Love Addiction

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2 hours later.

Third person's POV.

"Huury Zeeniya." Jahan said looking at Zeeniya who was busy in pinning her Saree's drop.

"Help me please." She,said looking at his reflection.

Smilingly, he took steps toward her who was waiting for him to reach her.

"You are looking do beautiful today." Whispering he kissed her ear and slowly pinned her dare properly on her shoulder.

"And you're looking younger today." She said looking at him who was wearing a white kurta Pajama with his beautiful glasses on,on his eyes.

"Really!? But I'm already Young." Saying he circled Hus arms around her waist and she smiled more.

"But I thought we grow old." She replied and he inhaled her fragrance.

"You still have the sane fragrance which makes my heart flutter." He said rested his chin on her shoulder making her look down for a second with a shy smile.

"And we aren't old but young with our love." Kissing her cheek,he replied and again rested his chin on her shoulder.

Both looked at each other's reflection visible in the mirror and smiled more as the happiest 27 years of their marriage passed and they still had the sane love and respect for each other in their heart.

"I love you." She said looking at his unblinking eyes.

"Love you too." He reciprocated and both smiled.

"Zee Maa that mom..." And at the same Shams entered the room and both startled as he didn't knock but directly stepped in the room.

"Oh..Sorry sorry. I'll be going." He said turning but Jahan went closer to him and held Hus ear.

"Always ready to spoil our moment. I was sharing so beautiful conversation with your zee Maa but you've to interrupt every time right!?" Jahan said hold his ear and he was chuckling with the effort to free his ear.

"Jahan papa I swear I didn't..ahh..Zee Maa help me." He yelled with Iain and chuckled along.

"Yell today I'm not going to leave you. Don't you have manners to knock the room before entering." Jahan said freeing his ear and he ran to Zeeniya and hide behind her.

"Save me today. I'm so sorry." Said Shams looking at Zeeniya and Jahan.

"Its okay son." Zeeniya said and stopped Jahan from going closer to Shams.

"I'm sorry Zee Maa. I'm sorry jahan papa that I forgot to bring my camera. What a chance I missed to capture the beautiful moment of you two." Teasingly, he said and ran out and at the sane time both ran to catch him but he was fast and crossed the door going out.

"Crazy boy." Both said and smiled looking at each other.

"Zee Maa." Both looked at the direction where Shams was standing.

"Mom was calling you. So please hurry and don't get romantic at this moment as we have a function today." Saying he rushed out while Zeeniya and Jahan both step out of the room after him but he ran away leaving them behind.


The preparations were done. Everyone was getting ready for the engagement which was going to held in Jahan's mansion today.

"Is Aarib ready?" Asked Zeeniya to Madiha and she nodded.

"I'm going to see Maliha." Said Madiha.

"Mehak is with her. Don't worry." Zeeniya said with a smile and Aarham's feet stop on Mehak's name.

"Aren't these girls ready yet?" Madiha said as she turned to see the clock.

"They are going to be. Aarham why are you standing here. Go and change. We'll start the ceremony in half an hour." Zeeniya said looking at Aarham who was stilled on her placed.

"Going mom." Saying,he took the stairs and went to his room.

"Where are the twins?" Asked Robi as she entered the hall.

"Wow you're looking beautiful." Madiha said and Zeeniya nodded in agreement.

"Thank you. Waqas was saying the same." She said shyly and both Zeeniya and Madiha laughed as they saw her shying.

"You didn't change. All these years you remain the same." Hugging her Zeeniya said and she smiled too.

"Okay now leave me. I'm not shying. Let's call everyone." Saying,she walked out in the lawn.


"Hey how I'm looking?" Asked Shazam excited

Sameer looked at him who was standing in front of mirror from the last an hour and still he was not ready. Sighing,Sameer got up and walked to him.

"How I'm looking?" Asked Sameer and Shazam looked at him confuse.

"Okay." Replied Shazam looking at him who was looking so handsome in his black kurta and pajama.

"You're looking the same. As we are the same so you'll look like I'm looking right now." Sameer said and with a smiled turned back.

"I'm looking more handsome than you." Said Shazam turning to mirror again.

"By the way why so much preparation today? Oh is it because of Mahi is here?" Asked Sameer and Shazam turned to see him.

"Its not like that. I'm always conscious about my looks. After all I have to win thousands of hearts." Winking, he turned toward mirror again and took perfume from the dressing table.

"So let me get ready for Mahi? I must say she's looking so beautiful today. In sea green frock wow. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her." Pushing Shazam back from the mirror,Sameer said  and start combing his already combed hair.

"You rascal don't you dare to lay your eye on her." Shazam said pushing him back.

"Otherwise?" Asked Sameer looking deeply in his eyes.

"Otherwise I'll tell mom that you've got a love letter from your lover." On Shazam's words,Sameer's eyes widened and he pushed him back.

"She's not my lover. And don't you dare to say that again." Sameer said looking at him.

"Oh really! But she was cute offering you her love letter but you insulted her badly. How cruel you're." Shazam said but Sameer moved back,his mode changed to bad and he took  a seat.

"But she was cute. I don't know why are you so arrogant. I haven't seen you smiling out of the house with anyone. I think you shouldn't break her heart." Shazam said going to him.

"If you again talk about all this,I'm going to propose your Mahi." Threatened Sameer and ran as he saw Shazam running after him and the mansion filled up with their yell and laughter.

Aarham's POV.

2 hours earlier.

Leaning on the wall,I took deep breaths to calm my crazy like running heart. I was still under the effect of her hold and kiss. The beautiful kiss we shared. This was the first time when I felt that she wanted me too like I wanted her. And more of it I realized that being closer to her or to be with her calms my heart and at the same time makes it restless.

I smiled standing there in the washroom where I came to wash my shirt but what happened brought both of us a step closer to each other. Turning to the shower, I looked at the dropping water which was creating a music in the atmosphere and also teasing my heart.

"Mehak." Placing my hand on my heart,I said and slowly took steps out of the washroom.

As I stepped out, I heard a knock on the door. My eyes went to her who was standing in front if the mirror looking at the door shocked. My eyes went to her who was fully drenched which made her dress to stick with her. Her pink cheeks,shivering lips and lower eyes with shyness everything was making me more crazy that I wanted to pull her in my arms but I averted my eyes from her.

"Bhabhi." We heard a knock with a voice

"Go and change. I'll manage them." I said and she looked up at me.

She almost ran to the dressing room and I smiled on her shyness. Taking a towel out,I walked toward the door to open it.

"Yes Aabia." I said looking at Aabia as I expected that it must be her.

"Call bhabhi. We need her help in making Maliha Aapi's hair." Saying, she trued to push me back but I didn't let her in.

"Is she a beautician!? Why are you always interrupting your brother's privacy!?" I asked and she giggled making me narrow my eyes.

"Oh dear Bhaiya I'm sorry. But please let my bhabhi come to help us." She said and gave a nod.

"You go. I'll send her." I said and she went away and I closed the door.

As I turned,I saw her coming out of the dressing room while her hand was moving on his head with towel yo dry her hair.

"I placed your clothes inside. Change or you'll get cold." I heard her who was not looking at me.

"Okay." I replied and went in change.

Smilingly, I took the shirt,she took out for me. With smile, I changed into them and when I came out,I found the room empty. She was gone and with a sigh I stepped out of the room to see the preparations of the engagement. All the relatives of Madiha tayi g and Saba phuphu's in-laws were invited along with some neighbors and close friends.

"Where were you?" As I reached in the lawn where Shams was talking to decorators, he turned to me and asked.

"I was here." I replied.

"Where? I didn't see you." He said and I could see a naughty smile on his lips.

"Shut up. Focus on work not on me." I said and he chuckled and after that we both start checking the arrangements.

Checking everything, I sent Shams to get ready. I also marched inside to get ready as it was getting evening and the time of guest's arrival was coming.

"Mehak is with her. Don't worry." I heard mom taking Mehak's name.

And I stopped on my place and sighed that she was still with Maliha aapi and I was not going to have a chance to see her. I was lost in my thoughts when mom called me and asked me to ho to my room. Nodding,I walked toward my room. As I opened the door,I found my dress and watch placed on bed. Smilingly I moved closer and took the dress which was a black kurta and Pajama. I went to change immediately as I saw the lights turned on and all the Jahan mansion lightened up. After getting ready, I looked at myself and waited for her to come but she didn't come. Sighing,I stepped out of the room and went to  Aarib bhai's room to see Jim. As I entered the room I saw Shams, Shazam and Sameer already there. I looked at them and then at myself. We all were wearing the same dresses.

"Is there any dress code for today's function?" Aarib bhai asked and I smiled moving closer and looked at Shazam and Sameer who were wearing the same kurta pajama like me and Shams.

"I ordered it for all of us." Shazam said excitedly and I smiled on his smile.

"My brothers are looking so handsome today." Going to them I straighten their collars and keep looking at them who were alike still have their own beautiful personalities.

"Our bhai is more handsome." Said Sameer and I smiled while hugging them both.

"Shazam." I called him and I moved back and looked at him who was smiling happily.

"Is everything okay? Why you got ready like its your engagement." I said and he startled on my words.

"Its..its not like that. I'm happy for Aarib bhai." He said and we all chuckled.

"Bhai something is wrong with our shahi don't you think? Is there any girl you invited on this engagement?" Sameer asked making Shazam shocked and I burst into a laughter as I saw his shocked face.

"Hey don't tease my Shazam." Aarib bhai came forward pushing us all back.

"Thank you bhai." Said Shazam and I looked at Aarib bhai who winked at me and I hide my smile.

"You tell me who's that lucky girl?" Aarib bhai asked and we all laughed including Aarib bhai and giving us a deathly  glare.

"I hate you all." Saying,he walked out of the room and laughed more while going out after him.

"Hey Shaz stop." Holding his arm,I stopped him.

"We were just joking. Don't spoil your mood." I said and hugged him.

"Its okay bhai." He said and I moved back to see him.

"So how's Mahi?" I asked looking up at him with a serious expression.

"What you means how's she? She's.. She's fine." He said looking away.

"Is everything okay shaz?" I asked and he nodded.

"By the way I saw Mahi going to kitchen." I said and walked back to Aarib bhai's room.

I was smiling on my crazy brother's crazy love. He was so stupid yet cute at the same time.

"Let's go." I said looking at them all who were still laughing.

We all we t in the lawn and start receiving the guests. All family members gathered in the lawn. Ladies were also there but my eyes roamed to search my Mehak but I couldn't find her. She was not there. I went closer to mom.

"Mom Mehak.?" I asked and she looked around yo find her.

"She's not here. She just went to get ready. She must be coming." Mom said and I nodded.

I went to Aarib bhai again and with him,I went to other side of the lawn where all make guests were. All friends and business associates were there.  Greeting them,I keep waiting for Mehak to come. I couldn't wait longer and went back to the side where all girls were.

"Aarham." Before I could go in the mansion,mom called me and I went to her.

"Go and bring Mehak. She's taking so much time. Everyone is asking for her." Mom said and I nodded.

Smilingly, I almost ran inside and took the stairs hurriedly. As I opened the door and took a step inside,my feet stopped and eyes stuck on her.

Mehak's POV.

Getting in the room,I looked around to find him. Thankfully, he was not in the room. I went in and took my dress out and changed into it. Straightening my hair, I spread them on my back. Wearing my bangles,I spread my dupatta on my right shoulder and pinned it. After that I did my make up and wore my Jewellery. Looking at me once, I turned to go.

(Mehak's dress)

As I took two steps,the door opened and I rooted to my place.

"Aarham." His name came out of my mouth.

Closing the door behind him,he took steps toward me and I got nervous on his intense gaze. With beating heart,I took steps back as he was coming closer continuously. The game keep going on. I stopped as my back touched the wardrobe behind me and looked at him who stopped just an inch away from me.

"Aarham.. We..are ge...getting late. Mom would be..." Before I could complete, he placed his finger on my lips to stop me.

"Shhh.." He said and leaned closer making my breath to stop.

"Aar...ham." Nervously, I said and my eyes closed down as his lips touched my jaw.

"You're looking gorgeous." He whispered and kissed my jaw again.

"Everyone..would." I tried to say again but he placed his thumb on my lips to interrupt me.

"Only I have the right to see you like this. I don't want anyone to see you." He said cupping my face with his right hand and slowly pressed his lips on my forehead.

"I want to tell you something." I opened my eyes to see him who was so close to me.

"Mehak I.." I held my breath on what he was going to say.

"Bhai bhabhi." We heard a hard knock on the door along with the yell for us.

"Ceremony is about to start. Hurry up." Aabia was gone but we were standing still lost in each other's eyes.

"When we'll get some privacy." He said as he rested his forehead on mine with a sigh.

"What you want to say?" I asked looking at him with hope.

"It's not the right time to say. I'll tell you later." Saying,he moved back after placing a soft kiss on my nose and walked out while I followed him with a smile.

Third person's POV.

Engagement ceremony was dine beautifully. All were gathered in the living hall after going the guests. Mahnoor and Zara were serving coffee and tea to everyone while Aarham's eyes were not leaving Mehak who was getting nervous on his continue gaze.

Shazam was lost in looking at Mahi while Haseeb and Roshaane were nowhere to be seen as they were in their room totally broken and when everyone were laughing,those two hearts were crying on the lost of their love.

"Where is Roshaane?" Asked Zeeniya looking around.

"She said she has an headache so she's going to sleep." Said Zarnish and Zeeniya nodded.

"Just look at him." Said Zeeniya looking at Sameer who was busy in reading a book.

Jahan chuckled and so did Zeeniya.. Everyone was busy in their gossips and this boy was busy with his book. Aarham noticed Shazam looking at Mahnoor and he went closer to him.

"So Shaz what are you looking at for the last 15 minutes?" Asked Aarham looking at lost Shazam.

"Mahi." His tongue slipped.

"Huh! No I mean I was not looking at anyone. Why would I look at someone?" He said and looked down and start sipping his coffee.

Sameer looked up from his book at Shazam and Aarham winked looking at Sameer who smiled and went closer to them.

"Bhai this is our innocent Shaz. How can he look at some girl? Don't misunderstood him." Sameer said.

"Really?" Aarham asked doing the acting.

"Yes bhai. Tell Shazam that you were not looking at Mahi and you don't have a problem if I propose her." Sameer said and Shazam's eyes widened.

"I'll kill you if..." He stopped as he saw Aarham looking at him.

"If? Say it. Complete it." Aarham said but Shazam stood up.

"I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep." Saying,he ran to his room while Aarham and Sameer laughed on his act.


"I have to do this on his sister's wedding." He said looking at the pic Mehak.

"Mehak I'm coming to take you with me." He said again and laughed.

His father who heard him, entered the room and grabbed his wallet from his hand. He looked at his father angrily.

"I told you to stop with your nonsense." His father yelled with anger.

"I want her. And I want her at any cost." He said firmly.

"And I told you to don't think about it. She's his wife and his murder attempt case is still going on. The investigation are on and I'm afraid that they will catch you. And on thus you're doing all this. Planning to kidnap Mehak." His father said and he took his wallet back from his father.

"I don't care about anything. She's mine and she has to come to me." He said and walked out of the room with his car key.

"What I'm going to with this boy?" His father held his head and sat defeated.

Mehak's POV.

As I changed my clothes and offer my prayer,I found him entering the room. I looked at him took his clothes and went to change. I was about to cover my prayer nat when he reached me.

"Stay." His words stopped me and I keep seated there while he start offering his prayer next to me.

And again I was not able to stop my eyes from looking at him.  Every time when he offer prayer,my eyes looked at him and I couldn't stop myself from looking at him without blinking. Looking at his praying posture made my heart beat calm and flutter at the same time.

"I told you to not look at me when I offer prayer." I came to my senses on his voice and looked away immediately.

"I makes my heart flutter." He whispered to my ear and made his Dua.

We both covered the prayer mats and silently we walked to bed to sleep. I was feeling strange. The silence was strange. After that kiss we both were silent and somewhere I felt him staying far from me. At evening function,when he come closer to me, why he stopped on what he was about to say?

I was thinking about all this and lay down on my side. Today this round bed was looking so small because o was so uncomfortable. He lay down on one corner of bed while I was on other corner. Turning the light off,he didn't say anything neither I could say anything. But I was not feeling sleepy as his silence was killing me.

"Mehak " I started on his call and turned to see him.

"Are you sleeping?" He asked and I turned to him fully.

"No. I'm not." I said and he turned to me fully.

"Come here." Snaking his arm around my waist,he pulled me closer to him that I collided with his chest.

"Mehak." Cupping my face,he made me look at him.

"Are you okay with what happened today?" He asked and my heart beat increased on his words.

"Look at me." My eyes shivered on his words.

"I.." I could say anything neither I could look at him.

"You're becoming my addiction day by day by that I can't sleep without you." On his words,I looked up at him.

"And I'm happy with it." Saying, he leaned closer and kissed my lips all of sudden making my eyes to wide for a second and then it closed down.

Holding me tightly, he kissed me and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him back.  Holding his shirt,I kissed him with all love. Pulling back,he kissed my forehead and then looked deeply in my eyes and I was trying to calm my breaths.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." Resting his forehead on mine, he said and I smiled looking back in his eyes where I could see an ocean of love for me.

"I think me too." I said which made his eyes widened and then he smiled happily.

"I know that." Happily saying,he pecked my lips again and I giggled on his acts.

"So you got remember what you did on that night?" He asked with a smirk and I got startled.

"I don't remember." I said looking away and tried to move back.

"Oh really! You don't remember. Tonight I'll help you to remember." Saying, he tickled me and I laughed while he keep pulling me closer to him with every tickle.

"St..op..Aar...ham." I said between the laughs.

"So don't remember what you did." He said still tickling me and I was laughing badly.

"Say it." He said stopping and looked at me and I tried to catch my breaths.

"I kissed you that night." I said looking at him who came closer to me more cupping my face like he always do,soothing and caring.

"Kiss me again. The way you kissed me today." He said making me look down with shyness.

"I..I..can't." I said still looking down.

"Why?" He asked caressing my jaw with his thumb.

"I feel shy." With the effort, I tried to move back.

"Don't shy from me." Whispering close to my ear,he pressed his lips on my ear.

"Kiss me with your heart." Whispering again,he kissed my eyes and I held his shirt in my fist.

I looked at him who's forehead was touched with mine and his eyes were closed,he laying side by me. I keep looking at him who's breaths were tickling my face. My eyes went to his lips remembering the beautiful kiss we shared today. With beating heart,I moved closer and pressed my lips on his holding him tightly.

Pecking his lips with love for few minutes,I moved back to see him who didn't kiss me back. He opened his eyes to see me.

"I want to make you mine." He said while his fingers ran in my hair making me gasp yet and I got nervous on his words.

"Mehak." Whispering, he kissed my cheeks softly making my eyes to close down.

"I want you to Be mine completely." He whispered leaning on my collarbone pressing his lips giving feather kisses making my heart to flutter with happiness.

"Say it Mehak." Snuggling in my neck,he asked and I gasped with a smile.

"I'm yours Aarham." I said and hugged him tightly hiding in his chest with shyness.

"Mehak." Hugging me tightly, he kissed my shoulder along with my neck and puller my dupatta away from me.

"Mehak I..I.." Whispering in my ear,he stopped to take deep breath and I was waiting to hear those words which I wanted to say too.

"Aarham say it." Kissing his neck,I hugged him tightly and he tangled our feet.

"" My heart jumped on his words.

And at the same time,we heard a very hard knock on the door. Startling, we got up and looked at each other and then at the door which knocked again more harder this time.

"I just check." Said Aarham and I nodded while folding my hair in a bun and took my dupatta to cover myself.

I followed him out of bed and he opened the door. I moved closer when I saw Mahnoor standing there. I could see her panicked and scared.

"What happened Mahi?" Asked Aarham with concern.

"Bhai that...that Roshaane." She hardly could say and many tears left her eyes.

"What happened to Roshaane? I asked going closer to her.

"She..she cut her wrist." I got shocked on her words.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

Your wait us over at last I updated. Hope you got your updates.

How was the chapter. I didn't had enough time yet I tried to give you an update. I hope you like the entire chapter and also the small but cute romance of Aarham and Mehak.

I'll be going now. I don't know when I'll be back with another update. I need your Dua and wishes as the big day of my life is coming soon.

Till update Allah Hafiz dear readers.

Remember me in your prayers.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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