Shock after Shock.

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Third person's POV.
They all were silent on their places while their eyes were on the door which was closed and on the other side of the door,their little princess was fighting against death. Zeeniya was shocked on her place and so was Jahan. They were not understanding that why their little princess did this. Why she tried to take her life. What was there in her life that they didn't know. They were shocked on their places and were silent while  their hearts were praying for their daughter's life.

Mehak's eyes moved to see Aarham who was standing near the wall but his face expression could say that how worried he was for his sister. Shazam and Sameer were standing next to him with the same worried expressions on their faces. Aabia was standing with Shams who was trying to console her and was assuring her that nothing would happen to Roshaane. Mrs Ahmad was rolling the Rosary while her lips were praying for her granddaughter's life.

The door opened up and the doctors came out after an hour of struggle to save a life. Aarham with Jahan ran to them to ask about the condition of Roshaane.

"How's she?" Asked Jahan immediately.

"Don't worry she's fine." Doctor said with a smile which brought a relieve in them.

"Can we see her?" Asked Aarham impatiently.

"Not now. We want to keep her under observation for few hours as she lost much blood." Doctor said and they nodded.

Doctors left from there and Jahan and Aarham turned to see Zeeniya who was seated quietly. Jahan took steps toward her who was looking so scared and weak.

"She's fine now." Holding her hands,Jahan said and she nodded but didn't look up at him.

Stopping her tears,she tried to hide her pain and fear and there she coughed.

"I told you never stop your tears." She looked at him who was aware of her every feeling,every condition.

Many tears left her eyes and she held his hands in hers.

"Why did she do this? Why? I'm not understanding that why our Roshaane did this?" Zeeniya said and cried and rested her head on Jahan's shoulder while he wrapped his arm around her.

Aarham turned to other side to hide his tears as he was feeling the same pain and question rising in him. He was scared to lose again someone. Mehak looked at him who was not looking at the broken condition of his parents and she knew that he couldn't see them like this. Going to him,she held his hand to assure him that she was there,with him in every situation.

"Zeeya Maa. Stop crying now." Aarib came and sat in front of Zeeniya.

She looked at him and cried more. He held her hands and squeezed them a little.

"Our Roshi will be fine and I promise whatever her problem is,I will solve it. I won't let her cry or hurt herself again. Its my promise,to my Zeeya Maa." Kissing her hands,he said.

"I know Son that you'll fulfil your every promise but what's bothering me that why did she do this? Why?" Zeeniya said and all stuck on this question that Why? Why did She do this?

"I know." All heads turned to the direction of Mahnoor.

Every eye was fixed on her who looked at them all and then looked down. Everyone was waiting to hear what she had to tell them. They were waiting to know the reason. Aarham held Mehak's hand tightly as his heart beat increased in fear.

"You know the reason? Tell us then." Said Maliha coming forward and Mahnoor looked at her and then at her hand where she was wearing that engagement ring.

"Mahi tell us the reason." Said Aarib and she moved ahead toward him and brought a letter forward toward him which he held immediately.

As his eyes roamed on the words written on the letter,it was getting difficult for him to breath. The letter fell down from his hand and Aarham ran to take the letter while Aarib took back steps in shock.

"What happened? What's written there Aarham?" Asked Zeeniya impatiently.

Aarham looked up at his parents and then Aarib who was shocked on his place.

"Aarham tell us please." Jahan said looking at shock face of Aarham.

"Ro...Roshaane loves..Aarib bhai." Blankly, the words spelled from Aarham and every eye widened.

The words were lost and for few second they all might forgot to take breath on the words they heard.

"What rubbish are you saying Aarham!?" Aabia said and moved ahead to take the letter.

As she took the letter and read the words written by Roshaane, her eyes widened in shock.

Maliha looked at Aarib and so did his eyes moved to see Maliha where he could see insecurity and then his eyes moved to the face who was dearer to him more than his own life. His Zeeya Maa. Her shock face,silent tears were hurting him more.

Hammad,Waqas,Madiha,Robi,Zarnish,Zara and Shams all were in shock. Only Mrs Ahmad didn't show any kind of of shock expression. Her calm face showed that she knew about this. But she remained silent.

"Zeeya Maa." Calling Zeeniya, Aarib went closer to her to bring her out of the shock.

"Aarib." Looking at him strangely, Zeeniya was still in shock on the words she heard.

"Shh..its okay. Look at me. I promise I'll fix everything. Talk to me Maa. Talk to me." Shaking her,he tried to bring her back in her senses.

As she did,many tears left her eyes and she held his hands.

"What she did Aarib? Such a fool she is. She loves you!  Why didn't I get it." Saying,she held her head in her hands and cried more and Aarib walked out from there as he was not understanding that how to handle the situation.

Maliha ran after him while all kids gathered around Jahan and Zeeniya. Kneeling down in front of his parents,Aarham held their hands and both looked at him with tears in their eyes.

"Aarham see what she did?" Zeeniya cried more looking at her son.

"Shhh...its okay. I'm here. Your Aarham is here. Don't cry mom. I never want to see you like this." He said and wiped her tears.

"Dad please be Strong. We'll do something but please for now console mom." Jahan nodded on his words.

"Taya g I think you all should go home. I will inform you all about Roshaane's condition. Shams go home with them." He said and Shams nodded.

"Aabia go." Aarham said and without any other words all left leaving Aarham with his parents and companion.

"Why you both didn't go?" Turning to Sameer and Shazam he asked.

"We're not leaving." Said Sameer and wiped his tears.

"Let them stay." Said Mehak and he nodded.

"Aarham what are we going to do now?" Asked Zeeniya as she rested her head on Jahan's shoulder.

Aarham's POV.
"Aarham what are we going to do now?" Asked mom and I turned to look away from her scared and painful face because it was hurting me more.

"Don't think about it mom. Everything will be okay." I said and walked away from there to hide from the tears, my parents were shedding.

Where life was taking us. What phases were left to see more. How many obstacles were there waiting for us! I was asking all the question while crossing the corridors. As I put my feet out of the hospital, my eyes widened as I saw a crowd of reporters there. As they see me,they ran to me with their countless question and their flashes making me more disturb.

"Mr Aarham why did your sister tried to committed suicide?"

"Mr Aarham you know the reason of behind your sister's this attempt?"

"How's she now?"

"Was she having some love problem in her life?"

"She was collage student right?"

"Or any other reason for this attempt?"

"What doctors says?"

How will you justify sir?"

I was taken back with these questions. For the first time in my life, I was not understanding what to say. How to answer them. I tried to move back but I was surrounded with the reporters that it was getting difficult for me to move.

"Excuse me." I startled on the voice and saw protective arms around me and pushing the reporters back clearing the way for me.

"Abbas." I said looking at my guard who was back on his duty.

"This way Sir." I looked at Ali who was making a way for me to walk.

"Its not safe here. You should go inside." Abbas said while walking with me and saving me from the reporters.

"I want to sit alone under the open sky for few minutes." I said and tired to take fast step to run from the flashes of camera.

"No comments please." Pulling me out of the crowd of reporters,he made me to walk to the lawn of the hospital.

"You okay Sir?" I turned to both of them who were standing with their hands on their back.

"I'm good. Why you both came back?" I asked them who left after my honeymoon trip.

"Abbas missed you Sir." Ali said and I smiled.

"Really Abbas?" I asked but he didn't look at me.

"And what about you Ali? Why you came back? I thought you were going to military." I said and he nodded.

"Yes Sir but I thought first let me get him married as you said you'll find a girl for him. So that's why. It will make me tension free." I laughed on Ali's words while,Abbas glared at him.

"He's talking rubbish. We both missed you so we thought to join you again if you want to." Abbas said and I nodded.

"I missed you too. Your Ma'am missed you too." I said and sat on one of the bench while my mind was thinking about the incidents going on in my life.

"You okay sir?" I heard Ali and I just gave a nod to him as an answer.

"Anything I can do Sir!?" Abbas asked.

"Bring her to me." Without looking at him,I said and again my eyes fixed on the sky to see the clear shinning stars.

"Sure Sir." With the words,he left and I keep seated there looking at the moon and stars.

Mehak's POV.
I was not understanding how to handle this situation. How to console mama who was looking so sad and worried. Papa was also tensed on his place. Shazam and Sameer were quite on their places. I was not understanding how to talk to them. I was standing lost in my own thoughts. It was really a big shock for us all. First,what Roshaane did and then the reason we got after her this attempt. 

I knew this was a big shock for all. Roshaane loving Aarib was not a small thing because firstly, he got engaged to Maliha just a day ago and second was that he was 11 years older than Roshaane. Why didn't she see it!?

"Excuse me ma'am!" I looked up on the voice and saw Abbas standing like his always style but today I could see some expressions on his face.

"Abbas." Going closer to him,I called him.

"You're back?!" I asked with a smile and he nodded.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked and I just could shake my head as no.

"Sir is calling you." He said and I looked around to find him but he was not there.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He's waiting." He said and I nodded.

Turning to Mama, papa,I walked to them. Kneeling in front of them,I held their hands and they looked at me.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Allah is watching us and Allah (SWT) surely ease our pain." I said and they nodded.

"Aarham called me. I'm just coming." I said and they nodded again silently.

Standing up,I walked while Abbas was following me. As we stepped out,I was shocked to see the reporters in front of the door.

"Mrs Aarham would you like to say something about your sister in-law's condition!?"

"Why did she do this?"

"Mrs Aarham please answer our questions."

I was shocked on my place. I didn't know how to react on these questions. What to answer.

"No comments. Please let her go." Pushing the reporters back,he said and I walked as Abbas cleared the way for me.

"This way ma'am." Leading me to Aarham, Abbas said and I followed him.

"He's there waiting for you." He said and I nodded and took steps closer as I saw him seated.

"Assalam-o-Alikum ma'am." Greeting me,Ali moved few steps back.

"Walikumusalm." Replying,I moved ahead toward him who's back was facing me but I could see him looking at the sky.

"You okay?" Taking seat next to him,I asked and looked at him who's eyes were fixed on the clear sky.

"Just wanted you to be here." He said and turned to see me.

"With me." Holding my hand,he said and I smiled.

"I'm with you always." I said and he smiled back and turned his head toward the sky.

"What we'll do now? As we know why Roshaane did this,what you think what mama and Papa will do?" I asked looking up at the sky.

"I..I don't know. I'm still in shock that how and when this happened. Why I couldn't see what was happening in my little princess's heart." He said and I could see the wetness of his eyes.

"I wish I could bring that happiness to her." He said and I saw a tear slipped on his cheek.

My hand went to his face and slowly my fingers wiped that tear. He turned to see me with those red eyes which were filled with tears.

"I wish I could give her Aarib." He said turning to see the clear sky again.

"But Aarham how can it be possible!? Yesterday Aarib bhai and Maliha aapi got engaged." I said and he turned to me again.

"I know. I know everything but still this heart wants to fulfill every dream,every wish my sister have. And this is the most important wish of her life which I can't fulfill. I can't give her Aarib." He said and looked down to hide his eyes from me.

"Look at me." Cupping his face,I made him look at me.

"Don't think too much. Let everything go with its flow. Everything will be okay. But don't you think there is a age difference between Aarib bhai and Roshaane." I said and he smiled on my words.

"Love doesn't see all these things. In love,there's nothing important but the one who live in the heart. And now I know it because I can feel it." He said and my heart beat quicken on his words.

"Because now I can feel the love too. Its sweetness and fears." He said cupping my face and my heart tingled on his words.

Was he confessing his love?

Was he trying to tell me that he's in love with me?

I thought and my eyes lowered down with the wait to listen those words. My eyes closed down as I felt his lips on my forehead.

"Thank you for begin with me every time." He said and I looked up at him who smiled and so did I.

"Sir." We were interrupted by the voice.

Removing his hands from my face,he turned to see and I turned my head too to see. Abbas was standing there.

"Jahan Sir was looking for you and now the hospital got cleared from reporters. You can go back." He said and Aarham nodded.

"Come." Holding my hand,he said and we both got up and walked inside.

I was looking at him who was walking inside to handle everything but somewhere I could see him getting weak as his hand on mine was getting tight. Somewhere he was trying to make himself strong to face his sister who was broken completely after losing her love.

"She'll be fine. And be Strong my king." Whispering close to his ear,I moved ahead with him who's lips smiled on my words and I got relieved.

Aarham's POV.

"Aarham." As I went inside,I saw Dad coming to me.

"Roshaane." Dad said and I got worried.

"What happened? Is she okay?" I asked worried.

"She wants to meet you." Dad said and I nodded.

Turning to my companion who's firm hold on my hand was giving me strength, surety and peace,I looked at her face where I could see a clear expression of concern on her face.

"Take care of mom and Dad. I'm just coming." I said and she nodded.

Leaving her hand,I looked at mom and Dad who were seated together holding each other's hand. I could see them worried. Sighing,I moved ahead to see my younger sister who did just stupid thing. As I opened the door,I saw her laying there with close eyes. A nurse was there observing her.

"Don't talk too much as still she's under observation because she's too weak." She said and walked out of the room while I took steps toward my Roshaane.

"Roshaane." Calling her,I took seat in front of her.

"Bhai." Her eyes opened up on my voice and I smiled when she saw me.

"You okay?" I asked and she tried to sat up but I stopped her and made her lay again.

"Why? Why did you..." I couldn't say further and looked down as tears start forming in my eyes, scared of losing her.

"I'm..sorry bhai. But I..I..can't live without him." I looked up on her words who was crying badly.

"Roshaane.." I was shocked on her condition.

"I..can't bhai. You always fulfilled my every wish right! So just fulfill this last one too. Bring him to me. I want Aarib. I love him bhai." She cried more.

"Hey princess,shhh...stop crying first." Wiping her tears,I tried to make myself strong.

"You'll bring him to me right?" She asked looking in my eyes with a hope.

"Why didn't you tell me this before? Maybe back there I could do something but now...I'm..not understanding how to fulfill your this wish." I said and she pushed my hand back which was around her face.

"How can you say like this? I love him na bhai. I will die without him. I can't see him with someone else. I want...." Her eyes start closing down and I got panicked as her face turned pale.

"Doctor." Yelling,I ran out to call doctors as she fainted and I could see her condition going worse.

"Doctor." I yelled again and doctors came running while I stayed out with mom and Dad who were as scared as I was.

"Nothing will happen. Nothing will happen. I'll bring him. I'll bring him to you." Mumbling words to me,somewhere I promised to Roshaane that I'll bring Aarib to her. I'll give her Aarib.

Third person's POV.
The whole day passed and the next night came but Roshaane didn't come out of her unconscious. Zeeniya was crying badly and so was Aabia. Every face was worried.

"How's she now doctor?" Asked Jahan worried and doctors sighed.

"She's fine now. You can meet her." Said Doctor and left from there while everyone else ran inside leaving Aarib and Aarham outside the room.

"How are you my princesses!?" Asked Jahan sitting next to her and held her hand.

"I'm sorry Dad. I made you worried." Crying,Roshaane said.

"You okay?" Asked again Jahan and she nodded.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry. Where's mom?" Getting up,she asked and looked at her siblings and cousins.

"She's here. Don't worry. Have rest for now." Jahan said making her lay again.


"I want to talk to you." Said Aarham and turned to see Aarib.

He nodded and both walked out of the hospital to the lawn. Aarham was arranging words on his mind how to start,how to say,what to say.

"So what you want to say?" Asked Aarib,Looking at the passing people.

"I...I want you marry Roshaane." He finally said and Aarib turned to him shocked.

Mehak's POV.

"What are you doing here Aabia? Go to your room. Its your Mehndi today." Pushing her inside the room,I said and walked down in the living hall to see the preparations.

Three days ago Roshaane was shifted to home but she locked herself completely in her room. We were trying to bring smile on her lips but she was shutting herself. Today was finally the day when Aabia was going to have mehndi of Shams's name but I was scared as Aarib and Maliha's Nikah was also tonight. We all were somewhere tensed on our places.

"Mehak go and get ready. Guests are about to come." Mama said and I nodded.

"Mama you okay na?" I asked looking at her who was not feeling good. I could feel.

"I'm good. Go and change." Saying to me,she walked out to see the decorations.

Sighing,I walked upstairs to go to my room. As I opened the door,I saw Aarham getting ready.

"Where were you? I was waiting for you." He said turning to me and I closed the door behind me.

Walking to him,I keep looking at him who was looking so adorable and handsome in white kurta and Pajama. His hair beautifully combed. His pair of eyes were fixed on me while his heart taking smile made my heart to flutter at that moment.

"Hurry up. Do this." Pointing toward his shirt buttons he said and I smiled stopping in front of him.

"You can't do it by yourself?!" I said as my fingers touched his buttons and slowly one by one, I started to close his kurta's button while his arms circled around me.

"I can but it feels good when you do it." He said and I rested my hands on his chest after buttoning up his kurta and looked at him.

"My husband is looking so handsome today." Looking at his adorable face,I said and he rested his forehead on mine with a smile.

"And you're looking so beautiful." Kissing the tip of my nose,he said which made me smile.

"I haven't got ready yet." I said and he moved back.

"Without makeup,you look more heart taking." He said and cupped my face.

"After the wedding,I want to tell you something." He said making my heart beat quicken.

What he wants to tell me!?

The words I want to listen!?

"W..what you want to tell me?" I asked impatiently.

"Patience. The words, I want to say are special,so that moment have to be special. To say those words to my Queen, I want to make that moment beautiful." He said and I gave a nod with a smile of happiness.

"Just wait one more day then.." He paused and I looked up at him who pulled me more closer to him.

"Then..?" I asked holding my crazy heart.

"I'll tell you tomorrow on that special moment." He said kissing my nose and I smiled happily.

"I'll wait to hear those words but don't take too much time. Tomorrow means tomorrow." I said and he nodded.

"It's a promise. Tomorrow night after the Rukhsati of Aabia,I'll open my heart to you." He said looking in my eyes.

"I start waiting." I said and moved up to kiss his forehead giving him surprise.

"Now you're making me impatient." He said with a smile as he receive the kiss on his forehead.

"I wonder how long will I hold myself!" He said and I giggled on his impatience.

"But still I've to wait till tomorrow night." He said and I nodded.

"Me too." I said looking back in his eyes.

Before,he could say something, we heard a knock on the door.

"Bhai hurry up." We heard Shazam's voice.

"I swear I'm going to disturb their privacy like they do ours." He said and I giggled holding his shoulders.

Leaning on my lips,he pecked them making my eyes to close for that second.

"Get ready to Be Mine." Winking,he freed me from his embrace and my eyes lowered down on his words while cheeks heated up.

"I can't wait to see you more shying." He whispered in my ear and kissed it and pulled me more closer.

"Aar..ham." Nervously, I called him who was not in mood of leaving me.

"Just a night then.." Saying,he was about to capture my lips again when we again heard a knock and my eye opened up.

"Wait for me." With the words,he pecked my lips harder and moved back leaving me breathless.

With a wink,he walked out of the room while I smiled on his words and went to change as it was getting late.

Third person's POV.

"Hurry up. The Qazi is about to come. Bring the bride for Nikah." Said Saba and turned to see Aarib who was seated silent on his place.

"You okay Son?" Asked Madiha going to Aarib who nodded and looked up at his Zeeya Maa who was having tears in her eyes.

"Qazi Sahab is here." Said Shams while going in with Qazi Sahab.

All family members were there for the Nikah ceremony. Before the guest's arrival, they wanted to do this ceremony. Zara,,Mahi,zarnish and Mehak were standing together while Haseeb,Shazam,Sameer and Shan's were standing close to Aarib. Aarham went upstairs and Mehak looked at his direction that where'd he go?

"Mahi what's happening? Why aren't they bringing Maliha Aapi?" Mehak asked in a whisper to Mahi.

"I don't know." Mahi replied and all eyes went up to see Aarham who was coming down with Roshaane.

As they saw Roshaane coming and Maliha was coming with her. Aarib stood up and looked at Roshaane and Maliha who were coming together toward him.

"Qazi Sahab Bismilla." Said Jahan as Roshaane and Maliha took seat on the sofa.

Bringing the partition stand,they covered it with curtain and placed it between boys and girls.

"Do you Aarib Hammad Ahmad son of Hammad Ahmad accept Roshaane Jahan Ahmad, daughter of Jahan Ahmad as your wife?" The question was asked and every eyes moved up with shock as they heard Qazi asking except Aarham, Aarib and their parents.

"I do." Without any thought, Aarib answered and Mehak looked at Maliha who was having a smile but tears in her eyes at the same time.

"I do."

"I do."

Aarib said for three times and all looked at Aarib and Roshaane. Hasseb was shocked on his place.

"Congratulations." The nikah was done but the atmosphere was still shocked and silenced.

"How!?" Mehak's lips moved a little in shock.


How are you all?

I know you all waited a lot and I read all of your msgs and comments for the update. But I was not in mind state to write back days.

How was the chapter? Shocked?

Life is like this. Always being unexpected things for us. So hope you enjoyed this unexpected update.

Do comment and vote.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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