Language of Love

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The above song is 'Ranjha' from the movie 'Shershaah'

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So our dear couple finally went on their first date

How will their relationship progress from here?


The next morning Abhimanyu drives his wife to college so that Priyanka could complete her assignment.

Abhimanyu had planned to pick his sister up from her sleepover after dropping his wife safely.

He had decided to take Aakansha for shopping till the time that Priyanka would also be free.


Priyanka is going through her work while her husband drives her to college.

Abhimanyu had told her about his plan to take his sister shopping and she knew that Aakansha would enjoy herself because she was a shopaholic.

According to Aakansha, shopping was the best type of therapy because one can never have enough clothes and accessories.

Priyanka would never say it out loud, but she preferred it when Aakansha went for shopping with friends.

Aakansha liked shopping without a limit which usually made Priyanka feel uncomfortable regardless of the fact that her husband could actually afford all the long and endless shopping trips.

She never understood Aakansha's concept of 'shop till you drop' but she always went along with her sister in law to simply keep her company.


When they arrived at the college, Abhimanyu turns to face his wife and says, "Okay wifey, we're here. Now try to complete all your work early because I would really like to spend some time with my wife today as well."

Priyanka smiles and replies, "I'll try my best, hubby. You enjoy spending time with your little sister and I will join you two kids after I'm done here. You're not in the office so I expect you to remember about eating your lunch. I will call you as usual but please try to remember to eat on time."

Abhimanyu says, "I'll do my best, wifey. And who are you calling a kid? You do know that I'm older than you, right? I understand you calling Aku a kid but I, most definitely, am not a kid."

Priyanka smirks and retorts, "Is that why you and Aku fight like cats and dogs almost every time you have a simple disagreement?"

Abhimanyu is left speechless by his beloved wife's retort.

He opens and closes his mouth a few times but is unable to come up with a response.

Priyanka chuckles and continues, "I know that you're older than me, hubby. You are also extremely mature and responsible. It's only when you argue with Aku that you end up acting like a little kid. I respect you for your maturity, but I really enjoy watching you act like a kid every once in a while."

Abhimanyu smiles and replies, "I'll keep that in mind, wifey. If you like seeing me with Aku, then you should have seen me with Payal."

Priyanka blushes and says, "I never said this before but when I saw you with Payal, for a moment I thought that you will be a wonderful father to our kids."

Abhimanyu looks stunned for a moment before he asks, "You have thought about us having kids?"

Priyanka blushes harder and replies, "Yes. I know that we have never really discussed it but I have had that thought in my head since we met Payal. I'm sorry I really shouldn't have said anything and made you uncomfortable. Please just forget what I said."

Abhimanyu shakes his head and says, "It's not that Priyanka. I must confess that I have also thought about us as parents. Honestly I think... No, I know that you'll be the best mother our child can ever have. I was a bit afraid to bring it up with you because I didn't know how you felt about having kids. I mean you need to be ready because it's you who will have to make the most changes in your life if we decide to become parents. We are still getting to know each other so we should definitely wait before we bring a baby in the mix. I also wanted to wait until you were done with your studies before we take the decision to have a baby."

Priyanka gets teary eyed and replies, "You know most husbands would not want to wait for their wife to be ready. I'm really grateful that you are so patient and understanding about my concerns. I don't even need to completely voice my worries for you to understand them. I appreciate you wanting to wait for me to complete my studies, but we need to think about our family also. Maa and Papa would want a grandchild and our little sisters Aku and Payal would also like to have a nephew or niece. Even Chacha, Chachi and Ishika Di will want us to have a kid soon. And Samar Kaka won't mind us having a little baby so that he can love him or her just like he loves both of us."

Abhimanyu says, "Woah wifey, slow down. I understand that everyone would want us to have a kid sooner rather than later, but it has to be our decision. It doesn't matter what our parents or anyone wants because it will be our lives which is affected the most. The reason why I want you to be the one to decide when you are ready is because you will have to go through a lot of changes. My life will be mainly affected after you give birth but yours will change shortly after you conceive. I don't want us to make such an important decision by being pressurised by our family or society. Also, if anyone says anything to you regarding this, I will deal with them myself."

Priyanka smiles and replies, "Okay Abhimanyu. I promise that I'll try not to be pressurised by others, especially on this matter. I would love to plan this but what if something happens unexpectedly?"

Abhimanyu says, "Then, we'll deal with that situation together. I'm with you one hundred percent. Our family will also support us no matter what happens in our lives."

Priyanka nods so Abhimanyu smiles and continues, "Now I've taken enough of your time so why don't you get to the library quickly so that you can complete all your work in time."

Priyanka nods making her husband smile before Abhimanyu decides to bend forward and kiss his wife's forehead.

Priyanka blushes and gets out of the car quickly, feeling extremely shy.

Abhimanyu shakes his head, chuckling at his wife's innocence.

He then drives off to pick his sister up from her friend's house.


Abhimanyu was with his sister at a mall that he owned, when he gets a call from his dear wife to remind him about lunch.

He had remembered about his promise to his wife, so he had already made a reservation at a restaurant where he was going to take his sister after paying for everything that his sister was currently in the process of buying.

Abhimanyu updated his wife about the plan and Priyanka was overjoyed to hear that her husband had kept his promise to her.


Aakansha was watching her brother talk to his wife with a smile on her face.

She knew that they both loved each other and might just confess their feelings soon.

Since she was done with her shopping, she called out to her brother, "Dada, I need you to do the payment."

Abhimanyu quickly cuts the call and tells Priyanka to call him when she is done with her work so that he could come to pick her up.

He then walks to the cash counter and pays for everything before taking his sister to the restaurant for lunch.


While the siblings are eating lunch, Aakansha asks, "So Dada, what happened on your dinner date with Bhabhi last night? How was your first ever date?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Not that it is any of your business, but our date was pretty great. We both had a wonderful time and a few important talks. In fact, we even had a rather important conversation today morning when I dropped Priyanka off at college."

Aakansha casually asks, "Okay so when are you telling Bhabhi that you love her?"

Abhimanyu, who was drinking some water from his glass, spit out the water coughing, upon hearing his sister's question.

Aakansha tried to help by patting his back.

Once his coughing stops, Abhimanyu asks, "Are you trying to kill me or something? Also, what made you think that I'm in love with my wife?"

Aakansha scoffs, "Just because you and your wife are oblivious to each other's feeling does not mean that I don't notice. Dada, I've seen the way you both look at each other. I think you two should confess already."

Abhimanyu says, "I guess you're right. But I really wanted to wait for the right time before saying something about the subject."

Aakansha replies, "You wanted to wait for the right time? What is this a rom-com movie? Dada, you need to tell your wife as soon as possible. In fact, why don't you tell her today? I'll even help you."

Abhimanyu says, "I'll need some help so thank you for offering. Okay so I'll admit that I have been thinking about what I wanted to do for some time now. I have been looking up some things also and I decided to buy some flowers to tell Priyanka about my feelings."

Aakansha looks confused and asks, "What's so special about flowers?"

Abhimanyu smiles and replies, "Well Aku, flowers are actually quite symbolic. All types of flowers hold some special meaning. Furthermore, a single type of flower can symbolise different things if we just change the colour of said flower."

Aakansha says, "Looks like you've given this a lot of thought. So which type of flower have you selected and what does it symbolise?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Well I was thinking of getting Priyanka a bouquet of red and white carnations. Red carnations symbolise love, pride and admiration while White carnations symbolise innocence and pure love."

Aakansha asks, "I think I can understand almost all of those compliments, but what exactly do you admire about Bhabhi?"

Abhimanyu smiles softly and replies, "Her strength. Samar Kaka told me that growing up Priyanka never got any love from her Chachi, but she still loves and respects her the same. She doesn't have any ill will towards the woman who made her feel like a burden on her uncle and their family. I had a small interaction with Chachi Ji and I was really annoyed with her behaviour. I don't know how Priyanka took such harsh treatment for years without even complaining about it once."

Aakansha says, "No offence Dada but Bhabhi's Chachi Ji does not sound like a very nice woman. I'm glad Bhabhi is far away from her now. Even though you're a really annoying and extremely overprotective big brother, I'm glad that Bhabhi has you."

Abhimanyu replies, "I'm really grateful that she's in my life. I really own Samar Kaka a big thank you for suggesting her name as a potential bride all those months ago."


After the brother sister duo is done with their lunch, Aakansha says, "Well Dada, right now let's get the bouquet before Bhabhi joins us."

Abhimanyu nods and they go looking for the perfect bouquet.

After searching a few shops, they find it and Abhimanyu proceeds to make the payment.

As they are leaving the shop, Abhimanyu gets a call from his wife who informs him that she was done with her work so he could come to pick her up.

The siblings leave the mall to go and pick Priyanka up from college.

Aakansha hides the bouquet in the trunk of the car so that Priyanka doesn't see it because Abhimanyu planned to gift it to her once they reach home.

Abhimanyu quickly picks Priyanka up before driving them all home.

Priyanka turns to see only a few bags around Aakansha.

She looks surprised and asks, "Aku, are there more bags in the trunk?"

Aakansha replies, "No Bhabhi, this is all the shopping we did today."

Priyanka says, "No offence Aku, but you usually shop a lot more when we go together."

Abhimanyu chuckles and replies, "Well wifey, unlike you I don't normally give in to all her demands. Plus, Aku knows that if she troubles me too much, I'll cut her spending limit."

Priyanka can't help but laugh as Aakansha whines, "Dada"

Aakansha then proceeds to tell her Bhabhi about everything she bought on the shopping trip while Abhimanyu continues to concentrate on the road.


When they reach home, the girls take all the shopping bags inside while Abhimanyu parks his car.

He then picks up the bouquet from his trunk and walks towards the main door.

He enters the house and calls out to Priyanka while Aakansha gets her phone ready knowing what her dear brother was about to do.


Abhimanyu hides the bouquet behind his back and walks up to his wife earning himself a confused look from her.

He then brings out the bouquet from behind his back and Priyanka gasps on seeing the beautiful flowers.

(This is the bouquet that Abhimanyu gave Priyanka)

Abhimanyu says, "Wifey, I've been wanting to confess something for some time now, but I couldn't really find the right words. I decided to take help for some flowers to help me with the task."

Priyanka looks even more confused and replies, "Hubby, you know what that you can talk to me about anything. I won't ever judge you. I'll always be there for you no matter what."

Abhimanyu takes a deep breath and says, "I got you some red and white carnations to help me out. I've been reading about something called the language of flowers and I felt that this was a good way to confess my feelings. The Red Carnations symbolise love, pride and admiration while White Carnations symbolise innocence and pure love."

Priyanka gasps, "Abhimanyu"

Abhimanyu ignores her reaction and continues, "I'm really proud of you because you are the best wife I could ever have. I admire your strength for going through so much in your life and still being able to smile and laugh as freely as you do. I love that you never judge a person based on their outward appearance. I love your innocence about certain things. I also love how you have made yourself such an important person in not only my life but also my family's life. I love you, Priyanka."

Priyanka has tears forming in her eyes and she replies, "Abhimanyu, I couldn't have done half of these things if I didn't have your support. Maa and Papa love me as though I am their daughter. Thanks to you, I have a caring family and a loving mother. I can't thank you enough for everything that you have done for me. I love you too, Abhimanyu."

Abhimanyu pulls his wife in for a hug before pulling away and cupping her face.

Abhimanyu then kisses his wife on the lips for the first time.

Priyanka doesn't even hesitate in kissing her husband back.

Eventually they break away and touch their foreheads together, trying to catch their breath.


Aakansha stops recording after the couple break away after their first kiss.

She then fake coughs to get their attention and the couple finally remembers that they had an audience.

Priyanka hides her face in her husband's chest blushing and feeling extremely shy, making Abhimanyu chuckle at his wife's innocence.

Aakansha smiles and says, "I'm so happy for you. Bhabhi please don't be so shy."

Abhimanyu replies, "Thank you Aku. Now let's cook and then eat dinner together, shall we?"

Priyanka and Aakansha nod before they follow Abhimanyu into the kitchen and start cooking.

After their dinner is prepared, they all sit down and eat together as a family.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka do the dishes together while Aakansha goes to her room feeling exhausted.

Aakansha updates her parents, Samar Kaka and Kabir about her Dada and Bhabhi confessing their love for each other before going to bed.


After doing the dishes, the couple goes into their bedroom and gets dressed in their nightwear.

Abhimanyu snuggles up with his wife while Priyanka places her head over her husband's heart.

Abhimanyu says, "I'm really glad that Aku pushed me to confess today. I'll be honest, I was actually scared because I thought you didn't feel the same way."

Priyanka replies, "I'm glad too. I didn't confess because I was scared and shy. I love you, hubby."

Abhimanyu whispers, "I love you too, wifey."

They both then fall into deep slumber, feeling content in each other's arms.


Yay they finally confessed their love for each other

I love the idea of using flowers to convey one's feelings because I feel it's a thoughtful and lovely way to do so

Who else would love to have their own Abhimanyu in their life?

PS: Now I understand that they had not even confessed their love when they were having a conversation about children. It might seem weird to some people but in India it's not uncommon to see a newly married couple being pressured into having kids saying that it's good to have kids when you're young because you have the rest of your life to enjoy with your spouse and so the couple shouldn't waste time with that.

Personally, I feel it's a stupid ideology because a couple should get to know each other first before they decide to have kids. All couples should have an understanding between them so that their relationship can stand the test of time and to develop this understanding, it's important to take time to get to know each other. If the couple doesn't know each other well they might end up having arguments in the future, that too in front of their child.

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