The next phase.

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Third person's POV.

The next morning came with sane sadness and restlessness.  Metal get up from bed and looked at his tired face. Her eyes filled up with tears as she didn't want to see him in pain and here she was witnessing his pain.  She knew how hurt he was. How broken he felt.  How lonely he became. 

Covering his body with blanket, she stepped down from the bed and went to take s shower to calm her tense nerves. Taking a long cold shower,she tried to get some freshness. Changing into her peach frock with trouser matching to her frock.  Coming out she looked at him once who was still sleeping. Going in front of the mirror she dryed her hair and then spread them back on her back while half binding them in a clip. Turning around she looked at him once and without any intention of waking him up she walked out.


"What happened to you?" It's still 8 of the morning and you're up?" His father asked while coming in after the walk.

"It's going to be fun Dad. Just don't talk." Switching to one of news channel,he said and leaned back on the sofa with his coffee mug.

His father cleaned his face with towel while his eyes were observing his son who was seated in his sleeping trouser and didn't bother to wear shirt but in his white vest. His hair were still a mess spread on his forehead telling him tgat he just ran out if his bed witjoit lookibg at himself,otherwise he was very conscious aboit his looks.

But today something was special which startled his father. Instead of watching tb in his room he came down in hall to watch sime news. Taking the glass of juice his father walked to him while observing him. Spreading his arm on the sofa he took a sip of his coffee completely avoiding his father's glare on him.

"What happened to you today? Is there anything special?" Taking seat in front if him on the couch his father asked.

"Special!? It's going to be blast." He said while sitting up properly as the news headlines started

"We're giving you the latest news from business. The CEO of J companies Aarham Jahan Ahmad who is well known and reputed businessman of our country,it's shocking to know that his sister ran away from her own wedding with nonother than the CEO of Shah group of companies Shahmir Siddiqui who is well known for his adrift and playboy image."

"Bom." He saidcas the news telecast and he laughed with claps.

"See the special news." He said and saw the servant bringing the newspaper in.

"Bring it here." Ordering the servant he said and grabbing the newspaper he opened the front page and saw the sane news orinyrd on it which brought a huge smile to his lips.

"Jackpot." He said and threw that newspaper to his father.

" did this?" His father asked shocked looking at the tv screen and then at the newspaper.

"It's just the beginning Dad. Wait and watch." Placing the cup on table, he got up and walked up yo his room as he had still his sleep to finish.

Mehak's POV.

I arranged all the breakfast and serve the table but I knew bringing everyone on the table was going to be a difficult task.

"Mahi." I called her who was helping me in making breakfast.

"Go and check Maliha Api and twins. Call them for breakfast." I said and nodded she walked out of the kitchen .

"Ya Allah help me." I said while stepping out of the kitchen.

Taking a deep breath, i stopped outside the door of Hammad Taaya g's room. Knocking i waited to the door to be opened. Madiha taayi opened the door.

"Assalam-o-Alikum. Breakfast is ready. Please come." I said with concern as I was scared that she might refuse.

"Walikusalam. We're coming beta. You go and call Zeeniya and Jahan. I'm going to call waqasand robi." She said with a smile and I nodded with a back smile.

Turning to Mama's room i was just praying that she accepts to have something to eat. Knocking on the door i waited it be opened. Papa opened the door and I smiled.

"Assalam-o-Alikum papa. Is Mama okay?" I asked concerned.

"Walikumusalm. She's fine. Is breakfast ready?" Pap a asked and I nidded.

"I came to call you." I said and he gave a nod.

"We are coming." Papa said and I smiled while turning back.

Sighing i walked back on the breakfast table and saw Maliha Api and Haseeb already on the table.

"Good morning bhabhi." Said Haseeband Igave a nod.

"Where are the twins?" I asked looking at Maliha.

"Mahi went to call them." She said and I nodded.

"Where is Roshaane?" Asked Maliha looking at me.

"Papa and Mama are angry with her. They're not talking to her since..." I stopped as I saw her looking down.

"So I thought to let her have her breakfast in her room today as I don't want Mama to get disturb more." I said explaining and she nodded.

"I'm going to call Aarham. Please serve yourself." I said and walked from there to call my king who has to brought all the things to its place and I knew he will do.

As I stepped in the room I saw him still sleeping.  Closing the door behind me i walked to him to wake him up.

"Aarham." Calling him i took seat on bed and ran my fingers in his smooth hair.

"Aarham." I called him again and slowly his eyes moved and he opened them.

"Aarham get up." I said and combed his hair with my fingers and saw him looking at me.

With a jolt he Sat up and I looked at him confused.

"How's....Hows everyone?" He asked and on next second his eyes moved to see the huge wall clock.

Turning to side table he picked his mobile and duaked a number. I was watching his every act. I saw joined on his forehead while hands shivering

"I want to talk to Aabia." He said as someone received the call.

"Hi Aabia. How are you? You okay na?" I heard him asking all the questions in one breath.

"Don't worry.  You just take care if yourself. I'm your brother just remember that. Will always be there for you. You just have to call me." He was saying and I was witnessing his love for his siblings for his sisters.

I found him in all these months highly-emotional, highly-sensitive. He has an ocean of live for every relation. For one he was ready to do anything. I knew he wanted everyone happy and In doing so he sometimes made some hearts hurt but it was not his intentions as I knew him so I could understand his feelings and guilds happiness and sadness.

"How's mom?" His voice brought me out of my thoughts and I have a nod in answer.

"She's fine. Waiting for you on breakfast." I said and he nodded.

"My clothes please." Stepping down from the bed he said and rushed toward washroom while I took his clothes outcsbd placed them in changing room.

Cleaning the room I stepped out as I knew he will join us soon. As i reached in the hall i saw all there on breakfast table. But all were silent. There was nothing like the old breakfast i could see where smiled and laughter could be shared. 

"Please have breakfast everyone." I said going closer to them.

I went to mama and filled a glass of juice for her but she was looking so dull and inactive. Her eyes were so moist that I knew she was ready to cry.

"Mama." I called her while placing my hand on her as I was not able to see her like this.

"Please...take care of my Aarham and my twins." Mama said while many tears left her eyes and I kneel down in front if her held her hands.

"Why are you saying like that? Youve6to take care ofall of us." I said and tried to show myself strong but my own eyes get moist.

"Aabia...Aabia broke me completely.  I will me he forgive her. Never." Mama cried and I joined her too as I was not understanding how to console her how to erase this pain from her heart.

"Promise me." Holding my hand firmly she said and I opened my eyes to see her.

"You'll never leave my Aarham alone. You'll take care of my twins and your Papa for me." She said again startling me.

"Zeeniya what are you saying? Why are you talking like this" papa interfere and I turned to see his concerned face.

His eyes could say that how much he loves Mama.

"Zeeniya everything will be okay." I heard RobiTaayi g.

"Zee Maa." We all looked at Shams Bhai who came all of sudden with his bad cindituon.

His dark circles and red eyes messed hair were telling that how much he was disturbed hurt and dejected.

"I'm.. I'm.. Going and maybe i won't come back. Ever." He said looking down and I saw Aarham stopped on few steps back as he heard Shams.

"What.. did you say?" Mama said while getting up.

"You'll go leaving your Zee Maa alone.?!" Mamasaid while taking slow steps and I followedher as I saw her getting weak.

I looked at Aarham and gave him.a nod to come closer as I was not feeling good about Mama's hwakth. Her weak and shivering body was scaring me. I had never seen her like this and I never wanted to.

"Tell me. What you said?" Mama asked again while going to Shams Bhai who was standing with lower head.

"That's rught. I should be punished because my kids made a mistake." Nodding on her words she said while I saw Aarham coming closer and I was hardly controlling my tears.

"You should go. Punishing your Zee Maa and it will be her punish to die without looking at you." Mama said and I looked at Aarham Shams Bhai and the twins who get shocked.

Not only them butvwe all get shocked on her words. How can she say that? My words seems lost and tears went uncontrollable. 


"ZeeMaa. "


"Zeeya Maa."


All we yelled as Mama collapse on the ground. We all ran to her uncinsc5figure laying on the ground.

"Mom." Pulling mama in his lap, Aarham said and I saw his eyes going wet.

Aarham's POV.

"Mom." Taking mom in lap, i called her as my eyes filled with tears.

I had never imagined these days of my life. These obstacles and this fear. The fear of losing your loved one. And there it was my mother i didnt want to lose. Hugging her I looked at Aarib Bhai.

"Take the car out." I said looking at him and nodding he ran out while I carried my mom in my arms and ran from there while I felt dad following me.

"Zeeniya." Getting in the car,Dad took mom's head in his lap and keep caressing her forehead while I was praying for her life.

"Bhai drive fast." I said to Aarib Bhai and looked at the pale face of mom.

As soon as we reached in hospital i picked my mom again in my arms and ran inside with beating heart. I was not caring where and how i was running who I was bumping. I was just scared for my mom.

"Doctor." Calling the doctor i waited.

"Doctor my mom." As our private doctor saw us he took mom in operating while we all were standing outside the room waiting.

I saw Dad twins and Roshaane standing with tears in their eyes. Turning my head toward her who was standing a bit far from me but I could see that she could feel my pain my fear and could hear my unspoken words. Holding my tears back i keep praying for my mom as my heart was beating in fear.

"She'll be fine." I heard her soothing words just close to me while she held my hand.

I turned to see my Mehak who was already looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Time keep passing and we all were waiting impatiently to know about mom's Condition.  After 20 minutes doctors cane out and we all  ran to him.

"How's my Zeeniya?" Asked Dad restlesly.

"Calm down fear Mr Jahan. She's fine now." Said doctor and we all took a breath of relieve.

"Can i see her?" Said Shams coming closer but i stopped him as his own condition was not good.

"Not now as she's sleeping. Her blood pressure increased to high level and it can be dangerous if it happened again. I've told you to keep her tension free. Let her rest now. We'll keep her under observation to check her blood pressure. Please wait here." Saying doctor left while I turned to see Dad who was looking do broken.

Going to him m,i hugged him and keep caressing his back.

"She's fine. Don't worry." Consoling Dad I said and moved back to see him.

"She's fine Dad." Withva light smile i saidcabd Dad nodded.

"Aarham." We both turned of the voice.

I saw Aarib Bhai standing with ragged breaths. I looked at him confused.

"What happened Bhai?" I asked going to him.

"" He said but I couldn't understand.

"What news?" I asked and went to him.

Taking the mobile out he played the video and my eyes widened on the news playing on it.

"We're giving you the latest news from business. The CEO of J companies Aarham Jahan Ahmad who is well known and reputed businessman of our country,it's shocking to know that his sister ran away from her own wedding with nonother than the CEO of Shah group of companies Shahmir Siddiqui who is well known for his adrift and playboy image."

The news was playing on and I felt the earth skipped under my feet and sky fell on me. I turned to see Dad who faltered on his feet but twins ran to him and held him.

"Dad please. Don't think about anything." I said going to him who was looking so weak.

"We are here with you." Said Sameer holding Dad and I nodded.

"She not only broke us but also she ruined your image." Dad said and I went closer to him and held his hands.

"Don't say like that. People will forget this in few days but you don't hate her that much." I said and dad looked at me with anger.

"Don't hate her?! My Zeeniya laying there, my kids crying, my son's reputation she ruined everything and you're saying that don't hate. She broke our hearts. She gave this pain to us. She's dead for me." Saying, Dad moved to see mom from the door while I looked at Sameer and Shazam who were also crying.

"You've to be strong. Dontvworry. I'll set everything." I said and they nodded.

"Sir." I turned on the voice of Abbas.

"What happened?" I asked him who was looking tensed.

"The reporters. They all are outside.  Waiting for you." He said and I looked at Dad and my all family.

"I'm coming. " I said and walked to Mehak.

"Would you like to join me?" I asked as I really needed her there with me.

"Always." Replying she held my hand and I smiled.

"Aarib Bhai take care if mom. I'm just coming." Saying i walked out with my companion who's warm touch on my hand was giving me strength to face all these problems. Ali and Abbas joined us covering us from both sides.

"Sir we're here." Abbas said and I nodded and stepped out if the hospital and stopped when I saw a huge crowd of news reporters there.

"Mr Aarham is here." As they saw me they ran to me and I held her hand tightly.

It was for the first time that I didn't want to face tgem. I dufntvwsnt yo answer their wuestion. First time I was scared.

"What happened to your mother?"

"Sir why your sister ran away on her wedding day?"

"Were you compelling her to do this marriage?"

"Did her running away cause your mother to come here?"

"Tell us what is happening there sir?"

Countless questions start coming out and I looked at them forming answers in my mind.

"Do you people like to hurt the  man more who is already so tensed?" Before I could say something Mehak said.

"Ma'am can you tell us why Aabia Jahan Ahmad ran away? What you want to say about this?"

Thecwuestuon was again asked and this time she held my hand tightly and I knew she was feeling feeling. She never faced all this and because of me now she was going through all this.

"I know you have a lot of question to ask because you've to sell your news but it doesn't mean to hurt a person who is already going through so much pain. Why Aabia did this? We also don't know. Aarham Jahan Ahmad doesn't know anything.  Here his mother is fighting against death and you people are eager to find your answers. Please leave us alone as we already are so much tensed. Please." She said and turned to go back with me and I smiled looking at her who saved me from giving any answer.

We both walked in without listening their questions.  Stopping she turned to see me.

"I did good na?" She asked innocently and I smiled while pulling her in my arms.

"Thank you. Thank you for being with me every time." I said and moved back to see her.

"I'll always be with you." She replied and I nodded and we both walked back to see Mom.


Third person's POV.

Three days passed and Zeeniya was recovering soon but still she had pain in her heart. Pain of being betrayed by her daughter. Roshaane was there to hug her mom buy Zeeniya was not talking to her as she was angry with her too. Sander and Shazam were also there taking care if their mom.

Shams didn't come to see his ZeeMaa as he was feeling himself responsible for her condition. He was feeling guilty.

"Mom." Aarham said as he entered the room.

"Is he outside?" Before Aarham could say anything,Zeeniya asked and he nodded.

"Mom I've something to tell you." Aarham said and looked at Mehak and Aarib standing there.

"Sameer and Shazam you go out and take Roshaane with you." Aarham said and both nodded and went out with their younger sister.

"Aarib Bhai come." Calling Aarib he moved to Zeeniya who sat up.

"I wanted to say this but stopped myself because I knew you would never accept this but now it's necessary." Aarham started but Aarib  and Zeeniya didn't understand.

"I want..Shams to get married." Aarham said finally what was going on on in his mind.

"With whom?" Asked Zeeniya impatiently.

"Zarnish."Aarham said which made Aarib to get shock and Zeeniya looked at him confused wanted to know why her son said like that.

"Are you put if your mind? You think you can decide everything." Aarib said getting angry but holding his hand Aarham calmed him down.

"Because Zarnish loves Shams. "On Aarham's next words Zeeniya and Aarib looked at him shocked.

"What?" Said shocked both Zeeniya and Aarib.

"It's true." Mehak took a part in the conversation.

"Listen please. I know I'm not anyone deciding someone's life bit they are not anyone but my brother and Zarnish is like my sister. On Mehndi Day,I came to know that she loves Shams because she was crying. Crying that Shams was going far from him. That day I couldn't do anything but now I think it's better to tie them with each other. Zarnish's love is the cure of Shams pain." Aarham said and this time both didn't say anything.

"What you both think? Decision will be yours." Saying Aarham got up and turned to go with Mehak.

"Aarham." Aarib called him.

"Will Shams agree?" The question showed his yes for the marriage.

Aarham smiled and gave a nod and walked to Zeeniya.

"His Zee Maa will do that. And mom before the discharge you've to do this. Make him agree or he'll destroy himself." Aarham said and Zeeniya nodded with a smile.

"I know what I've to do. Send him in." Zeeniya said and all smiled as they felt spring coming back in their lives.

"I'm going to talk to mom and Dad." Aarib said and they nodded and stepped out of the room.

"Shams Bhai." Mehak went to Shams while Aarham walked after Maliha who was going out of the hospital.

"Mama is calling you. Papa you go too."Mehak said and nodding both walked toward the room while she smiled and pray for the happiness.

Aarham's POV.

"Can i sit here?" I asked looking at Maliha Api and she looked up at me and nodded.

Taking nseat next to her  i looked at the flowers blooming in the garden. It was beautiful garden in the hosoital. And I find it appropriate place to talk to her.

"I'm sorry." I said looking striaght.

"For what?" On her question, I turned to her.

"You don't know why I'm sorry?" I said and she shook her head as no.

"For separating you from Aarib Bhai.  For breaking your heart. I didn't know that you love Aarib Bhai. I'm sorry for being selfish for my sister." I said all what was disturbing me.

"I'm not your sister?" On her words I looked at her with shock.

"If a decision was for your sister then I took the decision for my sister too. Don't be thoughts that Aarib married to Roshaane because you said. No he's not easy guy to deal with. I know him. He do what he wants to do. When I asked him to marry Roshaane he showed me his anger telling me that I'm also hurting him like Aarham did but all of sudden he decided to marry Roshaane.  Why?" She was saying and I was listening.

"He's not the man who listens to others. But he's the one who take his own decisions and here he listen to his heart who can't see his Zeeya Maa in tears. Not for me not for you,but for his Zeeya Maa he sacrificed his love.  And I let him go because I wanted that too." She said as many tears left her eyes.

"It hurts. A lot when I see him as someone's else but still there's a happiness that he'll be happy one day because he'll be with her who loves him more than me." She said crying silently.

"I'm sorry Api.  Really sorry. On behalf of my sister my family and on my doing." I said looking down feeling bad.

"Am I not your family?" She asked and I smiled.

"You're my elder sister. Very important part of my family." I said and wiped her tears.

"I know. So young brother do you love my bhabhi?" Suddenly she asked while holding my arm and I smiled.

"What you think?" I asked as I remembered Aabia and her love.

"I think my brother is crazy for her." She said and I smiled widely and face a nod.

"Thank you." I said

"For forgiving me. Maybe because we hurt your heart." I said again.

"One more time you said this I won't talk to you." She said while getting up.

"Okay sorry." Holding my ears I said and she smiled.

"Come let's plan your date with my bhabhi as she too is disturb with all these obstacles." Holding my arm, she walked inside planning something and I smiled feeling relaxed as she was smiling.

Third person's POV.

Zeeniya was discharged from hospital but still Doctor recommend to have a complete bed rest. And for that Aarham arranged a nurse too who was taking care of Zeeniya.

"Son I'm fine now. There's no need of it." Zeeniya said looking at the Nurse standing there.

"Ma'am I'll take care of you. Don't worry I won't bother you for anything." She said and Aarham smiled with Mehak.

"What's your name?" Asked Zeeniya with a smile.

"Dua." She said with a smile.

"Nice name." Said Zeeniya and Aarham went out leaving Zeeniya with the Nurse and Mehak followed him.

"So when is the nikah?" Asked Mehak looking at Aarham as they srepoer out if the room.

"Tonight." He said with a smile because Shams agreed for getting married with Zarnish.

"I'm so happy for Shams." Said Aarham and both walked to their room with a smile abdcshe could see how tired he was.

"Want to sleep?" She asked as both stepped in the room.

"A lot." He said and held her hand while walking to the bed.

Taking of his shoes, he lay down and pulled her on top of him.

"Aarham." Her shock voice came and he wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes.

"I want to sleep." He said and she tried to free herself.

"Don't move. I'm not going to leave you." He said turning to right side taking her coplety in his arms and she smiled in his embrace.

"I'm not moving." Saying she circles her arms around his back hugging him and closed her eyes.


"Where is Sir? I think I should ho and check." Said Abbas and stepped in the house as the PA of Aarham cane to meet him and Abbas was searching for him.

Looking in the hall,when he didn't find him he walked to Zeeniya and Jahan'sroom because he knew Aarham must be there. But he stopped as he saw a lady coming out if the room.

Ignorning her he was going to knock on the door bit holding her hand she stopped him and shocked him. Pulling his hand back freeing from her fragile one he looked at her confused.

"What are you doing?" He asked feeling strange.

"What you are doing? Can't you that Aunty must be sleeping. Your knock would disturb her." She said fully ready to fight with him.

"And who are you to stop me? I'm here to call Sir." He said taking a step back as she took a step closer to him

He looked at her who was wearing a white dress with white chiffon dupatta fixed on her head. A black mole on her chin was glowing on her face.  He averted his eyes from her immediately.

"Listen Ma'am. Please Sir. His PA is here to meet him." He said moving a step back as she took a step closer to him.

"Who Sir? By the way who are you? What's your name?" She asked holding his black jacket and looked here and there to find any name tag.

"What are you doing? Stay away." Moving back he found himself nervous.

"Arywhy you getting angry. I simply asked a question." She said and he turned without answering her.

"Mad." Saying he almost ran from there and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Stupid." Mumbling,she moved to kitchen to have something to drink.

Evil eye's POV.

"Wow. She's looking so pretty in anger." He said looking at the tv where the news was going on.

Aarham and Mehak giving the answers of reporters and his eyes were fixed on Mehak while mind was planning some more.

"Its just the start Aarham.  Now get ready for the next shock." He said looking at the tense face of Aarham. 

Taking the cell out he risked a number.

"Yes keep an eye. I want every detail of their every move." He said and cut the call while he saw his father standing.

"Isn't enough what you did. Now I'm telling you to stop with your all this or you'll regret on doing all this." His father said and he laughed.

"Don't worry about that pops. I'll make my way out. By the way I'm going to get my Mehak." Winking at his father he walked from there leaving his father in shock.

"I'm telling you that all this will lead you to a big trouble." His father yelled from behind but he didn't care and walked out.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers readers.

How are you all??

Waited a lot right? I know and sorry for being late.

Coming to chapter.  How was it. I know I have to end this sadness and tense atmosphere soin. Inshahallah after next 2 updates there will be all romance back. Things are going to settle down soon and so the all things.

What you say about new entry? Abbas is going to clean bowled by her. Just wait and watch. 😊

Story is going to be more interesting. Tell what that evil eye will do next.

Let's wait. And sorry for all the error. I didn't find time to give a proof reading to the chapter.

Prayers all i need from my readers. Do pray for me and thank you for your love you showered on me.

Thank you for every massage and vote.

I'll be back soon with new update.

Do remember me okay😄

Love you all.

Thank u for being an outstanding readers.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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