With You.

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Aarham's POV.

I was recovering soon and I could see and feel the concern of Mehak. Her care was making me smile and fall for her more. My guards were always there to protect me and I was so thankful to my Almighty that I was saved.

After a week,I asked the doctor to discharge me from the hospital as I was getting boar and frustrated with this hospital's atmosphere. And thankfully,I got discharged as my wound was getting well.

"Sir." I looked at Abbas who entered my room.

"Car is ready. You sure you can walk?" Abbas asked and I smiled on his concern.

"Yes I can Abbas." I said while getting up.

I looked at Mehak who smiled with tears in her eyes. She walked to me and held my arm.

"Let's go." I said and slowly start walking while my Mehak was holding me.

"You okay na?" She asked while looking at me.

"Yes I'm." I replied but still I was feeling pain waves rising on the wound.

Taking the elevator, we went down and then out of the hospital. Our car was waiting for us in front of the hospital. I saw Ali seated on driving seat,waiting for us. We entered in car while Abbas placed our luggage in car and sat in.

"Welcome back Sir." Ali said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes.

"You okay? Is it hurting?" I opened my eyes to look at Mehak who was looking so concerned.

"I'm. I'm good." I said and she held my hand and start pressing it to relieve my pain.

"You can't hide your pain from me." She said while keep pressing my left hand till forearm.

I smiled on her concern and keep looking at her who was sending relieve to my pain with her touch. My eyes closed down on the peace as she slowly pressed my shoulder. The car keep going on and I just keep feeling the magic of her hands doing on me.

"Aarham." I opened my eyes on her voice and looked at her.

"We have reached." I heard her and looked at the hotel.

Nodding,I tried to stepped out but Abbas came and helped me. Holding me from my waist,he pulled me out and I smiled looking at him.

"Thank you." I said and he nodded.

Holding Mehak's hand,I walked in the hotel.

"Welcome Sir. We hope you're fine now." As we stepped in,we were welcomed by the whole staff and the manager.

I looked at Mehak and then at Ali and Abbas.

"Police came to investigate so they know about the attack." Ali informed me and I nodded.

"Welcome Sir." With flowers, manger said and I held it with a smile.

"Thank you. But don't let anyone know about all this. Specially media." I said and he nodded.

"We totally understand Sir. Please take rest." He said while giving us way.

We walked to the elevator and went to our room. Abbas unlock the door and I stepped in with Mehak who was holding me all the time. I was taken to the bed and I lay back. I felt as I walked a lot and feeling so weak. My eyes were closing down. But it opened up when I felt someone touching my feet.

I saw Mehak removing my shoes. She was trying to take my shoe out of my feet.

"Mehak." I tried to stop her and as I tried to get up,a sharp pain raised.

"Ahh." I yelled in pain and lay back on bed.

"Aarham you okay?" Coming to me,Mehak asked and I opened my eyes.

She was leaning on me and her beautiful fragile hand was cupping my face. Her that beautiful eyes were fixed on me taking my heart.

"You okay? Is it paining?" She asked while her other hand went to my forehead to remove my hair and my eyes closed down on the peace ran in my body.

"Now I'm good." Saying,I opened my eyes to look at her who smiled beautifully making my heart more crazy for her.

"Keep laying okay!" She said and I saw her moving back.

My eyes went to her who again kneel down and again her hand touched my feet.

"Mehak I told you to never touch my feet." I said and tried to free my feet from her hands.

"Shh..keep laying silently." She said and she took out my shoes from my feet.

I placed my legs on bed and she covered me with blanket and sat close to me. I held her hand in mine and keep looking at her.

"Sleep. You look tired." She said while running her left hand in my hair.

"I want to keep looking at you." I said and tried to keep my eyes open.

"You can. I'm here and yours to see." She said and I smiled with all my heart.

"But for now sleep. Have rest. I'm here close to you." She said but I pouted with sad face.

"But I want to keep looking at you." I protested.

"When you'll wake up then I'll sit in front of you. Then you can see me as much as you can. But for now sleep my handsome King." She said while combing my hair with her fingers.

"Sleep." Her hand covered my eyes and I closed my eyes.

My lips smiled as I felt her lips touched my forehead,kissing me beautifully. Relieve ran in my body and I drown into sleep.

Third person's POV.
"How's he now?" Jahan asked Doctors.

"It was an heart attack." Doctor informed him and he nodded as he knew.

"But now he's okay?" Waqas Ahmad asked the doctor.

"Yes. Its been a week that we are observing him. His condition is better now but don't give him stress now." Doctor said and all brothers looked at each other.

"We can take him home?" Hammad Ahmad asked and Doctors nodded.

"Yes. You can take him. But be careful with him. Any tension would lead him to go through all this again." Doctor said and they nodded.

All walked out and looked at their family members who was,seated outside the room of Mr Ahmad. Every eye was wet and every heart was praying. 
Zeeniya was seated with Mrs Najma who was crying.

"Mom, Dad is fine now." Jahan said while going closer to his mother.

"He's coming home today." Jahan said which made Mrs Ahmad to smile.

"Aarib you go with shams and do all the paper work." Hammad the elder brother of Jahan said and he nodded.

Aarib went to the reception with Shams to do all the paper work while Sameer went out to take the car. As he stepped out from the hospital, his tears rolled down on his cheeks which he was hiding since the day his Dadu got heart attack. Getting in the car,he cried his heart out and then wiped his tears. He was thankful to Allah that his Dadu was okay.

On other side,Aabia brought Mrs Najma Ahmad out with Zarnish and Roshaane. Zara followed Shazam and Ayaan out to the cars.

"Dadu." Sameer ran out of the car when he saw Aarib and Shams coming with Mr Ahmad.

Jahan was behind them with his brothers.

"Hey Bacha I'm fine." Mr Ahmad said looking at Sameer who was so worried for his Dadu.

Mr Ahmad went in car and Everyone got in and they drove to home. Mr Ahmad was much better now.

As they reached home,Mr Ahmad was taken to his room for rest while all gathered in the sitting room. Every face was tired and sad. Since week they were going through all this. But they didn't informed Aarham about it.

"Everyone take some rest. Dadu is okay now. We'll talk to Aarham at evening." Aarib said and went to zeeniya who was sad and worried on her place.

"Hey flower." He said while holding her hands and kneeling down in front of her.

"Worried?" He asked looking at Zeeniya and she nodded with tears in her eyes.

"What happened all of sudden? How Mamu is..!" She cried more with words.

"Dadu is fine now. Don't worry and I know you must be worried for Aarham too but I promise I'll make him talk to you okay!" Aarib said and she nodded.

"Now go and take rest." Aarib said and she nodded.

Everyone went to their room to take rest while he sat there on the sofa and closed his eyes. He was so tired. First he went to Aarham and there he got the news of Mr Ahmad's heart attack. He was tired mentally and physically. He was the one looking after all.

"Tea?" On the voice,he opened his eyes and looked at the person standing in front of him.

"Roshi." He said with a smile looking at Roshaane who was waiting for his answer.

"No I'm going to sleep." He said and got up.

"You take rest too." He said and walked to his room while she keep looking at his back.

Mehak's POV.

I looked at him who was deeply in sleep. He was looking so cute and handsome. Smilingly, I went to take shower and changed into red frock as he liked.

Drying my hair with towel,my eyes were just fixed on him who turned to right side. Combing my hair,I let them hang on my back and took my dupatta. I sat on right side of bed and looked at him. Placing my dupatta on the back side of pillow,I lay down in front of him and pulled the blanket on me while my eyes keep looking at him who was enjoying his sleep. My eyes went to his chest,hidden in the shirt. Slowly, I opened the first two buttons of his shirt and the bandages appeared to my eyes making them wet. His chest was covered with bandages and I could see some blood spot on it. His wound was still new and he stubbornly shifted to hotel. I wanted him to stay in hospital but he insisted on coming to hotel.

Moving a little closer,I held his shirt in my fist and closed my eyes to sleep.


As I opened my eyes,my eyes met with his. Smilingly, I closed my eyes again and then opened them to look at him.

"Good evening." He said beautifully and his hand came to remove my hair from my face.

"Good evening." I replied and turned a little to the side table to check time.

"Its 5 of the evening. You must be feeling hungry." I said and tried to get up but holding my waist,he stopped me and I looked at him.

"You can't move now because I want to see you and want to be with you. As you said, after sleep, I can see you as much as I want." He said making me smile and my eyes lowered down with shyness and his heated eyes keep looking at me.

I didn't say anything and he just keep looking at me without any words. My eyes were lowered while his fingers were playing with my earring and I was controlling my wild like running heart. His heated gaze,his melting touch,his fanning breath,his tingling feet touching mine,everything was making me crazy. I was melting for him.

"Aarham." After almost 15 minutes,I called him and dared to look up at him who was so lost in looking at me without blinking.

"Shhh...just don't say anything." He said while his hand moved on my face,circling his thumb on my cheek.

"You have to take your medicine. And then I have to change your bandage. So can I go?" I asked looking at him who was again lost in gazing me.

"Mean I can't see you." He said sighing and I smiled while getting up on my elbow which made my hair to hang on my left shoulder.

"You can. But first have something to eat and then I'll sit here and without disturbance, you can gaze me as much as you want." I said and he nodded.

I stepped down from the bed and gathered my hair in a bun while going to order some food for him. Soon the order was delivered and I with his medicine and food sat in front of him. I start feeding him and he keep eating silently. After that he ate his medicine and I went to take the first aid box to change his bandage.

"Aarham remove you shirt." I said while taking the medicine out which doctor prescribed for his wound.

"What? Mehak what you want to do with me? No please don't do anything." He said while covering his shirt with his hands and I looked at him shocked.

"Aarham.!" I called him.

"People my wife's intention are not good. Save me." He started again and I sighed with a smile and moved closer to him.

"Such a drama you are." I said as I sat very close to him.

I started to open his shirt's button and as it was done,I tried to remove his shirt from his shoulders and as it slipped down from his shoulders,I jumped on my place on his voice.

"Oh God people my wife is trying to take advantage of me. Help me." He almost yelled.

"Aarham." I narrowed my eyes at him and yet to take off his shirt but he again yelled.

"Help me. Ma'am this is molestation. I'm an innocent fellow. Please don't do this to me." He started again but I covered his mouth with my hand and looked at him who was enjoying this so much.

"One more word and I'll definitely won't stop from taking advantage of  you Mr Aarham." I said looking in his eyes which widened on my words.

Even I was too shocked on what I said. Realizing, I removed my hand from his mouth and took his shirt off but I was feeling his teasing eyes on me.

What I just said!!.

My own words were ringing in my ear making me blush. My cheeks heated up and on this, his heated gaze was turning my cheeks more pink. With shivering hands,I started to undo his bandage from his chest. And for this, I moved more closer to him.

"So!" He asked in a whisper but I didn't look up.

I kept my eyes on his chest where he was having that bandage.

"So?" I questioned back while taking the cotton off from his wound with shivering hand.

"Ouch." He hissed in pain.

"Sorry." I said looking at him and he nodded.

Taking it away slowly, I looked at the place where the bullet hit him. Just below his heart,the wound was clear. My eyes started to go wet.

"Mehak I'm okay." He said and I looked up at him and nodded.

Taking the antiseptic, I start cleaning his wound while I felt his hand start playing with my hair strands, hanging on my neck.

"So when you are going to take advantage of me Mrs Aarham?" He asked in my ear and the cotton slipped from my hand on his words.

I looked up at him who was having that teasing smirk on his face which made my heart to stop beating for a second.

I looked down immediately and took the cotton and start cleaning his wound again.

"Come on tell me." He said as he start caressing my earlobe with his finger and thumb.

It was getting difficult for me to do my work. His words were making me shy. My eyes shivered while I keep cleaning his wound.

"I..I..didn't mean that.." I said and he laughed.

"But..!" He said and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me little closer to him that made my hands to press against his chest and I looked at him.

"But I want you to mean it." Whispering, he kissed my forehead.

His lips travelled to my nose kissing it and he moved down. I looked at him who was looking at my lips. My heart beat increased and lips shivered when I felt his lips coming closer to mine. My eyes closed down and I held my breath but my eyes snapped open on the mobile ring. We looked at each other and moved back as his mobile was ringing. My eyes get heavy to look up with shyness. I saw him taking the mobile while I start cleaning his wound again with beating heart and shivering hands. With my head lower,I keep doing my work.

"Hey mom." He said as he received the call.

"I'm sorry I haven't talk to you because I was busy with my wife,you know." He said while pulling my hair strand to make me look up but I didn't.

I just keep applying that gel around his wound.

"I'm fine mom. I'm perfectly fine. How's everyone. How's my Sameer?" I heard him and I smiled on his love for Sameer.

"I'll call him tomorrow." He answered to Mama.

Taking the cotton,I covered his wound with it after applying the gel and let it observe in his body.

"Ouch." He yelled in pain as I pressed that cotton on his wound.

"Sorry." I said and looked up at him who looked at me and then his lips turned to a teasing smile.

He turned the speaker on of the mobile. I was looking at him who was smiling but it was a mischievous one.

"Aarham I asked what happened? You okay?" I heard mama's voice.

"Oh yes mom I'm good. Just your daughter in law bite my ear." He said making my eyes widened and I heard a lot of giggles.

Even I could feel all of them smiling and here my husband was too enjoying my condition.

"Mama he's lying. I..I didn't do anything." I said and I heard laugh of mama along with all the family members.

"Don't tease my daughter Aarham." I heard dadi sahib's voice.

"I'm not Dadi Sahib but she's teasing me." He said and I looked down with a smile.

"How are you Aarham?" Dadu's voice appeared.

"I'm fine. How are you.? I'm missing you a lot." I heard and smiled looking at him.

I bandaged his wound and took all the things and went to place them in the drawer. After that I went in washroom to wash my hands. As I stepped out, I saw him smiling.

"Of course Dadu. We'll back soon and then we'll start the preparations." I heard him and went to the dressing room to take a new shirt for him.

Taking out a lemon colour shirt,I walked back to him who was still busy in talking to Dadu.

"Shirt!" I whispered while showing him his shirt.

"I won't mind." He whispered while covering his mobile with his hand and winked at me.

Blushing, I sat in front of him and tried to make him wear his shirt.

"Bhabhi." I heard Aabia calling.

"Bhai is Bhabhi there?" I heard Aabia again and my hands stopped for a second on Aarham's shoulder.

"Hey Aabia. I'm here. How are you?" I asked as I slipped his hand in the shirt's arm.

"I'm fine. Is everything okay?" She asked and I knew what she was asking.

I looked at Aarham who smiled and I looked at the cell phone he was holding.

"Everything is okay." I answered and heard her sigh which was happy.

"Take care and keep biting." She said and the last words were whispers for us.

I startled and looked at Aarham who laughed with all his heart and I narrowed my eye at him.

"Shirt." I said and helped him to take his left arm up to slip in shirt's arm.

"How much lies Aarham?" I said as my hands start buttoning up his shirt

"What lies? I didn't say anything." He said innocently.

"Don't lie again. What you were saying to mama?" I said as I bottoned up his shirt and straightened his collar.

"But I didn't lie." He said while holding my hand in his collar.

"Tell me what I lied?" He asked and I lowered my eyes.

"Nothing." I said and tried to free my hand but he was not in mood of leaving it.

"About the bites?" He asked and with my eyes, my head lowered down in shyness.

"Aarham leave me." I sought to free my hand from his.

I stiffened on my place when I felt him leaning on my ear. I gasped as his teeth bite my ear and then he took my earlobe in his lips to kiss it. My eyes widened and he moved back to see me.

"See I didn't lie." He said and I moved back and looked down.

"You and me are the one. You bite or I, same thing right!" I heard his teasing sentence and I got up and took my dupatta from the pillow and walked to the hall without looking at him.

But stopped as I didn't know where I was going. I moved toward dressing room but again stopped and turned to the balcony. His heated gaze was following me all the time and I was getting more nervous. As I stepped in balcony, I took a breath of relieve and smiled on his naughtiness.

"Thinking about me." I heard a whisper just close to my ear and two arms wrapped around me.

Knowing who it was, I turned and looked at him who was smiling while removing hair from my face which were coming again and again on my face with every strok of air.

"Why you're here.  You should rest." I said while holding him.

"I'm fine now. I want to be with you." He said and rested his chin on my shoulder while turning me to the city view.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his and keep looking at the sky.

Third person's POV.

"Do something Abbas. We can't let this news to come out." Ali said looking at Abbas who was also worried.

"But how they get the news?" Abbas said while thinking.

"All of sudden they got news of the attack. How? We have to stop this news before it goes on air." Ali said and Abbas nodded.

"We can't tell sir as he's still not fine but we have to stop this." Abbas said looking at Ali and he nodded.

All the night both keep standing outside the sweet of Aarham and their minds keep thinking the way to stop the news.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

Another chapter is here.

I hope you all enjoyed this one. Naughty Aarham is back with all his romantic move but what you think is going to happen next?

Will the news come out?.

I'll be waiting for your views and also for the votes.

So do vote and share.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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