes going wet.

"I don't know what is this between us. What these feeling are called but now I want to live,to smile,to laugh, to enjoy,to cry for you. For you, I want my heart to beat,my breath to take your name. For my Mehak, I want to live a life where I could only see my Mehak around me and in me." I was saying my all heart out and she was crying on my every word.

"Mehak." I called her and she looked at me smilingly.

Her hand moved to my face and she wiped my tears from my eyes and I smiled.

"You know what!" She paused and I waited for her to continue.

"I want the same. For you,I want to live and For you I can give my life. You're right. We don't know what these feelings should be call but whatever these feelings are,I want to keep feeling it,for you." She said making me smile.

My hand went to her Hijab and I slowly, unpinned her Hijab and slowly unwrapped it a little to see her hair.

"My beauty queen." Kissing her forehead, I said and she smiled beautifully.

Resting her head carefully on my chest,she wrapped her other hand around me and I held her in my arm and closed my eyes.

"My handsome King." Her words made me smile and I just keep feeling her heart beat next to mine which was pulling me back to life.

"My Mehak." With the words,I felt a joy in my heart and just keep feeling it with her in my arms.

Third person's POV.
"He's fine. Damn." He cursed while stepping out of airport.

As he stepped out of Karachi airport, his eyes roamed around to find his car. Driver was there, waiting with his name board. He walked to the car with his luggage.

"Sir." Driver took the luggage and put it in the car while he sat in fully furious.

Three days, he was there in Sydney, waiting for the news of Aarham's death but he didn't get the news. And then the involvement of police panicked him more. So before police could reach him,he checked out from hotel and fly back to his country.

Dialing a number, he was gritting his teeth in anger. As the other sider received the call,he growled.

"You are good for nothing. I wasted my money on you. You couldn't kill a man. Leave this all and do something else. Its a Shame to call you a killer." He cut the call and threw his mobile on the seat of car.

"This time you're saved but not every time. You have to die Aarham. For me,you have to die,so this success and Mehak could be mine." He growled and closed his eyes while resting his head on back of seat.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

So how was the chapter.??

Our romantic Aarham is back finally!
But what happened to Mr Ahmad??

And where did Aarib go?

Any suspect?

Any guesses for the man after Aarham??

A lot to comeAnd many twist that will leave you shock. So be with me to read more.

I'll update soon readers.

Do do do vote please if you are enjoying my story.

And let me know your views. Do comment.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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