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Third person's POV.

All were seated in hall,looking at the ground while their minds were lost in their own thoughts. Aarham was seated aside while his mind start hurting as he was not understanding what to do. He didn't want to trust that piece of paper which he was holding.

His eyes moved to see his parents who were seated lost,defeated. All the day passed but they couldn't find Aabia. His eyes went to Shams who was seated on the sofa alone but his face was telling the story of his heart. On every face,there was sadness, shock and grief. He felt the world of happiness shattered. Their house of love and happiness shattered. The obstacles of life were not ending and the house which was filled with love and trust was looking so broken today. Aarham's eyes filled up with tears as he saw his family shattered like this. He saw Roshaane who was standing in a corner. He felt bad as for his sister's happiness, he broke two hearts. Looking at Aarib and Maliha,he felt more guilty. Maybe this was the punishment, he got.

He saw Abbas and Ali coming. Getting up,he walked out to them.

"Any news?" He asked with a hope.

"No sir. We couldn't find her." Said Abbas.

"Sir let's check the CCTV footage. Maybe we could see what exactly happened?" Said Ali as his heart was not believing that Aabia can do such thing.

"I forgot that totally. Hurry go and check to the security room." Said Aarham while taking steps with them and they nodded.

All three of them went in the security room where they could see the clips of last night. His heart beat increased as he knew his sister was innocent and he wanted to believe what his heart was saying. Abbas start checking the clips.

"Sir." Shocked, he turned to Aarham who was waiting impatiently to see the result.

"The data from late night is deleted." The words were like a bomb for Aarham.

The last hope was also ended. He took two steps back defeated. He was not understanding how to face his parents. How to face Shams and his parents.

"Sir you don't worry. We're trying to find her. Just take care of yourself sir." Abbas said hurriedly going closer to Aarham who was lost.

Tears brimmed up in his eyes and he looked at Abbas and Ali who were standing worried for him.

"Please sir take care of yourself. Don't worry we'll find her." Ali said as he was hardly showing himself strong.

Their boss's condition was making them cry but for him they were trying to stay strong.

"Find her Abbas. At any cost." Aarham said holding himself and both nodded.

He walked out in the lawn where he could feel the rays of sun which was about to set. The rays of sunset. His eyes roamed on the sky which had the mark of evening, approaching them and he felt the dark filling up in his life like it was filling up the sky.

"Dadu." Closing his eyes,he called his Dadu and many tears left his eyes.

"I'm not strong. I need you. I need you." Sitting on the bench, he cried while hiding his face in his hands as he was feeling himself helpless.

"What should I do now?" He cried more as the grief was increasing with every passing second.

"Aarham." His companion reached him and placed her hand on his shoulder and he looked at her who was also crying like him.

"You've to be strong." Taking seat next to him,she said and held his hand in her.

"I'm not." Looking down at the ground, he said and tried to stop his tears.

"For Mama, for papa. For twins." She said and he turned to see her who never leaved him alone.

"How will I..!?" He didn't knew how to handle all this.

"Allah will help us. Just stay strong." She said and both got up and walked inside.

"Be strong because Allah like to test those who are near to him." She said walking besides him,holding his hand firmly in hers,assuring him that she was there with him.

"I know." He said and both stepped in the hall.

Stopping on the entrance,his eyes roamed on the sad faces of his father and mother. He felt pain rising in his heart as he was not able to bear their pain.

"Aarham." On Dadi Sahib's call, he walked to her who was looking so broken.

"Aabia...did you find her?" She asked holding his hands.

"Shhh...don't be tense Dadi Sahib. Sit please." Making her sit, he kneel down in front of her holding her hands in his.

"Mehak bring water." Said Aarham looking at Mehak and she nodded and walked to take water.

"I'll bring her back. I know she can't do anything like this. There's something we can't see. We know our Aabia right! She can't do such thing." He said and Mrs Ahmad nodded while many tears rushed out of her eyes.

"She was so happy with this marriage." Crying,Mrs Ahmad said and he nodded stopping his tears.

"Aarham we should inform police." Said Jahan going closer to him.

"Let's wait dad a little more. I'm trying to find her." He said and his eyes went to Shams who was seated like a statue which made his heart hurt.

"Ya Allah help." His heart prayed looking at his beloved relations.

All were waiting for her call but Aarham was waiting for Abbas's call. He knew they would find something which will lead them to Aabia.

"Announce the cancellation of marriage." Said Waqas Ahmad while getting up.

"But bade papa.." Before Aarham could say,their eyes went to the entrance and all froze.

Aarham's POV.

"But Bade papa.." Before I could complete, my eyes went to the entrance of the hall and I was shocked when I saw Aabia standing there.

Not only me but we all were shocked on our places. My eyes were looking at her with him. With Shahmir. Holding his hand,she was standing in front of her family.

"Aabia." I said and took steps toward her but stopped when I saw mom getting up as she saw Aabia.

"Where were you gone?" Said mom, going to her but stopped as she saw her standing with Shahmir hands in hand.

"Aabia what's this?" I asked going closer and Dad reached me too.

"I'm..sorry." She said with tears in her eyes and I was not understanding but somewhere my heart was beating in fear because what it was looking like,I didn't want it to come true.

"Aabia." I turned on Shams voice and he came to her.

"Where did you go? can you leave me!" He said and we all saw his tears ready to come out of his eyes.

"Aabia come inside." Holding her hand,Shams tried to pull her in but she didn't move.

"I can't. I can't Shams." With tears flowing down on her cheeks,she said and I took a step back as I knew what she was going to say next.

"I'm sorry but I belong to someone else now." She said and I held the staircase to stop myself from falling.

" mean?" I heard mom and looked at her who was going to her.

"I..I married to Shahmir because him." She said and mom slapped harder on her face.

"Mom." I went to her who was looking so weak.

"Aabia how can you do this?" I said looking at her.

"Leave me Aarham. How dare she to do this." Pushing me back,mom said and went to Aabia to slap her again but hiding her behind him,Shahmir came in front of her received the slap.

"Aunty listen please." Covering Aabia behind him,he tried to say but I stopped him.

"No need." I said and held mom and took her to sofa and made her sit.

"Dad please take care of mom." I said to Dad who went to mom to console her who was crying so badly.

"Shaz take Dadi Sahib to mom." I said to Shazam who was standing at a distance shocked.

Nodding,he held Dadi Sahib and took her to mom and made her sit next to her. Going to Aabia again who was crying. I looked at her and she looked at me. I looked at her eyes where an untold story was visible. I knew what she said was lie. The truth was something else. Something we didn't know. Something she was hiding from us.

"Bhai listen to me please." She said taking a step closer to me.

"Don't." We all turned on the voice.

Third person's POV.
"Don't." All turned on the voice as Aabia tried to step in the house.

Jahan Ahmad was standing with so much anger in his eyes. Going to her,he stood in front of her.

"Such daughter is not allowed to enter my house who made her parents ashamed in front of all. Get lost." Jahan Ahmad said harshly and she looked at her father shocked.

"Dad listen.." She tried to say but Jahan Ahmad didn't let her complete.

"I'm not your Dad. I'm breaking my all relations with you. You're no one to us from now on." Said Jahan Ahmad and turned to other side.

"You can go now. Live like you want to." Saying,he walked to Zeeniya who was crying so badly while Aarham with his other siblings looked at Aabia shocked on their Father's words.

They had never seen Jahan this much angry and for the first they saw his this anger which scared them.

"Api." Sameer tried to go to her.

"Sameer one more step to her then I won't talk to you ever." Shocked,Sameer stopped on his place.

"Jus 2 minutes." Aabia pleaded.

Saying,she took steps ahead while her eyes went to Shams standing there lost,like he lost his world. She looked at her brother who was looking at her and she could see the trust for her in his eyes. Stopping in front of him,She keep looking at her brother.

"You trust me right!?" She asked and Aarham gave a nod.

"Please take care of all of them. And don't hate me." Saying,she hugged her brother and Aarham let his tears to flow down.

"Aabia tell me please." Asked Aarham in a whisper.

"Bhai listen okay." She slowly said,still hugging him.

"Take care of Shams. Don't let him broke down. You know what you've to do." Slowly, she said to him and moved back to see him.

"You know what's best for him and we've a debt to pay. We can't let him stay in pain. You know what I'm saying." She said looking at Aarham who understood and gave a nod to her.

"Bhabhi." Calling Mehak,she went to her who was crying.

"Never leave my bhai alone. Take care of everyone especially my parents." Crying,she said and hugged Mehak.

"You'll be okay?" Asked Mehak in a whisper while hugging her back.

"I've to fight alone." Aabia said and moved back.

"You can leave now." Said Jahan Ahmad angrily and Aabia looking at all,walked out of the house with Shahmir.

"Dad why did you do that? At least let her say what she wanted to..." Aarham said but stopped as he saw a glare of Jahan on him.

"No one will talk about her now. Never ever." Said Jahan and sat next to Zeeniya who was crying so badly.

"What happened all this Jahan?" Cried Zeeniya.

"I'm sorry Robi bhabhi." Zeeniya said while crying.

"Shams." Calling Shams, she cried with hiccups and Shams ran to her and sat in front of her holding his tears back

"Hey Zee Maa stop crying." Wiping her tears,said Shams.

"I'm sorry son. My daughters cause the pain of you both." Zeeniya said looking at Aarib and Shams while Aarham went out thinking something.

"Don't say like that." Said Shams wiping her tears.

"Aarib...lost his love because of my daughter Roshaane and now your heart broke down because my daughter betrayed you and married to someone else." Said Zeeniya and closed her eyes.

"Zee Maa I'm fine. Don't..don't think too much." Said Shams but Zeeniya didn't stop crying and lost her conscious scaring them all.

"Zeeniya." Jahan yelled as Zeeniya fell back on the sofa.

Mehak's POV.

"Aarham." I came out to find him.

"What happened?" He asked as he saw me.

"That mama.. She..fainted." I said and saw his eyes going wide.

We both ran back in the house. I was not understanding what was happening. Why these problems one after one.

"Mom." Saying,he went closer to Mama while I ran inside the kitchen to bring water.

As I came out, I saw Papa worried,standing close to Mama while Shams bhai was dialing doctor's number. Aarib bhai,Zarnish,and most of it Sameer was looking so tensed. He was seated close to his mother,holding her hand.

"Mom." Aarham called again kneeling down in front of her.

"Mehak water." Turning to me Aarham said and I nodded.

Going to him,I passed him water and he splashed it on mama's face a little but she didn't come to her conscious which made us more worried.

"Shams hurry. Call the doctor." Said Madiha tayi g said worried.

"I'm calling." Said Shams worried.

"Aarham take mama inside." I said and he nodded.

Taking mama in his arms,he walked to her room while we all followed him.

"Why doctor is not coming?" Said papa looking at us worried.

"Doctor is here." Shazam came running with the doctor and we all stepped aside to give the doctor way to check mama.

I was so tensed, so worried. My heart was praying for this house's happiness. My eyes roamed on all who were so happy yesterday and now every face was sad. Maliha Aapi,Zara and Roshaane were standing sad while their tears were running down on their cheeks as their Maa was not in good state. Sameer was seated near to his mother's feet,and I could see how his heart,his lips were praying for his mother. My eyes went to my Aarham who was trying hard to be strong in front of all but I knew he was getting weak. How he was feeling. How much his heart was hurting. How hard he was stopping his tears.

"Due to some tension,she fainted. Her BP also increased and it can be with some tension she took. I'm prescribing these medicines. She'll be fine soon but make sure to keep her blood pressure normal as it can be dangerous if it increased again." Said the doctor and left with Aarib bhai who went out to drop him.

"Dad mom is fine." Aarham said,consoling papa and I was trying myself to show strong.

"Aabia." Mama said in her unconscious.

"Mom." Said Aarham holding her hands in his and mama opened her eyes.

"You okay?" He asked,concerned and I saw Mama blinking her eyes.

"Don't think too much. Everything will be okay." Caressing her head with love,he said and I turned to the girls.

"You all go to your rooms now. Mama is fine now. Take rest." I said to them and all left except Roshaane.

"Taayi g you should take rest now. Mama is fine now." I said turning to Robi and Madiha tayi g and they nodded.

They left with Tayya g. Now I went to Mama who was looking at us with wet eyes.

"Don't cry. Everything will be okay. We're here with you. See your sons. How worried they are for you." I said and saw mama looking at Aarham, Sameer and Shazam.

"I'm fine bacha." Said Mama looking at all.

"Sameer,Shazam come here." Sitting up a little,mama said and both went closer to her.

"Don't cry. Mom is fine." Hugging them both together,she said and I held my tears back.

Everyone in this house were trying to hide their pain to make their love one smile.  Both moved back and looked at their mother.

"Mom please don't get sick." Said Sameer kissing mama's hand and I smiled on his love.

"Please stay with us." Said Shazam and Mama smiled with a nod.

"Go and take rest for now. Take my Shams and Aarib with you as well. I'm fine son." Mama said while caressing their faces.

"My twins. Go and have rest." Mama said again and both kissed their mother's hands and stepped down from the bed.

"Is my Zeeya Maa okay?" Asked Aarib sitting in front of her.

"I'm good. Take care of Shams." Mama said and Aarib bhai nodded and stepped out of the room with Shams and twins.

"Roshaane you go too. I'll talk you tomorrow." Said Mama and I startled that how she talked to Roshaane.

Roshaane was standing motionless. Her eyes were swelled with continuous of crying.

"Mom please listen to me." She said and tried to control her tears.

"Roshaane go now. Mom said na she'll talk to you tomorrow." Said Aarham and she walked out.

Since the marriage of Roshaane, I didn't see mama talking to her and now her behaviour showed that she was still angry with her. Now only me and Aarham were left in the room.

"You want to eat something Mama?" I asked going to her.

"No. Nothing." Mama replied and her eyes welled up with tears.

"Mom don't do this." Said Aarham wiping her tears.

"How can she do like this Aarham?" Mama said and cried while resting her head on his shoulder.

I saw papa turning to other side which showed that mama's tears were hurting him. He didn't want to see mama crying.

" stop crying." Aarham said while caressing mama's hair.

"How...can..I'm..not understanding.. How.." Mama was crying with hiccups when Papa turned to us and held Aarham's arm to make him stand and sat in front of mama.

"Stop it now." Wiping Mama's tears,Papa said.

"Jahan how will I live with this guilt. Guilt of breaking those two hearts of my sons." Said Mama and Aarham held my hand tightly and I felt him crying inside.

"Shhh...don't think so much. I'll do something but don't cry you know it hurts when you cry." Hugging Mama, papa said and I held Aarham's arm.

"Jahan how will I live?" Mama keep saying and Papa keep caressing her back,consoling her while we both walked out of the room leaving them alone and closed the door.

I turned my head toward him who was walking besides me without saying anything. His hold on my hand was still tight. I keep walking with him. His eyes were lowered fixed on the ground and took steps toward our room. I was taking every step with him,telling him that I was there with him.

Stepping in the room together, I closed the door and looked at him who was having so much silence and it scared me.

"Aarham." I called him who turned his head to me on my call.

"I'm not strong." He said with tears in his eyes which hurt me.

"Then don't be." I said shedding tears with him.

Pulling me toward him,he hugged me and lost control on his tears. I keep caressing his back and let him cry. Cry for the hurt he was feeling.

"I'm..not strong." He said, crying while hugging me tightly.

"Aarham don't be strong. But don't feel weak too. I'm here with you." I said caressing his back and he keep hugging me.

"Our world of happiness shattered." He said still holding me.

"We will fix it together." Saying,I Kissed his temple but he remained silent this time.

"Don't cry." Moving back,I wiped his tears.

"Come." Holding his hand,I took him to bed and made him sit there.

Kneeling down,I tried to remove his shoes and as I touched his feet,he pulled them back.

"I've told you never touch my feet. I don't like it." Saying,he took off his shoes and I smiled that in this situation, he was still caring for me.

"And why you don't like?" I asked going closer to him and slid his coat down from his shoulders and he looked at me.

"Because you've to touch my heart not my feet." Wiping my tears,he said and my hand went to his face to wipe his silent tears.

"So you're saying I didn't touch your heart yet!?" I said taking his coat off,and tried to cheer up his mood.

"That I've to check." He said and we both smiled sadly.

"You look tired. Sleep now." Combing his hair with my fingers,I said.

"I'm not sleepy." He said as his eyes well up again.

"Don't cry Aarham. You've to be strong for Mama and Papa. For twins. And for Aabia too. You've to do so much things. You've to make everything set. Like before. So please don't be weak." I said holding his hands in mine.

"How will I do all this!?" He said and I saw a tear rushed out of his which I wiped immediately.

"I'll help you." I said and he smiled.

"Its hurts when you cry." I said looking at him who kissed my hand,around his face.

"Its hurts more when you cry my Queen." Wiping my tears,he said and I smiled.

"Sleep now. I'm here." I said and straightening blanket on him and went to my side.

Taking seat,I turned to him who didn't lay down. I turned off the lights and turned the night lamp on. But he didn't move. I keep looking at him who was lost in his own thoughts.

"Sleep Aarham." I said and he looked at me.

"Can't. Everything is disturbing me." He said and I saw his eyes going wet again.

"Try." I said and he remained silent for few seconds and then he lay back but turning his head toward me that it landed in my lap.

"It's hurting." He said looking up at me and I smiled a little and wiped his tiny tear which left his eye.

"You sleep. I won't hurt now." I said and start running my fingers in his scalp which made his eye closed down.

"Mehak." He called me and opened his eyes again.

"Will you be with me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Always." I said and he held my hand and took it to his heart.

"I need you because now what I'm thinking to do is quite difficult and I need your help." He said and I gave a nod.

"Always. I'm ready." I said and he smiled kissing my hand.

"Thank you." He said and closed his eyes to sleep but open them again.

"I'm sorry." He said all of sudden and I looked at him question in my eyes.

"For what?" I asked,massaging his head.

"I promised to you that I'll make this night beautiful for us both. There was something I wanted to say but see what happened!" He said looking away.

"That's okay. I can wait." I said and he looked up at me.

"I'll wait to hear those words. I'll wait for that night." I said with a smile and he smiled too and kissed my hand again while turning to left side,his head still in my lap.

"Sleep now." Running my fingers in his hair, I said but he straightened again and looked at me.

"Here." Pointing toward his forehead, he said and I smiled knowing his meaning.

"Is it necessary?" I asked with a smile and he gave a nod.

Leaning closer,I placed my lips on his forehead and saw his eyes closing down. I moved back and saw his lips smiling.

"Good night my King." Kissing again,I whispered and keep caressing his hair and let him sleep.

Third person's POV.

"Now this is the news." He said looking at the newspapers which was going out tomorrow morning.

"Make sure to spread this news as much as you can." He said to that reporter who gave a nod.

"This breaking news will destroy his image completely. The CEO of J companies, Aarham Jahan Ahmad's sister Aabia Jahan Ahmad ran away from her own wedding." He said and laughed as the same news was printed on the newspaper.

"You're gone Aarham." He said with a laugh.

"And use any worst and bad words as much you want because I want this news to destroy him fully." He said to that reporter who gave a nod on his instructions.

"Tomorrow morning will be a blast." He said and stepped out of the printing.

"Now its your turn Mehak. I'm coming." He said and smiled evilly while sitting in car and drove from there.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all??

I know you all waited a long for the chapter.

I know you readers are finding the going track of the story boring and somewhere you all are getting frustrated with the ups and downs and you want to see Aarham and mehak's scenes but I would like to tell you all that these obstacles and ups and downs are the part of life. Life is not a bed of roses but it carries so much pain,obstacles, problems which we have to face. So that's why this story can't show only the happy side of life but all aspects of life which are connected to our daily life,our every relation.

And if you're finding a lot of characters involved in the story then I would like to tell you that they are related with the lead protagonists of the story and all the summary of the characters is given in the very chapter of story. Please check that if you find any confusion.

Story will soon be back to its happy mood. Be with me and keep showering your love for me and my books.

I hope my readers would understand. And won't drop loving my books.

Leave a bunch of comments and and do vote.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Take a lot of care of yourselves.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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